Milverton Sun, 22 Nov 1917, p. 1

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warning and drain radiators account now |. GROPP, Hints for Cold Weather e ‘owners ae es every night. es forget Saar _MILVERTON GARAGE | and e1 uy it Shiues For ALL” Painter Scissors and Razors A goog job guaranteed, P. NEUMEISTER 5 and Decoratcr harpened MILVERTON Milverton, Ontario, Perth Co., Thursday, November 22; 1917 Malcolm MacBeth, Editor and Publisher Service senha ee i xfososets din Newfoundland, iat facies jor Do watical aad speedy ions. The Bank of MILVERTON BRANCH 0. W. Hu Seas fanage Items of Local Interest. at ates green Japan tea at 50c Ib. ‘3. mie Barker, of premiers days with ‘her ave Mrs. G. Bier The editor of The Sun is indebted Mr. Fred Zimmermann for a nice eral Se v. P. well, of Christ church will Seek “he “farewell sermon on Sr pay. evenin; iss Tena Veil, who has been vis- itin; wT nds .in rant: and other points, has returned Mrs. auiee! “Broughton an family arrived home on Monday night, after spending some months in ak viata Sask. @ Stricker, Miss Winnie steleker Pane: Miss Vera Mewhinney spent the week-end at the home o! pou R. Burnett. ir, and Mrs. Boy. nates and_baby, Mast Justus rs, Miller atone ed the memorial services hel Sunday afternoon in ilemaes Rev. Miller Victory Loan Bonds. In fact those who do not take. saver iage ‘is are recreant to thei | Doerr, Gadshill, last clade ae $5.75, Five Jewel $6.10 at Ban ne or bondage? sue starely. advt. of the Newton Gen- e 5 "Miss Viola Zimmerman spent a few days with her sister in Toronto this week. Buy_a Victory Loan bond now, you will be un able to do so atte December upon Ald. A, MacBeth as candidate at Regina.—Glo} oe Service at Trinity church, Elma, next Sunday will Be. held. at 2.30 p. m., seshecine 3.01 My ealbilelseR, ett a_ few days ‘with ‘his daughter, Moe. Jullus Mr. and Mrs. John Yon dt and Mrs kindly leave your order with mo, be- fore Friday, N Owes it to himself—to hi duty in November. (EVERY MAN is family—tc his friends— to his country—to buy a VICTORY Bond. Do your Be one of the first to subscribe. & lain’s fund. ‘Mr. Ben Westman has been pointed enumerator of polling sub: division No. 1, omington,) in stead x, J. G. Hamilton, whe | f sa undergoin; a ae urs ent for his eves at the SRoval Vac. | toria hospital, e bazaar, held hee the “Golden m Saturday af- Rule” mission 3 J. G. HAMILTON Sole Agent for D. L. @ Ww. PORTLAND SCRANTON CEMENT STANDARD Oa ST pants 4 ANTHRICITE ME , Sr., received a let: ter front her es Sapper in which he wishes to Seknewledae err on behalf of the Patriotic Soc- iety of Carthage... He distributed the socks to the needy soldiers an END OF SHOE About two hundred SPLENDID VALU one or two in each style—going at REDUCED PRICES—three days Nov. 29th, 50th & Dec. Ist. MONTH SALE airs of Shoes S—but ae MORRICE’S SHOE STORE a mover an oper it with fonday evening the Ladies Aid gf the Evangelical church, surprise vy.) Bean. Hasenpflug and a faney ‘yuilted Salle was presented to Mrs. Bean re {hanked the ladies Ser esi einnseee wi heat The ead ering dispersed ea sigs good wit res by, the 1 0.D.E. Mil- ‘Thursday | ob! Satiat ution Capital enjoys his own respec! fellow men. lost to the man wil "= to the small b scivcpecniertt HE owner of a bank account not only t, but that of his Because of ae saving habits he is enabled to grasp ty opportunities that are out means. perp of the Bank of Ham offers tate encourage- MILVERTON BRANCH N. G. SCHAFE! 56- 000,000 bagel me $5, depositor, R, Manager C otti Olive and Mabel Roe, Charlotte Ohm, Bileen Rosamond, Isa Glenn, Alice Hamilton, Mrs. F. L. Crawford. Mr. rt speech in con- eeds will amount to will be used for soldier's comforts at an Ass ly Milvei tor of Knox church, Monkton, preach sermon, taking aie Mex. from eee impression on his heare: OS es ‘inson, of Moprervel, canoes the newly inducted minister an a . Mil- Nes, of St. Marys, the gation At the close of the eerie ‘the fu of the congregation served a vei oe supper to the large number ra praesent for the occasio: x Face the is- ca trade. at Mohr’s. in Philipsburg, Wi auri Liberals eos Labor agreed salads a tow days animate Hrs. James Cou Biytene 1s ontaed 40 an attack o: —E. Fo Fi ike services will be hi 2nd, a il pro} en, Avhich will be devoted to the Chap- ane tl been pastor -|Church, Kitchener, alf ye: to be donated to Patric cre ress was. fed briefly and |°%, ie _Gowing, |cl late. e Stratford Presbytery met ato! rietuparne aeureely miducrsd aaa mn. |ings and peat of. thos 15 aches. of Comfort soap for $1.00 s. ees coal. for ‘sale at Ed wton. ie at eral "Store on General Store. See page ence ae “Sisickman a visit- et your. cement at the B..& N. Mr, and Mrs. W. R. [Planing Mill. Car just arrive “Se ‘TP. Roe hasbeen ap appoints ou are sure of a good photo- enumerator for the village of ee coat to Lee; Listowel. ton. 100 bags of potatoes wanted in Mires ‘Cora Schneider and Ida ‘artmier spent Sunday with friends ‘outts, of Brantford, with his motes tee hear that Mr. John his room with ustay Hindenbur; first ~ cousin Ed ered Gaul attended the funeral of|to buy a $50.00 Vietory bond—$5.00 the late A: Soeder at Stratford |down and $1.00 every Monday from on Tuesds 10th, 1917, to Oct, 7th, 1918. Capt. C. MeMane, who has been on| ‘There is an advantage In having leave of absence for the past tw ‘own name printed on your but. ieavEns, returned to his duties over-|ter wrappers. While our Present seas on Monday. stock lasts awe will supply yeu at $3 jone wanting Winter Apples, /per_thou The Methodist chore anniversary , and will be ected d by Re . Walden, Fordwich. _ Spee: ial music by th Services at . and 7 board SEES on Mon eee been a the Kincardine R four per cent, of the appli-|¢ ‘al cations for exemption under the pro- e act ained, Montreal’s contribution the ‘new army will only total 4, 200 vi The little 22 rifle in the hands of the boy is a serious menace to bird life. Give a young lad one of these miniature rifles, and he elieved ‘mation again- iim in connection with aiding the engmy financially. tallest chimney i in the world, he aie bt necesary build cheat at oeitated oe in re- turn the roads stoula always trans. port troops and army s aipnien £6 or at hal rates. ti is estimated that under that agreemen’ overn- ment will save fifty millions in trans- cps yn charges in the present year alone e whol fair was a complete sur-|the U.S, prise which prov even women can keep a secret if they make up| of raising their minds do so. The evening was spei ong and social co versation after which the invaders four years, 1912-15, seven hundred and a ap people were in Canada, and 78 by Palieees coreloeshee This is pecially tru of fires vith. jucl isregard of the ‘ety of human aes constitutes a forcible indictment entire Canadian aeiitade” en the datizer ire, Two classes of poltiers are return- re the men ‘address reeruiting meet- who do not enlist as le examples of ries classes have “|wounded onl; y | Plas Methodist, church a jopular Mechanics, has | 2s cy memorial mace | lkilled in action on Oct. PTE MILTON COUTTS Jane Coutts on Saturday, re- ceived, a cablegram stating that’ her Pte. Milton Cou:ts, had oat iil led in action. news came as a bolt from the blue, as he had been ‘a few weeks ago and Ewha HOR IE Ova RRA wae! again in the front lines. “Miltie,” as he was known to his Rev. N. Williams, late of annie Meteal to hem De Sauk be the years ago, an ie has been appointed rector at hy, ened ys ae Japan, Sain invitation was extended |>ut a bright-eyed lad hen thi Walters Falls, near Owen Sound, |next Wednesday evening, Nov. 28th, \to the Rev. H. J. Fair to remain for bat ate marched from the North- spent a day in Milverton last week; |at 8 o’clock, in the Methodist ehurcht another year as pastor of Atwood and | West two years ago, he marched. with 1 th ih Heat Righ and th hile en route to his new Milverton. Do: noes cireujt.—Atwood Bee. ate ‘igh and the glow Births, Marriages and Deaths. lin ‘4 aaa pees oom Women letter carriers have made ; 4 Ae aur rece = al ue fenting 7 open ae Rees ‘ollingwood where their appearance in ington. |for $1, ‘rom, madian i for the past three Just imagine the gay time they'li|Copper Company, bei ples be erent He sel: oe Flanders, BmTHs. ees ‘or setvice and will, nOjhave reading all the post cards on|under the legislation of last session 1a AOR yr naa raa Hen nod ey ioe Bier At Galt, on ‘Thursday, Nov. hn is pbey enetini SUEY before | their routes. ; lop the, profits of the past two ye tay at ae nae ‘alace and sv 5 B ristm: Rey. W. E. Millson, chairman of |If so much can be collected from one - dente a Mrs. G. Bier, a/"MRey"'G. N. and Mrs, Paddon, Mrs. line St. Thomas “district, will have industry a huge sum should be se-|™0Nty in their affic DEATHS, Malcolm MacBeth and Messrs. Wil- chars of the Missionary Anniver-|cured from other large corporations| 41.4 arg (OMNES Peeat aida cs Wiaag. Noe ton. and Je James ie al Mrs. 7 leary, see ‘on the Milverton circuit |by miller taxation. 4 Z coe ne POE REE: oe 2, i of Milverton, Sunday, N r has not wholly swept the leaves, 9th, Isabella Edgar, Set ob ale Reeucen an Renee ehurcle MOuE-| Sapte vaderee hes opegedalsel' ae lis gore pes Pen uin Dewy, with Nature's tear drops as late Franci 71 years |ton, on Thursday 1 barber shop in the store recently va-|romance. joint are the Sashes cee month and oe ieee Be jee Seas es) ao One cated by Mr. J. ME eischhaner, tie new motor Seat that made more than —— — — ~ itts—] a > _ icits a ‘our pai rt al . ie 30th, Pte. Milton Coutts, agéd 22 Jeollector the amount of their contr. Poe Fireciss Noe eee eee eee corked || SUBMARINE NO: LONGER A bution, show lo so at once the Atlanti ith MENACE Crummer—At Wellesley Tp., on Tues |money’ has to be remitted to te are afueBeth soe ccs om, Mrs. [168 WAY Acree ttn Nova: Beatin skip: day, sor Mi A, 1917, R q & rum- | An: nyone desiring to contribute should dorff, accompanie ‘A. |per more than ninety years ol Arthur Pollen, the famous British + years, sparks is and |do so at once. Tho Monkton, rerded the| The other day Frank Sellery in ex-|war expert, has made the following 20 days. i secrament of EEE UR Ca (pore pere alts ae lst plaining to a customer the staying |statement to fle: Associated Prens,6 er will be dispensed in Burns churel : the submarine wi d i iiverton: on Sunday morning. Pre-| Milverton boys have gone forward Powers Gf f.ct" Ue (ough as a (political crises in Bur eon Get fons fall printing done at The |parat Aervices will be held on pas to the wooden Rigen: at the journey 6 ? “Anything unsatisfacts i eee apes es maw’s ear and added that he knew| “ ie yi Sun_o We m hand Sager! a A Bjend in defence of yo te HOE aol. |exactly what he was talking out. military and political situation in Opes, letter’ heads, nate ads, aiiaiock. connie! ae ‘ eal soe anon 2 fay, a0) This ie the first intimation that Europe is balanced by the extraor- heads and stateme: superior |Thompson, erie a ebcten Dare at jlars in en ictory bon elp flat least, have had that Frank ned. dinary news that the German sub- quality, at right prices. |M this awful war to a Feet Indian List.’—|marine campaign has broken down ome authorities, at a rate of nine million tons per an Had_ this loss continued, the Germans had the expect, not indeed military hope and ut was “the Allies only ans. me, including the ettiee with sea communication reasonably e taste; the wmilitary. defeat of the Ger- man army was cert: “Tn the first eivetight of Novem- loss of British ton- I |replace this loss in. less t weel e rate of loss for the last week is Setually: Jess than the annual toll of wrecks in It is up ey will never cause us uneasiness again. NOTICE e of services at Burns Pres- byterian ehureh for Sunday, Nov. 25, ing service and communion at 30. and evening service will, be to. {held at 3.00 o’clock instead of 7. Mm, In view of the above arrangement, e ool or + the afternoon service, a special will be held far, the late Coutts, who wa: 30th. Exemption Claims Dealt With Below is given a list of the cases dealt with by Milverton ary opera No. 263, since Thursday, Nov. 15th. EXEMPTIONS GRANTED Clarence Bere Salsher dial Albre« rt W. ae finatype | operator. pores Whi james R. ellington ech: pki, enneth R. Hyde, farmer. ordon W. Smith, farmer lyin ar, ferbert Thirkettle, aint laborer n §. Kuepfer, farmer. eon cr farmer. ercy R. Coulter, farm roadie Heneandigs ‘bank. _dlerk. Jexander Davidson, oah Steinman, carpenter - mer. e, farmer. Milton Schade, farmer. epfer, farmer. 01 r. Eedy, farmer. eter S, Kuepfer, farmer. aniel Schrag Kennel, farmer. ‘ol Ww. yhnsto ‘olomon_ Herrf« er. arold Morris, farmer. lames Omand, james Walker, school teacher. var ae shart, labo: avid Scott, tarmiee! mes He Scott, farmer. EXEMPTIONS REFUSED vid W. Ferguson, Biven McLellan, base tenvellér: ae Krajaefski, trimmer. ssell E. Coulter, farmer. PTE HENRY J. KNIPE Son of Loe and Mrs, Thomas Sespeize f West Monkton Besides his sorrowing he leaves to mou! ‘is loss two sisters Mrs. wenport, Galt; and Annie = home; also three brothers, -Thom- and John at home, and William, whos is serving in France with the 7th Siege Battery. MR. WM. SOEDER VICTIM OF FATAL ACCIDENT William Soeder, 210 Huron-st., Stratford, received vies which pital in the ambulance, where about half an hour. he passed away. 0 inquest at be ‘joeder was a ‘highly Boe Sent of the city for the t twel- ve years and engaged eee tractor. The work he was at on Saturday was plastering, which was ‘|his-regular busine: ber of the Oddfellows and Zio’ mn church, mua ‘ family will have, the Sunny eae Besides his wife and pat fe daugh- d re, 03 itchell; fred, of Toronto; John, of Sas toon; five sisters, " Mrs, rd; Mrs, 8. Kenan, sea Mrs. G, Posliff, Blma; Mrs. H. Sch: midt, Gadshill; Mrs. Chas. Jacques, Exeter, Soeder was born wnship and lived his early life there leaving home at about the age Sean attr ccee in. Ellice lend. phar anbtee = Sater cede asks. you'to buy. Vietory, bondi may them, ‘you—to give nothing in, only to lend yeu money for which it will give you i per cent, Can you refuse to buy? Wanted to gras: ‘farm, with fe sine Ler sR Se Apply to H, McCourt, Atwood, Ont. STRAYED Emanuel Foelt, farm laborer. Oscar Neumeister, clerk. Walter Melvin Scott, farmer. Howard N. Kerr, farmer. DEATH OF MR. GILBERT BARBER Public Meeting in the interests of a Union Curling Rink, STRATFORD FRIDAY, NOV. 23rd, 1917 at 8 o'clock p.m. A To be addressed by RT. HON, SIR ROBERT BORDEN Prime Minister of Canada HON. N. W. ROWELL Chairman of the avy Re of eee, eee R. M. STEELE Union Candidate in South Perth “God Save the King.” WILLIAM PRESTON - Chairman RRRRRRRR 2 Government =" (Listowel Standard) re died at the residence of his the surrounding to’ was known, oaae aay, friends and Peed nie fac d wel. aratalig the conceal "travellers, rs, The remains were take! aledonia on NEE and were laid to rest beside his father’s. The funeral seryices were conducted by Rev. Mr, Pack- m. W. D. Weir's Sale Register cella tes Nov. 27th—F tock, i its and household ctects for ue Behn iy cast half of lot 13, ee 13, rnington nee Hes- | Re’ ‘Thursday, Noy. ee ae and implements for Mr. John lot sp con. 7, Wellesley, rm stock, for lot 7, con, 2 Tae: qa ele south of Mil: eck recently been reported in Western tb pa a ou cannot pull a trigger, buy a Victory Bond. spring heifer. by paying expenses. NOTICE Will exchange about fifty. wi a hardwood rail fence for wire posts. Apply to Box 84, ‘Newton. All those who have Seley les ace hi ell, Executrix, FOR SALE 4% h, p. gasoline shen in good state of epain, Apply BE. H. Gropp, Milverton. 4 heifers and 2 steers rising two years old, also a few spring calves. Geo. A “Smith, Millbank Brick veneered house on Pacifie Aye. Reasonable aye for quick ly to J. sale. ah Apply Fleischhauer, tailor, iverton. <A good sterling Pate lated cor- Be good as new. yy Whaley ee. e & Co., of Toronto, R. Yen Apply to dt, Butcher, West Monkton. FARM FOR SALE as lot 2, con. 12, aks ater! 100 acres, ‘The farm eat once: well watered and w acres of Ecod bask “Splendie hui ini TS, te Sieh pita Gaal, B RR. Wok That choice parcel of land known t FA OSS ES, By Pee PORE SOE AS, SAE REG Ae De ae

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