ere, and LER hioaae 0 inday with Hesson friends. Mr. Joseph Kraemer announces the . Sh eeeranes of his youngest daughter, Margaret, to Mr. Vincent . Linseman. The ea ands to take bes aoletly this. mont spent the holiday with her mother, Mrs. M. Switzer. 6 ME Wi ee of Lis- ed friends here last week. Goodwin _ has obtained a position for the winte: Mis Mr. Harry and Miss Martha Cous- ins, Miss Reta Doherty, of Stratford, visited the home of Mr. J. S. Reid last week. Miss Mabel Robinson spent the past two weeks at her home in Wellesley. We are glad to report that Mrs. Samuel eau who has been on the 5 ate list is recovering. e ‘A very enjoyable time was spent ‘ Herb Hymers on man, who is home on leave from Re- ina. Miss Lottie. Kerr visited friends in Mr. and Youngstown, Alta., are at present visiting ae se here. Mr. a rr and fam- ily ae tara the gel SGilkinson wed- ding at Listowel on New Year’s Day. Mr. Robt. Allingham visited in To- _ an ithe ee are vsting with Elma | visited last. week with Miss Anni Jolly. El Saskatoon, are visiting with Mr. and| spent” last aie: at Mrs. Ales Bae ae Richmond. spent the so, ey visiting Mr. and Mrs. Jo! Toronto on Wednesday, where as aatne spent the holidays with her mother Mrs. E. her a Mr, Robert Forrest.’ abd: es “ot r iss L. G. Weating, of Barrie, is? Mrs. Norman Gould, of Woodstock Mr. and Mrs. Robert Pucichond: ©: 'd Mrs. Wm. Rogers, of De- |“ hn ae Jessie Moffat, of Toronto, is with Mrs. Jolly. Graham Reid, Mrs. of Toronto, Hiles. ‘Miss Lyall Love has gone to Strat- ford, where she has ake oe Gen- eral hospital to train “Mrs. Edgar, of Howick, is visiting and two daughters, of eee aR the holiday with Mr. Thomas Parker returned from Toronto, where they spent the holiday. Miss Florence Ducklow, of Newry, attended the Gilkinson—Jack wed- ding in Listowel on New Year's Day. Mr. Joseph Hardman and sister, Vera, of Hamilton, spent New Year's ves their sister, Mrs. Wm. Peter. ugh Porter, of Brussels, is voting Hs Bee Mr. and Mrs. T. G. Ballantyne and fee ibe sition wetocay Avanton last week attending the funeral of their mother, Mrs. Ballantyne. m sale Men’s and Boy’s Overcoats at Engeland & Son’s. ronto last week. You are sure of a good photo- graph, if you go to Lee, Listowel. Auction. Sale Farm Stock ae Implements LOST A right hand dog skin gauntlet. i Finder please leave with W. B. Kines a or at The Sun office. A man’s fur coat, on boundary or North Mornington Church sideroad, sometime in November. Finder please return to Samuel Hymers, Lot 2, Con. 11, Mornington, Britton= oP NOTICE I have disposed of my business, E & 8 8 8 3 same without delay.—John Schade, Monk- ton, WANTED Experienced lady clerk wanted S general store. Fs brecht, Newton. : 20 cords of beech and maple wood, - 15 inches long, for winter delivery ae at 8.8. No. 6, Mornington.—W. R. Dowd, Sec.-Treas, Farm hand wanted, to engage by the year. Married man preferred. A Ee house and 6 acres of land in the con- ¥ sideration. Apply to Geo. Roe, R.R. No. 1, Newton. FOR SALE ss "Apply to S. J. Miller, Linwood. ~ ‘ 8,000 Milton brick at $15.00 per G. W. Wray, Mill- 1,000. Apply to box, quantity of tile various sizes, ‘bank, Ont. water trough, 11 ft. long, lined with ilvanized iron; set heavy team har- Ries h. p. gasoline engine, in good |ness (nearly new), 2 sets plow har- of bea Apply to E. H, |ness, set driving harness, number of pa Milverto: * pieces oak suitable for corner posts, oe : 3 quantity of lumber, 2 logging chains, a 6 young sows due to litter in March |forks, hoes, shovels and a host of oth- d April. Apply to Jonas Kuepfer, |¢¢ articles too numerous to mention. y R.R. No. 1, Newton. ~ lousehold Effects—Souvenir range 10 h. p. gasoline engine (Turk) or sale. In good repair. Apply to |** Joseph Steckly, R.R. 2, Milverton. frame house Pie large lot and ae For further particulars apply Mr. Frank Hoffman, Milverton. Bwo Shorthorn Bulls, one aged, ether a calf. Apply to Otto Sch- 4 Bat lot 8 con. 12, Elma, R. R, No, - a, Atwoo é bull 14 months old, : po due to calve in March. f 5 2t. got by Hindsward Crest, gelding ris- pe re ear weighing about 100 Ibs. each. “ot, ri 30 small pigs and 4 collie pups.— js boaia bull 3 months old, , Dur- 2 bares pply te Moses Steckly, R. R. No. 1 iver. 5 The igned will offer for sale on his premises, Lot 7, Con. 18, West Section, Wellesley, 2 miles northeast of Linwood, on Monday, Jan. 14th, 1918, at 12 o’clock sharp, the follow- Hor gelding oe 3 Saar cliacsiataiiing 9/0 Eta eis foal to, Hindewal Greek (purchaser to pay for service), brown gelding rising 10 years, filly rising 4 about 1000 Ibs., good tingle or double and quiet for women to dri March, cow rising 6 supposed to calve in April, cow rising 5 supposed to calve in June, cow rising 4 supposed to calve in March, cow rising 4 sup- posed to calve in April, 2 heifers and one steer rising 8 years, 4 steers ris- ing 2, 5 heifers rising 2, 8 spring cal- ves, one pedigreed bull rising 3 years. Sheep, Poultry and Pigs—28 ewes, some hens, 2 brood sows supposed to in March, 2 young 4050 sie: Pri. Gin cde hae Laon lements—Deering Binder 7 ft. cut, McCormick mower, 6 ft. cut; In- ‘ternational side rake, McCormick = ur vator, 11 hoed Massey-Harris drill, Frost & Wood 14 plate truck disc, 2 sets harrows, Oliver sulky plow, 2 No. 8 Wilkinson plows, 2-furrow plow land sleighs, one with box, other sleigh, Portland cutter (nearly new), 2 hay ‘racks, wood rack, stock rack, stone oat, grindstone, root pulper, straw yr |cutter, Pratning mill, , set scales, gravel poesia lounge, De Laval cream eparator, a number of window blinds jand ee articles. Hay and Grain—A quantity of hay some oats, mixed grain, seed barley and peas. ike rms:—Hay, > ee ate and all ims of $10 and un cash; over that amount 2 aoa “credit will be given on seer = eae notes, or 5 per cent. off for Geo. G. Clas eee W. J. Beggs, es Hackett, ee to. a her autes as Feces: at ‘Arti z (sick list during the past weel ee for Ridgeway, where he has ac- pedi school there. wounded in the foot, has been honor- ably discharged from Ge military ser- y of Gorrie, visited their cousin, Mrs, J. J. McFaddin and other relatives in this icity during the holidays. Mrs week with he, at Alm: Misses Morvie and Lily Hall have |° Cattle—2 cows rising 8, ee oad Mrs. ow- aa also called on a number of Id school-mates. Miss pone hag? of Stratford, . Moffat at the ae Miss Alice 2 Wray left on Saturday ah Ella Goghlin has been on the Mr, Edgar Rutherford left last sition as teacher in the}: _ We wish him ted a posi O88, 3 Barle ete who has done peel “pit and who was severely ‘ice as physically unfit Misses Mary and ee Sau Grieve ce the past Miss. Eliza e ie returned home, after visiting friends. at At- od, . Mrs. A. Stewart and sons, Messrs. John and Alex., moved last week from their farm to their house on the so on Monday with Mrs. Wm. Turn- ae Epworth League will meet at the home of Mrs. Geo. Love on Fri- day, Jan. 11th, at 8 pm. Special services of prayer and in- tercession were observed in all the churches here on Sunday last in re- sponse to the request sent out by His Majesty King George that that heir opening meeting for the year on Monday with a small attendance. The funeral of the late Mrs. John se took place from her late resi- lence on Friday last to the Anglican ee e church before interment, taking his text from John 15:25, which was a favorite passage of the deceased. Mr. Taeques said he felt, in his short ac- quaintance with deceased, that she was a true branch of the vine. POOLE Messrs. Wm. and Philip Opper have gone to Stratford to attend the Business College there. Mrs. Marshall, of Hamilton, spent Mitchell, after spending the holidays with her mother, Mrs. Margaret Chal- ‘A minor operation was performed on the hand of Mr. Stewart May- berry, Sr., on Thursday last, by Drs. Glaister and Tye. We are glad to re- port that the patient is doing nicely. Nurse Szember, of Wellesley, is in attendance. Miss Grace F. Chalmers is on the sick i We wish her a speedy re- covel dite: Soak Mais Mayberry ct Stratford, are speniling a few days of Mr. Stewart May- J. Chalmers has resumed his studies at the Stratford Business College. ‘We are glad to welcome the sleigh- ing back again. Mr. George and Miss Janet Chalm- ers from the West, aae Saturday with Miss Belle Strul Master Johnnie ib is > apatiling a few months with his uncle, Mr. Dan. Erb, Wellesley. Miss E. oe Heat Sunday with Mr. and Mrs mers, Poole. Miss Alice Winiticy “of Stratford, spent Saturday at home. Mr. and Mrs. V. Siegner, accom- panied by their niece Miss Clara Manz left on Thursday for their home in Detroit, after spending the Christ- mas holidays with Mr. J, Siegner, at ole. Mr. Albert Smith, of Halifax, was ‘a holiday Sei at the home of his uncle, Mr. Miss Edna: Henioake spent a few days with her friend, Miss L. Manz. 'ARTBURG with their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Henry, Stratford. Mr. and Mrs, Moore V. Henry and daughters, Myrtle and Sadie, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. James auties Gases on New Year’s Day. tiisscs Ada and Florence Henry spent the holiday with relatives in Milverton. - Mr, and MrsJack Henry spent age aeee Day with friends in Mil- oe _ FARM FOR SALE jue 100 acres more or less. Por further particulars. apply to Box 3¢0, Milverton P.O. 2. @n Concession 12, Elma, contain- Pi Goo buildings; high state of cultivation. Shakespeare. 26 10 Nis ily, of Conestogo, spent a few days 0 at ents, Mr. and. St. Clements, on Sunday. 10 Messrs. eae orge and Miss Lavina Har- ne eoEnE Monday with friends in Mr. Torne Aikens, of Moose Jaw, is renewing acquaintances in this local-| ity. _ LISBON. Mr. and Mrs. B. J. Pfeffer and fam- at the home of Mr. Geo. Neumeister. )jwere he guests of the latter’s par- Mrs. Geo. Foerster, at J. Kaufman and S. Randell of Plattsville, motored to Lisbon and spent Sunday with Mr. Andrew Streicher. and Mrs. eisel and Robert and George Brad-|°™ en Henry spent the past few days kes Mr. and Mrs. George Glebe and son | AllLadies > Coats Reduced A number of Ladies’ Coats at $522 All other Coats at 4, %,% off ROR SROR ORS ROR Roo Mo Romar All Lines of Furs Reduced to Cost and Less x ER “s GET YOUR FURS NOW! | alen: Fiske “(00 Ib. kegs) at "abe 20c, se up to 60c per “dozen fa Raigiie : . The price of abore 10 dozen Towel: Prints per yar . (peek eos at per yard. Corsets per Toadies Blac! $6.75 Leave Your Order for Bulk Salt Now Look Over These Specials 36 inch Flannelette at per yard. ene 2206 tig be 25¢ yd: on the 15th airy eet. . -B0e Ic Cashmere Hose’ per pai Ladies’ Dusting Caps at’each....... * home of Mr. and Mrs. Conrad Kneisel Wednesday evening at Mr. Glasser’s. Mr. and Mrs. George Falk, of Un- ionville, were Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Baltzer. Mr. Charles Hohl spent a few days ‘holidaying in Waterloo and Kitchen- er. Mr. and Mrs. David Koch attend- ded the Waterloo and Kitchener mar- ‘ket on Saturday. Mr. William ae spent a day i in eee last. w fr. and Mrs. "Syivester Sones a Saale: were the guests their day. x daughter, ae John Hohl, on Sun-| Mr. and ion pees in GENERAL BLACKSMITHING, GAS ENGINE REPAIRING, IRON LATHE WORK, SAW GUMMING, EMERY GRINDING, ETC. Horse pane &: a specialty.) Sleigh ks built rigor : vee lave Sloop Sleighs on hand, which I will sell at a bargain. A new Jumper twin auto seat cutter, black body and eet gear for sale. Now is the time ito get your wagons cut down and re- paired for sea 40]. Mr. Kne ltamiy were Sunday re He Miss Jennie Bay has returne 1d home ay Sunday with Misses children, of West Sunday at the ee of Mr. W. Cockwell, 12th for overseas. ir. Hugh McCourt, of Serto od, ane a few days with friends here. Miss Grace Cowan spent the week- £ lend as the guest of her friend, Miss pe Hymers. ‘iss Tena ‘Selting, of ae is vating at Mr. S. A re will be no geivick in the DONEGAL her friends, the Mrs, James Smith and two ‘ Monkton, beige 7 aay Robert, “Fairman, of the egina, is visiting this vicinity before Jeavng : : Wat Neen NI NIL g — HIN INOHIin arcana church here on Sunday, Jan. 13th, on account of anniversary ee being held at Atwood. rs. Douglas and Alvin MeLel- ce nn mother spent New Year's at ‘Mr. John Chalmers’ Among the visitors that spent New 'Year’s with Mr. and Mrs. H. Seel- yhoff were: Mr. and Mrs. S. McCourt, ae Hugh McCourt, of Atwood; Mr. d Mrs. Howard McMane, of At- bs; ‘Mr, and Mrs. Dalton McCourt nd Mr. and and son, Dewey, of the 12th line. Howard McCourt} ob | a. Looe Blacksmith, Millbank. a