Milverton Sun, 7 Feb 1918, p. 8

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eases tel uh her, and avel uant omen’s Coats ity 3 : : cons of the subject: “Is more know- % or 13 days ae above the /fedee to be gained through reading rea or out BE hours above |than travel”. My memory serves me : : oe aa nes wind mile. (bad as to the decisions, but were I ha wae ee 00. ‘The average is ae dudes on the question to-day, my de- $ =: i in ow ighest temperature cision would be in favor of them who| y we hope that ' | on a eee 12, ae lowest 8 pee hit the trail and see ae for them- ‘ ia o is io ‘on January 27. elves. For years I have been Bas ‘ rs ance. 2 SanOReys iis, ett be reménbered | war ecrresnonde: nts e pond. at S sf x it it will not Preak (ui ntil I gazed over the desolate war had a inches an and the heaviest winter wed nowfall was in 1 ‘at the time of |timbers and piles of twisted debris. Male Ghent axcuplon Auli Wednee sip ia ihe eee bare aes Undoubtedly, the unfortunate victims dai pany ‘ember Week. This dispen-| Amateur weather pene, have |who still survive the Halifax disaster rn e law of abstinence is|always held that a heavy snowfall know full well the destructive power pecoring to ke new code of Canon|and a cold winter presaged an early |°f that hellish invention man-l X- spring, but this i has bee! aan plosive. Much h een told of the x ne cliors are not obliged to abstain|ed by the Weatherman, who states hardships and trials of the men in the common table in camps |th: i i trenches. Unti haye travelled a plea fo for family devotions peenege Lent |are instances which would support |are consistent witl 1 * erparadual 1 and public | the contention ‘of the prophets as to |cruelest business known to humani : devotions. Tis the former there ee ae been in-|Among the | ‘he bers | ‘of i. arilg ee stances just the contra: re ou $ Se ee Pies oN aie sce ae ie pe | = De DADYISABLE Eeuehtet Gis wah woe celon a oe a8 ; iti them and the Hu ere ma: Never in the history of our store have we offered ‘ tween 5 W. F. 0’Connor, K-C., cost of living |still be a few of those indifferent and and it re Haare fs ited and therefore ‘Weak. such bargains in New, Stylish, Up-to-the-Minute Coats. Made with large collars and cuffs, and some with full belt, some with half belts, all beau- _ tifully cut and handsomely finished. It will pay you to buy now for next season as these coats are all of the very last word in new styles. But do not wait, come early as they will soon be cleared at these ridiculously low prices. We have all sizes. Sale Price $9.90 * Manuf; these large holdings will become unfit Ings have taken me o¥er considerable rc sil territory and many interesting inci- of daughter and sister, The commissioner hopes that his| Gents have cropped up, the details of ——— report will be sufficient to lead to an |which are too lengthy to tell and. the immediate unloading of the stocks at | tenographer is away on pass, Briefly Farms for Sale _ | ies et prices, but adds that if it ihave learned to do the Highland fling oes not they should be seized and|on a slippery duckboard, gazed over d, thouse. For further particulars apply |take the hint is to be doubted. It |}, eat i i ack all he sent with good measure to James Barnigla, ilverton, seems to the ee tk teh it would added, and have also felt the thrills kao given Hotes Bat there saill igh “No ¢ be safer and more in the interests 0 zs Sear : 12 ae it being lot 6, con, 2, Mom-|the ‘people at large that lat Bette co erene crews curpdeh No MEN’ s SUIT Ss be a general further advance of 20 per cent. in " mil of ‘ilve’ made now, -and a_ salutary lesson ar tablish= Elie ated rag ge gate dataterot culti- |taught ths Sinseseraed ee ale one, {be dist tara ee eS prices of all clothing after March Ist. This bit of arto and oe be enol at iagiaes has swam any paced they |hy the mandates of the fighting Can- information should attract the attention of those “Ther Brice for ‘quit poe pay ieee: "possessed Every egg or|ucks, Until you have hit the line you : who must nave some new cloth particulars apply to Sheldon Orr,|pound of batter which goes bad is a Ris Tinoksdebon “ese: candidate for di Gla siren ‘lverton. re to ¢ r- a MADE ge man, but to the authorities who ’ ee 100 acres, ot 3, con. 6, Wellesley, have the power to foree its sale while|Qay' who are dome. their bit Just #5 ihe (Western Section). Brick house with |it is good for food. See eer the lie MEASURE. ee ee ee auG eres The doenery” inthe. surmounding Shed; well fenced and well ‘drained; feet teen Sree reece —In the face of the re *, ek; ao PEFFERS thou: it apr agee Pi e most “greatest advances” ever known in the Special Remnant Sale te of cultivation. For fur-| with the mereury hovering around |abundance of that ingenious protec- ther particulars apply to Henry A.|,,(Vith | y : 10 and 22 ne ope zero weltion, barbed wire. Since boyhood woollen trade, we MeFaddin, 1. No. 1y Milfbank. * think a scribe shouldn't be expected |days, when around the old home town are prepared to We have come stock taking, and have placed rustle much news, opal ially if he |I tore my garments scaling the neigh- - our remnants cof #1 and B2 containing 166 ea is 8 farmer with forty head of |bor’s back fence after his choicest Bes ba lieht ae counter, ae have iacea ene ae t big SAIGeHGHE Sag nal ate gay td of fall |S0ck and his watering system out. of /fruit, have had an aversion to barbs ata very slight ad- f Ae selli AL Pls TEGREMORS Fe ee ati soe tres “Longo, |commission, by water pipes being |and naturally one doesn’t fall in love vance on old prices. or quick selling.. There are some great values to eee nick nO; Padetea telek frozen, ‘This is the case of many |with this land of sorrow. | Of course the suits ee ne w Silks, Dress Goods, Serges, Tweeds, 4 5 nic* |farmers at the present tim: e reassuring news that Canada . ‘otton Voiles, s. house with furnace and frame kitch-)""\~ ‘George Kenny spent the week- |still stood behind her fighting line will be made up to t in gee ee ee ae ee ee ane Be TWO | endshers. was received with pleasure, L belive, the high standard nants are all of useful sizes and many are unusual- Gniles from Atwood, half mile from) Miss Emma Freeman, has returned |by the men in the army, but the hope for which our tail- ly generous in yardage. When you see the prices Sty to H. Wilso meee bar ee to Cleat bd? Ohio, after spending alis everywhere expressed that the oring department is you will buy more than one, aden at 2 Sat, _‘** |few months at her home here: draft men will never be forced to noted. We postively ark View” farm, situated about|,. Mt; Andrew Zimmermann, of De-|tread the battle fields of France or < MY BO ark, eter, Situated about /troit, is visiting his sister, Mrs. Henry |Flanders. A short spill of training eee the colors Palting al Sheet To ates of pall cw. para, who tan pont| "Mare tied were Et Sage Buy Your 33 i telnyusietared tor 3. C. EL who has spent ‘ave. watche e results of e have never Hale a 3 : ‘A the past couple of weeks with h s emption tribunal suit for you, you Staple Goods Now i p, abou 4 Plowed, On the farm is erected bank tured hisme on Saturday see our stock a x50, cement silo 12x35, als slaughter ies ‘h 7. id make THE pig pen or hen house. ots of water. A red brick dwelling 28x28, with kit-| | MANY APPEALS REFUSED : There is no need to wait to buy staple goods for ‘ation 6x20 Mlecteic Melite+> Asnlen- Pee OP as _ , PRICES spring and summer sewing. There are hundreds : lid opportunity for a mai : r he work of the central appeal |i. Wom ule aid of Baeo ch OE WILL of new pieces here to choose from—Prints, Ging- ‘ga the sume ime enjoy the priv-|eppeal Judge, under, the, miltary ae ana all other frtends wo have so gen BE A hams, Towellings, Flannelettes, Cottons,’ Table ‘Beulars apply to Joseph F. Kertcher, |to the present. time 1,808 appeals Se ee ee PLEASANT inens, Shirtings, Tickings, Art Sateens, Wrapper- “Milv. have been received by him. Of these Heartfelt thanks. The final destin- ettes, Denims, and Pillow Cottons. This store has 588 have been disposed of, the re-|2t0n, of @ goodly number of their - SURPRISE an enviable reputation for Staple Good: training 1,038 bel fe #2" iparcels was a dug-out not a thousand TO YOU. "9 ple Goods. We have Saye ee C Si ti 1918 hebeiur tis. near future. ee imu from «No Man’s La a sd an to the Quantity and Quality at the Lowest Price. Divisi ourt a e inhabitants of that stately domi-| Wivision MEtiNgS LILO jeppeats made by the applicants for| ie they brought ‘considerable Christ i ‘ll tion has been allowed. In 47 cases hou tee 5 Seca aA kA ee ie ear ig on exemption for a limited time has been SORT Ors: ee Sen domme the. ‘April allowed, and in 266 cases the appeals |san. sth, 1918. + Uth, June 6th,” Aug Both Getsber [have been. dismissed, In the appeals |)" - 24th’ and ‘Dee 1 sd es the milita rhs oie ao ine sie stion exemptions, ve so far is nani ist, x Bima, Tot Lene gett nineteen appeals WOOD GOING TO WASTE : N D @. S$ y = aving bron successful ant ne ap- , * 2 to 18, inclusive. Ellice, north of Reed ee s been suggested that the Fuel the 13th concession, and North East- Seo Hicnllan bite porate manietpalt ree! i ¥ * ‘s k Sere fie coe ee Ee a The Store with the Stock MILVERTON y ad lands ar wns SO! iO e highest i: x Welker, Bailiff. The home of Mrs. Wm. McCaffery: bigier, to be eut into firewood. There ies i ; in Bllice was the scene of a happy i ‘arm within two miles where ‘ athens on Friday evening, “when there is said fo be & thousand cords of ryvayewy jyouns and old from ities ad gall secnany Gor inst = EREREIYI [ford assembled for a’ social time. wood in fallen or gitaning trees, and opinion of Chairman Flavelle of the |deed had seen the transaction th h| - VICTORY BONDS FO! Bs : . saction through | - ‘ There was a large number present nothing is being done to prevent it|Ontario Board of License Commis- y, bome ecclesiastical | ath of THE DOUBLE TRACK ROUTE |224, he spizit of hospitality manifest props sortiae “and Teciine useless, | sioners. fessor but nao chocolate | Anyone desiring top hase _ toe ‘on the part of the hostess and- her Ie “seems a shame that such waste| “The only way that a limit could jereams,” said the lady, and went on amount of the recent deane of Victory re (PR RSE famil vas rivalled by the feeling of oun er should be allowed to go on when the|be placed on the amount of liquor |to explain: “‘eelesiastical confection- bonds may obtain them by applying gene TORONTO |éii"" Dancing’ occupied. the attention : lone “SMe te ay pe iasveies area oro i sega by pete fiir [aid eiuper losshgets, Wat. das choceesad-intarests. ThIGE erat wad tere . —————— is rovin would be zen: ut. nae choco-, is is BEE Sa CHICAGO. of oh eae se spayed sees ett thousands of cords oe good jaction of the 2 provincial government,” |late creama! Tltee tb pet i 4 hi youn; ed euchre. ‘wood are going to waste in the coun-|stated the chairman, “and I doubt a. 9"9: UNEXCELLED DINING CAR Refreshments were served at a con- try. Siecher oie st emnienes waa te Ce Made No Mistake. _ SERVICE enient SS justiled in taking action. I do not! pat had received 6 SESE Sie think that any legislation the govern- ceived an urgent invita. the rest of the p : IN DUE SEASON. the govern-| ion from his brother to be resent at : Sleeping cars on night trains ALVINA MOGK. pent Sou ewe ee his wedding. Accordingly, he asked brea parlor cars on principal dav S ‘i t B By Lieut ,Col, John McCrae, author ee ie ae obtained forty-eight hours’ 4D ee ver an ines extending over alll PI QOKS 7G ls elle 5 Births, Macriages and De Fal formato om any GT. Jcouple of years, Miss Alvina, daugh. oe Hl me ton it Short Stories Retold. |i sve, towsver,, Passed. and Pat wacket ‘pass or ming, |ter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Mogk, of ||| | _———=$—=$==—$——$———— Sn tine aks Gi mabees - had not returned to barracks. On the BIRTHS. ee ssenger agent Toron- | Whlice, departed this life in her ev- ee ees Ot aes ce Fie Bee oan ne etumed, but arco eeay | icher—at Ellice, on. Sona 27th, ‘ enteenth year. e funeral took : n Earnest Petition. ry mg TY, a Son, °H. C. BAIRD, ‘Phone 1, Local Agent [Place from the residence of her par- We are agents for the _ |}]¥¢,su2™ have never been published old-time revivalist often pos-|With sticking plaster, one arm hung |Cook—At Elma, on wae Sisk ents on Saturday afternoon, to the sessed 9 gift of gentle satire which |i",2 Sling, and he limped badly. He) Levi Cook, a son, (posthumous). Moserville Lutheran cemetery, where Appleford Counter Iillt¢ nignt should come and find me at joften stood him in good stead. At a| Wi yrouant at once before-the C; 0. Long —At Milv. anon on Feb. 2a _ COMMERCIAL interment took place. The funeral Check Book Co. my toil revival meeting long ago, a young! eq)” what's the matter? he} ~ and a dau; services were conducted by Rev. A. g ‘Where all life's i I had, though |man made himself so obnoxious dur-|"* Wen sir, it wa like thi Hei Atrag Moriington, on Jane pene hawt per bashel vnn8 2 19 42 12] Blonek, Mucn sempathy I felt for PEGE Be ing’ prayer that the old preache When T reached tay brethoea| 42,2 Stl Mrs. ie ‘stricken mi i. rounded off one 0: is sentences rath- - Baia ed Hak This firm turns out {|An¢ shallow fumoys cleft in stony er abruptly. “Now, Lord,” he then |house, I saw a ian standing: at fhe schilat—At Mornington, on Jan, Spee 300 8 40 i only high-grade work Were all my labor, shall I call it Seen ee Thon of irmitation, |T says “Who may you be?’ Says he, Merk ee ee Flour, + owt. CLOSE THE JAIL see By “War Flour’ spring, Se at very reasonable |}'1r only, one poor gleaner, weak of a a ore ae ee ae es any ee beurre he Pleiechhauer At Blmay on Jan a Goderich Star. han tact eMlour, winter, owk 26-60 ©6870 oe tere aa prices. Shall | piek a scanty sheaf ‘where T]make his heart as ae ae eee Pea UREGE oe “Is. hi an A fo eae ane ape why hot eloaa the: jeise have sown? his head is from Oe e NEW INSURANCE OFFICE cl ota Mere t sales hea Jan. 17, de® lot Of thems -Witls two onitines Nay. For of thee the Master doth * ; Edmonton Journal. Mrs. ‘Sehlotz- prisoners, or none at all, in. many Bee ewe sae a i mest stad Coney After spending a ho: bet eata haven, anon : county jails, one such_ ‘institution get our prices before Thy work | The harvest rests with) One Sunday a young man from the }Galagary, “Vancouver and DEATHS. could serve for four or five counties s HE A 2 north of Scotland, while fatale a ae Geo. F. Harris, travelling seen, of ‘the {Mi MeCann—In Ellice, on_ Fri and make quite a saving in fuel, not ordering. ; ‘with his sweetheart, noticed o tual Fire Insurance Co.| ist, 1918, Catharine McCa }|to mention other expenses. doorway the sign, “Dairy a: nfec- the city and opened years. : ‘ MUST BE SOLD BEFORE APRIL 1 |tioner.” Wishing to give the young ‘or the Edmonton district at |Mogk—At Ellice, a lady a treat, the youth entered the ing. Owing | 31st, Alvin: Nope: aa CANDLEMAS DAY. men : © ‘hat the liquor which is in bond in shop and d for pie e ae program in et days. The us the. -Drovines will 03 be permitted to |“I Basal chocolate cre: n the insurance “If Candlemas day be dry and fair, oun ice a after Apnil'd and chat it wil Sabbath,” said the old 1 lady be behind the buildings is develop- | The half o’winter’s to come and mair, ||}; ~~ 5 “ ae ts be cannot ‘Of to vendors . pomnier peverele nee sl eee ing, and this company haye found it If Candlemas day be wet and foul, oo : authorized by the ; Ontario License i as just Ba advisable to mei ie office = their 5) The nae o’winter’s gone at Yule. % : Board, in some other foanhet, is the “oot,” anid gee young : fellow, mee a own in Edmonton. P

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