Milverton Sun, 7 Feb 1918, p. 3

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A DISLIKE FOR FOOD How Kidney Trouble Furs zur vane | TO DO. PLAIN Models for Relative Rosition of the Entente and ie aw UIs -_ aight sewing 8 at home, ‘whole % 4 . the Central Powers. ne Sty U ‘a Uxbridg Mi N. distance, charges paid. Send stamp for Victims of idieestion paar ; the W eek auitaiouiets Bean slaty omens Ci c an 200 s Panl Ps hace trent, PQ] particulars,’ °K FNatjonal "Manufactivink Dislike the Sight and Smell slower to ee but it is now begin- Soba ex. ‘in = i of Food. * 5 3 ning to make the confession, that in = R L oe Was Seized j MISCE: us . t the matter gf food-and some other ; “Recomimentl, | Gaxces, rowons, woues, ere. healthy and woman co have a tatial ese for food at meal 8. ‘is means that the saigeueion ia is in working Tries and that all is not well. properly the food you~are taking and therefore not hun; Il these symptoms of a disordered that the blood is not \ ep stomach tries to refuse food the nutri- | ment from which the blood cannot ab- sorb, and this causes the lack of appe- tite. If you force yourself to cat the undigested food becomes a clog! he system. Nature is warning] Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills salone | Sailor suits are always appreciated aby the boy, and this is a batticnatly 3, good miodel of one. 1 Pattern No. 7776, Boy's Middy or Sailor Bott In 4 sizes, 2 to 8 years, Price, trouble due t blood. Cents: Miss Lizzie ses Thamesvie, Ont., | says:—I suffer years’ with stomach trouble. ny pets dis- | tres: so great that vomiting would follow, and there was always | FOOD AND THE WAR. With Convulsions. though much less important supplies, | time is now beginning té fight on the side of Germany and against the En- tente; whereas formerly time was His Life as Despaired of, But After always ‘accounted the ally of the En-| Using Dodd’s Kidney Pills He Feels tente. The Germans are preparing to . Himself Again. make the most of the l- Uxtridee, Ft: Jan, 2ist-(Special.) + Thom; ed to produce more food for Austria! Mr, gn iy lia Lives “ork and Germai 1918 crop sea--R.R. near here, is loud in “his son they ‘will be able to produce very | praises of Dodd’s Kidne is “T am delig! fee Poland, Rumania, France and Bel- | pole, i Mh says, “The doctor: not. live, sand if did 1 would “Fur theif human power for the os ‘be able to do anything again, as mee "of this production will be in-| Ir pe ee eee Disease. But, creased not only by the release of hun: | ‘than , Lam doing my own worl ain. ut Thad just finished my dinner, the labor capacity of the T had fourteen I areas. The moment that peace or even that afternoon, and the third day a long stmistice ia ar ranged with Rus-| had nine more sia, Germany will resume with all] “f have taken only eleven boxes of the rect which Ate spemieeular sees like Dodd's, Kidney, Pills, and I feel myself. trating Russia Y Thonpeen is only one of man Fedeerees!a van Mioter tie veporeae fithia<nelehibelinodcawte “tock “on Germ: jodd’s Kidney-Pills as the standard So. thal Britain, France and Italy, }remedy for are none of them oy able to produce); d are use nets all their food zececcients for all kidney troubles from Bante onfront a fui tae in Which their food to Bright’s disease. Mecemsticn willitend. to tave anti : creasing deficit of supplies, in propor= SSeS effects of sub-| ORIGINATORS OF SEA KULTUR. iS. x a Bluefish Resembles the Prussians In Its Barbarous Habit. Doctors Bon-Opte fer the Byes: Ke + ibtore aes Sataeat \Co.. Limited, Collingwood, 01 ed with Write clans “and eye specialists .pre- | scribe Bon-Opto as a safe home remed: in the Traatrent of eve troubles and: to Hrengthen evecight.. Sold under money’) refund guaranty. by all eeRREI CA A Quick Relief for Headache relleey ts ares: Picvur' Articles Wanted for Gash. eat ate: Silver: Curios: kins. Tialtoa. MwiQUR GALLERIES B. | 28 and 80 College 3 Meedloworkt Hace: | oxento, Ont. ‘ eat pleasure—buy ae Tore. \8 And this Se : the" brenter because you can sta 6 most comfortable of home-lite ‘hotels, THE WALKER HOUSE (The eaitache is (erceene ed food; the aes \erefrom: g cy caus headache, neuralgia, rheume, When buying your Piano an insist, o “OTTO HIGEL” PIANO m having ACTION tention is given to ladies ren travelling without And your purchases red ed here for Yor you and ielieve you ae you come ‘be sure you ctay at Molkes Sei cs syn Sel corre Faulty digestion Hey afford re! Haul A Load Each Way Crops must be hauled to town, and. ‘ertilizer must be hauled home. Why Not Combinethe Trips? £0 drops: requir boul delegeg: Demme rar SELDOM SEE a big knee like this, bot your horse may have a ankle, hock, the horse. wired at 3M free. ne, Concentrated unch or pare on his aa will clean it off wi ¢ laying up No blister, no | ait ee) per nly an application. ABSORDINE, ne for mankind, reduces Painful ‘reir fands, Wens. Bralses, Varicose Veins or throat, | Saree | SR allaye The Walker House ‘Tho House of Plenty # TORONTO, ONT. MOTHERHOOD WOMAN'S JOY Plan To Haul ‘A Load Of Spring ee mn the Play safe and get yo out fertilizer stored in your own barn, War con- Sitions have decreased the supply of [I | fertilizer, and increased the demand. }f | Api e Your Dealer } severe pain after eating. I tried sev- blockade paces to inerease its supplies.| 1,4 bluefish is the leading subler eral remedies but they did not help’ ranean expoi f kultur now that | ‘On the contrary the trouble was the U-boat has begun to subside, Not | growing worse, and got’so bad at last | FF FOOD OD DISAGREES gyen the shark is proportionately Fa that I could not keep anything on my cious as this small game fi | stomach. Finally T began using ils fr thee tun of iiling, without | Williams’ Pink Pills, and gradually reason or exe =| the trouble began to leave me, and thing that crosses his : ; se Se EE path, and not regained ie Fespects my sie | aN eno he ve tha meomfortable, hesitating to attack any large creature good health, and enjoym: distended feeling, it is because 0: of the deep: that. goss sailing bi rat blood ly to the stomach, 1g by. faustus 8 avennent Trslntarily 80] ‘This is a practical design for, ne combined with acid ana ‘too ferment ‘carcely ever weighing more thai ‘s may er- | fen. In Such eases try the plan now | five pounds, he consumes at least sev- el -veathee ees ‘here is. a d hospitals and advised P eote See tie e s dine" that follow the use of this” hs, Scan Patter pyrmany eminent phypaicatis oF taking en olinees of food -a day, and <7) ‘ O ASP! i urated magnesia n get thet ils through No. ‘Soto, Child's Leggings and Leg-|{e yn? 's niass of water, as hot as you | “eight does not take into account ei eh dicing: ea - P Beer eA ging Drawe Pattern in 7 sizes,|can comfortably drink tt. 2m hot wa; amount of food he swallows, for the aler or cent ; t the blood to the stomach, am is Bites OF ae boca ta $2. eh th ‘The! to 12 y ats Price, 10 cents. | 1", Disa blgod to the stomach, and | bluefish has the most barbarous habit : eainese rns may tained jean tell you, netant Aauitatizes ‘the | of all fish, Dr. Williams’ Medicine Co., Brockville, geld and the’ food. fermentation Ce Maa etal CHINA’S PAPER SCAK SCARCITY. {s Now Importing Old page ‘rom United Sta ‘The scaréity of paper has iets 30. acute that China is now importing over issue and “old” newspapers from the United States in large quantities. | i¢ Hongkong house alone ae so far this year it has imported such meres to the value of over $225,- pat gold. apers are imported to be used a eet | fo wrapping gas ai and to m¢ the needs of the et it is neces- sary that they be hole ect of ae standard to large In Ss have bee und to contain old magazines and| even old waste. Hongkong and for tl account of a Hongkong firm was found to. be so badly mixed with all sorts of waste! that the Chinese concerns for whiel the paper had been imported refused | to accept it. In some cases material mixed with the paper would have as much value for paper stock the newspapers, but it is not wanted and does not meet the purpose for which the newspapers are purchased, The of claims growing out o os ater not up to contract, and Hong- importers at ee are aecept- clothing, shoes and other | shipment _ Saigon through | she over issue } la: your rocal McCall dealer, or from Dept. ieee AN EFFECT OF MARRIAGE icc geaed for Wife and Children | reases Will Power. inclined to believe that mai ie: aa ae tos am riage zs inerease sy man matries he /sumes a responsibly, aad if ae is \the right sort of stuff in him he at |once makes up his will to Lt says writer. aia MeCall Co., 70 Bond St., Toronto, t. W: Ii As he attacks he bites off pieces of flesh from his victim, and without taking ti to cast the mouthfuls aside he swallows the quiv- eo hasty meals poorly ways take two or t OF Bisnrated Magnesia ‘after Prevent fermentation and neutralize the | § acid in their stomach. RECEIVING DEPOT REPAIRED. cumulated cath fuls. sweeps back to the attack again. When attacking a giant fish the bluefish as- sault in force, Kultur with them is scientific, as it is with the Prussians. They move in Halifax Hospital Ready for Disabled Men From the Fron’ The Réceiving Depot of ae Military Hospitals Commission on Pier No. it in he may at Halifax, which was badly damaged |round and round the fleeing monster give his wife the things that success" |in the great explosion, has been re-|in circles, each a darting out of the ful men give their wives. He elimin-| paired and is now ready to receive the | circle, tearing away a piece of flesh ‘ime-wasting Hine ares and/| ships from overseas bearing the in. - | and falling beck into the line. |bad habits that were relics of his rallds and disabled men back to Can- 2 s Marriage sobsrs him £ Of eaieeaintaly on receipt of the news seized. \ of the ladder that leads to success, and | Fa behind him, waiting to wife ponee hit up Many bachelors achieve a fair meas-|y, ure of success, and the mn stick in one ck initiati incentive to do bigger things. yery true in the cases of men who |no one dependent on them. If they vi wife, or a mother or sisters, solely dependent upon them, they would ex- ert their wills to some purpose. Lack- ing this they are satisfied to let well enough alone. ing Getiverien only. ai steady deat toe Co oe issue and throughout the Far East, be maintai which the paper is bought and ship only such stock as will probably fulfil requirements. WHEN BABY IS ILL Mothers when your baby is ill; when his little stomach and bowels are out of order; is troubled witl constipation, colic, sods SS his teeth- ing is painful give him Baby’s Own Tablets—the perfect medicine aoe lit- tle ones. Concerning them Al- phonse Lane St. baie sau, says:— Tablets are a grand caade for little ones, I used sults.” ‘ablets are sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box from thé Dr. Williams’ Medicine Co,, Brockville, Ont. ——_— oe, Diamond Cutting For Heroes. When peace is restored and land’s disabled soldiers return to civil life they will not be without resources, Bernard Oppenheimer, who fought for England in the Boer War, Sree the Jot of an ex-soldier to face life bik jae handicap of an aenpiesed leg 07 f hes oe ndon Technical College about 100 limbless soldiers are being taught diamond cutting. The scheme has been so successful that | Oppen-| 4 heimer has started building a block of factories in Brighton, than 1,000 will = able to learn the hs is the period of training allotted ‘the soldier workman. in completion of the training Oppen- heimer offers 1] a guaranteed mini- mum of three years employment if ‘they care to stay in the factory and a minimum ir wage of $10 a Te: 9 ——— It is hardly possible to eat the ing population of certain portigns of the coun i penart's ‘Liniment Cures Garget in Cows Transportation of Supplies le WHY ARMIES MOVE SLOWLY. in Meso- potamia Takes Up Much Time. Capt, C. J. Willoughby, of Toronto, who in 1916 went overseas with # prisoners: were Daiiae “People often ask,” said Capt. Wil- loughby, “why it is that armies in India, but if Britain retains Mesopo-| tamia instead allowing it. to fall; irothe hands of te Turks. it wiht , WITH LEMON JUICE: Make a cave lotion for a few cents to remove tan, freckles, sallowness.’ Your grocer‘has the lemons and an drug store or toilet counter will sup- fe. for juice of two fresh lemons into a bottle, creamy lotion daily into the face, neck, arms and hands and just; see how freckles, tan, | sallowness, redness, he put the British troops were free from | °¢ ¥ | rivers ean be cro: le natives out’ of then put in the orchard white and! otid mahogany or teak trees. ‘They shake well ‘This makes rte |take months to make and are very pint of the very best lemon skin) heavy, Ihave yet to see the first whitener and complexion “beantifier Arican making postage ith hy knowns Mass: this ragrant,| canoe on his back. Some of~ these 9 Le _| Minard’s Liniment Cures Golds, Etc. ot the deter, Lt.-Col. J. J. Sharples, Military Hospitals Com- iahaiea Canaan left Ottawa for the id which the I WITH THE FINGERS! SAYS CORNS LIFT OUT WITHOUT ANY PAIN Sore corns, hard corns, soft corns or any Kind of # corn ean shortly be lift ed right out with the fingers if you Se-spply cae he son a fey eine OE ice nee eevee ina UC MEY: i cost one can the year, and the work cess Sean ed. the interim the men zetrenine were landed in New Yor! train service handicapped by lack Se layed their homecoming considerably. The value of the Military Hospitals Commission in the splendid facilities the a new Spbedalons in this one experi- th Minard’s Liniment Go., Limited. cal Sirs,—I have used your MINARD’S | soreness. your LINIMENT for the past 25 years and | freezone he can easily get a small bot- whilst T have eee used other tle for you from his wholesale drug liniments I can safely say that I have | house. ee Sa fo as, b in and : | : If rubbed between the hands and in- Egypt. Capt. Willoughby states that The popularity of the easily acce- when the British captured Bagdad haled frequently, it wil never fail % sible wrist watch was doubtless what sprains, | inspired production by Parisian | jewelry designers of a rin; condints of 8 tiny timepiéee mounted a finger ring, and, if desired, em- hellished with precious stones. is also the Best for bruises, te. Yours truly, ie JG. LESLIE. | | Dartmouth. | | In taking out silage for feeding re- Ine: Granulated Eyelids, move an equal depth of the material $ Bf Sore Ryes, Eyes Inflamed by from the whole surface daily; this ex- _ two weeks to make*the trip. If we of the silage to a air, and so pre-| pair had had a railway there we would) | vents excess spoili | Marine Eye Remedy ni./esepn patie. ru cine Eye Savoy in Tubes 2c. For Hook of the Eye rave BARS RG rae See | Mik Murine Bye Remedy Co., Chicago tamia long a Money ey Order rs. nha gereral opinion thers is that Send a Dominion MoneY.|. “Gieantinesestsia qiatien ol tremens Britain will ‘0 keep Mesopo- Order. They are Heh eee | dus importance in everything that mia to keep Gieuan fants out. | lpareite cs uaa Germany sought to stir up unrest in, The City of Lyons shas pes al prefeasienil training school ‘the | ssinard’s’ Liniment Unres Distemper. higher technical one | oe “e elop- ment of French wi soy bean is a he of the bean | family having seed ps be impossible for the Teutons to exer-! It closely cise that influence. If Britain ane Binava’s Liniment Cures Diphtheria. | yesembles tl yay: oan , but: tal there” fe ee Canoes of Mahogany. | longer to cook and requires more heat, ; Ss Hinjor dol cLeitehsoties at the] Loe useme tom baking: anda” Soup anasto he Domiion Forest | There is also a flour form of soy bean GIRLS! WHITEN 1 SKIN iB auneh in. Manitohs, a Dees used in bread, ete. war ‘with the | Royal Fusiliers in ae ish East Africa, writes as follows: | “Out in the tropics. the majority of canoes are big enough to take 60 men rr 8% tons of stores. The worst thing about many ma- che sheds is pclae, 11| of la: | bered that iy healthy hong: ean lay SES. few dealers: shipment folesothan capacity cat £9 50 =} Fe aes Or NO’ i Order Spring F. er Set ow saa oc help relleve ralroad congestion. |f | Send for literature to Department 45 |} | Commit | | Rese Men experient fF TOUNG, P.O. F816 Lymans Bldg, Montel, can “Bartha: et doable, a a mad ta Gon CUTICURA HEALS PAINFUL ECZEMA =: Wanted 7; Itched and to Scrate! Burned. h All the Time. Scarcely Any $ Any Sleep. “When I was fifteen years old, ecze- ma came in a rash, first on my head, Ch Seacandetioin to > Childless ‘omen, mong “the virtues ' Pinkhons's Vegetable Com) of Ly mpound is the in the This fact is ‘ability to correct sterilit es of m: beta deer E, Pinkham’ Vege~ |] table Compound has been to me. had always wanted baby in our home reely | 0, had any sh 1) proved and Ta ain now th Safer Taped foncpakes | fine the ee and ae all my wn house of Cuticura Soap and six | wor! 14 BT , 216 xes of Ointment I was | | one St., bobs healed.” (Signed) Mrs, R. H. Carlton, | Inmany other cece ‘once childless, Country Steep Creek, Sask., Feb. 6, "17. | oe a Lh, children because of the Clear the pores of imparites by daily ta E. Pinkham's Vegetable use of Cuticura Seo ae occasional ae 8 Ants women normal, hes of Cuticura Ointment. e an “Yor Tree Sample Bach by Mail ad- Wee the: Lyi B, Pinkham Medi. j ess st-card: “Cuticura, Dey pt. A, cine for advice—i fostoh, U.S.A.” Sold Sienywhere Sill be confidential and helpfuly ese men. kn w fi at Sloan's (aici will take “3 Ah ve a bottle for theuimatie abe: sprains and s Generous ae aes ctalldrug- Green feed is essential to the health ying hen: e remem- Hotel Del Coronado Coronado Beach, California 7 San Diego MOTORING, TENNIS, BAY AND SURF BATH NG, FISHING AND BOATING. 18-Hole Hotel is equipped throughout with Automatic Sprinkler System. AMERICAN PLAN JOHN J. HERNAN, . Goli Course & Manager rm Prosperity. is Direct perendent The ae Wd of ratte Permanent Highways sof Concrete. genie is just as important for in ae Road eeiecey ‘4 i is in bettering a farm. Road as durable and satisfactory as your canta Silo, Concrete Tank or Concrete ere Foundation. The Greatest Help a Farmer Ever Had that over now using as.a text-book for the ei farms. {nit to some one money-saving improvement that you can mi yourself quite easily of CON G RETE Tells how sto. build a Silo, a root lar, ter f ru fen nothing more nor com binstiog of cement, sand, Sabi pro or © Write for the book— check off on the coupon below the subjects in which youareinterested, ™ Canada Cement

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