Leadin, g Commercial School ‘We have thre nw J. ELLIOTT, President, . A. McLACHLAN, Principal MILBANK NEWS [I = letter in part from Mrs. J. Lin-' arse four pass eS appear- pales your let- e yet. The last let "He Looks Into the Eye’* YSTHIS METHOD, it es eet B Tnpossib eto make an altiwork is done by I toning the fog ee wiceeay lncauns 58 de- - sht ra its See 3 ‘Weak Muscles Strengthened Headaches Cured, Cros: in many cases m straightened = when glasses are fitted by this advanced system. Children’seyes accurately exai asking questions, SATISFACTION GUARANTEED! Lee ited wi Eyesight Sessa Sy MILVERTON, ~ ol ‘SHADOW TEST = big gone and bi quaintances here during he “Mr. Aikins, of Orangeville, is vis- iting his daughter, Mrs. J. J. McFad- eek, Miss Nancy Bday 2 P. H. BASTENDOREF =, iss A. Gillespie during the past jsheep Fr ie uni gang, aoe (e ee range oF the |this George Oakes Brena old ac- and ve Robt. Vogan, of Lon- with Mrs. W. B. Fr odd last }o; of ‘Lim ywood, with Miss Bhima Tanner. 4, {into is tewart visited with pulpit on from an attack of bleu in this qe ask wis chased fe Com and pny, a game ae sanckey, at Mil ferton n_ Saturday Mornington ex) nented ee wanted aeons xperie was glad to jour big Sere sale.—F. H. Schum-| ou, as we are nue gi ‘me! Wee s friendship. W« all can save from 25 to 50 pi eo jimt home Jeokine fine, cent. by attending our big Sidwimeer nee. He is as|Clearing Sale—F. H. Schummer. wi ees he went away and a6 See pills for price reductions on ck, We netics all lines aeene e i San Midwinter to God tor. his return home to Clearing Sale.—l seasonable ~ cee chandise. as ey Boner We are pleased to report that Rev. Sund Fe le to occupy the nr has received in ae that “her brother H Hector McKen- 'dmonton, had donned the “Hi, Fitzgerald, manager of the Bank of Nova | nm week. pe ee the shee; ‘cotia, has been noti- the Broadview and Danforth St. branch of the above bank. . Eydt, of the head office, Toronto, has been appointed manager We swaleonie Mr. Eydt back to the villags Tew Was 20 below zero at Linwood Mr. Irvin Stricker, of Toronto, is home to attend the wedding of his past |sister. 8 WV anIGt F ings will meet the h enry Wednesday, Peb. “13th, a 2.30 p. iss chnw: Lantz se rr_and friend, Misa ae his mother at Kitchener. errick fonfacied a eggs Nice. Bert. Moffat and children vis- an "auecesaful sale for Mr. D. Harold Faulkner, a ie ‘orefiela, spent Friday at the hom H. Stewart. |of Mr. eggs. MW. 0. Bundy has decided to go at Hasting Bros’ sale at last weel hi Hawthorn has been on| Mr. and Mrs. + to} GOLD SOAP Saturday only, to introduce 4 for 25c Toasto,or Blue Bird ae 10c per Pkg. CORN FLAKES — Saturday only 4 for 25c LENNOX SOAP DRUDGE For Cleaning Large Box Sc. ee W. K. LOTH, -:- Milverton Mr. Wray enter- Mee set tise ‘during the past week. —_|tained a number of their friends at a : r Esther (2 rady spent the |euchre pai Mo Ea TG roe aoe Pa “Walter bel “has rented his seit: TOOK Et) FOROUR SHOP AND weekend ee are Au avant heme” the: Ubth- anniversary. of a ‘e y. W. T. Chalmers and son, John, | Miss Alma Wynn, ot Alma, spent/farm on the 12th con. to oe ‘James| The local hockey team will ie YOU WILL LOOK WELL WHEN | Miss Edna Gray, of Atwood, spent |marriage. Al present report a plea: é Pha rcemend: ai nes | she week-end at the home of Mr. sant evening. re in ‘Toronto on Thursday bidding | Chee end at her home icDonald for is ts Mr, Bell in-|with Shakespeare team on Mo onday COME OUT. Min: Victoria Cooper and Lizzie |8004-bye to the former's nephew. who |, M Nellie Vipond is taking a tends going night at the Wellesley rin! : The Epworth League met at the|Bramwald, of Elmira, spent Sa nday |!eft_for overseas that evening. {business course at shai . 5 ercy. Greensides is confined to irs. Alex. McMillan and daughter of Mrs, Geo. Coghilin last week Jat: the home of Mn and Mrs, Robé.|, Lieut. J. Chal McRuer has| Mr. George Smit ee eee oe ‘of lumbago. |N: returned home, A Blue home sresented Miss Ella Coghlin, | Crooks. been heme, fo time yecuperat lis, having, taken a weak spell <on| Me and Mra filam Bal ne a “ . ing, after being wounded in nee. nda; ere into the vi ae ue ee ee Eas marriage, vith sivet ae a ees rat spe ebenhe we We 3 thei ue ie we a a gre erent igen fa oe Rae eee 2 rs es i is in London ag an son 1 ec I. rs, John > le e] | et ittee erge Suit— ner read the address and Miss Olive /Joseph Nurse, Tralee. Chiara, S* |The funeral was held from the home Suen inate See eee ty Ean pector Jewin’s ns Suntford Martin made the presentation, after} The young people of ing ee gather Mel: Ee hanchoaneery DE Sad, Satie on i . which lunch ‘was served, A very Jered at the home of Mr. Levi Stricker | "at the “home of Me WG. May. (Feb. ist. feta ment ak icine place: in ——e inthe place of tks Grit, Is A NECESSITY pleasant evening was spent, jand surprised Miss. cae with 2 |pomy, we are glad to ae i enalthe Elma Contre or acne signed.” Ie was decided The Epworth Lea: wi at [Kitchen shower on Friday evening, \""SWord has been coonivey tint Capt Sch ep een Gr . B Pe ce st ot eo the: ie fie Miniie jot Mee Nation Medan /plessaut <cyenine war spent JP cards Improv Clark was a visitor at! aa J. Grahi who was expected| Following is the report of U.S.S. stead a at finving Hee aS the sche ook - gardless of | hat other clothes he jon Friday, Feb. Si eB ae Cian ie eee Kitchener, spent Hickson inst week. = (home on leave, is in an English hos-|No. 18, Mornington, Ellice and North | “4 a i eo tena ‘iss Helen almers is visiting pital suffering fr rench uth. asthope, for the mo’ of January. Bute ering e order of the day. ar bese a cotpiraeal pirates Sater ene Ese, Faniay ee ans Sunday at ‘the home of Mr. C.'Heim- |), noe Mrs. John MeMillan, Strat The. firs literary, mesting. of the | Names are arranged in order of merit; Mr, James Stewai in To: ~ gregation ‘who care to help in this} Mr. Wes Cathcart spent a few sw days for season was held in the Music hall, on | Those anes ‘ith an (*) were ab- |ronto this week, purchased a carloa GUARANTEED BLUES of A work ean do so next Sunday. {in Toronto, where he Marae Keating and Mrs. J, H. Chal- Friday night. ‘The meeting was very |sent for one or more examinations. jo cattte to to feed. ; strictly wool fabric at from poo Worm ee ecutate, wil. old teats of horees pun mers and family are visiting at the successful and a large crowd was| Sr. 4th—Luella Smith, Sam Roes, " e $25.00 to $31.00. their regular monthly sewing mi "Take off eck hats to the Linwood ho: bmg it ee as ents, Mr. |p to may. ee lena Bro: Be a Rariaet Bobo Clark, Wes- —— j t n i e. ebal esolver al os, ltney, Sam joshart’ es a ing at the home of Mrs. HesterTan-|Colts. The boys journeyed to El |°" G2 almers. rammn ‘ ey WINTER OVERCOATS ner on Tuesday, Feb. 12th, at mi he, boys Joumeyed {9 fed| Weather zeport for Tuesday a.m, /Monarchial: Government prererably|Rely Beryl Clark Non erry, Frieda apes age en the ‘contest will close and |[slmira’s fast hockey. squad_on their| As 30 below Zeno, (cee Pars eT pot gees iane bien Rel HEA ES Eee Se Mrs. W. M aa ee red ea Melton, |the socks Will 1 packed. (A106 tes: jows) lee by & scr f 7-6. The game | few days with is aunt, Mi jsmall margin, Bfee Dickson, M. [enry®, Te ot fe Hoes, Kitchener, 9 aa few days of last — lark blue Beaver, made in any style |wil = pret ladies ae ae or’ rod, Ke - ams | Mayb =, Ebert View. teliffe and Inglis spoke for rd Naahe Roes, Dan Roes,| “945 “i ir, and Mrs. Jos. Basler. at from $26.00 to $29. tet ee ere Pate Lean ste We a report that Mrs. the ST aaa re ais Misses V,, Cole; Cora’ Whitney, Steware’ Smith, ‘Mare che oa ae Abert Yel ae ‘Conia tical look over our stock. | st igs re 2 A Bo end Wifor pas ie mira. # e aoe Stack. fs on the sick list. . Oliver and Mr. Forest | Kropf. ey gaa uP their home in Gull uate re, 4 You can save mon at Gee ae ay eee ne rine or neon detuaee caving the dey Stewart Mayberry is still quite ‘supported the negative. a alcote| cane ak Brunck, rene | Saft: stanepending a weeks at her home not Tater than Monday our strong defence caving the day. ji. We wish him a speedy recovery. as tendered to Capt, Dr, Brace, who |Henry, Menno Nafziger, Johh Poole, | “tie euehre cae i for Mrs, Tam < Bhnareg: walleploy, the. Tera eee Se eee ome on leave from France. In ie’ Smi ‘oses Kuepfer, Allan |neiq 4 ° ‘ J.M. FLEISCHHAUER or ats. E i a Pane eget care ee oe te weet) ‘delet Capt. Brace gave a very inter. |Shultzt, Salome Jutaits at ne eg al fnday met : Next door to E. H. Gropp’s Garage. church, was halt JP the ase mii (Pekar cee @ good game of hockey, |MOTEATe MeLaren, who was seriously the “wounded soldiers, laying spec: tor equal, orvin Zehr, , Barbara Kropt count ee VERTON. Rev. Moffat occupi e chair, ieguproun perenne oT Eee aon MCE a ae ae. Separate school: i Jean Keating graduate nurse, | ery at all times, |The next meeting |vyn Maybe ee ee ea Oa sottageen, See east st" ll be held nob, 18th and's good | THst = Andrew Kuepfe, Barbara ley 5" coutng our fanmety 8 10 of = é home of Mrs. W. ayber: pes me is repare santa enry, Lizzie Schultz f ‘ Oia a iebea eet eater Cente for it ws Mr, and Mrs. “ ee ot | the Woman's Patniote. League of Nancy Jantal, Sammy Yala, Verdela trouble by freezing the water He a mpstead, spent Mon at the|Elma Centre has sent many splendi ehr, Idel ehr, ahlon Schultz, 4 ae ae sane e mo iber- Mr. Kerr is visiting ‘feiends home of Mr. W. cM ‘ayl i sl P ents sinee organizing, but one | Gertie Fe! PS A a 7 4 in lee me pre: Mr. Howard Mayberr on the {so large as january 0: is year, ‘imer—Gordo: chultz, Hem Ie was decided to stil continue the aot uhien tee Joon closed sick list, we oper tor We pee re- [when the Aa ae 556 articles |Brennermann, Margaret, Chalmers; 5 ._ |owin scarcity of coal, was |cover; al 0. pairs of soc! manuel Zehr, Maurice Whitney, Em- : Sunoneie of Canadian. Northwest A ae with the evening S| opened again on Monday, Feb. 4th * McDonald, of Tavistock, is inelnded ma Schultz, Emerson Yutzi, Margaret ox ynopsis of Canadian Northwest |vice for the nes’ meeting lunch: was|_, Mr, and Mrs, ble have return- | visiting herm other; Mrs. Dew: orge Lochhead has been |Smi Renew your subscription to The bead Rosulati Laces bees hiptae jensen tine ed, after visiting friends in Elora. Mr Thos, Mayberry and son, Wil- {suffering Srtd an abscess on the Tight —Enid M. Schieck, teacher. | Sun—$1,50 in advance. and Kegulations : i alan Mr. and Mrs. Moore, of Listowel, (liam, sent Mire Week cad-ay the Lomes 4 £ than usual nobwithstanding ‘that the oe ae ~ Messrs. W. C tewart May- al homestead a minfon Land in Manitoba, if Alberta. Applicant must ‘appear in pers: at Dominion Lands, Agency of Sub-Ageney for District. Entry by proxy may be made on certain ‘conditions. Duties—Six months | the sidence ‘upon and cultivation of land tn | Str each of thi “Tn certain eres, ‘a homesteader may _se- Joining (quarter-scction ns pre- ach of thre after earning eigmeated fatent and, caltivate 60 acres ext tain pre-efiption patent homestead patent on certain tho: id 50 acres and |for SB aene . at local Agent's Omice, (but no} Subpages jarge papers must be pre y Misinter of the Interior = Wiaiinaian’ publication of this ad- ~ vertincment will not be pald for seal Bist of the Township of Elma A of Perth, farmer, a, it ie said Adminijstratrix wi Walte: liable for the said assets or soy 2 part ter oat to any person or persons of ose claim notice shall not maave ha ona by the ‘ime of such oe ‘Tom Brown 24 Downie st. Stratford, | JUS"Y x Administratrix, Unces ‘ton, Solicitor ¢|day was very ¢ anor night a birthda; r. _|Sagurany with friends in Kitchener. . ited friends in Listowel Home, after spending a few days vis- in Dfildm A917, a8 realdence duties under eertatn nae Be a il He Seren con ea : an ‘When. Do! ands are advertised or is Pas inter? spent Sunday a fee home of Shieee a eae an Wednesday evening. All report hav- had a good tim Soke Hoth the Lisbon tile and Brick manufacturer, he Id a very suc- cessful ee on Saturday and : : Monda: Notice to Creditors Mr. George Foerster, of St, Clem- f He nts, peaks a days with friends roun In the matter of the estate of Levi|* "Mr Henny Weitzel made a busines ep ie aie A last Fri an visited their pers ao oe ue Brigid 85 yong - gue aa sday. mburgy on Tues ‘rustees Act il iid Chapter 121, that all creditors <i SPA oe f Hanoy a ae = ing claims or demands bebe senate ene Beet, un Aa ant Seainst | he eatateror the ea Lend! | eens oc opetned hom ook, who died on or about the 16th 2 yy of December, 1917, at the t _ ship of Elma, are required on or be- fore the 28th day of Februai ‘i MACTON 1918, to send by post, prepaid, liver Brown, Solicitor for th Wm, Allingham spent a day Admi ix of the Estate e | last ae with Mrs, Jas. ei caeeetng said ed, the istian name: a. essing is ‘the order of the; Sah Enamiea adldreaie and deserip- |day in Laie cans Lene nate ak ions, 1e ‘jiculars in swton odin of their claims, a statement of thelr gaction sale of farm stock and wood accounts nature of -|on Friday, Feb. 8th. carat any, held by them quiet, but pret ing wai And take’ notice that atten such |Solemnized at the manse a Glegallan last mentioned date the said Admin- |W! iss lyn Mi mey be- ix ceed to distribute |came the bride of Mr. in Nurse. ‘The | funeral took place at the R. G ° as Shs following ~ very poi LISBON. number 0: tuatdance at Me Wm. | Wednesday: night. rs. . John K. Mayburry is at pres-|F. Clark. We wish her 3 Pere re- ae sick list. We hope for a |covery. four sports atten A very pleasant, evening was spent speedy serene” 1 when about | a ee ae cae t | he Jacob upper was serv. Which was thoroughly, enjoyed by all Reena Exhibition se present, Mrs, David Koch spent mn Streicher and friend vis-| at 1 and Hanover ra pave lays. John Riehl has returned i ea of Wel- BAEC! Miss Smi Miss Mai HLERVILLE. ith, of Monkton, is visiting = Miss Edith Lambert. Meer ean, of the Medical Staff Camp, Toronto, spen' ew days recently with Mrs, Mc ithe home of Schmidt, of Rostock, sis at | Mr. eee Saltine at Mrs. Coo! am a aaa: t = visited friends here recently. Lope nsee eM onto, is See poaktcat ec uisten: Mrs ‘William White, impson’s: on of Mrs. Lean. tee We are sorry to learn of the illness H, Chalmers, who is visit- ing at We tema of Me ROSTOCK Harry Ellison, of Stratford, - is visiting her sister, Mrs. Henry Miss Vera Kreuter, of Waterloo, is f Mr, Justus visiting at the home o: Krenter, nnie Regele,.of ¥ MeKillop, is visiting Ses Bauer» Ae ES ie ee Se oe ft Toronto. fe: Kreuter returned Monday, after spending a week with Friends at Milverton. Zulaut and Mrs. D. Knech- €|tel Lapent wha in Milverton. Wm, returned home id Mrs. J fi re a the Baden dance and carnival ast see kcher daughter, Mrs. Henry he their re- in from their honeymoo: of the inte Harold son of Mr. ote Walters, 5 cuir Mae: on Monday, Feb. 4th. a poet on the Toronto Star inted |- yi well man and Sale ler. 6 boxes) Sor § rons in vane hours fe ease coy. id hard to please, al “yroaia “relieve me of the inDillls Operation Paedt “ JoLIerrE, Que. During August last 1 went to ‘Mont- had been y gteat joy I assed the oy Scappy. LBERT LESSARD,” vel, Rheuma- or jer say as oF his vo “Kitchener lay. “ The collection. for the Armenian| [= the fund in the poat S. S. amount- ed to $32. Tea for last oe We are glad to r Mr. I. Druar tng namewhat. pecivered from a severe attack of sciatica. ohn Knechtel spent a few days last week with her mother, Mrs. Messerschmidt. rgaret Kreuter is at pres- is he did not ask for exem- oad a Rostock young People spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Schellenherree Fullarton. WARTBURG (Intended for last week.) (for erloo ep Satu: ney reed carnival held last Bviday Sue well represented ae any more would have come had it Hot "heen for the severe storm ‘which t in. _ $5.40. and Mrs. Joseph Faber, from near “Milverton, spent Sunday last with friends and relatives Here. Mr. Adam Schaefer i stock ai one of es old-time bliz- eae ae eo lent this week ani was very hard on ot em and: coal bins of which a is a considerable searcity. Cheer sou chill jer’s_mi a though th os mighty ra, ase : thaw. The cost of Ford Service is as remarkabl; the car itself. Nineteen of the most called travel is something you appreciate, and being a owner you cangetit. You are always “among ee There are more than 700 Ford Dealer Syae ae Stations shicaahe ‘ out Canada. These are always within easy reach of Ford owners gasoline, oil, tires, repairs, accessories, expert advice or ‘motor adjustments, Complete Service to Ford Owners Everywhere OURTEOUS A Denta to your needs wherever you mi Ford low as the cost of for parts cost only Just compare this with the cost of spare parts for other * ears and you will realize the advantage of owning a Ford. & pages Runabout - - $475. - § Tene - THE UNIVERSAL CAR _