Milverton Sun, 7 Feb 1918, p. 6

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$1.51 npscribers in al ue m _ubicrnton TInt advance, sin will be Hable to pay. Bree! ti aes son application aos ivertise: out specific directions if be inserted ‘until forbid and charged a ing! bein the office by noon eae NM. BETH, a aiser and Propriétors BusinessCards i ‘Dr. M. G. Tindale, L.D.S. Honor graduate Toronto University. CROWN and BRIDGE WORK a specialty, *Phone No. 38. Office: Over vent of Nova Scotia, Dr. P. L. Tye Office: Puptic Drvue SrorE, MILVERTON Hours: 10 to 12 a.m., 2 to 4 p.m, ind 7 to 8 pam Legal H. B. Morphy, K.C. Solicitor for Bank of Hamilton. MIL LISTOWEL, es impor Offices: Listowel, Milves | good eal in every ney to ede that is along the north fe y ey Owens & Goodwin | day and be pont from cold wind It atristers, Solicitors, &c. Gordon Block, -- STRATFORD, ONT. Money to Loan, | BT HARDING W. G/OWENS W. 2, GOOD WER, J.W Bare. VS. SrSRe Graduate of Ontario Veteri: Coll ne yell Graduate rio Veterinary College, F Toronto. a eA 80s Treais all diseases of domesticated animals All calls promptly attended to. Societies. 7 Malvern Lodge No. 478 F.& Mas GR. Meets ee Mond full moon ev. ing on or before er month ‘an their halt , BR. Weir's Visiting brethren nian . J. Coxon. W.M. ees me | Silver Star Lodge No. 202 Meets every Friday night at 7.0 in thelr hall over Bank of Hamilton, Visiting brethren vies welcome W. Henry, W. K. Loth, NG Notary Public. sora ae W. D. Weir, - Notary Public Auctibacer f im ae Pountics of Perth | Comrex ances nae tin oct ages draws nd tS ee ee = ah Witinge clerk The writer met a poult Ea esier the ee while in this condition makes ice: Wel block, over Bank of Nova Scott Bie day who had aed ones to the| them unhealthy. ame city concern for twenty-five| Little pigs are happy in a snugly a Chali mers,» Notary Public es He seldom had cause Sor com-| built, warm, movable hog house, and lonyeyancer, Iss rriag eae plaint about eer and v when he did| so is their mother. a house is pase ots of Pe Real estate bought and sold. a aS choice -| ness, abut and indirect s for immediate sale. sunlight, ventilation, sanitation, safe- MONKTON, si onrtarro | ordinary business relationship; there | ty, comfort, Scene ees was friendship. The steady, depend-| durability, low first cost, low main- able inner gets thrice the eitention tenance, and pleasing ppeareie Nelson Merrick, - Auctioneer at the hands of a receiving frm e rises aire for Waterloo, Wellington and Perth Countier.. sales paeh p salce ot vaceat id farm stocks. Office, next to Bank of Nova Scotia, Linwood Hotels The Queens Hotel Best Al ggper for “sige oe tran ther: ers and o' ‘Two large Sample Rooms. he: taneous trial shipmen' within its walls; and it costs not more GRO. F. PAULI, Prop., - Milvertoa, Om& | parison of returns from different firms| than oné half the Spaiane aed of a is the best way of getting at mele 50-pound hog. The concern which charges no commis- | farilly at Investigate it C.Spencer,C.R. x N. Zimmermann,2.$ tection for_ wife imum cost, ENGLAND'S BRAVEST WOMAN. _ The Dowager Tena of idiverlard, Has ‘on This Appellati Millicent, dowager ushans “ ‘guth- inglan to be a “boarder” ‘Janewer si Be mailed to you. Addre Co, Lt W., To! a the greatest pleasure 4 in gardening is’ own garden get just as good results. | th bed long and narrow, so that Paes wide. fence | palings or wie it per it along tl ray Pastotien: on, to make it eee Baers gr other similar mineral rub- bish. be erecta prepared. manure you ave available, and on this CPRoulins one house, | nd. com | two cents a dozen, charge percentage. buy e ers Beware ss the eS who calls at 8° a OIDain ie} Thav fifteen years wi perience If takes about ave tie cow to devel By So re Department Is for the use of our ers who want the aovies memes on any question rega rding eats "eee, crops, ete. If your question Hise generalsIntorsaty it will be aniwered-through this column. id addr ope ie eennlbsed on your fetter, a comp iAgroncinit Adelaide St: to He soil, which should then be worked! ine and smooth as possible. Eohien the soil is not, jst thrown and in. It is an advantage in earliness to lant see on a bed which slopes t the south. This you ean accomplish ae putting the soil in the seed bed making it six inches higher at He eee than the front, using a board i Tt does not require a very large!front to retain it. ‘This cba a large number of warmer bed, For the home garden, The Garden Seed Bed. A noted garden said tha caste f small plants from seed for your and s a better growing condition for continuous seed ag it gro} in thé seed-bed are planted the main a or late varieties of vegetables, id a small space should be rere for the transplanting of a oH the early onces when it is sa: Sait em out, int ly fate sot thos in e to have fe seed. ihe garden p: Sow aes Compactly Do not plant the different kinds of b earelltaaooe oe! you ‘nil aa Hoe demand bed, It is an advantag Mark off the be Any squares ae may ve et each to suit the quantity of seeds The location of the seed bed i s very of a o con- venient to be able to work with all the as Biante -of one kind right under your wil il to cov-' hand in a compact square, liftend of he seed Ted wien bulaing ie to walk along.a long r tq plaee the posed: to the sunshine all ¢o the fe a an open one, such from Good Drainage Necessary The seed bed shou’ One of the things desired to be at- tained in transplanting plants is to ease the root-mass before there is n On this put the soil, ae should taki ym the excav: cae ee as 6 Sia ie teas Mayan ieee lime, and one of a good chemical ferti-| for a er. Work all well together. p of the drainage put four to] see fc Mane ob Gio Siches elias : Cabbage, onions, beets, parsley; peppers, celery, d, lettuce, tomatoes, char C095) Two or three pigs are enough to a pen during cold weather for the ani- mals crowd and when many are to- gether they become very sweaty. Ex- Selecting a Receiver. In selling eggs in case lots, or live raed by the crate, ae good trust- \ rthy receivers and stick to them. splendid in providing warmth, dry- ndant — dir and he oeonlcer dies ae chine fat to then to another. Business standing and reputation and still vice. Sue house is good for the brood sow, a little pig, the fattening hogs, and the herd boar. a contented ither by case count or loss off (for breakage, bad eggs, etc.,), and im arid solicits shipments, m bee th tha ake prices. element outside the hom j tones me lives of our tees so in- timately so friends me a great ais Thnuene on in the lives ishing n Publis! Tem “| young they would stand ten years’ more ser- m Be quick to take it ack 3 again, e the The article you borroy * And don’t postpone that ante plain To some remote ome this ami ca coritest, form a zigzag passageway. about three feet wide by sing ge ae = eee) , tables, ples. ae os “the ee a iil a sal serve the purpose. iedium-sized paper bag ad tie it at the top with aes Place the bag at the beginning of the course; es get a palm-leaf ae ae eee one of the company tim wert fan the’ pee Aas ee Tastee way to 28 Sos You m zeare not to al the wee * ania ne any time the sien | ences, ‘hat : ‘roving without return ost the same as sfealing. neighbors: good as aoe supply Without a word of f ig Wrong to paseleuche die by pay it by Boreutlig: Then ae it back, whate’er you owe, Till neighbors all are sunny; For friendly hearts, of course you Ws » Ate worth far more than money, ould you com those errors, you Tose player who covers the shattest quace of tine eithout violet On, all who labor, all who Ye yield a lofty power! 0 Wi ie goar m ight, do with your strive, trength, e contest. Fill aie golden hour— The glorious privilege to do is woman’s noblest dt Then to your eplintey, to yourself, to yor be true! we eary wre’ teed a is theirs Who havé no work t Appl bination requiring no ‘sugar. nee them, pei until ten Se Delicious muffins can be made from water. »p: fecal tourililines ae tinits together dried bread crumbs. jf } ‘or six minutes and serve cold: \MOTHER WISDOM By Fisticuffs and Quarrels the Child Works Out Ideals of Right and Justice By Helen Johnson Keyes and John M. aoe M.D. There are many yee in which chil-| people. dren receive education; many ways and outside of school, even guitside of the} pelea 0 direct zflences of home. ihe athe hand, th hh Sy Soe reenened He ehaeo ea i { is no necessity for it, ‘orms on. erate of. outdoors, Space and a rough the instincts. ri to wage their warse Chil- Quarrelling is one of these educa-|dyen will quarrel. tional instincts. is exceedingly | y, ‘onor is involved and it should mal vulgar and Yet, undoubted-/ us feel more trustful of humanity to ly; it is a mean: Pe ok ae that whi child’s sense of learn for themselves te onor demands a certain act, he per- ae even though some grown-up co-operation nag him his sense of honor is all We may preach these cosa to our wn people year after year with-| out really gaining their attention bat), when Sam learns ‘om Bill’: i hen in quarrelling and fighting, Suite cae oe justice to fight = efor and a law of r to fight witl ‘ : hi s. julia nds | Physically. i & y, in the t be on se stig mn wes — -witted. and decent, all ee ee | qualities deserving. resp e reover, a boy’s fights. do not Moat of our moral progres since ‘estoy fe frenshie they often make |, first We tasted of. the knowledge as been along the Tee yields to pile cee teste privileges we claim for ourselves. Qunrel Are Educational Gils u B y oe ysical exertior!! should have taken our race hundreds! Even so, I believe their quarrels are and hundreds of years to learn the joy , educational. y make girls les ve to disapproval a criticism, a hardening they need when taey oe out into the world; ge these encounters teach them t ‘0 take e care of ae ves ses express themselves outspokenly, power is a real de- urious ar rnin} slowly vee nee RR OR hag ona happiness! Even into the midst of an age confident of its humanitarianism has broken the great European war. In view of all this we should be) tions. patient with our children who, like us,| Teasing has not any nobilit It learn oe golden rule very Bey and) is an employm where one aad who, having seemed to learn it,' has all the fun and the Y person like "ee es, break it over ad over | all the torture. again. |broken. — Its oo sometimes ‘i e Fight For An Ideal jTuin a disposi f course there | ly When men go to w: e look be- is such a thing a as eds natured banter- yond the horror ae “brihness and ing but it is seldom seen among chil- the atrocities and he courage, | dren, who are too taal to receive | "°8* the as without temp ‘ild grows into a ee the loyalty, the ies eee ight- ers. Do not you believe that children | when they hares and fight also have m an ideal for which they are struggl-| ing? Surely fies ie ‘ond dhe secre satenEle al r a shi; ae the fre a saat the penalties of fee unfair and un- nerous. W! 0 inds ae wet ta problem | of, right © justice even stronger than thelr ‘greed. clieve it is sian rous to make mal abl of stag cudlipan'a aera for them, to separate them in their en- I believe this for the rea- who like goodness are the really good peo- #4 | sion may really be the costliest one to| ‘d's Time. @- | Perience and the punishment of con-| ple and w Are Vou | ii Shig tact CTE will paar the: peoducer Get See es sequences are the strongest Lee chance to find out the happiness and th re You insure Realiigs Nigee to ata vloaacote Soe g ee mavens most re 2 hay. ae Wig a ie a/ the advantages of virtue. eae THE CANADIAN ORDER OF here’ that is possible, numer- | SUPre spe cereals: “ce | quatrel re_hie children from en need no TiVoRuStHR® offers protec eaariiaekelisthors ale 46 lovee ase frends Scien ae ished. But for| the of their acts and consequences e thereby, perhaps, make cowards of them or else headstrong men and wo- men who will = inte experiences the y are taking without counting the cost because ake antes ie are aoe the! they have SAA pay that cost. | peace of the household) ai case of quarrelling and fightin Neve tarmt ope anderfetenice at| the is mh the Influences*of a where every| extent to ae we Finding The “Boarder” Cows. | handling our children and the extent been in the dairy business for © Which ‘they shall directly inlvence iu varied success, says SO" children. constitute of 0 According to my ex -yman. for! Up to eI) whether she is eae cow or Now pee elop. ositive whi f there could be some means pra | rmans, being too bus @ was detained in Eooueny as tally exchanged, for Ger li a few wealks? ‘test at her Sromb| ere | sectiol oepitats nearest the fighting line. | ste substitute for whee amet? While doing up the’ sa ay dis] put the soapstone on the e, al when you go out to wash ine adel in the creamery take it with you. Do! not turn it while heating; lay the cool! side nent te the ae ar stand on the @ your I feet are comfortably wari under the ce awhile. ai do the) Hal: I known tl : “Led af last such would prove yety valuable to aA ate seen captured by the} men hance to show their value as dairy | anim: but thes: sina a rong and as a heif un ce inv er forget that rye flour is a good € er” eno! waste valuable potential dairy cow materia | They warm si separ. ~ ator is Washed: tele sai uciee: your, ues abe thou: P means fe ee nd wellcb of the heifers would be pinta Buarelive. “Seaton, he tat of our pire: fir - consideration, if | which our trends sneha touch Sy children’s we avol als eld Even so being ore “a situa a scales and the Babe: ock | Ree 2b ede s with a ac | pectations can easily be met a good ye after cn fable aiagotr oPstd yee cats where the peed dairymen oing to avoid oe heavy expense olved in weeding out the “board-| Wit cow and ti _ The Unseen Goal. have walked a devious way, ree faint, oppressed; wi ui But consideration ok nie chit dren’ must always come Axtificial colori ot gold fish _by w my ee ae sprung ane es weary road ioatiber Faraiear ier OG is taught to yield the same rights his fam maly and neighbors tains and | F generously. i and: Hee i balegs that children should be ae to disturb the quiet’ of the home and the work and rest of older FUNNY FSLEuSS CUT OUT AND FOLD On DOTTED LINES Sister tip-toed softly by, ~ ; It really wasn’t fair; “For Willie thought he had her sure, ‘the chait stacle Race. | “race course” for ing-hny-of the miles of the game wins | les and dates make a a good com- b id the ence & such license is their | e {associated organs. a Sones ‘athe ole heh fense to a si in many perilous situa-| i e we should give children every | BiS P stiswworedt2f6rs She cures aeAile jot ddress Dr. A’ w FL ‘curler, care of Wilso: West, Parte Who would not be‘covetous, and with reason, | if h with cue ook ishing Cougs: gh. these columr iene : “Cancer. ty, neat women, who eons is always a tumor, a lt tn “whe health not. as it € shal be, ”-as many peo} without delay to their ant fey arcane as being ace a to the doctor any”ki suse chin edaraten envelope. _ @yietions ie ANS hemi) cartilage, ty \Gbroid and the Iso fe a ut a neon ~| sible they choald he reigoved™ pay ndt-only stellnita wad ents eure pe pea 0 such a relative- | It troubles and birth marks may take on malig- hel -temoval, only. the skill must be vasa onertar (nian; moecuep tleetne isonet some microscopic growth, which m able mined. Yours: ae for counter pre: Neabave: ho, Lam mailing: vou ashe ‘information., Bronce 0 years ae “Phis fall I ae aN with my nerves, I have chronic bronchi and have had a bad y set of boils and Gavan T have ot 92 desire to keep up my physical oy er-—Are you sure the ailment is “bron better get thoroughly exal mailing you infor-_ Sad anton eee boils, which are Ther afore ES BON weakening, and every mark of disease has vanish- ed, which is evident to every one. Were all amai as very ey id the event justified the assurance that the Son of man had the authorit; Glorified God—The mur- sta nd. a oeranticd scribes silent, for nothing can be said against INTERNATIONAL LESSON he marvelous restoration of the sic! JANUARY 27. ee i They recognized in it the hand of God. E Eat More Sea and Eggs. ee “We are short of Lesson IV.—Jesus Forgiving Sin— Mark 2. 1-12. Text, Mark 2. 10. m even about the door—A Ans of the eagerness of the people—excited, pressing crowds, thronging all available space, as ase to-day, seeapions tinian village at poultry sects from every household and far tires little "1 co Garnet tie pou raisers of the try help us by providing the Sie eeed supply we 3 hes the words of Herbert Hobe tree appeal directed to the Poul speaking his message of good news, | Unit simply and informal ly ss the palsy An sode of intense interest, wonderf ment. Pearl paralyzed Se find Fes umnot Creme a Poultry and teeta ae ate uncovered the tok cheapest substitute at ihe aeehet time finest njgees in all the Gospel narra- pt fe seee be sent more than they-are ive » determined friends, re athe Biles su for these are rea- é) sonable when one 4 the ie ee of other m present — f rates Peay wither Tae stored, is one of t] eapest meats on the are high, tored eggs are reasonable in price and quite Pelee ble. is selling on many market sua, spain Made| ibe. to 24c. gs be ae good evident ak their persistence in eee a le. | egg: coming every obstacle which. stood in the way of getting their £ resence. Thoagh new-laids big enough to Tet, down the Passi into the very pre sence of the Ly r but Heri beer en a nglate qonfidenbe i ‘in his abilit : ites [swith the present prices of other meats sick man himself was probably Prove coraaliety that they are no mable to express imself, aut no | longer a doubt there had been aroused in-him a] | The Ture ome eid alee were a nfident friends, lit- | formerly ‘commaratively high, a pe sumers, ig ‘of affection, and an encouragement to case “cating the sui jw a alia manner of apes oe wie iS a) us is The fule lnvolve both mind and body. Rel ere Dart een good reasons why 3 [Poultry and eggs should be used more fio but wie me tha n they are as a substitute for beef allt, ih aecordance with. the “Jawieh ig bacon —The soldiers and the Al- fies étise restora! tion and Tovelvenes ie mu: went hand i end 6. Jesus with ni | teachers, the unrians and interp: 's of the ey The; saying “no thing, but | tensely criticising and objecting, “rea soning in their hear’ e blasphem eth——Assumes God’s ti prerogative in . Pronouncing the for-!and the giveness of si 8. ceiving inh Se ived ‘this ae ay as he other o¥ can supply. all as Adie) [necessary for this work. -—He ard. 2a; aid"on ‘on Cleanliness in Handlers of Pood. io1 Which is e: to say——He con-| _ Clean han nds and clean clothes ‘are ‘asts decisions uTee is the an outward indication of clean habits, are dificult claim to make, t ‘0 heal | These and these only are the kind | the paralytic or to forgive his sins, | butchers or att of food tha} z The contrast ai not between healing’ you shou id ee : “forgiven ati hale saying “bel "ty ig "ovo, that people —He foods at ye nia wheth = cal ie c. ractical est oe To. te thi au thority The ot will alse pian ‘oh ide | songiveiess just rats and mi as the sin had monitored itself in Oi j Were seen Tying’ The Son oj us identifies the with human tha whole. He is thus sour citer brother | aifahann=et opr ae as shown his title ani life. is tory: o on for after a A iherity. an eitib= Meanmcatny Goii| strrosty on i in heaven, but also by the Son of man on earth. , He does not disclaim]! divine sipoecste . SS 1. Tak aiiy “thy bed—The puat for pallet, which could be easily rolicd up, and in doing which he would di lost restore eek ‘tomme rimerily after yout insects aise StasanhiG weather tl a cause Taxtety “and 1 88 Dae nothing worth having in to be

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