_MONKTON’S POPULAR STORE YOU HELP US - - - And in Return = = = We'll Help You We anticipate get YOUR ORDER ting in a car of the BEST PURE CANE SUGAR first week in March and we are now book- ing orders for delivery right out of the - car which will enable us to handle it at. a very small margin and will guarantee _you the rock bottom price. — ree S EARLY. WEBER & BETTGER _ MONKTON BRIEFS eorge Martin, of Avo: gine itis Olive Grey, of Hibbert, re ited at the home of Mr. John Lep- 0. Leppard, Jr., of Wallace, Mr. spent Suttiay at the home of his pa ents. Gill has aerles whieh ae. is selling at 3 for 10¢ yr 40c Y Mr 3 Ww. on nen fet Bonded at the gli be of Mr. C ttend Mr. ches Big get ‘of Boots ‘days, commene- For four ing, Wednesday, Feb. 23 A number of =p eae attended the 1.0. a ee ood on Wednesday a oa Miss Vida Crawford spent Sunday Henry Ronnen- rd sie home of Mr. Spt iry butter wrenpess for sale at Gilrs 1 lange and eal onnenb: frid, spent Friday in i! packages. ilver Miss Beth Me Naught spent Sunday orge Adair and son, ee left for Hamilton and Belfast N.Y, where they intend spending a month. -chie Holmes and son, ton, spent if Monday at Stratford. Bre. oad ‘rom ity his arid papers on eng Ster baie Sebringville, “ape ent the we aati at his hom 1e Margaret Ranney, of Milver- Pater is at present visiting at Mr. eS 4 . Alfred Hammond, of Camro: who is at present visiting here | An ieee (on, Tuesday to visit his brother, John White spent the week- end at Toronto visiting his daughter, yan Shoe Sale starts Oliv ‘ing, Feb. 23rd. See Virs. Samuel Smith is at p present Yisiting her sister, Mea 't Milverton, Aorthae to fal and bret her leg. visiting in this vicinity left 0 jar] Greys Sask. rn eosihe ‘est, Mondlay to spend ith his ennicott. The Monkton library will be open Wednesday only from 2 to 5 p. i ene to saye fuel. d yn, ant also with his niece, Mrs. T. D. Holmes et reduction sale of footwear at Hotes for fow commencing ny vatnna ye me a are that Mr. Roy. Golightly, bgt has’ ioe serious- ly ‘ill, is not’ improving as well as might be expected. xn—On Saturday, Feb. 9th, to Mr, and Mrs. John Schade, Monkton, a daughter, : few of our hardy rifle men went ne 3, Walch, were obliged to A the school for three weeks ie ee ot fuel, ne eae ‘w Schuler, at ter, Weber, Sell Ave. ‘ aber sant ct ch coal oil snp G.P. | ing at. the 15th, for ortage of co: The agent has taken matter up the company and Maivees is — a rv in the Mi dist EU pinta cahiee et ecit ed in the basement 0 the. conservation @ fuel n Methodist Cireit, Feb. 1 F; ect You, are urged to Wilson’s are busy tal Rev. A. E. Doan Spott jganday: in e mnducted annivar- Rue ireh. dong sue 1 a barrel of Nova Scotia ‘oung people from ie 'g By eas erg and a Wil- Pres- ‘olmes, who recent- received wart, of the Sterling Mi ie Micks returned to her ‘iigigte ieee ending a ‘month visiting Mrs. Doan ATSO) wh ay pouccesstul meeting of the M.S. of the Met! st church wa: hid on Wednesday at the parso1 mage, LINWOOD TOPICS Messrs. Alvin Algier and Harold Detweile, of Elmira, spent Monday | me irvine Seriker has returned. Towee eee ent Bad a fe are spending a couple of week - noe ease and Tavis' ‘iss ms lin: ls Spt ‘iss M. Schnurr spent Monday. ifs Wallenstein: has moved his stance ses Vera Mew- and Mabel Gohl during ae big clearing sale. Hockey match Friday night, Feb. 15th, at the rink (weather permit- ting). Biol will be here to play the return Fee be on hand to noe the as ene the nd. This will ce be the last game of the season. x. George Voll, Mr. Enoch Dehlei possessi iss Viol Meale wecwond aligeMias Bune ‘ilner. Mr. Ed. Lutz, of Stratford, spent the. week-end under the parental roof. A number of our sports attended the dance at Mr. Shearer’s, Hawkes- ville, on Friday night. Mr. R. B. Hamilton, of, Milbank, made a busines trip to Linwood on BeueS: Wesley Cathcart spent the fine “end. at Newry. Mr. Bundy spent the heatless holidays ‘at Listow ach spent a few an =i in io ye aad Trale n Ament, of New Ham- verde Ae riday evening vat his ee ae I nett, of scOranEs spent the holidays at his home M . Moffat and family, ly, of large number of ladies were pres- |en ent. Mr. Walter Bell, 12th con. has dis- pos is and is having an auction sale, and contemplates taking e West during the coming red Hammond, of Calgary, |" 0 is calling on aeends ne acquain- ante in Ontari ry Bai visit to his brot fee William, at Chat. ham this week. Miss vans, of Barrie, form- erly of Elma, after r spending 2, pleas- is here Recaed ” New. ony 68 Stouphton,- Sauk, who: have home, el, painter and decorator, of Listowel, spent a ave at work on the 14th con. last wee . Chas. Querenguesser, of Brod- agen, was busily engaged finishing the woodwork on Mr. Geo. Hiles’ new residence last wreck, In Memoriam. passed away on Feb. 3rd, “Gone, but not forgotten.” yw sad to find another one eet, sweet converse, now has e Where friends no longer will greet. What mournful thoughts of other ears Are filling memory’s hall with loom passed a’ That’ are eleeniye 4 in the tomb. And with them also, thou are gone, that bright eternal ss Thou aie oa thy mortal coil, ‘or oe Thy years are in the changeless past. And all thy work on earth is done. Night after night, thy tent Fra rae: And ce thy journey here is run. m. in} How off I’ve prayed when thou wert ; ( ere, That God would keep thee in His love, ao ead in Heaven might behold, ston ay, Me then I’ve prayed that God would make Thy dying bed both soft and sweet, And thy freed spirit ke Where dearest friends again would And 4 angel §] That thou coulds’t sing, I’m coming I’m going "through the pearly gate. Thus, dear father, thou hast passed from earth, ey safely to that far-off poe Wher hristians robed in white ® shall dw ell; A peaceful, joyous, happy band. Yet again we hope, to meet thee, the day of life is fled; si oe Heaven with joy to. greet ee, Where no farewell tear is shed. -—Son Robert. SLAUGHTER OF Paha aswe? George E, Day, of Ontario A ‘a the cultural College, ‘speak- irectors’ luncheon i - the church Yor as ent the winter with friends in On- | fa we i bpied of sexed ones that have ¥ FS — and cherished ones was amount of the recent issue of Victor And when thy last brief hour should |2 arty irits round thee wait, |& government inves' offered at this low ‘price by parties 1e a to begin the hangings. ce Tuesday Fight time. po Wednesday, Feb. 6th, the home Mrs. tricker, pe d a very pretty wed- ding, when their eldest daughter, a|Geneva Alberta, became the oats le of eel. All eeport’ a In loving memory of Alexander Stew- |i" and other poate man wil “At many rlendls after March 1st. MAN’S GREATEST FRIEND A local auctioneer, while selling a ow recently, eulogized the animal as oo wre me all the animal friends of man she is the greatest. I are about Thy cares and sorrows here are |leav, to schooner, ie st while she followed, and as don VICTORY BONDS FOR SALE ” one desiring to purchase any who found it inconvenient to make the rest of the payment WHEN ARE THE HANGINGS TO) i BEGIN ? New York Herald. “We know hay this ese Fe a foe Ss When ai e hangings to. They ate Brought Relief 'o Thousands =). #3] each bin. ALL AROUND | THE FARM able for seed potatoes. hand, the southern gro’ able storage facilities he could pur- a his supply of seed in the fall have it delivered before cold STORING POTATO CROP. Examples of Above Ground Storage Used In Various Parts of the Country. The insulated frame potato storage house is not used very extensively and as a rule is better adapted to southern than to northern climatic conditions. The construction feature of such a storage house is the thorough insula- mn of its walls, ce’ provided for extremely cold oes ‘This is usuall; means entrance is more yy used, especially in larger Stue than is the side entrance. an ordinary heating re ‘This type of storage house is not to Tec- ommended for northern loc: ve not permit the use of the soeett or oe style oe fares It is not recom- ie it cannot aes qomeally centroid, nek does it fur- nish as good a t; forage as the properly entities cour storage house. The Aroostook Type of Storage House. ostook type of storage house, ry basement den superstructure, mi to be distinctively a product of Maine and so far as has been observed ig not found to any extent outside of that state, It is an expensively con- structed house and is almost always located on a sidehill or knoll in order located in the end the basement is usu- ally divided into a number of bins on either side of the driveway. ‘The floor may or may not be of cement. Usually wooden loors to permit ventilation under the piles of tubers, Basement Storage. ‘The basements of the Maine type of storage houses are usually from eight to twelve feet in depth, and most of them have a capacity of several thou- An insulated frame potato storage house used for storing second crop of potatoes at Morrill, Tex. sand barrels, As a rule, the only pro- vision for the ventilation of the base- of the bins is co: bole eee ed a yentilator is foun storing the potato cro} ment the bins are filled from one-half to two-thirds full from the basem: we floor, and, as already stated, the mainder of the bin is filled from the upper floor through a trapdoor over In addition to serving a use- ful ee in filling the bins and pro- tecting the Dettogs from inclement ee the mone superstructure of these storage houses may ousing of bay or grain or fo Tels, sacks, farm implements and wag- ons. The house shown in Fig. 17 o! the bulletin is representative and gives a fairly accurate conception of the its exterior. TY | factory to the po vident from the fact that practical- ly no oth house is in use in that state. conceivable, however,, that th the middle and far western states, and it is not at all probable that the latter will ever supers took type in Maine. Both have distinctive fea- tures which peculiarly adapt them their own environment, but do not nec- peaariy preclude their use in other lo- calitie: The anole es Storage weather sets in. It could then be plac- ed in with a water tight roof provided with numerous Yentilators for the free ad- mission of air when the outside perature permits. This practice would remove very materially the present ob- Such a change would also enable the grower to buy his seed for less money than for midwinter delivery. Temperature of Storage Rooms. usually held is maintained at from 32 degrees to 34 degrees F. It is believed, however, that 34 degrees to 38 de; F. would be a more satisfactory tem- rature. For the last three seasons the grav- nae dioxid in cooling the brine, the maintenance of a constant temperature a entirely cee upon ‘the thor- 0 Suataees wit! walls, ceiling ae floor ha Boe Sg aa the attention given to re- actually circulating. or low: 3 varying the Deposiene of ice and Light Four Model 90 Touring Car To use this utility car is Good. Business and Good Health! Its roominess, comfort and beauty make it as deszrable as it is useful. Wm. Zimmerman, Dealer, Milverton Willys-Overland, Limited | Heaél Office and Works, West Toronto, Ont. = jagons salt used in the tank. records covering a week's time have juently been secured in which there perfectly dormant until wanted for planting. A PRETTY FEBRUARY HOUSE WEDDING. AT. BLOOM- INGDALE. Streamers of red, white and blue, roses and smilax made the hom r . John Strong very # tractive last “Wednesday ‘afternoon, Feb. 6th, when their eldest daughter, Me charles William Suge, son ‘of Mr. ard Sugg, of Winter- bourne. The Rev. Mr. Harding, of the An- glican church, Waterloo, conducted the ceremony under an ar W. D. WEIR’S LIST OF . PROPERTIES FOR SALE! $12, 000-—Buys lot 4, concession & Wellesley, (Western Section) ; two ce hontat ban! she hog pens, : ene ‘ind mill, cane silo ESE all contented throughout. 25 acres Sant hardwood bush; well drained; land in fine condition. pcan % mile. , gravel sang on on sl ‘rom Milverton, A great chance for ole ot sale. e rie 1a a ite reens and re one decorated bbe nea, Pie and blue streamers. with ‘silver lace and pearls and ear- a bouquet of white , bride, e ee silk ‘trimmed with shite rae de_chene. rettily dressed in d with white r. and Mrs. which a dainty wedding dinner was served to about 75 or 80 guests in the dining room, which was beauti- fully decorated with smilax and red, ue streamers, fuests were present from aru Setrertad Millbank, Listowel and Alberta. The bride's travelling suit was green broadcloth with plush hat to mai a handsome baby la coat. many beautiful and_ costly wedding presents. show the high: es- he young couple ard evening about 50-0f their friends from Winterbourne and vic- wee ours they wended their way. homewa aving spent an enjoyable evening, HUEHN—HARLOFF of the prettiest of church wed- ne: ‘The cent, “reiigrated potato | loff, sees eon is as yet hardly in Sur The present use of thts ABE ‘pte is confined practically to the holding of northern grown ses tatoes in cold zoey for second enor planting in an artificially refrigerated potato stor- age house in the northern potato grow- Ing sections of the United States, put i is a debatable point whether commuat ty cold storage plants could not be prof itably employed py the southern truck pending upon thé locality to which it is consigned, a rule, the seed stock is ‘rom the north during dangerously cold bee and it must be accompani person charged be the responsi of keeping it freezing. pies heat is See piled to the oe of stov cone they often mae sae aifenion petwyen. SEE rs ints than it is pos- ‘here tg probably little deroand ‘for |r ed i erie ‘of Holland, N- John Huehn, of Neust 4 ras performed by the Rev.C, D. ence dence carry wit numerous Stratford f1 oy a with Aan hie i he of de ide High-class av) “The Sun” Job Printing What it Means to You—to Your isthe 2 pps eitcoh Appearance—How it Conforms to Sound Busine: Judgment to Select from Our Famous Line of MEN’S and‘BOY’S SUITINGS Taking for our text, ‘““He profits most who serves most—he who serves best, serves most”—we put in force a plan of retailing that tends to centre more and more business here —by making it to the advantage of the public to givegus their patronage. If there’s a man who can’t be suited we'd like to see him. If there is a man whose tastes can’t be met he is a stranger to us. Call and see our up-to-date stock, O. DUFFIEL The Up-to-date Tailor, Monkton, Ontario Woven Wire Fencing Tust a word to our customers—BUY, YOUR NEEDS NOW We have prices on FROST WIRE FENCING | that are sure to interest you. Ranges and Furnaces ‘We have a fullline of Ranges and Heaters in stock, We can save you from 20 to 25 per cent. by buying now. 5 PEED IS VERY DEAR : , DR. HESS’ AND ROYAL PURPLE STOCK. Fons are still pase We are sure it will pay you to a hese goo ava them @ ‘oie