x ~ HOW GERMANY ~ BUILD'S U-BOA "AIL. Every Nerve is Being Strained by © Huns to Intensify the Production of Submarines. Quite recently Mr. Lloyd George told us the heartening news that our ficet had destroyed five. German sub- esult of Concentration. In the answer to this question lies matter for seridus reflection for us at the moment. rmany manages — continue her under-water offensive vigorously because she has concentrat- | with a ed all her shiphuildiog and engineer- U-boats in quanti cise She soon saw that it would be hope- less to compete against us in the con- struction. of surface ships, - Although her building facilities were consider- i powel were mnbilizad to keep the campaign of pi She first designed certain standardized types, and then organized the production of them on an extensive plan. ‘The Ocean-Going Type. Under this she turns out U-boats in meri- So|t far per week, re not all submarines. One class i minelaying, another for coa tions; but the most important is the cane type, displacing about fif- ee ar Capt care aba Ginee pede ‘tect in length, carry some sixty men, and leave port equipped for y have have built “diving cruisers” of ieee displacement; but, if so, she has not yet risked them at sea. An Efficient,System. This is how her system of building U-l oat: “rapidly is west s The vari- ous parts required vided amongst. rat ie al ore cae Central Empires. firm makes a given sec- tion of fe hull, atthe firm a partic- ular part of the engines, yet another has one of the instrume in’ eur: for pe be allotted to ever part may be alloc: ated 2 a fac- tory, a sais does nothing else but manufacture, Its ‘work may be mere- eo eriscope-fitting requiring the ‘nest skilled workmanship. What- a be, every bit of time goes to rning eu Ee that article as ily as poss arene ot this specializing, the a manner of speaking, a truckload of sections goes in at one fa shop and a subinarine s at the other. By this practice of ome a ing output is raised to since a boat a in a mere fraction of the time that would be re- quired to build one from the keel up. Practice Makes Perfect. Really, the mechanics in the yards do not build e. a in ths accepted sense of the word; they simply’ sew passe a ona that hae been cut it lsewhere. But long ae at ah job-enables them ly. That is another aaielae of =e y be, acquires Sash asttueGd teat olhg Ake cans my © aici for’ the work; and all these operations are carefully timed. In fact, timing so that there shall rie no waste essential Si are roughly finished are carefully made, so that rawness in the mere shell of the craft does not matter. ‘There is nothing shoddy + the more important parts of her equip- ment. , Training as Pirates. enemy's point of view oh object he most desires to ajtain. So _long as he can keep up an output of cam- paign remain a very grave menace to | us. : mbers is ‘not the only advantage which Germany reaps from her meth- Z e production of | net: Hi : ~ | Trishman, ° * “|tonie and blood builder Ii] ith ing Phat Wealtinetan That oper dons & ods of standardizing submarine out- | g crews, and is thus able to send hee U-boats purses from the opallde ee eee ime ips a \ nthe Elbe she has es- CLASPED BOMB 70 BODY. _ = = Gave Life for Men the Albert Medal. ‘story of an offider)” a burning bomb till it! | rded | A remarkable who: hi where, buddire “pirates” serve their wer Gan tenioe i ee aries oe wold inne Lae Uae nes coon: Se eer apres ore ee the boats are all alike, Xing has awarded the ‘Albert Medal in ® trained in one can be pat aboard G0ld “in recognition of the, conspicn- Sees temiaged re Ore eae. pu ous ga and self-sacrifice of | another, | an without needing “a long period of ex- perience in her pete tes. get used cog to their training v% vie ccawa Gan sist best that: can Bee aes ‘rn mean er purpose “of eon a Siturine campaign going. | A Formidable Ge space in th Having more m, the Jab the eommodation for their crews than the earlier ones did. Apparently, as mu is made of this n|so the “pirates” have but a rough | IS, ty acutely. As fighting machines these new v-|® boats Be Aoemidable, They sre fitted ‘p bow, which enables to E Rhone such obstructions . as asda desteniaes tis bond of which-farias > protecting when the weapon is lifted for action, and ¢ rpe- does hold a charge of about hin- itedweight of high explosive, which ans that anything they ‘ll alidost Gentine eseorel. They move very rapidly on the ‘surface, and are double-huiled, so as the better to resist attack. lee a omc One of Many Heroes, Indiyidual incidents of bravery als the front are so numerous that only occasional mention is made of them in th spapers. | Many Tom: iu has a very i lost a leg or arm, only ‘o find that, while Plodesand: Jill several: men, snd | ran Pee tees aiere the explosian could jjure only himself. killed, All the others whose lives ha been Sxianagtel were saved. The sented to his relatives, ned other welfare 0! THE STARTING POINT OF CONSUMPTION Lies in Weak, Watery Blood— Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills Make the Blood Rich, Red and Pure. Weak, watery blood is the starting you may easily step into that hopeless ae ee leads to consumption Whats nested to. brine tock Meatel, Givenyth ahd enchyy is the new, rich red blood Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills actually make. In all the world of medicine there is- no other all who feel weak, run-down or easily They have transformed thousands of weak, hope- Hess men and women, beys and girls into strong, robust people. In proof of who says:— for Dr. Pills ‘onsul ae mS: doctor- for a pers mut Was growing weaker, and ingly the doctor held out but little hope for re- covery. It was thought that a tri might help nte and I was taken to New Ontario, Those who saw me while on ed_my destination a friend strong- ly urged me to try Dr. Williams’ Pink ills, and as of course I was anxious to regain health I did so. The pills were the first medicine [had taken which seemed to help me at all, and it was ‘not ne until T felt they were doing me good. I continued their use indy: stanteren ty fecthatieey and housework, and ftom that time on my progress was vapid, and in the end I was enjoy- There are many people who eat Sse to the absolute truth of statements, ty mmeaicte if I did ate make these facts knot dealer in medicine or by mail ce nee a box or six boxes for $2.50 from rv. Will oo a Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. Our Dead Berea: = Fortunate men! Your“ country lives because you died Your fame is Bia, ed where the breath of calumny cai never reach it, where the mistakes of weary 3, e can never dim its bright- offi jthe building when the fuse of one of ter ‘pet U-boats provide "better ac), their incompletely finished craft pret- a “| shut tight.” wer WINTER HARD ON BABY waterworks of a city or town is usual- us fed by a special committee of ike them, and| ing, my~|be si mptive’s | partment. grave. My condition was most seri-|the health and safety of the people, us 5 toes ner leet oe to| bi-partizanship and the interplay of have t water pale as a/Jocal polities should have no place. In sheet and became uttery una to do! th ies and whei soon after was able to move about the! i sul Yaw cktisget fest pills through any jai Second Lieutenant’ Grey - ec] Leach, late of the 1st Battalion of the ts Guards.” eaten Leach was esau bombs building in France on September 8, 191 non-col missioned the els ignited. Shouting a warn- other men outside, so that he =a not (throw the bomb expos- a continued, therefore to press the ib to his body a it exploded, ae ‘woundin; Lieutenant Leach ay easily Pe ‘saved his li tave-etilanecred he Rye in or aréund the building. He sacri- ficed his ‘own life to save the lives of hers. = + pe gee Where Ostriches Waltz. of the oddest. sights on the andy aiectchee-aiipbain a= Southern Africa ig a party of waltzing. of ‘When there are a number of them they, will start off, ad running a few hundred yards, will stop, and, aa raised wings, whirl Lorsbialy round til tretche with the buck and the head strikes the ides, now on the ifs while tho feathers ire bristling. ‘Then the bird appears at this time so absorbed in its occupation as to ‘forget Tike an effort to speak with the mouth ase seas, is a hard one on more or_ less! Here ee iat, “badly ere rooms. It-is so often stormy that seth euioaitaseuede intent ia = He fresh air as often as she shot wuld. aatches colds which rack his little ie up colds Williams’ Medi- cine Co., Brockville, Ont. ee WATERWORKS CONTROL. Continuity Needed to Ensure Efficient Management, Under our somewhat. clumsy m_of municipal administration, the | ly manag the council, eee sed, ost. in Matesstofbusidear en with Tile knowledge e the essential require- ments of a ees system. a cient management is rare unles: competent Se ae Se employed. As the committee is elect- sought in order to obtain special ad- vantaged for particular neighborhoods. to tre committee system as-applied the waterworks department that, in all the larger cities, the tendency is to abolish it ard to substitute a commis- ralaty alice lot only talento the highest degree technical, but, in a de- which so intimately concern: is o unpaid board has a very great advant- age over the committee plan. The Recent Collection for the Prison- The appeal which.was made some weeks ago by the Piloners of War Society, asking for aid for the as ing men eee in German; 5 ae Giese wilinacenvonss ot daa pcoti ing and gratifying. The aaaeecine \ many cofigregations haye shown that, they have no interest inthis ruBteet | out of nearly two her hed; ‘ees few! witch have answered. our appeal for help have given with s ne a hand] that their gases ‘anether with} some from individuals who have been| i touched by the need, and er from alter branches of the Red Cross yy a in all to “nearly three This is a large foal dolar: to col st ‘ew groups. The committee the Soclety still 3 to merease it by begging to have the matter considered once more by those who until now have given no help. The men are hungry, some of them starving, and we! ii Canada have so mudp. Can we not spare something for them? ess! Coming generations pau’ rise up ay call you blessed.—Garfiel "| the root, of my ‘ight, now on the | OUS. and |# They |i ment arises from the fact that so| han & Mee Meee wemeneRemyi ie The Doctor Did Not Do Her Lasting Good ug exploded and “cited him rather than §o Mrs. wie. Roger Used Dodd’s Kidney Pills. _ Popular New Brunswick Teacher Tells Bs “Splendid Results She Got, im Dodd’s Kidney Pills. » Sree ‘Tree, Gloucester Co., N.B., Feb. th—(S} )—“When the doctor I aes failed to do me any lasting good my ae to try, Dodd's Kidney Pills. Tiel!” a that I have not lost That e statement of Mrs. thes wellknown. and Belay how ill she be- fore using Dodd's Kidney Pills 1a best told in her own words. “My trouble came from a. strain,” pe says, “ and I suffered for tisjeen iths. a Hiekacho, heart flutterings, sciatica, among iD . “I took 12 boxes of Dodd’s. Kidney Pills in all, and I wae ag Se ees that s ¥ claimed for them.” if you have any ae ae pu that troubled Mrs. ger, ask you neighbors if Dodd's ie are not the remedy you are looking for. See ES THE BLUE DEVILS OF FRANCE. Alpine Warriors Who Wear a Dis-|i ‘inctive Blue Uniform. The French ae alpins, other- Devils, course of their particular +h the mountain chains on o' diables bleus, and even the Germans know ses rae fnet name, ‘Thei peculiar 2 the: ‘m “ae are Sie kilts to a. Highland regiment. The ordinary poilu in the army Gt Weanes wou ® a sky-l te uni- form, which speedily fades as- sumes the role of protective a unES the inter taes alpins have remained faithful to the deeper hue. Bot th offi- cers and men wear tam-o rabahiars popes with a~ small name of their eld news- meee the Diable au Cor. The chasseurs Lee their own par- ticular march, and one flag for their sixty~ seven battalions. gn to the bedside of dying. chasseurs for them to Electric Smelting in os Not many years ag inion prevailed in Canada that while alate lting was interesting, the time was fae dena practical operation. : owev et in suit schatpes thas are, at the present time, 32 Heroult per annum. The British Forg- furnaces of the Heroult type and a to- tal capacity of 60 tons per heat, or about 72,000 tons per annum, making it the largest electric-process steel plant in the world. LEMONS WHITEN AND BEAUTIFY THE SKIN Make this beauty oton oe for your face, neck, arm and: At the cost of a small jar of ordin- ary cold cream one can prepare a full quarter pint of the most wonderful | 2 Jemon skin softener and complexion beautifier, by squeering the juice two fresh lemons into a bottle con- Gaining Wires Deiced of orchard yhiiee ¢ | Care should be eae aa) strain “the juice through a fine 0 no lemon pulp gets in, then this lotion will keep for s. Every woman ove thnk Teton teas a to ach and remove such $ creeks, Sallowness and t is ae gue in softener, whitened and at ee it! Get three ounces of ofchard vee at any drug store and two lemons fi e grocer and make p a quarter tains DACthls: Sealy teas grant lemon lobia and nanan it daily into the f neck, arms and s. It is marvel to smoothen “rough, red han Orange and ercinit Sciaemaledll ade a little at a time all | Minard’s Iiniment Cures Colds, Bye. While the prone is frozen is a good time to get manure, lime, muck, ete., into conyenient Noted for spring work. Wood should be hauled from the wood lot while the hauling is good. Manure should be put in ‘pede in Freie size to prevent freezing i ae ber ina Co., «, Chicawo a he Fiji ‘group mp of islands, Sian oe annexed by Great Britain in ie number’ 220, all of yojeanic mainare’s Liniment Oren Garget in Cows the |. You horn; | 0; 4 HAS HAND-WEITTEN BIBLE. _' Artiglag Wanted for Gash wees Ney ~ Quebec Man Spent Ov Over Twenty Years ete Preparing Wonderful Work. / $14, “China wOmaaimenie: fash “op et SE Fitson "Publishing Hugh Russell, of Notre Dame Hs Wate on ond shy mapters to ace, Que., is the ee eal ANTIOUR ¢ ganar : _—SCEMEARTOWS of what is one of the most ondert 28 and 0 College Street, Toronto, Ont, | ED NEWSPAPER ooks in the world. It is a one of U i Job lacie plant Ip Baska Piloting Healy an ble Co naa ; cae the Exercise He Needed. rae fs Hg00" on “yuck sole, oo ox Oe and, as now bound, is not Jarger_ in| cobbler’s shop ina small Hng- ilson. Pablishing Ltd... Toronto. size than the old style family Bible. at qitece was the gathering place ice MORS, FUMPS: ET Ht is beautifully written, too, bearing of several old men who wore stoning | ermal and exteinal, ured WitKe , + ‘ by 1 jevidence in every wi an infinite to the conyersation of a young foot: | us ek too late. Dr Heli man Meateal |patience and. re vere, recalling us lwork of a mediaeval m er-| one of Old Jewell Silver: ‘Miniatu; pp eed) iniatiines fig pet a t Gntaria) ball Daye, the old men if he hi inly a Fandertal piece re cara wae onan the ees rele: roughout. i icicoie aig on oeniain may judge cf the aes es rome at traveller—a knight of ae Minard’s Tiniment t Cures Distemper, T'was brought up by god): yad—but work as teacher during the ee on re * paren bot’ of. them living still a Jos. ve for the fontreal, and I have Book of dakés love | peerless should turn to the Bible to- day, a ‘work may help 4 ue be yn paid to cotsman, began inished it on St. Andrew's Day, Nov. etee wo! of leisure, althou, is was done since the present war ote tee ten in ya's Mr. himself calls “a peculi legible, and, says Mr, pages, the New 471 of these. aes are umns on.each p sections of taienty- cour pages each. sSieeay double de ‘LIFT A CORN OFF WITHOUT PAIN YES! Cincinnati man tells how to dry or callus so it lifts , off with fingers. need suffer m that nearly kitted Cincinnati authority, drops 0: tender aching corn or lus loosens so it ca lifted off, root and all, without ran A small bottle of freezone costs v 24 E - inexpensive and is said not tate the surrounding skin. 0 irri: time. ae An appeal is made to all sportsmen, farmers, boy scouts and all others in- intensely col ground is frozen and often any waste from the table, the barn floor, and suet during the cold weather. ; Mr. Russell is very tide about Als of ne athilet! achievement. “No, I am not a minis- | oes. jittle bit in that direction: Yea, it 48 a sadly neglected book and some steps taken to have nee atten- the Bool in whieh {iis rest eonflel 1i-aamredy for wie hast who is a Presbyterian his work in 1894 and vork was done in-odd moments +h more than half of Tai be- Russell 1 handwriting, Imost half printing it." Tt is perfectly Russell, “with- error le find 1 in it.” ‘There are ‘altogether i 987 ww Testament taking up col- it was written in Sulierets men and women | jonger. Wear the shoes ; led you before, says this | 9. because a few reezone alee Ue one a soreness at once and soon rie ee om pT ESE i should be eee as it If your druggist hasn’t any irociabs! terested in wild life to feed the birds weather grain of all kinds, hay chaff or the sweepings from wired in a tree will be eagerly eaten by any bird , lad, 1've never played at put away, shou! boiled; steam it. When ake eee 4 asked | ever etic games ‘cept st aah | A “spare” plum pudding, cooked and : Id on no account be re- {Co., Limited, Collingwood, ‘Doctors Recommend ‘Bon-Opto fe fehhyticiens: and seve “spaciatiats |p = sei Saori See Ase ae re! tr Styengthen svetiett Sud under money Fond gustenty by. als crieest The Soul of a Piano is the | Action. “Insist on the _ TF there was ji Snow \L WALKER: OUSE hig In each town where It eer? matter ’bout that snow Waich could never last, What intrests you and me is Having comforts to us passed. And Tien iow PEACE and JOY and To me Seni fiw Tt there was just one WALKER In SG eae The House of Plenty The Walker House _ Toronto Geo. Wright & Co.,.Proprietors “OTTO HIGELY’ PIANO ACTION Rheumatic Pains rheumatism or lumbago, it re- moves ies Oc. & bottle at druggists. 1 TO ALL WOMEN WHO ARE ILL ‘oman Recommends This Wom: Lydia E. Pinkham’ 's Vege- and HANDS , Quickly Soothed and Healed by ; Cuticura i me he cea with Cuticura ment. Use night and morning. ' For pimples, redness, roughn ess, , itching and irritation, dandruff, itching scalp and falling hair, red, rough hands Ings, these fragrant, super-creamy emollients "are wonderfully effective. Sample Each Free by Mail. Address post-card: ‘‘Cuticura, Dept.N, Bostor mn, U. S _A.’? Sold tiaroughout the world, pt. 80, 1902. Liat a. haste, Linn Deat Wwe throat and chest. would was one dollar She + Ye ‘ours ti CHAS. mean it. " TILTON. vish to inform you and “we use it asa sure relief for sore When I tell you I not be without it if the price w Automatic Valve Type, Co flywheel, etc. 1 ELECTRIC GENERATOR. PS Large size. 6—$30; 12x60—$20 ; 1 BLOWER OR FAN; Buffalo 14 Inch discharge—$30. FIERY RED FACES” 12Vax48—$12 5 REAL ede Ot a LTD. 0 Fron table C "Personal nal Experience. McLean, want! to recome mend eta: ¢ “Pinkham's Perctabis 01 oa Bis toall suffering ‘women.’ Mrs. JonN "KOPPELMANN, Re No. 1, M a, ‘ This famous root and herb remedy, Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Com- pound, has been restorin; nervousness or ret ‘a gestions in regard to our af rent a f edicine Co., Tynn, _ of i its long po ae ise a; your tig Machinery F For Sale 1 MWHERLOOK ENGINE, 1ext2, 18x42. e' mplete with supply and exhaust piping, sale, Will accept’ $1,200 cash for Immediate 80 ee 110-120 Volts D.C. Will accept $425 cash for tmmediate sale. 12x36—$8. Make. it St. West, Toronto ACID STOMACH Callas and the hardy bulbs in pots, NEY ORDERS eee Money Order. ‘Five dol) three cents. pot standard meat will not-burt Minard’s Liniment Cures Diphtherta: fully, thawing ~ them out gradually. Sprinkling” Pevith Sold maten. works, swell he soil in the pots It is always safe to send a Domfhion rd lars When boiling ment put a wire tea- |! in phe kettle and the}: Tender plants that have been ex- oied to froet shouldbe handled. ear. You must neutralize the pela ii acid or give up eating sweets, and quit dri inking [PAternfing Invrease in checsinis and rt much h food, and the wide expense of rulning * ‘The bent way is to consult a reliable stomach specialist or takes itis nary A magnesia—nothini mach Put a teaspoonful of by rochiore | acid in your mouth, hold it there fiy Ml the, tssues will with s pd Ginger Raw Furs #3 =. N. SILVER jt. 'W.,) Montreal, P.Q. years oe finals tradin, exence—Union Bk. of Canada 1 ion | for gall stones or appendicitis. t the or other symptoms | acidity, they Such remedies may give | i {t-you go on fil Ing your stomach with @ lot of drugs you may get tera wits when 110 food 0} will iS ® | of your co: int. 1 m your ctomnach, fea Wil have a pay Ses IS DANGEROUS. MOST FREQUENT CAUSE OF CHRONIC DYSPEPSIA. in your stomach, says Do meats, potatoes and salads + tea, coffee or liquor. 5 Or, stomach disorders In latgely due. ‘to too lespread use of so-called digest tablets and pills which give only temporary pie the stomach later er cate fase of stomach trouble, elso- et eerysod acai, oon thereby remdve the caus have ap tld "you stdmach, you yurned an Yet. 80 | must confine yourself to.a diet of milk around with a glassful or more of sis and eggs, or if you wish to me powerful acid in your stomach | anticles of food as meat, pot and then wonder why your tomaet ads, sweets or rich foods or gravies, or burhs and hurts and your food will not 3 er, wines, liquors, tea or cof iges' when you put food into an |fee, you must take a teas} acid stomach, the acid simply com-|bisurated magnesié immediately after pines with the sweets, meats and pota- ng tralize, he alate Faroe toes you eat and the tea, coffee tistics show th: iquors you drink, and makes a lot | people who have avepensin rand ‘ina acid. : gestion have an excess id, ‘Next, the acid may eat into your|that this is the real a rig trouble, ec hlics neutralized at alt isurated and it yas ‘Somech will soon one eral ‘of te rnenente. fs absolutely’ ich Jar jantitt (frequent vith “portent ate safety, btal: | nesta and ie yy, have not the same por Frewollalng atoms stomach bars s tis. possessed by bisurw pa et perpen! ane, witch tain! (sore the Eyes Sutiog ane to a ae ra = a a e <a GS