tee has oa say “Bscent British Youths Under 19 ea tee ~ Training For Abroad. — ae na ster ee will send A ‘Taealy bul of lis! ‘rom. London sae | ‘the ste us your: ane me ne bases e ever A |OMER- WARREN *Co., ee from The ide West NEWS FROM ENLAND etunuck Tain _ Canadian “Army: by ce ealaaart ers _ says;—Raiding . the j° tin ps on Thedday night, Bs ed ee ae cule ate: ed of meat, wa and alas all ‘the home forces, except rats under 19 years, training. ‘the ot Private Ge Brebner/* son of Bre erdeen, ies been conduct ene ce ae St. es ONTARIO AND BRI NEWS BY. oo aoe ek joan! see 4| Paul's I Church, Edinburgh Bf MISH COLUMBIA. (| pou Gan eennEE n= Ep ajhas been er a bar to his Mil i 3 eer ae "Postion and tl John Morton Drennan, ‘ova men ea in a2 ill ee ar Monee Edinburgh, left as 500. to ene ing ihe es ty, to ce certain ioe te oe shosaitale and. the Royal : ed to fall_wholl; Blind Asylum. see Ex eae Bu Pech ate. children ‘and civil me ny ua them ‘The Military ks has been award- Bees arn pris ed to Captain Adam Turner, Portsoy, io Sait rati cl “e ‘Thus: From Provinces _Where any: Benibenee: in the Lund That ‘Reigns w(¢ . Ontario Boys ond Girls Aré | = i 2 iving 4) Sapreme in the Commer- sis : Sse aes oes Servi j ¥ The following a some of the “Medicine Hat's bank clearings for The Mf wgate Education Committee oe io ae his speech: 1917 were close to thirty million dol- gre si ate Bs penny dinners for nee the clearest, wrens a ‘ildren. pea of tte ee justify onton uy borrow -a million Jt is proposed to give London fi anans for one day of current €X- men an nee of fifteen enilined a|speakable ago’ got within ten be: cia! World, rf Meas He te your | an ce Pealant conduét in the field east of hi address you raiders, Sut compares i bly with the feld ae Your Doll and tion of ther armies, and says yeni ae : the Fe-) Homer - Warren ae maint a aie opposition. fo hours ter, after ae par from en artillery, ment, German raiders came scoon a son ‘the Bothwell eater School Board Y have granted to teachers in ae ‘a half dollars for ny of Sean their mune a flat increase of penditure. week until after the war. The dlestzuction or disruption £18 per annum. G. D. Venini fing been elected chair- King G Lee is Pond: for Sailors has The Military. Cross has __ been jman = the Calgary Separate School now reached the sum ‘of £250, awarded Major Wolfe Marcey, Gordon | Boa The Lord Mayor of Stee! ital. “Adare ‘never been a war first day of é this war to this a addin, Man’s Land in’strength in the Mi e | well depend upon the pe in a court-Avion sectors. They met with | Gah paducthiin “eek: acest bry cae som of Commander Wolfe Genirler Grey, Winnipeg, ‘0 have wants fax Fund has now reached the sum of| Belgian independence must_be such (a VigOroU reer iiee ent they | Sit, of every individual ‘salir and Murray, T: lets eae inspec- £58,000. com letely rest stored, Bie such reparation — as can be made for ee devastation aes its towns and province’ The Tae ‘rance.—We mean to stand by French democracy to the death age demand for a reconsideration of the ‘ong of 1871, when two 2 so ORONO a machine guns that, they {civilian is now being tested a Markets of the World eft Ove. prisoners } é ; ‘ i ; ote oe wy bargat onan re wheat ~ HUNDREDS OF one py | ton 0.1 No Sihern.” $2. do. $2204; J _ BEING RETURNED no No. a3 tion of the ph re { eae million cups of tea are given ae Sates of ‘Sask atchewan. week ie the Y.M.C.A. in France cted during D. ae almost $100,- van Flanders c fo for the Red Cros ere are now 5,063 prisoners of Ww. son, Caleery, has oe war working in agriculture, and 1,400- elected president of the ‘Alberta Great more are to be employed There are 8,150 British ee Cross | grea Sra nrces now at. the front and ut” = twenty tons of nate pasts ie ent rc to return to France shortly. from England eve: H. eae & Dench store at e Army peteet rent decided to pater Sask., burned re- ae military funerals, where pos-| cently, ne loss being en $20,000. - sible, to discharged and disabled sol- 1 conven- diers, ~ the tion Fine ee a antsipallies of Sas: ue Tyneside works suggest that | Colonel R. katchewan have now been set as rms should provide for an in- been appointed to take pas of the March 6, 7 and 8, to be held in Moose aeeatienal shortened working day. Gpnialgantert ‘War Hospital Jaw. | The additional war bonus facob, Sykes, pafort hs, and! Sergt.-Major Adams and Sergt. given to the police of the city ot can Sot Be jack Sykes, Fochaber, has been Knight rounded up 18 defaulters of don will amount to £12,000 a yea’ the Military Service Act in Moose ie Captain Batten, V.C., M.C., of "Road in one evening. Ten claimed ‘anor, Bath, who was reported miss- American and one claimed to be ‘ ing, is a prisoner of war at Karlsruhe. German. The Rev. J. Pugh Jones, curate 0 Twenty-five thousand ’teen age St. Anne’s, Brookfield, Highgate, has boys will be raised by the Y.M.C.A. a the Royal Flying Corps as a of Saskatchewan in the campaign or- ganized ts the national council of the M.C.A. to aid with the an thiety years’ service, Inspec- x James But ler has retired from Sir At for fifty years a Boni s of the dees burgh Merchant A The Manufacturers Pr hgents Asics ae of eeet ee Sharer tab- lished a' branch rae is stated that the. as for cotland is considering the purchase ae the Islan William Geahict of Seine bar Lo NG he eat i Co zs doubt of ene ete SEES ig ‘ort Wil Hig nctuding, be: <1U.S. TRANSPORT et = ~ Ben ae educ: feea, S0KC; in store Post esti No. 3 yellow, to 920, es BoM fe ams ag Winter, ‘Whom 1,912 Were. Rescued. A rae eee sie Washington, “ Ot to ttt outa side, says>—The Boas "poronta.} ‘Frelhts: Ceatpra 2,179 oprericat solace, Beale ea onto quality, been torpedoed ase sunk off the Irish frolghts, pom and te hour on Wednes-| Milifeea— freights, baae 4 era 0d ‘te No. despatch from London says:— kiln a sccoraing fe. $1.58 t : 0 $1.60, ac- relghts hitsiae, 2 to $1.65, according 0 $1.98, according quality. $11.10, $10.60, Montreal pt ehiD' Car lots. Pasivered Montreal z inebadet mn, per ton, +3 at lings, do., $45 ea flour, per baa, ton, $16 to $17; mited, $18 to $467 track ‘Toronto. Biraw—Car lots, per ton, $8.60 to $9. Buck to category to frelents outs ye—) towards oe ‘broad democratic peace. ‘ Austria- es —We dates self- govel it democratic lines for Beart! see have long desired it, eak-up of Austria-Hungary is” atk: om an berdeen Granite aih, son of Alex. , has been awarded for gallantry. ate State Pi aia from London. the first great disaster in lene. war a America’s armed forces came in 4 brief despatch to the ae Dey fi the Military Medal. Robert Brown, secretary of the Seot- tish Miners,, and twenty-one year: councillor, Has been 22 erate eave eene i Sue ¥. A. D. Bourke, a pioneer rancher Sergeant Cooper, V.C., was present- duce 200" Foe Women’s Emergency Corps{in the Battleford district, died re- ed with an imine Hae Paspical Sepuly sg rained over G00 Gavliect SibU in Wak” honda ap Risen len be | by a sale and entertainment given in 1145 | Dramsheugh Gardens, Edinburgh. All the school boards of Caithness SWwholecalers are selling, to the retall jhave ado ted a minimum salary for Cease gt the folie ae Pree assistant feachers commencing at £80. - Archibald Campbell ¢ Porth, has. bequeathed £12,000 ¢ eines University for the re of media Mis yantry Prodiice—Wholet solids, oe a , 46 to 460; dates, ee ab 35 to sie. : resh gathered eggs, 50 to 520; users Council has laid in seven crop this hundred tons,of ceal to be. sold in small, ere _ case of emergency. ‘apital to senile at Con- Passage Mediter- . thousand more were placed in lower Black Séa to be inter- parti categories than Many of these Tt did sot ‘mention the possibility of P&E, had been made availablesfor further | further ope was pele eae r fata, Bbc. service through a system of curative e! , pressed. poultry physical training now so largely adopt i ed by the Canadian Medical Service. | separated Irish po Bryer Over thirteen thousand Canadians in/are that relief vessels were at hand cisas England were examined again by the| quickly. 16 a Medical Board last month. oth Pc MOP EE. 5, Seas sand county. shippers, f0F sto 0b. outside points, ck, also a post of farm instructor to the ne tor. Beinwares, and $2 to Private Thoma Thompson, Durham | © India Li ight Infantry, was Peseenten in the | ;, nee being made by the hospital at Ongar with the D.C.M. and | trot ¢ Saskatchewan Department of Agricul-| Military Medal with bar "Adminiatratio tare fo have grain sereenings ground) | The British Government i is consider. aoe Biase bats at Saskatoon aid Moose Jaw in theling the formation of anealuantish | ’ Shscramment clevatdug bieordersto-pré-| Com pany ae “developing oilfields out-| a p, re Mi rar ws e Prime Ri ser’s Piano ‘is troops, ee chiefly wil CANADA EXPORTS $40,000,000 oA to aoe! ULP AND PAPER Sariy’ cheese, Bac. o cngiee, 38, £0 386 consin jati traveling on the Tuscania, a British v i Eos prints, 48 to 49c; solids, 47 4 vessel, aces convoy of British war- ships. vide feed for live: stock breeders. side the Em at the Manitoba The Food Product ion Departs ment | department of publ short-|has booked orders amounting to 10,000 | P° y call fos bseieve for the erection. of |tons of seed ee for planting by, dent small growers in 1 of The school Sildeon of ae aria) have collected one ton undred- | weight of horse Senin for the | Governmen nt. ‘The Military Cross has been award- ed to Lieutenant A. Walsh, son of Mr. wees Labor M.P. and Parliamentar ry it eer A despatch a Montreal vi oe R. A. Pringle, K.C:, Canada’s paper controller, said in a recent sesh ae Be Margarin Meee New laid: in cartons, ae Biorase, as Roe eles M eipectann and Miss F. | Nairn, are gazetted as- sistant administrators in the one Auxiliary Corp "The Church Army flag day held in' Glasgow recently realized the sum nee £878 Mal FR Ta FIVE HOSTILE MACHINES Pa SHOT DOWN BY BRITISH oe Dressed poultry Srping. shickena, 30 fo fe; muta chicka 35¢ ats, Spriny | T m this country totalled $40,000,- He called attention to the fact ; that Canada was supplying eee the se ibe a teat in the Unit parte aett Ua Sntatied proiue a carefully-weighed ‘ phrased Shas ee of eee te: acter and: we ide a) “The Prime ‘ser eran our war aims re than a speech ioe great charter of liberty,” says to the Li the Star. “It has united all parties fe Local Government | 4 all classes. It has restored the (Sacred: unity of the nation. With good ‘heart and a good courage the Bane peoples can pei it to the mast, A. despatch from London says:— British | aerial operations are report: ed in al statement as follows: | “Nearly. five tons of bombs were dropped Tuesday on hostile targets. i an in the and| Five German aeroplanes were brought | $0"“to" he ee eng the Sr aticenents 3 of the United States|down in air fighting, and four were | Burma. o eo $6. ap £, iw i | xtriven down out of control. A hos-|'°9 Tie opweryatio Dalleort-yaa: Brought (92.06: a| down. r of our aeroplanes are SPiya: spouitis: 8, Pas en we —s io ‘Yee! » of £697 was realized ona cighty thousand bushels of wheat are jeter’ ‘flag day held in Edinburgh stocked in elevators west of Win peg, showing a big decrease compared to the same week in 1917, when 33,- 887,000 bushels were stored a. Ks to ae Ber 1b: Japan, $8 | see ot was esis at a military “Del » $2.25 to concert given in Brora in aid of war, Ontarios, bag, $2.10 to $2.25 charities. | Board. 12 NORWEGIAN es It_is not proposed to order women SUNK IN JANUARY ganloyea at the sa a of Munitions to wear a khaki unifi A despatch from om Washington says: London post. oftice, officials have | ®) _-A cable despatch to the Norwegian ‘contributed ae pun razors for th in Legation ao SA a says that troops at the ry 12 Nor- =| Lord Gtinton sald 5,790 acres of land which he reali: [wi BIAS Not Worth Biting. During a hot match in Palestine a sturdy Scotch soldier, said and brought from $2 to rion, the stump. stood third among the caged of the world with regard to forest Dossensirae the asserted, Russia and the United States having greater eee resources, le nedium, $2 to | . hea’ to 27¢;" cooked, 44 to | ols, 30¢; breakfast ‘bacon, | i, vik, plain, 48 to 44c; ae missing. “One and a half tons of bombs| ssc were dropped at .night on an air- Sheet east of Cambrai and on enemy billets. 4 ee ~—4—— ay tubs, 29 29% i y2et to 3o4e: IMPORTATION OF CORN DISPARATE BAFILE BETWEEN, compound, erves, 2PE,fe, 26°: tubs, 254 bumptious atte Englishman, who was TO SATISFY ALL NEEDS | five feet nothings Montreal Markets | was a hot day and the Scot was A. despateh from Stockholm says: menage [eco Capagig greatly troubled with extra eed, They buzzed around him al oe i pe 3 see Me Sone Mani while th little: Englishman seemed to mune, “The midges don’t trouble me!” said | the is man triumphantly. ‘I won- miapiadl vested, gross tons, were “lost and eight arcane S| their lives [mcrae Mec aut seamen German reople accept ie x will bring forth ‘A despatch from Ottawa says:— Montreal. Beige es ‘The Food Controller has announced Next to dirt the greate that arrangements had been mee with the authorities at Washington, under, which the United States War | feated the “Finnish Red Guard and the ‘rade Boal as apportioned ~ to| Russians at Uleaborg, and taken oe: Canada sufficient corn to meet the | seston OF the sie Thi ayuelhly faa sae se of this coui Sun-| most. important victory as ee Estas | hekly as the Pocusioetie on anstion | Re oe atniice weet: ieee: earns kd ay he replied, it. The Bureau of Licenses| sians in Northern Finland, and con-|tocs Per be Bott they Haveke scovesd 7e vt! Controller’s office, in : : oa of sin in the | for £19. ws jb Sheenes and an Invitation. Intehen is disorder. All the graves of Canadian soldiers} “An event of first-rate importance,” February is the month Tor propagat- dying in England ave tobe marked |savs fe: Daily Telegraph, “the world » by means of cuttings all kinds of with a temporary oak c1 ye terms on which the sof wooded plants in the conserva-| ory and window garden, and nearly, a these strike root at this season; readily, As fast as suitable growth is afforded make cuttings pagate. 993 4, ba Spring whi ae ‘be .. seconds, $11.1 Straight roller ce Bag of 80 ibs., $5.30. a . $40; mid-~ mouillte, beh io. SPR ler SH The ce one down from his sup- Choicest erior ee to authority 2 Germans Regard Poles as Cattle. Germany's latest. “Kultural” de-| an honorable peace anda lasting peace and pre- velopment closely sei slavery—| as they. peereae, to be, let their apie | according to the wing adyertise-| reply similar candor : | ment in the “Dentehes Tageinitng palmer ay ee ae Minister's |. “For reamiinges Polish work | speech was at once a challenge and an ‘-people—twenty bee thirty girls— x ice which must be answered exchange for an equal number of oth- is equal diretindss, or else the na- er work people.” s will draw the irresistible con- | ‘The baldness of the advertisement es that Count me ee a soe the Socialist newspaper “ Count Czernin do not ee ae a : o en i anda currerit issue — com “ea beta dare not aaslonegthelr ea | camery, 474. to, 4 0's b Sipe irre 's because | tained causidavable stores of ammuni- is! tion and artillery. - Military observers now SOMES predict that the whole j o, of Northern land soon will be in the hands of one Government forces. | y “The ae of Uleaborg lasted two) Flax days, etches seers several hundred |**” dead Be both Ge jorters in| accordance slate their oaths needs, ese importers will required Ore secure a. separate import permit for each purchaser. ' cents ihc GERMAN city. BOMBED Minn Balt Feb. 12—Corn- BY FRENCH J AIRCRAFT ; How. 8178 to $1.80. “Here are 50 persons offered for ex-| 5 15 BRITISH Sy AES SUNK yea si! i to $1, change | i it iti ate sre Wis a Wis mul go on to the end; we Ve BY U-BOATS | Bran 302, evident these human beings have as| that we can never offer little to-say concerning nae x dspost and, indeed, Mr. Lloyd Georges allie tion as would a herd of oxe ; B4kc. ne: né A. despatch ty tac says: February 5, one Ly bombing escadrilles flew : Saarbrucke, dropping 8,610 itegranne of projec tiles. Attacked by several groups of ni aa enemy aeroplanes, our crews accepted battle and brought down three German. machines and then returned intact to 4heir own lines.” eae —On, track |saeh to. $3. 3.554 bid. in A. despate! oh from. London says: July, $3.50 id ae anti ex} 29 British, Vessels Sunk | Bri itish ve Siock Markets =: : eS . ° slate, os oe ae | sea ye The lieutenant was instructing™ the | our. ares ce squad in visional traini | “Tt is Germany's ies, ‘el Psy Number One’ he guid | people will rest all tl ere in t | nocent blood a aS must ay flow te | fore edom wel and i be thie % officer,” was | of reason and justice finally vindis ie promt ea”? “Qui cenit cpiatied ge iia ant Htiecs- neu use... “But how-do you a t hor. cons is ‘an officer “8 “this dis ou her $9; do. Pedines ut unk, British losses Ly mine“or sub- Tough bulls, $6.35 to $6.8 wo palin Lies BRITISH NAVAL FORCES BO) h ene marine during” th MB OSTEND MARINE YARDS —— , A despatch from Armsterdam says: —British naval forces have bombard-|™ ed Ostend, according to a despatch from the frontier. The marine yards were oats ee — rat a rate Fi : ihe Solving the Mysteries of of the Machine Gun. Tigi mg ve a yin Soap and tepid water will remove gales Mein this branch of the sevice have become so efficient that they|..* tee he's the only one not enact aanver al chocolate. stain hows. fed, and, va mea : can assemble and dissemble their guns, while blindfolded. 3 oa) ube tate, See Le > > — ames = = ~ en essimistic aunt—Yes and — your Ihe Doings of the. Duffs. harp 00, expose TWAS ANIFULLY SURPRISED AT THE PRICE = ONIN $1822 AND THE VERY LATEST esi Rodd to choice, Oh OM, | SAW THE CUTEST LITTLE AT DOWN “TOWN WN To ‘ODAY - IT LE Sailor! IT WAS IN THE WINDOW AND IT SADotts MY ENE RIGHT AWAY IT ls vost eee oF ‘op ate HAT. 1 DID. BUY IT — pon’r You THINK ITS. PRETTY?