Milverton Sun, 7 Mar 1918, p. 2

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Si Ones is ee Pe ee ee ee ee ey ee eT ea w t ‘From Industrial Agent to Fight Commander __ interesting « despatches of incidents | flying men in England ie tters to friends written = way in Moi 1, who is now a flyin; | ‘ ..|instructor in England. The school in ms CHAPTER V.—(Cont’d.) pean ans wale a cia which he teaches is a vast ‘expanse of | te, suinmoning, el. hls strength, |, jou eon pine at herfrom below—some hi “Yes,” muttered Hamilton, rae te, “I want you $e! “Then,” said Mo ‘ne | ee ere ee get hold’ of the next point: that fro my Then te peeg 3 eg Gs place: of:'the ordinary commercial now on you're to let her alone. rat thon ‘why Monte had smiled. It sugar. It i Jeulated that if the Pate fen, [Was like him to do that, Running fall resources of Eastern Canada in Fn ss eee a ne 1 Was je other room, she called Marie| een eodld ha that "Because if you around both- y ; ites sg ering-her any ae tex lained Monte, | es e ran. snes seas hat! | available, the total domestic require- [A011 be there myself; and, believe me,| - nie my. | 2 {foe sneer aye peices ee 0:3 you} i | without aid of i s. ress ghee ley the nite ig “i enhy bsp ed Marie. is not feasible with the present equip- Tae weit nail you next tim ae aio Se ea what bes at nd organization, still by an in- : ave just learned wha é 5 preaching, they'll nail you. - That x he answered a But erensed effort of farmers an ers, ics ‘would es ta 0 bad for every one—for te ay ee icin é aple sugar. production could | CORRECT DIET s5-HEALTH YSUFANGE, sepia ae a demanded Hamil Te was impossible ‘not to alarm sanliy bs inereased by, it is said, 100 Js = uilie execpt fe af lent renors cation: ton hoarsely. nH BEE cent. this spri at is vital in life depends upon food| a vheeielan's Taek: Itvis too sweet rs,” answered “Monte. “The e mel a Lapis vanes one Now Ie the Hine to establish the © at ‘correct feeding, eecoe oh tenia detect toad. “And for you because—” AEs inthe hall and quite coolly: work- maple sugar industry anada /On | uy and ‘a thing about Talanesd]| At seven Se the salivary ae cE don't eae wha they: Ho 1 ene,” Laas se wide, permanent) foundation,” says ri ee or pay any attention to feed-| are able to do their part in digestin growled Hamilto ove are for a ttle wall in the Food Controller. diers ing the human family san arch. Begi Rs a wheat cea ie cage tha Sina ee the sunshine fee “Will: you f the Canadian Army are making! are told that food will play a big fast; food, or r ther is more garth Whe Hig far con to believe | Bok come wit : eae OIE sugat known in Great Britain’ part in winning the war, yet we go| apt to be digested by the average what you say?” Decidedly madame would ni Acting Flight Coane: G. W. Curtis and his machine just after a | and-France the demand in th bout conserving with only a hazy| child than is oat meal. Feed onl; ee Hamilton crouch as if to| Was too weak» and tay She hehe ash” at a training camp in Englan untries ontinue and inereas® iden of what we Tea Dent tise ae te: tomspoondul the. fiksb Gay). and note rahe Pe pa ele hand sine ‘he rested on he resort, He writes: “The view from of the high school in aciphex he’sonra,|aiteh te present conf conflict is over.” | foods conserve our| the effect. If the cereal soa atone P aSteady 9, ese ped: “There are seeds is best for aoa nodded Mar-|the air is superb, and we often fly out |He says: “We have a lot of smashes,) Through the United Gisin-aeowers* ee and development Be wel Ae ee act cere 4 Ean ras “Ay revo th and dive down near the very few deaths, considering choose , another, ; stil four hots tet fn that gn! eVith Marie by her sey shel tool Bae Titish: ae vehipa and-wave ve-the nail ones Naas ony puis ae [organization which has supplied its] | Yet the whole thing is so simple|child if a law unto itself and you i 1 he sunshine, withost ‘ os mailing list for the purpose, the Food that “even the far +t decide what yours can best “You don’t care what the little, fal: little walk in the t mn diving we only travel at|been killed yet. Controller is sending 32,000 letters | way tiitna ema One, Bee oh y ” {| hurrying, as fai ss, ‘around ‘the. firs ! i mander Curtis though a ae need not err therein.” digest. If there is a tendency # lows do to you,” said Mon! cnt 'Then she signaled for a cab, the rate of about 175 miles an hour! cting Flight Command Sacthisodinrth ok pe Bviniees ot amy ‘ou don’t want to queer contale aa confer owed the driver a louis d’or. _'|1 am kept very busy. instructing ‘and {has lately been recommended by his | yfanitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta, | We seat constipation oat sneal. te: good) ae. sane ih Ona ct thovied the driver yg is for you!am. turning out a lot of expert pilots. [commanding officer for a first Tete explaining the food. situation which| siete srength or, as the experts) corrective. If the tendéney is the ti au tee yo, Crlaty N; Wp make speed,” she said. e/school T am connected with is one| tenancy, and expects to be sent dents oe wale os ive Rt op onerare Unie ovbeE way. Cie ree food . ourself, By that much I have an tie ark i ‘ H bag rues A A Fa Raita oa Giese Sass of oad a d_every- few days’ trial, if the eee ge tha te ag ot eanst (cae wae © wonder tam arivar Aves DUULin whieh Agere: finials fuels couees of|France at any time. He joined the|p,cquce the largest Pousti atibunt | thing OF etree ee a ay igen Hamilton groan ht oe Be, Cae Gey Aye eainne A lot Es cee aes pe ete ene ca on November] o¢ bread grains and other food pro-| of these Cees They oS thos pootelion }46 Read Se raat Geer: tot oe aboe nae i fates Tieng Paced the otal without Toss pelle (ete ee ee ee Aa aes pede ae foods which promote growth,| Half a coddled egg, or soft boiled, is fi terete Pg A louis d’or is a great mone: = = See ss -| and the carbohydrates and fats, which} enough to begin with. ive this in believe the shooting fits int Sena | but’ these Americans ae |hand, made from time to time in the/ments, well in advance of /planting give us heat and energy. the morning, and if it is properly +o. think that Ye, When Marie followed her mistress TH summer season. time, for their supplies of seed, ete.,| teids consist of lean meat, eggs, milk,| digested, add a little more at each fhe better of you, Hamilton.” ae ee othe bon Di ‘idea When the crows appeared, every-| 6nd ve their farm machinery and the legumes. At least these are| feeding until the baby can eat the “The interior of the cab was begin.) * of thanks to the bon SUG. ‘AR SE ASON one was on the lookout, As soon ,as|Overhauled and every possible Pre-|the important proteids, though] whole egg. Crackers and hard toast, ning to move slowly around in a circle, | save aimioelie inaird of the tlerk the necessary camp outfit and sugar-|Paration made to produce a bumper aah cereals. contains proteins, and| not toast. soaked in hot water or He leaned back his head a secon Be , makin utensils could be gathered | crop. - proteins contain others of the food| milk, may be os . ich oon himself—his white lips pressed ‘ton had reach- ed the em he whispered. | tore, But he was ill. He had met hain titel Stare i “ie |fwith ay accident,” Already a surgeon was._wit “He—he is is ioe jory. “] do not know,” answered the “He was nape) to his room faint. He wa: white.” ea roprap ey opened the cab injured?” in- “No money?” yea oad Monte: badly injured?” in e drew out his bill-book and header it to Hamilton. “Take what there is,” he ordered, Hamilton obeyed, and returned the empty purse. “Teommber,” faltered Monte, his off into an inaudible voice trailing ay, “we're engaged—Marjory When the cope ise to see him. e—do ie under- stand?” mademoisell ‘country close to a beautiful orton i then they are sent to Prance. all kinds of faney. perianal ra ee the loop, roll, aie ide slips, air? made by a preceding navigator. ‘The letters indicate that Acting Flight Ss Curtis is a lucky master UPWARD MOUNTING OF SAP s|su MIRACLE OF SPRING. Interesting Sketch of the Sugar Maple and Gathering of Sap Since Indian Times. ‘The sugar maple is prized for richness, as well as for the abundance fits sap ie the snow is still i suspected ee had happened. ur Covington, yest had present- is dor, and— miracles do not occur Serie in ee eg i nd I—" P Bat Hamilton had disappeared. was ie. driver who was ees 5 “Wher ” ots here next, monsieur?” he was Where ste had @ Normandie,” muttered Monte, indews began to revolve in -a} went It, Mons peering in! er, until suddenly he was conscious of the pain in n bis shoulder. CHAPT Gendarmes and Ether oe e | oy who, on the other hand, pee! Bs to sixty-four Boulv: Saint gine disturb ing her a ‘deal—this main, Marjory was the only one i the} Teday Hamilton—she thought not at] house cool enough to meet them at the! ras ds had ceased to| joor, She quieted them with a eh e.| a e even associate “It is too bad, ieurs,” she him, at this mame with her presence i s here solely becayse put them to so much. trouble for of Tne sa) ing. “It was only a disagreeable} fe had stood by se window incident. between. friends, and i ie cretagne* Coun ingy ene closed. Madame Courey lost her head.”| yom, smiling—his hair all @ hi “But we were told it was-an assas-| recalled many other details now: how sination,” the lieutenant informed her.) jis arm had hung limp; e had a very. smart-looking lieuten-| heen to a good deal of a oe trou- ve dh assassination it is nec- essary to have some one assassinated,’ he passed her on his way out; ho is it not?” inquired Marjory. | tad seemed to stumble when he step- “But yes, certainly.” ped into the ca | ab. “Then truly it is @ mistake, because! ‘0. be continued.) the two gentlemen went off ‘together! in a cab,” \ The lieutenant-took out a memo-} randum-book. | “Is that necessary?” asked Mar- BRITISH USE HORSE FLESH. People xe As High | se Sixty Cents a und For S * Horse ee are in aad in, Great Britain, ‘The effect of the meat short- ica is age is to break down the insular pre- judice of the Britisher against foods to which re ea ae been accustomed. meat n?” inquired the } liegt ‘twistit i ts mustache. t. a compliment to my Frengh Tm @ num Gee that you ‘did. not ae smiled Mar- shops Ne: “been dotabliensd: Quite a jory. number prung up in the Soho. aistriet, nt “ontil lately. their patrons lee Belgians or the proprietors ake cheaper little French 5 as also a compliment to the lieu- m is only a niatter of routine,” he informed her. “Tf madem ofgelle will kindly give me her name.” the arog eae she exclaim- the ed. “They make so much of so little.” Hitt will bea plensure'to see that the ve hag been quite-a rush of Eng-|¢ r is ¢ contidenti 1 said risen-enormously, and people have jjust gone or ‘ough his hanery | can = any nation, is an unforgettable re- ae Is Wie Vsutennutceuned bow. secu, > boon paying up to Gocente a pound for |the seanty fare, or perhaps the star-|or fully explain the rise of the sap. nightmare, A; voles, sweaky Nill, ox, one-half of @ /emall” port a as a ioatter >of. Pacts aticr 72 pores vation, of the cold and, cruel winter, | From the sores rope tip to the top-| hut insistent, oes in. your. ears: | house eels here the dit perfunctory interview with mada to fea joe hot come under the}. Thé Iroquois used to hold a publie , most twig o antic tree, water | Won't you help Ste a Pudding—% etpful| When there is snow on the als and onde who had so far reéovered moat price ‘of the Food Ministry | festival every spring to celebrate the may have to traupl'a ft diatanes of thaee “They know Pet it is fold valianes| Bude 1 ‘cblegpocnfal fat, 1 ege, % |i8 easy. by means of « simple, experi. themselves uy to, be: easily handled by’ a; rae “put if the’ English people | tapping of the. maples. “It. con-|or four hundred’ feet. For much ofj1y, without praise, to suffer silently | cupful milk, 5 teaspoonfuls baking | ment to.demonstrate the extol 1 Marjory, the lieutenant and his me a to add it to their menu it sists,” says mént report, | this distance it must climb straight upy Flat sympathy, to ache with home-| Powder, 6 tableapoonfuls cocoa, ee hichmajenlalaedsdllencti cae on cored ‘themselves a and the incident will shortly. {writ ‘ten thicty yea: sa “ofa war and all the journey is through tubes] sickness, surrounded by the enemy. cupfuls flour, 4 cupful boiling water. [rage the rays of CR ae hasty - i smi res Briony becarted them; to He. deep, | BP ty) tha iovbinese the prices are far | dance which will, it is hoped, bringon | must remember, They are the unseen heroes and we | Cream the bulter and sugar, add the}, Take severe are mnighisbe black, and then a little breathless with ex. lower than they are in the London dis-| warmer weather and cause the sap to ,too, that these tuhds are not coms! cannot quess at halt their pain.” beaten egg, the milk then the flour |° V8" Ot" ‘tue, whitey, and. yellow, citement, went inta the rece tion room triets. A story a eee flow. At the close of the sugar ele water-pipes of a} There are at present; more than ajand baking powder mixed pester. Recap ennai wath brightly wslabe a moment to collect who failing to receive from the family | follows the*maple-sugar festival, the | bos igoes. up through |) million and a half ‘Allied prisoners of | Make a smooth paste of the cdcoa andj oe yi. Gp ctf on-actavel pakoheot ¢ scene was set exactly as it had hutcher the supply of meat for. her {soups of which are all seasoned with of wood-cells like little var in German hands, ‘The Prisoners | Polling water. and add. to the flour Picci Magni ‘rom upstairs she heard favorite sited a’ Liverpool |the new-made delicacy. This festival “oblong ‘boxes piled end to end, | War Society, of which Principal) mixture. Steam one hour in Fee et ove ther { tis positon = he a tia corre at that for a second jorsemeat petehae ted Avtained for alin which a nomber of dances are in- When the Leaves Breath Hutton of University College, Toronto, | Sreased. covered mold ox half en hour |» Leave them then ec what has hap- qaaene Het, Regaining Be aoe small. sum more. the one appetizing | troduced, lasts but-one day.” n igs yer are “many |is president, is appealing through the if individual molds are used/ Serve j A ed ery BS meal for her coll a canes suese con be bought ives are spread wide in sun-| churches of Ontario for money to help with hard sauce sor any plain pudding | P® ne. duc Diack See eer gone en Monte stretched out on the floor,’ _ One‘day, so aetepcti¥ ve was her pur- j cheaply, ever at traders’ shine, avater is breathed away from | provi are necessaries of life to | Sauce. iowinthes fart of all, so deeply, in- Hay bending ‘im. Gauss could Gara be eslagoiste|s achnes in =the wildérness, the Indians | the upper gart of the fe Some » of | these unfortunate ee fs Cocoa Apple Sauce Cake.—1 Pape ‘, thet ety Bes buk sbiroadin cot She had not thought. of any other pos-"ed'from a fillet ste: she was ie i Ss than they did, and some] |the salle up there part with so much| tions who have: not contrite sugar, % cu our. cream, rants Wy Oeecaa Winterset the tempted to cool it, She after it e forgetting ee to boil s that _ th: omes | may send-their Bane - the treas:| ful hot, sour apple sauce, 1¥ re vy! . is a a ellow sue will have sunk oe yore. of smhAvstie served her insular prejudice pr a all “Bt fifty, years ago tlie. Meno- | thic 1 this a suetion | urer othe society, Hugh Tietcher, gpeneuls soda, 1 tablespoonful cocoa, mx igieeh but nol Srly:-to thebpamie: i when she tho stronger. Still,’ she -arcmarkead, | mix 0 make many tons 6 of magle | which draw ore ery sap -up} Bisq.."632\ Huron: St, Toronto. “| te aspoonful cinnamon™144 teaspoon- standing (; Tht dov worse in. these hard | sngat ee apr "| through the wood froth below. | se Texptul. rataing, 2) Site ae The light biue will titve sofly Pareatie Cie ee oye Ee Cane Gaie Sanat | When summer is here, and growth dr, -epledy: aa aptiig Rapes ieee why. belO ge SMe uA 1-boy’s. Y c 4 “| while the white will be still on the schoo: joy’s. The adi gapbaline geagon/swas opens }is~ active, theve arg, ‘ghd days of catalogues Tere come, | Add’ the raisins sane hayes De naffected by the-sun’s rays, Retain Alt Breeding Sows. asked| ‘The demand'from overseas for bacon madame.|and other pork products is such as that! to “ensure A” profitable. market fo’ at. ee yetain all brgedin: sr hands dropped igs but. “that many, people living in er side, Her ries suburban areas ‘aré also planping to something: stick: nth oy more) and fees em on f | hduschold gurbege. It is cotta, gt eerentTea that yo! pigs: will -be in demand. in Mite spring. ere ake i) cows Under ‘preage conditions, 18, might kee os ia 1 Awol to. fifteen ‘and. For ‘one second, two | thevefove, not only unpatriotic but: is huinde biti bark ve secon ie three ‘seconds, she sat ‘there likely to prove distinctly mundi ails, Wooden sai a rape nlah [later spring, the ie During the past few weeks, however, | white keep-a-pig campaign is meeting with } ela ego messute'GE-eicéess, The Bes: e lightly. (pone indicates ly that | the olf = tie chair he} farmers ave prepa ‘ing to keep more ‘o}of the eedar. An Indian ramet lying on ee gh fie tees shows that spring ae recto ceaseless drip of its watery blood into When #! about lof 's ‘As soon as the maple leaves begin and flavor, while the flow from the birch of the birch sap, is use ing S| syrup the t fees in the for Bt mats, to shelter the sugar-makers. Sometimes we See the Indians called lazy, but there is a Menomini shows how the red man knows Stat ayork la-yood fon the onl. The Story of the Sap. The : ec ee ing was at one time quite a| replace wornout cells, that is, to build! hours is better. Otherwise you can aah Eee a ae Nokomis, ‘| gentlemanly pastime that rivaled cock-|the body up daily as it is burned out| not tell which food upset, the ‘child. elwho was the hero of many Indian| Sghti popularity. Rat-pits | with work, member, that you child’s future ae iat abounded in the West End, and heavy | ~ Hi where our danger’ will) depends to a large extent on how you y tales. mnie had cut holes in|Pets were made as to the ability of }eome in during these days when we feed jt, for health plays a large part like tress ene: foe each vessel she had | ¢ertain terriers a polish off so many | are to save foo ‘e will be! in ovr ultimate success or failure. ae ee ctbyeh looked cinta. the| Tate Mae atven tinies There, wads fer tempted to economize on the milk and| An eight-year-old boy in our block edhcls; and maw that Pas were filling | inst e famous dog Billy, which | eggs given o' children, a thing we! developed tuberculosis of th ip. : killed over a thousand rats in an hour. |have no right to do. hi ne. d practically nothing we thick syrup. y Paudaiotien said he, “i wil not do to have these trees produce in this manner. The people will not have any work, if they make ay must eut wood, os re bad hal nabush climbed to the tip top ee “y maple and cae SES over it like rain, so that the sugar should eee a fow from the rile de wir veonle aleve, Wave 0 work hard when they want to make sugar. must be made, a 07 to Se and toshelp new shoots to se “the sugar-mal season is a snort one. It begins when spring} ng the roots, and it ends hak baaaawelen ak unfold. Maple sap used to be boiled down | ina ee caldron ae gipsy- fashion ove open-air fire. W cgi icker- ing “lights played over ae lac-eray trunks of the maple trees, | and the busy w seers sirning the pot | and feeding the flames. But to-day, on many farms, a vatanit seaporutee | takes ee ame 0! and a d-in oven does the work of the hae ing fire. The new way more economical—and far less turesque. Indians Were First. The Indians were the first makers of maple sugar. Indeed, before the man came, bringing the suga’ cane and the honey-bee, this was the | richest week the red man ee It pic- | time, | ed by the arrival of the- first’ crows, flying back from the South. It was eagerly expected, and became, a Hale y for everybody. hou: mother had her own su; at, ‘ule jin a grove of maple trees, and she’ seas e had provided herself with a punbee So! pi buckets, made ot oa ae ed sheets of ire a, with heir corners resi di were anes stitched into aute with threads of basswood, or with, strings. obtained by splitting the fine rootlets the |p, e self-same spot” each | doe collected must be es for a long vile otherwise the people woul spend too much time in Haiehas So, thanks to Mahabush’s ae in- terest in Indian morals, | maples hae noyadays Ce oe | per cent. of sugar Swaying Pumps the Fluid. The sugar-maker is by |series of warm, sunny days, followed {help him win, that Bo at Spe es of life snd § its Haws, ‘caused ig to drink water ealtnges Aes el the gipsy kettle, then he could follow the teal of | the Front. jthe sap as it mounted thro’ al |wood. He found that when a bending the twig to and fro with fingers the sap was forced to rise! much The he ‘sways with eyery breath af wind. Every time it’ bends, the; ood-cells are squeezed ane the sap ia Yoreed out oH it seaiehe “es and ¢ ‘tim: ytens again the ae ‘Gill with sap from jut no one r ie understand | litfle bubbles of fas. in the s these, as Hee tise heh a fee She sap up with them. But even ete all Ge things are considered, we cannot fully~ under- Tts up’ greatest wonder of the spring, eae ab Oilcloth on Shelves. ‘0 lighten the work in the pantry, Sitetoth, natead. of ‘paper. The is easier to Roaches will keep out of the Seats for there is something about’ the oil-| cloth they dislik leaves are gy and dey, will ake twice the amount of t Pau do story, of the meee ad the sap, which | but first maker of maple-sugar—|! | upon him—hence its name. : oe “insides ne ie s all Sy ae Food Control ‘Comer | Ne Food Controle i is urging that the greatest possiie roduction. of maple Soest and mi @ aerO j UN destake euteemers ae all those who ig 2 ‘ Gain Mites prcinty available Magic Baking Powder Wen ae maple bush. The sugar short: c no more than the ordinary that there will be an kinds. For economy, bu: mea sromtely unlimited market in 1918 for cane and’ beet sugar substitutes the one pound tins. of any and every kind. Maple sugar ‘ and maple syrup can be used in many other ways for sweetening ae nec- ‘y child to see that it soeh ap sabble e@ on. sey ee SPORTS OF OLD. For instance, milk con- ‘Once Popular Games That Have Fallen Ane : given each day. cookies may sae be, given occasional- ly in uae Cricket and football are not dead, but only moribund “for the duration,” i ere are sports which were once| must have plenty or proteids if they| Remember, these foods shoul not exceedingly popular in this country | are to keep up a normal growth, while | all be introduced 4 once. Never give ‘now seen no more; they are|adults who have attained. their full| more than ‘one new thing on any one Aci in buried, says a London g is development may get along with just the amount of proteids necessary to hours “Cocking,” as the sport was official-| must be properly nourish ly called, had at ne :s as great a| health will be Tae for life. Those cept condensed milk in a bottle. His vogue as horse-r a the! of mature growt! t along on! mother would not cook hinr cereals, it sport of the novi, although the | skimped rations with only temporary, took too much time to sit down an eee -pit was the rendezvous of as mix-| inconvenience, provided the food|feed him. “Fresh eggs were too ex- ed a lot of humanity as the present-| shortage does not last too long. But) Saati thr’ day racecourse, and in a mucl children must Eas aieas re lie on the floor and restricted area. The Royal Cockpit at| Up until s months ‘hi y | ery hunger, but the mother de- Westminster was the M.C.C. of the with should be fed nothing but Se Meme over ys, santa aber! mati conte ior This cockpit was on the pre-|ers’ milk preferably. Failing that,| hungry. She had too much to do to faite of the garden of the official | consult the best doctor you can secure | bother with “a kid.” Foie of the Prime EEE, in|as to the right When hbase developed the Downing Sead covetla joking the Park. | milk. pre-! mother blamed a fall at school, Other was only in 1886 that bull eter others, whose ing ceased to else gave it to her child and it “got| we no ill effets, blamed wrong feed- ments of England. And don’t give condensed And they were right. place of many towns a bull gvas secur- ed by a tether, then a bulldog was set Cocoa is Food and Drink. { tious and digestible. _ The use of all Cocoa, when combined with milk, | milk pales a richer beverage of high ‘ood for the growing, de-| food v i all se “for Parties--Make the same be spe akfast ey and serve with a ¢ | spoonful of whipped eream on the top THERE 1S A DIFFERENCE—1 aid Gan anyone who has not seen them eae what it is like to be a prison-| carbohydrates and butter: fats, in this present war? Senehne oper proportions to serve all the lof ae up or for variety use one wheat tie first French, English, hesdscofithe ponte body. cistahitialidw? tn each. cumwand pour ee ay ee ‘ocoa is one of the hest-balanced! *e hot cocoa over i Lees Gite. writes of | goods and at the same time one of| Cocoa Muffins piu Bienes thm umbey have Ba expression oe ey ceckeinical “Hare ob, CRRETE ialespontuls elie fat, own, & concentrated, unuttored | oa is @ good way to get children) t#blespoonfuls, coe 1 boil- =| guffering in their eyes, an S| patience in their voices, The the difference in the world snending ling water, 1% seit een? “baking 4 teaspoonful salt, 114 cup- Dissolve the cocoa in Mix the hauine eye them and the soldiers returned from The latter, even when se- verely wounded, have: a proud, almost oe fed look, as if in making their e effort, somet sthing of the glory Ae exaltation of those fearful mo- should in other day by the children ante be lent for the older m of | powder, extellente 277 ad aidaie or at the| tiesebes. beat the a yolke slightly. \ zi Oe to saa ton 5 aor the butter rue sugar, add beat- close of the day’s work to add tone mn yolk the dis cocoa, then the mn d energy to the tired work | solv. esa aa ad 2a dead te Pv aE so RS ments still clung to them. They are ae, ae shites of eggs beatén until sti Bake | warriors hurt© in fe great game, Two and one-] halt tablespoonfuls ot in well-greased muffi aie eT brought gladly and triumphantly | C0°0# oF 2 © ee lorie Por-| moderate oven for eoendy ve mi+ home, where they Know well what] tion is equal - in food Yalue.. to aP-| nites proximately two servings of aspara-| gus or two large slices of toasted) MAKE THIS. EXPERIMENT NOW. "| baker’s bread or one large egg of a eggs, or one-half glass of wie [On a Sunny Day. wi hie the Snow | welcome awaits. them. “How aimee is ‘the Tot of the allied prisoners? The sight of them “top, quite u | thorough cleminds Meringabattted vistually no heat the best of all the yea When se mail it a bing. of | to the hot apple sauce and stir un- bool m far and eee blended, then tae nies “8.0.5.” Has ew. Meaning ‘To-day! With oreo ioteonle Sc their end. the: sour. crs adually, beat re ig a new meaning for, the fronts the flour mixture into the wet mix- faritlier 8.0.8." signal. \ ‘The lot- \d cabbage on their backs, ixture i with fruits and (tte, Put into a well-greased loaf }40. ow gtand for another impera- tabled neat as wax. [cake pan and bake for “onty-fve malts comvoand "Saye of Starve,” We ee Pan ant extravagant—no | nutes in a lorate ‘ eS find af oral plain Sieteing we are| _ Breakta st ocon—For each pf 1 Sa ODE 1 teaspoonful cocoa, t teaspoon- . trees that are past their es should i suger, 1 nfl liquid {half water, |), cut and corded up’ or sold at once. YOU auaue ten) Woaer tty Fertilizer ‘The Yemand for fuel wood is strong ming in oun mi hile: We have dream: , there eet no sign of doubt, v mi 1 milk), few grains That, tmiserable coal stove has % gone | Ball i the aan salt and cocoa. completely ou ~ Slowly add the liquid. . Stir il the haeies is a ell blended wien swoon three minutes, ‘The brings*out the flavor and sys nutri- The lyre-bird of Australia, which vail is about the size of a nheasamt is the | ing largest songbird in the wor! jhe starch in the cocoa more

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