E AFTER EFFECTS A LIVELY ADVENTURE. She Often tb ail to” {7 _xmnp wanrep : : ~~ ay. sD TO DO PLAIN iy A and S507 An tats be Pan Se AZ WAN y ACurefor Pimples se r Gy FI LAGRIPPE Back Lay Off For a Day {ising wien SV LD) | veovtenneimere rn Meghmala Waste. He elephant. She ee Montre a (S or any other strong mineral to stood nearly eleven feet high and had FOR reed Seas ; Often Worse Than the Disease| tail that ced the 2 eae atte a Mrs. Mantle Tells ells Why She Used | Wee, NEWSPAPER IN tuft of black hair at Bh Dodd’s eae Pills. ness. “Dea! aft 5 ee eas ds write to-day for ca? hii. tte rd Syrup—and> your Stin Itself—Victims Left Weak, | the central figure tee Tety ta Bat tyre te Wien cane FE ATALOGUE ee : aa Te eganee Bis rs a Oo 5% Nervous and Worn Out. ture that a lady writes in the Sa le Rah a ay een Sed steiner fal Lines of Byles for Aten It willsweetenyour stomach and : _ {Field had during a shooting pepeaan Results, She States, Were So Good cae earn eee oe and Women, Boys ai late your bowels.” Get th La Grippe—the name by which in-}in India. ‘That She Recommends Them to All PV ang din tnlattnee plant te ytieoss MOTOR CYCLES genuine. 50c. and $1.00Bottles. x fluenza is most generally known—is a]. We were once allowed to take Megh- re Gar inner Wlasese. Ontario: “Ungurance carried $1,500," Will MOTOR ATTACHMENTS ‘At drug stores. . ara prevalent throughout Canada| mala out for a whole day, ' says the erers Peer eee ee Wee aale. poe 95 eo rs Coastes i eaten et oe 5 during the winter and spring months. writer. Our little party consisted of gs, John, N.B., Feb’y 18th (Special) res cape, Vell Cyclometer 5 Ea: A an ‘nngane who has felt its pangs is not the elephant and her driver; E——|_ yyy. Mantle, an estimable lady Ii fot ee SCEL: OUS Sour spies fom us at whoiotale peices : ts 3 likely to forget the trouble. La grij ppe | myself and a forest guard. We went ing at 117 King St. Bast, Bae city, is Cine To) RS, Lui ‘MPS, ETC. T. W. BOYD & SON, y R starts with a slight cold—and ends|into the densest part of the jungle, .i,ays ready'to tell of the benefit she out, pala a your pocteries a vUree. wat 27 Notre Dame. Strect ese Manteal with a complication of tro bles It|and’had to go very steadily as the j,, received from using oe Kid- 05 ne ere 00 Lean Dr. Bellman Medic ‘ & 4 lays a strong man on his it|trees were so hicks: Op the WAY, ney Pi y S E incuren nian withitavate ain ‘Shins, while crossing a sandy place, we saW "iy, ae age Kidney Pills have done i ‘ headaches and backaches. It leaves |some large tracks that the mahout jo. wonderful lot of good” 1 . Dectors Ree ommend him a prey to pneumoniay. bronchitis, |told us were made by @ wild eleDbant. srantia. told an intervie. 0 ito for il Come to Ser Should ae: : consumption and other deadly dis-| After an hour of trekking we SaW 8/4106 years I was in a worn-out ae on- iy r t he Byes To Do By Letter Publish eases, In fact its after effects are more | beautiful sambar, and E—— took aim tion, often baving Mo lay off for 3 day | oobyysicla nt eg gPeetallsts pron ler Ete iy serious than the trouble itself, You{and got him with his first sot; down scribe Hon-Opto ss & safe home: remedy Cre can avoid la grippe and-winter colds /he came, and as we dashed up, Megh-| “uy pceed fora drowsiness, and Siepathion sherene “eke, froublen Series: yitehell Ind. — BE. Pinkham’s’ be keeping your blood rich and red|mala trumpeted loudly. The beast sharp pains across my back. nefunc Mpuaranty by all druggists, pebie cmeneund oe et ped me so much the occasional tse of Dr. Williams’ was not quite dead, and E—-— jumped headaches, anu sas subject to peal | Se ee ee. Pink Pills If you have not done this | down, also the forest-guard and. the gia and rheum: | SHORTAGH OF MEDICAL MEN. f Paya aves and the disease lays you low, you} mahout, in spite of protests fom me, |" “Dodd’s Kidney pills, helped me s0| Roe che unt toe. can banish all its evil after effects by |to hallal the beast—a religious ne |much that I can highly ae ‘Million Children, Handicapped in Eng- mmending it to this same great blood-building, nerve | mony that must be performed before | thom to anyone suffering from kid land as Reahlé;Says Doel otherexpectant restoring medicine. ‘This has been the animal dies, else the natives at disease.” land as It, Says Doctor. mothers. Be for: proved in thousands of cases through-| not allowed to eat the meat. 3 Dodd’s Kidney Sue are “plfely a} Dr, Addison, speaking at the prize taking it, somedays out Canada by la gtippe victims who| And now occurred an awful thing. |i idney remedy. Making the iddneyal distribution at the Charing Cross Hos- 7 te ee ey have heen made well and strong | Meghmala turned round and’ started /ycaithy enables them to strain all the | pital Medical School, London, Said that | olgia to badly thet through the use of Dr. Williams’ Pink /off with me on her back! The mahout’ iourities out of the blood. te greater need than : at IRE Ne ArEee: Pills, Among the cured is Miss Irene | called, commanded and did te in his means pute blood and good health. | ever for the best that any of them fect condition for In addition to the outir, taking three bottles Bootes, Portsmouth, Ont., who iia eres to stop her, but it was of ni a Doaa's Kidney Pills are recommended | could do. Statistics showed that the its blade is sharp change, a shopping trip to Toronto of Lydia BE, Pinke , and I realize Sink abe intended | by thousands of women who were once |annual wastage. of the civil medical and keen. save you muth money. |The ham’a Vegetable o run away. imagine MY yun down and worn out. population was between 900 and 1,000. othe duinstroy, pe tid ca Rea Fal epee S wee on in|feetings! “1 } nad everything on. the pig 8, It was estimated that the recruitment isthe only. raaor, BO ET San RRA abe Rae tirely relieved of Gwnitasd, Last wititer 1*-had 0 Bah e—E-—’s_ gun, rifle, ee _ in 1918 would-be barely 900, and in tisk eee crareiodsnes’ special batpaltc,” all Mo ona severe attack of la grippe and ss oe ginsen, cantteas and our coats—and T 1919, when the depletion of their ranks faticalh of which mean a saving in money, and was able to gt and all’ run down. knew I must try to keep them safe. [It is nh the deed but the danger through the war would be most felt, os in addition to a pleasurable trip. around: and: do-all= severe pains in the chest and ares I lay full length on the pad and grasp-|' That tests the hero’s soul; it would only be 519. ‘That was to say, as And allthis is doubly enhanced by =] my housework. My baby when seven the arms, palpitation of the heart and ed the side ropes, and met my head’ And mee aes of strength are not $0) that for some years to come the medi- Complete Outfit the fact that you can stay at the =! months old weighed 19 pounds andJ feel g onot s fae 1 1 could. Tt was an\ewful| 5.00 most homerlike and comfortable © better than J have gor tong | ia % * attacks of neuralgia which left me!as low as I could. rare cal profession would not be recruited $5. hotel in Canada, and at moderate =| never bad: an Tuerilne with the feeling that Be was scarcely Tide. I would not have. felleved that} As the sign a self-control. asec saints ingeanee cto onereome. “AT ALL STORES qostiaad tues your pace sent Liat naiieahes an ee dei worth living. I was taking doctor’s an elephant could go at such a pace | A torch, a cheer and a ee a faDe lite ondiiey civil wastage ES Sok eis ch eek soni There: Meee Th 3 o medicine, but it did not help me and 1. thr oon thick jungle; mae flew, and| For the man who met the It was evident, said Dr. Addison, bic no extra charge. Good ‘health during Maternity is i was much discouraged, I-was advised | What trees came in Meghmala’s way | But here’s to the men we fail ‘Gr Will! that -theve wens ho fewer thai a mile >Re Duke, 3 most important factor to both Thother : to try Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills and be- Shesmerely cae seen ef-|" In a stress we do not know. lion elementary school children who Torosto, at, The W alker House = =a senile pied letters bays Deck gan their use o1 Pp foie ‘ort whatever. I w: with terror, ai; were seriously handicapped in the rac The. Plenty Cie he en Mase.” tell f the gun | Some are cheered by a nation’s honor) . ce ouse of iy icine Mass., telling | a that 1 vould ty anything that migh ~ cn pe FO oy to keep hold of the gun Mente eatantert friend: = we ere ta sone. Gees e dis- AT-1-18 TORONTO, ONT. health tiestona dui tis tying Near : dition. ad only been : Ws 1 the most part we knew b: sR ee lee Pinkham’s bs i using the pills a cople of weeks when 4 Ata 1 saw a low bough Goming| And some by the HEAL Of Wome |as preventible. ‘When the end ofthe table Compound, : : the pains began to leave me. Gradual- : 2” el at all was up. My . % . A j, |war came they would see the total of = decks db eatin my appetite had been swept off some time hefore,) , Till the ee Beye aah had been lost, and they ; improved, and in a little more than a/and my hair was combed straight by) (ry ie ee world is stirred, conde aie ‘compare it with that AED - month I felt all my. old time vigor had |branches. ‘The bough-caught my head | “ i * jo | Million which was bein; nee now. angerous, Gas ani cids at i ith ful blow, but I passed un-| But here’s to the man who toiled alone ig ‘ retur am sincerely glad I was With an awful blow, but I p See eee aes hooey heard: | Weeenould spare ho efforts of min BS ; persuaded to try Dr, Williams’? Pink |derneath, and on we swept, 1 ged : body to overcome that handicap | ———_____— | Hurt The Sto hi 5 wy Th F od 4 Pills, and 1 shail always have’a geod spore that I must somehow get Off, | There is joy in a fateful struggle— jin the next generation, ‘There was a : MACH---)0 i e re x word to say for them. ight not be so lucky crate If the watchers understant vital need that we should achieve! ff When buying your. Plano ‘ “ “ 3 Dr. Willuons’ Pine Pills not only| times so T got ready the guns, and! mperg ig joy in the lift. of another’s| greater unity of direction, and. that | onist wiehae tng a Cause Dyspepsia, Indigestion cure the disastrous after effects of 1a | Wher! we came to an open bit of pam- load we should have a sustained and com-! 2 Rie grippe, but are also a specific for all {pas grass I dropped them and let Pa |, BY. loval heart or hand. prehensive programme of health ef-|}| “OTTO HIGEL” Steg Seti these troubles due to poor blood, such Self slide off behind by her tail. I fell) p+ some things fall to. the lot of fort. Sg: Recommends a Safe Way to Treat Stomach Trouble At ante as anaemia, vheumathere indigestion, | With a bump, and A pee une © oe PIANO ACTION Many stomach sufferers who. are|sour, fermenting mass into the women’s ailments, and the generally | $°° Meenas renee i i ares oe fee we it must be aan of gas and whose. stom | testes, and s9 relieve the * ctamnach worn out feeling that affects yond, I called and called, and my j hi de rst nd, S | with: agi orten. heerly. | patna still remains People, You can” get these pills (When T heard an answering call neat |S Rd ome a 0 one can know. PAIN? NOT A Biri | Busy reel iis incertae ace Ue |e ney ead eat ene 2 through any dealer in medicine, or by {ly did for me. The eee fend a ie} YOUR CORNS | reality they are the CAUSB. _ | meal. i * mail. at 60 cents a box or six boxes for |rsh, and when we found E—— and) In the long, long run ve Feckon teOR cati vere one 1 Hf sagt iauneas foollal to, give avcit- | 14 ao wre using: diese ws a e $2.50 from The ‘Dr. Williams’ Medicine he a rest gi —— was ae mating Each man at his social worth; — ||] te a stomach full of mas and acta : ta few S-grain tal Co., Brockville, Ont. er and could not speak, and the | With a Pie glance at his -eincum-| } Ne ea BE US. la ted Gum tape ine ad ne aes on his | | drugist, oa taken Gwe ee ‘se ea Dg ene i aah were nearly as bad. How we got! in Just ttt pen away foot without removing the tack. al, Bisurated Mag mesia does not ENEMY HAS 2,500 PLANES. {home T do riot know, but we did, and I) «And “the stars above his birch. SCE poe ee cas tetenas the ston] a Site eal te wou hetretig i Ba was put to bed. Mr, C——, E » &| But pee the breast that stands the ach walls, causing ‘a, full, bloated op Op- | a i eet and will drive | thea : 3 2 pressive feelin ie the ac And bloat right out of sour boas Bul Alabina Have Proved Tlasco—| Teh and iri Se nf offo| ‘The Waar de ebb and fo pend dtcoveres by" “Ciena | |On Hands From Sat Rheum |] Biers ts ih te Pe ce ee me : susie re hunt for Meghmala, [Then here's to the one whose. duty’ mie “tte cama | At Very Small Cost for |j| ana score, gweation 'otsn, Seaise |Rezatice’ and itil refined Yorn il 4 Writing from the French front, G.| At eight o’clock that evening they | and can now S$ id Oi ti t, Rrunelal digestents Will push this’ not injure the stomach in H. Perris, the London Chronicle's tpe-|eame home with both alepbante pe ic secs (ote anes be butaiiied in tay toe oap and Vintment. cial correspondent, say: By, kalli had caught up with Meghmala, | —Charles Pool Poste. he tes kak aged | = 4 B; past year,|and the mahout had jumped from one | Hes as here shown at | was a great auffefer from salt | ‘ SGMUEH Bescanity repartads Geerst van [ere the ether eveyiting except Gaugn. mages See atte Tree cae ae enn cea aeees Ni achi iner ry F F (e) r aie a Hoeppner has now brought — the | E——’s coat and my topee was on | FRECKLE REMOVER for freezone. Apply a | and it honed terribly and kept spread- | € strength vl the German aviation a bee, loose, And my topee and E——' "| drop oF two dtrectly | ing, I could not use my hands at all BS her more than 200} coat were found; also the comb out of Girls! Make this jietiean beauty lotion | upon a tender corn or | and the skin would rack: fy bieed so | 1 WHEELOCK ENGINE, 1852, 18x42. < pruadiiliagy peuiteapa a total of my hair. My jdea is that Meghmala | to clear and whiten your skin. callus and instantly the | that I could not bend my fil ye teat ‘New Automatic Valve Type. Complete with supply and exhaust piping, q i ‘ sae They are di- feontad the wild elephant, and that | soreness disappears. the seenes ee Bee suffere flywheel, ete. Will AGeser fgi.c00| captironsinstaciints, ala) es 3 vided as follows: when sHe made off with me she was} Squeeze the juice of two lemons into Shortly you will poe t the Cuticura Soap and 5 mbarding piaciieg 23; chasers |g ‘oing in search of it, Had she meta bottle containing three canes at ae eae ong! oe ne Cuticura Soap and | 4 ELECTRIC, GENER. ATOR, 30 K W. 110-120 Volts D.C. ; 40; martes squadrillas, 30; pa' well the tier slonuent T should have been peehaey white, shake well, an Jooge that you can lift ‘t cura Soap and one box of Ointment ue equadrilias, 80; artillery squadriliag, | killed instantly. we a quarter pint of the best He off, root and all, with | when my hands were healed.’” (Signed) PULLEYS, Large aize: ae 100; total, 273. Fe tan lotion, and complexion beauti- the fingers. Mrs. ts .M. L. ore Renee Bo ree 2x60—$20 ; 121/x48-—-$12; 12x36—$8, fs To these groups must be added the at very, very small cost. Not a twinge of pain, eep your skin fee , . a at e t= “ aeroplanes and hydroplanes of the! GU |ARD THE B ABY ie Sone grocer has the lemons and any Ste RAE of erat oa Seen an i with touches of Oint- | 4 BLOWER oR FAN, Buffalo Make. : navy, a dozen or moré-garrison squad- | drug store or-toilet counter will supply hot even the slightest For ae ce Each by Mail ad- Ag seh eee rillas, and about a dozen training three ounces of pechara d white for a smarting, either when | dress Bs cards “Cuticura, Dept. A, REAL ESTATES CORPORATION, LTD. groups. AG ‘AINST COLDS, few cents. Massage this sweetly fra- applying freezone or | Boston, U.S. A.” Sold everywhere. | 4 60 Front St. West. Toronte I have before me a detailed account is lotion into the face, neck, arms, afterwards. of the fate of rather more than 50 ds each day and see how ‘This drug doesn’t eat — 5 Zeppelins, which explains in-the most | ‘To guard the Babee nmthet colds se and blemishes disap nd bY up’ the. corn , 4 a Satisfactory manner why these prodi-| nothing can equal Baby’s Own b= \how clear, soft 3 white the aan be- i but shrivels them . ious peanpld no longer frighten the|lets. The Tablets are a mild tecatyal |somes. Yes! It is harmles: | they loosen and come right out. It is * ’ world, and so far as land operations | that will keep the little one’s stom- ee ae | no humbug! It works like a, charm. J ae \ amare a can We che x be seri-|ach a els working ~ rt oa | Ml ciara For a oe cents you can get rid of t Sa money-saver ously counte services, | It is a recognized fact that where the| “s F every hai paeisy soft corn or corn be- . ‘Apart from two sre Or ‘before. the|stomach and bowels are in good order | (Lieut.-Col. John McCrae, author of | tween the toot, a8 wall: anivatutel this book we send you free war, the list may be summed up as|that colds will - not exist; that the “In Flanders’ Fields.”) | cal ae on bottom of your feet. It - Solliees ea fic Health of oe qitte one will gs Euuaad es = vie same row bere sion ou naire ee : It’s no exaggeration to call this book— “g estroyed in Germany, jestroy>}and that he will thrive and be happy | Ma "1 3 or inflames, your druggis 1: ed in neutral countries or near, the|and good-natured. The Tablets are|In Flanders’ Piadee Where posties| hialt aay fraehe el bs kia te “What the Farmer can do with Concrete front, 5; destroyed in oe by the | sold by medicine dealers or by mail grow. get a little bottle for you from his Aone ae apne averted money by ors gee pepe rae ven nery, farmaes: whe British Navy, or on their home |at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Wil- : ch lights us the Way | Wboles#le house. ~ reads it and who acts on the advice and instructions it contai a frcin Holads 18: tothiecwrdeatovedvat| lauie” Medicias Co. Brockville, Onee kee eon tees eh ey US See fave money ?. Simply by telling how to build farm improvement of Concrete, 3 : 3 sea, 2; out of use, 5; in use as train- » ies aan i a eaateat ae 3 ir The farmer nowadays realizes that he is under a proof and sanitary, ing’ schools, 4; in use chiefly in the oe ERAS ed ee ee eee terrible handicap in hie eforts to make money, if he "In our 100-page book, there are directions which North Sea, 9; total, 50. Her Knitting Bag. Spree : is by dipping cohol has to be constantly scone. profits in repairs. e. Only enable the farmer to construct all sorts of improve- leppie Bieri ane Mees: rubbing slightly. by using Concrete can he have buildings that donot ments of Concrete, in odd Misues-—with the help of Considering the millions of pounds | shi in th ber lampligh’ os i pear in Hs ean hes aut, No need .to . tailforvepeirs and painting. Only with Concrete his man, fot thie remarkabl spent and the unlimited hopes built) In an old-fashioned rocking chair; Minard’s Liniment Cures Garget in Cows toch balling material can he have his farm fi @ coupon the ‘sul bjecta upon these monsters, we may regard! On AS Mee look of rare sweetness | Rest ait the dead Sener oof, watertight, repair proot sib atic are of te Interest to you! the result as one of the most. con- the ‘white of her soft, silky | Thy work has been well done, Tactful. prook races if sabttae € ‘ spicuous fiascos in the cs of in- ie The Tesutes bloom Uere thy face, “She gave me a tie for m: birth- By building Roads of Concrete reduce t a dustrial and military. science. ‘And long as memory lasts day!” nf wos Gl Sciam the tame i Tnreate te duce the I Sitrify what. you. went _ Information about, —_—__—__ And her. neediés gleamed in the fire-| We shall not lose the es “How did you accept i FLOORS DAIRY HOUSES “Th wells f the di nds Permanent High~ 2,000 MILES THROUGH ICE. light That marks thy bier “I told her that is ‘psy should Blo feiltes ‘out farmers: need ‘for the SONCRETE BLOCKS © or her fingers rapidly. flew, —Anon. | be for, my eyes alon Hite Sh cemesen track, Bulle ead Aas eS po ao eee Stars Were the Only Guide to Ice-en-| While her ball of yarn slowiy twisted econ we only autface that relate the : a eeeirg : circled “Endurance.” In its bag of wondrous Mansonyille, June 27,.'13. ‘wear and tear of modera trafic Cone ROOT CELLAR: P : _. |Minard’s Liniment Co.,-Limited. URINE ¢ Granulated nes are, Sang ‘as it te for successful TROUGHS AND TANKS ; 3 Alt) push Sik Ernest aetna There was tan like his suit of khaki, Bae pare Recs: S ee 20M Ee <4 ship, ndurance,, made nd blue a8 bright as his eye, cake aul Canora aa Felleved by Murine, Try itin Cy ie Gemeente a Sas . voyage ‘of. 2,000 miles through. ofa And green as fresh as the parting pssre SE rink elas adtving ri ea veneer Ete - _ ‘ | . : ige-tnshe.W edd Bema acim su wore) | Toul Rone Nee gen YY know that after using 36 fy Me fone Dreapit's or by Tho Canada Coment Company Limited, 309 Herald Bldg., Montreal ts vat a never ceased, After three days’ gale|m.e was o j ak sa ¢ i ft Z \ ye Remedy nay tiepor odie Marine . ifaaean-fald fast the | There was crimson as deep as his) bates of your Liniment on a case 1 ee afiga ees he ow as py ¥ e ship was held fast, en she courage, ralysis which my father was afflict- Suk Murine Kye Remedy Co. drifted slowly on the ice to the north- = \ e Ward, * Finally obes ial ta be shane oe hee Ring con wes, See: doned. d With shades of gold intermingled ‘ The English Cae has an aver- s°Work of the scientific instruments,| Like the lights in his eurly hair. age depth of 110 feet. said ies it J. M. Wordie, who had | 0 mother, so silently knitting Sincere a Ns 7 ‘3 nee ry yours, Mi "s Gini nt Cure Diphtheria. } charge of the océanographie work, wt} With your yarn of ashen gray, | GEO. H. HOLMES, pielsgac ne teat i the Royal Geographical Society, was |The thoughts through your mind) a- Pickles are never good unless they | . r flitting ‘ A bwan pat is a very. good supstt | are Put ufo with the best cider’ vine- | $ : Match fhe voseate hues of day. | tute tha-skenenntwe erole, | 88 | : When the ship was abundoned amid | Por you, too, the blue of the loyal, ‘3 ed cuts of meat browned, SOn- Bae is the pack ice, said Lieutenant Wordie,| The.ved of the heroes bold, d and cooked in'a bean pot, in the BSORBINES ‘ ithe crew took to the boats, but it was | Thewhite of saints tried by fire on With & little hot-water acide are TRADE WARK RE ae \some months before they ‘ould find a{ And your heart that is purest gold. vender and delicion Reduces Bursal Enlargzments 4 passage through the~ ice, and: it-was Josephine ‘M. Fabricant. ickened, Swollen ues, Tht ntl “April, 1046) thats after Snany MONEY OR Gurbe, Filled ‘Tendons, Sore- | ‘adventures, they were able to land on | Muerds Ziniment ¢ os 8 Colds, Ete. @ Boni iiten: apres ene ness from Brui ee eee Five dollai s three cents. ‘stops Spavin Lameness, allays pain. (Elephant Islan ‘What's your ui 3 " i Does not blister, remove the hair or Lieutenant Word spoke of two} up, 3. Rat sie fep e There Gah aio voleancon i y up the horse. $2.00. a bottle . “points of land in the. Weddell Sea | O°RRRS uy jon sie ore are 270 active voleanoes 1) at druggies of delivered. Book 1 M free, Seek bed enum by their Gers} ame2” “I don’t know what “wil the “world, TR, for ea epee ‘man dtscoverers;, “Luttpold = Barrier”? be; Pm not married’ yet.” Minar@’s Liniment Cures Distemper.» | anti sips Bieeue for bruises, cuts, wounds, tind “Wilhelm ‘Bareler.”. He thought! i | strains, painful, swollen veind or glands. It Clover seed prices are going Up; heals and soothes. $1.00 a bottle at drug- ithe ni ght to.be changed. to their | eee | farmers jntending to do full justice | gists ox postpaid, Will tell you more if you (English equivalents, “Leopold” and} RUOURCEIOM | co their land in’ seeding down’ with write. {“William”” Barriers, but the Admiralty ete Spring sown grain should make sure W, F. YOUNG, °. 0. F, bale Beye Dina Gan. J ‘insisted upon the first names being re- ¢ 1 of a supply of ee and red clover | _@bserbine and Absorbine, drs, are mad nadie 1 Haine So get OAS Oe Soon as possi | ISSUE No. 8-18. ee \ 3 “; i } ; : ; ¢ C é 3 {