MILVERTON SU OUTSIDE CANADA _ ae Advance Only) Britain . ++ $1.50 Gittea States 2.00. ee seeeere sa other war ‘fronts Sects SEBO john * W.M.S, t at the h of Mes James _ — on * aden Spars a sel enna in eee ‘ite eae ata r spen col ofimon onthe ae Mr. ‘oeaite C: ‘Klock Sse mottat, at left on. V Wednesday aa rend peices rl Is = of Brussels, vis- a eweednineet and Mrs irs. A. Ross spent ‘Thurs- Milverton. eo ons. 7 neighbors met at the ome of Mr. Andrew Harvey ‘on ue to pas d on. a ae fed ietors 5 Varinice. auctioneer Listowel, farm land ments. dhe follows: land will also Piss offere : S|the East of ] | 0 acres ee lot 2, in all 0 acres; ‘al : cleared, This ay evening to s} a dainty rt the illn ir. Roy ie is ie ie honie witl YOU CAN SUCCkEv : CENTRAL Sere shal ed Anes is vous opportunity upon us for} J. ELLIOTT, President. At MeLACHEAN, Principal ae TEST 0 ‘He Looks Into the Eye’ METHOD, {t is almost Tmpossible to make an error, ry. DORKING eee for last week. Mr. and family sp spent § eeatee at the hom x ° ot a and M Me ary, Moser spent Sunday W with hee ‘gousin, Mise Bertha M rs fae GRANULATED SUGAR FAMINE IN MONTREAL ‘ontreal is in the Bri of a grai information gg con: ed en attack of pleur-| W. D. inst sell by public auction on Lot. 6, 2, Mornit je jand speeder ‘ack, =lealal furnace and a off 27 pigs and poul Extensive Sued Auction Sale STOCK aan impLeMteNTs Weir m_have eecred structions rae tee Sheldon Orr Gi ington, 1 mile south of Mil- IDAY, MARCH 8th, ome pig, 27 pigs Sig young pigs, 2 geese gander, 50 hen: EEy hay loader, mower, 2 culivatrs 'rost & ‘ood’ 15-hoed dis. Il, “mantre , set ha: ae: a plows, set of ‘ighs with platform and stock r: nit, wet Seales, Souentae saw wagon, root pie ae agri- pe ticles all of which Silt be sold as asproodehax tins aclithe 6 pes to commence at 12.30 sharp. discount of 6 per ¢ for cash on aoe over W. D. Weir & Son, Auctioneers. Sheldon L. Orr, Proprietor. (i a) WM. K. the money in advance, Furs, Ladies’ and Children’s. Cait and Men's Overcoats — WE MUST HAVE THE ROOM FOR SPRING ‘Goons. Anything in these lines is good br uying now, Call in and see what we can do for yo even if you have si put out ish to ks it be high in a few tori supply NOW. SPRING BUYING : plain that Cottons of all kinds are going to monthsand would advise putting in your SPECIALS FOR SATURDAY to be settled in the Ban! E LL ACCOUNTS or SETTLED BY MARCH 10th, will have rd LOTH, Milverton some of the “yellow No. 1 sugar.’ The scarcity of granulated was dis- cussed among th also many other parts was “that they cannot move the erp in Cuba. Atlantic Sugar Refineries advanc- ed sugar 25¢ per hundred this week. Notice to Creditors In the matter of the estate of Robert Henry, late of the Village of Mil- verton, in the County ‘of Perth, gentleman, deceased. Notice is hereby given pursuant to the Revised Stat Chap. baa pevanie claims against tl 1 Mien Cured, Cross Eyes in many cases straightened when glasses are fitted by this Anildven' sey advanced sysu Accurately examined without asking questions, SATISFACTION GUARANTEED! P. H. BASTENDORFF <n a aie eared MILVERTON, ONTARIO Farms for Sale va to the executors or ood 100 acre farm (s ar) sit- nated about half a mile from Milver- 4-4 Up-to-date buildings, well drain, a ing to nd house. apply = he to James Semple, Milve DR. F. J. R. FORSTER Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat HEE EEE WEI We Use Only Genuine and Reliable Cloths in Making Suits and Overcoats ‘e have a stock of pine Gs ‘dality = the and rates goo Also the best Tri ming on the market. In addition oe pats other goods to choose fi Order now and be assured of the BEST. 2, PLEISORMAUER 's Garage. | 4, MILVERTON. NEES ae Synopsis of Canadian Northwest Land Regulations E sole head ofa family, or any male years old, who was at the eom- District. Pro on certaia. “conditions, upon and Tioitteation of land in ech ‘Ott Boe ars, tain, sisine a homesteader may se- i (quarter-section ae pre. Be ee ee after sttttvate 50 Graduate in medicine, University of Toronto. Late assistant New York Ophthal- mic and Aural Ingtitute, Mooreficld’s Bye and Golden Square Throat Hs pitals, Lindon, 12 a. m.s daily. E Set wwodnenios eet GAtiCiny wlysvr by oyyetnorent (Phi 67.) 53 Waterloo ce es STRATFORD. Pa ches! adarenses ne full p: to their coliditon their christian and and descriptions cules Os me ip statement ot atioie ae an she cne ure of the securities, if ae ae ld by at the ion, at Milverton; 4th day ot Catharine Henry, Executrix. P, Henry and Chas. A. rett, Executo Bar- H, B. Morphy, K.C., Solicitor. J.G. JONES EXPERT WATCHMAKER Linwood, on Mon., March 11 For an unlimited time for the purpose of irs may be a capable timekeep- Will repair the worst wr clock, an do it reasonable. ‘ople beat ae surrounding coun- ‘i amoun' work you bring in. J. G. JONES Expert Watchmaker GRAND TRUNK S4stem Between MONTREAL, TORONTO DETROIT and CHICAGO Repairing Watches and Clocks ie Y T and Optician. on THE DOUBLE TRACK ROUTE ick Ww. Notice to Creditors 01 In a Pei of ee estate of William the Township of Moneta in the County of Perth Scere dasasse. lee fotice is hereby given pursuant to R.S.0. ed_on or before the 1st day of Apri A.D., 1918, to send by post, prepaid or deliver to the unde: pened S Marion “Goettin A I namie; visited friends. iar Milverton: MILLBANK Miss Mary Mulcahy spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. David Mulcahy at Richens Mr. and Mr.s Chas. Donley, of New ton, epee ea lay at Mr. Thomas » |Hawthorn’ Mrs. Grieve spent the past Tak ‘with Mra. dake Campbell, Strat- ‘ord. F, Pierce and A. Maynar t attended ‘the Kitchener-Toronto hock- ey mate es at Kitchener on Friday ev- and Mrs, Geo| Coghlin, Miss ind Mr. and Mrs. C. Yogan spent Sunday with friends ats Ais B. Crookshanks, who has apenel @ vast_year with friends at ne len, ae Oo an re same to her hole here e vv. W. Moffat and Mr. R. B. aes were visitors at Toronto fast week, Mr, and Crosstilts: opp Saturday with ‘Mr. ‘aster on_ Saturday. Mrs. Brown and Master Arthur, and Miss F. ye visited friends in Elmira over gin Messrs. ie Methodist League will be held home of Mis: jeep on Fri- March 8th, at op nox church will hold ete service in the church next Sunday instead of ment. Evening services Tan- m friends in Milv Mr. Leslie Hymer 8, jon. made a business trip to Millbank one anz, of Linwood, vis- s Edith Smith, erly Eliza Smith and a grown-up fam. suryive e was over 70 years of ag Miss. Ethel Livingston, of Baden, Mr, arid Mrs. Wilfrid S 01 d ii Mrs. Daniel McCrae, of Sere ichiciloa anippedl Lane a number of horses to the West last] w Mis is waiting vheded the parental 1 roof, ") Mr. Ri CROSSHILL Mr. George Rennie, of Listowel, spent the week-end with his friend, Me, T. Wilford. ‘Rowland i is visiting at Roy the |! mate of her protek, Mr. Fred Antic- nap, near a x sTrbabler, of Wel- rs. Wm. Barbour spent rs. L. Reais ae “Ke fa ow wear- the King’s uniform. Messrs. Peter Lather and James L. Ha anes have been laid up during past week with an attack of lum- base Pee The. Hastings family, who been life-long nt ir midst, but all wish them suecess in their new hom Andrew Bast, of ‘Kingwood, s taken possession of the Hastings’ nes ea Mr. John Richardson has moved his amily end effects to his no’ Real "estate is still pchang ing hands in this vicinit s purchased the ‘ohn Hooey, west of Crosshill, WARTBURG Kruspe recently dispos- bled oe a Vine horse to Mr, John Knech- tel, Rostock. Miss Bella Detrich, of penttas, * he spending a few days at her hom Me. Samuel Henry, of Stratford, ;|spent_a few days with his son, Mr Roy Henry. ss Dora Denstedt, of Stratford, ong BES al scondack eae ‘Anctionsecs” uc~ x Mr. Henry, “Chisner cessful sale on Wednesda; Fes jis sending & nike rh | Mr. David Tne farm near 91, ROSTOCK rs. Ed. Schmidt, Simon Knech- tae ane Edwin Knechtel took in a carnival at Milverton on Saturda: s Marie and Caroline Wi fel Ider te oe from Stratfo: Pbk s White, of Walton, is visting ance in and around Ros- OE muel Ohm, of Sealer alse er father iS ndrew. Zulsut left.on Satur- dey for New burg. Miss Clara Beeert of Stratford, spent Sunday at her home rs. Herman Ellison were sunday ane at oe f Mr, and Frieda Yundty of Stratford, is at resent visiting at ome here. Miss Geraldine Schenck 4 zs if abending reeks with nen , Mr. “i Mrs. Charles Schen Revival services are oane held in the Evangelical church here. Miss Sarah Schmidt, of Stra itford, spent the week-end at her home near fri Rostoe! DONEGAL _ Miss Edna Gray, of Aveta the week-end with her friend, ce a “pine e annual meeting of the Done gal Wo Women _ Patriotic aeeagus e will be — ome of Mrs. John Cow- on "Thus, March 7th, at two ’clock. Everyone is cordially invit-- Miss Jenniet t Sunday as: ‘iss J jay spent un the guest of, her frien nd, Miss Florence. Coser a W.S. gee ane left to vis- it with friends in Toro ir. Steve Rist ian) ee Monday of “st eck with other ee ere, etal frients ee stants. Mr. and Mrs. eee d ie spent avy with Monkton frie . Struthers spent sunday with friends ‘on the 10th Con. and Mrs. W. 8 “Cockwell, of shee othe Con., 5 ent Priday with: istows Janet MeLellan is visiting” The following shows the standing of pupils of S.S. No. 9, Ellice, for the month of February: |; Sr. 00—F. Baumbach) FB. Debus 57, J. MeDonnell 37. | —M. Dahmer 52, H. Mauer 4 48, i Drier BL art, Wicke 94, ee ae J. Debug 60, J. Fo F. Crowley 45, F. EU rawr 22 MeDon- nell 278, “Martha Wick Henry; e enry Buuck 138,| “lol in Druar Carl Weitzel N04, gare Schneider* jhors 1st Class—Os ruar 2: pees Ida} 4, | Mr. friends here. Miss Lurene Barr spent Thursday” — in Stratfo Mr. fore Wilson, of Walkerville, spent the week-end’ with his family W. Buchanan and wba ae Fc a few days ‘ys in z Eee: nt roads ilve ee .W, Club and their broth. ers were jentertained at the one, of ‘iss Marie Crawford on Monday Mr. rr spent with friends in Toronto and Newmar- Wm. Neilson left for Oyen, Alta., on Saturday with a carload of or er sea here attended ae luties as: Sam Loney is serving on the jury ab Stratford this week. in and Louise, Suter, « of ey gpent Sunday with Mr. ir | Simi atland the nature of the security, if any {hele by, them take notice that after, such last “mentioned date Women’s Institute will ‘bold their erie meeting at. the hom rs. cFaddin on uchdeys ire 5 be used for buying comforts for the soldiers. Scott, of Elma, spent id jan evening with Millbank friends. 19 m Schneider, in Jacobs, Executors. D..Wein arent tov ekechtors: Unexcelled Dining Car Servi In Sleeping carson night trains and parlor cars on principal day tale. Notice to Creditors the matter of the estate of Abner Westman, late of the Township of Morninj faomien decsneed: in the County of Perth |; POOLE tts, Jas. Chalmers and family and companied by Miss Rene 0 tay with Mrs, Chalm Mrs. A. F. Clark left on day morni trip to De- troit, Chicago and California, They intend staying two months. rs. Davis, of Port Huron, is visit- t, Mrs. Connell. Dewee spent a day last week n, Mr. D. A. Dewar, King- oe se you. DRY GOODS Black Denim per yard. Rock-fast Drill’ per ae bets Men’s Stripe Overalls per ae be: HARNESS Ask us shone . TEAM OR SINGLE HARNESS for Our Grocery, i ments are also well stocked with goods bought before recent advances age we share the profits with COME IN AND LOOK US OVER. ees et . $1.40 to Sus re ‘Ib. Quaker’ G orn Flake: Ogilvie’: ear ee, Pant Rolled Oats per ag Ibs., atte Rio Roasted Coffee (choi 7 We Hardware and Harness Depart- GROCERIES $5. 13 past rs se acres ext: Sobeath pre-emption pat tent Spri these made to your he and guar- fe soon a homestead patent on certain pring. xy gui antee rire ‘at a Great Savin, ma ‘Sap Pails each, ... Curry Combs 0 30 cents | SAP, Spouts each. Team Collars, ore top, eather or “doth” “fae. i Milk a sited a, wi ti hereb; ant to jotice is hereby given ae ened 320: cents i id 3 cents s Jean and Mag; : S88 cents: 122.00 ie cies Ticket Agent, or C, E. Horning Sp spent fe days last week vi “tin, veavh.. $3.00 pe Aust reclle cis mantis |District Passenger Agent, Toronto, |a, il Stoves with oven ih of three years, culti ‘ate 60 acres and | Ont, erect 4 house worth § Z ente H. C. BAIRD, ’Phone 1, Local Agent pores ing oat conditions, posted for entry. ret Miss Munroe, our teacher, spent the “holiday at her home in Fordwich. —- for last week.) k Gropp has re-opened the blacksmith shop. many friends him Bene eee A. mers has disposed eee Robertson, of Chalmers and. family, accompan d by. Nurse Keating, are | leaving ee their pone in Virden, Man a Wedne: plessane of ipper Bens Galore at......... Ola es on Axes, Spades, Sahoveles Forks, lon Lands are advertised or x ay arnrea sa — Pure. ae e ned soldiers who have COMMERCIAL dl oweraeas. ad have. Been honourabiy Whoa. rer bash. : ey = ~~ er bushel Baas ‘ot eibeat ede Pe mee. th Gubaot |B Pe isch pee must Be sented pe We keep a full line 0 Fittings—and 0 1S lets, Pads and ‘Harn Was! our pate is Right. Fok Reece have GRAMOPHONES! GRAMOPHONES! We purpose een this line ea will sell AT LESS THAN eat PRICES. Regular $105.00 Machin ‘5,00 ewer #50 e Tow price excepting Motor Springs. aes is see chance i el claims, a statement OF ‘their accounts 0 {and the nature of the security, if any 5 83 $ HS held by ‘And 4 alle notice Bs Mlaieee ars Interior Pea i withorized pul War Flour, spring, cwt. gts ‘ies, War Flour, blended ewt, War isa Bsc cwt, tt after such ‘These machines are fully ee aaranteed for three to get a strictly high-class Machine at a very lo as sets of the sai a epee entitled thereto, having re; ly to the claims of which they cial have notice and that thi AUCTION FON SALES It will pay you iy you to advertise ‘our auction sales in ‘the Sun foumtiyeids. 90m have, Bettas m em tha hen : a The aaa ‘and get epee se place at the Mr. ants lark, “Honeygrove ei Me net “the onde of Zion congregation ee irs. Clark with a een si Rants, Aol Cabinet as a token of esteem ap: 4 | tice shall not have been received by|preciation for her services as Oren: i ¢ time of such distribution. ist Dated at ee this 5th day of cn Mareh, A sarah Westman, Executrix. Be; jamin Westman, Executor. eir, i RESNE for executors, nd WE APPRECIATE YOUR PATRONAGE AND WILL LOOK AFTER OLD AS WELL AS NEW CUSTOMERS IN THE SAME COURTEOUS WAY. H. L. Albrecht, Ne Newton, Ont., March oth, 1918. id scare a = iy pa 10 | pers 30 18 wi2 44 ‘Miss Jennie Chalmers and | brother t corse, left for Poronto to spend some ti eit” aul iss Chalmers, prion ‘e "evi ing re their ; \ home in Oyen, A