CANADIANS RAID ENEMY TRENCHES ‘AND INFLICT CONSIDERAB Guns. Capearas Trench ;Mortars Des- y, the offici Bate British T headquarters in ae say! nm attack Wednesday me cote small. my’s trenche Suk east] rade "accom w m: ae to raiding 1 part meas returned ee bain ee ‘Wooden Huts on Wheels— ARM LABOR NOT CONSCRIPTED s, to th But Inventory “of Man-Power of bers of about slate and_ thirty, sitti Canal the: Government ees out an a Ta ote when Fe ies ico Vorsheba and was blown up with a high explosive. ed ta ha reached in ven to the coosestecien oy, the | FROM SUNSET ‘COAST ‘ATTITUDE 0 OF RUSSIA UNCERTAIN: aaa A Ae Re NTRAL? ARE DOING. 2os7 i Peace Between Russia and d Central Powers By No Means ‘Amand Progress of the Great West Told Prospect of Future Conflict. a Few Pointed LF Cay Pavapraphes A despatch from London says: “It)man Foreign etter: Count t Cuer= is impossible to say whether Russia is|nin, th uustro-Hungarian Foreign er, 4 Foreign Minister, were par- f ticularly stormy and ended in a vio- wal progress. ee prec anee een oe Thars-|jent- rupture, which bore all the aasae ames Johnstone, of Nelson, one of ae of a future conflict. The Munich, Bavaria) correspond-|" “That is why the conference at Gor- ' ent of the Zurich Neye Augsburg Zei-|man main hea ee eB ung; says he learns that the discus- | the eventuality of very energetic mili- modern plant for the canning got pions. a Brest-Litovsk last Sunday | ry Measures ‘against the Russians,” Sante neat being opened at tween Dr. von Kuehimann, the Ger | says th the correspondent. quot with the opening of the 118 | "ale eet. we vn prom ‘he Middle West| 6,000,000 TONNAGE Home ig was mene. BETWEEN ONTARIO AND shee _ LOST IN 1917 Noth, pualarehios Bs Bsr Destruction Was Three Times Vancouver ree Greater Than Production b; i Se et atti | Items From Provinces Where Many = ‘ on, tain ee e ~ Britain and United States, Ontario Boys ond Girls Are f ‘A despatch from Washington, Dee 3 Living. ; unk by The Winnipeg Sepell te approp! rines in 1917 was nearly three ae to Mae returned to a great civic re-| ated $68,600 for hospit as great as the total of production in aon atala ee ; ae Winnipeg, | the United States and Great Britain ighth annual oultey ies ‘war the Mili during Hey 7 Hy ae as ¢hairman of the Vane School ae ‘Thi Oss. mate ae Weta aE ed. t ASS i This wa by the annonnee- as Ene Law, Chancel- H. e i of Best of the Medicine Hat Board of | House of Commons, that Gr duced ie Lage,ard tong of ship- ae 000 school See oe Winn ping last utput in the garden | United State ; ee ath 28 rae fale "ing a total Combined t 064,607, wil sinkings by eimai Ve last year generally are acon ak Z SO : 3 las-| RN. NW. 600500 What the British Found on Way to cae ka, ‘ ker has been elected presi-| While complete estine they found that e tie oleae dent of ‘tne Moose Jaw branch of the Lab Pe As the British advanced in Pal been destroyed. Since such an autrage is forbidden by the mene ce Pears he ousiiox Turks, the, Srccumptien aa tat th Ganon: Se SS u h it right, for 40 years wh was destroyed by the Germans who were with the Thirty-five million feet of Brith | nn fo Manz, 10 yea Ben ae | the United States. Pa jumber were used in thé/ty76 had been mayor, custom collector qubsnagih sinkings more than doubled Oats—No. 2 C.W., 888c; No. 3 CW. oeehtas ors: A i itles. onnage produced. Markets of the World as Se eee Gus heals ications have a goth ‘American an yh offi- No.2 feed, 788 spare a 3 ‘plied to various eastern industries vee etvad oe a 1.60; Ne CW. al rejecte seth Seto. Bh last year. e Winnipeg office of the Gr Unit | anor tant ein pt Baie War Veterans! Associatio Toronto, Feb. oba | W] : ne It is reported that the Saitorane of, H ‘ a-Northern eit SO eat $2.10) ‘Wnlies Staton Mackete. ate thes the Malt ary “serve ‘Act has mgt ‘Port. William, Tneludin Minneapolis, eb, .19—Cor ee e for areesne ny increased the work of the Royal antl pret otha a 2 sic . put 6 $1.71 Sats— Lae: z pulp. PL rth-west Mounted “Police. d this Summ No. 1 teed, $80 Alupta noe ty soe. “Flour— monaned: ri Henders, M.P., has again) iy ee believes that eff in store ort Wane - (results will be obtained in the Sumner! —gag9 to [ish Columbia ha oa $3|that the shipbuilding and mini been clested preniocny 5% 8 tt ase 93 to 94 ording ae nominal, ried, wi i paset vi __ Sf e c s res ee rarely ‘fails a up some writhing | No cues “an to 886, ae ond all former ec ee av ices of the Great} COMMUNAL BITCHES: 26 ea ia from Regina, Sask. reapeents Pees ug amnoudt of Fell bore get ih y per cent. increase on! ove, the holes The ar sf 9 a under Summer fallow Brepared ae is <hoven the hut is wheeled to he Buckingham. Palace and Kensington ie Deminions fighting arent, Palac in gut a Ganada is entering ‘pom tdon residence 89 ie late Queen Victoria and Queen ry weré both born in Kensington A ve ee foo om London says: ‘The te ion ata kd zent Dy j nonce “that from the outbreak of the ‘Thai c 000 for ponte to serpin, 0 a tions 30 779,000,000 additional. oe Iyereed 5 ‘om om, Washington, D. ic partion of Belgians by the ara ay rotesti 0, f Lo: sats ee cetite 46 thesallion eo ss 734, 100, faniees aa pie there | winnlnes Grain 000. seed ak on are Svork on the western front. Live Beat Markets __., | Saskatchewan 4 ot patlation will be D1 : Regiment |svertered in eM noury Substantial Dinners Served at Low the 2 sige | (British, Columbia Horse), Victoria, is |) Ra ares, Cost to Working People in Britain, od, $10. 2S ¢ $10. ae * . i nediuim tote oe Pee : ie : were| Communal kitchen experiments have Captain in. one | pr in the greater bees returne according to a report re number of ga: het "50; $9.50 to $10; do. na meaium ba is, fi r quality, gS fred B. Clark, 0 ae oheen administrator | have been sonnei, we ane re- o er y avi Velson | fs tral, Somat “shioment : ae sd choice, “By a vote of : Sey in Manitoba, ip the Sie ot ‘At edi neh Fuerte as a com. an “ined. $88 {3 | electors have: decided. to return to they we Jones, head of the teach- beef, 9 Wednesday half-1 ae Saturday af- eis , a pot rl Rel bought the roast bee! = a ; io end other solid dishes, but : yeal e number of pupils nro! in Sie not bi uy the stew: and nylinimbe, 18 ie ais. dt ack tor Sa ae ae to noRS. tt Tur iiuan eaoaie sinieas heb 20 ci Public Schools i B.Ed Nour anes ab mee dese ware ected so w of para, i ton, $8.50 to $% oie es 5 Pies 1917 was more than 800,000,000 wan nll ge ese cere e ae he:eommunsl, (kitchen “to-day. 2 eet. bags. in $3 8 ss, per: ogee . ew ‘i e, pen tong $48 to bate ee | *aheep. e ei ‘se to ernoon ving prove Suara Ie C oes ay— jot Toronto. ciation day nursery dur- [booms ing 1917. 0 During the past year 67,000 tons of |" $6.60} freight have b heed exported from the aruy medical neers VALS lis, $9 to| tablished in Edmonton to relieve thew to 37 $825 to $s medium port 0! gens ae by ee of the i Soesh gathered ose, 60 to 1 $19 sane ae O88; | Country Produce—Wholesale mery. solids, per 1b. p, 46 to 4630; ged poultr: to abe; ducks 38 to t 30c. Whole ters fare “paying {0 © anippers: ha <HG. SCE INKNOWN. Ronde pants, $2. 2.25 | SUGAR ONCE WAS UNKNOWN. wares, am 4 Monae Tah AFETY LAMPS FOR MINERS. Si Lovehesdand i1| And the oie World Got Along yell Without It. This war is bringing to our atten: | tion the value and mi portarce of man. tol $ tin Replace the Dangerous Open-F' Teme |commissions i NR AnS comes on the representafixes voting Oil Lamps. saan Army Medical Bite daily necessities heretofore re; arded| oe Bri as Se ae siece a eee gre 000 : svete a |r and the cost of the meals ac tons, 0 ta 6 mm have been thrown almost over [employed in the United Sinton ae |resolution was passed declaring: it} su apes averages span 12 cents for t oS eves {Pennsylvania alone neat ‘avor of a survey of the boys of High ‘a substantial din “stan Who | coal js ee as in the British ees eae eee ae ee Mans ae The poorer cinsies in a iad ie : { - ete) thanks largely to iesator ss he ave a prejudice against the philan- Sucks, Spring. 2 to. 8 2 : a Si relly |say the Philadelphia Le But we|help_ seed. and harvest this vents thropie idea of soup kitchens and: this tant _ pat lait twiee as many =A aie s had to be broken susan) by seser Seg he Hammer maith idtchen is one of ‘ at accidents as mee! rom such} e best managed in the country, | It! laa nok always have. sueae he world eauses in Great Britain, | RETURNED SOLDIERS osgerve as a model for the coming One reason for ae FOR CANADIAN FARMS. touene ical day’s menu is a pic bi nd picked, Bur- {along well without it just as it did tality iy been the p Japan, $8 to ‘ithout by Se rior to the disco: 2 ee inte |the ae dauertll tant which A ee ont Oba Ae Lentil soup... ++. . 20. j Sugar, in chemist, is ie ie e| able to gents explosive is Hs Aah pas ad ee Veal and ham pie .. + be, wine abit . ause it is light and may e faatened [© Pee i da will con-| Pease pudding pee Provisions—Wholesale i Tas ee . eat to: the idee 3 lamp, men ere a to | tribu aie ‘share to increased pro- \ Ginger ppudding ate Wier eaoued. 44 i [taste ‘but free from glucosides the “safety lamp” ‘invented by Sir| duction during the coming Summer. A| The people at ‘Harmecaraith pall ipreaktast. bacon, | Hamphrey Davy, which is more cam: teanebor Rake Soca a Consist sib tinhes. on tbs Ee Dill of fare,| Na to fac; bone : eahenae ana cnet 0 wey in. the | Port several days ago a the [aan nie ined 3 must be carried in the | ge party of yee ae are easly Pins @lear bacon, 28 to) Faby onday’ uh and prices ate both sufficient for the ‘i i | ; as Mar bncel farme ct iddle the eighteenth etric ane (with « orage pat- ae arena act tubs, 29 I ‘at the sugars yield-| tery) was long ai nized as pro- elong to. Western Canada. pec of the purchasers and within a mmpound, tle Ito. seed tes Sra pean arth e solatign a the eae ite Other large batches of returned farm- reach of thai pest ite : i ers are expected to arrive later-o ORES ree were identical with the sugar “ok a contrivance has not { Montreal Markets ‘The sugar obtained from as | been pe Salone It pie dare pean ae cle « | 19-—=Oate-— Canadian by Lowitz and pe gerous, pb was broken. the pa e & r ab: | ea di parts i ecided oeihees specie: parine ae nt w iy to ignite the fo:Save on Shortening. che soe pudding | e sugar, grape sugar and. fr ause an explos' Th ess a pure vegetable | The Tuesday bill is a feat in See soe j pee hare ever, the difficult y has_ shorten in resins, ening yee? reba vith carutee } Sugar was only yaguely-known to been overcome by. ae the mine-| other taredients the same, Deal 20, e\a ye gui $14.60 10 | a Gredks and Romans, Tt was aes amp outfit with a device that in-| remember that the veretable “thorten | Steals and aay baie i Z \s ‘otdehe Finest vente i ced into Europe during the time of tantly extinguishes the nameot if hing goes further than butter or ordin- | hans ‘. | do. t 2lic. e Crusades. Its use gradually ae the bulb is broken. With bulb ary lard. When the recipe calls for a} neh feccan: ay meh BO, that ft has. be-| (backed by a véflector) worn on the! tablespoon of butter use | OF Naot a necessary part of daily ane {front of the cap, wi a light storage three-quarters of a tablespoon of to $ ence. Not until thie vr ao hhave ihe peo.| battery: strapped to the miner’s back, | vegetable shortening. In substitut- | ple awakened to the fact what, it he is pr ovided with a oe ‘iliant white pe oleomargarine for butter use one- | Ham “means to be deprived of it \light, safe and convenient arth less oleomargarine. | tion. c | Winnipes ash prlges = i The Doings of the Dufts. more, got them. Ay deal of the labor is voluntary. ERY = in in Dipn't You RY To MAKE Me SeLieve | (<a) G wi iu vee DS EVENIH i jsuperintend the “preparation of the IAS THE NAME OF. OFA y als. a DUFF ANSY @ | fo iH EXCUSE ‘To. GET our? ‘ ily to w over RY Soevon Fee ¢ DON ail i 700, while there are nino distributing, ze, Sh " | stations linked to the central kitchen, + No is esti [EARN int ‘ woRM “XO S) suv! . : peepee and, takings: will balan~ f f at 13 stow* a ‘Wimbledon is mat a CO oper: ative raceiely to be financed hy tts Bre Wheat Corisumption in: Canada uses more ries be rer sab than any other country in Human Sone ot what in in th Dominion should is a Hf HH | ‘poh eae capita Sa um, neue ‘ has been using wheat ‘a a the rate ics about 9 bushels per capita each ¥ Pere oon