‘iol a 5 cecal on page cence case ‘or making fals: ent, or both, is provided. use the same Form. seearen f Ci signs id Pee Faparersly fon pabe 4, Partoerahl at soa Fon ere ge aeons individuals Corporations and Joint Stock normal tax income Trustees, Executo! af the roe acograingre Eroloyers sr ne Frm Fe ge see sats too over ee _ Ate now available a S etishe must be filed on or before 31st March (HE Dominion cee War Tax Act requires you to fill in one or more of Bist March, 1918. - of the: format Read carefully es ee three copies of the ¥ fill them wit Form Ti. y income is how created or enter D other approved War and ‘Aipaes use ust be filled in for each estate. id amounts of salaries, ait exupucyees cur aatig 1917 where such ae a pace ES thesis as mi all leading cent Posta; and to Tnspeclon of Taxation. bic 2 ‘case are to 1917 income—all F Lira a a fine of of $100 for ‘each day of default may be obtained raat the District iy Aeoaiey i meee ‘orms must be be imposed. filled in Form for your ‘ommissioner of Taxation, Dept. ions fully reaps a penalty of 310,000 or ae months ‘ widowers § ther persons whose income is ‘derived from in pages 1, $3000. Use ¢ Fon ee pe pe particulars of Fncome, Jeductions, show tem: inistrators of Estates EER hn ic pi ay seer re tea well as details of amounts remuneration amounted in the rs—On Form TS corporations shall bonuses, and Preeti etna Sinrcholdera residing in Canada during 1911 stating €© wham paid; ance, Ottawa. ee iwnectogs of Taxation and from the Poste Department us cingnte, In order to ition ithout dependent children; dividends, list amounts _ 2 and 3 only. Do not forming the part- nized, shall the or orgal pay u amounts paid to Patriotic Fund Form T3. Full particulars bonuses, commissions and @ statement of all filed by 31st March. For and file the other two tiawa, Canada Inspector of Taxation, George R.Tambling, London, Ont. W. D. WEI bp Sccans FOR SALE! ‘ood bush; R’S LIST OF well drained; land in fine condition. SCHADE vs. BROUGHTON Osgoode Hall, At Toronto, Merk ne an O. Makins, K.C., acte: and R. 8. Robertson for plaintiff. last ed ‘of defendant was ie J. ioe defendant NORTH MORNINGTON. . Morton Lang attend- . Gibson's we Vera Watson and brother, ge Cecil aa spent the week-end ii jistowel. Miss Ida Currie was the guest of Miss ine Nurse, of Millbank, over The London Advertiser and the London Free Press will increase their subscription Brice - four dollars per | year after April 1; iat 1O a HAMPSTEAD and Mrs. Alex. McFarlane and santiy. of Stratford, spent, Thursday with Mr. and Mrs. Ale: lex. McGillawee. The | bockey match in the Wellesley rink on Thursday night between Shakespeare and Hampstead, result- at in eoee for the locals to the tune as: iumber from here attended the lance at Mr. Fred Smith’s on night given, in honor Paser Smith's eine Mr. Percy Coutts, of an. Newdale hompson, of Listowel, vistted with her daughter, Miss s Gladys Tho we a the ae oo! staff. Rev. Gazley has received a pair -16. Canasta 1 ase ode as yet whether he intends accepting it. ter Sage is at resent suf: an attac! Gillespie, of Kitchener, is visiting fy ie sister, Mrs. A. Capling. rom here attended a dance Mr, Ronnie! 's, near New Hamburg, on Friday night. Wm. Mr. Alex. McMillan has returned | Logan. home, after a visit with his son at Harris Miss Leah Honsherger has gone to live with her brother at ‘am- RE are sorry to report that Mrs. Peter McMillan is on the sick list. HEN that In their Fo reais Ae areas bugey fale 4 a Pots not afte drives a horse. A Ford will save you time, oun bee money. for the busy: farmer and = A Ford Car Takes the Place of all These Things you own a Ford you can do away with many articles t are a source of continuous expense to the man who still For instance, not only your driving-horse ai soi but the single harness, orse-shoes, pitch-forks, feed. place See blankets, whip: -bins, ete. te in itself. It is vastly sw eat three m his f THE UNIVERSAL CAR Runabout 2 Groton Tack 3750 F. ,- Dealer, have a speedy, dependable, dignified, roomy erior to the narrow, That travels soslowly. And whena Ford isstanding is a day, and it requires no “looking It is the utility Coo Milverton pee 8, currycombs, 8 | 222 O. B. FORD, ONT. vont ay those Poses chase one of our most promin- s Edna Me Nonghhs of the Gen- a ae ital ronto, is at Br resent Heer je "eathes Mr. John Le. neues Pte. ea Higenell died at Halifax om measles, a lieving a assistant at the C.P.R. ilvert Mrs, 'D. Holler left for Sask., Monday, at Monkton and other points in On- tario. Miss Tillie Broughton, of Monkton, is at present visiting her friend, Miss eae aoe . Thompson returned m Mon day, ry, after spending a Sie ah Biot with his brother, Rev. Union armas at Monkton for Sun- day, March 17th, will be held in the at_11 a.m. an . Thompson a asement of church a’ the Methodist Fates. School i in ata noon at 2.30 ev. : charge the epee a low 28 ae on ee a .. and . A. E. Doan ‘will reeacl at Beth- oThe Methodist Sunday Schools of Monkton circuit sent $15 to the Ar- menian d. eague sevrice this week was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Geo, r, Bettge: Miss Kuhne; of Sebringville, spending a few days with Mrs. W. Armstron is ge. Chaffe, 3rd. concession of rm recently, ’ Goncenia- quietly to hier last resting place age of 8| mers; Sec’y., Rev. A. E. Doan, Rev. son, John McNaught, Miss M. Huggins; Librarian, of sugar to arrive at or RK. station here this week, All parties that have left eens are cee heels to call at car for sam: x & Bet- tger. Mrs. W. H. Hamilton, of Milverton spent a few days in Monkton visiting her daughter, Mrs. John B. Found in hall on Thursday evening ne ways of money, owner may have aay e now the quarters have been gata The» ‘wind and sleet storm of Satur- x ir. Bei mith poe ended "agin Lad Mon: m. Fraser, of Gre: Monday for his home in Gia nther’s bread 11¢ loaf, coffee cakes, jelly rolls, scones, gee n Saturday of each week at Gill's askatche- : GLENALLAN Messrs. Elwood are Lloyd Neuert, of Brantford, an Mrs. Fred Neuert ih a _ Joverseas aurance gpa ped pare gret to report that Mr. John | x [eee Bee 8 oa gage say facto: erb. ute Saturday at es D. Mrs. D, renewed here Se a fess days rr. ae of another caved in the n Holman is at present 3 re- “tho jompson_ will have N n 3 months with ae & Witton, Jr, Book Committee this vieinity left for his home on last. day in Stratton The noon of last Mr. ments 0: by the house 3 ie v SSIS. of Epace a few oe with his daughter, rs. |Mrs. R. Hen: C. E. ett and_son, | = jage ‘Barr rT. bell spent Sorday i in Strat 0: ra trip later, a aces aot a half looked will be very little enthuriaan at the farmer’s end of the dairy business in eason. ry Seehaver has been en- d ee! manage the Trowbridge Mr. m. Freeborn aoe leaving rot Listowel, Hurst’s. ve and son, Frank- for fhe Weet in a day o Taylor, B. Gries un spent a day with friends here last wee WELLESLEY Mr. Walter Neeb, of Sebringville, | old acquaintances around | » last. wee! x Western blizzard passed over t this district last: Saturday night. lace at Tavistock oon, ir. Dan Lebold Ree a puaee vis- Jee report the e person auer, who passed itor to Tavistock a is week we es ry. Joseph Lichty’s auction sale of |, ‘arm stock and ji implements on Thurs- lay_last was well at pened Mr. a es . John Bast, Mr. and ae 10 Erb spent Monday with friends in | Hawkesti School Keport. rhe Rowe. is the eee of S.S. No, for February. - The mags ‘indent pie se fe s 60. ee White 78, G. "Posliff Holmes 61. Ly Pai an Ha aerate Cook 75, H. ios Reibling 82, 8 oo . McLellan 66, iff 35. Fd.—B. Schinidt 75, C, Parkin- Debus 55, J. Davis 40, i r 51, P. Posiliff irst Davis 100, fe Ohm 80, FE: Relbling 60, B. Coxon 5: . ook 72, .. Boslitt 56, aS sande Morley, Teacher In Memoriam. In loving memory of my dearly be: loved friend, William George Me 0 passed away March 15th, STS ey me ae my eyes shall The friend I loved so well Some day, some time our hands shall clasp To never say farewell. I geet him, yes, no tongue can tell, Ww Mo how deeply nor how God Teed him too, and thought it est To take him home with Him to rest. —A Friend. KINGWOOD David Yost returned on Mon- in rafter spending & week with Hame burg fe riends. r. Joel Albrecht, ae sed he vis- friends and relatives oe FERNBANK in rrawford arene Satur- .W. Glub met at the home of Miss Effie Spe on Friday after: r- CG. Kno oblauch, ae ee ee posed of his farm to Mr. J. 8. Re is having a sale of si mn Thursday on “this A patriotic song is Sep held W.W.W. gels in the school ver osoph: Staver left for Toronto wil 2 Saeed of live stock on Satu; last. % TRALEE ‘Grady and genetter: Mrs, Ed. 0” Esther, oe ae Upe spent a few d: with. frie illic Smith arene a few days ve at Lim , “Cha eg and Robert =; ings spent a tow days mci at Palmerston recentl e Dohert; ty, of Cl ‘iss u dena T spending ae short vacation hi her ee Hi ua Jai a anley. ght spent: last week wiht Tra son, ‘Mr. Clark Wright, ns Britton. BRUNNER Mr. Ben Maddess, of Milverto rton, tes Mend Jantzi spent of Wail te Ma and Mrs. Dan. Lich- e a ‘Anderson, formerl; for Neuert, ae sree to. “leave for i ae at London last weel ff, St. Thomas, report ie enry Mr. mrucae wey left for Sovereign, Mr. Herbert Nicklin is at. Beeson s tie with friends : OVER 40 YEARS advai it retroactive from a2 anes. who use roll paper tule the (ey! that a Pace - from that, almost’ | B else: ae a aper has as ‘one it — mall CAGE but in ate, it means a us. Accounts an emai THE SUN, Mitvacton LISTOWEL iss A. E. Edmunds has returned ni from ate Falls. Miss le Climie, of Wroxeter, spent the weekcend with her parents, and M Climie, _dnsestar Frank Euloth, of Strat- was in town 01 Mrs. Y. Donaldson and the Misses. Donaldson, of - Palmerston, ‘Were fie guests of Mrs. A, Climie on| Satur: Mr. Dean of the hes of Hamilton earl eget been rel jeus ri ae at the home wy ray on Friday e hstoen an of erstor i ving her cousin, Miss Ellis, Wal ce fe Alfred Guenther, of London, spent the week-end with his brother, Mr. Julius Guenther, who has bee somewhat depressed through illness. HESSON Mr. don, ‘and Mr, and Pei _ |te a day last week Alex. Moser spent a day last week Lae Mr. J fortune to lose a valual Werster and sister, Kath- uert, of Sane don Mn ane Mrs. M. miler rae to He departure ie versa isley and family and Sask., on T School Report. noe cole wine: is the report of S.S, e for tl rr. lie Becker 58, Fred Sen Jr. orina, aeren ie 85, Lorne Gropp rai Violet Reis 66, Mil- ton aie a8 lorothy Quipp First—Harry Querenguesser, Fred Becker. Primer—Fred Pauli. —J. E. Kerr, Teacher. STATUS pepo sit CATE- SORT a DO! ‘upon Tent eaical is history sheet italy repre i Ses ed by Mi i e be {Ate n Friday on busi-| y Horn has ‘eal ‘ts milk| {4 bashes 0 ‘itr. H and Mrs, Ralph Koebel, of Lon- It Shona icocter Geo. Farenkopf, of | tet, “ote Smee ender ‘a few days in Galt. |j Pte, L. it \—Lorinda nae 86, Frieda loc! —Christie Natziger 72, Wil- me tim 99, Moody Kalbiteisch 86, Milton Gropp rd eens 01 tthe 1e to enable the meee ‘ten- ae conaanaaes loubt if there Dr. Godfrey’ s esi) Danish language absolute! Diane Hie 38 Prey nations against t) ‘wo yn, against the etter the Public ov Separate Schools. MAJORITY ABOUT 70. With, the soldiers’ vote finally in, fla! Unioist SC oceEn is port seer 1878, when 137 seats and the ers uote ei RL ae {the Opp ition with 7. inion verert has a popu-— aay a 264,216 over the un- all opponents. ae Gov- official 6,01 n~ io’s vote was 510,241 int eee and oa 218 atainat the Union Gevern- lar ae ited fy Baiineee tat the mis- Pe le hors was wise for him, when Bachler walked out at 6 o'clock on Friday evening: with a suit case, polite a md in the ic Mr, Hagarty told the report- er That he might get it put over git a but nothing doing the seeond police are to be Paes es on the, eat action they took in ap} hending the man. |INSPECTOR’S ee ee £ County, Cit; tors have had a) “Laphe= o ity Enterprise. which ne cnik taey ne oh . i] ON THE ROAD! .: oe name of W.G. Reid of Hamilton, is a familiar one to thousands theta jout the Dominion. For over forty years Mr. Rela as seen raveller. I cently received he him indicates aye he su! ) Rheumatism, and at last foanl relief. ne ad this letter: bo Ont. ‘About four years aj of ep condition {rom teeane ens and Ine flammatory Rheumatism and Kid: Trouble and KILLED BY TREE ¢ small ‘childre: TAX COLLECTION. ARRANGED The details oe Se cdllection ef the Dominion Inc: Tax hay BONDS AND I asa commercial traveller Se over forty evans service.”? . Sons truly, — jed)_ w. G. Reid. ek ae of a ie me bee enfeal seanestt to Nation ee iT" FOR SALE Ady ‘me desiring to purcha amoust of the recent issue of Vi Is mi "We me wane ees fontreal of tent Watts cent., Beles 8th of Apri rg flene bon is du 6