Milverton Sun, 28 Mar 1918, p. 3

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GERMANY HAS LOST 30% OF HER ee SUBS IN 10 MONTHS. i Laat ey, eet aes ae dipped as' Sees eee se ts: be Srl U-Boat Trap. ‘ - Obliged to Emerge. eivineae!who hes been ems es In twenty minutes it was found ¢ that ployed at the electrical works at Kiel te thea hope apne ee = «for ten months declares that in that] oo away. The order eo ae poe ei ae time G “has lost at least 30 Se farmer, was fi ramlington | per cent. a her submi re and that | “« -|for not hatching a wheat stack. oF Ae Vain Cory dlet Ho Goneehl as mn lear, Hig eat ctor of ae Laas * nce Museum at South Ken-| the seriousness of of her a Sages heave faliceekatiend” sington ay been reopened after being PK al 2s iy closed for nearly two yea: In the galley stood a a et. con- WL Wel Aeoighe? has * taining the the fish that had been caught Z that enemy wa: nae At a depth ifathorn a the crew ayailable | E : omen oe the ‘iseuing The King’s doe sent Narrowly Escaped Allies’ ses innipeg Ww Haigeiat, wae cooked for 1 the eee z ee fou a in the S oe new Young Men’ 's Christian Asso- as been opened at Southamp con foose- Jaw brat ch of the be Great War Veteran SS! ob- een he Ree a the ceed sere huts in Halifax, which has housing capacity for six Ge families. | Maris of © the: World Breadate Tor ‘ar. Stan iteha: Wiest No 1 Naringsny $2. 28); No. 2, do-$2-208: No. 3 di wheat, in store Bort William. ‘meluaing he ‘tax tobe 8 CW 9A ‘tee tH ‘eed, maton Fort oa, a umieniean yellow, kiln “arled, $2.05, track tigronto.” iarig oats-No, 2, white, 99e, to. $1; 990, according to 2 Winter, per car ete a store. Montreat. —No. ee $3.10 to $2.80, according to freiznts outside. Barley Salting, $1.78 t cording t o. freight soutside,. Buel to $1.80, according to. frelghts erence, e 2, $2.35, frelehts outside. Manitoba flour—War quality, how: page, Toronto, ‘Ontario’ flour—War quality, ew 15, ace according to $11.10, $10.71 ‘Montreal lots—-Delivered__Mont- Feal frelghts, bags included: Bran, per ton, shorts, per ton, $40, Sires sie ‘to ‘1 “track woronto. Straw—Car lots, per ton, $8.50 to $9, ‘track ‘Toronto, - Country “Produce—Wholesale po Rnerety, Sole, per U6 i to “48c; ce chicken eke, 8 to 2407 207 tunkes, 30 to 35e. De fo, the retail | lay s, se, 9h to 26c; dairy, ch 40. to fie; creamery prints, 61 to Sie; sollas, PBine New lald, 460 476: new! tala, in’ cartons, 48 to 60c; pebresged poultre-Milk-fed chickens, $5 to 3 wl, 80 to 33c; turkeys, 40 aren poultry—Turkeys, 30c; chick by, 26 19 280: “hens, 30 to 880, $8.28" to ina on Indian’ amp hand-pickea, "Bur: $8 to ss25; Lines, 19 %0'200 OP Provisios Smoked meat: eee, # ‘to nl aqgoked, 48 3, 0 i) Bacon, 40 to 42e; backs, plain, 42 to 430¢ boneléss, 40 to 4 “is Be Cured ‘me: 1 i 20; clear pellica, Ti to tie ee Ey pure lard, tierces. 294 to 300; tube 94 to 80 iP 30 to 3040; com: 28, Hi . Boic: pails, 26 to 26he. jp ca oh pe poe ee is water “No, Ea $1.11; ait extra Nol feed Jocat’ white.” 16 ar. $1 Jocai white, pare ‘N cher A aor 8 Ne ‘andard = Sprii Sit) tose ‘Houed ant 8, 90 Ibs., $5.60. n, Shorts, $40. Micalings. fouillie, ‘$60 to $62. Hay— on, car lots, $17, m Winnipeg Grat inntper, Mar. | 12— sabe sth; Cash preps ac: 9540; 1, feed, No. i feed, Sse. ‘Barley— "$1.82; Telecte * ins No. 1 Nv a. C.W., $8.784; No, 3 °C.W od Staten ‘aaa ritapavaita Mar. orn eae web, ¢, 0 9840. loucet lots. standard, $9.70 a barrel roe iationd tt) es rea Sta, gait 1 —No. ene to oS} bia:* October mre ea ive Stock aatra mmole fave tle: chien “cattle, choice, 11.50; d0.. Rood, $10.60 to $11; $0 te Modes dor ccome but rattle, mee $2 imi 313; j, cholce sel 20° per 100 pounds © Is Knowledge Golden? iniver: sity. paekidend was planing about the worship of wealth that has pen to characte: Frgatleth cent a las ” he said, “asked. ier was the ss estimable, riche! or ‘me S man to convince Reople he has brains it'to get riches.’” No. 1'storage, 40 | of lan, hand-picked, bush., | P! imp. U.S. TRANSPORTS MOVING ON TIME ‘Transportation - Racilities For * Gen. Pershing’s Army Are Satisfactory. A despatch Soa ‘Washington says: ‘roops and supplies for General France on schedule es it was learn- ed on Thursday on high ority. While figures may not be published, it was stated positively ye cae iee ation requirements 0! Wage met by the Shipping Board, Ba immediate situation a ships zis described as satisfact in view of this assurance “that the $18; tai the opening of maj what a map Wilson has preced will prove the decisive year o: great ie will not be much longer de. ed. a FINLAND REPUBLIC SIGNS ‘A despatch from sth Ransterdam says: made ing agreements and a supplementary protocol. Finland, a the conditions of the treaty, a1 ede no ie nor grant tamritorial xighta’to any: foreign ‘| power without the eine consent of Germany, who undertakes to exert herself to secure the recognition of Finland's jaatendiaes by all the pow- ifications of the Aland Tasile will cee removed. One of the surest methods of reliev- adian | tio $50. | of cotton BONE ‘guilted between ers of cheese~ aha and Eo ge ee by placing Gs in aie contes ata Ps towel and twisting the ends of the latter in opposite directions. be improved upon by making a hem either end of the tonvel and manning in opposite Meson the Fava can be wrung very dry, To S| apply, cover the paiot sae with the protector, then remove flannel Lae the wringer, teat i ack of the hand, an aa not too ie place it under the protector and put it down slowly to oll burning the patient. Change these applica- tions every few minutes; do not low them to become cool. al- Pershing’s forces now are moving to, Ri are | Province of Dobrudja = ed as the ie parently the signing of a | treaty followed almost Samelietal, PEACE TREATY WITH GERMANY. tier, out | mai GERMAN TREATY WITH RUMANIA “s Province of Dobrudja as Far as Danube is Ceded to Central Powers. despatch from pees eye: A preliminary peace treat ramania and the Central powers had Deen signed, says a despatch from Bucharest. Under the terms of the preliminary peace agreement Rumania cedes ntral pi Ru- lespatch from London arate feats imposed upon Rumania, it is co not only definitely takes fer out of the laces geographically emy. All pretence tions, no indemnities,” is openly ab doned in the clause requiring “recti- vatatle oil fields. brudja, not to Bulgaria, but to tl Central Powers, suggests that’ as isa conflict | in the Quadruple Alliance over the division of the hooty from the epolntion of Haman of Rumania. GERMANS ANS WATCH CREW DROWN Norwegian Ship Sunk—Six Sur- vivors Rescued. A i santarcs from London says: The gian steamer Havna, of 1,150 BeAS gross, has been torpedoed without aes a boat and jumped into the in and five survivors were landed Mauiiy aight With five companions, nsen spent a terrible ; presented with a pt Her-| being chi a all sister Wirse Cavell, by fhe Princess Victoria, ‘0 aoe debt on the oubae Royal Infi irs. Yerburgh, Wo eaters "Park, ” Blackburn, has given easels Allegreti, an ice cream man- ufacturer of Newcastle, was fined £10 for an infraction of the Sugar Restric- ajor Ritchie, formerly of the South Wales Borderers, has be appointed ee to the Comrades of the Sen 2h sate: of a Norwegian steamer, has been awarded a piece of ies site by the Board of Trade for | §' crew of a. British e Mayor of Ramsgate has issued a proclamation asking for volunteers to make air raid dugouts tox the pro- ste increase in burning fatalities is |* to mothers Teaving Hist Suldren - pee to wait in foo im of nearly ie ue reais of St. Dun stan’s Hospi- tal for Blinded Soldiers and Sailors i ge carol Beant of. a rey. it 800 Roaster who have ‘aitea | to eS to Russia are being "Sought ties. Herbert Sweet, a Gravesend oars was fined £10 for charging ee acnaie iain tage yeae of mutton. PREPARED T0 70 CRUSH U-BOAT MENACE) Official Circles. More submarines were destroyed by the allied and American naval forces in December than Germany was able i build dering that month, according Adi Hag ae ee the submarines were Whether seseding months ae a net loss in German submar- ines is not known here. It is believed, nage mitted about for 50 hours when a cued by an American destroyer. man died A delirium; the others dad their feet frozen. The Germans watched the men struggling in the icy water, said Capt. Hermansen, but did not offer any the| help. ae air of scissors as aa ee an! ens convenience in thi not more than a mere ane ing ret flour when kneading the bread. dapan- Sea oF Paeifie Ocean ri] Strategic points at which Japan may strike at Russia in the Far Bast Loisstégnars wor mpples in, Hore t Visdivastok and Harbin, ‘however, that the anti-submarine cam- paign has proved so effe creased efforts this Spring will see a steady decrease in the number o! | boats available prey on allied and | American shipp' American naval officials appear ly the |coming. Increased numbers of patrol | | vessels of various types, appliances, and devices to m: them: e ef- fective against underwater craft, an the increased skill of navy Sean are among the things upon which tHey count. It has taken time to aoe and build the weapons, but are be- ginning to become evaitebie now. Be to Testore Frozen Plants. proper way to treat frozen sine is to place them at once in utter darkness where there is little or no _| artificial heat, as in a closet or cellar, ; thou! sunlight. If they they should becovered with boxes, pa- pers or carpets to prevent the light reaching them. It is. pie sudden tee from extreme cold to heat that breaks the tissues and causes the plant to die from loss Ket The ques! ote common sense is al- ways, what is it good for?—a ops tion which would abolish the rose and He answ ered teiumphantly by the cab- age .—Low ‘Twenty-five Eastbourne school cad- | na; A . for by the Britt anilitary anton: ¥ OE the Feeling of Optimism Prevails in a A despatch from Washington says: nit have ctive that in- P # ae of glass were shattered. ie retical is Perel significant, too, an it is fold in Die Ilustrite Zeitun; » and especially prepared from Gin n view-point. ake ei natural thought it suggests is that if this boat such a series it hair-breadtl eee a 2 lot of other submarines must be less lucky. Here is the story, as we find it translated in a London paper: i = Steamer. At midday the watch r fone steamer Bc aivestly toward the submarine eas ae ENE. dir teamers are very tough, because they have strong bulkheads to protect hele precious cargo; a torpedo must hit the engines, placed at the stern, and then the vessel is done for. e submarine |dare only show a small sare ‘of the periscope above the water, and then only a asl dhort space of time. orpedo was fired at a distance greater pace than aiowed Stor! end@iiere wee 5 erplon iss was recorded. Then she #81 was aie When she n against shell-fire. The alongside, mmerseds and viewed the mace a black tank-steamer ae unarmed, with the usual patent log trailing from her stern. “Submarine Trap!” rea the U-boat turned her sitar f her guns. ballast, she emerged, and the conning ower Was open had | already been rowed a little forther, | when suddenly, just as phe were be- he ing hailed, there was a flash from t arine Be sounded P submerke quick ments passed like 1 inn ae alarm. hat there was a yellow iy and explosive | gases poisoned the ai in all directions, and instrumtents andj a vet weld | tall low, end of war for- ever! Water was splashing through the shell-hole, the conning tower was the subm: Jower position, and sank into, the sbél- tering deep. “Ts any one in the conning-tower | wounded 2” e had a seratch, but their faces were black, and the uniforms a sight to behold, : In a Sad Plight. At a depth of ten fathoms the boat quivered at two sharp explosions. The “poor shipwrecked crew” had os two waters bombs Petia them. lamps went out. mi: ischie ef was prevented by the Pap closing of rater-t tight bulkhea onning-tower was 5 full submarine can still ae ceed in this plight, but as yet there is io man living who can ae aad r See from his own ex] ing to the ever-i fioetie preaire ‘t the water the boat sank to a depth of twenty fathoms, the every ounce pos- sible was got out of the engi ‘ater rushed through ee crack that was ee water- tight One ae othe: tant par’ the chtinery reheat to caste ponictse: main steering-gear, the forward div- ing rudders (which had also stuck fast down below), and the trimming- pumps. An attempt was made to get ate 700 vars but the steamer was go-| had been siol turned right round, and started setting he no ea Sox is |vaiged 1 es the shells were close by , target, and the enemy began to try to = | av ‘oid them by taking a zigzag course; | by so desing he Sep ss the accuracy They would not be | wanted n¢ The pabaace emerged, and a hatch under the conning-tower opened. A perfect torrent of Sates ‘poured in; but that did not matter, all were prepared to swim see or later, Now the way was clear. steam was some couple of arte away, now, firing as she we “You—you nave got us yet, by wel eported a} tl speed. ht & Tee 8 but when the last ras is at stake. ie crew who were not “oe: cupied below Sbasied pein by carrying shells to the gu lieu: tenant suddenly felt his ee ites art; in a shu of ainst 1 the Pacal instructions of the helms- man, the compasses being now out 0: | gear, Destroyer on the Scene. time it'was roe oa raise was announced. Right! There she was, the shells from her four guns mingling with those from the tank- steamer. on ype of destroyer could do ject to German ing taught Saskatchewan. Winnipeg is pe milk sales. The citizen: Sarai 12,000 gallons of milk . day, oe whieh et is pasteurized an‘ 6,000 ri bers of the Sete ee Grain Grow- ers are in nadian expeditionary So! ae made the supreme crit Scien 7,000 and 8,000 cords of wood have it this season along the Greater Winnipeg Water © pees fete ‘About 100 men are e city intends to cut 104 Gm ea setetp the cold weather _ a rea of land repay 2 in the — OWS & 7 | 6,134,619 acres, monument will = placed in Cal- emory 0) Battalion, who fell ai the veterans of the oth ‘Battalion in. ‘algary have been given racralsnlone to erect a tablet on the monument. * BRITISH CRUISER CALCARIAN SUNK ‘Torpedoed Off Irish .Coast—48 _ Lost Out of 610. . A despatch from London says: The four Gases but of the 610 persons I but 48 were landed at an The people of the same T thirty knots an hour, and carried guns | t The runners were so deafen 2 | the noise of their own guns that it was/ now only possible verbally to direct the firing of one gun. The steamer | was so far gone that it was not neces- sary to fire at her any more, so atten-| gc Be turned to the new foe. This | ordinary peels but a U- Wee Sseeeayen ‘of the Foxglove class, about twice as Ves 3s the U-boat, ut not quicker. tide piament ne ond mechanic ‘smounced that he Pel ged conning-tower; ser rose bayou all expectation. Range 4,000—Deflection 4 towering water-columns lof his o7 Suddenly pie smoke boxan ie rise from his si super: structure A hit! Then another! Some of the shells tise 2 no columns of ae no doubt the; uried in of the decteagee, Then the enemy craft turne: me of the the | Ow won the f the American people by hospitality in the last few ‘nearly 500 men from the one of the finest auxiliary cruisers in | the oan service. , ‘algarian was torpedoed in the late afternoon [not far from the place where the Tuscania met her doom. [UNCERTAIN FORTUNES OF WAR. Canadian Officer Cites a Striking Ex- perience of His Own. Fatalities are freakish things. They re not always the heaviest where one would expect aa a be, says Major en of Forces in | Fran My own ae experience un- ae meet fire was = gruelling i tion ermans must have kn in aouis fachitet Chat teeah vase pe were coming in. At 5 o’clock Jo the | morning, a few hours after we had taken our posta nae cover of dark- ness they open : ly company ee about 150 men were distributed over a front of 250 or 800 fire zone, following in the fle of the | ut submarine al damage was repaired, am- sudan pinged in nee pear Tueetie and the -Ushoat. walted, like Welling ton at Waterloo, for the niekt, Ses CLES A Distinguished Inventor, + the international plague con- ference held a tow there th Dal; Wi was , prof. Kitasato, who, first) ‘ina, gee the plague bacillus merican _ travellers. evinces at the Yam: pointed out Dr. Kitasato with par- donable pride in such a famous doc- tor one of them asked: “Who is he, anyway? angtting se him.” t kno Dr. Kit the iuned clerk, “Dr, ¢ man who invented plague!” Beans should not be ‘served as a 1 ‘The Doings 1 HOW Do You pe HE RIBBON & Welt, HE) N? IF You Sane ouva, Bela OT ON! DONT SPEAK ToME You — To of the Duffs. OH - HELEN You RE RIGHT i Sree ef] MITA tat arn AROUND HEAD, ) 7 be blown ‘ T don’t know po, tasato!! ag Saspes rhe Rit .| Thursday by oui yuan ing shells blew up the t short intervals, isolating the defend- ers into ee, groups. neath the para one such handful, austlego make any ddind of a tour of inspection. Every minute 1 sips we should to pieces. that every other mi s already blanket of smoke and flame and flying and started t 'P-| 150 men we Mati any. thirty. 5 ‘Tt is hai rd eet explain a situation ike that. One of the wonders of any _ modern atileficl, pitted ae shell holes until not a square il Heer As no} seeaula an enterprise that _ carries a Sranascahin assurance of suc- ine gun, or an “over the top” sortie met an in- superable barrier. On att oceasion: the casualties are very hea Production of Pleasure ‘Autos Reduced, A. despatch feat | New York saysi Production of asure automobiles zt will be cut. e ae cane during the sent fiscal y var mea: cording to a denon reached here ional Automol bile Chamber of See me reduction applies to the ents ee a sche dule for the yea aes * Maffi "Three oat ‘three hundred mem-

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