Milverton Sun, 28 Mar 1918, p. 4

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OUTSIDE CANADA s mavanee Only) reat wil Guelph an Kitcher ner.— penecnn: Me: Ronit of f Dorking DR. F. J. R. FORSTER Late stant New York Ophthal- mic ree get Institute, ‘Moorefield’s ing eae us non, Square Throat Hos- |i on day night.—Messrs, Joseph Len-\McKenzie's nother, Mrs. Alex. Stew- pitals, Lon y hardt and Henry Barley: enent: thelartMis: Georee li Adair retamed bh Bees m. |week-end in Kitchener.—Pte. T. Cun-|home on Saturday after spending daily. Tvenin ings—" Wean neiay ningham, of Toronto, spent the week- few weeks in Bel fast, N.Y., visiting and Saturday Saison by appointment [2 peer Mr. ob Be Bs her sister.—Mr. William Butt Fe Fran c- | the. ‘is (Phon 53 Waterloo St. S., e 267.) CENTRAL Eee ONT. ercial life offers the great Beet lady eraduates re earning as high as an} Positions. Com: mercial, Sho: rte od Telegray raphy departments, Get our free catal "Ww. J. ELLIOTT, President. D. A. McLACHLAN, Principal. RAILWA’ Spring Term From April 2nd ‘I he mumps.—Mr. R. d with his moth pies loading a car of coal.—] J Scott and Samuel Smith are attend- in , the watchmaker, will be in the vil-|ing special county council meetings St re lage for a couple of weeks more. Calljat Stratford this week.—1 2 Notice to Contractors. — |==4,see him does expert work. | Hamilton, ilverton, is es R _|—The women’s knitting circle will|ent visiting her daughter, Mrs, John ‘ _ |meet at the home of Mrs. Wm. Car- |Beti aes Eicken) r, who - rs will be ‘be received by H. B.'nochan. on. lay evening.—The | cen’ underwent an operation in Kern tee ve" sf ‘Mornin; ‘for dies 4 Stratford hospital, returned hom ction conc! abu utments | ing eet speine , as they are now |last week. We wish her a speedy re- Peg the ‘ban brides, up wy ne ready at Bundy’s.—Misses Fannie and age eg Easter rally will be held o’clock on April Plans fo’ this Tillis Diebold of Waterloo, are spend-|in the Presbyterian cl on struet dare seen oe the jing a wee! their home here.—' morning, instead of regular Sab- eeiee 2 ae or at eee Bese & of-|are pleased to report that Norma, the |bath School. An interesting prperan fice, M ‘The contract will belittle daughter of Rev. and Mrs, Ber-|of choruses, recitations ete., has been let at Nisiteark on Wednesday, April |ley, who is still at Toronto, is zoalee abana pal an address by the 10th, at two o’clock. REE towards recovery.—Miss Ed- aa oY oe adults Bh William Waddell, Clerk. /na y who pecently. mares a ae v a iie ‘urged to be present.— sees en phefont slight rian at poe week {fhe chopping Bee at Moneriett which has returned to. her ee —Mr. |was recently purch: Mr. ke a go, |by fire on Tuesday morning) The Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat returne e at-|cause of the fire, which sta: ) about tend the funeral of his sister, Mrs.|one o’clock the ning, is; un- Graduate in medicine, University |Roy Calder.—Mr. J h Hayes was | known.—! & strong is at of aaa a basi visitor onto on Mon-|present visiting her mother at Seb- — ingville.—! ni ee STEORE. Cardle and “a ighter, Mary, intend {fs atic going to London to attend the ordin-|the sum of Soo ion of their son, F. A. McCardle, |Pattersgn spent es gee the priesthood on Satu rn.—Mr. George Tarr left on Sie nd Mrs. Anthony Busch left on Fri- 6 day for Vantage, Sask., where they intend making their future home, Messrs, Albion Koebel Hafry |o Lutz spent Sunday in Kitchene __ Doneaa Steer Wis sade Bens Eee gram were visitors at Linwood last effers, spent Sunday with friends |fn. wee $ Crookshanks spent on the line—The ladies’ patriotic lea- part of last week with friends at Lin- 4. wood.—] ts [ocwal ton ine, ay |} a shipped another garload of horses fo last. A ee Cae meeting was BSE FE siting with Misses ae ers. 8 aay, mith Mics, Dalton McCourt. ge Benen Sunday with hi friend, Mr. A. H. Cockwell, 12th ie aay earl an Lillian’ § tewart ie fey "On honda oa Toronto, where. nfo in enes are begil arc Kenzie left for their home in Sarnia after spent oe om me Bree misfo: is qe on Sunday, ight winter with Mrs, 12th tes abe Grey, has sol te ect, oe Bel, eee. . Jo) he recently purchased from Mr. John Schade, known as the Maple Leaf Loyal Or. 1999 at their re; ~\the Blue va embers. bee tan 2 were pwood, Danes al and Ethel. a. GRAND TRUNK 2743 THE DOUBLE TRACK ROUTE! Between MONTRE. - TORONTO pee and CHICAGO Unexcelled Dining Car Service. Sleeping cars on night trains and parlor cars on principal day trains. Full information from any Grand oe Ticket Agent, or C. E, Horning District Passenger Agent, Toronto, H. C. BAIRD, ’Phone 1, Local Agent SHADOW TEST “He Looks Into the Eye"* METHOD, it ts almost Taposeipe to make an error, as it'work is done by Tooting dato ¢, thereby locating the de- ight at its source, #2 fect Weak Muscles Strengthened Headaches Cured, Cro Eyes in many cases pipiaptenes 2, - € fitted by this sm Children" wseves Silurately examined wit asking questions, SATISFACTION GUARANTEED! P. H. BASTENDORFF Eyesight Daeseite aR MILVERTON, oO} and Reliable Cloths in Making Suits cs aed Overcoats We have a stock of blues~of Indigo dye in Worsteds of ex- cellent wearing quality — the GENUINE and RELIABLE apes the ees Trim- mn In addition we ae ‘other goods to choose from. = E. H. Gropp’s Garage. ‘MILVERTON. INTARIO wi NESS SME I | We Use Only Genuine overseen | Shorts per ton “sgh Bri Order now and be assured of | H#: the BEST. ‘ 3, FLEISCHHAUER Eine Eggs for Hatching Lee , ry ite Leghorns For increased egg a setting of our + $1.25 per setting o: 00-—-P. & R. Coulter, Milverton. Br ‘red-to-lay S. C. White ge $5.25 GALLOP, R.R. No. 2, Milverton. Unreserved Auction Sale ir & Son have received WD. Gannceane ei 6 si y naeks ao area G ene Chicks |&i © ¥ cae STOCK, 1 IMPLEMENTS, HAY | ‘fe x 5¢e and 5¢ each.—Court Rose- No. 72, 1.0.F., will meet. on Friday night, March oth, A. lar; hnvistian “Rock, a well-known Charles Rock, 9th con. Brodhagen Lutheran cemetery, where team harness, set single har- ator, roll of fence | ms of hay, 200|t Everything to be sold without reserve as the farm is O Male at 12.80 p.m. shan months’ credit on sums mill, extension ladder, ft. long; |barn and other out buildings. The buggy, root pulper, grindstone, hay pace was in the neighborhood of $5,- rack, churn, cooking stove and pipes, Thomas Hicks announces th engagement of her daughter, Lila E., o Mr, Reginald Dramto di, md, 01 gan. ‘The marriage will take place in April. O- ackages. 44 otes, that amount an er, cash; |patriotic committee a discount of 6 per cent. per annum friends. Pte, Jordan’s home is at Kin- for cash over $10. W. D, Weir & Son, Auctioneers. Dai airy butter wrappers for sale at W. Hawthorne, Proprietor. Gill’s in large and small COMMERCIAL CROSSHILL SEES ee SERPs and Mrs, James Richardson, of a 1 Pe MaRton spent Sunda: = pee George Ric : 3 3.50/Gremm, of Wellesley; apn the week- Wat Plour, spring, cwt. 6 00 6 00|end will War Flour, blended ewt. 5 85 5 , Winter, cwt, 5 5 n—! rs. and Mrs, Vv it Friday evening by the ing Circle was a decided s e sum of nearly 3 thanking ‘the tis Pte. ipedan who has Uae ee bi S ; k to Canada, arrived in Mitchell on | Mrs. James Hanna.}-Pte. . Whit- the morning train paecilag nae ney left on Wedn day en route for met at the station by. membe of the | overseas.— N. Lannin vidual taste in matters > UR SPRING AND EASTER OPENING oF NORTHWAY. ‘GARMENT: ae Skirts will take place on Thursday, March 28th. At no former openi tiful. To all women we extend a most cordial invitation to attend the formal opening plays and learn from personal observations Just how fittingly the new desig: of dress. ing have on peoae more beat NEW COATS FOR SPRING NEW SUITS FOR SPRING’ NEW SKIRTS FOR SPRING NEW WAISTS FOR SPRING 7 SILK WAISTS— Thu ives mornin; Our big oe of AES Waists will be open on eS one. these New NEW SILKS— iifonee our big assortment. ALLWOOL SERGE— are very scarce, the market soon. Now is your chance to get in right. The goods Dealers tell us e again leaders in this line. Have a look EASTER SPECIAL—80 yards of Black Silk Poplin, reg. $2.00, while it Tastd per yard. mis, ek 49. ey hes be off BOYS, LOOK HERE ! NEW SPRING CAPS— We extend an invitation to up-to-date stock for spring. iW EASTER TIES— NEW EASTER SHIRTS— NEW EASTER GLOVES— NEW EASTER HOSE— NEW EASTER BRACES— Lennox ai EXTRA SPECIALS IN GROCERY DEPT. For THURSDAY and SATURDAY 7 parler J Simmer’s 1918 seeds for. . id White Kni; you to call and see our MILLBANK Gur, Colin Campbell, formerly of Crosshh but now out West, called on ac- a are sic Stratford, this week.—Miss Gillespie left last week 5 Spend a few weeks with eae niece, ss. Al Caplin ing, at Hampstead.—Mrs. Robert Patterson returned Sate af- past _w | 5 made a fast other friends mb so_ kin ered him while overseas. A li lunch was then se the mem- bers of the Women’s Instit ye ¢|part, o-! men’s stitute ‘will have a quilting in| the ay, | Ap oe" welcome, whether m A 10c tea will be serve BRUNNER James Clarke an stratford, spent and Mrs. spent Salona at Stratford. Read The Sun’s advertisements. TRY THEM TODAY ead letters recom- ‘oUt gebge: ae Bee. BEE eee [spending 3 a few da We are Having a Ready Woven oe ESESEEEES EEEESESESESEEDSEEESEU EEE ere Shipment of Farm Fence We know that we are lower on Fencing than fore buying. 6 wires, 88 inches high, 24 inch stays, 5, 6%, 7%; ALL NO. 9 COILED WIRE Price talks in this case. OUR STOCK CONSISTS OF THE FOLLOWING STYLES. else. Why not see our stock — anybody ++. 45 cents” 9, 10 inch spacing, per rod. . rod. tee 199. cents 9 inch spacing, per rot 9 inch spacing, per rod.. cents 4, 4%, 5, 5% in. spacing, per rod. : 38 cents — ‘I Pace ie poeemeeregen 7 wires, 43 inches high, 24 inch stays, 5, 6, 7, 8 8 Bits. Bd. O'Gra - a Zany, wl 8 wires, 47 inches high, 24 inch stays, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 8 ave been residents of Millbank for have. eek. neiidenta, of MUGAR 7 wires, (Hog Fence) 26 in, high, 12 in: stays, 8, 834, for the West, ee - they intend re- ' siding in ure.- Jas. Moore, Londgy,, was the guest of his cous- POULTRY FENCING , Mr, and Miss J. Reid, on 18 wires, 48 inches high, 8 stays, 1% spacing at bottom to 5 inch at top. 20 wires, 60 inches high, 8 stays, 1% spacing at bottom to 6 inch at top. BRACE, BARB and BLACK WIRE ALWAYS ON HAND. Milverton W. D. WEIR’S LIST OF PROPERTIES FOR SALE $12, OD eas lot 4, consessigne oe 8, ele (Western — ecu) tne trai pens, drill. well, wind mill, cement silo stablew” all cemented tiie peraite 26 acres good hardwood bush; well drained; land in fine condition ank barn, straw’shed, driving shed, h ‘ eneral issore during the nec a have ity paizy jee number of extra clerks having beet Gall in and try a dish. “It will be 10c|€n8! aged = sadhie a meee dine he a dish for 1918, or 5¢ for a small dish. |ton has been a visitor he 2 2 iMiise ‘Floranes Johnston. spent. a [Past Week, assist in Mr. Ritter's w days in Stratford last week.— |sore——Mr. a Se, eRe dopa tae KINDLY GIVE US A TRIAL. Fee eT cai eeiery, |rsted his son, Mr. Geo ve, one oranges nd appieg for Hast | lek wesk The lads, aid of é : t reasonable prices.—Invitations € F kb H d are out for an assembly to be held in |S Patricks tee aoe Pree inkbDeiner riarawafre, - Erskine's hall on Tuesday evening, othe Epworth League wil meet the home rr oer Coghlin on rela cae oe ee Thoradey, March 2th, at 8 pm fae a eS a Friday aes from his late residence to |e to Bri being hol dey, arvey’s. cometary. Services, WeT® the Wor cr Institute held their soe- eld at King church, of which desea: |i aynng fering hal on Pe WARTBURG Vices were conducted by the pastor, |40x might. | A very enjoyable ano pre Mrs, John, Henry. visited Rees ipson, who was GS |Moffat occupied the chair. Rev. Jac- | Milverton friends recently ss mAb dice” dh mand PS es and Rev. R, A. Miller gave eanor Murr, o: atford, is wistin 2 Methodist church, and Hev. Jaren short addresses. Capt. Moore, the [her parents, Mr and Mrs Cheties Se ruin te tes means weno a RIN SF cle a a ville spent the week-end with relatives is . most, capacity |teresting talk on various subjects SD , rd ea oer onnbers of Lodge No. concerning: th and our soldiers |in this locality.—Misses Laura and 156, Af, & AM. attended in a body [2nd also spoke on the work of the wo- | "ST" day recently aa ointiter tr mie pou and’ conducted etl eat sts os ee oe a ok art especial Y\this viemity.—1 an Riper, 0 grave: z the relatives a lie wee ke: i tne Vpslantl, spentsthe ‘past weele with School % mile. Racrattsta Mis ineets Meoose [Mey Weg ins Bh, epee Sat ee pie Sie ea ae and Florence Coulter, Mrs. 1. Phair |Laehli 7 Of Regina, are ee Misses Pere and Florence, epenieBundayewite Me: and L. runner, near. rl Grieve, of Stratford, is iy at her home.— and 60% Lloyd, of, Gadsinll apent: the! past week with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Seo eaties Pea: NORTH MORNINGTON stoker Simon Loney left last week We am home again are pleased to see and looking so wel ROSTOCK s Frieda Bebe is spending } WEES 1s pepe gfe. Holaine: ‘auction sales oving are the order of the day. pe pee, s. Joseph Leatham spent a day) lest ‘week om her sister, tts Peter Vol p Canadians are 'speeding up—_ Overlooking not an that will save time by making ti A motor car is dae a time- saver. Whatever your occupation, you will find this Overland Mod good investment—the little ‘ saving thrift car that has doubled — its salesin. Canada during the past | ‘year, WM. ZIMMERMANN, Dealer . Willys Knight and Overland Motor. coy aaa Light * oo The Thrift Car lel 90 a Sat tims Appearance felemnce some ‘Price - Milverton, | Ont. ‘ " Witlys-Overland, Livaits ‘Cominersial Wagoi it Toronto, Ontario TSP s es

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