Milverton Sun, 4 Apr 1918, p. 2

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a3 CHAPTER - eon Noyes himself "could not have She gave tart ar alt thought fot Betse: sere She Ssarnad a ve from thé mirror as noe = x se an earnes| e dl dren,” which left her feeling suffocat- . ‘She thought Monte would never fish talking with him —wonld never 6 shine again. When he did, she ahrank away from he glare of the living day. a queer Wee behind hers pos Marie, ar LG ing and, ‘wiping eee ves e “sna this larjory Instantly moved to the soothed her excitement, ns, demanded, | ., ith his lips set as if love eee some great responsibility, le talk- a of duty and ee joy of ae un- til she ha m away from him been her privilege. ‘That| been her right. ere,” she nly the & Tt. ie; monsieur will bi Barthraet ame ae pieces into her}! hi De with your iwende” he su; Calling a taxicab, he assisted her|™ in} but before the door closed Mar~ Jory Teaned toward her and whispered e rear es will come back to the hotel at six “Yes So Marie oie "oft to her ee ike more | S. trude sees at this of all times, upon ree It a blue-and-gold morning, with the city looking as if it had re Zeal a scrubbing during the night. did ner nd. “Then drink to our mood ruddy, in a darl and top hat, he ices very han some, A it Pr fap Ni fon out of ther iecclta aualenly they mov, ed down the ‘Avenue Montaigne, Sionte maved hia band e¢ the pasting | “Now,” he nounced, none of nga ody's busine “Ts ; Monte?” Marjory t, M ; a don’t “know. We're on our “you are fe took @ long look at his steady biue eee hey braced her like wine, “You never let me be afraid,” she _auswere \—en avant!” he c: “Trae as preaching.” 0 one has any right to scold it, turn him to| “That. mint nt always be pos- sible.” , too, it would aac Lae ei n this s better had the Reverend ‘Alexander| Gordon entle, saintly iooking miata acti: erribly serious. He had| pro Paris, but. ins Toole 20 flexes, Monte, ” she with a jon’t sa ‘Took so- worried,” be- re parisian dandy ward Plan stared rai ther er. our ago it ve made her eave ABs now she ginning to a arjory sl | she Tost her bright color. a voice that made her in| sudden | wasn’t he, Monte? “Too rine me \“But, you ich OSE the. OS ae your-t eieae hope-| nd | [su Leave It to Pa es r HE postman and expressman will bring T Parker service right to your home. We pay carriage one way. Whatever you send—whether it be household draperies or the most delicate fabrics—will be speedily returned to their original freshness. When you think of Cleaning or Dyeing think of PARKER’S. A most helpful booklet of suggestions will be mailed on request. Parker’s Dye Works, Limited Cleaners and Dyers 791 YONGE ST. e TORONTO | Union Made Overalls Shirts & Gloves “ My overalls end shirts are the best made, becawe — they are roomy and comfortable. I designed them with at you een want to stretch your arms and A ~\ the idea that R. G.LONG & CO, LIMITED TORONTO . CANADA a 7 ” | Ri ene: oe Ainpet and you know idee al that | meiNot the slightest. If, any one tries! § wer to me.” ton don’t mean to say any, one os 8 begut wi "He. ated sbaut us if to Sind the | 3 11 | (ontoee with Mon (who. possess: ce taster the Boe sor Sun Lite tovdie i ie nd nd of | ms arriage is “serious. Pikes Snes se th bho wi ie ing d ats i. Bom, wih ed sce cons os os semi oat si aid, , “hat you [need is ah Biv a sce b she agreed eagerly. where shall we got | world 4 i before ce ne “ le was in tye ood to] h which she herself eal oka forward mood. of ‘sprin; eas te ae are me That ws it he shou’ it was her Tent to feel like hat es aes» sha exclaimed, “Td like to: £0 ite all the, places T couldn't go alone! Kee “fo the ¢ the Cate de Paris for hunch?” Sh \'To the sd afterward and to the A So to the theatre and to Maxim var” Her face was flusled as she nodded ue on hate ‘fair, hme ‘of potatoes | d in_ normal es. - We have | ae ne a aheats beet seal poe \d._ por! The | consuming people. ‘These Ateples are it mice re eae he exclaimed, taking her Te was, an afternoon that left“her| 7 id take hi: oafsed and that always steadied| to Hi “Then she’ was whirled back to the an Iitle fruit. tein contain mineral salts which neutralize harmful acids in the body. The food material in potatoes is 98 per cent. digestible Cai felt refreshed after her bath, and, to Marie’s delight, consented to attire herself in one of her newest, evening gowns, a costume of sill and lace that inadians have largé supplies of resapiid he Sy net ane rs her hate ae ‘°| potatoes, carrots, onions and 4 ie i and by consuming fee Seeple nie posses she freely, they can economiz “Me hether wished or not, e was done with her this evening; looked An's bide should | look. | amonsiet g be- is evening clothes he looked at tews, croquet lor than usual. de Rae hash, chowders, meat pies, etc. ae Meautfal Shee aie rae ee sven sowie weve ‘ot sing CHAPTER X. potatoes are various—boiled, The Affair at Maxim’s w to Marjor; ed, lyonnaised, baked, chino ‘ed, hashed rown, med, escalloped, stuffed, au gratin, and scores of com- binations. mostly in her room. Such cafes as this Cuttude dat plenty of potatoes and, she had seen only oceasionally from a comparison with other foods in war ime. ———— eo j AN INDUSTRIOUS JOKER. Monte, was ben! pails best available table. Reminiscences of the Celebrated Sir American prince, if ever he had seen : ; a Hiram Maxim. Had ales any choice Decidedly He desired s quiet table ina Boar not too near uch Al though a Bealeton He Ses son, Mr. | guished Absit bates when he had given his order jer shaft in our house. He ey are. it’s very absurd,” she| | was c bat in the shaft. i flastened to \* the top, and there, sure enough, was if they were, it did not mat-| some dark object setterta Shout was the fact she most §p-/the dim light. I s Wee, Mitice Shee bed eet sieac fe at a aatieret. se oe vuig|it again and again. It seemed invul ad baer caval nea “Ai lasv Tube the bundle af ue in Paris, and still more esp ee the broom on it, but without effect. iy Guadiine few wceka chethat y that time I had oe angry alone. h the thing, and I w g Selprmined w, with Monte opposite her, she to kill it, Dae the i most exhausted, vy turned| ceedings. Investigation then showe = gratia that fhe “bat” was a black bow, sur my lance re kmnsed her toeateh then Veashes ae i ach a m she would have fle | way that a slight aeration mai Sale the! be here as she felt pow fintter. My f | joke hugely—much more lther and I did. He spent a whole day obicortabls ao 'o be Sonunued: ) s foe Ty ee : lour.| brighter sid de ing ae ee Sevoton that. The sh snd arog what seemed certain | ve pre never ies ae record o: have beet ort “the fact that ‘an periented commander like Capt. Mar- tin misjudged the headway the Flori- zel had made against it and turned spero was forced to stand by all ight. ‘When daylight | made it possi “|begin the rescue, not onl tite boats at shee dories ‘a pipe oe mine teed wastes eiueh 1a cube the | shore, and a eat eke se Nes at sea of persons half-f ner battered by five Boies a what ie ghia mnie ae and wholly helpless, by men sine a R ir slighter ys we nd | eae re ane st uld be done f re manly strength and out hears That a a man must do. at time is the pepe creed of the Heroes ‘of the sea, : ; \ et Seeds of pansy, verbena, salvia, pe-| to|tunia, stock, os v6 Ssum, minulus, maurandia, plant, delphi:| nium, ‘authirnl ‘inum ene diaathus may be sown in pots or boxes for summer |. flowerit SSPE ing. Never subject plants in the nousen Be be conservatory to strong drafts “SUN dbs Surplus, increases years, ‘Ine E results of operations for the year 1917 show a continuance of the notable expansion that has‘marked of the Sun Life Assurance Company of Canada. Assets: ae Hees S5 1917. Cash Tneome New Asouanoes issued and Paid for in Cash Acsuraes i in Force at December Sst, 1917, Profits catred or allotted to Policyholders Profits paid or allotted to Policyholdere, in past five yee Total Payments to Policyholders, 1917. P Sake held for Fol seation Payments to Policyholders and Aesets neta tor them exceed ra Undivided surplus at December 31st, 1917, over all ‘Wiabilities including capital + - = + © + = LIFE KEEPS GROWING : In Assets, Income; New Business, and Total Business in Force substantial are recorded over the corresponding figures for previous RESULTS FOR 1917 $00,160,174,00 holders since orgtuiation jeyholders “pgs tf MM | si iiums received by? : $8,550,761.00 THE COMPANY'S GROWTH 1871 ‘The Company takes Sages Ae the continued confidence and goo el of UN LIFE “ASSURANCE © Sirus Lire AgsuRANCE® seal 1 FOROS. Higa rere | alae | s policyholders and the rtunity of thank sirypate a eggie which the above polls ‘ANADA HEAD OFFICE MONTREAL IOI T.B, MACAULAY, President ; O17 w “SEE EVERYTHING YOURSELT.”| le Wilson, New | Jed s once he decided to do ai \ jer went home one eae nd told. ‘hits that | | store had offered Sir Chief-of Motto of “See everything you are about undert s Sir Hen two tend perpetual somoniees Sien Ben oW. ase: one me teat nance of eee Sollee ni |only is allotted es every penny in this | r thirty-three years " yorld. But father listened very grave- bratsng what he preached before he |ly and said that he had ne doubt Bhat at re roduce the ti ae ny without — trouble. peeetietve, on tie Allied War Coun- | down the “tail” side ot ail juntil he had worn So assured was W ilson that the pre-| each, ‘The next step was ta ele ene e that for two halves together so skilfully chat | 1 | penny with e |store man was dumfounded when Fe produced it—but I did not get of it. To understand the eastern i poodle: problem he-went oub and eons the! Ou EON and Turkish He has davoiatg sea ar cea Teese bie atc cethat a ae es, atient “seeing everything for from one to thirty books = and at last his reward has them sent home. ‘Then he No man is ana ae j duet me Ee the middle of; the utzest sa le in a great crisis than man’ say, “Now let’s run home.” Tma: s the valuable Sate of a man ae a sl sca with.a silk hat airs, the Fai ther experience. SUN LIFE OF CANADA IN STRONG POSITION ate that was always the conclusion of | xy book- TONES ees ‘sions, As will be seen n from the essential year’ tions set Cal ~~ To measure ea in crib, nals the Tength of the evib by tae width and this by the heg! which the cone will level off. ti. gives the duntele< oe shelled corn. of the most useful things to | 000, the largest amount ever betes by a fies life company. ie Company's Head Office staff is geons’ rubber (Z,0.) adhesive plaster. it canbe sas for ras things but ‘otect wound, Never os it ips i the heat: but place a small piece of clean gauze or Building recently erected on Dominion Square, Montreal, Erne the adoption of the most up-to-date office equipment should result in still greater efficiency plaster, so that. any secretions Jmay | pb: in the a@ministration of its large bus! oe gecked np in the und. eat rate east the ars “of seit. of This | Pe-ealled. the highway’ ol One have about the house is a roll of sur-| Thx linen between the cut*or sore and the i Has CATARRH, A LOATHSOME ND INSIDIOUS DISEASE is Catarrh common name for } c amon disea ommon. that Most people do not t | dangerous and diseu it is. Mead hawiing. spitting, blowing | legmi dropping, in the * Merequently in » Catarnh, of the often slight HOW CATARRH STARTS tarrh usually begins with a cold in ane ead, ‘aa a “aun when ta =i | { rh germs breathed in gproven, i or nostrils have settled w a thro are, harmless to healthy tis- ige upon an irritated and. more, dis, 28 cine The ind of the nasal cayl conditi Trae the pus and decaying matter ooz- ing | tr rom these sores that causes the of te pth so common to, vic ia of not’ nopie our- jes ave in & discharglon “put your friends fo, thouxh ‘they ate FS careful your feelings:to, tell yo NASAL “CATARRH tained on ous. The Ree arene: oe delicate mucou: and throat, very, susceptible ‘io inflarsiiee urage the birth ard germs. at ere what might | The throat itself a ‘vide into two} rt ther | or Trachea, going | tubes and “lungs. | ot alata raat and Ta dark “ploc purified and passes out o ‘ed. stream, carrying ee’ Es oweret| ie sores } sed jen the blood, (instead of ahha nurified | y its passage through tho 1 Js, on | fie conteary, tl efarthel plsone A 2 its way oe okt e diss jsease fil parts of the #3 stem res i Ne {el clos ter w head ie ripe amy le, cold THE ORIGIN AND DANGER ese aay CATARRH ——IF YOU. SUFFER FROM—— Catarth. Catarrhal Deafness, Head Noises, Catarrh of the Siameete (which is often’ mistaken for Indigestion), Catarrh of the Bowels, Asthma, Bronchitis, Loss of Smell, Phlegm dropping in the back part of the Throat, or if you,have a Cough YOU SHOULD NOT FAIL TO.READ EVERY WORD OF THIS ARTICLE — What Parmint, the Wonderful English Formula, | Done for Others, That nasal eatarrh se any one know It Will Do For You the sides of the throat. The eae are quick to take advantage! of the invade the Busiachian ne is a nauseating. dis: 9 has had to sit ortalie fs Son beektsur sth-p Bee ak ic bodape | ale fa the hewicing And gaggini on | aiitionl. The pa ‘foul odor, Ww! su [slowly eoing. «Whe bes are com- and aid not know | Dletely ‘med, total deathess may rei is catarr there fess from 1 ata “who have it and dont {aft ree et the eat Cotten such ing. al peti ite. losin etal ae it w: are taagy, people know it. CATARRH OF THE STOMA (Often ‘isiakens Sie aavarenels or Ins the p Hpubbles |alterta resonance of the crackling report Many cases € oe and dyspep- | sia axe simply, the nesult of catarrh of | the throat and stomach. At night as | You ie asleep, the mucua drops down | fj from, the throat and head and is swal- {aime lowed into the stomach. In the morn- é Grnich comer trom, the effort Ing you awake feeling heavy and tired: | Toned mnuyale, to open. the fubes which q Di tenmpt to overcome such dea Arua pt. devices. of se, pin ior a e tr rouble te atuned I'by scarlet fever or any sonae fone 0) ae owt case. es of Sitiouts. tte “by wiittie, the, mucus has car- mucous atclan DON'T eas. A couch 1f you have a cold and it has left you With a cough, mo matter, how, slight— you ought not to noglee . e h f | the is the aeneeelly an indteatton” he be jbo 1c may develop. @ ime ape velfef that will for the cost end time e: CAUSE OF Ane Be “A. cause which 1s responsible for a many cases of deafness is Catt e whole trouble general 2 pe: pena nine: Biel “A WHAT 18 PA RMINT? Parmint 16 an English forme put oi mn experiences | tik ‘in ‘Wngland about 10 yeate eh se oe bake sein pals ee ft ingredien: ine values in tre neatment or by ore ae ured eee aren he 3 lof thatertal Cis: possible to ob mint fe put + Panoentrated “Parmi RO arin such pcee collec © “post nas tts saigienie No Rew ine at ope When such” ; tions: mayer ehronfe, as in catarrh, the dager “i ares cot a poate ave, wunce. is “tultictent mucus, carrying yoake,@ full half-pint of Parmint drops info the trot. The ate | to take when mixed as directed 1 mae seating amass sticks for a time a package

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