MILVERTON |: SUN SUBSCRIPTION RATES +e -$ 40 pee 3 +. 1,50 If not so paid, In advance. $2.00 per annum. OUTSIDE CANADA (In Advance Only) Great Britain ae United States preg Greece ‘and other se fronts ......++ » $2.50 Day-Old Chicks d-to-lay S. C. White Leghorn bays Chicks mf $15.00 per ante Expect to h: ne Ge first hatch off. about the end of April. Le Bye our orders now for this mand the fol- ates sstom aici a amount of custom ‘ing ai eh per_tray of 150 eggs—A. we GALLOP, R.R. No. 2, Miverton, DR. F. J. R. FORSTER Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Graduate in medicine, University of AD ae ‘Late assistant New York Ophthal- mic des Aocat 1 Institute, Moorefield’s Golden Square Throat Hos- 0 12 3 aes 2 to 5 p.m. daily. fracas 8, Matty and haere anes me rss appointment 7.) (Phone 267. 53 Waterloo St. S., STRATFORD. Spring Term From April 2nd * CENTRAL STRATFORD, ONT. Commercial life offers th - eae me ATWOOD. Frc is visiting with friends a “Stratfor Jon G. Di ickson is. visiti ae daughter, Mrs. D. Armstrong, 0: Bete Tom Vyles, of Toronto, spent the eee forte in the village. Miss Alm: of Alma, is vis- ein oe her home.” of the R.F.C., Toronto, spent the he holiday with Mr. and Mrs. eel Miss Ruth Oliver is spending the Easter nection: at her home in Pal- He of Toronto, me, ‘the weak an with Mr. ie Whit Cadet spent Gre rs. Stratford, spent the holiday with Miss Ruby y sol Coulter are Sisiting al iss Vern: peegenst is ete the holiday 8 - her home near nets s Miss Olive ee el of Binbrook, is Ms Wank at her hom: e visiting with friends in the-vil visiting her Stockfor Mrs. Nesbitt Hamilton, of Brussels, is visiting friends in the village and vicinity, Mr, Ard Love, of Stratford, spent the holidays at their home. Miss Helen Erskine is visiting with Mr, and Mrs. W. D. A mn: the WSoliday with Mrs. Miss Ne ie Vipond, ae Stratford) yeek-end at her home in day at his ie naa Porno isses Hazel Lowry and Kathleen Wilton, of, Brussels, spent Saturday th Mrs. E .T. Greensides. Mr oaealey, of. Termin, 4a visit. with her sister, Mrs. J.’R. Ham- mond Mrs. Cami ter, Alice, are visiting with friends st Clarksbur Lloyd Vallance made a. busi- eats date on Ween CROSSHILL 0) mor rt sae Recent lady graduates of this school are earning as high as $1000 per-annum: The last applica- Eimicay spent Good’ Friday With eo tion we received from an é man former's pert Ne SME some experience offered initial Playtor sd ee eaPecaa salary of $1800 per anm dents orthand and Tel slogsphy | ents. Get our free catal W. J. ELLIOTT, President. D. A. McLACHLAN, Principal. RAND TRUNK ® THE DOUBLE TRACK PONTE. Between MONTREAL, TORONTO DETROIT soit CHICAGO Unexcelled Dining Car Service, t Sleeping cars on night trains and parlor cars on principal day trains. | information from oy eae prank Ticket Agent, or C. E, Horning Bieict Passenger Agent, Mronter H. C. BAIRD, ’Phone 1, Local Agent SHADOW TEST ae ean ine holidays with friends in Toronto. isses Fi ie Rennie is spending the Lather and” Clara thelb respective Komes SMe. Gollum are visiting at the home of M bou: id. Mrs. Lebanon, spent Sunday with friends in this vicini r teacher, Mr. Stewart, is spend- ing dali holidays at his home near orge Petch left last week to svend care time with friends at Kit- chener. Mr, spent the past few months in Strat- tore, returned to. his home here last Walters returned home last Sh ‘after spending some time with friends in ‘Toronto, The famous Yell dapsone National Park with its ‘hot ‘= rings, geysers, es, Sven waterfalls and will be illustrated have been secured at great expense’ and reveal some of the most wonder- fal 1 views on the American continent. POOLE ™ Janet, of Stratford, are spending the Eas ster holidays wi ith Mrs. Dewar. “He Looks Into the Eye”* METHOD, it 2 almost B*imposeinie to make an error as aiivvork is done by looking into the eye; thereby locating the de- fect right at its source. Weak Muscles Strengthened Headaches Cured, Cross Eyes in many cases straightened when ea are Aitted by this di te advanced Children’seyes accurately Seamised without asking question: SATISFACTION GUARANTEED! P. H. BASTENDORFF Bresieee specialist se MILVERTON, ONTARIO sters Morris and James mers sand Harvey Tanner, of Dorking with these ux, of Wellesley, is siting with her daughter, Mrs’ A. | |Fleming. Mrs. hive Marshall, of Hamilton, returned home on Saturda lay after Mrs. Robt. Miss Priscilte “Most daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ben. Yost, of Morning- ton, who recently underwent a. ser- jous operation, we are glad to hear is _convalescing. The pane ot Mrs. Solomon Kuep- fer, of the 7th of Mornington, who recently underwent a serious opera- for; wil ee glad to hear that she is g progress towards recov- FOR SALE The house and lot at the rear of the . The he 01 ie gar- further’ particulars apply to Mrs. Wm, Dorland, Milverton. === E0=M We Use Only Genuine}. and Reliable Cloths in Making Suits and Overcoats We have a stock of blues ot woods. ig on the mar! ij In addition wee Peile other 7 goods to choose Onder Ts ada be oneametik pet e BEST. J.M. FLEISCHHAUER Next door to E. H. Gropp’s Garage. MILVERTON. EEE Ene a War elour, spring, Eggs for Hatching x increased egg production, try our S. C. White Leghorns direct des- 100: BES & COMMERCIAL Wheat, per bushel Barley: t* Be War Flour, blended ewt. oan Winter, ewt 5 65 65 Shorts p 40 — S 5 roe we ing Coulter ae James A. rae ae children, of | Bi re Miss Stella Lavery, of Listowel, is friend, Miss Orvellg {an ur, Wi thur Love and Miss Gladys Mi mo’ Mr. D, J. Faulkner spent the holi- in Dickson and daugh- |i terloo, spent Easter jin and little sso Me John Playford, of ihe John Birmingham, Who has | vent irs, McMillan and daughter, Miss |bUt Chal- | * spending a few aye with her mother, |,’ . Coulter, ‘Milverton. oh 0c of Min- 8. Canter dur: C. and Miss Alice Clark ford eo sauirday with friends at Strat- ‘ord, in; the 4 “Bhima Tanner spent a fe’ days with Miss S Binning, Listowel, this a Hamilton was a business ee at Milverton on Monda; ir. an Ray Hyde : ie dau : |ter spent Coed Friday wi Me and’ Mrs, G. Coghlin and Miss arian, and Mr. and Mrs. Burgess spent a day last week with friends at Donegal, Gale, of Sebringville, visit- , {ed over Sunday. eee ae here. We are sorry to r that Mr. Curtis has been on the ec list during the a week. . Fewings received two cars of au ‘on Saturda: e Easter visitors hei Wi y and two sons, of To- ronto; and Miss Alice Wray, of Ar- , with Mrs. Geo. , Sr; Miss eCardle, of Kitchener, and Miss M. MeCard) f Stratfor ith their parents, Mr. and Mrs. ie; Mr. Edgar Rutherford, of Ridgeway, and .|Miss Eva Rutherford, of Stratford Normal, at their home Misses Edna and Elsie Coulter, of Toronto, at Mr. W. rs. Mise Alice Clark, of Yat home here; Miss Lilly Hartiny Jot Bob- ie for the book ‘aids also for their antes by Gee during the year A soci: fo 18 ie well meet at the hone of Mr. James me therford on Friday, ted. Jecture will be given ening, April ve ee on “The Famous Yellowstone prepared for this lecture. yer es little, apart from the ta wondrous sights in this volcanic re- gio LISTOWEL Th ae "alternoon fire destroyed the house on the farm of the McAllis- ter estate about four miles down t boundary east, Jeased by Gell Wilson of Listowel, who with Fred Heard, en route Milverton and at Carthage was told the fir The contents ere nearly all ed by neighbors, Lavery is “isiting at hig home in borine and Mrs, Jos ‘Nurse and fam- iy, “foun line ast, left Weinesday for their new home in the West, . Neckel and fam- iting with friends in Toronto and up- eir return, Mr, Lockhart pur- poses accepting position as cutter at the Perfect Knit Mills, the bungalow of Mr. enning on Penelope-st., just to the rear of Maz Benning’s own hom d Mrs: Henry Grabb, of L towel, aed word last ‘week that Grabb Hospital, Bourne, suffering from bayonet wound in the abdomen. _ Mr, Henry Spears, carpenter, 0 week, and will work with Mr. Three Listowel boys arrived home from overseas last week: Priv: paaies and Private Doadt was decor- ted with a military medal for distin guished service. was reccted in town that ral d been rakger lsd Tt is Bat recently that Pte. France having and fors ome months, pO possibly now on duty with the 58th in Es Henry — Kocl: id. Hei Schinhein, oe Wallace, have received Military Service Act. KINGWOOD Miss Mary and Master Jimmie Kerr ef Hespeler, spent a few days with their uncle, Mr. Duncan Dewar e Schultz, accompanied a pie Clarence Yost spent eee Fri- Bee, Waterloo friends. eeesube at te rome. Mrs. George Watson is visiting at gine home oft het brot pre oa Hen: 4 Kelly, who we are s apres not enjoying the best of feats “week |. orn, Until 1870 fi 19 ylmer Rogers has purchased |Th Ww. ley aa ieelte Doadt and Abe Hamilton. latter were |b runded hike i eceve service in rs to, report this week under the] if Cora Hammer is spending the |i tiful, ‘Spring and Easter Opening = OR SPRING AND EASTER OPENING OF NORTHWAY GARMENTS, consisting Ox: will take place on Thursday, March 28th. At no former opening have styles been more beau- To all women we extend a most cordial invitation to attend the formal opening of spring dis- plays and learn from personal observations just how fittingly the new designs and creations eet your indi- vidual taste in matters of dress. of Suits, Coats and NEW coats’ FOR SPRING NEW SUITS FOR SPRING _ NEW SKIRTS FOR SPRING NEW WAISTS FOR SPRING SILK WAISTS— Our big display of Silk Thursday_m . Be sure you see these 1 Waists will be open on ALLWOOL SERGE— Now is your chance to very scarce, Dealers the market soon. NEW SILKS— if sz in jedneess ne peal line. Fi taro a hs me ee is line. “Have a look EASTER SPECIAL—80 y: Poplin, reg. $2.00, while it lasts p Bee ples Silk get in right. The onda. tell us they will be off NEW SPRING CAPS— 4 NEW E. NE up-to-date stock for sp: BOYS, LOOK HERE! NEW EASTER TIES— NEW EASTER SHIRTS— NEW EASTER GLOVES— We extend an Se 8 Pe yon to call and see our Lennox Ny og i Cucumber Toilet Soa: ks of Maple Apples for Dies basket or hatred, EXTRA SPECIALS IN GROCERY DERE: For THURSDAY and SATURDA 7 packages Simmer’s 1918 seeds for......... ae and White. te Rules Soap, 4 oc ies cake... ‘ASTER HOSE— 'W EASTER BRACES— WM. K. LOTH ELLICE COUNCIL The council met at the Pownstip, hall, Ellice, on March 25th, pursuant to adjournment, embers were . jall present and the Reeve, Robt, Arm- The min- eting were lopted, oe eee of Coug- ‘hiin, seconde b: inlan. clerk read a aoe of the order reas to be filed for future reference: Pathmasters Appointed. 9, Division No. 2, William Matheson: Jos, Tuer; 3, L. Brunner; 4, M. ih Fas 5, C. Schumeman; 6, Theo. Parker; 7, Dan, Durst; 8, John Kuhne 9, M. Kuhne; 10, Frank Famme; 11, Nelson Schneider; 12, Frank Lehman 18, Mike Rohfritsch} 14, Frank Jac- ob; 15, Dietz; 16, John Mikel; About 1.30 Thursday morning the |Batter : ase lod foune fons in “Little England” ee 4 Te is ape L, Crowley belonging to Mr. Will iam Jiseas and | 42, Peter Stock; 43, Ed. Prendergast; in which Mr, Henry was ar- i my gerts ei ee we ; t _ ‘ungblut; erner_ Die! Famanna ¢ move se “day was des Stee Sie ciate Sehonekt 50, Pred Becker; 51, Jol Kuhne; 52, Solomon Kuepfer; 53, J. 6, ¥ done; Gk 3 59, Henry Schenck; “ie, ans Schultz, Jr; 61, John Mayberry; 62, Jo Ropp; 63, And. Yungblut; 64, Albert Gropp; 65, A. Diehl; 66, Fred Muel- ler; 67, Chas. G art; 69, Wim. Anderson; 70, Andre Nafriger; 71, Christ Brb; 72, Austin Gropp 5 | 13, David Allen} 747 Daniel Poundkeepers. P. J. Finnegan, W. Murr: x, Smith, Robert M. Messerschmidt, P- Boshart, % sake ‘Knechtel. Fenceviewers. Harrigan, John Culliton, Geo. Stewart, .U. Sparkie 8.8. and Logai in, an. aaae oft cae 8, ates Or- M p.m, CARTHAGE Jean Watson ape the holi- Miss sea a with Einar eee St. A ae TTondon, soent th ‘the Swnekesnd: emaee the paren- s Una and. Hazel Mayburry pees IEMA As at th syguenennnusaneecananarrtporarareropaserspasererepunserspenanererepanrty We are Having a Shipment of 4 Ready Woven Farm Fence ¢ ALL NO. 9 COILED WIRE We Imow that we are lower on Fencing than anybody else. before buying. OUR STOCK CONSISTS OF THE FOLLOWING STYLES. 6 wires, 38 inches high, 24 inch stays, 5, 6%, 7%, 9, 10 inch spacing, per rod. 7 wires, 43 inches high, 24 inch stays, 5, 6, 7, 8, 8, 9 inch spacing, per rod.. 8 wires, 47 inches high, 24 inch stays, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 8, 9 inch spacing, per rod 56 7 wires, (Hog Fence) 26 in. high, 12 in. stays, 8, 8%, 4, 4%, 5, 54% in. spacing, per rod.=,38 cents Price talks in this case. Why not see our stock os ++. 45 cents : ake Ree cents 20 wires, 60 inches high, 8 stays, POULTRY: FENCING+~ 18 wires, 48 inches high, 8 stays, 1% spacing at bottom to 5 inch at top. 1% spacing at bottom to 6 inch at top. BRACE, BARB and BLACK WIRE ALWAYS ON ie bles KINDLY GIVE US A TRIAL. Finkbeiner Hardware, °F |xa ROSESE ESSERE Milverton FERNBANK Mr. Jack Crawford spent a few ape Jast week with friends at Mona spend eee months witl brother in. Saskato Mrs. Robert English and +l aane Sider, Helen were holiday visitors = pe art. ees report that Miss Gritt, Oe has pert ailing for ths at the assed awa’ a ‘Thursday itratford General agate ; , Stratford, ad those-attending the priest tee here were Mr, and Mrs. atte and Mr. and Mrs. P.. Albrecht. HESSON Miss Adeline Lantz, of Stratford, zs 0 a an Mr. Peter Voll’ ir. John Herron is earn a few aay with friends in Norw! Efe eyers made ‘ip to Sarnia one day last w | rs. Frank on Thureday, | BAECHLERVILLE is Holmes spent a‘ few with Mrs. Ed. Mu Miss ote oe eS end at home. J. acre visited friends, a couple ys, owil Mis: Pl lie B ae Mo of Miiverto 2 spent 5 few days last week with Mrs. Herb. ly. spent the holidays undér the parent oti Helm, of Kitch Mr. Lee Pane -of Waterloo, bert Hel spent b fet oF Hanover, Ru: ‘rom Kitchener on tured Seraphine. Stemmler spent few days with friends in Mildmay. Mrs, Geo. and sons peas? and Frederick, ae 3 in Kitchener this at M. Kocher, of ‘London, Ace secured a two month’s leave of al sence. Mr. Mrs. ig tal Graf and fam-| ry spent. Raster in Mr. €. Knoblauch shade a busi- ras a mira on Saturday uy bert-Helm was ordered to report for serviee at London on Wed- eae Listo a ali and Linwoo: ee ttle spent East- at Kit itche et err 1s attending County |take MACTON r, Emerson Nurse, of Toronto, is spending the the lee =u nad Lights itis Nellie Neilson dete one faked Ha Meaney had ‘the misfortune . B. Coun ‘at Stratford this week. ek Sises were atten the meeting of the .W.W. |him a speedy necovery Een which was held at the home of; Mite Arm sag 4 “Allingham, of Miss Bhi ner, on Friday last, |Toronto, and m Allingham, of it was decided that Miss M. Crawford milton, Spit: aster under the u as President of the club, parental poof. ~ while Miss Neilson is absent in the nd Mrs. Albert Falkner and West, an ‘iss tewart to act as little | gon ah Moorefield, 5} oa ager ur. Vice-President, next meetin; tter’s parents, Mr, an will be held at the ho: of the See. retary, Miss Clara Gordon, where the boxes for the boys overseas will be packe BONDS AND DEBENTURES Mr. Wm. Mason, of Newton, and FOR SALE ’ |sister, Miss Marjorie, of Toronto, spent Sunday with Mrs, Wm. Neilson.| Any me desiring to purchase any es Fest as been | amount of the recent issue of Victory overseas for year and a half bonds may obtain them by aj poe and who was Papen wounded Some (oe ae eae, ee und oe as ago, iin h nm Satur- ei de Ws ‘ou, in denomina- f Montreal 6 per cent. bonds due 1st of December, 1922, to yield 8% p cent., «delivery 8h of Abril NO ALCOHOL IN GIN PILLS aoe aeabinie <t Jatin the Brat blac there are many | have Sei Sie to “this ante agents mart tv from the mbined with other cohol, was then aiaretise ahd. blvet the Mamet. Gai Pills, for whic mid has grown ter than for any other medicine in ‘anada. Gin Pills have a wonderful rd of success yone applying we the Ses obtain pps ry of imonials reagived. an Pillsare cold by all dealers every- where on a strict ayaa of satisfac- money back, ey are 50c, a box or 6 bese for A free sample can be cies 3 ‘by sore to the Soa jal Drug & Chemical Co. o ig. aad ue eae of Fi00 $500 and tee City a is DORKING Fred McDonald ae e 0! Pp n pe ee iehine at 800 J, and brought. him ii ae Vi incent beets: ae gana vat ChaTHOn6 <oe EES i Ber & Sunday “at m Bene sowing spent Sunday ai Mr. J. R. ir. ned Mellanhah spent a few days last week with friends at Arth- Anthony ones sold a hand- James Scott, of Ss vere and Mr. John Tabbert spent Thurs: acy and saelaey. at M hauetlieer's; 's, near laster Harvey Tone is ; poenaing Bie holidays with friends\at Milver-. "Miss Libbie Coote spent a few daymy at Milverton rwith her. cousin, “Mrs. Mrs. Bert Lavery and fam- - Listowel, were on Sun- cleeamprenioe Heres tae In Memoriam. shee ant since obviously there |Tm loving memory of. V Valentine Eeim-- ‘ ‘The origin of Gin Pills can-be tr fel, Who died March Petit 5 a nee ih Co ac wees Home “is not home for father is not = pariclariy tsbenetial eels For angels have taken him out of © our care. ru Dark is the room and empty the chair He see gorie to that home'so peace- Sleep father, sleep, toils are over. Sweet be thy rest oft needed before ned We all loved you, but God loved you more, He has aa ats you to that bright happy shore: —Wife and ee School. Report. ae following is the report of S.S. , Mornington, for the month of * rr, 4th—George Diamond 68, Chris: Kuepfer 60. Sr, 3r Wagler 71, aan s Corry Jr. 8rd—I mi ‘Albrecht 83, Veronica Wagier 72, Noah Kuepfer ‘51, Lizzie * shea a Bab 2n ses Kuepfer 83, Clara Aleecae ue . venith Stever ary 5a eae 'y Corry’ 77, Dorothy! 52.