FIGHTING RESUMED IN PICARDY. IN THE ATT Germans Laundh Fresh ‘Attack Along Nine Miles of the French ia Front But Make Only Small Gains. _ ; despatch from Pari, sys: Ger-|ed along the western sector of the sa- ‘bering over 100,000 |lient in the lines of the Entente allies. rh Telivereda. terrific’ attack rs-| Attacks bythe Germans agains day against the French along a front | British and French are a mitted to of nearly nine miles from Grivesnes |have yieltied some gains to the invad- to north of the Amiens-Ri ‘oad. {ers in the critical sectors just to the They were met with a sto: fire |east of the city of Amiens. In the from the French guns, and although | neighborhood of Hamel, the British the assaults were repeated time aftér | were forced back # ight! time, they succeeded i in gaining only @ despatch from Canadian Head- small section of gr quarters in France says: 40 min- ‘rench retained Guivesiien ‘but the ‘Garni ns occupied tie willeges of Mailly, Raine- val bate e tively proceeding ing process now act wal ed in prepacation for a general rene ae erman offensive. clashes with hostile partie: 2 eae from London says: patch from the American ites several days of comparative in-|Army in France. says: Americ activity along the battle front, in Pi- lforces are now ‘iN sector’ of ‘the Meuse Heigniay south of Verdun, BRITAIN TO RAISE AGE LIMIT T0 50 cardy, bitter fighting has been resum- Markets of the World Prenfstn tts rfl g—atanttgba wheat— Toranto, Ho. 1 se $2. 3A No. do., $2.2085 — Hee ort William, incl risa Bee! hich Men Can Be. In store Fort liam, including 2%¢ 4 in 4 Bamitobe, oats No. 2 EW: S486; No: Plan By AY oo m7 fae .W., 9040; xtra eed, 5 Rai Raj No, 1 oe Siac. instore, Port William Lee Ba ee merican corn—The War Board In Ars gti at aint ate te wee 3209 yy mergency- Intaric. oats white, #2 to 93e:| A despatch from London says: The . 3 hite, 91 92e, ecording t ee a age ecording 01. Wy Military Service Bill will be sub- lo. whea\ inter. per ar jj Iterations up to the last mo- lot, ash iove Mantreal. Ject to al 4 wrens at ee fee yntreal. ing |ment before Parliament reassembles, ae the Prime Minister may take the Barge cMalting, $1.72 to $1.74, aca |°% tier a $1.72, to $1.74. Be | View that requirements in France call cording to Helzhis outside. neat to $1.85, according atelier - 2'$2.00, according to freights | | propos: ie ‘ WE aoa yee atau: $ider0, (2O™. ‘9 indented from an storia. Be, ROE BOOM guatlty. 11070.) " The. th Ig flour——-War, quality; .| ‘The present proposal is that men new bags, Le nd Mont eal fr sighte | Prarie shipment ets # eat (oe ie 50) should be subject to ne iote—Deliverea Mont: | tary service, but the military age will 1 1 ‘bags included: Bran, per) ™¥) ianoris, parton. $4040 |not be Towered below 18. It is under- 4, ton, $17 to $18:| stood that the Government in draft, mixed, $14 to a track’ Toronto, jots, per ton, $8.60 to $9, ee rapidity so as to with an even greater eegeay than the present It is not ‘Atended to take all men o ate; [between 41 a nd for the army ; geese, |who are not doing national work, | Country Butter Creaniery solids, per Ib. 48 Produce—Wholesale ints, per Ibn, 49 to 4940; dairy, to 49 per. ab: lala, Pours, Bresaed, aoe 26 B ro. 80" co selli nly ts. Bid retail good many. T | Wwanted in casé of a vital emergency. | EMT 10 CAPTURE AMIENS, SOUNDS ONE C4) CANNOT BEAR. Human Ear Can Detect Sounds Only ia Within Limited Range. — In nse of hearing ee problems have interested the mental may be mentioned the range of sound: that can be heard by an in vidual, that et ie limit both Hee ue above which und can be * |determination of the upper a limit of sound, has ocetsloned Dee con- | sound for any uals differ considerably, the whistle is generally u It consists of a a ie which is piston Youthful Turkish Captive. PNR: SPECULAT Turks rob the cradle for the Palestine _esmpaign. brought in by the British, north of Jerusale This captive was ert New Deeaniane “A ar ae, bo February + 0 | comment fei e fig INCREASED OUTPUT OF BRITISH SHIPS ees ak Merchant tonnage’ built ae hinged The saietiod! of these "problems, al of poss Unit Kingdo: ng March 31, ft tn the year ending Mar: in the last year, according ie a aoe as by Brit — tiie, See record and 5 Sarr that ‘wo! ‘0 heart the a4 Sanit have taken t alton whistle was devis iety caused by the comparatively low K; Francis Galton for his study of in| leatpne vot Tannary ant: " The |Phase of aerial warfare now quite us- ‘idual differences. He had one of the men in the shipyards ae ual was inaugurated at the expense of whistles lt into the end of his secs to maintain. this herent two brave lives. and as he walked through the Zoologi- | output.” ; was at the beginning of the See aca Landon! hetwoulds blew. asa oe es war,” said Lieutenant Farre. “They it near the ears of the various animals, INTRODUCING TOMMY ATKINS. beds oe eee night raids, 1 oa Meas bteh und myself at Chalon Hie mista Shs ee tie vari: ome Obs Characteristics Deserib-| “It was the month very aculty-—philosophic fided a word to his superior officer. lack of | His conclusions were that one could the Brit- ¥ ral i ae) prepared = the. ‘Canada ish solr fue ere {nvineible person | ¢; a8. double et Gontroter Sie tts e tab! Pi oe Meech constitute apFret THE iE WAR'S FIRST NIGHT FLIGHT THE TRAGEDY OF AN EXPERIMENT. INITIAL ‘The First Attempt at Bombardment be Night Cost Two Braye French Lives. In this ‘titanic world war innumer- ae fame deeds are never recounted. the ch . thrust themselves forward jaws of death, voluntary satetnces fi ity. he had ae stormy, so thi ne e nights, however, . were “Lieutenant Mouchard, commanding the V. B. 101, was desperate over the aitiation, and finally the idea came im that since it was not possible to i Pdiving the day he would try it by Sato do this it was necessary to light © | of age it would be about 25,000 He ay from France before the erent his way up and to provide a light spot | <|second, for a safe landing place. He pla 4 ——-—_ vel ell, wovare ready. Roni eboes eae thre ns of gasolene in differ: vistors ths Bhs 9 Te ae cing |ent parts of the field, ‘These he light- Ese] (CANADA F00D aoe into our next fight wi new-born shad rey acid a wens mow Remeenye S the "The Frenchman is in-| he then confided t her aianats SUCCESSFUL RAID 'ERZERUM TAKEN [sect Sintgactinal ge Stem curm rae ry ye cm | ON COBLENZ BY ARMENIANS The Hoda sees mane deanibe | spirit and passionate love of his own) « “Good” eae his commandant : limits the Phe of produce ain eee pols The On sn apratiomdres RACE et a co eT ‘ | as fs nile a quanttin. of Aeaseee LOC is SE ee if the weather is fine’ \Turks Also Beaten in T! his ncrounts 00 is reasonable Te- =| entize indifference i the pros and cons ANew. Adventure, (Troop Train Struck and Many "01" 0 Beaten in Trans- | Guirements and also make “The next night when we were all Soldiers Killed—Damage aucasus—Odessa “Held a assembled at table we laughed and talked of the new adventure—night id eeeves: by Russians. ites of food than are required to pro- : a oe ES, ver. | Vide for his Conadian trade require- Te Fires Tov doe en py [aiding in the wake of Mouchard. | ‘A despatch from Amsterdam says:| Tee Teed cite of Tarkiah ments during the season of scant pro-| Striking an asttude “ad fiurling de-| ‘Hight o'clock struck, The night —Despatches to Les Nouvelles state Ze y prtnaipal Si Oe change | Acton. OF AUDD The holding of ‘fiance at the begins by [Was as clear as ae sa Mouchard that on the occasion of the last allied) rmenia, is reported in an Exchange | excessive quantities of pro inquiring, fa By Se FT voice where said, ‘Farre, com me’ The “~ \Telegraph despatch from Moscow to Coblenz, 26 persons were! sled ee era (have been recaptured from the Turks | po packers are re- In the a of an evening recep- Commandant de Gays sae the call to the escadrille. e tanks were or- dered to be Hehied and all sta 2348e; ‘ cti in, 28 to Se e was done, the railroad tation pen| BY an Armenian corps, aided by @ de-) made. illegal Saat subject to he ve ted for preek a ny hoice, 41, to 42c; A is ve Fresh dairy, choice, 43,10 426; COMES TO DISTRIBUTE ig demolished. = In raid on ee eee The | penalties. hurdles oF als Oe thanhee ENE. sree a aviation fiel N Macgarine—32 to 85c Ib, FIBRE FLAX SEED. \Treves, 60 were killed ae tinase Sl sane ake! pea Oe eal aiee | ee | cing. des! to preserved his lite| “While Liew eee Mouchard made wena owe ald, 44 “to i6e; new laid, 2 were wounded, the railroad station) — Ahtriet : we Packing and Shipping Apples. | from SokuIe projectiles, Tow does he |his preparations a friend of his, Cap- AF A tery Milk-ted. chickens, | A see from Ottawa nee | was damaged and streets in the neigh-| aie ae ee from Petrograd says:| When labor is as scarce as itis at treat sei a Iwark? Unless elie tain le Clerk, envious that Mouchard Hg fo tte: fowl, 80 to 38c; turkeys, 40 | Wor s been received at Ott a | borhood were heaped with ruins ng Cart cer hi ek | present, the employment of the in- \ watched, he will begin to chop it uj should make the first night trip, wish- € 0 foe. otiltry--Turkeys, 80c: chickens, that col. Wayland, of the Canadian | In the xaid last week the Cologne | 54 jv back sixty ae i306 giles) | Experienced is unavoidable. Henes jfor firew go up for a trial himself. st pe: eatin lispnn 40 ta Babe eaneditionaty, Force, has been re-|station was it and many buildings | om Batum; it was® announced here | ‘Notes to Beginners, » given in Bullet-| Vib ext proceeding is to construct |did so. Coming down in safety after hand-picked, “Burma, sh.. quested by the War Office to imme-| were demolished. A p. train, | Wednesday. Likewise, they have|in No. 2 of the Fru! Commissioners {for himself a placevof shelter, ~This|fve minutes, he said to Mouchard, ‘It oe i 3 fest Japan, $8 to $8.25; |diately proceed to Canada to super-} tariding in the station, was struck |) Sarivek ack Son the erveram Series Entitled: ae Methods of | ands: ‘ sensible Proceeding, ‘put here | isn’t at all fine above. There’s a fog ret eyrup¥L.76 4 5 to $2. os ee distribution GEE ee seed, | an noe a as were killed ore line. Packing Apples,” become of prime im- Peak t is a case of “safety second.” and I advise you not to go up!” 4 te id paucipatedy yy ee ET Eig tolldwi eee visited the} Tye vainjan and German forces seek- [portance These notes run: {A British Tommy regards hamselt So much ‘the worse \for’ mie,’ 88) aid rorsie—tractons requi Hae in fede to a y the | spot the following day. I ing to recapture Odessa and Nicolaiett} arn to size your Tee accurate- | completely protected from the ecciy Mouchard; ‘I can’t Dee out all these Smidiced mesty Hams. mediioy Ye to |th : s for airplanes in| | up RUSSIAN WARSHIPS \ were repulsed, it was announced on y.and. ‘the placing in the box is a sim- | of his enemies if he can lay # sheet of people for nothing i do. ea y, 20, 40. HAS aictast bacon, | "2S aoe Be Se ah TO AVOID CAPTURE BY ENEMY | Wednesday, The Turko-German fleet, ap matte) |corrugated iron roofing across his bit + this moment the commandant Ptougdes yea pista. #2 t0 Ses Pole | oa Ce Pee te eeded tovard. Odessas-was drivers) = Au apples are placed in the box! of trench and sit underneath it ‘At |came over and asked if he were ready. ong clear. bacon. 28 to in vegan oe eee aca chia | A despatch from om ‘Petrograd, says: | back by the Russian Black Sea fleet. in the same relative position, It can-|any rate, ib keeps ‘ain. off, and|Mouchard~Beckoned to his observer, ae Pure lara, Tie Beg, (ote UmBortance of Tees eae sedingly | Several Rusela fro ee cdieg | Batum is in Transcaucasia, on the |not be impressed too strongly upon that is all that his inttincts demand of |Maillart. They cranked the motor, At tubs, dard. tlerces, $04, t0 te: mot, be exaggerated, it is exceed ely | earn ree anne ; t beginners that all slses ney oc at him? An ounce-of comfort is’ worth | ight, unaccustomed AB, WS" Wee> pa Sie tere Oe MI be cordial four submarines, in the harbor ut | Black Sea, twenty miles east -of the| beginners sizes and shapes of . eins, B22 0, 8g, Compound ‘Herces. desirable that there shall be cordial ; t lack Sea, twenty mis ea 110 |apples can be properly and conveni-| a pound of se rity, 4 se days to night raids and flights, 36 to A6¢0; tubs, AAA to 26%c; pails, 268 | co-operation between the ee ay ango, were blown up by their com-| 7°" ta. of OF cis aid re. | ently. packed i sa a Ie abe Canadian | achine seemed something from will sow this special flax manders, who feared capture by the Seni recantirediby ue By K apple the inferno with its noise and sparks. ‘Montreal Markets Col. waplans, who ‘will distribute ‘the | Germans. (o Mayor’ of Sukhum-| cently. cecaptured by. the eee ed |The motor ran well and they ascended, aca - Kile rensits Trt the Black Sea fleet |i 100 miles east of E andes. Sheetal packing can only be'the trench needs pumping out. Does SS CU gs er ica age ESC i gan ee about ‘ihe sam dist um, and one with apples of a uniform size in he fll sandbags: or Wenecet Halon atnce gutateaehed and they disap- No. 8, $1.05: L rpedo boats are bombarding and io Some ey i a bf i d into th feed, $1068; No. 2 local white, $1,053; | ecting caw eereece: cane eac where is no possibility of ;volition? Not at Unless re-|Peared into the ni siandard. Spring heat Frage, Ship th FIRST YEAR OF WAR e B ee using an apple larger han the. size jmorsely supervise, he will devote the) ear leno bd Fee aa : ed -oats—Bags, 90 Ibs., $0.60, COST $9,000,001 00.) oT ee bine = _|being packed, and then attempting to res! @ morning to inventing an c Hero's oul 300 fo sob Hay fsa eo ae pone ee : re mote ee Mie ae of an-| straighten the row by using a small (chalking up a\title for his new dug- Sire, vats JMG ym ti ton, Th Half of US. Expenditure _ racite coal ever found on the main| sopie next to sut—“Jock's Lodge,” or “Burns’ Cot-| time, above, one saw the blinking light More ee alf of U.S. Expenditure | teaspoonful of ‘olive oil. Appl ly ” this | island of Japan recently was discover- 7 ‘“ ts? » that was hi signal and fall with ili 4. ernie cannot be too strong-|tage,” or “Cyelists’ Rest’ -=aupple.| tank: Was Hue SiBASl a ‘ollowed Winntpek Grai s in Loan to Allies. with a leather, and dry them in the}ed extending for eighteen miles along | : . ‘ ie Winnipeg, April neat baleen ee sun if possible, mountain ranges ly insisted upon in every feature of mented by a cautionary notice, such anxious eye ani manoeuvring Onts—Nb. 2 site; Caw, | A ae from eres Says?) s hoxpacking. Fingermarks upon boxes, \ae—-"No admittance. ‘This Means|fat above the 5 Yecd, 8040; Nov i | Nine billion dollars is = | or careless rubbing in of moisture and , you.” ‘Five minutes had hardly passed ett 4 cost to the United Sates of one year dust, are all too co a mest|~ ‘Thereafter, with shells whistling |when the weather began to sho war. scrupulous attention should be givenjover his head, he will decorate the |self as described by Captain le Clerk, More than one-1 “halt if has gone to the fruit and all specimens reject- | parapet in his }mmediate vicinity with | The moon hid itself behind mountains loans to allies and will be / repaid ed that are not Set Vans free from|picture-postcards and cigarette photo- of clouds and little by little flakes a Beaten Markets eventually. Over one cai oe been [eontinaton of any si gr ‘Then he leans back with a|snow b : en rae $-Com No. &.vel-1 spent: for: the ee and military es- 5. id there he any dust or {happy sigh, His work is done. His The Supreme Sacrifice. Fe 33 te to, e-tenth for Thipbaild. spray material upon the apples when |home from home js furnished. He is} “We could no longer see any spark . ae Banas PS RR ing. picke is much easier to take it off now at leisure to think about “they of light from # the machine and could oe Hi20)F focatnive, Pathos May, $4.15 ae one-sixth of this big war cost at that time. If the onples are oe Gairmans” again. That may sound lil ear nly occasional muffled sounds. Pai 4 i, 2 bids ‘October, $5.09 has been raised fo aaa and other ed to stand, they acquire ain exaggeration, but “comfort first ere sure that Mouchard could — \ordinary sources of revenue, and gumminess that senders it diMfeult to|is the motto of that lovable but impu-| no Teer distinguish our ~ beacons ? o Stock Markets | balance has come fro1 je of Liberty one them look clea) jent gennshonncr, Thomas Atkins, all|purning on the aviation field nor the afi Arto Choice heavy stects, | Bonds and certificates of indebtedness. Packers mena Ikeep their nails|the tim: ground they lighted up. » The sounds o 4 hi ¥ rs, Ps a ee i : 0 8 ‘yer $12.50 to. $18; i NADIAN RED CROSS wl Somes, otherwise injury is fre- a in the air became fainter. It seemed - ah ANAT er GH ss aa 000) ently d by puncturing the| Putting Both Feet In It. evident that the motor was going far-@ _ {o - fruit Tends, resulting in decay. In} ace ba farther afield, lost in the sea ° Se despatch from an, Watinath says: mn Red Cross on Thu’ day a thoelaea. a gift of $500,000 to urs= auire ay oh Hectic tatnvan Boe = os size. , Fruit should be uniform in color “ tcl on a woman ywho had none too good |°Suq" ae aatie ves Guceo a ER ice sang for the guests. One of had q foreboding that T shou it nett | uests corned ta. « mesk Looking again see Lieutenant Mouchard. We | Be te et te ae Red Cross for war re-| é a ie notes are a oe part of a an man who sat at his side and no longs heard the rumble of the mo- Babli leu Someries ages, wit % 4 fsa wil%| he wit was made without restr. Hany lligstatious: thet Jgdealened:to| < “owe eveealls SY Ho con She bet Tiguddenly we observed at a distanco NM ae | tion, but the American Red Cross ex- profit cker and shipper, help the Thats replied the man addressed,| ,¢’ perhaps fifteen kilometres what oe ee 2, : acer tt to laeaered! the hope that it would be po: dealer and please the ‘consumer; and | “is my wife.’ looked to be a shooting star, Tt ap- ao. ela 40.80 {0 | sible to use the fund for the relief of fee er sare had free for the mere'act| (Oh; I'b-b-beg. your pardon!” stut-| proached the earth aid almost instant- 125: da. 0. $20, ee «yan is, (the, canal soldiers at the front of writing to the Publications Branch, | tered the other. “She's really 8—Tliy 9 flame lighted: p for an instant colontreal: Aneil ¢ “Prices per 100 Ibs: |The letter accompanying. the gontri- “ Department of Agriculture, Ottawa, |know she'd sing beautifully if she|ihe whole hori: Ho es meat butt ot Ee tocllng oes ‘That Unique American Army. y better selection Wf tc. BU io alum, odd 22 t 0 $10: ution expressed the feeling of ‘symp Seam at 3 sae ——_ made a better selection sie. |. “Tn herror Teaid. ‘to the commandan $ Big *Tweakum Sa er eae ‘thy and admiration of the American y Gust “out”)—“Listen, Bill! Sounds like ole Fritz comin’ over ho do you suppose wrote that|:f, ig Mouchard, who has lost control i i dene "Bile people part. taken | by fh Sean , squash, squish squash.” : Any food consumed over and above| gong?” of fe hethite 20; milk-fed i a Be ae te Canadian Red Cross and the Canadian} BillThat’s orl right—that’s only the Americans further up & the needs of the human body is wast-|" “{ did,” replied the meek-looking|" «ye catled for automobiles aad elect hogs, off cars, $21 to $22. * | people in the war. ewin’ their Suma London Dini, ree little man, f Bees ey once to the point on " — eee : —— " en = ground below .the. flaming star. \ at : arrived, bul The Doings of the Dufes. BE WDING A PACKAGE HE HAD DHDER His ARM! ~ ii “No, HE HAS SOMETHING STUFFED \ IN THE KEY Hole. | HAVE AN IDEA — Come WITH Mi | i S'POSE ITS A CHRISTMAS. PRESENT ¢ ee Yi sl il | ¥ Pe Me — ore Te of their avion. -| > We stood in a circle around the ad- venturous dead. I have rarely attend- ed 50 tad ‘a scene—this brave com~ e, 80 beloved by all, one of the first ea eeattick to this” experiment ~ rdment by night.” ot ret \ Air Raid Signs, Londoners can tell by looking at the night sky whether to expect Go’ raids or whether to go comfortably + bed. If the moon shines and the nigh “ aie he acute the clouds, Show y be at som ig) from the east it is sate to assume that th Gothas will not come, for they a against a west wind; em back from the Brit« +43 Pe | eee! papnes for e lively er evening. \