BRITISH CONTROL SITUATION IN - FLANDERS: ENEMY GAIN A BARREN ONE Fighting Continues on Large fee Baki ocean Success Was Short Lived—Relatively Quiet on French Front. A erence ftom the British in France sa; e Messines Rid; and ‘the Ploogsteert “Wood, which last drive launche Armentieres cat Messi The Germans are carts fulearly de- sirous of capturing Messines Ridge and Wytschecte, and pressed their at- bee bee there bao tu the nd-to- hand anane occured ae the Futaeele le eieiy between ¥|tho misty weather. The territory which the enemy over-ran was sparse- ly populated by civilians, and as re- gards the character of the country, it is a barren gain. Moreover, the en- emy communications are lengthened w | across long tracts of clay. “The weal improved and sday morning the allies were efetively co-operating in large num- tee 10 o’clock Tharsday morning the tide of bat urging bec ba we and the enemy advanced in waves forth for. a shows n- heavy nd flanking Roozebeck, my. fi doned See aig great wate for the rifl his nae Coincident with the attack north of Armentier: T despatch says: “The situa- tion in Flander: day as fairly wall in hand, but fighting continu and is likely to soiree 2. at suc~ ess the Geneahe achieved developed |e: out of an advance in the-centre of the original front of attack, helped out by. rs is regarded on Thurs- | i ac] it what a igen as terrible execu- tion. A despatch from French Head- marters says: Relative quiet pre- Noyon, St The es along th . ermans have done litle tench digging. The enemy |are showing Sic iealuation 40 aus the offensive, Markets of the World ona ty rete toba, whee 2.23 <3 2, do. $2.20 ae Toronto, Avett rthern, $: a, Board in the Felehes outs ontario Wheat-—No, 2 V Tot, $2.25, Piet ta wtore Montreal inter, per car $8.10, according 0 $1.70, agcording to No, 2, $3.60 to ace 10 $1.85, according fanitoba, four—War quality, $11.10, Toronto. w bars, P Ontario flour quality, $10.70, Rew bags, Toronto and Montreal tretgits fraights outs prompt shipmo Mitifeed—Car “ots Delivered Mont: r , bags included: Bran, per Norte. er tom, $40.40." ge oa per fton, ry 50 to $9 track Toronto. Country Produce—Whol ee ter—Creamery, sollds, 47 prints, per Ib., 48 to 49c; “inivy, Sto! ns, 26 to 28e: 30c; geese, c; ducks, , 80 to 81 ‘are. selli 27 to 00 Wholesalers vio, the retail ing trade at the following price Cheese New, large, 28 {0 284¢; twins, 23 to “938 early heese, FS “to 260; ar @ twin, iatiorewresh dairy, choice, 41 to 42e: gpeamery prints, 60 to S20; solids, 49 to Pargarine "43, t0 236, 1p, Egi lata, 42 to 480; sities 46 to Pa pou 0 BSc: 30 qoute Live poultry: By, 26 to. 28! new laid, nS ettk-tea to 38c; chickens, a, 800: chickens, pricier! 0c. Maple syrup—Imperial gallon, $2.25; wine gallon, $1.76. Provisions—Whol Emoked meats “Hams, ale medium, 36 to . 203 46 to nFi to 8c; breakfast bacon, oi, backs, plain, 43 to 44c; bone- red me: ng clear bacon, 29 to Hy clear, lite, ety to 30c. Li tlerces, 31% to 32c; tubs, a5 oo: xt "1 ‘feed, 9190; | mi ny atone vort William. turkeys, 40 we fe ue 50, 60 $3 20.75; heavy and fat Wueke, S11 to sizd0; hogs. fed and watered, $20.25 .50; do. 20.75; do., Ave 16—Chalce steers, Et steers, $10.50 veo #4785 <0 cows, $7 to rae tenet $10,3b canners, cattio, 48 fed, 10 $14; spring lambs, aplece: choles. Select hogs, off cars, $21 0 $22} sows, $19 to $20 en 036; calves, THE DEAD SEA. ‘0 British Hands, adiae oe -gontral of the seas, one ‘of them—the Dead Sea of the Scrip- tures—has ae ‘British operty sin’ the capture of the city df raalens which is near to its shores, Bi is naught but a salt lake, much small- ; |er in size than the Great Salt Lake of tah. It is only forty-seven miles tong and nine and a half miles wide, though its depth (occupying as it does a big chasm in the earth’s surface) is 1272 feet. Its surface is a quarter of a mile lower than that of the Mediter- ranean d it has no outl ‘What happens under such circum- stances? Necessarily an accumala- Eee at Ha Uieak Se61h, an heasrly laden with these salts that no fish can. live in it. To the view, however, it is not un- attractiye. On the contrary, it is one of ‘the most beautiful lakes-in the i—sapp! sparkling wavelets, ane of a spectacular turesquene: Nortiivard flows the Dead Sea ‘runs the River Jordan, which expands into the Sea of Called (otherwise known as the of Tiberias), which, thir- Geta. tiles IoWes by: cig ht alles Wide) has outlets, and is for this reason feeabewiter lake. tw the Sea of Galilee that the Diddpies smbarked tao TOR Vis 18) after Jesus had fed the multitude es. ails, 32 to 32; A go othe yee ate A Eee tats with five barley loaves and two ie; tubs, ic; pails, 264 to| Jesus had left they got into 2 aT - SESH AUT t and started, after, dark, for ontveal Marketi pernaum. A storm arose and the pio ntreals a yh ees ares a Now ainnaard apring Bolted te Bag of 0 . ‘an, $31 shorts, $40.40; . moult (200 fo $62. per to} $17, wingloeg, 7 ater extra, No. be; No. * Peed, te ‘ee Soc,” Bartey-—Nor s ited States Markets Minneapelis, $2.60 “90 ioat naga Pe May, $4,063 bid; aera n., April arrive, vt 4.08 i 4.108 bid; | July, 3.61 bid, = 5 fue. Markets orduters "April. Sige cates holes, $14.25 to $18; do, ‘steers hae 10d, 11,5076 go. 8 helfers, chote 25 $6 $11 1 ion, 0 $6. 10.88 to, $44; dor good, $0.28 to 39. 781 med! $8.26 to $ $161, Pax No 1 NW.G. % 198: pl them, “It is I;-be not afraid.” ~ sabes . | UKRAINIAN GRAIN A LREADY EN ROUTE. A despatch from Amsterdam says: A despatch received here from Kiev, that an agreement was Hungarian delegates for the supply to Powers of some 60,000,000 july. liveries of the grain already gun. ee ge eS Poor Overworked Words. It is declared by a pula ae al work, and fort Historic a of Water Has Passed |), ..| the 2,000,000 acres in oes e of shelter built FOOD BOARD STOPS HOARDING) . eee, Dealers Notified They Will Be Prosecuted if Stocks Al- a8 lowed to Spoil. A despatch oe Ottawa says: The Canada Food Board states that the has telegraphed the chief” food in- at Winnipeg’ enquiring whe-| ther these holdings are liable to be marketed without loss. If the stocks, there cannot be taken care of withou waste, the Food Board is prepared 0 require dealers. to dispose of. their holdings without delay. Very con- siderable supplies of oni e ported to be held in British Columbia. ler: liable to prosecution if any part of these stocks be allowed to spoil. (eho * Eel ats 4,000,000 MORE ACRES ‘A despatch from Victoria says: Prof. W. J. Black, commissioner ad- ee the Agricultural Instruc- ct, estimates there will be an addition of 4,000,000 acres under crop | in Canada this year as compa’ ared with | 1917. east of the Great nearly a million acres oS 00 fn Quenec, where many of the! s lan 6 being broken up, and £00, 000 in ee Maritime ene of Western provinces, about half ot She ih Sees katchew: Se ae Pe Mustache an Army Badge. It is against the British army regu- lations for an officer ave his up- per lip, and from time to time British War Office has issued general orders expressing its disapproval of the growing disregard of this regula- fon The mustache long has been regard- ed asa military. badge. one regiment in the tro-Hungarian cavalry may go smooth faced, and this s Ss with such gallant wever, its members remain beardless to the present day. Saw anti-waste and antichoarding or-| been prone UNDER CROP THIS YEAR. | De oy Ie monicival authoritied of a ge suburb 4 a refuge oe 4 during air raids. Tt SPLENDID PART PLAYED BY CANADA 835 | costa Yheut $7.60 to build and is fitted with electrie Tight./ War Has Cost ie Date Millions and 100,000 Casualties. - A despatch from Sige says: te ing of trea: of fig- ures with which Sir Robert Borden seen the discussion of the Do- ne tcoim ties of the WI The recital of © estates brings He thrills to, the listener, but the Prime Minister's state- ment is eoparded by a new and clear- | the fiscal year 1917-18 Canin wee lexpenditure at home a ‘far as it has to date ‘amounted to -$835,950,019. | will as added if the aba ttiaile for the present year are as estimated, $516; OTT 804, making a total nice the outbreak of war of $1,352; “ab Ss As .| the Prime Minister pointed o ow- not See all out in Great Brit reported and included in the amounts. tp TWO NEW DREADNOUGHTS ADDED TO KAISER’S. NAVY despatch from Amsterdam says: —Two new dreadnoughts ete been added to the German fleet during the | war, according to the “Vossische Zeit ung, and vessels | which were launched in 1916, a and Danzig. They shells. France is Converted to Jam. The French poilu may peace, but in many ways he ry Hie warlesiie..r264e tintanse, We: Had not been for his alliance with the Brit- ish Tommy on the battlefield he would never have acquired He oe for ae delectable English jam: lades with vihich the English aldien soeities himsel acy ae the eating habits of e him. Trenh hospitals de- mand much of the sweet foia Eng- land and the soldiers who go out dis- charged call, for it in. the ng vdelica- to fight for the tricolor. His fondness for the new delicacy is tremendous. r 3 &D {MOUR OF Ov 82 3 4 TIME 234 $67 8 9 10 tN LIGHT: oe =f M E ire “Canadas. Daylight Saving s fifth war appropriation bill hol the |b: fof on Sunday at midnight, the circum- Ki fire 38-centimetre | };,, is BRITISH CAPTURE CLOCK ADVANCES \ SUNDAY MORNING |~ Daylight re Goes Into Ef fect Two Hours After Mid- night Saturday. A despatch from Ottawa says: The -|daylight saving bill, which was . put through the committee stage / and ive third reading in the Senate on wursday, will in all probability come into eff ju nto this effect was given enator Robertson, Minister with- out portfolio, when the bill was being considered. Senator Robertson gave as the reason for the bill becoming ef- fective on Sunday morning instes lays. inconyeni- ences would be caused by advancing | the clocks sixty minutes at that hour ing late trains Hi sical Mare icaived: at iuely desta tions and morning trains 4 would i made up ee a a a later hour. MUST RAISE FOOD OR JOIN THE ARMY Only Farmers Who Show Ade- quate Results Will Be Exempted. = at A despatch from Ottawa says: The attention condi- it certain principles whic laid down by the central appeal judge at Ottawa which apply to all exempt |qy ed men in this class. The need for troops cannot be exag- x hand, the ne- Pp emption granted farmers is grant solely because of the conviction that they are, or may be, more useful in food production than as troops at the front. 3 29 MEN OF eee WON erent CROSS A despateh from nin Ottawn says:—. Paes tabled in Parliament on Thu y at the request of Mr. W. S. Mid- dlebro, Chief Government Whip, aioe, up the present time 29.1 Canadians have won Vict oria Crosses lefield. ieished i in eh despatche eS, PALESTINE TOWNS A despatch from London British troops on April 9 advanced to in’ me and a miles, the British War Office announced | on Thursday. || Nobwithstanding the| ‘ubborn resistance of the Turks, the Se ee the villages of Rafat NO ONE-CENT P PAPERS IN BRITISH ISLES A Goagrs from London says:— e-cent newspaper in the ‘The ont Bator vs the Daily Express, has |W! to two cents. London now has aap 6-cent morning paper, two at 4 cents and the remainder at 2 cents each. The afternoon papers are all two sans, except one, which From Erin’s Green Isle NEWS BY MAIL FROM IRE- LAND’S SHORES. Bag in the ‘Emerald Isle of Int ae rest to 7. men. There is no real shortage of tea or sugar in Ireland now, but meat, ake and tinned milk are very 1 Several eattle have died and many lestroyed, owing to an out- brea of blaciar in Roscommon dis are selling hay without a soll from the military authorities, James Byrne, of Ballygannon, was fined ten shillings. me pitetion waited upon the Chief Secretary es PY ces at Dublin Castle in regard © e welfare of the blind. jurgeon-! oneal ae gan M.B., T.C.D. created a Gam ah ine ( aise of the eases The of erecting aerodromes in various ae of Ireland has been ced. The | Be Ifast Teachers’ Association has a AS the Belfast Trades and Lal ni The si eevee if Aighe in Avion ta endangering he o aEELy of bread to | 1; ed to Lieut. of Robert eee Toneette of poor, Arbroat allan or Peis Sct and seedsman of that pl 'FROM OLD SCOTLAND NOTES OF INTEREST FROM HER BANKS AND BRAES. What Is Going On in the Highlands’ and Lowlands of Auld Scotia. \ The Military Medal ne been award- ed to Private P. Sturrock, Royal Field Artillery, Al Pri ly cvost. Mungall has beea,appotnted of the governors of Morrison’s “| Academy, Crieff. ‘A “Bring and Buy” sale held at Athelstaneford in aid of the Red Cross Work Party, 1 realized £28. Capt. Jol hn Crockart, British Mer- cantile Marine, a native of Arbroath, has been awarded .C. The ctu! cor has been award- art, R.F.A., son Capt. J. Ogilvie Kemp, Royal Scots, and a well-known Edinburgh advocate, has died from illness contracted ‘on ac- th persise: leath took place recently at of John M., Dow, a well- Arthur Kinnaird, the local workl Royal Scot: A.crowd of Title veltldreadancal at No forei io vessels, or British ves~ the town hall, Kingstown, in aid of sels\from foreign ports, have entered the War Work Hospital Aghcoetes bare during the past ea The export of butter from Ireland} Jo) faining, has been forbidden, except by those! fries, has been elected burgh Geet ae ay the Food Controller. m in succession to James Kissocl ounded or sick /Irishmen} ‘The Military Medal has been award- servi rest the British army will be| ed to Private L. J. Hope, , St. sent or to Ireland to complete their recovery. Mrs. James Kennedy, 19. Reesebor- ough avenue, North, Strand, Dublin, 5 been officially notified of the death ed to.Corporal William Purves, son of William Purves, ‘Walkerburn, Private Andi irew Currie, Canadians, of her son, Sergt. D. A. Kennedy, in| tilled in action, was a son of George action. Carrie, Greenbraehead, Hawick. Lieut. Kevin Brayden, London Irish ve greatly increased’ in Rogimtnt, recently killed in action, was the gon of W. H. Brayden, 18 the miley cauthori dee tr nd their de- mand was granted within two' hours. AED SE MINISTRY OF SHIPBUILDING. Trees oe Ly “Women in 1805 Now ed For Vessels. rit ae ee seems 2 a 4 the output of the last few mi vastly accelerated England vill, in all human probability, be beaten by the submacing before the end of the year.” e few discontented workmen will aa only have got anotiier set of mas- | ters—the Germans— g_before | it comes to that point drantle stepe will have been taken to improve situation. Lord Pirrie has met the First Lord) {stroy wild plants onan figure at ate world of ship- building, to take on ithoritative opinion is in favor of of ane on mi Al Matheson Lang and ‘on, coe Soci cemriee ae lex Symon, cele’ hon II postal Sees “addressed to Ire- Bridge; has been appoi ‘a posi- = land a Bee to oe in arms |tion in H.M. Office of ee ‘White. O mn will be Seniet over to ay London. is Strachan, » Can: adians son. of William ae Tins lithgowshire, has been “dd tenis FOSS. At ar awarded the ecital. given in Cupar’ by Miss Hutin wae £30 wan realized for the Captain. Se L. Gibson, Stirling, has been promoted a Deputy Assistant Di- rector of Roads in France, with the Lance-Corpor: ral D. M. Telfer, who mdon “has been awarded the Military Medal, soe is a son of Mr. and M House, Kinross. WHAT THE I PLOUGH SHOULD DO. ra. Telfer, Hope “Handbook for Formers” Advises Use of Jointer. from crumbling the soil, the side chief objects of ploughing are‘to de. so that ieeties® loop to pull the tall plants down into om the iiding of war as well as oe the fur to be covered. The joint- merchant set He ao and the or or ekim-coulter ts tie used ta cords took great personal pride in tals AA uaa it is hoped to ish a ae compte apie new mates the pbuilding. Tt ip believed that ne ait produce a saving of anything up |® to three months on the building of each vessel, The supplies of steel are | ® | now ample, but the same remark, un- | °°! fortunately, fiat not apply to the 7 supplies of 1 os of * shipbuilding, a little |° ow, in the rs 1805, or ar, an old niat of the village of Hartley Wintley, in Hampshire, planted 200 oak trees in two fine ave- nues in providing against any anvketae: - ae seh tor the “wooden walls ingland.”” en these trees are nay Fraled for users “Wooden walls” have riesed to be, but the old woman's fore- sight has been justified, ——¢ — Good nature, happiness and rales ter are as contagious as awn. pi skims a shallow furrow slice When stubble or SA by encouraging plough perform well in German Long-Ran; he implement: dealers of the country ould perform a distinct service to ‘al use of jointers on ploughs. stiff sod. cong ge Gun Join Join: Enemy ‘Aime. oa Killing ables A despatch from oa aie says:—Tho bombardment of Paris by the Get Wbonte $8; feed half. ‘The nine most useful words are: | How We Will Gain an Hour for ‘Ping sells at four cents. appiness is a state of iaidycand man long-range gun was resumed 10.60; atockers,, $9, Bill. there is nothing that contributes more| Thursday afternoon. Springers: cholce, $100 to 818 iagram shows the effect of setting the clock on one hour. Observe eae rice served with any stewed| largely to the general well-being of| One 1 struck va. foundling bin fet te 0 $80; aT eA »| that it gives us an extra hour of play-time without cutting down our hours | fruit makes a good, ‘inéxpensive des- al than a man a \hearty| asylum; The total victims of the common, $8 to heavy fat, $10 ¢0 yf work or sleep. ense of humor.—Marshall J. Wilder, aurananiant were four killed and —_ ——— _ one 21 wounded, ‘The ‘Doings of the Duffs. ee ages | DO YouR SHOPPING I Wow! AT PRE SENT? ( DoNour SHOPPING Now! AT PRESENT! NOUR SHOPPING: Now! AT PRESENT! WHILE aes WURLY -BURE | Do Nour shopPING I\-tws wow WE, lo! the —4 ‘Alrmen’s Electric Mitts, Sustained winter flying Buro-- pean battle fronts is sans possible by pice clothing for the airnren, immer the night air at see eo win- Is eat which keeps the flyers fr sing control of hand and foot. Humility, ~ fe, bird that sings on.highest wing, it her aiantees rth mi ly sing, | RQ the shade Pein mat “ine Tn ink ay 4 eee F sal Bee, “What honor ba to Ba {cea r i Bei § s oe 4 S