: THE ISLAND (Intended for last week. Seeding 2 full Boots and ehves. Seber ail | ccccepere| |G yt: Biggest Range of ' nt a few days visiting friends in We Have a Few Specials to Offer to i Public While wen Jocality., Wi iegeerpRe called on Mrs. BE. They Last in the Following Lines Sehmt ast week rach eo Good Ss ‘we H ave Ever I spent the week-end with Miss K . Geo! , © evies Girl's 5 tn eee ee Top, But $2.50 an ri Ge ees. The variety of Women’s and Children’s needs in Wash Goods is greater today he ever ieee: “Gin’s Pa Leath ei st es es 4 The prevailing use of wash clothing for both boys and girls i is a big item in itself, but to this must be Little ae 8 won Shoes, ‘Saas 8 wie, 9. 5 ei eee Mas Ee Gehnl ‘added the House Dress for women, the many siyles of garments for sport wear for girls, misses and wo- Sori bi cari » $ 2 i i s ii jnents th the splendid fe fabrics for oo th areates and the Seehtoesly dainty fabrics that may be used on for- Ww omen 1 a iz oa Cloth T 0p, $3. 0 0 e asions. every one of these lines = you will find us amply stocked with aiaeties new things. wris! m Shoes. At per prior to his ag an Mew 5 Be a Lantnee 5 £00 t 0 $6.00 : where he 0 an _ ives in fine at) = : “ K 2 Se a ‘ @ ~ heavy leather. ‘ 52.00 to $5.00 Di ng life. Lé a Me : THE FANCY WASH GPP 3: ameluge many different weaves. Men’s jee and Work Shoes at all prices. ver anyo 8, eeded assistance. We 3 Probably nothing is produced in the world that equals joi @ hi safe return. Voiles for high-class Pepanees designs. We have a good = aout A ne Many Peay oe J showing of these. Other styles of flowered voiles come in : in the seeding ef ‘ . many fine designs and the display of heavier weight goods EGGS TAKEN IN EXCHANGE for sport wear, middies, skirts, coats, is as profuse as OV OR ez, GADSHILL. . a ae ee nae She " 4 / PLAIN VOILES are another feature especially worth mention, T p ROE The Shoeman “all but a. few low aN} The splendid mercerized finish to these goods this yea . . fas A pots.” The first sown grain is com- | A make them additionally picactiye, There is a great var- 3 Es pate up a Gis rast atk * I . iety of colors, one of the novelties being in a new shade Miss “susan Steckly spent 3 un day at ¥ a) Lee Y oF Bul aa ‘Among the more expensive makes are the me of the latter’s brother, Mr. “ \ 3 : Moses Steckly, Milverton. | Eggs For Hatching Mr, Peter Steckly and. the Misses HT THE WHITE GOODS—The variety of these a as great as Steckly, of Wellesley, ee sho ; ay re-bred Partridge Wyandottes— canary wie tigtian: | ; * - | Jantzi on Sund ffi} FAD) \ etd ¢ tra goad 80 per Ceara can ie r. Geo. Juta, of Brunner, spent fi ilirae. ; Indian Heads, Gabardines and Bedford C prod Boyd, R. R. No. 1, cllenstain, TOWNSHIP OF MORNINGTON Bunday, afternoon at his home here. j jority of the designs are sold in the double ‘old widths, ‘ Linwood statio oie 4-t. ea pisos of Toppa vice RRS | \ nate, 2f2% tons of 00d timothy Court of Revision Aiea Bie: Inothera Me Giaieiat aes Bato ; ‘The Prices of These Wash Goods in the Double Fold Widths Mr. Sanivel Jutzi, of Millbank, and j ‘ Notice ib hereby given that the| Miss Katie Jutai, of Gadshill, ‘were y M// are from 35c a yard upwards. Prices to suit everyone. — . cone ce Revision on the Assessment | Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. : pees igh Chicks for the Township of Mornington and Mrs, Moses Nafziger, Brinner. for 5 and Mrs. Peter Bast and fam- toslay 3, ©. White Leghorn | °¥ al mon. ate Sly "called at the home Le ae and Mrs. Dageold Ghise af $26.00" Der hurt | the ternoon Miss Irene Miller, school. teacher, oe Seek wave than ae pals at ‘appeals against the said As-| pent the week-end at her home, neat off about the end of April: | Leave | sessment Roll must be in the hands| Wartburg. bador stk hat nowy. S45 Be WG. ALLOP, of the Clerk of the unicipality be-}_ Mr. Dan Henry assisted Mr. Amos e pane a stiverton. fore the 29th day of May, 1918. TJutzi one day last week with the ; The 9-in-1 No coat has ever been designed that is more serviceable and WM. WADDELL, Clerk.| S°edine- smart in epnearanes than the new a NcutNe ‘ain co; abe te ade Britton, R.R. No. 1, May 8th, 1918. T d ies; so stylish in appearance are they that it is difficult to ce : CROSSHILL wee tell them from separate spring coats. Pretty large collars, red to Lay and Pay Mr, and Mrs. Henry Schmidt spent apagese tara abdee 3 mae ate = pockets and belts add to their smart appearance. They ai DR. F. J. R. FORSTER Mr. A. Glaister r. and WV R absolutely rainproof and the colors shown are becoming BABSEO BOCES Awe ROCKS Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Ge porate Cites Su ia Byers mot- aincoats and not easily soiled. We are featuring some special values. birds ng ~____|ored to ell on Sunday. i dicine, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Burnett, of ng: | jg Graduate in meine, University) re Grand Mr. W. flichardson, of At $10.00, $12.50, $13.50, $15.00, $16.50. i a Late agsistant New ae a3 Ophthal. wa cues $1.00 per 15, or $6,00 per |mic and Aural Institute, Moorefield’s Golden Square Throat Hos-| Mr. 100. 0. No less than 80 eggs sent "oy a oi sks Sanam Wellesley, called on friends here on urs—10 to 12 2 : ED. HELM, R. R. No, 1, BRITTON. laity "Breninss— 7 to 8! Wednesiay Be Bred Stricker, Sr and Messrs, ly; ntment|Dan and Fred Stricker and three day only; oF by appointment children of Moorefield, called on (Phone 267.) P A ‘ me Monkton Real Estate For Sale lse wateteo sco; straTroRp. | sree, Sete last, Saturday. while ‘en Mr. and Mrs. Mose Shantz and Mr : YOUNG MEN— Large brick house, large stable, ae x ‘oh mph: nd Mrs. < q waren, splendid loc cee » 2-5 He ane tl se retefunding cre, ice, $3,0 - . sale at Kitchener on Monday. ¥ Look to Engeland & Son for Foremost Strtes in’ Smart Solid brick house, good fi tabl Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Huras were Sun iy ; oid rick powse, good frame gtabio| Spring Term From April 2nd} ,.*;255.2" sae md Shee Wonrkse Appel Solid brick “house, nicely ‘situated. CENTRAL La a dea: Tar e = eo Seti sae SE ’ 4 $18.00 BELTER SUITS—Not a single good style feature is small frame stable, , ey eee with : missing in this showing of $18.00 belters; slash pockets, STRATFORD, ONT. 2 OSS Sy GD all sound belts, snug fitting collars, distinctive patterns in nm acre. B 8 Commisrcial life bites the ogreat WELLESLEY the n ‘w browns and greys; excellent wool fabrics eae CHALMERS, - - MONKTON (opportunities. it duates| Farmers in this vicinity are nearly s er bes wear and Keep their shape. All sizes... . $18 ool through with their euee and are f pi io fin wesucercss ff ie cone | their soi es or the plant- S TRENCH RAINCOAT een Prped aad se eiv pe ing of corn and f covert effects as correct and serviceable, Double texture ——— some experience offered itial Miss Melinda W. Detroi ‘ NEWTON WOOLLEN MILLS nd of $1800 m. Si aa nts Ae aha crete i _droiwade, of F canes ee \ materials in our coats insure wear and durability. ‘ mnter classes ime. | is spen ding a short time at her home . . : seams are both sewn and cemented so that they will not her $ : tear or leak. Prices. .. .$12.50, $13.50, $15.00, $16.50. : tions. Cor | merci an |" At a meeting of the council board me a ce artments. Ge’ ee RO Oe ee tion: y i a heer goes NEW SHIRTS—That “‘big shipment” of shirts has just W. J. ELLIOTT, President. two to represent this Tp. oe 3 ved and the new patterns are as fresh and new as the ara me eee D. A. McLACHLAN, Principal.|at the Domini ‘deputation ne itself. se ie new silk ae silk-front shirts. They @ smartest we have ever wn. need it—and will pay the Highest ment in regard to exemption of farm ey: market price es qualit ic , ig Ye help. een cher ro ene ‘ SOD UNDERWEAR— Medium weight | garments for mid- H.C. WAGNER, - Newton, Ont. SHADOW TEST a very deplorable condition and al- pring wear, in all sizes, from bo oe to men’s. coped eae ‘unfit for public traffic. Steps : tS cae Sent: fitting garments at from... +. ..50c to $1.00. e being taken to have it repaired in y . the best way 1 essrs. Edward Diekz, Albert Ham: EGGS for HATCHING oA aes Lee pantene LAYING | Rasika DORKING ¢ x Mr. Russell es peed was a visit- R.C. Rhode! Island Reds BA Vij | ow ts Tosonte on Miomday Ho has : z = received orders to eae ‘or military — and — ¥ i id l sence, on Mey eee ate: Sched ¢ . 4 i ir. ani itz, White Wyandottes “He Looks Into the Eye"* Elmira, visited at Sie Gon, Leceton a $1.00 per 18; $3.00 per 50. nen Eee if : “aeata ark taints | aye lact weak in tisapal, © “The Store with the Stock” - - MILVERTON WALTER HARGRAVE, Millbank. ing as is Bertha Tabbert left on Mon- feet sources to spend a week with friends 2 am, f A stcrad sin Strengthened * |" Mr. Norman McLaughlin spent “Sun TTT TTT | Headaches Cured, Cross A apes eT iitees Eyes in many cases “Mr. Norman: Alli m a x ome td ASuggestion for Your Summer| “**2‘¢0*°n<¢ pent a few days with his parents lid . advance ee LS eyes pelor to reporting for service on Mav| = This : pt ee, ee ed without -UNNER y eached via the Canadian Pacific Ho ay Year gees Sager a en. | Re Particulars from Canadian SATISFACTION GUARANTEED! If you see it in The Sun—it’s so. fairs eee : ee ches | Pacihe Siicket Agents 0 a ALGONQUIN PARK |p. H. BASTENDORFF : ae ie ALI el et Gos =r... | FURNITURE! MILVERTON, Pies ONTARIO ae He sag *y ‘Bru ees is the order of the Mrs. James clarke ‘s visiting rela- ber of farmers in this vi- aes at weeds init An ean on for your Summer Va- mn midst wales “a de- ighttal ‘sc VILLAGE OF MILVERTON : as : Excellent hotel gervieg at the An Court of Revision dei fo Mr, Toreph Ma Utardin, ef Ellice, for We Have a Full Line of New and Up-to-date oe Eisen tee Yiiss Bena Exb, of Wellesley, spent |, 7 e. Lo of $6,200. "3 Extra Pair The Court of Revision and heaving |S" 24 Mi a homie here. ana fom| po Mtet ar rd’ Bannon has sold his FURNITURE, RUGS, LINOLEUM ©: on the assessment roll a ily, of 1 Walls, a yapent Sun y with to . i elan;cSr;, forthe CARPET (by the yard), CONGO- is ager. sum of $4,000. % iss Carolin: Bete left last eck for © Sizatford Where she has se- out a license aE meee SBE LEUM SQUARES and nicotine he ; in a jj ; be doing well at thi H. C. BAIRD, ’Phone 1, Local Agent Council Chamber, of whi | cured * position. ee ee is to = rous e r S Doves neat ay ae pe tae Miler ae The ms my defends of Mrs, William Cae roll is open for j 3 “KINGWOOD Pa eau pie pleased to learn that PICTURE. FRAMING OnE PROMPTLY ee a Geeks ottee a aoe a (intended for last week.) : is Jame : er ler or f have your wife put in your suit iy Mr. s carious condition of hii < Led o4 case ityyou are going on a litle ||, Dated at Milverton this 8th day of |p ges iim, ho eury, Baby Carriages, Go-Carts — . il goods bee! week. 2 ¢ War Flour, isis owt. 5 || trip. We have the rea and Maas tp Desai and these days in! 2 War Flour, blended owt. and the price we-ask will suit }/* gay oe Dunean Dewar and | eae 8 'y. Nesb fo having. 1ogs and Express Seats Ww winter, one 5 80 5 30|} you. J ‘last. sawed into timber for the purpose of oa Blouse 3 . 40 00 4: NOTICE { Gunner Geo. Lees ond, of Free- erecting a new driving shed. a s eran s i om is Be auat a week's leave at ee Bie . Mahoney has purchased a eS ers wareersary See us if you need a / Owing to difficulties which we me here. : z Hee atthe bagi y . , Se Overeome, our Blacksmith] Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Hammond and) Mr ‘Wm. Irwin, B.A., is making his We Sell McLAUCHLIN AUTOMOBILES--Canada’s Standard Car. ar rat suforastion sre ie mk ‘Ticket Agent or ing, D.P.A., Toronto. ~ of - - could. not, 0 4 3 naking hi 2 shop has ee closed for some ei ne inspection of our schoo is Raincoat = ji? ies. e tee a tert A . ‘or their patronage. We|spent the day with frien: As a ” nee i. : : eee coe = RESORTS IN THE CANADIAN : : s a se egtomente. will be|SUMMER RESORTS IN ONTARIO “PACIFIC ROCKIES _—— SS ee ane nae Tin a ay _ . ready in a few days, in ae an ttle! We i still ie drover Banff, Lake Louise, Pid and Glae- J. M. Fleischhauer |)... Ye. stn ihe stores my By Hoi: Hn a in he 7 MILVERTO! ake 5 ane snient- | iia if that line to sell a in and nee us— & rae