x y iW (Ready Trimmed). os For sale by ‘ is if NEUMEISTER and Decorator Milverton, Ontario, Perth Co., Thursday, May 9, 1918 Items of Local Interest. Hagpltn. for sale. Avply ‘© J. &-| Sends Protest to Government Mr, W. Moore spent Sunday at Mr.| oe George Roe’ H : een is prevalent in the village & sa sate Bue ot a good ad bhbtostenn | [ALF MILL FOR Y.M.C.A. iss Lizzie Roese spent Sunday |#f you go to Lee, Lis e Perth County Council met on ot friends at Millbank. < Government spring vrneat and seed Thursiay of last week at Stratford rs. Milton Loth, of Doon | com for sale at R. Jack’s, Ne ewton. | to discuss the man-power me of |sion of aoan Sete with friends in Milver- ine e See Ww atches in i $5 up.—P- jastendorff | farmer Hugh Debden of. Britton,’s] ent Sunday with his son, Mr. W. J. Dob- son. irs. Ralph Diamond ots 1B. C.,, aan Helen Me’ SAMSON BENNETT — You Mat Mr. Samson Bennett, 12th conces- t his home on és s, and.W: spent the week-end at‘Mr. RT. Nick. at Elma Centre cemetery, fe oe St 7s , of Listowel, ‘te Mr. Bennett wes born zee A ier ays laxt week with Mr, x Easthope th is spending sev- Miss Ellie lehuaton pote Sunday | vigorous pro! Comal, lege of oes iE aan ity Diamond di je at Seg : ed see Visions, but to Saabs A. B ‘siting fri wi . Simpson, at adn een ak your Dreams come true—and ae dae ving frend at Tovonts Carthage. of x an Paral seen rhe 2 Canede Phen aE odor ie oe ‘wish her Vi iss Bertha Miller is cpaolecsing Sane M, E. McClory, of Hamil- ensi peniol it |i a Sees covery. your Visions materialize—gen- hi th, ack Crawford spent ‘Sunday f cause great hardship | concession, Elma, where he has re-| With agit near Britton, 'm. Schnock, of Brussels, erg hitaess will re- and has following resolution calling | sided ever eines, ason, 0: enti tlie Wook end with her sister, eens for Hees on Thursday morn-|on the Government to modify its ae ei 91, he wiarried Miss sister, Miss Nellie, of Newton, visite The way to get Cactial is to spent Monday at the home of f Mrs. ieCellum Bellamy. — tn yiew 4 yast ves ze tpened on Suis save a part of what you now Margaret nay Wm. J Cai he very serious agricultural situation ay last with a fair atte Bey Spencer. petothen’s Day will be observed in you to save. Interest paid church on Sunday next. One every six months. Mr. Andrew MacBeth left on Mon- day for Waterloo and Ottaw: business. of Toronto, and d after undergoing a slight operation | fn, spent the weekcend ‘with Miss 'V. vould seviously fle up production ane | tr erally means having a little oy ae ae oa ae Kertch capital to start with. rent the gy May BO tee eal Sinceounell Was Passed uunimous:| Inge Sie uIN anton with thelr sister, ‘Mis. Wm. Neilson, Miss Ethel SeClory, of Hamilton, family mee “Sunday with ae ete I five daughte sand © urvive: m. earn. a “Meee ot mal sent oak iene arse eyes i eed or te ea fhe tei ee Wily | rowel oe ice a Decide, now, to let us help J. W. Lyons, we are sorry to Clemens to military service of, young, men of | Bennett predeceased her husband $2 : to don the Ki the services will d Hi F ev, C. addon wrenched his lockman, of Carth- —THE - d jn od back in a fail on, Tuesday, evening, Coysrament se follows ee an age, “are. at’ present visiting with, a ° finday. with “hi ‘d. | but we are pleased to note that he “In view he great crisis con- ce rel Bennett was a Pres- | friends here, ank Oo ova Scotia parents) Mx, and Mrs. B. . | Still able to be about fronti tain pyterian, being a long and loyal mem-|,Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Kerr eae = me: Zim of the| Did ty ee fe o? We have the | j i ber of the Prost ies chacehat Aes BS in Stratford. : Bore Manilla ea many jare buying s v d. sence of the aster, lrew pore purchased a Pyne ae 0. W. HUELSMAN: fewedi to be scarcé and higher | me r md food and wil . Mr. Donald, the Rev. W. Chevrolet ear last wi 130,000;000 Prana ef 1 Call in.—A. C. Clemens. | our utmost toward the winning of the 08, a pastor of the de- and Mrs. ‘Neilson, accom- 000% Milverton Branch Si ety rs. M. McFaddin and Mrs way and consol, conductal the: funeral. ase mented ‘by Mrs, Pelling, of Stratford, Ss 4 Ot the late Mrs. R. he ell, of Dryden, spent Wednes- “That as a farming community we | vi + ane Miss Mason, of Newton, Cut on rest ” | day night last _at the manse as the | haye te oa at the request of the Can- ister, . R. Burke, of Elma, one day last illiam Sebben and baby, of -|ada Food Board and Resources Com- e _pallbe: ; Be week % ra, stratford spent a few days last week | a4" cor ved, | mitt stly in- | Thos. we Jerry Dewar, jorman McLaughlin, e ome of Mr, and Mrs. J. G. ve all the. var he Unit i m i ©, WD: Gilebrist and W. A. pencil ener Sahay at the home Si imals and graii Pawetapd:| Marcon of Mi a s K Is. an crops fo ‘red Neuert and Mrs, A. F.|into Canada. 8 $4.25 to $4.50 | st i . i empti During the past two years Mr. Ben- re iti Neuert, car Glenallan, eer: the ae , end with the former's daughter, Mrs. and Mrs. Beese, of Seb- and our patriotic duty justified us in W. loing so, a1 sae ringville, Seve on Situs eyediie leek Mi the recipients of an address and a “That fe the experienced help HAMILTON Ape of well filled ae a eve of their | the 20, 21 and 22-year-old farm boy | plexy eS = Ee Sole Agent for Paid-up Capital $ 6,500,000 Reserve Fund - Resources - - IRISHTOWN i Bee elena and gardening is thet onder of Ys Tae, and ‘Charles Douglas ill could do, he passed Seared on andy for military — day in the presence se r The best shes he ea except Mrs. Bell, of | f ‘or their safe retui iting, though what out of season, is still Baieyen E is some of our spo: cot, who ane lantyne, a recent graduate of Wood- Be operation some time ago, is get- Zimmermann, Mr. and - | de ee for ‘that love au sl rr, George Wegenast, managi director of the Li Tuesday last, following PORTLAND ; | an,operation for bladder trouble = CEMENT ST MARYS LIME. may 's causes as the lack o: t our Empire an aericultaeal |stoe hospital. DL. @ W. SCRANTON - STANDARD Oa ‘Ciapiee ation. and Mrs. Norman Kalbfleisch, several days last viienity. y was observed at the Kalbfleisch, and other friends in this i Ww +. 5 ing towards recovery, Peter Schm tLe t gst 3 Wiherbtote; as es illness of several week's dur B 2 a expect to leave Lon- don, on Saturday for Qttawa.—Strat- ford Bea a peblig montee ieldeat Task ay, D. R. Ro community determined to spare duc- vee, se ah believing that the renoval of ys ‘riends from Stratford, Downie, Mitchell, Millbank, Belmore, Gorrie, Bluevale and Logan were present at ung | the funeral. “One mugen we ig ’d him on the cus- Along: the heath, and near his fav- orite ‘ing 1g S10 nicely. jomas Reid and Mr. Bert Dodd spent Sunday evening at North Mornington. Miss A, Burnett, of Linwood, s ent a few days with her friend, Miss gie Reid. Mr. Wm McKay, who med ee confined to ‘his pet ith a bane we are glad to rt is imp: 3 Another shee cape yet beside the rill, Miss Pearl Denstadt spent "ae sy ane ua jeub Col. T. Jamere, of | £27™en 3 essary up the lawn, nor at the w ood! at her sisters, Mrs. TF. A the church pro ~ » i i al was he; Capital Rear: ‘$5,000,000 Rev. E, Bho Laas Be paepken, ications who until cently had com- : fi a isses Shirley and Emily Scott _ Capital Pal = $3,000,000 exchanged pulpits with N. ry Hospitals The next, with dirges due in sad array ert Sunday with their uncle, Mr. ei eee + = $3,500,008 Paddo: ae Le anda; Ae a ead ons Gomami sions ct ere een nam-| not in the h ed-and_tha Slow ugh the gaye -way path| Sam Loney. z 4 id id has 1 purchased we A ahr nd. read (a2 thou canst | new driver from % patos ad anes We are glad to seo that Mrs eran for Lon.| For first-class eavetroughing, tin-| hum Grav'd on the stone beneath yon| Hawthorn is able Ww. after her recent thine eee ssh are ringi rr. aes te spent sande, at the ce y g Cn. ome 0: earning capacity unimpaired, is the d Mrs, FordsMeConkey, of |By experienced workmen, Esti Mr. SW. Hahn, of the Y-MCA.! ~ Mrs. ROBERT FORREST ve e day visiting the former’s account, "Mis. Schneider, of N , motored to Mr. Henry Sch. neider’s on Sunday. iilam and Miss Maggie Reid e y and request: that our 0 be out Psa granted ess. er | petition may be For Red Triangle Fund eae in illness extending over rable impression on the {ed unit deputy commandant of the In-| jeay, Reo ae = ic w him born tee Thomas Re Uncertainty don, where they aulistedei in the smithing, plumbing, steam, hot wat Xie, addressed the council in the interests time to accumulate a eines Strattord, called a ane ee uss an wife of Mr. public Ii The repo : parents, ee vs, for fe | bear $15,000 and the county the b Tivenad tongrareuon valided Soldiers" Commission for Mili- Alex. Cockwil and Robt. tary District No. 1. . ‘© one knows what the future may bring forth. i aiereeey isto a BO Ona hor tie ested and eopaieiDe ol Now, while your health is good and your eh and the latter on the 10th Margaret’ Mc One dollar deposited in the Bank of while en route for Tralee, where they Hamilton will start a savings Ben The friends of Mr. and Mrs, Owen alin aaked. thet this be 2 ear of the mn, Milverton. nd’ slad to io ‘that Mr. John | % Munroe fs improvii Bert Dodd Fecelved notice to Se for ae service on the 16th of May. mber is requested to mov et by Councillors Hack. fe »|ing and Scott that levy of one-half | mill on the dollar be made. This s 0: pate ot Maas eg Ca ‘ i ion me earty assent of a : jobt. Scott and sister, Mary, Milverton Council at v yi Seagal a AS ue of Dorking, spent Sunday at the home Warden emai b go | of Mr. H. J. Scott, : moti without going | the” . pea TS AY puty-Registrar of the Military Service Milverton, May 6th, 1918. ds of, the i : Act of District No. 1, London. In viit Coukellsesseahie p tresie of Mleetiony TRALEE most cases exemption was granted to aueietl chamber. ers present, i: roach, councillons Pet. " MILVERTON BRANCH: N. G. Schafer. Manager. WF 50-C 7 SE present. rs. John Scott, of en spent a tow sings B revently. wit friends here. veather period which sant ‘a day last w Pte. Thos. Mackey, of T ito, a aReeupts eae the week: end at his home here. 5 | read from Conservation Board, mala: y-law to repart § ley half yearly payments on July ist and ane Ray, of Listo’ anuary Ist. yang acted. as awa | Births, Marriages and Deaths. |09¥ 2 Johnston. Among sys Mason Carey and daughter, of BIRTHS. A ; is:|Hollen, are spending a Ne weeks Master ae on Sunday, April eT vaad Mire: ‘thos O'Grady, spent wire, 9 stays, 6 Sun enters weekly ey a Ghak 2,400 Taatasatie eae thew a daacht. a end Mrs, John’ Sunda; soit Mes Hen: ry voll, see Swine, : homes makes it a valuable medium an i ae fy ai cLaatowely bus Tusa eee en ES wrcaaeas hi ates diiire: Oc Wade; per rede. ‘April 28rd, 1918, to ‘Mr. and Mrs, \ ine , 7 wire, 9 stays, per rod... | N. A, Gowdy, a thurs helene ¢ Piper raeetpe raise ey narsday, AN al In Listowel, on Weanes >, May NOTICE} Government 8 cla (seed Colum ; : J me au peas ist, the funeral of the late Wim! COR tone, Sean 5 CALL IN AND SEE OUR LINE OF th, me eecions tie Wee ee » awarded to George J. Cox- | Ogra: is Se ie eke on Eelday, May A i ee es oes eae Uten= 2 ee " 4 o 01 re rd Og- 98 ESE ane tax - fire, ‘The loss amounts he Th McLaughlin and Brockville Buggies toric saiodbcon which Relat ne a a sel ae ind ee Seat fie aon da Berrie, | NOTICE,—A carlond of mili nl foe Fleury Scufflers, Plows, Etc. only $10,000 insuran foi long the drain. and Mrs. John | Where he was stayi antag OR a seem corn. At tha taonthly aiecting ot the Eg. i i i Schtebel, twine (oy and girl). —Wm. mn. Torrance Chapter 1.0. MARRIAG! Wire F encing || ’ Prices up to June Ist the — two years and would be ian I will sell Wire Fencing at the following prices For CASH Only. cute pocorn neha ns of intl | ed to seathe work abne c ‘Miss Eileen patie ot rehener, oe Sunday with Miss Grieve and Allan Ci foll Also yart ak Second-hand Stiff Tooth Cultivator and a second-hand ai aoe “set “hn fe ring Tooth Cultivator—both as good as new. N. A. Zimmermann, Milverton reen—Robertso1 Sharan: "Stratford eorge Hess ba ak oh officer at Strat ice he continued ane tie fla aig ire, ater an sd ty iniich of of-| Cattle mi be looked after ae: Ps) ‘d z Robertson, . rsday evening, | Miller, digging een, both of Wellesley. ariich of-| Cattle wil be plie at reasonal rain on Maii with Mss Hie eae dant Buca, labor on street Schellenborger—At Mitchell, on Fri-|eral years ago, while Mr. William Albert Sah Phe ogre W. J. Spencer has completed |Semetery, $17.13. | Counei = selbe of tin ints Michales Eualion’ Theek Giles pinyin tee oan i Ont. "Phone 91 r 28. A rie rani cak oe ssor of re. ae “ aes ¢ . i Hardware Business, For Se will all be packed Thu: 9th. May th,-1048 Sane opt ek ad ioe fhe north NE aa Hee $25,-| during the sum: ero wit a ‘anet Orr, clove living in ¥ 1 . ert Forrest, aged 81] phy, of Listowel is a dai 5; female dogs | lea in small heaps in front of | Soars 1] BAY H. Pauli, Gore $t., is a niece. { eil. From it A patty old officers were re-elected to office aned. ae t, §25,- mn, oh iS with Mesdames J. A. Fraser, 3 tot na resent Beiaee " ey and Arch'd MeGillawee ad hon- ts ins OVE L é the dele. | a i i ae every Wednetday and Saturday: horn ted ee fe sce eel or Fie Coe a osal Gatnelt ad placer ase ae ee : re are Noll took sace fonts on the dollar at‘their last meeting as| "My, Michael. Kocher 1 left for Lon, 0 ES eae Petes ee n, Samu wood. c i fhe Red Gross V.M.C. don, last Satur : eamship “Mani- FEWINGS, Mille 10th LINE ELMA ry on ‘and was|2rangle Fund, the me at) Miss i ‘ghee howe eaves “Owen Send 1030 [bane Le td. t . fin y cial ting. granti mi it Tralee. p.m. each Thursday tor “Soul Ste. ‘ es art. Y ious aCe i Bea pone one Ev Bi BY sti umber of dogs. ru : feat Hite Fo 1S ‘Aaa a Fo an Assn ladys an leen 1e val : . . lay wit hes ¢ friends of Mies “Tdnet a rely pent the, wee 2 Kemp, | 3 gnrch, "he “following ck alsa eee os q ic EI ere ereric erst comme e leased ear . Sam Barton. varers: Messrs. . Grose! . in Tralee, V a ommen- ia Liazie Struthers spent Sunday | Honderich, Hen Maer, eter Barth | &¢ Bnd tae 0) A young son has arrived cing June ist. ROACH me good work ? ith: or a5 Louis Pfeffer an dt. ich) home of Mr. and Mrs. ‘Albert Haid. : solicits a share ‘of your s Petrie, x: lower school re passe 1e ‘annual, meetin of the Hamp-|t lave turn: 5 ‘Women’ See Sire D: at returned home for the si sum: hn mee vi BRITTON. eRe Loe re fe idee in the cl teh iendsman, of Toronto, et g GREAT ee ‘STEAMSHIP - HENDERSON—LEPPARD mes idioraan and Miss ean end [ sanitary. Miss Grace pee spent Sunday ad’ m with rd, had heen i ree poder Bad on table. linens, ae 231 Miss M. Petrie. aah No. $1 Generel, Hospital, E and Mrs. Oliver and child: s +e year. A retrospective | s] ane Santor Mr .and Mrs, Haier | ay oie ees s veton work of ‘hanai the 44th Bateton: anata in 1915 wena, lee of See call- going eewtns ‘nother & foe Be _is| tes ision surviv. his mother an As de- ae ae ; e a oll for 1918.— cane ne the ot ait w ’ "ig fat 6. Glem