The Sun Printing Office | Main Street - SMnVEREON ONT, Pos estes sia sorte tias ti Ie Hit be Hable to “Advert ising rates oe a rertisements ithout. fe direct its be pasesced, wn foe eat Hi forbid and cher ges for contract advertisements must wnt Office by noon Monday, ALCOLM MACBETH. ees and Proprietor, BusinessCards « = Is Department Is oe the ui open on an din, Con td, Es “hdelalde & We Toronti rops require moisture, Dr._M. C, Tindale, L.D.S. ‘Honor graduate Toronto Untversity. - al CROWN and BRIDGE WORK a ae, “Ph Office: Over! 1 No. 88. 1k of Nova, sion rf as atistactory. Saite Investigations conducted at the Central Experiment-} ert a creasing crop pi 5 ably the most Meat Dr. P. L. Tye Office: PusLic Drvo SToRB, MILVERTON ‘Hours: 10 to 12 a.m,, 2 to4 p.m, and 2 Somat H.B. Morphy, K.C. Solleitor for Bank of Hamilton, LISTOWEL, MILVERTON, ATWOOD, ¢9: Listowel, Milverton, Money to Loan, Haedesg. Owens & Goodwin, jarristers, Solicitors, &c. ‘Gordon Block, - STRATPORD, ONT. Money to Loan, : &. T. HARDINO - W. 0. OWENS w-meoonwim | | 4 | such J.W Barr, V.S. ‘| require large supplies of food from| in a root ‘his may be most. easily Graduate of Ontarlo Veterinary College, mito. ‘Treate all diseases of domesticated animals All calls promptly atteniled to, Scocletice. Milverton Lodge No. 478 +M., G.R.C, wengrgenen cee ct Fs Visiting brethren always welcome |. Coxon, W.M. W. &. Soexer, Silver ie Lodge No. 202 1.0. Mects every Priday aight at 7.80 In thelr ‘bail over Bak of Hamilton.” Visiting brethren always welcome W. Henry, W.K. Loth, G. A. Barth, . No. Fin,-Secy. ‘Ree, Notary Public. W. De Weir, - Ayetioneer for the Counties of Perth ‘and Waterloo. Conveyancer, deeds, wills, mortgages draw: aneegoa seats made SY clerk, Odie. Weir Lipah, atte bat oy nova beset | A. Chalmers, - Notary Public Conveyancer, Issuer of Marriage Licenses JP. for the County of Perth. Real estate bought and sold. A few choice farms oe immediate sale. MONKTON, = ONTARIO Nelson Merrick, - Auctioneer a for Waterloo, Wellington and Perth Counties, Estimates given on eales of farms -m stocks. Office, next to Bank of Nova Scotia, Linwood 1) consideréd. portant and a rainfall z (a) To carry off surplus water. (b) To Riese to enter the soil. indispehsable where perature. It is equally a neceésity in soils where moisture conservation has to be | Hi the soil in shape to absor! cro) mn the mechanical condition 0} ssists in influencin; Dist fad lahien Plant ban should be a short one, say 0! sis most important. rn, roots, potatoes and hay, r- le peated: iawn -| such scheme is necessary, Drainage lowers the na-|ture and is a meang of tural water table in the ine epsing temperature iat ee soils absorb in as it| heat readily and rapid) falls, that is preserved for nae ef Food.—In proper proportions ae ad different sineses of crop to be ‘olves the adoption ica crop peiaer. This ae t to 4 years’ duration, and the ae fe Veterinary. crop: —————— : FACTORS aaa CROP YIELDS. Sonne an apnied ion of mai sown to these eng to dover will supply a hay crop tl the third and fourth years, and 1] sod turned down, manured if ni ase sary, eas the land for corn or roots "orice mot Buehigenctal plan of rotation. may be modified by-such farmers as will best suit soil and needs, but some in order at humus, probably the most valu- able of all soil ee be added and maintained in to keep it in good cealaclie Sian e Humus a decomposing rene: (c) To aid in raising the soil tem- cro] mus absorbs and holds soll mois ani raising soil nyard ee is most whole drainage i improves an aie the soil and) mam ig the Atberations of s for hoed and clover or other hay crops a suitable crop rotation which pro- Vides that cask field in the farm will : 1 ' Willie's always up to tricks, Hope the teacher foes = “iohk: Till we fold him up His attention on thi Book: Fut wered personally F will not areas £9 . Currier, ase say a word al cers, their cause and (fects ee the latter ak ulcers differ me HeaTih wounds which begin to get well almost as soon as they are formed or made. Ulcers Ens be caused by ‘injury, ae burns, and by poor a ition tissues where they oc: They may be acsompanied with auening or destruction of the tissue, and perhaps by Teabsorption of dead and poisonous mat often attended — with Growing Kitchen Herbs. Sage is one of the most generally Saving Girdled Trees. e of tissue a gut proper strength on repair. ‘his is LS eraied the c ase with rer all signed I eral Interest it. will i ‘ters eee for in care of Wil fulcer, and the a ane gent and stimulat: aoe such mineral o lead, c vand silver, Ke if the ulcer perforates the - peri- toneal coat of the stomach, ther may be serious insemorthae and even fatal peritonitis. | Avestions AND. ANSWERS: ‘or two years I have oat cpt dull pain on the re ees, from knees to ibe, ane Ba have t! get very ie rele _Is there ras cure for. atment of this Soba ee cluding blistering, it is necessa: receive regular] ire. rly its fair share of| i generally do best if sown the year ‘Proj oper Cultural Methods—To make a good seed-bed requires thoroughness in Serine out each step in its pre-| t] para‘ OSDPDairr get the lice off, or kee} An easy, quick and Hoping: way to m off cat- tie i is to By about equal yao of wood ' sound colts, and also has little trou- CiiGee Sead) e brood mare that seems to have ihe fe trouble and produces healthy Infectious some farme’ | business. ashes and sulphur in a salt sack or Mise eigen” guiiy ierké and tant" where cattle it, a rubbing against it dust themselves. will run un abortion is rs \increase but do TS Notary Publig, for human use quently located in the udder. | fre inder foaling time, is one which had | she should lenty of nourishing retarding’ food of good quality, especially dur in developing a dairy ing the latter gestation period. hor used herbs. A small bed of sage will last for many years, but it is best to n|make up a fresh bed every. three or four years de Plants may be inereesed by root anent,bed, one foot apart. The plants can also be divided in the good nae oe ty le Jess than an inch deep in ‘y- ly one picking should be made son; but in subsequent pickings aay! ‘without Ate to the plant Mulch winter spe ction All fe following sweet herbs ar See: like sage, and require the same treatment: Balm, catnip, cost- ‘y, fennel, horehound, hysop, lav- mecares: peppermint, | ® ary, spearmint, poe tansy, ie Paee winter savory d. Anise, coriander, summer savoi and sweet basil are annuals and aeaid Tt-i8| rons, must be sown every spring to obtain Ps. a Beef can be made ane tender by 801 aking in iyi Lanes e made| # to with mune in ee ee for be ung, vigorous fruit tree when badly riled by mice or rabbits is still a good prospect for future Bee fulness’ if the proper oe meaj ures are promptly suppli m T came across some mo: st convincing tree-saving testimony in an orchar last. summer where a number of badly girdled choice young apple and peach n the ed to ‘he. oid “tael ting the ragged parts with a sharp ork is done before the Then scions taken from h knife. buds start. This wi ‘Then all exposed surfaces the scions at both upper and lower ends, and including the margins of the wounds, are carefully covered with grafting wax. Two scions will bridge yy| the girdle of a young tree, but larger trees may nead several, ot say one every two or three inches of the sur- face girdled. Where the girdled por- a narrow strip, the tree ved by bridge-graft- sige neon? ae beylediny hangener a entirely around the tree.—C. R. ulcers which at such ieee as of them Petre finding. the proper — syphilis and tuberculosis AS Re reli (Ulcers whi east ‘My baby, seven it She nurses my breast. Of ulcers ahOR bE contiationl and | io teed ‘her. with consist in building up the general con- | ment? dition lpeals qrhigh ik airert> Shall I begin any other nourish- worry because of the pearance of teeth. If they are ‘dilaved for a few months, it usu+ no harm, ; Answer—Do | not The first will include all sincensery yeienic measures, comfortable and . |e“ eHlnye housing, rei k exer= cise in the open air, good food, cluding an abundance perhaps such tonics as con iver Soild quinine, strychnine and i ur supply continues, I woul advise you to nurse the perhaps supplementing” e ‘he laevis “it! t ie summ the breast with milk by the bottle if the breast supply should “tail ocal treatment incl ids cleanki- ness and frequent dressing of the A Home-Made Stone Boat, very convenient. stone boat for baling big rocks can be made casi simplicity of this device slipped! through these holes. wo feet ae Det ee Sir ashen be used to Borax inched) Having ou the chain in the other planle ’ to cent ie: ter-inch holes, 20 ae: from centre This piece is bolted loose- ly to the planks at one end wi undersides are counter-sunk in the| of the pI eighth-inch bolts, the page of which | © te At the other ends of the ype after it is drawn tig! The team is ten | hitched . hain between the planks, pull draws the pl der the boulder which will ride. per= to the fi about six inches from inch holes®are bored. chain with a toggle the ends, two-|a ¢ A piece x of the planks may be dra is a source of great discouragement to i some cattle owners a as yet there i is) a stall. 190 way of overcom the microbe ‘and t! make a high d necessary in the successful live s own If it were not for th wich is necessary to fight diseases, | almost eee could be a live stock farmer. sanitation is an import. ant factor in the controf of animal dis- bull. In many sections scrub bulls are used because everyone ws that they need a good bull, but no one Hotels | wants te bother his neighbor with the The Queens Hotel Best accommodation for eommercial traw elle ' ‘Two large Sample Rooms, * @8O. ¥. PAULI, Prop., » Milverton, Omiy Are Vou Insured RS RERS of veer oF Hue pt al Tal FRA 1 ah ie C.Spencer,C.2, uN, Zimmermann, 2S ssetion ee coat, Use Salt and Save Doctor Bills. mall gla: lass jar of salt shoul highly antiseptic as a tooth and mouth wash. A dessert spoonful of salt to a pint of water is usually strong en- ti ough for hygienic purposes. gargle for sore throat with the Raga y hot or emia As as ay a wonderful eatarrh, cle: aanee pe oatetli v3 Saft ing an abundance of the salt solution, After cleansing at night place a’ lit- tle vaseline high up in each nostril and see quickly even severe catarrh on pial as this treatment. n= —Tillits pes pupeeetion of starting an organiza- tion iryment (owing forty cows re- ilking machine dairying on our tain more satisfaction in caring for alas the kind times been drudgery of milking a large herd of | cows. His milking machine has giv- ‘en him chee a ute inspiration.and as he says, it has of the niplenkatte features of dairy-|t ing on a large scale. There are many old barns still ren- be used, but it is aeverinate: that She value of abated as a ee has not always been appreciated. It m tion, and | the gut-| Tn build- ings used for live stock it pays to ar- range for plenty of sunshine and it pays to study bulletins and building terial to experiment with home-made Jan See ceegs et “A more glorious victory cannot be gained 5 over eae a this: teat yn his part, the. Tuindnes ‘should “heen on ours, 3 “Salt water =i ae iedirs (ae a teeth have been extract ~ Just common table salt can be tas ig. all these hygienic ways and gave much expense L these days of 8 ne de s o~ Riced Potatoes Help Out es Preshly ) cooked potatoe put a ricer, ot forced dirsught a S WANTED pay highest market prices tor Hat Ginseng Root and all other 90 Feats ob teliable sadlae 9e—Union Bk. 01 a Stet arr ere ire to eens Pat E bate ed overcome one| th dering good service and they have to| hour is the dairfman’ 8 Dest it for keep-| ‘ondi literature before using expensive ma-| the isinfected 3 iad; with either coal tar aniitortate white-washed with fresh ee wash her to foal in, kept in this stall for a Wee before she foals. The bedding should be d A quiet Secluded place where ed sometimes has trouble ‘Sealing we she foals, aitice if she clea: rt of mare ae bee the colt is al- lowed to suck; this wi often prevent parts water, then the cord immediate- ly painted with one pait tincture iodine and two or three parts of gly- cerine or olive oil two or thrgé tim a day until it shrivels complétely. of the new born | ole are usually coatige! but if ot is al- the first milk from magiers it will usually loosen its bow- els, but if not, inject two or three ounces of olive oil cautiously into rectum occasionally until bowels move Both the mare and colt pay ie birt more than to feed warm pleasant fvanther “the pee bane that is run- ning on pasture seis requires much watching or special, ca PearelNaee eae Stains. To remove tea, and cocoa stains, first mb eed water; then pour boiling water through the sp ‘0 remove besser stains, ae boi il cerine with a brush or soft cloth, let lie for a little while, wash out in luke- warm water; then press with a warm iron. . Milk stains should be washed out in cold bed es the milk has dried, Rul s stalns with rfolasses, and they oll come out easily in the ordinary wash. 'o remove egg from silver, damp salt. use Don't Grumble to, Waitress. Don’t grumble when you are told in used to them, and be glad you're hay- ing things 30 easy. < Apples cored and baked with rasins in the sue are delicious. on one end is | ‘The boat will tilt, rolling off the stone, SUVVMNVANUNUAUUUUAUUUU UAE EAU Ce have good reason to be proud of the - position Canada’ holds in the world today. This~pride is justified by the activities of her people, by her unlimited natural resources, by her splendid institu- tions, and particularly by her Industries. Facts about the immensity of some Canadian anes would astonish most peo) These acertee svi viewed in the light of comparison with other countries, are simply tre- mendous. The growth of any industry is limited to the number of people equalled by another shoe manu- facturer anywhere in the world.' ‘This concern, if eieaeed in the United States, would rank as one’ of the twelve largest out of some two thousand shoe manufacturers’ th While the sales of the largest shoe manufacturer in the United it can serve, and that is a fact not often properly when Canadian industries are compared to similar enterprises in, say, the United States For example: the population ot the. United States exceeds pportunity for in- dustsee ere is almost unlimited. comparison, Can ada with its t exceed cents per capita per year, the Hie of Ames Holden McCready to the Canadian people last year were approximately eighty cents per capita. Serta ts to the American pl not In a comparative sense, there- fore, this Canadian concern is greater than the foremost Ameri- can. shoe manufacturer in the United States. Thus Ames Holden MeCread truly merit the distinction of their —it_requires—huge up-to-date face tories ‘equipped with the most! modern machinery able to turn, ae 8,000 pairs of shoes a day.’ ~-it requires—a variety of nearly) joo diffe an million dollars cock; Stee for quick delivery in re-! —it requires—sixty travelling sales- men to call on the retail trade; because out of approximately’ 10,000 retail dealers who sell shoes) in Canada, more than 5,000 handle. —it requires—many other details) and AUUASOAA REN P PRET RETOOL EGR UU OLA REA R the biggest in the world. In shoemaking, one Canadian concern has developed a volume of business and a servi Canadian people which is not bearing the A.H.M, norm: to the Berton of Cana - TORONTO. title picemalers to the Canadian ation. _Jisei imagine for a moment the ous work of auplen fe a pai da’s 7,000, ple with its boots pe ic but this brief Bintce will give you, some slight idea of the part ant this g great shoe concern is pla: ‘ing in the business of supplying footwear to the Canadian people.” You will be interested in these facts, because the next time you buy footw Brand, you will know that they are the product efficient organization making shoes which will in every value for your money. AMES HOLDEN ‘McCREADY ‘ “Shoemdakers- to the Nation” ear ) product of a large and case give epee ae basaite ifs “WINNIPEG EDMONTON: 1s TA ra a TO i ra Tm i MI TTA TT