BRITISH HOLD GROUND AGAINST , 125,000 ENEMY STORM TROOPS Furious Attacks on British Defences. Between Givenchy and St. Venant Hurled Back Leaving Thousands of Dead on the Field. A despatch from the British Army) Dranoutre on Amey 1 but the in France says: Ten divisions of Ger- German Z sada ck here must be record- ed_as a failure. man troops were driving on Thursday |” J, south, of this place, near Mer- furiously against the British defences! i." the British ‘a counterstroke eee Givenchy-Lez-La Bassee snd puceeed in jn pushing their lines for- St. Venant in an attempt to effect a|ward towards the Western, outskirts eae or a Bassee Canal. epee the vitae Brit?-h the Germans have been bringing up ing at the approaches to Kem-|fensive. ne the neighboring high ground, | of Wytschaete ‘on ‘Thursday morning | cars and LOSS OF SHIPS — BY U-BOATS| SECTORS, BRITISH ADMIRALTY. pa ae despatch from Paris says:—East t miens, along the Avre River, the Lost by Great French ‘have made successful attacks { against the Ger tors, capturing the greater part of the Senecat Wood and also advanging their line east and west of the stream. Value of Vessels Britain is Approximately f $832,949,000. One would be hard put to it to Cie mate the tonnage lost during the wa ign were lost up to the end of 1917. were taken. dis amount 1 1079, 492 tons were Brit-| If ever anyone doubted the French ish ships and 4,807,470 were ships of Mastery of the air the recent de- other nations, including the | United | struction of the Friedrichshafen works States. Z lought to convince these persons thai As the curve of submarine roles | the ote are masters in air fight- has been slowly descending it, can be | 2 nly on bombing expedi- estimated ae in ae seven sons “ tions are ‘the French masters, but also were conning ee all- night battle | | tion on either wee We are now down with the Germans. A German attacl a sheer contest of man-power—a on eh Rigelay seanlted in paahtae a swaying, Hee attack and repulse, Sait fermans on seve! on sec~| i ~TPRENCH BEGIN OFFENSIVE IN SEVERAL CAPTURING TERRAIN FIGURES GIVEN oUT BY THH| Successful Attacks Result in Taking of Greater Part of Senecat ‘Wood—French Masters in Air Fighting. - in oe air battles. ce the Battle of the Somme machines have kept where shot the German lines, five captive balloons ur n the following night, the French drop- ped 48 tons of Rama on eae ounots munition aviators attached mi th e he Féench ie drilles participated in the bombing and air fighting expeditions. ‘Women of England Help Build Tanks. the present y: p to "Bri en haye been pictured at work in practically every in-|lowing for a F rilestontie) aes fae dustry hat will help win the war. This photograph is the first one receiv-| ed on the most optimistic Riemer AIR e the . wonderful | of the cso number of women engaged in the construction of, kings, aH Ee would be 1,750,000, “Of this ARRIVE IN CANADA salient out north-west of the place,|with the vital issue carried in the but a subsequent British counter-at- is Sgroblant of whether our pow-| ed here showin; tack again drew the British line close | ers of en: ce can wear down the| British tanks. about the town, and one time ajrepeated bull rushes of vastly super- small body of British infantry pene- for & trated to nae south-eastern section. The Briti ih lost-a_tery, small piece | spect aesuiedly justifies eee of territory . between Bailleul andi this respec Markets of the World! jor numbers before a decision is reached, At the moment ev, PUT Rive Stock Market 23 — hates heavy; Toronto, Steers, $1276 5 i jputchers! oss, the Cri rimean war a Fr Re Work Against Enem: Breadstuits Hig0 fo uat3i, Pawnee vic poe sent day according to whether they | Po ich Ro rt So il Toronto, Apefl 23--Manitoba wheat ae wus, eho! ui: i Fears Jail under a neutral or a belligerent | pepe ae ae Asisan No, i Northern, $2,258 NO: (i ycat. [£2 bulls | A despatch from Canadian Ar grap! flag. Tt will be found that although | They Rave Sefved © Sete 3 oto de hit incluoing 7.26; "butener 50 | Headquarters, says:—All night long) Mrs, A. Melvor-Campbell McGregor the British loss in tonnages{s nearly |}ten decorated for bravery. Col Stk syn oute—No. @ CW. 91; No, |Sediuin, $ooto"ss-80s stockers, $8.50 to [On Wednes sday Canadian guns have died ‘ecently at Victoria in her|twice that of other nations the value pyidan, who heads the pies tae 8, C.W., 88ie; extra. Ne, 1 ‘feed, 88ic; | $10; feeders, $10 to $11; canners an en active against the enemy|eightieth year, se living thirty-} © BS the tonnage lost by other nations “! x No, 1 feed, Sbhc, ford wittn |eutiare eae, 9 4746, ulcers, f° | positions, shelling, hostile batteries : s nearly twice that of England. pUeene rane Tees American eprh—No. 3 yellow, . Kiln | chotee, $90 to, $125: Badcmee,, | POC one ee 1: tae years in the ¢ oe hee th 2 ae aS hen Russia jeeed into. sharchy, arted, $1.80, ROMA nite, 91 to O2c: [ewes $18.5 taal rie ‘ nee a Haagen) SA pce ile] Ex-Couneillor Bee ey ce s for this are the much higher the aviators said, they resolved to Noy B white, 190 to Sie, Gecordine 0 |alven oat “ 5 Pe castle seat 0 antry poste Beate aida resantly Ae Vancouver pre 0 ae eee a ship pe} a8. 8) Can! y practically ¥ outs Gen ted and waters coi es in ‘ i Ontario wheat i ignited off earn, $20.28: aot & Leigh hate beat a swept with a fie eR a Sree’ Noe ‘her aattealley ihe tuft Ligon eee ne ee out of cuted rey .y store veal. ontreal surnaby’s water syste! sserter after ordi aaah Co ait acoording | 88 818) oat, 08h S812 gone. d;|ing, fire. Indeed, since th the last cable,| a military police foree has been thi of prodyeflon pertinent hardships reached Japan where Brit-| “nfaiting. $1.64 to $1.05, ab- | $9.50 10 B16 a i, meal ata 5 Ae afta a ae organized in Vancouver by Regist: = ah ae ish Consular officers arranged their | Huckrhient— 6h HF eee se, according |eanners and cutter see son cotistant duéle betiean oun Lene, tO, saniet. tat the enforcement “thereased Vales of Tonnage. ssage overs iret Ne. $2.65, according to pS oa oie Ghote’ lect vl own and en batteri ‘K consid: of the Military Service oe American ships which before the| In addition to Col rien Be treighis outside. BB'S gat $19 to $20. : erable Giodnht Or was haa heentpacd All the Vancouver police ratings | Wat brought from $75 to $80 a ton party is composed of Capt. Rosma- atanltoba, four War quality, $11.10. Earl, Tiida oarae we carried | UP to and dpslading first class con | ROW bring $200 a ton, (while ships of hof, and Lieuts. Katlarsstaki, Pet- " ti Bs Oi day Sand tone 70! CAT SAVED SOLDIER'S LIFE. pap veat projector gas bombardment, * fables are to receive an inerease. in prove wht $40 8 ton Ho ot ee ae aes. sean Ca it shipmen inst the enemy positions, to tne wages of $10 i month, dating from [rae A aa ie of meatal aod | His Cloth H lotr Dalivered font: | story of a French Private in the! the Boche replied. wi shelling, |Janvary 1 las RR ee eu ral ad Hie Clothes Cane ee ‘shorts, per tom, $40.40. Crimean War. but neither ke rig eeeatked the| Leadin; te mine operators of Vie-| Furposes of approximate resaglalion wes ue tone At to" $18: ws pate 6 cs shel] tori in n protesting against the eight: {> have been about the [His clothes came home from the camp for Yots, per ton, $8.50 to $9, track ‘Toronto, a little cat cane Country Produce—Wholesale” ae would not £0! ton 7s—New nie 39 to 40c; selected, it mi St Sts te pack, so he put it on his knapsack | 2°” tccessful a 5c; |and carried it along. day, F | gelical Messenger, she was perched) whjj, ood heavy |Canadian Gunners Do Effective 2) April 8, in which over nes fired on lose artillery peer Seeeeneatlee of the hat g f ‘fo G86: | writes Arthur Broadley in the Evan- tne gt ston ee engaged having|done at the pre ur guns tae been active, | deadanfactere offices from Victoria to | fixed at $832,949,200, or a total of $2, 1,250,000 might be classed as ve eee as other losses, ini ably Br ‘ti h | y di th - 22 BATTERIES FROM SUNSET COAST ceding figures, sn 0,00 a ns igh Will Offer fn i Service tp the Royal F! g Corps. OF ACTION WHAT’ THE WESTERN PEOPLE That would glve a total of 18577 ‘A despatch aa a scadih Pacific ARE DOI i tna the lost in four YearS. | port gays: Five Russian aviators, of- ae tonnage one has to take into account | iy. crrived ae oho came taste Progress of the Great West Told ae varying ne oe bring at the tits sarcieak 40° the in a miners declare that c Sie wed: re Ey 000 Stel sete ese: advance: to - or $10. 50 2 ale, or ships not flying the British flag, The Sates he had on when he went which would give a valuation to the | tonnage lost, outside of England’s, of 7 312,020,000. f En: glish ships at $100 a ton, the valu of those Tost to England may be wore, Leckie, the G. was ceaiatyes | 22 \has Scans that nothing will < See that the soldier boy needs no esent time in regard ae e purported removal of the : to dane: ‘wins, [OP thus, and every night slept by Bis} gur infantry have had a comparative |the mainland 14a pe000. way Fae to oie ite large, 25 to As Eg rier ly quiet time, save for stant! Samples of ore of high milling, This lose ns Deon to some arnt In he room upstairs where he used Gaaed Car Hast, me, bushel, |» iol ay pods ite Teh Gas ins between patrols. ea one vig-| grade containing a good percentage | offset by # Tod abt 0 stay. $1 0°10 43: Torelmn, pave moked Bune bsg , 80 the soldier left pussy be ar rous encounter with a hostile raid-|of grey copper have just been dis-| otk His clothes h ; Poe a alc come MN eae at eernee erate oe is clothes came home from the camp ; trols drove the cat came running up to him, so took it on his back again. Musket canal on cannon alle wyers: now flying, around. | The soldier fell twice, but at last” a| dreadful “wound laid him bleeding on aaa 10 at isions—Whol Barrelled Meats—Pickled pork, $49; mess pork, Greln ments—Out of! pickle, 1c tesa | the fie thgmoked meats—Roll Smoked meats—Rolls, ito: | « ams; medium, 86 to 8c; heavy, 20 to |Jumped to the place wher ood | i, + was flowing and Dike a % “7 : . 85 to he Dry salted eats—Long clears, b re tons, 29c; In cases, 294c; clear atites, | ent. 26 to. a fat backs, 260. When he recovered err AS $s to babe; tubs. he asked whether he would live Carried 01 ee to 334 4 a eho ten! ing—Merces, not, and the doctor said: “Yes, sane ee fete ea .0xc;, Pails, 268 | to your kind pussy; she has used her ell al Marke of blood, otherwise you would have | “Germany is turning Finland into an-/ tom pioureeel, “arg 23—( saa died.” other B Serra teeta mea tae fe Rosey Wee then much delted. 8 oe clared Santeri Boring ‘wheat grade,” $1120, to 11-0, | was allowed to stay with her tive in this country of 41 ed oate—Ts Millfeed—Bran, i Provisional G 0 Ibs. "Fa5.40; shorts, $4 Pilddlings, $48" to $80;, moulllis, §6 2. Hay—No. 2, )per ton, car lots, + | BLEPHANTS REPLACE HORSES | Assertini ‘Winnipeg Grain IN THE BERLIN STREETS. Winnipeg. April, 28—Cash cade sare . Oats—No. v., 918¢; No. 2, A despatch from Rome says:—!mur commonplace of theit/ ‘The late Joseph Mayo, who passed gatra, Not feet 'shhes, No. foe Zurich reports that Germany is suf-| plans,”"Nuorteva said also that “latest! away at North Vancouver in his| No, 4, $1.62. Plax—No- 1 fering from railway difficulties ow-|teports from Finland tell of horrible) 10ist year, is said torhave erected | 50 $3:748; Non 8 a0. |} United Staten Markets Minneapolis, April 28—Corn—No. & the trani Yellow, $140\ to. °51. SOL eel ei white, ur Bran “ab. nS Tchanixed fbodeane of th, ‘April a eas qt 974 to|made to deliver bal to the Berlin;Germans to oa POTATOES MAY BE USED FOR” mins = MAKING OF BREAD IN BRITAIN ssn Sst ugaute e German mee Farmers and Potato sb Seni Ordered to Return Full Details of politial oppon locks By End of Month. A despatch from Loridon says: The situation in regard to bread prospects excessive consumption of breadstuffs|for the next year in the forefront of} An English-p: He said if England is to| natwred joke consider drastic steps Trish recruit: sale of bread and breadstuffs, It is stated that rationing of bread will}the pot into effect earl; i 3 5 a § Py Ei & > F ES 3 & 3 2 ES a Ed 3 Es 0 eee ordered to return full details of alread will be composed largély of po-| the Trish bloGd cks r, killing six, capri: = and | pany’s property leas only three eee pe 1d. | |. "The est, instead of running away, MAKE “OF "FINLAND the city and districts, Vancouver's who have wa 42 to oe Bahia = allotment totals $73,403.55. fof th SU belie a Ruthless Ganiaizs of Maasaere | and White Guards. ti overnment of the Peo. ple’s Rep’ ae of Finland | pal world: ae the butcheries undertaken by the so-called the first privileges, menaced by the highly | Fraser railway bridge an ee thousands of men ofall those of promis in-| ment, but lost her hata by tripping | ed persons are eicleay murdered, —_+-—— we must concentrate out attention to| was being examined for admission to|In the course of the e i Lat seas. Not | the Irish blood mounted 48 the applic-| ficence with which the American Red! claim of the |jow the optimistic predi ate os smade a Multiplex Mining and Milling Com- | few months ago. rimary atts The = ‘hat he waved when he went 2 at Camborne. making public i ess was ered) The Vancouver and district joint awaken the public to the erying moot Theisen that ees snagged and mend- sewerage and drainage a has | for ships. ed with peepecet the 1918 allotments, of —>~—— - The bri a <a red scarf that he liked a total allotment of $11 Fo8603 ade The horse is coming back. Men best a gets tched the ups and downs|She eld ee Aelote-d6shavtheact to e horse breeding business are ioe for raiders back in dis- this year of $2,000 and an lay ANOTHER BELGIUM | an’ ant a $2, the greatest demand for| As she knelt alone in his room to pray. sonal ‘erent he of $15,000 to heavy draft horses that) Canada has the establishment of the | ever known His te came home from the camp “It is not by regretting what is ir ajarable thar ivde-work'is done: biel ae Bian’ here the prints of his feet any co New | by making the best of what we are. It]... Sills Westminster are transferring i ae not by complaining that we have | 1's as seeing them through her _ [attention to other pues an not the right oo but ie using well eat ie industry pal. | the tools we have.”—Rusl Thought of a ios baby hoots Be piccia cintaavete hi rough the eee ave been cover-| 4 4 with the relies of yes day, She put her soldier boy’s sche away. Pink EERO Eee schibition ae eer or de. ©. Gover fishermen near ut by Germans kept \ Gente e TOWS: ies wnfened property within the munici-j clean and acts as a mulch to keep the y for six months of the year for ground moist, “in, their lust fo protectin purposes. The legislature | German ‘junkers’ | w: ked to give the necessary stage where wholesale ee 8 tte Te itiatees, sone for water when in bloom. building In Fort Langley | in conjunction wit! 8 ou was himself born there 8,’ og S ge Com: cad according tol vany cstablished (a post’ at that] e the army of that point. | which called upon the The wife of R. B. Sparkman, sta-} ot tion agent at Lillooet, ye off the | was drown-| Mrs. Spar] ri was aang her | and husband in taking the water measure- | movement, have | over a Sos; gz, and fell into the river 90) further stated that | foot bell s its and the oe . | BRITISH RED CRO! | FUND AE ACHES $50,000,000, ; ‘A despatch from om London says: | Senant aan Britis s Fund has Ue al aper prints this good-| £10,000,000. The King has written to e expense of the; the Li i st “The little Irishman|fund, expressin: Food Department tasoes, either in the form of flour or| ant retorted: ‘And you're a big stiff!’ ” chose has supported the work of the | Scene of the Greatest Battle in the War. the end of: the mont! eal, or if we do not have to forego = British Red .Cross, cementing still | uae ae Neuve Eglise, which was taken retaken several times Sir Charles Bathurst, speaking at a eal loaves clannee and substitute! _ Prune and tie up all vines and| further the ties which unite the two sby the ish, Messi helt Wytschaete, Bailleul ant Taesbrsiel, which is meeting of agriculturists, put the| potatoes for the reepers. counbrion: | the main aoa of the enemy. The D oings ‘ef the Duffs. NES- | DANCED THE Dip Nov CALL ME HELEN ¢ LAST ONE WITH HER. Ss S Sod 4 ik \ LS ‘ ELKO b} \\ KS i8) Nes sie’s PRETTY, BVT SHE DOESNT R WELL Don'T Nov Tink SHE'S VERY PRETTY FROM OLD SCOTLAND NOTES OF INTEREST FROM HER BANKS AND BRAES. What is Going On in the Highlands and Lowlands of Auld Scotia. © An Edinburgh gentleman who died recently, left arter of a million rou nds to be devoted to combating oMten Mowat, Baimaghile Manse, has received the Ro; Red Cross from Corporal John Rankine, S.R., son. of Mr. and Mrs, Rankine, of Birn inock. weeks of Pointed Glasgow district secretary 0 ‘the Amalgamated Society of Engin- Ts. "The C.A. are erecting a build- ing in Sghawick Place, Edinburgh, for purpose of a hostel for ser- vice iat. George Lugton, formerly on the reporting staff of the Scotsman, The jackek and trousdes the xchoolbioy = His mother took them and put them| Cyclamen should never be allowed|™*™ y ia Mary, Duchess ue Hamilton, other of Lady Gi bee! hee for hospital wo! | Mrs, Lang, wife of Pre Lang, recently opened the new Y.M. C.. ms on Hick i Johnstone. oe mes Dunn, a wel ata: ler in Glasgow, Perth- om aot Partick, is reported as kill- in action. bee He Fees 3 be ee Penn; s Banl crave eS dence i: en of aio, 176 6, wee Thomas Oliver of Ayr has been appointed a deputy lieutenant for Northumberlan The Military Medal ny been award- ed ee te: ite, Thoma: Meechan, of Crai The Military Medal has been award- ed to oe poral George Methvan, of Alexandi Bailie Bo ernard Connolly, Dumfries, has been appo! ted a justice of the peace for the county. The Military Meds sn ous Uiboe to Private J Banks, irs Sn 10 Castle Terrgen Dam the “death took pias Seay at. Denny Park, kk, John Stele es deat gee “Glenbut Sel The Mititary 3 Medal has been award- ed to Sergt. D. J. Warwick, Canadians,’ son of J. Wewien Charlesfield, An- ELE PEE A tin CULTIVATING WILD FLOWERS. Development From Natural State to re eae of Perfection. despised daisy has become a qeahtonabla Bie Saeae eek years, and is ‘own eat quantities for Tacks m greenhouse. flower, golden yellow, inches: in diameter and with peta wild st no bigt than a atdalion: It is ‘found that the latter grows with astonishing rapidity and luxuriance of bloom under cheese- ‘cloth shade. Buttercups of several varieties and superior size (the plants being multi- ze sis dividing the roots) are now in hothouses; ‘likewise yellow ai yer sina: is a cultivated spring wild flowers, ahead of the sea- son; also for pansies, which them- selves were wild flowers obit unknown in that year a little girl named Mary Bennet, of A G: undertook o plant er gard at Walton-on-Thames every ariel y of pansy she could find, ios long pansy culture became the and even to the present day it ie vi siepitias fad in Europe. Hitherto it has not been found prac- sae! he leaves mixed with 10 per d and a liberal quantity of ee bits of old flowerpot, that this has been ascertained, it fi San ht that the much-ad- mm arbutus will be gro’ long in Gusntitiens gets Le ea for ae late winter it is Rivets — ung lar el 3 the eager persistence with “aaich in springtime people seek and pluck the plossoms, or even dig up the plants,’ see depriving them of an opportunity oduce seeds and keep the species, a eae