Proposition Here is the McClary SSaashine nae ce proposition. FOR SALE BY M. -E. BETTGER & co. MSClarys Sunmane. Furnace Toronto Winnipeg Calgary Edmonton ~ Montreal Vancouver Hamilton toon Lond St John, NB. Saska and Miss satiety, HE vere reriened after eS friends in Wingham and . John ie ey an of Milverton, | arn spent Gate ae the home of = parce Khaki Suits for S.0.S. MEN’S STRAW AND PANAMA HATS MEN’S SILK SHIRTS AND SOFT SILK COLLARS. A GOOD ASSORTMENT OF SILKS (Poplins, Follards, Duchess) ALSO LADIES’ SILK HOSE (White and Colors) WEBER & BETTGER Canada Food Board License No. 8—16901. Have You Ordered Your Suit ? IF NOT THIS WILL INTEREST YOU. We have one of the finest assortments of Serges, Tweeds and Fancy Worsteds you could wish to see—dozens of patterns in greys, brown: and mixtures; also fine blues with guaranteed dyes. ‘A have a choice of a variety of materials at different prices, and you get the same atten- tion and care at any price. O. DUFFIEL The Up-to-date Tailor, Monkton, + Ontario NOW IS THE TIME TO SECURE YOUR BINDER TWINE We sell only the Best Brands GOLD MEDAL--The daddy of them all We also haye a full line of — PURE MANILLA. PLYMOUTH - ROPE—at the Right Price. _Berger’s Paris Green A large supply on Hand. : Gold Medal Br: Try them and you will Harvest Mitts of all kinds : To suit everybody. ee MM. E. BE TTGER & co. — on ae — Hay Forks” no other. al Sebring Mr. J. 8 panied by TS. oe a the eS Jue Holmes. Effie, Cornis parents, Mr. and Mrs. yt. the oe list, but is, we glad to report, improving: r. ‘An- ticknap, £ Crosshill, is mesos with him at pre te yiie ie the order of the day. Miss an Ty avidson, of Toronto, accompanied her frien Myrtle Orr, a "Milverton, is Visiting at her tome near here. of our citizens spent Smidad Rt Grand Bend: . Frank towlantb of Stra tford, |f spent a few days last week with her as. Holmes, who bas | ee s Gils in ee or small Mr. rad Heller as far * Milverto where the authorities from London rer him in charge. xn—At Monkton, on July 11th, to Mr. and Mrs. John Rowland, a daughter. ji ie Mine Velma and Beatrice Atwood, oe apenas their enry: meee of the 14th con. of Logan. held a 2 hus anpeeetal shear shee seen on TI ts, Hen: day ne are spending aciaw aes ai Guelph this week on eee rs. Thomas Genie are y with hie wife” and: family at the, Monkton hotel, the ae in ence church on Sun: ‘ingle, at present visiting at Mr. John Me- Mrs. George Adair, Mr. n mi ily are spending part of their vaca- tion at dB Ms. George Golightly received a telegram stating that his son, Russell who enlisted at Winnipeg, had left Paces Mr. H. A. MeNaught has purchased “George A. Golightly and family ee to Brussels and Walton on Sunday last. irs. Jesse Rowland, ac- aaa Mr. and Mrs. ere Wieben, of the 14th con. of McKillop, were re- newing old acq br Sictinoe on the 16th ne on Sunday. your registration certificate pats Seon Gill. 15¢ each. Ptes. Ed. igaepaneuekder Gordon Riehl and Chas. Kisner, of London, spent the week-end at their homes of hae summer. rec cory examination held in Stratford, the name of Miss Gla raham was among the suc- cessful candidates. Mrs. G. Lemon, of Pra‘ Kansas, spent Friday evening mak r. and Mrs. Lemon hada delightful motor trip from their home and were on their way to Poin au Baril, where they intend spending fhe suminer with £ iss. Bertha Kellan, sasoompanied by Mt s Olga Sir, w Hamburg By Miss Helen Whitehorn of Toronto t the hom towel, called on friends in the village on Saturday evening. GRAVELRIDGE Misses Lizzie and Bertha ee and Agnes Holmes, Messrs. Jack Parkinson and Edward Sass Towed to Lo: don and spent Sunday ‘with ‘orp. Parkinson and. ot finds Holmes was called Sebringvilie ‘on Sunday, owing to the sudd Beck. ath of her nephew, the late “Mie rs. Jacob ae called on the aittere aston Tasty and ©, OF ‘Tavistock day. ostock| called on friends in this locality r rs, Albert Dahms and dann’. Yr. an Hollefreund and daughter,” bal of roe pheeteond) spent Sunday a Mr, and Mrs ae Webb a and ait and Mrs. Wm. Carter, of Stratford, were Sunday visitors ‘at Mrs. John Mc- iss Pearl and Master Charles Mis ‘itney, of Flesherton, are visiting friends in this vicinity. ORDER-IN-COUNCIL SUSTAINED. te Gres rey, yea astices cenit ir disse! eeeene under the ee a4 ding of the Al- berta ‘Sobuane Gok fide it will not Som be necessary to summon Patliament a ee session to deal with the ie d Mys. A. H. Holmes and] ae Sunday with friends at ¥ ‘d Mrs. Emerson Holmes, of jt London, are spending a week with I ish, of Kirkton, is | we ating her friend, Mrs, Roy Golight- | ved Anticknap has been, on ys a butter wrap] ie a5 is at 0: don had charge of gre of Stratford, is ° Gill reports a large increase in the | ed ss this year, it being It ni to | P= sag aoe for ae Offi 10 Of the work of providing farm _ |help ‘for the harvest fin nd from the ormere is 5 isapolnt date small and are rusl ‘0. the cle | conclusion fat the talk Ae a aie _ labo: the farms lL MR. ee on ee LAST I have just been asked, before we bring this histo: ee Cont: Ciiancellor tor oveeuding: 1 energies, ng te merely Europe, but She giviliged| prldy ean tar hicors it. STEINMANN—ERB d line Line Church, Welles] Lavina, daughter of Mr. 5 Daniel "Erb, 3 fe ey se Wellesley ‘was unit es is of ma’ rimony of Wellesle ley. emnized by Bisho, friends from Wellesley, Tavistock, Baden and other places. the Allies in Europe has been de- creased by 46,000, 000 head since the vr. 40 per cent. re-war basis ne from five to ten wont after the war. FOOD PRICES ABROAD more. In Italy beef sells from 79¢ 82c¢ per pound, and veal 66¢ to 79¢: Sacking’s Seart & OLerve Remedy At birth, nearly every Heart is fit for a lifetime of work, and there is Ww ny at com Will help you to live longer, healthier and happier. . You box, 6 for $2.50. vor ‘ale b; ie, Milverton, | p Weber & Betiger, Monkton, and E.G. Cogito Apmoe. NOTICE Our Prices for _ Pressing, Cleaning and Making Are as follows: MEN’S SUITS Pressing . Cleaning ai MEN’S TROUSERS Pressed 3 Cleaned and Pressed. z MEN’S SUITS eee Ju to $11.00 r | Making ©: Making and Trim +-$13 to $15) and OUR pe ae 7! S ‘Is honest business, seed deali; is ing to Bit Bieat oe at as low a saree apes and Men's Tailor |uivexton, ae ONTARIO; is bluff. When the. registration cards | kn est Mr. ‘itt, in the last speech which he made | $41 he example.” It took 10 was said, from 1805 hee and perils which at present confront | & Ww A pretty: wedding took place ¢ a the | The live stock in the countries of |} difficulty, ene costs 60¢ a pound or Hi Makes You Live Longer '|* J. M. FLEISHHAUER : ee aoe resided, esis and ae er of accounts were pre- mented ahd ordere taking the evidence re the|! killing of sheep by a ae or dogs un- own, it was a sree DE xr two sheep killed cor- espondingly ae! ahOvk = Cateior. wed bel 8: ever meebiica spe sare "MeKay, that this council much i notion was carried with F. Lack- loved by J. S. Meyer, seconded by |% F. ares that this ee! do now the Coun: Monday, of August, as B, at ten eel on solicitation of a number of pr pjaoral ratepayers. eter F. Schummer, Clerk. st Clements, July 10th, 1918, HON. R. L, BORDEN SPEAKS AT LONDON, ENG. Ata banquet at the Mansion House Eondon, England, tendered the Prem: iers of the Domini lusion that would make a league of S) | | Bations possible. as they are to-day, there would hav’ SRS horror of the Llan- 8r Wednesday afternoon last, when oe ee tory without which no enduring peace possible, ; é FOOD PRODUCTION IN FRANCE, ore than 1,000,000 Ce as KILLING THE BREEDING STOCK | }#/U7es to carry on pee and cripples has dropped to one- MAY SAVE SEED WHEAT Simcoe Reformer Quance ruling upon the yarn in cireul fon 3 the effect that it was illegal to wheat seed. The answ HAD LEG AMPUTATED. 8. S. Rothwell, an esteemed day of puis ous late Mr. Bed ee in id had resid hat Snes fa gore Jaw. eside: fe, rs, Ida and Beatrice sur- pee a pe Beanies oe one sis- namely, Henry, Rimo Wi Bs of Eli and M. a a jahn, 0: ice, and Mrs. genni n 2, con. 7, Morne contaii in | Milver en. submarine and other 0 ores is little doubt ieee that the tor- ld have pedo woul the boat the; ee. the whole pel or mn GERMANY oe Pore MON- _ ists who repeatedly have the Germans that the Fatherland could impose its own terms of peace because cae aang and especially Ba erica, was bound to come to Germ: for fertilizers. The Government has just ae, e Reichstag containing st t are urged to organi their forces to ne the new situa. tion. Germania “Our supposed Guddgaudenes as re- gards ithe fixing of our own prices is gone.” Births, Marriages and Deaths. Caer: aomington on Res July and Mrs. John lornington, on Tues- Tr, Waa Saturday }, and Mrs, Joseph we ‘a daugl Fier Kropf—At Mo: omninton, on arenes Mr. and Mrs. Buchanan— ‘At Elma, on Saturday, th, to Mr. ana Mrs. Stanley | Buchanan, a son. DEATHS. Caranh cll at Millbank, on. Monday, ay 22nd, William Cam} B aged 6 years, 5 months and 8 FARM FOR SALE That parcel of land known as lot ining 100 Possession x further Good buildin; Eiver early an ae fale particulars mcrae ed, ‘about. Seca 3 sie | spring calf (all | eyed and one re ite sale—Cooking ale Sane or wood), heat coal are wood), two beds, jouse and exmi Gall t_hous: |, | Julius Guenther, ‘Main: Ste “ sh FARM FOR SALE ae wnship, ¢i es oe ae to W Wein Milverton. Tenders for Drain SEALED TENDERS (marked der for drain). will be Coie ie as the undersigned up till two o’clock p. m. on Saturday, July 27th, 1918, ue the construction of a grain in Elma known as e the Mi jourt Drai ee must give ers the name of sureties and be accom-_ a ky panied with marked cheque for Plans and specifications may b¢ seen at my office, Atwood. For_ further particulars app tu Wm, Scott, Reeve, Monkton, ihe ‘unders rsigned. e lowest pes any tender not nec- essarily accepte¢ GEO. LOCHHEAD, Clerk Tp. of. = Atwood, July 8th, 1918. pipply to David Gateke,| on Notice to Creditors Ten nt., Or In the estate of Annabella Mersey Si mith, late of the Township of Elma, in the County of Perth, wi- — dow, deceased. Notice is here given pursuant the Trustee Act t all creditors ot the FOR SALE OR RENT Frame house with good lot on Wil- liam St., Milverton. Will make splen- id for man with limited means For further particulars apply to Mal colm MacBeth, Milverton, or to Mi Chas. Keeso, 21 Suffolk Place, Toran) Local Agent}: ‘ Wanted me For the “Old Reliable” FONTHILL : URSE Tosaende of eee trees need — pial call for small fruits, ae ‘benring fruit trees, asparagus, rhubarb plants 6 ete. The demand for procmeny stock . |in towns and villages is larg Secure al commissions. Experien ry. STONE & WELLINGTON (Established 1837) Toronto, Ontario. a paying agency a liber- ce not nec- jy-25-3m. Hitled thereto, having. aims of wl to any person eee claim he had not eas at the ig the distribution. d_at Listowel the 15th day of Cte ~ D., 1918. David James Smith, Administrator. H. B, Morphy, % Solicitor for Administrator. 1 Flour, spring, Wer Flour, blended one ‘lour, winter, cwt. Are You Insured Fe cian aroRDaete: Sonate nes Seder for wife and family at B inimum cost. faves stigate it C.Spencer,C.R. x N. Zimmermana,R.S || FURNITURE! We Have a Full Line FURNITURE, RUGS, LINOLEUM CARPET (by the yard), CONGO- LEUM SQUARES and hicebine PICTURE FRAMING DONE PROMPTLY — Baby Garrlages, Go-Carts and Express Wagons of New and Up-to-date