“ FOR SALE BY E. BETTGER & co. McClarys j home—one of the feat- ures that make the Sunshine the kind of furtidce you want for Khaki Suits for S.0.S. MEN’S STRAW AND PANAMA HATS MEN’S SILK SHIRTS AND SOFT SILK COLLARS. A GOOD ASSORTMENT OF SILKS (Poplins, Follards, Duchess) ALSO LADIES’ SILK HOSE (White and Colors) WEBER & BETTGER Canada Food Board License No. 8—16901. We have. one of the finest, assortments of Serges, Tweeds and Fancy Worsteds you could wish to see—dozens of patterns in greys, browns and mixtures; also fine blues with guaranteed dyes. have.a choice of a variety of materials at different prices, and you get the same atten- tion and care at any price. 0. DUFFIELD Have You Ordered Your Suit? & IF NOT THIS WILL INTEREST YOU. The Up-to-date Tailor, Monkton, - Ontario NOW IS THE TIME TO SECURE YOUR BINDER TWINE We also have @ full line of + RURE MANILLA PLYMOUTH ROPE—at the Right Price. Berger’s Paris Green A.large supply/on Hand. _ Gold Medal Brand Hay Forks ‘Try them and you‘will want-no: aes $ Harvest Mitts of all kinds ‘To. suit everybody: \ M. E ra BETTGER & co. : mkton, ‘We sell only the Best Brands GOLD MEDAL--The daddy of them all oes. by the Aes 8, MeChure, Company The hurricane had died out, and the only trace of the storm upon the wa- ters was the heavy. swell which tossed the ship’s longboat. The sun shone with tropical fervor upon the three occupants of the little craft. Not a sail was within spective, and no long wreath upon the horizon gave sign of the presence ota steamship. At the bottom of the boat; his head resting upon the lap of a young wom- The other man sat upon the stern thwart and watched sea and sky with ‘woman's face had the eee of‘ prolonged suffering. ‘Water! Water!” murmured the at the bottom of the boat. “Have patience, Tom,” said the wom- an in a mechanical voice. “Weare No," said Tom faintly; bi atte alt be ut not I. in feeble fingers, hut made no reply. ‘Phe look of death was on the face pil- d passed since Tom and Kate, passengers, and Dick, mas- ter mariner, andoned the sink- ing bark West Wind, bound from Rio shipmates. they _ ha y had gone without food and wi out drink, and the weight of sheer ex- haustion had begun to: deaden their senses, Finally Tom spoke again, He looked Dick inthe face searchingly and said: “will y me, Ri FCT could die happier if you would, . Kat will never forgiye me, but you might.” “Forgive you!” exclaimed Dick won- Sertnels “Why, what have you done?” u always loved Kate,” said Tom. “tea? replied Dick very slowly and after a pause; “I always loved her.” “and she always loved you,” sai ‘om. Dick ,half started from the thwart, but checked himself. ‘The woman turned her face away. AB pans between you,”:said Tom. + aia joth a wrong. T have sutferstll-You' enr'e realize, Dick you will never realize—the agony of ee Losieaiiony ms anguish of having wife who heart loathes your airhtedseyreas aoe, see ianed Dick, and I-haye been, kind and good to heralvags. Bubwhat are vindness and goodness to a woman when she does age tere you? Nothing, Dick, aS than nothing’ “I don’t ideeititnd you at all,” said Dick, “I know that you're out of your head, Speak, to him, Kate; it may quiet Ee Bat Kate neither spoke nor turned her “No; gon wil understand,” ald Tom, is. not want to e Kate,” “Havo Kate!” repeated Dick. man, she’s your wife!’ “No, no! cried Tom’ weakly. “She never was my wife!’ It was only an empty ceremony that shackled her to me. She was always yours, Dick, and vont only. Soon she will be yours for- “why, ovaspeak to him, Kate, He’s raving,” gaid Dick hdarsely, but' she sat as if stone, watching the sky line. “You see,” said Tom, “she ‘will not lie even to soothe, and she is right, for lies aré useless, I knew she loved td an ied to keep you apart. thought it was friendship and ina ness that made you master of my Wes' Wind, but that was the first Meise newspapers the lying notice that you married a woman York the day before you sailed. After Kate had read the lie she thought the world was at an end for her, so she married me, have suffered, You can never realize that.” There: now was, a deep flush upon id Dick was bending yours, and—and—and I’ve left her ev- erything.” “Biast you and your money!” cried Dick, now upon his unsteady feet, with a threatening gesture. But Kate, who still sat with averted gaze, put her arm ‘om’s face as his head away tod. ‘Thus they remain- ed for many minutes. But when Dick, again turned his eyes to the horizon ho estrain an exclamation. Far away apo the edge of the wa: ters was a's: It then oe a a tiny blur, but the presclent eye of the k’ looked‘ at ‘Tom Kate, while a battle raged in his soul. The excitement which had ustatned z : i g BE Z ge g 3 & Ez as potent a Leinaauinit as wa ever com- pounded. Ph a, heats > Tt.wa Bor sonia be witbia , bi “Another hour or/two.m oe death to Tom. If he'knew-that res- cue, food, drink and comfortable ante fare: Were, but a, fe grinding mil 28 would. EtOW rect WAY, veeter storthe wealthy miennesaes pease ee stack of ships and must be rescued |- In Aa ce = two. ‘the msn - ant tite. them apart. Should be fan it into a blaze or let it go oak forever? At last-Tom a; opened ea eres |and, looking him pitiful, plead ‘spresion ste teebly “Forgive se oe Hides t ina Voice of utter w ite bent over and kissed tis kiesed i him as @ mother might her child. wa long breath, and a tremor | shook him like an ague spasm. “A sail!” he cried hoarsely and rose unsteadily. Wwayed straight ahead, and then he sank upon his knees and took Tom’s hand in his | own. “Tom,” he said, ane up, man, and listen There me. 's a ship coming. te she’s not five miles away. ‘Think of tt man—something to drink and plenty to weaken now after all you've been through. Let the past be bygones. Live it out and be happy.” “A ship in sight!” Heed Tom. “Ob, letgme see her! utmost, b ae held Mo tints while he Horta hae ingly at the distant aa ae a brief ‘space the luster of hope rekindled the fire of failing vision, but ft ER only i a moment, A film beclouded his ey again, and he sank back to the bottom of the boat with a gasp. “Too late,” he murmured, “too late for me!? When Dick looked up, he met Kate's, ‘dy look she iis story. Dick fel oe than;he had ever felt before. He to do something, to distract her cree “The sail!” he said, pointing over the waters. “Why don’t you look?” “I saw it,” said she, “two hours ago.” es you were waiting for me to tell of it?” aa replied Kate, “and ow BS egal bare despised you if you had ship’s crew answered Dick's Bes hail with shouts: of encourage- wind with flapping sails. pered by the mate was lows towed the Ae alongside the ship's quarter. “How are they?” asked the captain as he leaned over the rail and looked the mate iafter holding his hand over Tom's heart. “Yes,” said Kate; “my husband is lead.” A History Making T: It was but a trifle that ne "Spain for so many generations the lordship of the new world and enabled her by the wealth which she derived from that gotiree to. beet nation in Europe. It i that Columbus, discouraged with the refusals which he met at so many fons pinngienes his brother zeal VII. of ger fell into the hands of pirates, and by the time he reached London was so destitute that he had t the mouey fo clotle himself in proper style before he could be presented at court, late. Isabella furnishe: But by: that, time it was too Even the fact that Ferdinand and the funds to equip the queen's confessor, happened to be passing knocking at the door of La monastery to beg a little bread and wa- ter for pressed with the noble face of the dusty traveler. London in time, bad Columbu little later or earlier at the’ monastery door, the fate of Europe might have been changed and the destiny of the Anglo-Saxon race altered. of Purp! _Zarentig either ise eainous form or in spirits, has a hou: value, A child ‘suffering with ee croup or any throat or lung difficulty will be quick- ly relieved by inhaling thé vapor and its! Afterwar skin from irritation. ent leather; it will remove paint from artists’ clothes and ‘workmen’s gar- it will drive away moths if a chests; { other quarters if a little is poured into the mouse holes; one tablespoonful add which linens are a h for fine furniture; the lat mixture should be two parts of arrat oil to one part of turpentine. Some physi¢lans recommend spirits of tur- pentine, applied externally, a mane It is. also ‘pre scribed for rieuralgia of the nae. man’s Home Companion. Dinner was a substantial attalr ‘inthe great, occasions, Be) a contemporary, would probabl; wheaten flummery, ‘ster broth, fe broth, gruel or hoten} wh. The second consisted of fish, among which we may note lam- preys, stockfish and pee with sido ise. The third course fon, w pasties, Scoteh aan wild fowl and ganie, | Saree Tae @ all kl 8 in all thelr yarieties, cheesi e§, Jellies, warden pies, abet srlavebs on, to be Toloryed “per awhile cheese and, tansy’ sie oe ae sinks, sale and beer, wine, sack and, numerous, yarie- ties of mead’ or ‘mi in, some of ‘Were cot ut of as many and the innate love of life might anaen e crisis. him throwgh th with the rocking of the boat, pointing | It see Dick's failing eee <) oe E lifted him ,| Plant Sanitation’ Wi v Many of injurious Diseases at s Pla RIS ; s al CROP s ROTATION IS FAVORED Seed Bed * Often Source ‘of, Intech Greatest Pal dine Should ‘Taken to'Ineure Healthy a —Use. Lime Freely. ; ‘Cabbage diseases which have water and refuse fr ib- Dbage fields may carry infeetion, 4s will stable manure with which diséased ma- terial has been mingled. ‘The seed bed ig often a source of infection; and the greatest pains, therefore, should be reas to ko Jura, peeliDs: plants. Locate he bed .on new ground if pos- ae or eae a steam the soil that ed. Disinfect all ‘cal tore -planting to prevent black-leg, Clubroot is avoided by the free use of lime and ty, setting healthy plants. low: Diseases Ave §p read. is and bacterial “diseases are ‘he field, drainage water, cabbage refuse and stable ae ure; farm animals ‘and tools, wind, In view of these facts the omer aim of the farmer should be’ to pre- yent, if possible, the introduction and distribution of deniers diseases on. his farm, In order to accomplish this, several seen should be observed, of which the more important are the disinfection of seéd, the location and care of the seed bed,’ and crop rotation. To ‘disinfect: seed, use one ‘ounce of seed for 20 minutes in this nd ae in clear water to wash off the aldehyde, and ‘then spread in ia igi to ae casting if needed. abel Soil. ee rr ve spreading the disease 4 pantera fields by. of the plants: @ weed _ 5 tigde following- recom: faintitda sions! x for disinfeeting the soil in ones i plants: are grown: Sterilizatlon—-by means of drain tile laid in the tenor Roots of Cabbage Plant Infected With Root-Knot. of the beds, through which steam ts passed; by means of an inverted pan under which steam is admitted; or by Crop rotation is an essential practice whether or not it is'necessary in the ontrol of any plant maladies. There are numerous fungous diseases which appear year after year on the samo field. Some of them, such as clubroot of cabbage, are strictly soll parasites and cannot be controfled by any fun- e only method left to get rid of the organisms {s to starve them out, and this can be done only by a well-planned system tation. For ordinary practice, a rete tion of four or five years is sufficient to reduce greatly the loss from most fo alr and sunshine as- sists In Gaternaating them. cs | PREVENT DISEASE IN STOCK ‘ceding Methods Meat Sanitation and Help Redu Animals ie EADY: Proper, feeding and sanitation are two litportant preventives: losses in farm animals. that contains tein to supply muscle growth, enough digestible pro- the needs of bone and Bachelor Knits for )Soldiers- The e Atchison’ Red Cross have discovered that the donor a boy in‘his native land, ‘A: Swell eee > Commander Loeker’ = Lampson, M.P., 0 had cnargoyat ‘the British pumigredcar squa en eat says that in the fight sue US sh plain. bis: ofdetly. 10 it prisoner w rence a alipetal AL. un the buttons of which were the wol ive Club. a bean His 0g pasncier i ege Yielding ues ree 5 1-5 This fat cent. on his 0: safe and iietly oatiote investmet SHADOW TEST Ping Off Boies be Sun 7S GUSRRETONEONT Subseri, 50 months, pon inadvence, soon sea, $2.50 \- rears will be Hable to one sha ease Advertising rates Advertisem with 18 F hitectionn wil ee oat nes a until forbid and charged ac- yoo for contract ite Hed must ‘be in the office by noon Monday, MALCOLM “MA BETH, Publisher and Proprictor. I BusineséCards : x Medical. » Dr. P. L. Tye Office: PuBLic DRUG STORE, MILVERTON Hours: Oto 12 &.m., Tita ey at dnd 7 to 8 4 ANSON B. KILBOURNE ~ CHIROPRACTOR wd Office above Bank of Nova Scotia to Congutation and ee BRN 2 this advanced system. Children’s eyes ace! ined without SATISFACTION; GUARANTEED! P.H. BASTENDORFF sight eens su miLvenron. wranto | dai DR. F.J.R. FORSTER Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat _ ae in medicine, University of Ti Tai: meaitaait New York Ophthal- mic and Aural Institute, ane ye and Golden Square Throat Hi London. Eng. Bo urs—10 to 12 % am.;/2 to 5 p.m. ily. Evenings—7 to ‘ednesday and Saturday « as ak appointment ‘Phone 267.) 53 Waterloo St. a STRATFORD. 4 oe MiLVERTON, Offices Lega! H.B. Morphy, BF i Solicitor for Bank of Hami vet : Listowel, Milverto: mey to Loan, “| Harding, Owens & Goodwin Barristers, Solicitors, &c. Gordon Block, « STRATFORD, ONT. . Money to Loan. ; R,T. HARDING W.G, OWENS W. E. GOOBWIN Local Agent Wanted For the “Old Reliable’ FONTHILL NURSERIES Thousands of orchard trees need peering r gardens call for small fruits, pans eine fru’ ees, asparagus, rhubarb plants, et The demand ie ornamental stock in towns and villages is large. e a paying agency with liber- a _comuissions Experience not nec- sary. STONE & WELLINGTON (Established 1887) jy-25-8m. Toronto, Ontario. Veterinary. , J. W. Bart, V.S. Graduate of Ontario Veterinary College, XL ‘onto. |! 5 ‘Treats all diseases of domesticated antmais * altealls promptly attended to: Secieties. aaa eee Ne 478 F, & A.M, Meets ae Monday ce on or before full moon ESE ia thelr halt wining brethren pinares mae: me Geo. Ro Zoeger, Secy. Silver Star eer: No. 202 Meets every Friday night at 7.90 In thelr hall over Bank of Hamilton, Visiting brethren always welcome W. Henry, W.K.Loth, G. A. Barth, NG." Fih-Seey. "“Ree.-Seey. Gilt-Edged Security The present market is certainly the investors 0) arent we would like particularly to call your attention to the following securities in which we are specializing: Canada’s Victory Loan maturing in 5, 10 and 20 years, at 99% and in- terest. Province of Ontario 4 per cen’ sl ged cave 1st March, 1926, to yield iF Pet ‘ity. ae Toronto 5% per cent bonds due nie 1924-25, to yield 6 per cent. Notary Public. W. D. Weir, - Notary Public audindans for the vacua of Perth and Water Com ncer, es wills, ownaide drawn iin and affidavits made. Office: Weir block, over Bank of Nova Scotia A. Chalmers, - Notary Public ee Issuer of Marriage Licenses yr the County of Perth. Real ite bi yht and sold. A few choice ies beg: as bong immedia te sale, MONKTON, - ONTARIO Province of British Columbia’5 per cent. bonds, due 1st April, 1928, to yield 6% per cent. o The exemption from Federal tax- ation makes Canada’s Victory bonds, at the present time, an extremely at- tractive investi With the exception of Ontario and Brit Columbia, the above can supplied in $100, ES a he eon i nominations. mn. lumbia aoe and $1,000 acres are, now avail- able and on Ontario $1,000 MALCOLM MacBETH, Milverton. = a3 Counter Hotele The Queens Hotel CANADA FOOD BOARD LICENSE NO. 10--622 Best page sete for tearing: trav: ers and ot! é borane petite Bomb? GEO. F, PAULI, Prop.,.- Milverton, Ont NEWTON WOOLLEN MILLS Don’t ship ee soos biG —Wwe need nd will market price, accordi ter qual H.C. WAGNER, - Newton, aL Check 7 Books... We are agents for the Appleford Counter Check Book Co. This firm turns out ‘only high-grade work at very teasonmhle. prices. . See our samples and get our priceszbefore ordering. q te HE zoupamoeg ting Are You Insured 3 be CAA AN RR OF tection toh wit aod minimum cost. et : C.Spencer,C.R. & N. Zimmermann, RS iter The call for trained hel is Sa ey ever. batons br the of Cal Our juntos curing yeplend itions. We Y have * ‘Comaaeistsl Shorthand and Telegraphy rtments. a col oat Sean wa owe Sie ritece