- WHEN RAZZLE- | DAZZLE RAN AWA STRONG SYSTEM (OF RAILROADS e HAS GROWN UP AT NEW PATALE EXPLOIT OF A BRITISH TANK, FRONT JN FRANCE. IN FRANCE. Ganadians Worked Untiringly at New ;Captain Fallon and the Crew of Seven in Which © Railways’ Men Escaped but Where Have Prominent Part. * Was Joffre?) | Defences ‘Behind the new fighting aia since the Huns’ advance e has grownup a ae of feta ae rail- Ways, making a formidable system which more than compensates us for | David Fallon’s account of his a the loss of those lines we We have plenty of outside news had to aban- tures while in command of one. don and destroy 2 retirement. dear girl,” he begins affection- Almost mae the day; nemy cross- aid “was named Razzle-Dazzl ed the Nor a Canad ‘practically every | was very young, having been in service | battalion of Canadian railway troops only thre as been working unceasingly at the task, some units acting as pioneers in the construction of the great defence » line that causes the Huns to hesitate on this sector. \e Little French villages that never hoped for aes oo with the Jeri if b; lov erthirty tons. you call me deer Wile Naiaae pretty | 1 : e fact fs that.she showed ev old het lovely ugliness 1 Ce she would SOME TREES Plane-Tree a Disseminator of Disease —Limes Attract Lightning. The plane-tree, of which many fine ang the ae «spicules the breaking up of a fruit-balls” Lime trees, although not sencarste in themsél¥es, ‘appear e- sulla power. of. attracting lightning. large percentage e nM 3 billed by lightning in the British Isles - |owe their death to es taken shel- ter under these tre: Elm trees are. pardon danger- us owing to the e 10) | their mee Hae often ave without file slit Bee she hateth mankind, and waltel Till every guest be To drop a limb on ne re of oe de. Cities hav ‘ome, as if @ | like oe af lois ‘That anyway trusts her shat rubbing “ok aonia: als ‘Aladain’ right} este did. It was| The dangerous nature of the labur- Lamp, great ju 9 where traln- {at Beaumont Samel that she found it | num is not as well-nown as it should loads of supplies come ‘© every | when she started forth.for the enemy | be. e leaves, seeds, flowers, and part of an hour. lines run |trenches and a ified sugar mill|even bark, of this tree are all poison- through the fertile fields of growing | beyond, Because of long experience ; ous. { crops, and ¢areful building has saved | with rapid-fire guns, although he a a oe Hren chap ad harvest, but for/had none with tanks, Capt. Fallon necessary st ays permanen a way. | drafted at an hour's notice to ane WOMEN! IT fs MAGIC! ier ound.) her cap aie LIFT OUT ANY CORN towns which the un Bs nel a new to me, but highly day by day stor ca ‘ons interesting,” Sonate Fallon relates. Apply a few drops then lift cealed pee a ree ee ne “My crew: consisted of seven men— corns or calluses off w which are fed by the strips of steel. axe ages Te ea seenest Gagereeno. ‘pain: and a black cat. vi Stronger Than/on the Somme. @/ 1,4, cat, she had been named Joffre. “Speaking from a strategical point | She was very friendly and insisted on Just think! You can of view,” said a railway officer, | sitting ane on my knee ould lift off any corn or cal- “we are in a er position to-day | from the Set I seated myself and lus in. OF than we were on the Somme. soreness. hundreds of miles of new ank, Dante r/came to advance, | Razzle- Dazzle, groaning, grunting and onform with the ating front. |1urching, got under way slowly but ef ren possibilities haye been considered. | fetenty, srndiied acnaens aio hen! | showers of spray, as if the ground we quickest and most direct way to mise [rote over were an angry sea of mud, they are needed. ‘The jatest German AB iuria? Blaved ALAS: thrust gave us the first test of the| ,, sre siege ee fystem, and divisions were shifted |, “Mvery man in sh ‘te as ee with a speed that must have sw ay pad yee os ae wis eae see if the to rised the ae y \seainst ae et nike logsetea peas in the same way some of the Cana- dian auxiliary ete have been work. /i1 @ pod. Only Joffre remained per- ing untiringly in the gun sputs behind {e¢tly cool: Somehow she maintained } the new front, off which the big howit, |# fim seat on my swaying shoulder, | zers pound the enemy po’ SO nee dem auibed retin to peer: y licki pees and Vaninely’ winthe fier rocked and plowed Se of the tines and went swaying toward the refs Re aie accre ee cone. 0d ever" window facing us 8 ited a see New Defences Powerful. |eun. ‘Thee Bixteeh wine was cleverly | @amouflaged from the ies eyes of | Hun airmen. From the new railheads; many which have been christened Canadian names, there start freshly | constructed light railway systems that | Razzle- ee A chautteur looked at ’iie ind their way through little valleys | 'm distr ereened from the enemy to the fine new reserve trenches, which have | Said. ““Stop her, then, and we’ a let them here!” I order | “The ene gear’s off, he er a line drawn in blue ;penc! ade several aul "motions an ordinary map, and the lives en- | With the mechanism and said: is gineers ane to build, scores of miles | T can’t ee her, either.’ th that t be used. The: “And the Razzle-Dazzlé carried out | mt as er-own idea of attack. tee -on into the mill. through a wide doorway, making sp ters of the door; she kno sup, there for an emergency. She, banged | struction of the new Britis! a prominent ports and walls, fore the Huns. could take, b her way, and another stage of attacks on this led out of the other side just as Northern section the fable of fort jthe roof crashed in. and apparently ew into such |¢rushed and smothered all the artil- that he hedliated: |1erymen beneath it, tle for use, She went right | °Y cked against | eee this ether com: pound and named it freez iy drug ean lift it right Freezone 1s wonder- fuk tt aries instantly, b ae oe away th iis, bE pele ‘tt up without even irritating the surrounding skin. -d, soft or corns between the off. ere is no pain ‘wards. if your areeise hasn’t freezone, tell him to order a small bot- you from his wholesale drug hou: a SOUR AND CUAMMY BREAD. asics pues ff Food Conditions in at the Present Tim ‘ollowing is an extract £ a a re- cenvisties from Paris: ay i to bread in Paris is very poor. ot seem to respond to the yeast. It is generally sour and clammy, and has le a number of people aiok. Be- the | the thro better |again into a jumble, the eratch- | than it cere in the sombre days pi us like a devil in her frenzy of at the end of March je “30 far, the runaway had eT Las but disaster awaited her in a huge, shell crater dead ahead. She alld at wallowed to the bottom, but could not climb out, and the Germans soon got sees Saas Unidentified. ‘A little cross in Flanders, lack under sunset: sky, re 7 her range with big shells. Her crew Stands where slim; swaying grass-| abandoned her, and presently a shell heads taeahe her tank, (and with a bang Bend as the breeze skims by. and a great ast of uieaing oil she , rich-sown field &° pies ae her fate, Capt. Fallon’ and the Pibiecth Onescuds tein crew returned in. ‘safety to the Bee wa ene heart’s sole: ought “Weavure'| lines—at least, all but one. That o k 1 joy, all hope, all—-los: although missing, was certainly nee a |prigoner;’ having nine lives to her companions’ paltr; piece, she probably also survived. t. Fallon, orgivini an yhelu wa ite narra- tive, “what Joffre thought of it all? I ae flashed past my the Id, and well, as we thrust up T picesaly hope she te Biive ORS Here in Fran Do Children Help or Hinder? 10,000 an insignificant sum es a inside her were thrown again’ and ic es cents. 'to the early tel ike the Ritz, in Paris, and bein served sour war bread and this mise ae for yout breed, nor suger nor cream for your c ees SN CROP PROSPECTS GOOD. Railway Official’s Conclusions Fol- towin: our. ig Western T “After an extended tour through the west, both over the C.P.R. and other | ines duping which I looked "carefully ‘o crop prospects, I think to couchide that, with the increased eage under cultivation, as many bus! provided, of course, continue as: favorable as they are at while in Montreal on a ® vusines trip, possibilities of the is §: daa to any undertaking? Can donor be considered as of little impor | tance in the movement to which Day after day in Grape:Nuts also bela digest other foo: : hi seriously, while in larger gsees 8 jcent rains had helped the "grain along wonderfully, so that tare a few little dn} tion, i erson i the pros- pects were particularly good, with largely increased ar acre ge, and\every prospect of abundant yields. So far as passenger business was concerned, Mr, McPherson said that: supplic number, of 95; 790 {better than during the present year. ‘ pieces. re: 1787 | As to American tourist business, par- For an ry igs ls pairs of gokes 1 fracture. shirts,.13-| ticularly ‘tow: 4 nourishing an comfort bags, 16 pajamas, 25 pairs of | McPherson said it was too early elicious = food, slippers, 189 Jerse dressing caps,|make any Dredletions, tut tne a ry 1,460 muffiers; pects pointed to at 393 eye and chin bandages, 4( tailed bandages, | 788 “angulbd fad ages, 87 abdominal, 55 head and 9, ben This is truly a ay to feel proud, season-as last year, switle the fomiee of visitors to the Rocky Mountain resorts was well up to ats: svaccel eS “Foresight is very wise, but fore- row is Bice zl and castles are at any ¥ 1a the air.’ ge ohn hn Lubbock, Minard’s Linment Cures Distemper. { | ©! tons of refrigera’ mixed with many substitutes which do| S°™ ¥or Summer Days for summer McCall Pattern 8384, Misses’ Dress. in 4 sizes, 14 i years. Price, 20 ¢ ere is a dainty little dress days. y Call from the McCall Co., 70. Bond St., We Toronto, Dept. ee BEHIND MEAT SCHEDULE. Great Sritein Unable to Supply the unt Required by Fra The necessity for eyaservation meat on this continent, in order to meet the very heavy denands from overseas, is coclatial by the fact England is still dl to furnish i hind 70,000 tons in 1917, and for 1918 the deficit’ is already. about 25,00 EN a a TORONTO FAT STOCK SHOW. The Toronto Fat Stock Show, who a cattle in 107 more feeding might land this for one of our feeders. The cash premium and the big price always obtained in than. ree ns additional time and ‘teed required. eg , Nearly 2000, Canadian soldiers are now buried in En; very the slatemelt secre Soc) Me-| present.” ‘This was made on*July 15th by C. B. Pherson, assistant Duster ‘tate manager of the C.P. nipég, | i ngeons in di gland, nearly e grave having a cross above it, says a London cable. Mrs. Astor has laid out Ik it is safe | ly set thirds-of ‘the Canadians in hos- peal misery are now | Canadian ‘hos; Every retary visited - a Canadian che in se m: This is Sh Rein? that ie ks cords oe left | wrist neas cat a for about nine. eRe that I ma no use a pee moos from ind it the: whi are ee it, and ae never he with- ISAAG-E. MAN! Metapedia PQ. flannel and you have a nie ball soap ready for immediate MONEY. :Y ORDERS, Buy your out-ofitown supplies with Dominion Hxpréds Money Orders, Five Dollars costs three cents, oon Se ranbts is st, ‘wheat for oyer- ‘ter nert harvest wheat for ane . ‘i \ Minard’s Liniment Cares Gazgot ta Cows Honey, maple syrup,’ molasses * and corn syrup should be used where pos- easing ee sane sugar for our ae in ee Minard’s Liniment Cures Diphtherts, Cream Wanted! Git che market for cream. all We the HIGHEST *Our Plane: ds BoD site o'r sk Dstnees ees fas Drop. us posteard for: pi tual Days srr ates Co. 743-5 St. West ‘Toronto “CROPS FAIL IN RUMANIA. — i a Germany’ oe of Fou Supply Are 0 Be Dooi ey peasant population’ is in a more’ ig than at any time Rumania entered the wal ar, says a Paris despatch. Reports, reaching the Associated Press. from authorita- that all. crops What little food there was has ia Pease one by the’ Germans. bread ration has been reduced fader) ands aaa to less than half a pound ail The crops ue Este ioe are in es most as condition as in Ru- mania, products, ai rren stes. if the Germans expect any food from this ARSE , the ports con- pate ee slender hope of better ops next: ——+ > LEMONS MAKE SKI WHITE, SOFT, CLEAR The Easiest Way. Young r summer on rie farm and s eomate Gree oe they had been mak- gaingcceiliacthe oa aha os after fnishing a high ee Edgar 0: shouted from. the top, “Say, Mr. Gresnbury, how am I is eRe othe old farmer studied the problem a minute and finally solved) it to-his own satisfaction. “Oh, jest shet yer ‘eyes and walk round a, bit!” Minard’s Iintmen! Cures Colds, Eto. knowh the ‘hum: ‘y Ward Beecher, at is pons Heder Soothes and Heals Qui linflamed cuts, bruises, burns, rae blisg lotion for a few see for yourself. |Make this beauty Ic cents and to remove complexion to whiten the skih and to out the roses, the freshness and idden beauty? Toke the juice: of two fresh lemons into a ha’ and complexion lotion hands help to Rey ee smoothen. and beautify the rugeist will. supply — three ounces st orchard white at very little cost and the grocer has the lemons. Las Caper Eggs should ‘be gathered at least twice a day now. This will prevent ng eating and reduce percentage , of “dirtie: Nothing will cause indigestion and Peale ane in chickens quicker than fi It ee boiling water on a small am nated ouaielt “all. wtintite ar ae ts ae is good. 13, 7 as ters; piles, abscesses, boils and othe: inflammations, At dealers, or write u Sate REMEDY COMPANY, Hamilton. nat girl or woman hasn't heara ot THICK, SWOLLEN GLANDS: ist. te makea horse Wheeze, r, have Thick Wind edo wn, can be \\ reduced ‘also other Buoelts or Sw ine te pilerees io hair gon ept at work, Ecos ‘aomical “only ate preqiredatananpl- tation. $2 50 per bottle delivered. Baok3 hire. BINE, JR, the antiseptic liniment for Kind, reduces Cysts, Wen, Painful, Swollen Vein and Ulcers. $1. 252 at dealers x8 OF delivered, Book *Eviden to W. F. YOUNG, P. D, rs 5 mee we Morac Ct | ‘Sbsorbine and Absorb! “Safety First” air-tight seal. opening day. original flavor and freshn cover and dip in the mel! Sold in inexpensive 1 lb. grocer or druggist has it. IMPERIAL was ee the ught to . Gates 2 Bibttentne ‘Gos ta cara is the cost eel i Don’t take chances with yo Protect them from mold and OS Aes evith arowai? me arowax on preserving day means happiness on Ree come out with all their ue Parowax is odorless, tasteless, and absolutely OIL, Li Branches In All Cities. FOR SALE. Wee NESrAr aR FO) i Ontario. ee Will all $2,000. That amount Bo. Binieal Publishing, salo. ‘Toronto. Wes EQUIPP! are 4 nd Job printing ‘Plant tn gine = jipsuran ed $1,600. Will, x "Box 8h SN 3 eee MISCELLANEOUS Wei PURCHASE) ALTERNATIN Motors for Cash Milto gnd a Traders Bank Building non: R; TUMORS, LUMPS, ETQy J internat and, external, cured witi in by our home treatment. Wri Qo before too late. Dr, Bellman Modi Co., Limited, Collingwood Ont. UBXANDRA HOSPITAL FOR CONs tagious Diseas robes tfoners wanted, Beijeen ‘eand 26:3 xearg of age, for one vents training, Lect ‘at ange! ents eter oh quscavat ul carve tes to a general hospital, Strick ferences required: For-forms of aps plication, etc, apply to Miss Grace My ‘airley, Lady Superintendent, FARMERS! Big Prizes TORONTO ~ FAT STOCK SHOW will this year offer large aby me for classes of 3 steers se) ow aia ust be fed ninety days b; rae. Premium List ready wuaned For further. particulars write the ferees c/o Union Stock © Yards, Toronto. SMOKE TFUCKETTS ORINOCO GUT COARSE FOR: PIPE UE “It is not what stays in our meme ories, but what has passed into our eluaractit; that is the. _ Possession, of ips] in Pipette inly of BS Feet glasses it jars, adjust Your IL, LIMITED and 1% |b. cartons. I} Preocner Pinetan Sa mrad porte oe A teeny fd or abioigess of the nose and forehead prac ine Pace ae it fe eo fi re that sen: Rstays on let rape iy the minds. Sesh ct incram's telet at : coer ts Eoteotn eames ae as your were ‘Pleture . with Purchase bu: es gram" Teller aid ont ets peer nena etl vega a alg ofe himed enetioe tress. Hach Givers seta dere spon orteattsoyoum Sieatos for you ah Ask aaesinore 4 Windsor, Ontario (94)