Lawn Mowers SHARPENED Baby Carriage Wheels Retired. P. NEUMEISTER Painter and Decorater MILVERTON ‘Sm. E. H. G! FOR SALE pe and rubber tired buggi and heavy ponte Bon Bes and grain chopp: MILVERTON GARAGE prietor Milverton, Ontario, Perth Co., Thursday, August 15, 1918 Malcolm MacBeth, Editor and Publisher Farmers— Bank Here By Mail Just mail your cheques to us— we deposit them to your credit and send you a prompt acknow- ledgment. If you need cash we cist your cheques by mailto, sending You the money ina registered letter. We understand the farmer’s problems ers ge at Dime avety way bossbig: flag will ‘welcome your account. “ Bank of Nova Scotia id-up Capital 500,000. Pai pate ead = Renin Resources 130,000,000 BETTER FIRE PROTECTION Last Thursday afternoon daxing |e ‘the thunderstorm that came up quick- Fay - ly, the barn at the back of the lot of 4 + Mrs. ie ook was struck by light-|j Binal en “enough to occupy the position ira of prope ake as destroyed daylight and 14 other buildings were we out the best policy changed conditions make action pos- on pts in mind that it not been for the quick <a ities eee the Tlie largely nt constantly week, vies $35,000 in broad pared ts “on the map and t 8 stage in whieh and in. any nt, We must ‘also constantly ieep = is fe | cient library of some SUNS on within oe bagndanes it may 01 time until the health Fae Bere Pen: anil condemn all private sour- ces of water supply: The pro! of cost ane. has Byer im been Items of Local Interest. AMiss I. Glenn is visiting in Toronto, Daniel Ross, of Lakeside spent inday at Mr. A.” W. Gallop’s. John MeWilliams is at visor his sister, Mrs. irs. angtord. spent the week- end at Mn a ott. HollePreund’s, Strat. °Pte, James Goddard, of the RAF, Toronto, has been visiting at Mr. J. Riddel’s. There will be no service in Burns PEaRenE church for the two remaining Sun- lays in Msast Miss Mi ee Bet anee ene a few cass this ae pa, her sister, Mrs. mPa pee an rad lolph ‘Miller and ghter, “Mss Pearl Miler, are holi- daying at Gra: Gaul, of Hamilton, pave! been ie eative here during th ist. week. Mr. and irs. Cc. parber and child- ren, of Stratford, spent Friday at the awken. as .M. Rosamond, of the Royal Viation “Corps, Beamsville, spent the week-end with his family holidaying at Mrs. C. Hasenpfi ae Augu: ton, are at present visiting at the EG of Mr, and Mrs. Adam sibel and Mrs. John Ataioipeare: and Mrs. Baumchin, a aden, were Sunday visitors at Mr. John Pfeffer ao M Guelph, and Miss eraldine nechtel of aE ee been visiting at Mr. W. K. Loth’s during the past week. Miss Pearl Whit as spent the it month visiting friends and relates around here, has returned x home at Markdale. Ire’ ved into to the Western University at London, %Mr. John Orr has gone to Galt, where he has secured employment in a munitions factory. Mr. Jas. Orr, ho accompanied him, returned home last Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs, Louis Baechler, of Bay ease Mr. and Mrs. Boshart, . Clements, and Mr. Joseph Ranges, |{ have been | solve ye by which e yu e m avery disastrous fire.|in regard to an adequate st i are Sane by the Sinner pe dials; ‘scarcity of lal and the neces. a few blocks of be of keeping the winning of the thes eaaricpedicy, The e: war constantly in view, we do of these and the conmractl advocate any immed: costly un-| first unit whe the ime king. But it is not too soon to | alternative do some clear thinking and t well receive consideration so that the to pursue when |best and_mosi i tion will follow. means the cost is timated sort - materials ‘might economical construc- the J. G. HAMILTON Sole Agent for Ages PORTLAND SCRENTOR CEMENT. STANDARD Oo ST MARYS ANTHRICITE LIME SS oo = | BANK OF HAMILTON RIFT is spirit, but no nation grows great by thrift alo made nadiatiee of more wealth in order that production essential to ow Who Batik of Haniilton fosters increased production by its clients. MILVERTON BRANCH : N. G. Schafer. th| There will be no service ee Chri: church, Milverton, on Mr. and Mrs. Jacob meltarbera at- atfor 's aunt, Mrs. Thomas Van- stone, which took place last Tuesday. ains were interred at Goder. of Glnnton; spent the week-end at Mr. Cont rad | © Schaefer’ Capi A. Peart, Mrs. Pea: and Met antes: ans and mpi ea who have been visiting Mrs. Peart’s aunt, Mrs. Fred O. Whit 2), elt on Tuesday for Hamilton and’ Niagara- on- wing the serious condition of | Mr. Conrad Schaefer, all of the mem- bers of his family were called to his bedside last Saturda: Since were are glad to report, his condition is somewhat impr home at the week-end, havi tions. This oug! relieve the scarcity of farm i ing the past few months. farmers Seuidtog just as, are find- a in the sun for quiry, we find similar complaints an she locality. ent'at the Morning- "S Es =r! 8 aS ing this department an important fea- e of the fair. _ MILVERTON, - - FARMERS WE ARE STILL SELLING Brockville and McLaughlin Buggies, New Idea Manure Spreaders, De Laval Cream Separators, Genuine Oliver Riding Plows, And Fleury’s Famous Plows, Chevrolet. Motor ‘Cars, Etc., Etc. T also have a good second-hand Massey-Harris Hay Tedder (good as new). Call and see it. Also have a 2-year-old colt and a good driving mare for sale. N.A. Zimmerman ONTARIO EF OE i EC Eee fe! ee 2A Sy mament has been the local interest of the Red Cross. ests. Members of the A or k Mehtane, W. K. 'Loth, Geo. Kerr, George Miller, John Brydone, Roe, Geo. and Wil ie im Shearer. From Messrs. James Donaldson, Henry Ron- nenbeng, Broughton, Dickson an . H. M. and Ered. Schaefer, Hi ig Of Quite a number of claire arrived |§, s e prize list of the public school |is be’ ions, Teach | or mn | pediti ed Force lie are invited to come and see the) ay an Men’s Christian | s tore, 447,600,008 peo - 900,000,000 of ped [wealth, The Ima, | per cent. of Highest prices paid for Wool and See eae ‘Kelterborn. are sure us good photograph 7 peng Lee, Listowel. Miss Mabel Weir is visiting her sis- ‘ord. ier maine: Mr. Andrew Gaul in Ham- ton. uuben Hoffman, of Tavistock, "| Sida with relatives in town unday. d Mrs. Tuly, of Kithener, gundayed’ at the homé of Mr. James Kerr, rr, of Toronto, visited at he home of Mrs, E. Glenn during e ei weel font rr, and Mrs, Me Williams, of Seth Gower atk ot present visiting at Mr. J, J. Kerr's. Boyle is spending several weeks awa: me, with rela- tives at various points. » Mary E. Kerr and As rade: Kerr spent the resi eae ¢ Mr, W. enstrone’ ‘e Strat Miss Kat Apeeeai returned on Monday, after visiting @ week with i visitors at Mi dam S| en Violet Bender, oF Wallace, i ending aa holidays at ae hom Mr, S00 Mrs, We a ele & Pe oné-wh Fi Re Cox nesday: evening, at seven ta seven- Milverton 10, fhe = ormer parishoner, Gitbert, near Chatham, who is suffer- ma 7 teins are aes ae Ape = buildings protected: east lehesing, mn ee est—James W. f the Bank of ir. This is an addition the regular’ prizes offered and steers oes wi 450. Tiangtloetone Ge ue aeik prot ms, and Canada one of its tery until the last few h Mr. 6. S SPs ‘Owing fe tha creat konica ‘ich he received the sum| a every, hope of recov- ue sch has again suc-| 42 Fresh fish this week at Kelter- rn’s. Misses Florence and Helen Guen- ther are. holiday daying at Brantt n | at . | well of the hospitality extended They BOWLING ral rinks from Milverton st Gapster in_the pewiing —— Atwood last Thurs: ark ane held their own against the Har- | OBITUARY | JAMES N. GRIEVE« Following an illness of about two R. No. » but were ei peste ears, the deat! by their Atwood contenders, it Beine. Veet 4 ee mae ick Sonaes We have a new rack for teaming next to impossilbe to win from At-| Canadian Immigration Inspector at fruit in a boiler. “See. it. C.} wood on ir own grounds. me Spokane, Wash., and tote Liberal lemens, Z against Harriston, Milverton rinks|member of the Dominion House for %Miss Jennie Kerr is at present|won two games and lost two and were | North Pe fe as spending a couple of weeks with|two up on the round. late William Grieve and was born on Owen Sound friends. Was Shines be sesteentatSoneeat. the homestead in Mornington town- bh en Meals, of Stratford, | ed to turn up. Following are the| ship, sixty- ears ago. Early in pio with pur se ea in connec- | scores tite. he took an interest in municipal ve, Chives Weiemor iisicris be Harviston Milverton So rs eee the C.E.F., has secured empl ent | Lambe, sk. ....12 fa Seas ing interests closely at heart. ‘After with the Grosch Felt Sh McFarlane sk. :11 W. Zim’erman 14 |serying as Deputy-Reeve of Morning. %Mr. Robert Wanless, of Toronto, | McFarlane sk. .16 Barr, sk. ..... ton from 1888 to 1891, he was nom. week deniers mn during the past} Lambe, sk .... W. Zim’erman 12| inated and elected as member of the co WMS. of Burne chacch wil|. Pressure of space forbids publish- | Federal age au nas ‘nen bale of clothing for the T) £ Re Ranges will Poeeer shore ea your order in now ai save the price of a stove in fuel alone.—A, C. Clemen: MeMane went to Osh- turned with a ughlin car of a. up+ Fire Prevention er is to b ‘ormed in Oni has called a meoting to aie held in ae with tl er, of js astn Plax Mitt Company, has secured twen- ty-five Mexicans direct from Mexico to assist in pulling Tan aa he ey are Kinkor: er meeting of men’s Institute will b of jonephaburp spent Sm ing from a paralytic stroke, Mr. Gil-/ public brary on Saturday, Augu oe Christian Yost has returned | beyt is improving. at 8 pam ieharp. oll eall—— ame, after spendin ime in|, Mr. A. L. Hartmier has sueceeded Blekles Subject "Hew to live with- visiting relatives and|in passing his Pt. I Manual Training) i 0} income,” nab) He rep orts the crops 2B poor |examination at Toronto University.) Struthers. “Byerybody weleomie. =k lg qr ihe Sections he visti ted. This course is put on for teache e list of soldiers who in Sunday, August 18th, the Rey. | during the summer holidays ip order | have heen awarded the Military Med- H, L. Nicholson will preach at the|to better qualify ‘them along these/ai appears the name of Pic. E. © eleven o'clock service at Mill a lines. mpson, — P rate John Thompson, resides fn ite nell 3 more than five 00 a day, with a five per . reduction in the personnel of stai ast week Mr. “A. Deviney, of St, y | Marys, sold 140 hogs for the'sum of 500 from his farm just north of St. Meoys Or Toray the line of food production, St. Marys is certainly doing its share The prize I list ot the Stratford Fair s that the Directors d_ generous Prcatineee who ‘are able to were secured for the nee and Englan prove those in pursuit of up-to-date infor- mation. entente owe gate debt of $69, 000,000, 000" a rele os es 14 . of their total a: The central’ powers owe $37, 5000, 000, 900 | or es per cent, of their ‘national | realth. ne the: North rt- | fishing schooners off Nan e | undefine A. Makins is Heelan and Dr, | Orr, secretai lamper was put on Galt's plan | tf he for taking advantaee of the $2,000,- ated aor Chariton that oa fa r thecs aubhority . W. Me eae Puivineal Trees. guatlons had yet been adopted, as’the matter was still under consideration. BUSYMAN’S WEEKLY WAR SUMMARY _ Great offensives on West front con Estimated Aisne e fronts since offensives began 75,00 = and 1,000 guns rial activity inereasing. ° TK ae a ri- 78 British planes reported de- pelt |Stroyed or missing, my Submarines operating. of ‘Atlantic coast, - Eleven tucket, Mass, and Dutch » steamer, Somme: rslad; aie Russian situation- still. chaotie an remier Lenine an Minister Trotsky | said to be fleeing to Germany. Gre tain declares Grech: Slovaks are lg entente Allian- 0 Canadians to be sent 2 Seria” and offen- moving - materials Seah D. Italian front. New sive against Italy expected. cate enlistments to date 566,- mier Hearst ing re: ae the Sebringville ne in the flax fields near | PY ‘j| brella made to | of Ho chy | Mission Board of Grande Ligne, n= | b ing the full scores, G ris- ne taking third prize by defeating one of the Atwood rinks in his see game by one shot, ee ee rinks of Mitchell bowlers pbyee. “trendy games last Monday on the local greens with the follow- qu ee and applies to every place in e Dominion, will be enforced im- mediately. It is stated that meno ington cemetery for burial, Rev. 19 years and wi 20 years on Oc-| Moffat officiating, assisted by Rey. tober 18 last, who failed to register| John Kay, of Stratford. The pall- under the 19-year-old class in the fu-| hearers were: Jol Grieve, D. B. ;| ture, instead of being turned oyer to | Grieve, Dr. Brownlee, Gayin pangs the Tata: aubpopties and put ie in te Alex. and Peter ipbell. army, would be turned o solace and triers from a distance civil, authorteg Sh complaint oma |? be laid against them for failing the ci fore an or- dinary judge, and the charge that will be laid against them will be a serious wi wi ill lay them open to re- ceive serious punishment. MR. AND MRS. ANDREW APPEL D. eee Corr. to Stratford Beacon. vs of the congregation 0 of prior to ‘their departure ton, where fey intend to make their home in future. During the eyening suiivoss were i Rev: R. Hit. ellington street nd the presenta- mi irs. Ap) Martin Woelfle on. behal? of io Mrs. Aj ne pleas from mn and Mr. Appel responded to the addres in see remar! rr. and el ae highly esteemed citi- ‘avistock and ‘the best wishes their numerous friends follow i ngrega- evening was spent pleasantly through out. LEAVES LARGE ESTATE n of Stratford, has been entered for probate. te is valued at $266,052, “OL which, $21,000 was. dis. osed of in public bequests. and generous supporter; $3, the Memorial’ Bapust church? 35,0 000 ome Missions h; $2,000 to ee: Se pie Ligne | ; $3,000 Missions Board of. the Baptis ae addition Bes these the late Mr. Mebagan left t Tagan ‘will receive one-half and pie f the two daughters. one quarter, CARD OF THANKS To our neighbors and many friends ‘we wish to express thanks for man; kindnesses Ach: uri he illness of Mr, Boyle. We wish to “Bad By Ee ene oe vddon in ow! iV, jot ur Mr. aint for the great Thoughtfful: oe shown befor tt) ae bereave- nt.—Wife ae “sis CARD OF THANKS To the volunteer workers who ie sisted in extinguis ishin work done.—Mrs. The will of ie late George McLag- | for ing: ire al bai we: T wish to pabiely ank for | a Levi Cook. c 5 years of age ant oungnst me embers aiteing. “in Houte of Com was = f strong ident had the Eoodwril if not the active Daaenet es th pol- itical parties to an aa hee Following the return of the Laurier government in in 1896, he was appoint- ed immigration agent spokane, sk some 0 has ~ . Ly Mitchell Milverton nC: ward: din’ bi Range Gat they think of tt ai what | ronto- <tha send of August grati ana is, an rings it is doing for them.—A, C. cl lemens. | purpose i ease reuter Lewis ing about ay settlement of the ‘last Miss Mabel Jacobs an gidnal ‘the issue of Seventden Waite again- | Ronnenberg Smith Great West,” Although located in Hopf sare Ysiting sith there aunt, st Toronto to recover damage for al. | Eliott Petrie nele Sam’s domains, his robust Can- Mrs. John B. Koch, in North East-|leged personal injuries received from |McLochlin, sk. 18 Barr, sk...... J BOSH SRE carey e sae oe re hope. the police d os recent distur- like Goldsmith’s patriot, his first best The office of the Secretary of the} bances is pendi Cameron ohr country. always was his own. Mornington Agricultural Society wil W. Hawken has just received | Martyn, Grosch The deceased was a staunch Pres- again, be in the flour aud feed store|thessad mews tegme England that her| Durkin Ritter byterian and. was arried, his of Mr. I'D. Atkin. er-in-law, Pioneer ae Chap) te, Cook, sk.......19 Roe, sk ..11] first wife dying some twenty years Mr, and Mrs. William Kelterborn had been killed in France. He leaves | pyei Wei ago. Besides his second wife, three nd family, of Grimsby, have been|a widow and two young children. Timms Yuadt lau survive, ely, Jean, ee ‘at. the former's brother,| Eight special priz d ribbons on | frwart 7 _ _|school teacher, Toron’ eke Geo: cob Kelterbor horses, nine on mty on| fF Martyn, sk..19 Schafer, a6. Cameron, thors ond Helen, Spokane. ect your Maile and Ercan poultry and many Y specials are|-” Te eS > Sk+--10| Three brothers ani ters ie tow of wk gts Williams offered at the Mornington Fait. vives nunmely.- DSA rare POETS Fly Oil—the best on the yanatk We | further ee rs see prize list. : of Mornington; John, Shoal. Lake, ve it, . Clemen Edward Pehlke, a defaulter under| STRINGENT REGULATIONS WITH | Man., and Robert rh verseas; also Mrs, “a Pa Mes Theodore Ertel, of | the Military Service Act, was arrest GARD TO YOUNG MEN John’ Campbell, Stratford. and Mrs. ‘itchener, and Mr. George. Metz and |on Monday by the Dominion police at AND REGISTRATION ‘dward Hawke, Melfo: ke "| Messts. Rhssell and Ralph Wilker, of | the home of G. hmidt, in Bllice, sieenaen fan Feces seat ogee aryborou: ent Suni ! aporyust £0 uw and Aken ae Ponconsny one 2+) ‘The London headautters of the/er, D. rieve, Millbank, and was The Regent, M Ly wishes On account of the labor shortage is i. gh ce Seo i enfore a largely attended, moet coming from ers, who possibly can do s ic] enforced, | far and ni Arthur ind_ Mrs. ; Dr. McBachri R. 5 Al lex. Rennie and 5 Senet Linwood;Messrs. J. G., E. K. Albert Reiner, Wellesley ley; Mr. J. ‘ingstone and family, Baden, and many 0} ee ee ALVIN GLENN Sunday afternoon, A Joins ock se John a Plena, = ‘bean called i large number of floral offerin, friends and Soe 1k place on esday Aug. 6th, to the ‘amily Slot in ie Pal view cemetery, ini stricken parents he the. cai pathy of the entire corm tliae in this” their hour of sore affliction. MRS, MENNO WOLFE eanete died at the Sere Ge Quipp, daughter uipp. She was in No: ope ee spent practically all her ‘life ‘th lice. Be s her husband she. is survived ae ed sons, Charles, with the ree ~ ene 5 ur, Alvin, Borden, and Harr; ny, at home; one dawnt agai, at at home; two ers, Brunswick-st., Strat on ; Mrs. Tay ylor, Ontario-st., tratford, and t ers, Charles wo bro’ and Daniel Quipp, both of Ellice. SUBSTITUTES FOR WHEAT FLOUR ing places: and_ private ust ni Cana ferred until further notice, owing i Sa the limited eps) of substitutes fo wheat . at, flour at present ayailable a ana a. The use of a label “Victory Bread” upon. bakers’ loaves has» Bee made ulsory. , Polie: ice sive, not om ist 15th, I wil station, iit Commencing ages pict gis. hoy from nt ee vert) do. ane Pie: your green antl se at station and get the hi amet e eter’ price. C. H. LITTLE,