LF ae it Is for the d ‘answer will be mailed to you. - Co,, Ltd., 73 Adelaide St. W., Toron Amount of ely ‘lees for an amount sera Bordeaus needed Per acre varies with the oe vines to be sprayed 1 and tl ip ta Saas of wai be pea te to the ough daring a 3 Riis of light. rainfall but fi common number used when conditions favor blight sh Ales _ Some things to keep in mind Ren ead, Bordeaux and applying it to potatos bi That Bordedas ae a preventive and n effective it must, ‘hetfor, be be pid before the disease te is fae are Se like ahoatd lways Be equal to the quantity of cop- oer sulphate. An.excess of lime will ‘o harm as long as it is not used i sufficient quantity, to clog the noz- ag f 8. Use only wooden or earthern’ vesselsin which to handle the copper . sulphate. This material corrodes tin or iron 4. Have both the copper sulphate and the lime diluted before they are combined. ey are put together when too strong, they will not stay, wil in suspension. eas everything ahah goes in-| ihe ray barrel through a copper gauze ave with forty aha es to the h, wo or three thicknesses of not use Bordeaux which Hand’ ovee night after being prepared. Do not use air-slaked lime when mak-' ing piers p the ee 23 completely aber rar possible after the plants are five or six inches tall until vee or ahs maturity Z the ero) be st effective eee Pee be applied with a pressure aE ss should not, ir owers from sing any form ay cial which may ie available. 9. Remember that Bordeaux is us- ed to prevent blight and other jage troubles. It will not overcome fol-' dera’who, want the advice r question ape Sth of poor seed, poor soil con- * sme poor cultural. practices. Feuer saaple isda eee bene cut back every year because ot in; Answer:—The, Siig ase ould occur to to~ Prevent ‘the Te ot a as far as ossible ae =I wishi to discover the proper ‘ferti r to use on my farm. ye it ieee to Hohe 3 chemical lysis made of the Se ahaa Ao of the soil-tells the total amount of eee —nitrogen, phosphoric acid stash in the soil,—but does not ‘distinguish between-the available and Savalas supply, of these materials in the soil. emical ee is theretare only aeatiie and is nota fc tae: on which t LS To Meanie Peagiatey: would be of value, but to the average man, untrained in this science, a | chemical analysis particular assistance. best way the practical ae can get at information as to what fertilizer best on his soil a by choos- {in plantfood suited to make up for the sarees wenlnenss of ‘the soil a the needs of the crop ‘which is re fertilized. For instanes clay P| phosphoric acid become defidient, | you e attempting Ww a goo crop of grass on this land you will need to add fertilizer high in nitrogen. i ue is ae oe es Bie eae a of relatively aa amount f ey with a li ee on sandy s shat. ae soil {of the plantfood constituents. i steee quantity of all three ingredi- cate will hem e used to give sat- isfactory resul CPouir '. any farms poultry, accounts| have been entirely neglected ~even other accounts Hier Ieip: recoded: that He wit what In som ae erece hal. seen erase ore | position and the hens have received mibicradit tar Gietwork: ir cases the “flock has been s Souatavently a losing! Proposition oe: the farmer has con-! ier and the return for the The éstimates have inaccurate on some farms and the}| poultry ete willbe in line for Pimoreqitsa ine ti effort peed. to keep poultry Sieur is very sm: once the habit of enteri keeping is not necessary to detarmine ‘the profits and losses in the poultry business. e principal point pacer ca sales or bills promptly and ‘then each month it is ee to quickly strike a balance Save Your Seed. Ontario gardeners who coming in reserve supply of seed usually period by the seed houses has never ww in the history of the busi- a bulletin from the horticul- i “This is attributable aa] a number of causes, among whicl e mentioned the failure of the H eae ss ee the use increas? of about in the demand for |” “The a time HER of saving one’s own garden seed can in this en piceeney be Sara aie advantage that the privcigle in successful seed saving is selection of seed only from the best ants.” ee To Mend Drop ses How many women looke with diamiay ADU a sUicer lle aes ears almost unmendable, ite ae = run down gth of the stoc of ae a Lene and tl two or iiss Staak have been working each stitch in a straight gine. work is done carefully on ev eat om hardly be detected. re - dal: make a report on the fame that, will be ace Surate. aut agree and satisfactor C8Lair : the 1¢ present stock of a erally attach matey much value ordinary calves, but keep cows mally. for milk production, especially mn whi the whole any othe pork suppl; ‘When Baby Gets Prickly Heat. If your baby has Li pat Rats pees look to his food. hot weather may cause the blood to ie overheated. oe Chemin ese Dames. I walked see un ae Way, Colette wi The rose ae sae Tera its leaves Upon the eventide. Like living jewels in the grass The golden glow worms crept, And in the fields on either hand The drowsy poppies slept. fd td ey shed! yee onee more, with m here, aaa es find The wou ded and the dea put on ruined road one day Se lsd and I will see ‘The banners of a ‘Allied host ead in. in ‘inbows- they will span the ridge ‘Where falls the leaden rain, ure on tl : “The i vei a will be >|Only to dream of that Ponce deep, id susutead men who out. of ones led The | ae ae left the Sontly hvac Gch acdunvoan beasts oreronk 4 " very | dition of the peas Foy sro vile $Horlageat Ee: fr thie last atitel securely with © thre dropped the rip is wider, but continue bk we ‘The beautiful lands “spread greeny : out for The iene & strangers, and the of ae date cele ea Would That I should be alive! When hushed in death * Are singers who could all the world entrance! Ween ae and joy and beauty lie I forever sleep! The Siolets vf-Prarice! are|O% I would give the dull days that remain To bring them back again. at_ I should be alive! When They The wise, strong hearts of true titanic mould! ened times Of Liberty—to me! And yet—I am alive! I know not why, So must I bear the test of all who ive. ‘ Ae In the great war of Right and Wrong, even I % My feeble help can give ~ To nila = “better world. For my sma Thank Ged, wi vith all my heart! BRITAIN RAISES RABBITS. Hopes Thus to 5 Produces Paes, jousand Tons of By their campaign to increase the keeping of tame rabbits the Food Pro- duction Department hope to produce a 000 tons of meat by the late au- especial value of this meat wi ie = is mil be produced where it imed thus rendering eae ay ‘all either on railway mi agricultural = committees throughout the country is to establish one or more breeding centres in each d placed before preven ines , for supplying ra strains to a ae s ae ch ‘ich will consist of a a a tew rabbits to. oe juantity | of ie and fur avail ce special, war headquarters at. ee AW oe In ae the shea will be wi a large rabbit exchange ‘is to ne ‘established and stocked with 1,000 ility does, In the counties, in ad- ation to eee breeding gia Oe is intended to form sub-dep: doe alas umes a practically eran othe “Food Production Department aling with every pl as of rabbi oe both for breeding and fi ec ing purposes, with “diners of sui able hutches. is pamy pani draws special attentiei m to the fact that as rabbit flesh contain ar sinival small quantity of who are aule a adopt it is to com- will supply a meal as rich in food as! i, ef or mutton. For example, 3 Ibs. | * rabbit and 1 lb. of bacon will pro- mitrogenous and fatty SSS ees a teaspoonful ith pour das sett and stand it in a cup on the bacl while, ary. Don’t try to keep house without a” small can of kerosene. It helps in a ae clean bathtubs, window glass, ete,, and is excellent to fie Bh fuentes dusters” A Tee" kerosené added to the water with which linoleum is washed helps to! preserve the floor covering, besides’ giving it a polish, — Box bureau drawers, well dusted are immune to moths. A square aceserlou dembensd with Rvodans s duster. it in a covered eee for ae four h will be -everdy dicteibated. G00D HEALTH By Andrew F. . Currier will answer : urrier, care St. West, Toronto. Mrs. J. C.—Will you write an aids on es teething? | It is an old story ‘hat teething bas been held responsible for multitudes of Ms in. babies and young childrea,| if°no more definite cause could be is only a ae way, at least in many cases, of saying, don’t know what ale the child.” s many of us have been brought up to believe There is twenty-fourth Say tween the sixth and twenty- first, of many | year! Six front teeth in either jaw seize! the food and cut it to four laterals; it is transferred by the tongue and teeth for partial cutting and grinding, ee grinding and tl six back teeth. 1 He! aid articulation and ie elp greatly in determining hard and soft, | heat and cold in food. There are practically a4 teeth, and in some case: e are! none at any period, just as foe are) third eeth at saa ay d first teeth bearing: on, the sppesrance and eon- mm ae Sales and little use. ective. ee in various echanical ues Pai r possible symptom, RS Siro Betas teseranion of the teeth. It is due to their sensitive struc- TEETHING. please, tu Leases that thi mo are frequently di- of QUESTION BOX ne M.D. ei r make diagnosis. of Wilson Publishing Go. 78 Adelaide re and nerve supply, to disease, de- cay and gee nutrition, local or gen- ‘eral. | Such pain may |with neuralgia of the head and face, |contraction of the muscles which “| close the jaw and, in infectious cases, with ae Tn infancy, there are certain con-| fant’ poessivaly seni S nervous system is ex- sitive*and easily thrown pees would he reacts to with persistent tal in an adult; see of pain rying or Screaming. There is no doubt that many in- fants suffer pain when the teeth are trying to break through; hot, red and swollen gums indicate this, also the rubbing of the mouth and gums with the fists, the desire to bite hard milant flow of saliva, , oxin , diarrhoea, aia many other eviscies af due r is there any doubt in these | # ere is ae of the nervous system;' but of the symptom: al pr roeire Es the r cases, a castor oil, ap- Dlctins of Sold change in the 706d, ate., but seldom if ever by pulling out | the eth the teething process has! ioc Seger to the ees which i 0 produ their particular and ic cause; and, ile teething irritant, increase the child's "susceptibility oe sete his | iti er, it doe in the Pe pele oder: aii aces Die eae livi it is pees when meningitis and teething are present, to reason that the Putuey was produced by the latter. FUNNY FOLD-U CUT OUT AND.FOLD ON DOTTED LINES PS Foo 1 folp BACK», Fomuant ‘ -- 1 1 1 ' 1 i 1 1 1 Willie's runnin, As his legs But he'll never catch that ... Unless you fold just es fast il take him; a el . clubs | Ons vei ‘eo see Be y that time the oil bal - | ledge, si Senet te Tabet gums in| tue—Th 3 moral se such id ae broad-share’ Cultivator. If the little hydrated lime ov of the INTERNATIONAL LESSON . AUGUST 4. Lesson V. ristian Growth—Luke 2. 42-52; 2 Peter 1. 5-8. ae 42. When was tw Aas hat he now shoy! witl is parents to the pent feast wf he ‘was one of Is enjoin i. fie Ti Passover, which he ir die in nada have no know! ledge. a foe “this See about, us 000 ‘eo the fire, of Jesus from his infancy to In this country alone will shortly issue a detailed naniphle o Do: you realize ae ‘subereulosis is usually contracted i ild- [hood and that when the ciasaue ap- pears in older persons, it is usually a ne or ies stage of that child- heed. sue tio 40,000 p wae is done to prevent it than ever been done it at. ci eople Ci been. dirty in f milk, car tion of ne col through common drinking cu i so forth; a ‘it has n he rales of *y had to be ee cones nat ee so good e et ‘se 8,000 of these childean could be} symptom: ved by the means which we already e the Moses cence and Taberna- knoe and eae ay into practice if ortant Ww ing boy, for in them were crystallized uch of the real essence of the Jewish “faith: east and communities Yo , , that I do not put this responsi up eet to. | the ee but n rug has ever been food | penne that they followed the | di ee tha is provided by four pounds. of neasicm, of, the npntal stiausanes pon is hicl e in the doctor’s hands are already tiv 43. When pee had seuetled the Lee staat beyond cut days—Seven days, according to leavened bread.” It will sty nicely and keep ents ends moving freel: ee the children pro ‘gether ‘roups, their rela- the parents mewhere in and did not worry about us, the Be ae (teen. sf they fayeled Minus, a5 Take [4 z a upposed their la x0d. | office: of ae 12. 15: “Seven days aa yet eat un- ‘h event the spread of the disease by discovering it in its early stages an point k of ci me. Tatcatioe usually occurs during th iy first, three years of an infant’s life a "contact in the home with a grown-up eanedh 45. Returned to Segal seeking who is suffering . from the disease, for. him—, Sara r the parents, who doubtless pict pate hea the disartert which might have be- @ | fallen him ‘ter three cave one to do this pi the pure and holy not that of a ee joining in the conversation. Amazed at his understanding e the re- ‘of the crim- wh: be accompanied absorbing interest the boy had in the discussions over 1 oe law w ye not that I must be in |my Father's hoyse-—Literally, “in the Wh: re me, en Father’s af | the them of something extraordinary in| the so-called house y is jiciebat parentibus?— “He was subject “¢ unto his parents.” His mother Kept all these sayings in her hea’ evidently, was in “Jems a” conscious. ign Re areas ered of which his parents did not under- at Naz: dding on your all diligence, in your. ae suppl: of the soul) literally any| wment or: quality. In it is used of God’ t riote hig excaltetiegus (i: Peter 20) 6 in the Septuagint is used forth ese and oLee lied to men it means ives purity, ade m | used® by # losophe: } 4 note the distinguishing excellences os low! Aren't you the luckiest. girl!” fies in general intelligence| and understanding but here refers to nin right a racteristic| is! Sura kindne: en ave Sater love is to mark our relations with all mankind; an attitude od wil and benevolence and kind considera these Raid As id 0 na cate the spirit of Chris a grow— ce knowledge of ing fallow there is nothing’ to equal the Put on the “wide feet” and cut off all the areal in their infanty, anthemums growin; ubcat Sie Saaatae and ae king it and make hime. ime be don y understood not the say-| © to | natural ear eth ead the Uatin heres ates er ahem. space | d also to wet! almos' my 0 glory of God) Park Street, I don’t teliert iter to be a lel a day. weeds in the summer-| We Chrysai g in the| Went back on me in garden will not thrive in sour soil; and C it with the top soil with a rake. Spray | Tose! a a ent ernie euey two or three} fi in as with the} to dine ae “the pean will thrive and produce good sized flowers abunds serious, ee ties and atections being what ethan the | it. is imposs' ly by soe all vietims of meee from their homes an S Tiere cours to fight off the disease after itis sta; irs, to do our utmost ets forestall thirc and resisting power of the patient, his way of living and his surround- ings. The first type recovers ace. ey symptoms of # eas cian al vrs that the germ had} r been pre: “the “second re passes quickly on ey to The ‘third fights hard and finally re- cov. The fourth appears to have recoy- ered then suddenly develops the symp- toms again and they prove fatal to the chil It is rather a strange fact that ©) there are about equal numbers of these different kinds of cases an ity and in the country. ~The rea- |son is that the city has overcome its by of ig laws, milk Sie: lie [health lav F | teuriz: MUS eoiutyi Heenan a ae pure air, fresh food and for play, Tt has o} rs Cle: = eatin passages hav other conditions. Sod {Tecountten a: the disease is. tance for the sake of ae ae it is oat to take once to a responsible doctor for a j thorough examination. Tuberculosis is not spnioed to the 7 It appears also as hunchback, what i | lung: ae ell as for many Sas ought never to sass ‘wellings, ees pains stiffness in. oi be thi teelieve ioe pati The oe tee ail forms of tuber-. clon flee int ge ahantiiies a pee 2 laoad; pertelerly mill ee “of alee in pein air. = oe withou' 3Pr ‘ree hard exercae n bodies, a “teeth, clear ve ‘said, children in the of tuberculosis do not: therefore, the About, school-teachers are suffering from the test made by a ae 4 are cngeneest ; suc] achers ue = rei wafed at once on Rene High schools and colleges are greater sources of in- fectigts ee pupils may have pass- ed into the eontagious stages The preventive: e wel aned, sun-bathed ‘rooms, individual eae hair: Sports and. athletics compétition and out-of-doors. ‘without, too much strain, are excellent. y community ought to enlist in the army COUSIN CAROLINE’S “STRING.” Tt was a pee box filled with de licious war ca you yeh” Hilda cried. ie ‘0 her Trendieg ihe second-story hall her re~ marks became audible in Hilda's room. “ts winter—did you Imow it? I) nose coming down! . I—Hilda reset + whee “ote! S| And with the thermomenter five be-| “Cousin Caroline Gringer ee yesterday, was no deceiving eed a tried her small and “alm frozen” nose from the ese of one a she had. buried it will you vat me, Hilda, what in the; | world is the matter with those roses?” | P “I thought I eget ais you said a ee eel . Tie ae Cousin the “brethren,” the chageaveriatie of | formed me that they would keep tw« weeks in this weather, and I ‘couldn't | keep roses for two weeks to save my) life—not if I cut their stems every hour and changed the water six times But Cousin Caroline is going to count the very eco te that I keep them fresh, and char; CURE Caroline’s ala ot aay. eres 1 pati ee ath; I gave ‘on with bared them first aid at the ‘Tightese eae Liat 3 yet the Speute 1d lown nces and ‘wearing qualities! Well, at least, I shall not have to watch those ars. : | Hygiene, London, En; pemeieed ey Ws ORE) The White Plague. Too strong emphasis cannot be : placed on the statement made by Mrs, ; Keyes-in her authoritative article on this page, namely, ue on the Gee and the home alon ts the great- est burden of pameers oo the cure of tubere Doctors and an diagnose and advise but, s. Keyes rightly 2 ys “no drug sys a ver been? di scovered which will eure tuberculosis.” ‘ oe is a oe Te seta to face but e that m rou, ome to a mothers “f our children are to be ed, that thou eres have ended fe ts either paid tess little atten- see - colds and eoughs, loss o: _ weight, nervousness, paleness and de- or ae ae ly tried to re- giving the children ongh gue and a and then vigorously to re- move the cause ditions of eS ye duty. Chicken Conservation and and Autoists. If one in five of the three million | use during the past year le chicken, six hund) $ jousand fowl were accounted ct a big loss bs ea eg in Sel ee ea little of ea petal ‘ill Say a is our holy Eat Fish and “The less meat peo) Professor James Long, Institute on, England. “Our Gutibhe kee al are always ae fu) our oats and the more the experience the geese ee anges —Ellen llen Thorneyereft Fow or change wrong con- ~ ni