r London. St. John, N.B. the Heat Any furnace fuel, extract the it. But only a warm nm your home. McClary’s FOR SALE BY M.E. BETTGER & “CO. M°Clarys unshine Furnace ‘Toronto Montreal © Winnipeg Calgary Hamilton | Edmonton Vancouver Saskatoon Utilizing all will burn heat from. : : Soke built and installed furnace will utilize all the heat to Sunshine Furnace installed the Khaki Suits for S.0.S. MEN’S STRAW AND PANAMA HATS 38 MEN’S SILK SHIRTS AND SOFT SILK COLLARS. A GOOD ASSORTMENT OF SILKS (Poplins, Follards, Duchess) ALSO LADIES’ SILK HOSE (White and Colors) Canada Food Board License No. 8—16901. WEBER & BETTGER 0. DUFFIELD Have You Ordered Your Suit? IF NOT THIS WILL INTEREST YOU. We have one of the finest assortments of Serges, Tweeds and Fancy Worsteds you could wish to see—dozens of patterns in greys, browns and mixtures; also fine blues with guaranteed a es. ‘4 You have a choice of a variety of materials at different prices, and you get the same atten- tion and care at any’price. Monkton, The Up-to-date Tailor, Ontario NOW IS THE TIME TO SECURE YOUR BINDER TWINE We sell only the Best Brands ‘E—at the Right Price. . Berger’s Paris Green A large supply on Hand. Gold Medal Brand Hay Forks Try them and you will want no other. Harvest Mitts of all kinds To suit everybody. ee GOLD MEDAL--The daddy of them all We also have a sae a of — PURE MANILLA PLYMOUTH mM. E. BE TTGER & CO. Monkton, Ontario "ms ATS = worms and Other Pests From ____ Attacking Trees. STRIPS OF COTTON BATTING Sticky Guiwtanes Must Bo nae sticky material, 4 to § applied around Imes may be used to ad- vantage to prevent caterpillars, climb- in other in- are also employed to prevent noi wingless moths, such as the orm maths, ths, ete, from ascending trees deposit their eggs. Cotton pate an LAS screen also are used in making by n i Sister Oil Mixture, may be made Seeing 1? following formula: the Place the resin and castor oll in § pot and heat slowly until the resin is iar er pais more oil if too thick. e some’ fastens to the tree, but injury may be tree and given satisfactory results is made cheap cotton batting and singleply tarred buildin; . The cotton should be cut into strips about 2 inches wide trunk so as to fill all the crevices ef the bark. “Over the’cotton is placed & strip of tarred paper about 5 inches wide, drawn tightly and securely tack- a3 where it overlaps. The sticky ma- then spread on top of the substance must be , since ase dust or insects it fails as a barrier to If a combing pain fulness by bringing some of the sticky pore. to the surfs Stick: is used sometimes in Place of the sticky bands. iy be attached to the trunk by means of heavy twine tied tightly around the upper and lower edges, and properly should be mee “ie a strip of cotton as described al New ai Banding Material. ~ The material described below, ap- plied as a band around the trunk of trees, has been reported as a satisfac. tory barrier in preventing the ascent of caterpillar: for Making. ‘The substances used for making this tree-banding material are: (1) Soft coal-tar pitch ; (2) high-boiling neutral coal-tar oil (density about 115 at 68 ees. F.); (8). rosin ait (first ran “kidney” oil); and (4) stone lime, Meth: Ing. The method of making may bé di- vided into two parts: Part |. Stock Mixture, Place a weighed amount of the coal- tar pitch in a suitable cooking vessel and heat until thin enough to run. Then add the neutral coal-tar oil, using twice as much by weight as of the Barrier of Cetton eee Ay Tree Trunk to Prévent A: Cater- pillars, Wingless saan ne coal-tar pitch, and stir thoroughly. The result should be a mixture which can be poured and worked after cooling. Part Il. Finished Product. a Steak sale. (pitch-neutral coal oll) pounds... ot Place materials a, b, and cina ing vessel and stir until of a uniform consist mix- the rosin oil ten minutes, finally unds of 1 coal-tar oil. Agitate the mix- sag thoroughly ae 20 to 80 minutes en. rit to the storage sane ant itlow it to stand two or ibeture in order to give it bese oily ag If too soft, add. caer tab Dae coal-tar oll, ‘This material should We litte on paper re bands. Axle Grease, Fish Oil, and feetn Band. Ing: Materiat.. tree-banding material used in Bu- ie reported as effective, is made as follows: i > ze ; ies o SIOEAT pine Boiss eabetaicen | home-made apd proprietary, are. Mme; if too herd, | 5; Printer’s ink usually consists of tse ink and is sold as “tree ink,” a1 should be mixed with a heavy oll Dfevent its drying out too quickly. Ay ply as described for the new tree-bani we dl indiscrimina’ ) of pees as =the as mech tea oun discouraged. That use in ene 7 sometimes noted As a rule, it is advisable te As dvice as to their use from ent mologists. es used Je: pietent insects from Bening up tre Cotton patie ands of cotton batting about 6 iene wide are effective as long att cotton remains fluffy. Wrap the ban around the tree trunk and securely tie the bottom Barrier of ape peo to Stop In- twine. The upper edge should then bé turned down over the string, fo ormlea @ flange of loose cotton all around tree, ‘Wire Screen. Cankerworm moths, tussock mot gipsy moths, and other nonflying mot may be arene from crawling up the trees by wire screen (01 y fly screen, 12 meshes to the inch) re ed around the tree trunk, wire screen into strips 12 inches ans th and sufficiently long to je the trunk, Tack the upper edge of the screen so that it fits snugly to the bari and allow the lower on to extend out a distance of 1 to 2 trunk. The moths will crawl up into the screen trap ani be cfush daily by hand, ‘This ime however, “does not prevent the ascent of trees by any young larvae bated from eggs deposited by the cap moths be- low the barrier, and lane the sticky, nds are more effective. Famous Gainsborough. Gainsborou 00 for it after | le of Hearn score ot thousand- dollar bidders dwindling to a few as Thomas BH. Kirby, the auctioneer, sang the soaring figures. also ee Turn- pel” of $20,500. ‘The presence of hig! bidders. ape zest to the sale, and m of the audience rose r the auctioneer’s hammer. Ninet; Ei old history of recent exhibit British Humor. cians in England has becom: re- duced as a result of mobilization and overwork on the rt those not called to active duty, ig to age, this privilege being permitted only extreme cases, “Tt is desired that the public in long, difficult and expensive courses of treatment tent themselves with the Victory for Women. first heard of the {Ilustrates ithe: typleally British anit “reducing all things, however ct king and Barriers, other than sticky bends,| be edge by means of stout} sj ‘The number of consulting physl-| uy ; But Won Glory 44 ONEY lost, little lost; honor lost, much lost; pluck lost,-all lost,” is and it is no doubt partly due to the fact that the Anglo-Saxon race re- spects pluck almost above every otk- er quality that Great Britain is what she Js. No story a such a swift response in our hearts as the story of a man refusing to lose his courage K in th ft the war, The name of this second hero is Lt.-Col, Edward Parker England, He ent overseas among the first of the British expeditionary forces, and the ee disgrace ‘ich fell him occurred in the course of the retreat from ms. He was in command of ammunitic lumn, ani rr fivi days and five nights is said to haye had but an hour of sleep, His cole umi plodding along one black tion cases should be thrown away in order that bett: speed might be made. It is said ropped ari his friend: ness, brought about by concussion of tl hos- When was eeded, and do his bit, and so und li out and oP troopers were Mtgagune: ed. After that he was transferre: ran = me attached to the Devons, with ie Saw some heavy fighting. He was in the “show” t__Passchet and got hi ‘blighty touch” in a night raid, a severe woun the chest, and that official cognizance had nm of: his conduct and that been Sea to the rank of lieuten- ant-colonel. Lt. a England has been soldier- ceived his captaincy, his majority in 1902, and two years later was ad. vanced to th held at the ime. war broke 0 serving in India, but in Agta 1914, aste! represented, netting $209,975, which, added’ to the Ser x Gn at a eI art be amount raised on the contemporary | *\° FS receagenenscanal md i nporary | that a man in his physical condition American and Huropean paintings, PeURe the erand total up to $7io,,| wae pot. At for Miho torrie task that 108, one of the biggest sales in the Sher Osean enim dertake, and with this fact in mind, ‘ould probably not ment as, at worst, an der, in order ecause he was an Engl: ier. Lt.-Col. ingland ‘ - 5 no worries. nd the boys with me— “It will be a proof of patriotism | my chum were all of the on the part of every one during the | jest ‘The la have auf, South Bast Africa vand later as a pri- vate in the Devons, Ms wife wa’ @ | working In a Devonport military hos- pital, She is a soldier’s daughter as well as a soldier’s wife, her father be- en. Boyce Conte, CB. As the song almost si “There’s something in the Englands after all.” eae to the Srlinany prose of life.” “The ent to eee for y of the lor to reach em, the door opened and the oliceman beamed upon them. dies, you have won, hands down’. <a Some Puns. o British soldiers went into a restaurant at Sal so the ed Tommies An Old Custom, ort al the bell ie ‘fouled twice, and nouncement is cried aloud by an offi- cial in unifor ‘The secretary of the Cardiff Con- rvative ib was fined £100 re~ cently, and the committee was cen- , for failing lied. a rd of meals supplied. had to go Jot i ¢ aD | rhubar! oppt ity al - like particularly to call your a "attention ae a it purcha $8.60 is worth $1 1.50 is worth $25.00. ries wee ‘is worth $50.00. $86. is worth $100, _ Yielding the investor 51-5 cent. on its or her m This is Se safe and highly patriotic i inyeneaients 1.0.00. : {The Milverton Sun and Monkton Times ‘ARE PUBLISHED — = EVERY THURSDAY MORNING . The Sun‘ Printing Office Main Street EVERTON: ONT. Subscription rates:—One year, $1.50 six months, 75e; in advance, Subscribers in ar- tears will be liable to pay $2.00 per year. - Advertising rates on application. Advertisements without specific directions aol ile inserted until forbid and charged ac- “He Looks Into the Eye” ¥ THIS METHOD, it {s almost Impossible to make an error, as K is done by looking, {nto, ne ers, ‘thereby locating the de- fect Aight at ite source. et ae ‘Muscles Strengthened Cured, Cross es in many cases straightened a when glasses are fitted by this 'vanced system Children's eyes accurately examined witho asking questi SATISFACTION GUARANTEED! P. H. BASTENDORFF “Eyesight Specialist” MILVERTON, ONTARIO ‘(Local Agent Wanted For the RG Ree FONTHILL Thousands ss see trees need replac War eistens call for small fruits, early pearing ea trees, asparagus, ‘b plants, e The demand sae ornamental stock and villages is larg Secure a paying agency a4 liber- al commissions, Experience not nec- in to e g @ ® STONE & WELLINGTON (Established 1837) jy-25-3m. Toronto, Ontario. SHADOW TEST satires for contract advertisements must ~ be iu the office by noon Monday, MALCOLM MacBETH, Publisher and Proprictor, BusinessCards Medical. Dr Pel Tye 7 Office: PUBLIC DRUG STORE, MILVERTON Hours: 10 to 12 a.m., 2 to4 p,m, and p.m. ANSON B. KILBOURNE CHIROPRACTOR Office above Bank of Nova Scotia Consultation and Examination Free. DR. F. J. R. FORSTER Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Graduate in medicine, University of Toronto. Late assistant New York Ophthal- ue and Aural Institute, Moorefield’s a Eye and non, Ee Square Throat Hos- pi ae aan ido: 5 p. ie ‘Event 7 5 dnesday and Saturday only; or by appointment ¢ je 267.) ‘Phoni 63 Waterloo St. “s, STRATFORD. : tomal H. B. Morphy, K.C. Solicitor for Bank of Hamilton. LISTOWEL. MILVERTON, ATWOOD Offices: Listowel, Milverton.> Money to Loan, Harding, Owens & Goodwin Barristers, Solicitors, &c. Gordon Block, - STRATFORD, ‘ONT. Money to Loan. R,T. HARDING W. G, OWENS W. E. GOODWIN Veterinary. J. W. Barr, V.S. Graduate of Ontario Veterinary College, EY % ‘Treats all diseases of domesticated animals All calls promptly attended to. Milverton Lodge AG. 478 .F. ., GR. Meets every Ronda! evening on or before full mice every ont i pit hall , B. Weis isle brethren sare chan Geo. Roe, W.M, Zoeger, Secy. Silver aa yee No. 202 0. F. * Meets every ee night at 7.90 in thelr il over Bank of Hamilton. visting brethren always welcome oa Gilt-Edged Security The present market is certainly the ortunit ould to the following | aocurities in which we are specializi1 Canada’s Victory Loan maturing in 5, 10 and 20 years, at 99% and in- Province of Ontario un- | bonds due 1st March, 26, be yield 6 er Cel nt. City of Toronto 5% per cent bonds due July, 1924-25, to yield 6 per cent. Province of British Columbia 5 per =Icent. bonds, due ist April, 1928, to yield 6% per cents The exemption from Federal tax- lation makes Canada’s \ Victory bonds, at the present time, xtremely at- tractive investme! nt. h ane eoawae of Die ie hy e MALCOLM MecBETH, ee Counter Check Books. We are agents for the Appleford Counter Check Book Co. j This firm turns out only high-grade work at very reasonable prices. See our samples and get our prices; before ordering. W. Henry, W.K.Loth, G. A. Barth, GC. Fin.-Secy. Ree,-Secy. Notary Public. W. D. Weir, - Notary Public Auctioneer for the Soe of Perth and Water! Copyaraciery peat, wil mortgages drawn nd affidavits ma¢ ‘Village clerk, Office: Weir block, over Bank of Nova Scotia = Chalmers, - Notary Public ss clneeD Issuer of Marriage Licenses: r the County Perth. Real Saree cbonght and sold. A ne choice for immediate Sale, MONKTON, ONTARIO Hotels The Queens Hotel CANADA FOOD BOARD LICENSE NO, 10--622 Best Scag ae rs for eommercial tray-: ellers and others. ‘Two large Sample Rooms, GEO. F, PAULI, Prop., - Milverton, Ont NEWTON WOOLLEN MILLS WOOL pales 3 es your wool away—we wil y the ae ert Grise: accordi et to quali H.C. WAGNER, - Newton, Ont. Are You Insured fi Ret CANADIAN ORD! Ese ek i FORESTERS offers ne for in and family ae um cost. Investigate it C.Spencer,G.R. # N. Zimmermann, RS \ STRATFORD. ONT. The call for trained hel Bat than r before in th of Sada ur oe aplendid ‘po “Commercial, Shorthand and baie —— The Sun Office ||: