» Siac ives i all, if not more, than its lawful require- 2 ments, to the last pint and pound. If - any item of food or forage is deficient, Two Sizes—50c and $1 You are young but once, but you can be biter always if “AT RAILHEAD” IN’ WAR ZONE. Where Suppifes Are Are Distributed to the! Firing Line. e SS way road leading to raifhead, an aon halted by a vigilant Trae Control, A long column of AS. wagon ‘fills the road. They are supply wagons of a divi- The S.S.0. picks his way amid gangs of jabbering Chinamen. His ob- lane hut’ bea ae labelled “R.T. The oe “transport officer sees to the traffic arrangements. The rail- t tas contents and issuing them he arious divisions and units esata on his railhead. Each division has its senfor officer it must be procued aroma de else- Bee from some res ‘ord to the supply sorte supply Pat is all now that is necessary. Spare lorries are standing by for such emergencies touch of Ingram’s: Velveola he $8.0. returns to his wagons, Souveraine Face Powder, 50c. you care for prerssly. Dalisdasoriogrecs' ‘Ss Milkweed Cream prevents blemishes, overcomes pimples ruptions, Since 18851 its distinctive ocees quality has been giving health totheskinand ela tale colorto the complexion. It keepsyour skin toned up, soft and clean. ‘The refined way to banish oiliness and shininess of nose and forehead induced by perspiration, is to apply a light F. F. Ingram Co., Windsor Ontario blem- ishes. Included inthe complete line of Ingram’s toilet products at your druggist’s is Ingram’s Kaas Zodenta for the teeth, 25c. A Picture with Each Purchase you buy a package of In theory, lorries Ingram’s Toilet Alde or Perfame your druggist will give you, without charge, « large portralt of « world- ot Fae eases Huth ferent portrait 60 a lection for your ere your druggist. \" point,” for shipment there into A.S.C. horse wagons. But then in theory railhead should always be some ten or fifteen miles behind the firing-line, nah this ue is scarcely five. Next week, what more it is to be pushed me ‘closer auth NEW LIGHT ON GERMAN S STRATEGY HIS PLAN HAS BEEN TO FIGHT ON THE ENEMY’S LAND. Writer Warns Against Imagining That | Germany Is Nearing Collapse Through Pinch of Hunger. yhile never pie sg vented major} “The strategy of battle tegy, food | This 1s he opinion es by Thomas H. Dickinson, of the United States Food Administration, in an article in the Atlantic Monthly, from febich 6 mate big following: German empire builder looks to iiss pitas, the Gert looks to the present strategy. Ger- many must not starve while she 1s car- rying on her campaigns. Every paign must as nearly as possible Be port itself. The,power which dictates the expansion in the east; which fights on three fronts to win here a battle and there a campaign; which uses bullets and billets; »which directs drives of gas, of heavy guns, of sym- pathy, and of {deas, aoe not content ftself with a distant g: Huns are a Foraging Host. the “The German army {s not a caravan pushing through a desert, It is a foraging host, avelitg: through a fertile country where the bine are full ané the fields are oui’ for the har vest, It hag been part of the stra- tegy of BE to fight ‘alvare oe fe enemy's er te n ee Ae ie just thi cateat weakens the force of ition, Germany's progress always been into’ the harvest “While not the’ immediate majo Shean Sa th any one 6 rm f pi in has won such subsistence prizes as th e campaign offered, The great bab drives. may be looked upon as so Suits Your ofyo your INSTANT POSTUM by a either ip qiighs e powder to tie level most people. : ADELIclous DRINK More HEALTHFUL THANTEAOR COFFEE |many bread forays. Late ade foreed contributions to! plains of Healy, ie she was at war with Germany, | And then look out for shells Belgium, North pe Serie. Rumania, Bulgaria, | Poland and Russia have all ‘Upon these fields of Flanders and those Brothers in Arms. the Reet e Be oe armies. pe At ment failure to run the | ere is eae dee Gens: advantage [Nearly every stream in Europe now Russia was eliminated | runs red unto the sea, as a source of supplies, and was soon | fe Ber war-tramped, where free- |to disappear as a military factor. Even | is sore struggling for her ee ue ne the food to Germany, Russia's surplus stocks of | baa were finding their way to the| And we were happy, happy lads at |Central powers through Sweden, Ru-| home but yesterday, {manta and Finland, Dua Sie atone rod, Making War Pay For Itself. ith song and fea rt ne tas avcegu ers prices ere ee aed eae weer the: scenic | pnd iprokectherausrm ot Disy, ‘®Y | And here we'll die ere Boe shall ow | be driven frem the eart always be made on the enemy’s terrl- | eer oe will see the Bee gals tory. By so doing you twice bet egear | jawn to the roar of! him. You take from him his source! yor Ae — Ile neath Sia “hills of apne and you add them to your | | ° ven Fitri Seecnaee glant of- fensive of 1918 we read mournful ac-| counts of her food shortages. We | aro told that she may at any time cok se through hunger. We read of Then, besten ans yon wonder that, must face the furious Huns; And on the frontiers bs the world appointed vigils kee: “um Th 0’s car turns into the in- “4 dis (<= Wanted ,, We are in “the market en hrough he a, we pay the HiGiest date. Th. ue a. prints for: Bar enlae £ Fe pia: Greater iby: od King st. West ” Boa Two Popular Designs 22 to 84 waist. Price, 20 salt Aun Music in the Schools. The springing ap of the community W are NEWSVAPER FOR “there indicates clearly | rranee, Will ee cho cr War ieee passed. the dilettants pagename trated, “Torsnte. stage, And it is a healthy sign, The Ee : a desire. for expression must “not be | iat ‘and Job printing plant in maaeen fo ae a Ae ss ae cae Ae . cal for: $1,200 quick sting nec 7 = x TGR ERD W that noble pret how ot me very fine | Abbotsford, Que-| ED eS usic in the schools; and it ia in this department that most harm may wrought by inefficient methods, care- | 52! S- less tuition or mistaken ideals. With Others leaning a Rideaalig se the developing of a scientific system tal ne sary. Goods a ghinped to to ait f propaganda, much musical waste Write a ea * Thor fic Bide, will be eliminated, many archaic rules ‘ Poster, Que discarded, and a promising course of MISCELLANEOUS ANCER, TUMORS, LUMPS, ETC.. . internal and external. cured with: The Magic Heale Ointment out pain by our home treatment, Write | Soothes and heals all inf_am: mations, euch as be oe before too late, Dr. Bae Medical | scelds, blisters, cats, boils, pil fold for over 28 years. SS eS Sonrwood Ont, a vigorous conclusion. abhioa's Charges. y as’a certainty | e be "twentieth vcentry no one able to boast that he has abated See thing absolutely new in fashions. The inolines f the Limited, Collingwood Orient, women had B Wire: Becsusier teers waegesien by the Greeks and the Romans In short, like everything else, fashion is a part ire sO prone to imagine; we repeat our steps. Aiea WA Sas WITH THE FINGERS! SAYS CORNS LIFT OUT WITHOUT ANY PAIN ww CAN'T GUT OUT 4eRsaen hut you can clean them off Promptly with ESOEINE TRADE WARK REG.U,S.PAT-OFF. Here is an especially attractive de- |i, 9 ae Be, ae Misses?" Paani: 82, 84) medium, 86, 88; and large, 40, popular pajam any kind of a corn can shortly be ute ee ed right out with the \fingers if you will apply on the corn a few drops of Book 4 ABSORBINE J M freezone, says a Gyn Alay pan guicklye Fees 8.08» Plat gail gaelvel Ad goe nies ok Gani eee ee Ser wnat tear every corn or callus without pain or W. ges’ P.D.I ee Geren, clon: Cans tae ae Scie pete st in every. soreness or the danger of infection. { ssorbiue and Absort foe af made io sere iteelf pound, and dries the moment-it is ap- ritate the surrounding tissue. Jus! ‘ fovg, fades automa think! You can Uft off your corns. and z Sally-—the. 12 Badea, you receive calluses now without a bit of pain or Rc Be ship bee pice Tui the oa see Zoo wal ive yount soreness. r asn't farmers who gell to the Special Miltary Outfit freezone he can easily get a small bot- general store, io er $5. tle for you from his wholesale drug ASK ANY FARM Leading Stores Liverrwhere e, who has sold his w aad AntoStrop SafetyRazorCo. — ays, and note whi Lisited Colored Scavengers. or, better still, write pee for out 83-87DukeSt, © Toronto, Onte in picturesqueness by the of cok Senegalese and copper-colored Arabs from ae and Morocco, whose ter- ra ae fezes contrast so deliciously clean, or eke to clean, i thoroughfares, In the boulevard there | giant negro, with the lordly gait | V. ANDREWS or : No, 8411, Ladies’ and tegom In 8 sizes, small,'4¢ it were a peacock’s feather fan, re d you rept he spre same timé, es not blis r remove th $2.50 per wpotle delivered, ‘Will tell He gat more if res write. Mechanical Perfection Sore corns, hard corns, soft corns There are the ‘AntoStro is the nue wel s lnblanatl enttority the antiseptic liniment for mankind at little cost one can small reduce @ Veins, Rup tuted le of treatin at an, Muscles of Lirament Bl bare ‘Glande Wens a res is an ether com- This new. drug is an e' (one that will Rao pinay a caer Ht Ta the oy’ raror “that Eee 3 they will ah Paris streets have reenly gained ee ae by selling to the YY mployment Wy Vier ; E Yiygprn scavengers. ‘Bony. ‘hued Wegey teicher ren oan ep jj ZG denice Canta Pe gest wool <) med et a, “Pasincat i i ck ip uo your woo! to-tay— fost willbe end are pale blue soldiers’ uniform, moore tia Pleased if you of an African prince, who trails his 13 et ST. TORONTO hind him as majesticaly as 2 bu! st ie: 20 cen rns ae aie oblaned + | lap: riots, of sawdust prec and of synth- | mud and rain we as etic meat. There may be some trut! When, in the we at tet we wipe [1m the accouns of individual hardship, | our smoky | ;but all he evidence shows that Ger- | “O, cos an all the future will you | | not anywhre near a general | aaa ta | collapse, either through a break in where vile ear of man's short morale or through he pinch of hunger. fe count ion than here and Every year that Geruany fights finds | sere | r food position stronger, Every one | Alexander Louis Fraser. | of her great Srracncte has been of | —— 6 nature of a foraging expedition, Bos sl FOR GIRLS. stores in this, | aon ania “The multiplying of talk in America| “The work concerning the collapse of the Ger- | girls will take the dairying course and man fighting spirit has gone vat ue go tn for {t In SES ” says Professor pote o oc speculation, Dean, Professor of Dairy Husbandry tlsrepesentcon | at the Ontario Agricultural College, tae it ouatited in Will amonnd e ae tie Bh: and comfort to the Rian 3 | datrymaid 1s ni take care that not fight ae (yarid's war apne Never: an a many's battle for he sunbonnet and gingham frock, +4 haps, but ante te Sircectiancend FLIES ARE BABY’S FOES. leggings, ~ | | Ca) 1s only meeting about ll Direct Cause of Death of Thousands of a cent, of the British butter, require- | | Little Ones, | ments—which 1s not good enough foi me a country as this, Labor on dairy a fly is a relentless foe of the eee is scarce, There A | ave A rare oppor: | 6 ne of the Important tunity here to help, There are colleges | causes ‘summer compaint” and the q1| over the Dominion where hey can | resultant deaths of thousands of babes vest ‘neruetion tn aaiy ying, The every summér, shirt and inexpensive, Think A running of the bowels, particular. hie. aan al see if you heulae: tie ly when accompanied by BN be a dairy-tarmer—ettel, should cause anxiety on the part of | = the parent, It is a particularly ta South ‘American. Visitors, | ry | America and Canada, Mr, B. W, Lioyd, | ‘New York export manager of the Bri | ne way, callin youn tami een srm of Frederic Huth and Com, pany, Mr. Miguel A, Volcan, of areas “peniuoias have been visit- ing the Canada Food Board, They have quantities of hides, tobacco, cot fee and cocoa for which they want a in early than if called in late. While waiting for him to come, give nothing but botled water, properly cooled. When the curds ef eottage chee nr, Labesse, prof di- cl aw Kaa es yo et le gna BY h Lei naeead: ‘says a Paris de- shih a eh a beast ic whigh used ta be i scsi tn he Sat of eee re ve ine how a Tight a deat they i be | dla peared pe e ER aes REE ES iat ee ve 0 Bs Ha SMOKE TUCKL is rs be affected by using thes ling te @ recipe whi oustrated the Aci Bie before dences as won ee as Bl + ‘ : ) ic auycthatsmuachas tinh added tn ot eae Course 2 will Fit Them for © is waiting for them if | move such blemishes as freckles, eal-| Sen lJownegs and tan and ds the ideal skin | Order, Five Dollars costs three cents, autifier, Ss. IY (It ts aes to epobihad ae red hands, be- ‘om, See "iocal McCall dealer, from mo eee Co., 70 Bond St., Tor- onto, LEMONS atta AND ME! AUTIFY THE SKIN) bat 7 one ever Make thle beauty lotion cheaply for your face, neck, arms and hands. At the cost of a small jar of Liner t cold cream one can prepare a full quar- @ most wonderful ct a °F Minard’s Liniment Co., Limited. ae 2 have used MINARD'S LINI- Montreal, May 29th, "09. ‘mouth, N.S. Gentlemen,—I beg to let you know used for the joints ete very Iv. THOMAS J. The Champion Clog ae ‘Pedestal Dancer of Canada, kin softener and complexion beauti- onths, “Hyery woman knows that iene Juice 4s used to bleach and re- Just try st! An elovator for the Alberta: Paclfe d orchard white at aay drug store and |Grain Company 1s being erect two lemons from the grocer and Claresholm. For Goo ter pint of this sweetly frag- up ts Om aan Jeno loft and kane se it aly Minard's Bintment Cures Garget in Cows aty int eck, and hi The Friendléss Soldier. While eee ate who fain would diay chopped ontons, Neve: ‘a bottle containing three | from belng polite. Courtesy is e kindly ounces of orchard white. Care should | and thoughtful consideration of others through a | that will give you a distine fine cloth so no lemon pulp gets in,|tlon and win the adm! ge thie Totton will keop fresh. for | with tage cheese, elther pure! ee sv the | chopped -up. cherries, x allow anything to keep you tive posi: iration of whom you come in contact. ONEY ORDERS, Dominion Express Money Goodness Sealed in Air is the arch-enemy of preserves. Keep it out and you keep the goodness in. Rasy enough—if you seal se glass- es an shes me melted Paro Pre 5 aang can’t ye that da\inlone: veehig: picked quali Parowax imparts no taste or odor to ay Sx If you want to add piquancy to cot- made at home, tew| ne way, ¢ varying the flavor, is to mix in {t NSE hice eee kiss, in token troth ep, ‘He leans against the stolid station wal Without lt seems, a single soul at ll hold his hand; to sorrow if he die} mai Then say to him Minard’s iniment Cures Diphtheria eee gee The King 1s Overworked, There ds much concern quietly ex- | pressed fn na janer elreles ot or ng fenald that ee tie King keene hast at work about all the time, night 41 day, he is not in the best of Keep the baby comfortable, Do not Ganadian market, while in return they and shows considerable indisp turn it int s8 cooker With | need such commodities as canned | at times when it might be enpestid | clothing that doss not permit the body | goods, malt, eta, | that he would show spirit, It see heat to escaj aca | that ved ng taxing his’ ia ee Minara’s Einiment Ouser Golde, Sto, eae 8 too great in his ceaseless ef- Parls To Eat Chestnut Loaf, in aaa Marta made ne eeRKary Ae posi |at the same time things that would tend to oa teal the suffering athe on ied and seriously by an the war The Kies ma at he Se the ye d e war, This ai 8 q, ‘ ae rie | depresses ou causes an india Hie bil ent Cures 1. and fermentation. r grocers or ff druggists—in harpanene: 1 Ib. and 4 Nahing better is wade drial S IMPERIAL OIL. LIMITED Branches in All Cities. ww thy Pl. es : td cat PLUG SR BPP ECR Res ee ee ee ica cas Se TE Re eee P Fa £