Milverton Sun, 22 Aug 1918, p. 4

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The Milverton Sun] MILLBANK NEWS |... eee soba. a is a Mitchell vis- | pur swith Mi Pk hae Pender day afternoon in the absecne 0! of a hi Mr. Sutcliffe, | 19 reek ir. Ceeil McCracken and mother| Ali memb: = oe ar and s. Lochart, of Mit and sister, Miss Eliza, of aialiace, ceeingy J Reidel, ids = = The Sun’ Printing Office CAO Rue versa aeeen Taper a day last = with M "| chairman. Main Street ~ MILVERTON, ONT.| = Mr. and re . Kerr, of ¢ Cart: Mr, red fro: mm Wro: mas * phe age, and Mrs. David oe of Ae. ou on san last and and. Spent the day ‘Subserij One year, $1.50; six ate Sunday a at Ms, A ith Mr, Hl. er waabeeri pom advance, sSubsceibers in ar- SMelfalan, Rene aed ee aoe oe ee rears will be liable to pay $2.00 per year+ ie “enusin: Mrs. Moffat, during the|home from visiting ae at Brant- Advertising rates on ap; energy fiGat past weel ane ‘ord. , witl Advertisements without specific directions My. ‘and Mrs. ‘Tom Sharp, 0! trat- Foulsto: a: ba ba pulls inserted wad fil forbid and charged ac- for 4, i Sica Mra dane Sheep: of oe fue ak mes hee ee a eae Toront " it te Chaneee for contract advertisements mus Ae RO ee hota Mas sai MALCOLM Raredera anes 2 Lizzie, spent. Sunday acer with Publisher and Proprictor. weeks. a ondon idges. mee ee Miss Dina H, sont Mi . BusinessCards ited with euaed here this week. | Spencer at Milverto owe n mn ses children, 0 itehener, Visited at Mr. aug eels te it ae SEE See Sees, Wiliam Hathorford’s ir. and ia See : Dr. P. L. Tye Mr. Clarence and Mi Vere Hall, Seay Rone res, gt eae ae ore 2 ~ Office: Pupnic DRuc STORE, MILVERTON BE ee Usites, friends here Mast Mrs. John Wilson and two children cur al ice: Pupnn ee ic ot Maleorvill are visiting friends eta August is the last month for the Thursday Half Holidays, which will ‘mean the end Hours: 10 to 12 a.m.,2 to 4 p.m. oe r, and Mrs. God ane Mase | her: ried. . les. The printed list below will speak for itself, and id the merchan- and 7 to 8 pam. he eo val Mb Ale iss J d dise will back tement. Every item in the list below should te owel. % Below Mr. George Wray was a visitor at is wiih te Bell, of i ye of sufficient interest to all shrewd buyers, as savings are of the greatest geen es ANSON B. KILBOURNE | Toronto over Sun visiting her sister, Mrs. J. A. McLel- [ig ast several sche under present conditions. Medical. 0 Miss Marion Co; penta has returned i % ‘ Fs CHIROPRACTOR: 2. [home -after spending a few weeks| Mr A, A. McLellan called on|frs tle ore - - - Office above Bank of Nova Scotia | with friends at Atw i te ah oath Aa Sant t 7 go s ee Every Tuesday a ey: Miss Vera Watson visited over Sun- nate George Lang, of North Morn-| amounting #0 $1,249.36 were order- GREAT MIDDY SALE PEABODY’S KHAKI PANTS ed Office Hours: 9 a. gare ee ee Miss Lo Lottie Kerr. ith and|ington, spent Sunday evening with |ed pai ; Consultation and eatin Free. family spent Saugay Perit drisaila at ens ete nae Sew mneiiis vie Council DH yee! ante a com- + -49c - Cuff on, : nicely made, regular price iting with his grandfather, Mr. S.| 751 i 8, son xia Noe: 5 r $2.50 per pair, on sale at. $1.98 DR. F. J. R. FORSTER Mz. John Love and, som Melvit,| Vipond. , oe oa ciel, seconded by “95 Regular $8.60 for... * 5 aie Lel al ~ Ruth-| "Mr. Earl Hymers spent Sunday at|'. ef meLackne : ipo liga pte naca Rasy is eS pmie'| pom BER cae she | eon Carried, : : ‘ aoe uchanan and Mrs. John : Graduate in medicine, University c ater visiting friends in| wilson, of Buchanan, agent Ba evel Gee Ve geee the 2h A iddi s PALM BE. ACH SHIRTS. ovate a assistant New York Ophthal ws io conge, Love left Saturday on ening last week with Mrs. Jas. Cock- i i ee ; ic and Aural Institute, Moorefile's a teip to the Wes Wk tas ct eel eee aT Palm Beach linen Shirts, ¢ ae eeand ‘ation “Square Throat H Pte. C. Mc ongiic: of es e County being $29; in- lar attached, worth to-day a1 oo iy ord chine i Heard’ once: more InTtnie aee Paine geo oRe c Pitals, London, Eng. ealled on friends: hereon 8 day | cinity. In By-law No. 757, the following WHITE SKIRTS out they g0 at...cceeceeeeeees dail EE 12 ams 2 tev Biny| Bell, of Tavistock called on Mir. and Miss, Bella. Seott spent, the week: ‘Tho ‘ 4 and Saturda; lay ae or ie aneiniauent Mrs. John Brunner ane day last ‘week one ‘by een ee ane 0 mores Lee Only a few left. These prices should oto: rough this 00; J. : : iPhoge 25%) Nt ee Miss Hymers visited their| 4. Runstedl get them going. _ SILK DEPARTMENT 53 Waterloo St. S.. STRATFORD. ‘and Mrs, Jacques are spending aunt Mrs: Wa Ford, over.the week- — | their holidays seen tri iends at Ford- oat 2 Regular $1.25 on sale at....... 98c This department is still in fine ste ten wich and other poi d Mrs. Robert Mayburry and|half of the western section at a sal- Always adding something new. Don’t for- ; peo ae ‘The Women’s Tnstitute will hold daughter, Jenny, of Britton, and Mr. {873 s Regular $1.75 on sale at......... y is ig 0 ‘ ‘ and Mes TOs Bs cand: I 758 the amounts of the Regular $2.25 on sale at... get us when you want silks. 2 H. B. Morphy, K.C. i Be te boys. of ‘esson eee at th the ae se 1. Solicitor for Bank eae a. Eve rybody welcome, |of Mr. rs. Henry Seelhoff on 5 LISTOWEL. MILVERTON, ATWOOD Saree the 15th, 1918. Offi , Coie be held} Mr. John Forrest, of Musselburg,|._ On motion of J, Reidel and J. Regular $3.75 on sale at. MENS cond HATS ices: Listowel, eee f 2 ° : d jn ope: ‘ visited at the home of Mr. Hugh Mc- | Mey: e ra > Bie R joney to Loan, 5 i ening Tavish Jast w cou: db} ig ecucheuy. are . inday next, Aug. 26th, Rev.| The Misses Ppeachi; of Wellesley. Nos. 756, LADIES’ WAISTS still good. Ni ee 20 per c Harding, O & Goodwin]: Moffat will have for his gubject are spending a few days with their | (57 9% ) as fu ye d arding, Owens at’ the evening service: “A Hive of |brother, Mr. Otto Schmehl. Sa aie teen ie ae Gah See —— Barristers, Solicitors, &c. Bees.” 4 e have a job lot of Waists : : é Rev. H. L. Nicholson, of Milverton, m_ of $65 be paid_to ranging in price from $2.50 to $3 SPECIALS IN GROCERY Dee Gordon Block, - STRATFORD, ONT, Geeanisd “the pulpit of’ Grace church D. W. Chalme: ing com) . c Sund: Th ning ATWOOD. ni ‘ile to clear the lot out your choice. . ; Money to Loan. pu seuniay, Snow ee a0 g a dog or dogs unknown and that the Palmolive Soap for overseas.... Ree Ri 7. HARDING W. 0, OWENS W. 8, GoopwrN | Oy ge ie holidave Miss A, Baillie and Miss M. Moffat, | Reeve issue an order in accordance Klim for,overseas. and 35e e _ |9f Toronto, are visiting with Mrs. herewith — sae : CannedsReas, terea Veterinary. ; Kk pl his late |* yy, Eagar, of Howiele,| oMoved Dee ees Fee MEN’S SHIRTS TO CLEAR Campbell’s Shae CMake, Peas, ere & mouday, | whe are visiting friends in Pita Fiche ; > gu J. W. Barr, V.S. rge circle of ind. friends |" hrs. B. Brown, daughter and grand day’ of September, suetey) ihe and out 4 dozen, regular price, GOQG Sich Pore wad Deane UREEEaEOD ae Graduate of Ontario Veterinary College, son, of Detroit, vate renewing old ac-} hour, up to ove 25, all going at........ H Pork B 1 ae | quaintances her i Sek Clerk. eintz Pork and Beans (large size). . .25¢ : jee Aldona Dickson has returned| gt Clemente’ Ane. Oth tne. Per ID ye ee os ‘Treats all diseases of domesticated animals ir be ereavenient. 1c with |'2,heE home. after spending a week , Aug. ree All calls promptly attended to. bis (ee age is spends einval, sige [Wis Mr. and. Mea. J. Brycone, Mil —_———- MEN’S SUMMER TROUSERS icles to returning to the Wes {Mis. R. Knox, of Yorkton, Sask., ROSTOCK ‘ Dalley’s Steel Cut Coffee per tin. "et visited over eae with Mr. and Mrs Men’s Fine Wool Cream Pants Gold and Sunny Monday Soap a box Mil L dge No. 478 Robert Knox. Mr. sone ees end Sonate) with hairline stripe, reg. $5.00. ee fs e No. Miss Mina Morrison, of Toronto, ‘ord, spent Sunday wi it ee RG WARTBURG ig visiting her grandmother, Mrs. L: & and Mrs, Bred Se - enki while they last oe Mrs. Van Riper, of Yps-| Pelton, te. Edward Schmidt, of Carling neg tent o aa, te Mohn ar Ms Pied | Mand Mos. Wm. Waddell, of with his 1. Welr's bloc! Do North Mornington, spent Fi en | parents, Mr. and : MEN’S AND BOY’S CAPS Gating Daciies arte aasoes i Mrz, Geo. Lochhea iss ih” Riehl, Ss Geo. Roe, W.M W, J. Zoeger, Secy. |i i t'the home of i a Pas n spent Sunday at the home of Mr. M Societies. ii 5 All Silk and Wool Caps 20 PER CENT. Annie Hanover, of Buffalo,|been teaching for the past four Mr John Kreuter, Misses ue and OFF THIS WEEK. Ss fi i . ent th k-end at the home of | months. An reut Dora Weitzel and Silver Star Lodge No. 202" |r ee Man wvect Wels. ee rips tt as wpe J SEE Sa hee cee and Mrs. M friends Si He 10th, sonceation ct mday and visite . Ee a gst ic? cir a EA ee vate Fe gee ted tho en ace area itor ey . + 5 a OSS oa ae and Mrs. Alf. Bio ieee te eae Pe aS ee sronbes is holidaying with be aa a aE Pickling Spice, package or loose....... : es Schmidt ani Mr. R. ; : Weeds GW Stacey.” eerseey.|Mary and Frieda Schmidt, of, wiisses | Mires. Hodse nod. daughter, Mary,| Mrc-and Mrs. 38 and Sc each. Pure Malt Vinegar, 2 bottles for... . of Mr. |are visiting at Mitchell. baby, Pte. Fred Maurer, Pte, Arthur : Notary Public. nd Mrs, Fred Harloff urday.|_ Mr, and Mrs. Gale and children, of | Wooding and Mrs, Wooding and son, ____ antford, are visiting with Mr. and Harold, of ‘Toronto, spent Sunday at ‘Mrs is ; ig [Flozenee,, of Dashwood, are visiting | Mrs. J. P. Greensides W. D. Weir, - Notary Public} sur. wa. Weiss’. 8 | Miss Lulu. May, of Listowel, spent Auctioneer for tue Covnties of Perth Mn ada “Miss.” James Hanna and | the week-end here: vis sons, Harold and Franklin, spent Sun-| Mr. Elwood Roe of Millbank, spent Conveyance dead, wily mortgages drawa day at the home of Mr. and Mrs, R. [the week-end w Village clerk. Mr. Office: Weir block, over Bank of Nova Scotia ‘Wise Eva Gateke, of Milverton, was |New Hamburg, spent. S e home of Mr,|Mr and Mrs. J. Gray, blind line ni Annie Stoesser, of Josephburg; M = essrs. Lome Eidt, George and |spen d at’his an rles Hartleil A. Chalmers, - Notary Public | pamitage Richardson and ‘Mise Ottle ley iss May Wils Ison, of! Toront 2, is and Pte, Sylvian Hergott, of Bam- gts a eania ie Licenses |Richardson spent a day recently at iting “Mr. ahd Mrs. Jas. ber iss Mary Kennedy, of Sr aiieh eae Grand Bend. iss Ella raulbnae who has been | Stratford, : ae and Mrs. John Henry and otinyine with her aunt, Mrs. Robert isses Minnie and Mary Hogg, of EER Ma ho oa eta hong aad Lig cote ne Knox, has retumed to hér home near | Stratford, spent Sondey at. the home n T Ul g day with Mr. and Mrs. 1. | Tralee. T, ani MONKTON, “ ontario |# she , Mr and Mrs. Bi Martin visited uy) F L W > d The Queens Hotel ing es a rather serious oper-| Ayre = Bi ash Duncan, of Winnipe €; to: n y with Mr. and Mrs. NS arm aborers ante ite ie an ans ‘red Schnei ; s Myrtle and Sadie Henry t2- et diving the page Wook Mr. George Armstrong, of Strat- * CANAD FOOD BOARD LICENSE NO. 10--622 Bently euhed fcldieia ee riavmon GAVE is eee ford, spent Sunday with Mr. an fing t ou Ma | enyvinted fans wf Harmony." |S 2h MWB and tm [20 BE or Elarves in Western Canada 8. irs. George Dungey is at present with friends at Wartburg on Sunday. Hotels inthe Stratford general hospital, hav-| - THE ISLAND Mr. and Mrs. John Koch, of Milter: pr coe UB Ra ily of Sebringville, spent Sunday at eller and other: : z m Mr. Wm. Dahiner’s. aM ite 4 9g ‘two large Saniple Rooms, caeeE ice Sid ie Wa Drummond, of = Going Trip West” —$12 to WINNIPEG. Return Trip East”—$18 from WINNIPE GEO. F. PAULI, Prop., - Milverton, Ont ogan, and Miss Leila Drummond, o: GRA IDGE GOING DATES TARRITORY Miss Dolly Lstete ie spending a| Mitchell, thet relatives in this vi- 4 oe ini y friends of Mr. George From stations in Ontario West of Stnith’s Falls to and Including. Toronto on Lake Ontario Shore Line ue n Kerr were Sun- were wi. ih ‘SO! he i Cings day eee aie wi ith Milverton friends. was HY s Lillian Taylor, of Milverton, i ti oats. It is su August 29. Beggs is spending a w days with her cousin, i : week with friends at Listowel. Mi uw recently. the head. We wist hima speedy re- st Miss Irene Carnochan: is spen: nding it covery. her vacation in Stratford and other | Chas, and son, Harry, accom-| Mr and Mrs. Frank Litt and Miss = Powe bel a|Bnn 5d to Mr. J. BK Sande Beck, Sine eon SPEOIAL THROUGH TRAING FO : edding bells are ringing around yp ed to ee |. E. Kerr’ junday at Mr. iam Holme: ond “akin. Vout wwocl. eWay we arg. nt Mrs. James Mayberry ani ind son, Full particulars from Canadian Pacific Ticket Ages FR, AD, Digtrict Paneer Mat Treats | need it—atd rill pay. the “highest us ie and Mr. J. coe of], Mr, Flova B Howard, of Poole, called on friends ; amilton,. spent, Sunday, and Mon- ostock friends. her : ; market price, according to qualtty. day with’Mn John MeGgey. || Mr. ne Schmidt and mother,| Misses Cora, and a Whitney, H. C. WAGNER, . Newton, Ont. Ts. il, 0: ean Oo, and Let it ‘ew gave last 9 inet Miss Rafferty, of Waterloo, a eee ch Mie “Ethel SCHEME DIDN'T WORK. NEWTON WOOLLEN MILLS pent Silay ‘at the home of Mrs | day vi on riend; Miss Ella Smith and Mrs. William : A oes Hayes. The many friends of Pte. Ri Orr, Jr., of Milverton, visited friends Harriston Review of Hawkesville, 1s | Clarke will be pleased to learn here on Frida; It is almost a miracle that two lads Dermi v. { és apeinding Sot days with Fr. Weld- |safe and well according to letters re- Mr. and Mrs. Eangtond of ing in their 66 ¢ 99 ner. ved from him this week. Stratford, peer teers toe apes ad 0: e Lr. iner Miss A. Schnurr, of Mildmay and| Mr. m Welsgerber had the mis-| Miller ee cree nee Are You Insured Misses Semi cGHe and Helen Wd? Bc inie hie honee: sions wit Misses Marjorie Murr and Willa|holidays. ‘These two _ boys, ¥ ee cigs, Of Werontey are spending Tost c2 the Soutnnes by tee on San: |Laneiord, Bt Stratford, are holiday- ch ad S, B oF vacation at the home of Mr. John . How the fire started is unl ing with friends her each other, got it into their head: . cc. nurr. but it fe supposed that a spark from| Afr, Harold Holmes is spending his ‘vate a ones | Mrs. J. Barron and Douglas and i i nthe roof and | vacation in Toronto. telephone 0: o mi tie ve raerea tinge was only a hous the other, ii ot d i s wil - “s. id fatal ims ost Investigate it J Mae spent a few days last ik pate aN, Zimmermann,R.S Listor cao s Z wee as iew ceeded 8, ‘ E. N. Shier, of London, spent|of flames. In a few minutes a lai t : : Thursday and Friday a t the home of nest workers had gather NEWTON high: tensi ro wires. ‘They ha : eS oer eey) een | and-VICTOR RECORDS Wis Laval Heyer stented the ball The" in a field nearby eaught| 4 Wwatd Campbell spent a few proceeding’ to. seach tho. srire across / E, ‘ALL TERM FROM SEPT 3 | at Drayton last yesauter evening. devadel Uighest, Buta waa put but ates in Toop las Se eiee Kenneth, | means ofa fishing pole, when thei or Sacer have rata to tuck hohe aut tne |e ea es “ Having accepted the sole agency of these ‘elebrated, Recorde— ‘wood. $ Stu s Y .,, [two wires dropped to the ui which are absolutely the best on the market and the ee CENTRAL DORKING BRUNNER ~ Dts, Won, Mitchel is visting with |aming, holes ing. the cl Gramaphone, Tam now prepared. to offer th gall, 020 Mite ped Meponald snd ome Alexander Smith was unfor-J “Misses Florence and Tena and Mas- ee eT a Repair kind st eues sata : See amily spent unday wil inate enous ‘rom a lo: te * + « STRATFORD, ONT. Mrs. ig, a, Banda and parley last Wednesday. Outside of sragamothey i Pale eee steel i Raver e acnnt Nea Te) Over 800 pons. tna clatpur fiom oslaseting SP Pateiotds Songs, _2hgal for tied ap rater ci hs ete ec rll at nobus "RaW iets viting Wel" pcnlngn Z| | Hany Lauter Sone, Seon Snes and Melt inasng new than ever before in Rhe history Z atvest Jonve > | a Mine Ioan: Caiaphell: ob Steationd: |= Miss Lavina ing io ependiig & Bamaes: irae the most popular.» 5 i cade luates are sé-|and analy. spent Sunday at Elmira. ent % week at the home of her aunt | week at her home “oe een curing splendid Positions, We have] Mr. and Bane bie oe becker | Mis hie ee ae 1 é f me Chas. Gies, sues iomas, is| A manufacturer in Guelph must 3 mith, of Listowel, in May! erry” as just ee nding a lia ae ‘is home here. Sorisersiel, Ghorbeny snd and Pte, Edward Helmbeckss, of Car- ed an announcement of the mi: Pot Wa os is hel ping his “i avi ‘ ‘Lelsirapby: Teer: ing Hei 1 Sunday with Mr. wings of her nephew, Mr. Alex. Grant iene Gao . Kalbfleisch, ae advertise a in ts & bostaareae y Moser. barrister, of Esterhazy, est. ‘anted—Man that ii oy i BASTENDORFF all or, Winter | , Mr. eae son of Mr, August Grant, of car pe Me eae aa at Macton. sa. His bride was an only |on Saturday, : mr for our free cat busi daughter Of Rey. Mr, and Mrs. Me-|° ‘The so Knitting ‘Cizele will 0 n i ‘MILVERTO Bi icin i cbeavel Vicar, Presbyterian minister at Ester-| meet at the h f Mrs, ‘H. Miln to bend aan ee on Friday. ‘evening, roe 28rc a

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