tt i is a oe bh ey 10 Days More: in ‘which to take advantage of. PURITY OATS 15c RAISINS per Ib. THESE ARE ONLY. A VERY FEW OF THE MANY BARGAINS OFFERED. (Family size) :+.6.0...eesese es 29c | A. H. TERRILL, “‘The Busy Corner Store, a _ Linwood, AMMONIA per package ene OVERALLS: per pair.....: IT WILL PAY YOU TO COME AS Ir HAS PAID MANY OTHERS. PRODUCE Bee as: AS 5 CASH. Canada Food Board License No. 8—13188.- Morrice Announces Arrival of New Fall Styles in Men’s Invictus . Boots .. —Invictus boots represent the supreme triumph of shoe-craft—that rare combination of workmanship and materials of surpassing excellence. For many years Invictus boots have held undis- puted leadership for authoritative style. —Their solid comfort—wear resisting capacity— quality, which is marvellous at the moderate prices assure the wearer of Invictus Depts the utmost in value giving. —We invite you—to call and see the new fall styles just arrived at this home of good shoes, prices from $52 to 540,0 THE Morrice Shoe Store “The Home of Good Shoes’’ MILVERTON, ONTARIO . . MONKTON BRIEFS * School ze-opens on Tuesday, oe 8rd. Parents are asked to hav fae begin t day, Oe pecs who hav ou: mits children tained’ tl is. rt McGunegal, allan and Miss Callan, of ‘tratford, aise _Lillias Frame, of De- fait spent Sunday a me of Mr. and, Mrs. 1 Mr, Lloyd Holmam syent “Tuesday a : at nae business vistior at Milverton on Mon- . T. and tus Allen left Monday n for two week’s holidays. at Brigdei and Chatham. Miss Mae Weber returned home |her: after spending a week with friends at Kitchener. Near, of Weber & Betiger’s staff, reported for eae amination at Stratford on Wednes- H. Mogk and uae Lois the week-end a ice ms as Age very Plentifal in thet district. dang er, Bernice, ie Mr. their way | from Mr. and The Pandora Brings Relief ‘ou won't know the the Pan FOR SALE BY A. C. CLEMENS M°Clarys Pandora Range — Montreal Calgary London ‘Toronto Winnipeg Vancouver St.John, N.B. Hamilton Edmonton Plan to attend Western Ontario’s Popular Exhibition $30,000 IN PRIZES s1gee eae LONDON CA Sept.6* to 14" 1918 pus is visiting her sons for a couple 0: » Henry Narhang and and the Misses Heintz, of Wilnot, were Sunday visitors at Mr. Jake er’s. Mr. an Mrs. Wendel Schuler and Mr. and Mrs. Harry MeGaw, of Brant ford, visited Mr. and Mrs. G. Weber on Sun lay. | Messrs. Weber & Bettger have jgaged the peices 0: i bier, of Zuri centl; sppendiclis 3 at “the Ro: aie Alexandra hospital, Mr. and ‘Mrs. George comets Jr. Mr. cha Mrs. Ed. Bett and Mrs. John Scott spent Bana at it tchen: x with Mr Sag Mrs. Ed. Reitzel. McCullough and of Mr. J. Martin at Milve Wilson, Jr., it a wi iolidays with friends at Lon-| a and Mrs. Henry Eckenswiller mn, Weir, and Mr. and Mrs, Weir ont ‘daughter’ Elizabeth, of Clifford, spent Sunday at Mrs, Alex. Stewart's. Services will beheld i in Knox Set addon, of Milverton, Ay ne charge of both services. e McKenzie, of Sarnia, is 1s visiting her mother, Mrs. Alex. Stew- art, at present. ‘armers are reaping a bumper crop in this vicinity, cClory, is at present) piitine hor niothoe Was a Metan® nan, Milver Mrs, Rennick returned home on ruiday, after spending two months Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Chamberlain thers and ans of To- ronto, are visiting Mr. rs. W. J. Holman at present. Mr. F rmstrong returned on as ns Mo: at — Bie ore at Listowel on Mon- loyd Holman, of Millbank, spent, sunday at his home here. Miss Deed Ronnenberg, of Toronto is at eae at home recovering from a slight illness. puters ies E. Bettger, Jas. Erskine b Wm. H ‘oilman, Milton Mopnai ane George Betiger attend- edith danced oF the late Harry N Spencer at Milverton on Sunday. iis, HOLE Reunicls sceompanicd by: Miss Edna Hamilton and friends from Monkton motored to Listowel an spent a day with Mr. John Hamilton, eats ne le ura and Lillias Schade vis- ited Heine in Stratford during the past week. Call in and look over Gill’s stock of iron’ beds, mattresses, diningroom chairs, rocking chairs, before buying ple ere. Prices are very reason- ssrs. James Rae, Walter Rae, nude James Redford, John Rus sell Sot St. Pauls, motored to Monkton RAND TRUNK S\'srem Harvest Help Excursions $12.00 TO WINNIPEG Plus %¢ per mile beyond. AUGUST 22nd, 1918 : From Toronto and all stations west and south thereof in Ontario. fe For further particulars apply to any Grand Trunk Ticket Agent or C. E. Lerings District Passenger Agent Toro: H.C. ae Phone 1, Lest ery. e ‘h the Public. Sean Act Bete is i rge Golightly, Sr., was a ae Exe Ed. Albrecht moved his family ni fon Sunday and spent a few hours with Mr. and Mrs, J.T. Gill. Gill sells Guenther’s bread 116 af; also coffee cakes, jelly vols | scones, buns, etc., on Saturday e | each wee! Miss ‘Bliza Gordon, of Trowbridge, Cre spent a few days with friends friend, Miss Maggie aepvoess ue family, of Mr. and Mrs. William Parker ‘nzing the past ve ae rs. James Hincks, of Maitland. are away on a trip to the ‘estern provinces. Mr. Nicholson’s dredge is wendin; ie McKenzi' iely building a cement culvert over th in on the 16th con. SI fires are raging around the only agency ai lement to pre- pare these ‘uncleared lands for culti- ‘ova Hiles is visiting with ‘enna a Bluevale at present. WELLESLEY d household effects to Kitchener last Wednesday, ae he has secured Mrs. Ed. Stahle, of Kit- " chener, spent a few hours here among | 7 frien D. Koehler is on a holiday| © tour Sietianuveumiee athes qin cp orth. chen made short calls prior intend residing in Mrs. Eni they ii ir many friends on Monday. SS hsactonistg ervice ate hela leat by Rev. G, Weidenheimer, Conestoga, and Rey, 0. Klachn, of Stratford. chener, were visitors at the home 2 Mr. and Mrs, Henry Zettel for wee and Mrs. Henry Neeb spent Friday evening with friends in Tav- istoc ‘(Too late for last week.) Tohn wale and fends , and Mrs. Stahle -and daughter, of Kei lay here vesting friends and wale G. Reiner, B. K. . Ottmann pies ye "Hamburg on Sunday afternoon A Wagner, Gertie Worwade bere Dietz and son, Edward =e Sees a week in Blyth with the former's daughter. in Koehler spent a few n Daub and daugh were Visiting friends in Waterog on Sunday. e in, ‘who spent several iss ortune to have her foot badly erush- ed by a horse, which she was harness- renewing enlace’ in our and Dr. Rankin, of Strat for, “apent a few hours here on Mon CARD OF THANKS n K. Hammond and family of "aban desire to thank their many friends for their kindness an sympathy, during «their recent be- reavement. | busy KIC num! io) - Herbert elm assembled. in Mie and Mrs. Wm. Roberts, of Kit-| 4 ner, to their leaving fe the West, where ier e| yi developing a man physically and HESSON Mr. and Mrs, &. Stemmler and fam ily, of T Popotite; are spending a few Eas with relatives here. McCorkell, of Charing ere. irs. W. Gohl and daughters, Nelen s the founda-| and Tas: of Detroit, ars ending | Mi lis Vietenheimer has pur- ae a new Chevrolet car. Vollmer and child of for a|S ania are holidaying here ou ite a number from here attend- ed ey Listowel races on M - . Thomas MeDermott and daughter, Margaret, of Sits in| Falls, spent a few days ‘with Mi Kieffer. Heimbecker and Mr. smith, of Tisaeay allel ce GC. Knoblauch on Sunday. Mrs. Henry, Voll and (family gpent Sunday with Mr. > Ste miler. Alfonus and Albert Den- tinger, of Mildmay, with a mot- gred vo Hesson and spent sunday at their sister’s, Jt J. Voll r, an and Miss M. Dietric ored and spent Sunday with Mrs. Foerster. of the friends of Pt the hall here on Friday evening and presented him with an address and a wrist watch prior ey ae ‘returning o mili- t ltary duty a was read be ry Seen made eat educational factor in men- evening’s proceedings were closed by singing the Nations POOLE W. 6. ef ene Jean Movie lan, Mr. W. Chalmers ci day and epee the day at be lakeside. ir. ani mers and LS family spent Sunday last se Goderie he Read The Sun’s advertisements, COMMUNITY CANNING CENTRE A community canning centre a of pene be This eoeeee ‘was - ed last Friday when se renchs B -}mental Station at Vineland, Ont. The officers ve the o: eapeananloe are james Patterson, North Hasthope; ; Secretary, Mrs. J. A, allum; Executive, Mrs. te teCallen and H. i omen’ = Tyetitates, trud] ‘ittee, the mimi of the different chapters of the. Maree sl ters = TS 0: ees ee e wil operated by the Women s nated ites of the county. and the various chapters of the I.0.D.E. Horticultural Experi: |p of 7 Practically all the equi ment ts now ss m hand and the building has been st Heer According to the arrangement, the Women’s Institutes will b Ses: ale for the raw materials an: I. 0. D. will ®, the work i te ae ‘eck of thes gentre will be to Red Cross Society sees to shady cans, sugar, Vinegar and spices for all products to be pack- for the uses of the society. © ine HOG the county. ‘Toronto London St.John, N.B. Calgary FOR SALE BY E. BETTGER & CO. . M¢&Clarys Sunshine Furnace Montreal Hamilton A Simple Proposition Here is the McClary Sapchine Furnace ide en PA shine Furnace, M engineers will provide Vancouver Winnipeg Edmonton Saskatoon Heart Troubles Quickly Relieved you love ease and fre ‘reedom ness, send for a few boxes to-day. are HEART AND NERVE es strength and vitality, an: bae! ar ae oe sixoe ot he een fe very strongly What Will You Do For Help? ARM heip is scarce, but this condition can be relieved to a marked degr ee by y using machines that accomplish more work in a given time with less man power. pete ee the farmer cling to poke slow, e: ywer—when every Oi the eae rd thereby reducing ite oot of hauling, speeding deliveries, and saving for human needs the fond: that ay horses would otherwise consume? fn motor driven truck can work constantly at maximum 0% uusiness is ‘ou free for other en, it can 01 in one- quarter the space oft the Tene: wagon and aay : ener It is a mistaken idea eee na truck is help, order your Bees One Ton Truck today. ensive _ opting