“Geman ane, mer ae vio Pencocan don, ‘Bem ‘at ints have cross the J CANADA st of sion just River,” EE Wse Seria ad Weer =| sosely_on th , eveRr t Dae re have heen ‘seems | desirous oe establis oun it and his f G: ("In the week of fighting Se oe a cardy front 30; a «pruners he e fall- of the British fourth A ont, or immediately north ‘Se as Germans have been evacuat: cide inced posts in a t similar to that preced! ihaewwal last year A the ee 9925, TONS YEAR seem s ities, a rd mais new “ont ea t the! tl Somme, he he has been ae by apes far have a7 i Kos er of proners in allied His ineipal | since Tee as 34,000, and ‘force seems to be between Bieta! ee a 7 cagiael guns. ae “and Roye. i be ~ ENEMY INSTALLED "ALLIES 100 MILES. IN OLD TRENCHES BELOW ARCHANGEL a ee aire Ready. to Cut Of ; Enemy’s Retreat. A despatch. from ag 8 the Allied seagate expeditionary | force has reached Pabereshskaia, iy “\mpossble for* the, SoBe tniles south of Archangel, on the rail- tempt any counter-attacks with his) road toward Vologda, it is announced forces this ps of the Divette River here allied armies aS é GHTINGP> oe Al RPLANE iss = Have “Will —_ Help of. Artillery Dislodge Them. toe French Front. cas 8 iret Q e Made) Sik it uae oat NGG conie Markets of the World x =a — $2. 0." Breadstuffs | $1.80 20,—Manitoba wheat Bbige. “Flax, $4. F ther, 2-234) No Bran, $29.31. 20% eee | inn. 20. in im Sea and to al | Toronto, Au —No. 1 Nor "| Northern, $2 $2. stor Fort Wiliam, including Bue ae | ber Se toba oa mae 2C , Site; | coir” "$4.2 bid, and one (0.1 feed, $4. 25. fou ve Stock 1 Markets cA 00) set fs som—No. 3 cane kiln hangel, for de tried, nomin; No. A yellow, kiln e of intercepting "Bolshevik died! nora Ontario gats-—No, 1 seliie= 85 to Boe, jen Tal sccnling to frelett ont enone Hinal, according to freights outside. ‘Another allied ‘scent i paah |e een tO ee ee oe ee toward Kotlass, 260 miles south | cay lot, $2.22, basis in stor> Montreal, rchangel, on the Divina River. eas—No socials sccardttie ate South of the Vologda River Gener» freights _ 1 als Alexief SS Denikine apparentiy| “Barley” Maltin, new crop, $1.20 to| to $10. ly with mac! are endeay to ami aes do, De atieetions ant “eith guns in Posi ae Bolneplit acces with Gicke fest Nominal tion behind their lines. neh! ofthe: Czecho-Blovaks. ye—-No, 2, nominal. naturally have been able to aire very . little use of their artillery as it takes ur — War and they. hav yas during the| Toro Aug. de "eta 00" ‘to $5. 35 a choice, Mie Race 00 ae is more than likely this, too, will b ye not dt en out by the force of a jot At every fee the (hice have ten nee ipal- eee pI TE oy i waist ve GERMANS ARE CONSERIPTING | : | intario — War quality, RUSSIANS ON A SMALL SCALE $19.85, in Baga, “Monte and Tor-| ‘onto, prompt ‘A despatch from London Millfeed emans already are consrinting (real: treights, sians on a small 8 “Ace $35 Bee ete at time to bring up guns been as oliged with whole 9950 aauinge Hs: 00 to $: Ha mbs, 18 to 18%4¢; oe ante sholee, eee 80 to iter Dig see | 1ONG PEO? | PANIC —Choice steer: $9. 00 The crowns: Puss BE RMAN 10 Ling to stories: of prisoners tetas Se says | ton, seack, Toronto. ‘ar lots, $8 to $8.50 per to 45 years’ ton, track, Toronto. inging those who 1.00 to’ $2 ue 50; cows, 8. 00 to $ 35,50; lis, $17.5 Canty emis nies B Creamery, solids, per 0 eS prey Lape ue 4246 fe; dairy, p a to 3 gas Nasy Int Dressed pou ity “Spin ve X Germanized revolutionary sg twelve persons and in Teich pit Ae A apenanrid ating, trea athe | conscripted Gnbetase Cétan wien ae Rep ate Basel pany and platoon ors and ae cast : These say tbat Ap every 60 Rosana fell in ie crowded iss aa strasse, killing nany person: stopping the Fecet ear that “anath ITALIANS CAPTURE yi e large sta-) MOUNTAIN SP Ib., to” Liew ’te, as- EVE—INVENTOR. fa ing shickens, 2c; fowl, 25 t 80c; ducklings, 38e; see 32! to, Bbc. | se Be 6c; fowl, | ne ard Ge; ducklin ¢; turkeys, | Wdison—has- yet ie arrive, URS, Fa 4 aoe! Spring ‘chigkens, 82 to 35, |birth seems not far distai Cheese_New, at8e, 28% to 24e; | 7 gt writer ays: twins, 23% to 24%e: old, large, 25% | pail ae Hal te have ¢ aftig, to ate twin to See oe occupie ome Butter—Fresh, dairy, choice, 40 to more techn | Mant in} latteo ees creamery print areah made, 45, Women since 1914 ‘the aerial, spur authesst of Cima Zigelon, north to 47c; solids, 44 to | ra ing 28 ti ho: stilities 8 8a | with one London patent nie reign- Bs mello region, accordi Wi | jall the applicants being women. ‘ } s,|Women Inventors Are Proving The Ingenuity. feminin ee sGue h despatch from Rome another neat Goethe's a hie ag undamaged . eS in cartons, 0 52 i 8 lone Sronved poul Spring chicke 5Oe; roosters, ee: Date “88. to turkeys, 40 ant_—Canadian hand-picked, bu hand-picked, They have taken 10 vf vial DIvost ‘OK | Prisoners. that women had Will Laisnediataiy 7h “Join Sie Be ee os ne Hee = es hithert Force to Aid Cze lack ‘A despatch ag ance says ae knowledge anes 60. abs ist show) ere, ly jolued the international foree to PAG peter dull cua Watrelens. Thedewel = ie rap 8 a a x Not 50, however, k its cam- ler took it in his hand, and held it for cas a: 311. 50; imperial gallon tins, per! perfect torrent of eons ha ea mecierne some moments; then he showed it tin, $: epee five-gallon cans, itollowed upon more frivolous regular infantry re- to his visitor. It gleamed and ae can, je 50; 15-gallon bee, per pre-war day: a et be to flashed with all the colors of the rain- gal., $2.00; maple eee, box, lowed by an only needed the touch and Pure, per “1 4 to Pailippines an aad tonal ees ‘ion warmth of a ee ane ne vie out | the United Sta its irridesenc ironers, millinery palates: seded ms—Wholesale jae tne edium, Eiarhamaath elec Pro Smoked meats | rie yeees scopked, jditions, oxygeh warmer 0, i Aes fa: 45e; ott tol e, $4.27: rete “81 bid “Sutter, $4.28; Nov- : Bes oto 3 apenas [2 calves, good to is. 0; hogs, fed do, 0°35 ty $20.5 0; to! ing nd ee says an test, which is Reine utilized in conn e been made in the Sf tena ot-laventian by | sami ‘ollowing the outbreak of jnot necessarily dangerous; w 400 poueRoHe lodged er is worse than unsafe. re The! ion clots Sde, head of this firm then expressed the opinion we failed to! $7. mental A gentleman visited a fevottr fan, ‘$6. 50; SAna0 $8.00 se "38. 75; Ee “put Bere ee ee tech? ts! s aoe was too scanty to al- ley of any water by examining under | x them to put their ideas into prac: Ss 0 ety hooks, mut su hole-proot by weighing. ted aoe for marked a friend the other day, “t the strategic es at ‘regi Gubecrsen the oe and. the .w Oise of the enemy. As a gain ~(halers, ra; ahtety! razor st098 ae. ax ay _\spring-forks for motor-c: i One iaecpots lady "oct arent ed a capital room Scutisine; but hee it cess up to now has been See: those women who at Fee i surgical aids and appl bed This Am: this theme.| A ae from erican tra ulpto) , Stands supremt oe “inventions “nua a Rardeent tem of suspen- tion: ie ey Pees the splint above stupendous — figui the leg and soft rubber underneath— Jmnillion pounds s' terling. ‘Hitherto the conttivance bolster i use in pos world’s record was pee wae the 2 erhaps, “centre round | Most. remarl able i d nets ni chievement cellent result obtained will serve as a Tommy is Forbidden to. Drink Wate That Has Not Been Tested. ~ It is an old story that a soldier will drink ae i ae Any ae of water co sis h ae Sine nnden uk ate ances, : But water may be dangerous. i inviting sprip: ees ea ae Located on a 10,000. Acre Saskatehe- Fe @- that the try will -no surpassed, THE EMPIRE'S. ‘Biacesr BARN. wan Farm: What is termed the largest barn in on tbe as | the British Empire an excellent | cae Swift Current, Saskatchewan. Its 2) peptant of dirt. act location is eight miles from a ¥ Prince is a very old eager older , See Sake Prussia, (This was names ver so many thousands ears r began). ‘This barn red ours; so far as its tnhabitation “was built cis Smith in order that by a human ponuetion ae For this he might put his cattle inside during yery reason f drinking Be sre winters of the prairie pro- water are uel more 2 likely to be pol- 1. | a i rm is built of lumber and c e the precautions taken by the ee and contains the following ak S| medical authorities attached to our , terial: over there. Positive orders; 875,000 square feet of lumber, 30,- soldier fo drink any water ; ks s cane mu 437 oes feet | and found | ot aacayt bac. | 136 ehdome ‘ie doors, and 7 8 for: caniatony each 36 in, square (In the | sone “root thing a 84 any hat has [peueienanns | teriological, este Chemical af well - tests are made—t precaution Ses i: pola wells The barn ts 400 feet long, 128 feet int Jighten other than tonne ever ata ie and 62 feet high. efore. | ‘The Painting of it “would take 50 | i baa ee iain Be a RNa: | The ‘e germs merely are concerned, our publie health service has hit upon | a very interesting rough and offhand le! ‘tion with our" military nd, $000 cattle ipa ‘abroad. It Bre at i je bard “atons; time, Fie ple ot waterk (14 eri ) fm. cost of labor Sicmmteniel- pauls | pure or (3) Sted eras water is the neighborhood of $125,000, as all the polluted Be such as lumber, fron, ce- and gravel, had to be hauled by | anntetnee or oiay lease and horses eight miles But the latter = Bs ore es characteristic of pure water- tes distilled. Impure water hee ‘ts | lown’ characteristic ee Like- | wise polluted water. is pos- | ible to determine the ete of purl | — wi USING THE LEFT HAND. 0, Make Yourseif Tore Efficient Training Both Hands Equally. aay shouldn't you be amnbidextroust — jhe almost exclusive use of the rig itor sdeinking pare Ranh ta alla miatiagor Habit Tha tse oses is not obtainable, resort is had of both hands 1s merely a matter so as to distilling outfts that are oo eee ones Invariably putne 6 fon syptortiyeks_stosmeatving the le and women s- giment; Pelee se oe the microscope a sample dro} W , When water saf eee “Tt i to be regre' pegs ordinary razor use the left hand guns f with’ the right. Sheaid them: jeeiree after arriving at ‘retion, they have acqu! as ly part-singing of hymns aes famil, iu- have fallen out of practic Be ee 48 to ured meats-—Long. vce | bacon, 30 c 3, 29 tui itv Pure, tiere a Hehe hath iat Me, even so send a tubs, 3044 to 3le; ps ae: prints, $8 to 33% tt Joinpound tierees, ——-+—- i s, 261g to 26%e; pal Hard to Explain 8 t Boers, Seer j asia “Heist. Lad Methuen. the | saving Daytight. told sing | At present ssp time| in New|s ‘Zealand differs trom Gfeenwich time {lan in a hospital tiara wh fall fa. love “by 11% hours. * rrhis time was adopted | with his eats nal! Bags, |” 4m 1868; before the present world-wide married Bicahude lesions ot cot: yee sag Re ; Brat $8 system of zone time was introduced, | gratu tatatiod Heradto pour in upon the | Ny. 9” per ton, car tots, ‘gid Eh to “The Wellington Shilosgon ay Society | bride from band’s friends and $15 ‘ ho anestion of make {rolatives, ‘od ost of them used t actly 12 hours ie saine adjec in f rath tine, shi calling Aaa Snagal conforming to the regular our goneg, |Jeatn the exact meaning ot the she poiglies an a di ( Montreal Markets Montreal, 20.+-Oats— n Western, $i: O1; extra No. i feed, ew standard grade, Rolled oats —Bags, WASTED < ONCE A DAY BY 8000000 PEOPLE AN CANADA BY THROWING see ISTS - THE LEFT OVERS - THE UNNECESSARILY. ATEN Au, Cheeses fines Spee fo 2246 ta ae ad gets ices rand also securing, Bing: slis ear, the Fe IR of a halfhour of INES TO “mall inattation “of the SAVE THE Boras - ONE OUNCE OF BREAD Dus WASTE A ADDS THeee OF THE 11 /BITA. ambidexterity, so far as this particu- | |lar operation is concenred, without ef- ae fae probably without even notis (s “And what can be done eee in be done voluntarily. | selt to be dexterously auido. to-da ae sen NAWASTE os bi | Start exper menting % will be a e role cuailteoted in increased the ee of dete jm whatever job you be at, 4 left. Deny get left. ea apt The Flower Fair, which was held'the last of June in London, took in over £10,000 in six days. | Mendelssohn vi ) 1829 | a ‘ited Scotland int . The Overture “F ngal’s Cave” iso known as the “Hibrides” e “Scotch” Symphony are regarded. T esecordg he hi vat, THE Genie Navy aN bs ““anylight 6 “ The ‘Doings oF the 2D its, OWT MUST TELL YOU waat VT HEARD ABOUT WHN HOW DOYOD DO, MISS | i) Re pains Wiles On owe PIPPIN ~ MEST HUSBAND | =Miss IES MR DUFF BE Wow bo You DO MR DUFF HELEN WELL TOM | WANT YOU. TO QUIT TALKING THAT “ i bos LATE BORBD~ IT WAS Dis@RAceFuLt says Shaneellor of the 5 Beaease the ee Hee aa te than 4 fies io not survive longer: ‘ye Svan to ding 2 8 109, it ve by nt shall te d | to finance the war eae to victory. is situated not far A ‘with | the most favorable lenic x pleat of : | fom exertion, supplied pte , ood “hy: urround- sleep. In ene ae 8 xtt ie re hav eer Su obi Lm ing: Sheer fatigue slowed down th toa Be ee permitted them to sleep | while w 2 The unvaried per of the sol er, at eas by the fact. that” evel ey ae lost his cap. Oblivion of aleep) vs The complete exhaustion of the men is vividly aes streets to buildi it ‘ |the stillness of death. They eae Y ae Was no response. n the door, they found yunded-— re ‘louder; Pushini ase sing ian with wo han Ad hundred, Some we Bing fa h this barn ii cated contains 10,000 acres, at which | tion, si food and drink, of being jfrom the range of the | awakened no interest, | only to be oe inaes They slept on eee ie wounds is were “O88 a deep oles sie two or three wal wants— turned srem w t} [srmel obfivion. a re A MAID AID OF fF FRANCE. rm | x one of the Heroines of the War of Whom There Are Many. Mabie the work in your war garden ems. Sine and you straighten your whether the weeds ay choke’ the beet Bash -it may Help you to your it you call to vin i Lup told in War Diary “by y King Wi sadinsto, a village near au, says tha ae. of a girl of thirt is runnin| vm. At the mapas of the’ coat z was a as his wife, ‘Then the Aon fell, and all tie men rance were one ‘ mee and, his. two oldest boys went off al once+four hours after sete “eros ok mobilization was receiv vi lage. The stat nier had no tine ° put his house |in the wa of his wife and ia two big boys, aged Afteen and maveae rhe man and his two eldest so) the two next are and the poor mother, & W. ne physical” ly and mentally, erios all day. an in order, but left ir] and the i. gi little poe. os whole work of the fan t, who is Sate ten years att exon man | accomplish “atk: the’ cows and to cate: f butter, e to watch head and neck warm fe working in the are hundreds of girls ” ‘is worse off than ! The adie applauded warnily, _ “¥es,” Mr, ‘Me netted: “tor: the”