Never known to disappoint the Most Critical Tastes , she would try. \ But there is a = awe town in 1544, and, it 6 scer lf a eae may RR Geo? dere rrare several combats een the eda e was merely a woman now. The| limit to what of herse Ae ea A Tea-pot Test is better than a page | mail th her sine ant tess were| Sacrifice, even if she is wi France ‘and Belgiim haye been the [and the Allies jh 1815, e of that she| So, with her {she stumbled battleground of Europe early a} Arcis-sur-Aube.—Scene of an unsuc- of Advertisement. Bad ii nor order along the Cornice Road by/his side. |e cnsand years. The ME Ae: ors tiet oeebtal. atfamyt on part: oe Rapoleon “MADE IN CANADA led Packets Only. She must look to him’, At five that evening they had Histo Ty tes Veen altered anany many |r prevent & x finotire of Schwarzen- Black—Green or Mixed. « « Seale C Lee is hehe “for her if fighting were nec: half their journey a etry times in the centuries past by the | berg and Bluchers 3 mre ee aes so eauside Saosin? fips tee|atateaiey ilet gawe four dn the on, residence of the early kings, Little Lad t her and Ehelg pene the ancient Scie traecireileh eat that is embraced now in the |#Uffered in the Bugish, religious and |One still September day you ran to my provide. her with food looked must have been there! western / Our boys literally are | League wars. Blucher was victorious Ht. jcal-{ in aS £ post-chaises, a frolic| genting a whe “cockpit of the world.” | here bela the French in i ee a a hill where I was waiting s was Hike a child out here on the some lamb danced upon his hind legs, ver the map will show,| Rhelms.—The ancient Gallic town f But ‘ mailing ‘to. all sehb pansed there. OF ong! Eiht at etna tnges Hae Durocotorum, chiet town of the Reni, | How eid your hair gleaned in the sun , He was a man because he had some-|Tictime and not take the world to9|tles which have hed direct influofice |The ancient eathedral was ca | And oh, your eyes—so blue,so blue! thing ‘to. protect: was a_m: ecu ¢ good humor of the/on the fate of nations and peoples:— caronation of, the kings “of -Wtstice.4 cai was: responsible for some|crnde painting appe Montes: SGataisunian: Bet s.—A plan near | Clovis was crowned here in 496. Joan |Your head held back to breathe the ‘ fiéa in cer Tt was. this He oa ied. back’ at. D'Agdena’ dam | Clandaamentan nce, famous for |f Arc crowned Charles VII. here in n air, ‘ ; |that the other half of tim hed. been the secon ue eee ius and the Gothic | 1429. Napoleon defeated the Russians | Your arm flung round me and your ; Aare aioe yer this) "Ein with you,” he nodded: King TheodSric over Attila and. his {Near Rheims on March 13, 1814, Ree ae : ‘ WAR-TIME CARE OF HOUSEHOLD LINEN, 3 ee dusty and footsore, follow: | Frans —451 A. D rae aes How precious is this thought of you \ ag pe! xet his attitude toward her, in this ed his she too smile Oudenarde. Allies under the EGYPTIAN SCARABS. to keep ‘The careful Dienasielts looks ‘well ugly tear cal respect, was strangely sonal. He| “that feliow has the proper spirit,”| Ou a i Now "that atker Gan aii ae all Bison put 1s tianded 40° ft does not show. TA, do| "=> Mok ingstenine row He did pasRedaneds ee since our one oe Ms lbarotat and Prince Eu | poe ow that you have left me for periods like te present faeries they this follow a thread in ee out the not consider that he was placing her| selves in his care?” ene defeated the French under Ven- pine of the Beetle, the Sacred In- awile, = ee Lvtcaeees replaced for love” or: aS to be removed, mitre the c are i an, ae und nan SS +0) “itm safraid:} reat go any farther,” deme pat the Duke of Burgundy—July t of the Ancient Nile Country. sh . ne tiny pete and tines ‘im . ‘is Joy in ing was answered wearil af . They tell me when you clim| that it certainly Bree nea ear or there ck. mate-|not based upon any idea of furthering Tronsieus Bouin Satie okt Siboking | ecue ta Wa ae A anicent Egyptians made the cat other hill reduebls our vigilance in this diree-) eb eae iar nee nie Toate aihoat de-|his own interests. e was utterly! to be but the mood of the|ient Cortoriacum,—Twenty thousand }2 god. — They similarly deified a/ Was it for one brief month ago? — io aa ateeen ‘goods must be|Unselfish, He did not Took anand an} gay. lamb before his: door. Wisminge detubed torey-seven thous) ied, ie ibis. Likewise'a reptile, the “You held your head thrown back to Gece ee eit ar cael epee that wich "tees Ween oe position whire he could be |gony trecr nese alt eeeP Honea jad Hrench under Robert of Artofs/tn fain hone ot On ee | aera ; ions shorten the usefulness of io) e he es som ast,” explain onte-lthe “Battle of the Spurs,” July 11, | fourth ranch of the animal kingdom,| And ine yous soldier fac 3 things as sheets, pillowslips, table) worn, th ‘y be placed in the of some service “But we must strike a bargain. We | they adopted « beeti ass ins at ‘i ae Ths Fleming revolt pegan on y adopted # beetle as an object TTB cloths, napkins and towels. Much strong uae for a few hours, or) His love for her was another mat-|are American tourists—merely ae - ‘ | it to the ‘ ; a ithout is led ruges by 3 fi dering when by| more if, nec » to bring i ter entirely. Whether she were with two. travelers, of, the Fase “ : ret ar Vices cane. stadesan the, narmane © -Tlusikta os wot that would have remained much gold and a long wi Philip de Conyac, master of the cloth | FYOM our heretic point of lew, As though you saw, beyond the hill’s friction the dirt is rubbed out. Vig there { | ‘ous rubbing, such as is necessary when, method will do away with the differ-| the sam wich il, “I have but a single louis Bore ’ put| weavers, and John Beydel, master of a nee m ahs Bnet, rest, " . | i ance ae Rta the| there w: s more! in madame. ‘ e butchers. nthe common dung-beetle, which’ Some joy too’deep to tell, a sign Moan 3 Dadly Bete Mead el vuteit Hae or less distinct from any attitude that Monsieur! Madamel” interrupted | Yontenoy, Belgium—The French | devotes its. most ant energies’ As though there waited for you there much faster than when only oes patch less conspieu a 1 24 ry, ig! : ye er geh ir ‘a tf patriotic “citizens on wil each|*8e might assume. It was & separ-| Soucin. ‘I am sorry, but I cannot) wnder hal Saxe defeated.the al-|t0 pushing about a little ball of ma-| A greater love than mi soile lence it is economy ti 0 was) ate, refinite, concrete fact, no longer | accommodate Fou at any price. I/i\04 mnglish, Dutch, Hanoverians and | terial that is meant to serve for the/ it before the first named condition is ende: bit, of, cottor x to he| the next village a regiment of soldiers Ts. under the Duke of Cumber-| housing and incubation of its eges. | 2 a . A gentle rubbing preserves and ‘ool eae s ae carefully tty acc.d-|have arrived ve had word that nnd, ipszes on both sides being very| But to the Egyptian of old if waa! ‘No Food to Waste the fabric longer than a vigorous one. what we have on hand, thus helping even 5) ust receive here ten officers. They eae ae tae ‘a> macred ‘treat To his imagina! The fact tat es fectanees the Op oo Soro ble a earl ag ae eee a a frit Oat thot Toe beter emidame is very!" Roflers, 27 iniles west-southwest of | tion, ‘the ball typided the-world, and--2s0 Oe bacat ork, prounets ur’ searc! attics 3 1 4 - . i ee a bs and 1 atdte Keone ‘duld probebly being Duttint was all <Ghe-esald ot ae tirek” Gowaed Monte: Ghent—The French under Pichegru | the beetle that pushed it about was a have been removed forthe time ee Mees wee: ee light a good many articles still/Stroy it. If she left it unfulfilled,! “I am sorry,” answered Soucin help-| and MacDonald defeated as poe living emblem of | not m it food economies leansing. ; She elie endured Gal oe Hee essly. ae ton July 13, The beetle in question is known are no longer necessary. The facts The ea reful housewife understands, usabl Fortunate indeed is the Peter was not sorry that he) Monte stepped nearer and jingled| "ger Clerfay! on Jy a ra snodern natiealiat. ae nest? “ave that there is not am ounce of food mn the wind can injure articles housewife who has a stock of house-| juve her, and Peter—why, Peter did’ the gold fh his Saree ae ceroine un er Nov.|baeus” It isa tribe that has many t2 much in the world, and that man, mE hanging on the line to dr, hold linens to last until the close of not have the opportunity to sense| “Doubtless the next village in that ‘ ‘ woman and child is under the stern- jour in a stiff wind will shorten itie the ae 0 Aiseour-| more than the. Ast faint be oat cat is without accommodations also,” | ember 27, 1870. i as ea ee one re ee ity of savi tever hi i 3 f 3 celebrity before the Pyramids were @St necessity of saving whatever he period Nas more a aging task-than an attempt to ie word lov ad not i Monte. ‘We will strike no bar- Battles of St. Que ilt eat in oF she can of those cone most need- new at the present time. hind those weeks ii Paris in which oo ‘ame your price up jaentiis-“ihe army Ba Philip If insect common enough in spe? tle. brads ie rapt of the but 3 get to kmow her; he "had not ha @ that fouls dor; for imadente must rest.” under Philibert Emmanuel defeated | the Baypt of to-day. Tt is about an €4 Soe EE ee 1 T wontertul: ide throu: eh gunny France Soucin shook ue t.| inch long, and has thirty “toes,” one tion of the restrictions, such as avoid allewing the clothes to flap in What Not To Can. with Marjory by his ‘and Peter| - “I am givin stig Brena: HNGR CO RaIAbLe MBBE a gach a yin’ the aa ,the case of pork, must not be con- the not only whips out Our canning problem needs to be had had nothing approsching such a must sleep in ite "iihen it s6 nteop Tereney.. go Asati 1B ns _Ostens sibly, the insect was of no Strued as notice to the public that ‘ery sound common-sense ‘ Germans under Von Goeben defeated 2 hems, but actually breaks threads and reduced to a very s " sea mon-s' day as this. at-all; whi on Dieu, is doubtful.” ehesivatieh tinder Muidheebe. in ae7: t. ‘Viewed with the eye aes re: extravagance in any food is again en- doe: ze to basis this year and only those Wee Monte turned to look at her. They, “Supposing we had arr neo yester-/ the French under Faidherbe in i iduaties pe ete sous es i he anne palate ‘ich cannot be bett Fj had a aed Serva Whitehead and ee ae you nave turned us out| Agincourt, a village tn, fees es liso, imagine, ar aoe me ke ae aa : , § fi : 01 is then easily repaired so break During the furious canning cam- exercise had flushed her checks, give) "the inquiry was made how many! gained a victory over the French un-| it to m tim nee ihe. artied ride was dressed, but now they tell i i ing her back the color she had lacked rooms I had, and I answered truth-| der Constable d’Albert on October 2%, woman to bring her childre y will searcely be noticed. Neglected paigns of the past few days, I have nS per pack the color s ler eyes fully.” 15. h id EWigies of the heetle were made in W2&€ Sort of uniform the groom wore, it means a bad place. found parsnips, carrots, onions, cab-/were upon the ground, as if she did Madame had sunk down on a bench Garkeee Lat aathicane oe all sorts of materials—amethyst, Bach week the pieces should be bage, sweet potatoes and even ‘Irish| not dare raise them. Her face al- by the door. Monte stared up the 15,000. onyx, Bente) lapis lazuli, jasper an pee: ! ome over carefully and the tiniest ers canned—all of which is sheer| ways seemed younger when one did road and down the road. ‘There was Hehe aubatanees’ evan freak mende: Darn linen pieces non: each of these could haye| not see the eyes. Asle ees she ‘could no other | honse in'sigbt, Lille, belonging to the ergo | hes Viva s the back and forth with raveling: or be eh kept bg effectively in a mucl t have looked over He not find a bed for|burg, was taken by Lou i Sat ¥ ; possess the threads drawn, from the best parts/of simple iaryley at ae eliately feminine mae ee for ten louis d'or?™ | 1667, -It’ was TiEnoeste cea ° ue lous attributes» as tl old linen. This becohies Invisible. Stone jars of oe size with stone| her fore hea Baoan An bi to Cee ene ee uae eee at Uae nfter laundering. Don’t Jeave it un-' covers or with p: or eho g | the lipshe Hear not look very long there are no beds, there are no beds.”| Row French under Philip| The oldest of such scarabs tite: fitaeoe 4 required. “A. patel ia pasted on, van vee dae servant: her lips. ‘arm and full of ce et there was room enough there- peretas tees the army of Otto |Dack to 8900 B .C., and are of clay, i ait hile a di hich th rn |ves, they tugged at his heart ey ts Be hind the inn an olivelry "Germans, Flemings and Bnglish, jcovered with a green glaze. In all unsig] they ile a darn is not jin which the sugar acts as a pre-|roused desire. Yet, had it been his orchard extended up a gentle incline : "| the ancient centuries th : A well darned table cloth, oe. or servative or for any type o! oe in blessed privilege to touch them with one wall thie Wary ee tee Ca re TREO eh nguesiogs inv astieae See makin vi tee twice at a which vin and suless act a: : is pre- | his a id he rng have been very was eerie manag of gir zs te eta. es NR ess | uta iy wen contane os BaelaeC sae caitlcok one the worke Sarria agent e ntainers | gentle about it. a eeds warm breeze sti ark leav for the stitches. Fold linen pieces ar out of the question for fruit or| al ways be gentle with her, he thought.’ of the trees n could sleep out|—Taken from the French by Charles janie. fone with mummies to express | differentia rom. tints” sto" ti versiabie IRI? areahot emeaerred|. at ‘as why he must not utter of doors on such 4 nig! = this.|V. in 1543. It passed from Spain to|3 ‘aith in resurrection. nany As | avoid wear in the same places {oe Thrases eo aha within.” It Monte some ee oe France and back several times and | $000 0 of them have been found in oe rs | -} would only frighten her, and he must chart ind the house is was besieged and taken by the Allies | t0™! Pee Tete <a Ne : “iis wasted eee ime Jarge con |see that she was never frightened yours?” ‘he 8 3 1794 aud by the Prossians in 2815 | reople nowadays “often wear anelc) em cope ent ct i a e yazan To himself he might s: a8) 5 rT 5 Crecy, a village on the S ie ent Egyptian scarabs as “charms.” yesew with the first made that is used in small quantities only, much as he pleased, because ae | “Then, "said Bheatte,> Sit you wilt | sr ene natty wencrd Hic ner t-| But their authenticity is not always half-way along the sides. mis since there is sure to be waste when| could not. hear could repeat spare us a few blankets, madame and lish w re olen evant Goulet toe ceene : brings the r in a fresh place. the pro Hae aie long unsealed and oA eae over and over again, as ie I a sie there.” be the French under Philip VI. on * ent years, to Bingle width sheets must have a seam is used fre BS »,, I love you—I love you—I ie August 26, 1346. The French lost © " In middle if-turned, but neatly, Glazed carne Jars are good iove'y you “Upon the o anol” smiled Monte,| 30, 80 susdeceel mi dolded tna fat gcam this will, not look. for patting d oe Out 1 fe ae he said only:— ; monsieur is oe Ale erloo.—The Allies under Wel- ble : re you tit exclaimed Soa as if that explain- itaeta gained a “cise victory over | 4 pr, oh apa ee AG Ther, shotid be a ec eth sh Haried even at that, | ed geersthin ARCO SL Tee AMES ae ono bs micemTayiCe) | from Coast to Coos’ : Ss “No, Mo ie answere “Trul: E } au. a ee } narrowly hemmed but that js a trifl- becoming dense through evaporation.|_ “We can rest any time you wish,! “And it 4s so the Indians sleep, 1 Lens, Pas-de-Calais.— The French | BONG ECO Line) dng matter in war time. So far nothing has been said of un- derwear, but care will result in a sav. ways and means for the storage of te crops, such as tre. ues for cab- ing here As cated, wash: ‘age and turnips, which are kept! Ing before a garment becomes badly font ore by Pilea layers of, soiled saves wear, eve; it str and Sweet pote eans: pieces for can The satowed in “baskets in a breaks and mend them before they be- Ree beans and lima beans come large. ry all colored clothes a other legumes it would be wiser fn the shade to prevent fading. to store es Han to attempt to can. “aa: an additional sugar conservation vedas the Food Board has ordered furtl Food Control Corner | turers a Sune ore than the Canada Food 1 Board, makes the te"s following maranist [went Ruger ouraia, Gt’ eikat 26 ent announcements that. the ot prepared frui jhnundred pounds e Order ii ve: ~ Tt dea qe Sellies, or ees of the Air. This is the song of the Plane— ‘The creaking shrieking ea The throbbing, sobbing plan : And the moaning, gr paerac efforts no longer neces: “ail optimise Teports relative to; ing of our Allies’ food Bost | to. con- msually large grain crop in the Us Bates leaving a surplus over presen| collramption which,-with. the available’ The pilot, the man at the wheel, surplus from Canada, and with con e limit is all tl ie can, tinued areas in both piunthias: | An ne i She Re tditer ones im should. meet Alli port re-| Hey, ho! for the Man quivements "trom Noxth America this 3 large supply of food for’ This is the song of the Gun— five stock, which al; ms assured The muttering, stuttering gun, United States, will be reflected The maddening gladdening gan— In increased production of pork-and;; That hachiee pik evil glee a lesser extent, of beef also, - | At the last, long drive or the Hun, “Hopeful though recent develop-, With its pees ty! ments in the food situation have| Hey, ho! for the Gun! been, it-will not be safe until enor. This is the song of the Air The lifting, driftin, The eddying, s il: The wine of its ; May it nerve us at las Even death mitless space — dare fn the abser hold-over reserves, | with nate face! tmake our Allies’ position al s| Hey, ho! for thé Ai ‘desperate = ue was last wi —"Ob: ferrets Royal “Fiyine Corps.| “Canad ard"to ‘elace food irofhuctlon e sas conserva- Insects as Aeronauts. mn because all that can be grown or rding to Lieut, Depret Bixio, of io lll "Bey Meated goats es Trench Army, who is a naturalist ld more dangerous tha) a flying mi man, many ae position is yet site follow. eee Dalla in thei 1 Foo rd ges to emphi c He has seen files go as hig! a ‘papecially pe necessity for the herutiost| 2.070 feet, after whic} ‘ort to si is year’s harvest ‘rom | The responsible the d yar when théy let go He says the swallows have glorious time catching these in- ‘3 i elp to bring in the erops is still/a essing, and must not be ignored.”; sects, e | hurrying through 2 enteured to. glance up-at him. ahead Gee “Hav “Days a ee and months,” rey at the easy, carefree mit ™ ‘her fee] easier ‘morrow night, aske he admi 800n as possil “That,” ae ak lean, chie! ue ae have been followin; cone oo leas in the episo rouse this. a quickened her pace said, Eden his lithe body swingin; ar-| to his stride, he qepeet like an era gee housewife should study the) We. have at the time in the world Monte. jouldn’t we?” “Wwe ‘could, if it were necessary,” tte he was the old Monte she heard —/"™ Tt ma “We should éross the border by to- |” she z Maar ee have read. | “You have read Bi must have supper before the officers arrive. You can spare some brea ease?” 4 will do # “Then maike it aay at once. And me eoftes? e. AX e engaged two. rooms in the olive oretinedy he. al id. (To be continued.) Vig think uh should get there as le. “would be like strong. face to the sun, neenaly CONCERNING PASCAL, Hasselt, capital of Limbourg.—The Dutch under the Prince of Orange de- teated 8 Belgians. jerman army .under Wil- liam ateaian the French under Na- poleon HI, Macmahon and Wimpiten This. defeat led to the fall of the French Empire ae 1, 1870), Roer t the great” vue fetaen ae Sofas is on May 10, h m was taken by the ‘alos a 1815 ait by the Germans 1 1871. “THE COCKPIT. OF THE WOl WHERE MANY FAMOUS oes WERE FOUGHT. “ol. —The Belgium and Northern France For Nearly Ten Centuries Battle- Sree ne a lanteged Bee ) under Conde gained a decisive victory ver the Spaniards under Archduke Leopold ee on August 20, 1648, unes, ee Lorraine. At ie ey, the ancient capital of Lorraine, Charles the Bold, Duke of Bur achald was defeated and slain by on ae = 1477. It was in 1633, restored in 1681 and passed cette to the French in 1766. & { | 766. Wavre.—The Prussians sae ‘Thiel- | Frei Famous French Mathematician In- vented Many Moderh Conveniences. fhe When Blaise Pascal, aa ixtee: ould havi ey ore: a g his lead. e was he apparently tobk pleasure ode was natu stalk ed undef different conditions, she mi ght! of a merely, to| escort her safely to Italy and to, the| loing. | his romantic based upon his quick sympathies. maiden in distress was enough h | pened yesterday when he told he: is lov te had ‘ough for the moment | believed everythin; |not given himself(quite time enough to get back ha | was gee i ee if at way, not allowing gypsy iroad where it was pleacan no fhhave “her, with him > g = the im to go an; open fur-, [years old, he wrote a Aged on conic | Of nearly all the fortresses held by the ri ions. sec! His sister, Sa teva years of age, was the auth book of poems. In is French at, or Jacqueline, about twWighy imeeting Cardinal d ichelieu one y, asked her father’s pardon BEES uate and sent him to Rouen in or impressed into the business of his aie 's office at Rouen, y« oe eas of age, tte. machines. Some one has happily termed him’ “thé. knight-errant «of | ‘helr allies on October 11 HE COLLEGE TERM.—The College opens September 26th |geometry, wandering hither d Victory Over the Austrians. and closes April S2tm, Tha fe Gonvenient for most farm boys, a8 thither in a of questions worthy| Jemmapes.—Famous for the decis-| 5 the hai ses work of the summer is completed before the com- ‘of his: atee! / ive victory of under Du- mencement of the’term and ayudar can return to their homes The ees machine of Pascal is the ancestor of all our modern mul- Hplieatane the little boxes that hand nge on the counters of shops, the pais al computators of taxi- the mat par tar machines ratories. | Later, Glass Spoons a tubular handles Sigs ve been invented for use in’ plac he defeated ee Sen under Coburg e}Marcean defeated 1794. mann checked the under Grouchy, preventing them eat inter- uae! with Blucher, who was thus ee to ore eee in time. ilies lies under Mari- the French an which led ,to the capture HE outward beauty that distinguishes a Williams New Scale Piano | lhofoueh = He | Bavarians, eee in the low countrie: ‘Quai rh itre-Bras. French under Ney met the Allies under Weelaigion days before Waterloo. Ney was endurin, juali Bungalow Model, $450.00 pee IANO CO. HAWA, ont. LIMITED, ©: Oldest ‘and Largest iit me on June 26, French under the: eon defeated the Al- lies under prea Il. of England on August 3, 1692, Belle aman: A farm occupied ze the centre of the French infantry Young Men on the Farm Who Cannot Go to War CANADA Must Have Greater Agricultural Production. CANADA Needs Men apenas ie in the Best) Agricultural etl YOU will, be of greater alae to your country and to youre if you acquire all pMable information re- garding your business as a You can obtain ~ this information during the oa st Winter mgt Ontario Agricultural College - Guelph on October 27, 2, feated the ‘strane V i ‘The French under Mar- art — iar ‘Sax defeated the Afistrians and for thevbpring asedin ue a ee eee aoe te nace Yo be gS pa Mena . It was the first battle won by . the Republic and was followed by the cludes studies trvene 8 a eye aan ae et ts oR st the occupation of Belgium. Tirlemont—Taken by oe Mashossien in 1705, and near it Rae ee of the Austrians on March 1 abe alee of tl 8,-—-In order to ung men to attend the colle ‘he. tees are fixed at “he Iowest p gd 2 figure. Board, $4.00 par Week; ‘Puition Fee, $20.00 uk i School Hdueation ts amaleed for admission. COLLEGE OPENS SEPTEMBER 20TH Write for a ls sae full evamiea GC. CRI A, LL.D. President The French under the Austrians in f straws in cold drinks e e * a BS : oe - ee x 23 . a ~ Ss t \