Milverton Sun, 12 Sep 1918, p. 3

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, S = - : & Z (° sasee Stier THE TREASURES. OF [ftai-arcce-"1ff wo AVire eons th ves! LIFT A CORN. til wo Useful in New Ontarto, OFF wi 2 sett $2.00 haduable = erate Apes H. e/o Wilton WEEN ALEXANDRA = Designs lishing’ Go. bimited. Pereate 4 Cincinnati man tells how to dry gs Zz ri EQUIPPED NEWSPAPER | eee, es f = Vat printing plant in Ea = up a corn or callus so It lifts \ grio, Insnrance carried $1,800) gy, GOLD AND SILVER AND WORKS off with fingers. , n_ Publishing C a. Toronto. _ | OF ART. ‘e—0—0 00 0 0 = ° 9, BDLGR EEL Sew gua ebAND s You corn-pestered men and women tes, that reed now s0 see nearly extinct. We have some very Gne need suffer no longer. Wear the shoes + ones. uA, Gillespie. Abbotsford. Que. |». Worth Ten Million Dollars Are | that nearly killed you Beets as os : AGENTS WANTED Cincinnati authority, because : : : 5 Kept in a Steel-lined Roo ff ne applied directly on a WANTED—$1,000, YOU P' aon ol ee pap Sea as : ; ~. y et t Ath i a tender, aching corn a : Lage cs] Merotont Hee: |e, st con ca : HIS is FREE PALM- banks 3243-95, the “ies hours | ‘The collection of treasures at Marl- | nardened callus loosens so it can be 1 s a Others cleaning up $10 daily. No cap! | norough House, in the way of gold and |ji¢teq off, root and all, without pain. OLI\ TR WEEK for every : tal necessary. Goods shipped to reliable “ aS f the i gxit ‘ta en on tline. Territory going fast. | silver and works of art, is one o ‘A sinall bottle of freezone costs very J : : : Ft ack ducts Coy: Thomas’ Bigg, |most valuable in the world. And jittle at any drug store, but will posi | user of this famous soap. — ; peace ‘Que . “levery article at Marlborough vs tively take off every hard or soft sori h se ae : ae is the personal possession of Queen |or callus, ‘This’ should be tried, as : sf " We # : © 8 _|Alexandra, with the éxception of the lis inexpensive and is said not to irr The week in whic Parts uy O1 cher Te QOrRCER, TRMCRE nai cures wi: | famous Gobelin tapestries, which be-|tate the surrounding skin. the regular price, and secure ano f : " tment, Write 4 iggist hasn't any freezone * * ; Belvetore Moo Yate BA Hainan Medial 1%, {ore accounted by King &4-|eelt him ty get a small bottle for you A sized cake absolutely free by presenting oe - | ward as being among the. most, valU-|from his wholesale drug house. It is Ed the coupon which appears below. $ ‘able works of art in the possession of |fine gtuff and acts like a charm every x B.% the Royal Family, and they were per- | time. ting as : haps on this account specially prized ¢ Each wik x by Queen Alexandra, . ee, AIN: (|| The late Mr. Pierpont Morgan 18) 4N ALPHABET FOR CHINA. be samemecomnaen dA sald to have offered $250,000 for them fests ; in the late reign; but, of course, te | Forty-two Characters Ate Required to eTmina or ee ee ae ese ee Represent All Language Sounds. Pain? Hirst’s. will.stop it! For Sentiment’s-Sake. Chinese scholars who are dissatie Used for 40 years to relieve rheu- [4 practically all the gold and silver | ed with the ideographic characters in). matism, lumbage, neuralgia, | \toasures in. possession of the late whic the rene as av an ale| one _of the Feasons why the kiddies x and other painful complaints, | |King, and whictahis Majesty bequeath: site gia ERS oa ea sks partie And why ieee Haye a bottle in the house. ed to Queen Alexandra, are store Y ey, ey May wear a charmin; * dealers, or write us.’ Bae away in a vast, steel-lined room on the mm ee siete pe eS | little frock like this? McCall Pat- HIRST REMEDY COMPANY, Haniloa.caa. | groynd floor of Marlborough House. | - Tt was Chow Hi Cho, secreary Of UY) tern No. 8440, Child’s Dress. In 5 HIRST'S Family Salve, (50c). g | |'Tho Court jewellers and-goldsmiths, | Chinese Legation at Kome, ase! isted by | gizes, 2 to 10 years. Price, 15 cents, HIRST!S ectral Syiup ct O aoe oor ck. roughly fixed the|Wan and Chou, sub-secretaries, and Heebound and Hecamnne, (50 morTuE | | 2rthne treasures at $10,000,000. | Signora Rivetta, professor of Chinese e L Guests of Queen Alexandra, visiting | 804 Japanese at the Oriental Institute Py Marlborough House for the first time, | #t Naples, who began the project. = are always shown this famous Royal |’ To represent exactly all the sounds eamuntn of the Chinese language it was neces- Tt is diffigult to convey in words any | Sty to draw upon almost all ese idea of the wealth of treasure revealed |@phabets. The alphabet Srmnsee by a sight of the treasure-vault. The | im the present case See °} ee walls are lined with immense glass, |two characters, of which twenty-three Ren NATE Chen’ eras ith gold | @re vowels and nineteen are conson- @ silyer treasures—huge Pilgrim |ants. Of the vowels four are taken bottles;immense gold and silver drink-|from the Greek four from the ae ing-cups, shields of Oriental design, | Sian, five from the Latin and one from ornaments of every sort. the Chinese. ine others two In one case there are twenty-four | are. what are called modified” or silyer tea-services, twenty dinner-ser- | “prolonged” and seven are reversed. vices, over a thousand massive solid} Of the consonants fourteen ee silver candlesticks. And this is one of | en from the Latin, three from the Rus: the Nest cases, A I case in| Sian and two from the Greek. a the centre of the vault is filled with i the various racing trophies won by the a e e eG T.1 nae late King, and underneath the case at| ‘Lady Kathleen Scott, widow of Cap- $2.7 MIGHT COM | cach side of it is a deep drawer, and| tain R. F. , who lost his life in eg e321 Meanate this drawer is filled with all manner | his effort to discover the South Pole, = of gold ornaments, boxes, ete. that | is doing her bit by acting as secretary —=———= | were given to the King by his various | to the Ministry of Pensions in Eng- No need to tell you how good Useful Canning Booklet friends at home and abroad. and. Pp. 1 li < iis . ooth Hs f 7 In one ‘drawer there is a solid gold ff as ane Se eaeA Eads Pun box the sides of which are about a Lachute, Que, 25th Sept. 1908. aimo. ai ie E low id oy the shied’: © ele eee ror ene ace Lguarter ot an. SRGh t is about | Minard’s Liniment Co., Limited. ~ ide little iahlet Sn ibs, a tale a foot square and six inches in depth. | Gentlemen, Ever since coming home ae creamy at if en ria z : and storing of fruits tid vegetables.| on the outside of the cover are the | from the Boer war I have been bother) 7 =" : g It is being distributed at five cents! rus unin surmounted by a ero arith sores on my| Cool and dainty as a nighteown.| Teatest of all toilet luxuries. per copy as one.of a series of four) ot in the rarest jewel don ‘This oe meyer in silk or Sais similar booklets dealing in addition to| ¢¢ the cover are material makes a charming negligee. 3 < . ‘ : fer Gases : a ee Make this your introduction to the s makin, i abject, Alfred de Rothschild.” This is | relief, till last winter when my mother s gee ‘ es cooking of fish. The set of four may | hut one of hundreds of such gifts that |got me to try MINARD’S LINIMENT. | one size. Price, 20 cents. _ McCall luxury you have been missing if you be obtained for twenty cents from the} those drawers contain. In one case |The effect of which was almost magi- | Transfer Design No, 848. Price, 10 ’ 1 d P 1 li ve. Provincial Committees of the Canada ji, 4 small glass, silyer-mounted salt-|cal. Two bottles completely cured | cents. ‘ don t alrea y use raimo a Food Board. castor. Intrinsically its value is prob- | me and I have worked every working 4 These patterns ae : ae a ae = pigs ym your local eCall dealer, or e . <p ably not more than about $5, but it is | day since. a Tol eS a MONEY ORDERS. one of the objécts among this wealth Yours gratefully, from the ea Co., 70 Bond St., Tor- —or accept this opportunity to enjoy Dominion Express Money Orders | 0f treasure that Queen Alexandra par JOHN WALSH. onto, pt. * = 3 d fare on sale in five thousand offices | ticularly values. aw Saks ee SS a cake free if you do. throughout Canada. A Tragic History. 4 LEMONS MAKE SKIN oe - ar ates It was given to King Edward years in Which ‘They Gen- WHITE, SOFT, CLEAR % bs ; 4 D-hascball bat for bugting, having|ego bye very valued friend, and tne | ¥°™4er™l ae e ee rise y Ea, Palmolive contains Nature Ss greatest stripes of non-resilient material set| late King always regarded this castor erate Heat in Bhs Make this beauty lotion for a few x 1 d Oli is the end, has been patented by a is oa 3 ae : Theties upholds his reputation for cents and see for yourself. cleansing agents—the Pa m an ve sailor . is Majesty had it sent up every | industry throughout the winter months , pare : . © . . y — morning on his breakfasttray, and| as during the summer. eing sus- et ROE ee Oils prized since history began as the Minara’s Liniment Cures Diphtheria, even when he went to the house of a/ ceptible to cold, the bee must have r : 4 A if prem friend this mascot was among the ar-| some means of supplying warmth. pee to Ge Hie a and ig greatest of all toilet luxuries. Its delicate Scalloped corn can be made in a/ticles always taken with the monarch. It was found by experiment that bring out the roses, the freshness an % bene as putting the ae on in| It appeared on Seas as when | only the shell of the cluster made oy ST eet sae ee Ae ies Oriental perfume adds to the pleasure layers and seasoning with pepper,|it was sent up to his room on the very | the bees in cold weather is compact. ; 0 Z 4 sik 3 salt, butter and grated cheese. Bake) morning of the day he died, and the| This is formed by one of several lay-|#hould be mixed with orchard white of its use. Its lasting qualities make it till the top is brown.» dying King said to the servant: “I ors of bees all solidly arranged with) ‘His way. Strain through a fine cloth am glad you have not forgotten my | their heads inward, their hairs AEE tee coare aerate Pen the economy soap. mascot. I shall never see it again.” | jacing. unces treasure-vault contains but| This arrangement is perfect for| ee ie then ee et and i @ part of the treasures at Marlborough conservation of the heat within, Ex-|¥oU have a whole quarter pint of skin Hous In the Green: Drawing-room | cept for an occasional shift of posi-/@4 complexion lotion at about the if You Present are two carved tapestry-covered tiong the bees forming the shell are|®0St one usually pays for a small jar chairs, given to their Majesties by the | quiet. But within the shell strange phoning aa peat oe is 0 0 late Sir Richard Wallace, the man who |‘things are going on. 8 ) up m bequeathed the Wallace Gallery to the tes Senne the heat is generated. | into the bottle, then this lotion will re- © 7 nation, These chairs are said to be| And the antics are not alike our own|™@i pure and fresh for months. worth ten thousand dollars apiece. when we are cold. When applied daily to the face, neck, Under a glass case in another apart-| ‘The bees are packed loosely within] #7™S po Bane aE should help to ment is a fan of beaten gold, orma-| the shell so that there is plenty of|Pleach, clean, smoothen and beautify mented with a most delicate tracery | syace for many bees to be exercising | work. It was despatched as a Christ-| at a time. Rapid fanning of the wings,| present to Queen Alexandra by an |shaking the body from side to side,j0U” Indian prince some years ago. It was | rapid breathing and other movements cost and the grocer has’ the lemons. Any druggist Will supply three ounces of orchard white at very little a by a servant of prince. The | are all parts of the scheme for raising op first part of the servant's journey lay | the temperature. 2 ene ube lee oe uses he was at-| In one particular ingtance, whe ah LAUGH SQMETIMES e cake tacked and killed by a tiger.\ The case | hee-had been rapidly fanping with his ss i ‘oap when the hold h containing the fan was afterwards ' wings for seven and a half minutes,|1® These Anxious Days We Need the crater cake aCe found and sent back, to the prinee,| the thermometer nearest him rose half} Medicine of Laughter 5c. os ree years after it had been first'sent. | 4 degree Fahrenheit. vi d frivolity, especially as Once more it was despatched, ail this |" °° < Le gel wotaalitlag eine he party time reached Marlborough House in | War, tipo weber minded +-Americans patel Shaving under Poe ON Ue er Toons at Pane who feel thatsany thought or desire { trench difficulties at eras emecuneage naib ety wibtt eb] not centred upon the present crisis of the front will quick the furniture, ornaments, and pictures | Sasi enton i 4 as *. reey that,were in King Edward’s writing- a Stati r, i him room at Buckingham Palace. lege, says ae ple Rity Lalaack : They are right from one’ impor A Screen Worth a Fortune. viewpoint, but not altogether right jects of art in the room from another. : der tite fottane specially prized by Queen Alexandra One of the most famous Cabinet tor the Baimotive an. MEimiteds Toronta, nuine Tanagree statuettes, meetings ever held in the White House SEE be dined Uerten ubey teoaelta teen: purchased in Paris for her by the late took place in the darkest time of or a poaiivety wi ratven te redenm <oonane eut from newaproers pur: 3 ing during one of their early trips | Civil War, when. Lincoln gather ee : 2 » & after they were married this room | with his stern-faced, gloomy secretar- feet ‘ : Js also a pencil sketch of Ki sete transact momentous business, | MIMIIININININNUNCHNNNH {UNNI NNNIGHMiMI \ Antik ard when Prince of Wales, done b; ‘The President came in, picked up a nticipate your eae “ ca — Pe) artist in a restaurant in Paris at Ward, the great i i est by which his Majesty was dining: and a| eo ae Pee a Gesedet Go fund Before the Charge. see a Sane ee sereen completely covered with photo- | ohne Wear and, chapter aloud. The atmosphere was| The night is still and thé air is keen,) Shall Ss mourning for my soldier eres OF ae “late, Kings personal Tear on that bo: tense with angry disapproval at this}. Tense with menace the tinte:crawls lead, 3 ; friends. The first photograph was. of yours during apparent levity by the time he fad} by, I_a believer? Give me seen is " 2 pasted on it two years after the King’s YOUF: finished. . in front is the town and its homes are|.Or give me royal purple for the King | _ qiWe TRATES tg marriage, and the last a year after his the active years With a deep sigh, he laid down the seth: At whose high court my love is ra ab % accession fo the Throne. of ouiciaetcleiet book.’ “Gentlemen,” he said, “why; Blurred in outline against the sky. S visiting. F Ce patie iouth necessitates’ don't you laugh? With the fearful = ae ress me in green for growth, Feed The Bees. aes building food/ strain that is upon me night .and The dead leayés float in the sighing made new; N Now {a the time to save out the hon- day, if T did not laugh I should die, an For skies bis doa feet march, dress | ey for fall feeding. It is’ the poorest and. d this medicine as much| Darkness moves like a curtain me in blueo , il you nee ; . 3 Kind of economy'to skimp the bees on Grape Nu Ss naire * drawn, In ‘whfte ‘for his white soul—robe m 4 their allowance of food. Be sure to as - ‘Then he turned to his tall hat lying| A veil whjch the morning sun will) \ in gold” s a ; to) 3 | Hee eo ereeeminn omle. from supplies the on the table near him and drew from el oe a the Deide: Chetan Aeterna TE : healthy colonies. Wxamine the brood] + gesentials for ff -|it what Ssecretary Stanton after-| From the face of death. We shall hold. Ww (¢) ; nest carefully and see that there aro| ff. iad ities Hederibed:: ee vm Ulltyle white charge at dawn, In earth's dim gardens blooms no hue | |} ssl Ss no dead larvae in the cells. Boiled vigorous minds anes Se white piper ‘was ~ too brig ‘ : pR da BBBRY cif OSE Decopee patter toca for and Ro aes at the Exfancipation Proclamation. Y tages Zinovent Cures Diatomoen, To dress me for my love_who walks Wt UQUIDan CAKE * any age. The application to the present : * a ga: sFor MENS WOMEN'S” = FERRE fi : ei lthis historic incident and the example basket! oe for hagiae ne PE ge ag ste ee snd CHILDRENS SHOES Experiments / with alfalfa growing There's a Reason’ of the Great Emancivator does not, can be’ suspended from an automobile) Minara i ~ Bu DHE in Bermuda have reached such a stage need pointing out. tly when notin}, lence | Se ea as to indicate that the crop may be SSE Se : use, has been invented for the use of ine Ne de 3 aed - GE Coo $ made a profitable one, \ ana No a 02b, ‘Minard’s Lintment Cures Garget tm Cop most youthful motorists. i MB A hans Seog ate , ass peices?

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