MILLBANK NEWS ee fotr. ana Mrs, ‘Thomas Haywtho : aft cons, Roy and Howard, left ton : é londay to spend a week or two witl feat at eladn ond Shona Store Closed Every ta rs. D. - MeCloy, who has been vis- e@e°e s 2 iting teoradtees ot ha amily oe tes . Dorking and Listowel, retuned home Night Except Satur- r. Hammond, Mr. ast Mae < 4 r % " Mee: doth Wie cat dereuten Rate _ | dayat 7 oclock pm. leen, spent. Monday with Mr. and xr Mrs. we * el. Mr. rs. George Love were called bone oe the West, owing to the, deat h of the former’s father, at OUR BIG FALL OPENING COMMENCES THIS WEEK. Our stocks considering the ani : on DiPhaes acer sear = goods i - Ae ee, all lines. Our advice to you is this—BUY BARLY. : 2s : charge of the junior room of the pub- © cannot repeat the present stock at these prices. Our information from the factor. lic school here for a few weeks, M * O win this war every ounce of the accent oa fenieiate pina ies and: wholesale houses is that another advance will go on all cotton and wool goods strength of each of the allied nations paleone ae 2a a ae in a few weeks of from 15.o 35 per cent. Get in the swim early. Compare our pric- < ; : . must be put forth to meet the organized, » having taught school at Poole for a es with the department store catalogues. ; : Hrosgeret nei : number of years, trained and disciplined efficiency of the Central A {ait Gotdon and. Mise Olive John: : ston, of Listowel, visited their grand- . 3 Powers—that gigantic, ruthless force which is the result : mother, Mrs. R. Mulcahy, last week. Women’s Suits and Coats £ fif oe 4 d Miss’ Eliza McKee has returned TS osiery of fifty years o} anning and preparation. home after spending ee weeks at ce) r Kk hi - ny. p g prep’ Atwood visiting friend Brena ove onneet them. in.a | ment in thie More We Wiig fea a ah And every ounce of every allied nation’s strength is in at a ae eg eres Gate = eae nen Eager ee ge you the bent ot ” sie ee iss Wray, of, Toronto, is visiting Betis Good the hands and brains and hearts of the individuals of hex cousin, irs. Moffat at the Manse e Dry Goods department | oo cual FOR TWO WEEKse={ PY See . 7 be exes cas coned ‘e and son, 5 ‘olfe = choo! toc! in Bi the bi each nation, because they are free peoples. shit Stratford, visited ‘at Mr. George New. Skirts _ gb, foven Wool, Sample Conte and ges in i Hight and heavy - Sua and Miss Sarah Hammond ies Now the individuals of each nation must live as well as visited = Stratford ‘and Londen dor Our new. stock of Skiris are mage ee 5 ing the pas fight, therefore a He ats of the effort and material git, Ravle Bresborn, Pte, and Mrs a SUE so Ter Specials of each nation must be diverted from war purposes to Choe Wee Tie ae temo oa in and have a look though. Men’s New Caps Quaker and Purity Oats. ...30e to Re Hamil ee ‘orn, 2 cans for ..35¢ living necessities, gs ecient sires ee a A few lines of Fraser's Caps | White Knight "Soaps bars 26¢ - : wemorink service at Milvarsou™ on Silk Department are new in stock. Cooper's eelee Sweetheart Soap, 3 ee hats So the less each individual takes for himself or herself Sunday last. 3 pane rare al seve deer Dicer for “basi ‘Sze 2 fe f Miss Olive Lowrie has returned ‘This Ae eet epee ce y Ste for personal use the more effort will there be left for after. spending; the past two. months swing. A well assort ae aed naa ntpesteaty Grou date fighting and winning the war. Mrs, George Suitter, Sr., and Miss School Suits for oye hata ivenaedtr Mea eect Ps a ek Ella Campbell were visitors at Kiteh- dues and Crepe de Chen Moe tea ARO . ener during e past wee! Our tock + . Every cent you spend represents that much effort be- watt, Donald Ross, of Windsor, gna ti 00 yards of Black si Pop- | try on.” Suits Cn ok ap to Bos Oy i bed) Cause somebody must do something for you in order to Hugh Ross, of Toronto, were, this na etn 8 wale only See Le ———————S week attending e funeral 0: eir PNAS Oe ARERR AST age ni ame . . earn that cent— somebody’s effort must be given to unele, the late Donald Davidson. —— 5 : Stanfield’s Und d h We are sorry to report that Miss New D. & A. Corsets tantield’s Underwear you you instead of to the war. actors Rawioeord ae been on the le . LOrse Chickens per Ib. a sick list, during the past week and = the niger |) This, celebrated underwear is | Fowl, over 5 Ibs ee eb: cary the largest range of | n : Therefore the less you spend—the less of somebody’s ‘ irs, Ale x, Miler is at prosent con- these Corsets in the county. Try er ta ied these goods, meee eee Pas Syrets . toe . in r bes rough illness. le new Goddess, laced in fron’ effort you take for your individual use—the more will wish her speedy recovery, | ; ec Peer f F ir. Meredith Love and Miss Ha: you leave in the national surplus for war effort. Love, of “Toronto, visited at. their Mail ta. Georee Covulig Saja Boar tall : ¥s. George Coghlin has been la The war can be won only by the surplus strength of he eh ‘the past weeks 8 e 0: ie late John Love the allied nations. The money each individual saves of Lebanon, took place to. the Canada Food Board License No. 8—18314 ba h 1 ak Milbenk Methodist cemetery on Sun- sates tepresents that surplus strengt: day. Rey, Mr. Hazelwood officiated. Mil . A large circle of friends accompan: 1 verton, oe 3, Ontario Rot ie tieesl Ganak ill 1 ee ied the remains. ; o the truly loya! anadian will use less, spen SS, ; Among those, veho, attended the s ‘uneral of the late in Love ans and save more, to help to win the war. / who called on friends while here we ticed: Rev. Hazelwood and Mx. J.) — 5 N ardson, 0: ebanon, at Mr. Ro: Published vader. the Authority of » Mulcahy’s; Mr. and Mrs. John Lave: WARTBURG me The Minister of Fin }) x and Mrs. Chas. Love and Misses Jennie sa: Florence, Mr. and Mrs.| _ Mr. and Mrs. John Henry spent a Alf. Blough, Mr. Si es yy and Ae B. | few days oe last week at the Toronto Blough, He sbanans aid Mr. and euuvan Mrs, F. McConkey, rot aaatord at r. and Mrs. serene Ceres. and Mr. Wm. Rutherford’s; Mr. and Mrs. | Miss Myrtle spent the week-end at W. Hammond, Mrs. Wilson, Mr. and|the home of Mr. and Mn. af Gaunt, Mrs. Frank Ganger,. Mrs, Chas, Loug- | 0f Arthur, hvin and son, Stanley, ‘Misses Hthel |, Rev, E. Bruar and My. Fred Har and Myrtle Love and Master Carl|loff retarned home on Sunday from eee eee , Love: of Latanion iat Mr. Ga rata Rhineland, where they spent eionae Mr. and Mrs. T. Sa Sr, Mr. nee — a maonrene ere. : d “ Ss d and Mrs. Thomas Kinkead, Mr. and 3 TS. omas Dickson an Mrs, Wm. Kinkead and Mr. ‘John Kin-| Masters Thomas and Nelson, of Har- Bri a ten OF MOS se ae RC, [on sont Sanday Ae Ee" some a yap atur ay. Gass: Mr, and Mrs. John Henry, Mes, Chass: Raby icceived word on | Mx ents oumuer venieied Iouie ancy ‘foots tier wat: Sapper Wal-| Tuesday after having spent the past Sept 13th and l4th 1 Raby, stating that he had arrived | Week with friends. in Detroit. Sree eerie Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Wickie a Rey. W. Mottat will take HE his waned ra ee fair for coveted subject at the evening service on Sun-| days last weel * + (Sept. 15th) “Giant: id Mr, and Mrs. Harloff and day nest (Sep yeogiants. ea teat gintion nk, Havlo® and Miss Helen Walton ‘Jn educational service, will be held in this locality on Sunday. ‘ = in the Methodist church on Sunday,! Mr. Allan McMane and daughter, (Late of Toronto) in charge Sept. 15th. It is expected that Prof. big Priscilla, of Milverton, spent a ROSTOCK Johnston, of Toronto, will preach. |few days of last weeks at ae home é Me Sid H Min The funeral of the late Donald} °f Mr. and Mrs, atlnt Mrs. Henry, Miller, of | pavidson, Sr took place to the Pres-| lr. Hdward Weiss ts at’ present SPEND YOUR HOLIDAYS IN Monday fast 12" *eHds here on /pvtorian cemétery on Monday. Rev. | visiting friends at Markdale, A. TERRILL Li d * fat iating. i7 $3 lunns an ‘iss era ete. Vista, ey oe t-| Davidson was a man of quiet and un.|and Mr, Roy Nunns, of Stratford, * Md » ~ LINWOO set Soguiline. a week © holidays assuming manner and was held in the | Were visitors at the home of Mr. and : Soong mes jomas Arm- | hiphest respect by all who knew him, | Mrs, Fred Harloff.on Sunday. Mrs’ Ana worn et d of fi Friends were present from Windsor,|_, Mr. and Mrs. George Yund attending see ak hee pete eee pt ae Toronto, Hamilton, Stratford and phage 8 aa friends in tha tae be == bry ine Sy “| other points. : , eee Peattering | ge Mss Sarah ee eae sats Casty ging (uotnast ton ne, suffer : er spending the pas! PERTH COUNTY'S BIG FAIR da ETL retorts wee aoe mm 4 . A the 110th Perth Battali Scag omar rah sel eh ates i tel Many new and interesting attractions, such as Acro- posi: servingin Weave tor more than MACTON ont eeece ee ent ae ee batic Performances, Highland Dancing, ote ere Harry Jones, of |, Mt, William Holt, of Wallace, was se ae person at the Luth- A 4 ; rch her Monster Midway, Etc. Statt or spent Sunday with friends |4,ver°" here with friends for a few | Trt Cie services will, be condert zB ering liberal purses tor’ fH, ee, Bose bn manmade Unt eng enki hy ey he Ba ie management are offering liberal purses for home” after di k with | 2°% aunt, Miss Millie Smith, of Tralee Leah su Ozan, trials of speed and all other departments, and extend friends at Grand Rapida, prise ‘cae ry Anthony Holt anes Ma itis iat #8 ses se oes ‘St Wellesey a hearty welcome to the people of the surounding Mr. John Zulauf received a letter| Mines “and daughter, Marie, spent are SpeneiDickegn oF Harmony, vis- shee to attend the Fair. Don’t miss it. SEPT. 16th, Ee Aon Re ee ee ta Sunday'at the home of Mr. ‘William ited friends in this locality over Sun- 17th and 18th. A card to the Secretary, DR. J. W. ORR, ford, Sussex England. oe ea She New ‘iallingh 1 rettaieint IP! Stratford, will obtain a Prize List. Mr, and Mrs. Andrew Gatschen el meaty Nip rains tae J ES ee Bela Miss Cornella Mewhinney has re- NEWTON — spent Sunday with friends in this vic-| time with her sister, Mies Veta Mew | _The Newton Knitting Circle wil 3 ; BPE ag ae : Buey Gleseiiae ~ | meet at the home of Mrs. Mitchell Every School Foot must now be fitted, out with rs. Filsinger, of Mildmay : : riday e' " ‘ spent sSumday vi yrith, the latter's par Se ae ee ele tis Bra “Reinwald left last week ogi pany oo all sore Boys i Girls of ae ents, Mr. and Mrs. John Knechtel * Tor right sort nee iti iss L. Cartledge, of Stratford, |e, of arteley. ot the 9th line of Miss Mamie Patterson is the guest 8 Gp c0) BIRD MMR UES ere u Wellesley, called on his brother, Mr of her friend, Miss Susie Kirkland. the hard service they are bound to receive. a room, has commenced her (isses Lanta Zoeger, Isabel Hawk e ° e day la: ee! S (oe eibee fro: ie and Lily Reinwald are attending he: = eeing IS aie ponen a Thedford, has wguit ber fre in mre attend |S Sine tong Dulinemk eohege, Here is Where We Come In taken Shae of I, Druar’s mil- rs. Fleming, of Vancouver, B. : dist church. ‘ e linery parlor. = is’ at Breeent visiting her dau; aes : Aecenobial ai eg held eae ts. William Holt _spent Sunday |} 0" Present, visiting ghter, with her mother, Mrs. L. Smith, of Latier Day Saint church on Sunday | ich! f : Hic. Phineas McDonald, Sr. retun- Our Schoo! Shoes are made to our order by a special maker. Sept. 8th, in honor of Pte, Harry : ed home after Sending the past week YA EDS ead : Klein, who died while on his way ae woe with friends at Chesley, D ai ‘he leathers are oe strongest — the shoemaking splendid. The glass oven overseas, Elder Doty, of Michigan, TRALEE Messrs. Wm. and Chas. Attig, ax age aun there i: eede He pe at ioiated in the presence of a large spending a few days with their sister joes are formed along natural lines, to growing door and the oven number of relatives and friends Jin ee eee ee Strat, |MES: James MeConaghy. feet, but a good appearance has not been sacrificed. were present to show their respect for Tr. ani men, C A little girl amived se the home of jutton, Las Bluchers. thermometer on the the young life and also to extend | ford, spent the week-end at the home |r, and Mrs. B. Walker, Brussels haat oe tigh cutee - Pandora Range Ra LN ee ie EON parents, of the latter’s brother, Mr. Edward Ce Naiaie an é nnolly. . DS to, “make baking an ex- Mroeid Mex Ban Sudind add My [. Mss Aunte Quetin ty apendind a liars tomatoe a eee BOYS’ SHOES ae Sbachitel ahd Mea Hedey: Stuire Tal ba Gon: | Week with relatives iu Kitshener | CeMane: , 'y con- don, of ven Grove, spent Sunday ae toy ates SE ci NS _ i wil . Schmidt. commenced his nay as teacher 0: trolled operation. Me it MEN ate ee | our welionbion: Tues KINGWOOD $2.25, $2.75, $3.00 to $4.50 You.can see pre- daugiter, Myrtle, 0 a ‘Stratford, spent oat and Mss Win Bort, of Mil Wm. R. Yost ahd son, Will, : f cisely how the oven is working—how £ Dechiel. one: Of Me, elt ore patent : ; — ast or slow, Knechtel. wee parcnte: ihe and ers Burnes (and: daupstee chds ane Katies spent ’ 8 : Rae a Re Miss Mae: Doherty spent the week-|the week-end with friends at Baden GIRLS SHOES ’ lncirows end with relatives at Linwood. ‘ Mis, D, Dewar aid daughters, 1% : : rand Mrs. Tight. visited|and Mary, motored to Stratford on 0 FOR SALE BY A. € CLEMENS friends in Hamilton for a few days | Monday. $1.75, $2. 0, $2.25 to $4.00 i selit Donley Scott and Pte. Melvin |Iast week. call ‘and Mrs, Wilson Omand and : ue scott ans iss lams and Miss Linn Loo ABBE ee ee ami oA 0! ellesley, spent un eat > : n of Gowanstown, spent Sunday at Mr. BRUNNER with the former’s parents, Mr. Our School Shoes will prove their goodness— ‘ MCC] ‘S Wm, Reid’s, 8th line. >. [Mise Alex. Hammond. for th the “BesCBy Test” ary: Mr“aud: Mra. dotin- Gelincidés aii |_2 Maeamn, CrsErb, J. Albrecht audit siesand- Mire ao siee errand daueh or they are the “Best By Tes! family, of New Hamburg, spent Sun-| Hd. Doerr attended the Toronto ex-|ter, Miss Adeline, and Mrs. A. Stew- ‘ y with Mr, H.W. Schneider. hibition last week. art’ visited with Baden friends last THE Wusee: Mabel avd. ane, Glodglaas|-> Mimsgnactie tency’ of Mliverteuaiwaake of Palmerston, spent the week-end at| spent the week-end at her home here, ee ye. A. McDonald, of Tay) 5 ; Migs Reid's a oe Miss ie of London, is visiting | stock, “ced i Mr. and ‘ e e are nm 8 report that Mr. | relatives ewal unday. | apd nll ace ME GAAS bo iat ment ve [Hees Ce Names vine MMOL TICE oe Store Ra Ran Range : after hie. a i Oy icing George Schweitzer, Newton. and MeKege and the Misses, Mane re ‘all sj ent junday at rT. ant rs. M. L. ‘itney, Mr, | an: aniels, 0: an alt, 66 ees, ah i, Metis 2 = ; and Miss, T. J, Whitney attended the | spent Sunday arith Mar amd Mra. os: The Home of Good Shoes'’ London ‘oront otitregl Winni ing is the order of the da; memoria services at on Sun- | Hammon St.John,N.B. Hamilton Calgary ean oe in our vicinity. ma for their nephew, Pte, Klein, Mrs. George Schmidt and little son| ff MILVERTON, - - ONTARIO a x. Thomas Reid visited Lite Mill- . James Maddess spent | visit linda fay. lays last w x e bank ‘friends last week, et a ina with Mr, and Mrs, W, Yost. |home of her father in Wellesley, |