} BRITISH ADVANCE IN. NEW DRIVE : _ CAPTURING TOWN OF ALBERT Germans Are Retreating Ran eae Section to South of ‘Avra Hard Pressed by Victorious Armies of Field Marshall Haig. = “A despatch from the British Army, heavy fighting eotinue: in France says:—There was. fierce} On the northern half cabethar baste: fighting on Thursday along a large} front the British stormed the enem, section of the British front, to elt legals and captured ‘them, inflict- south of Aras, virtually: th rough/to Canadas PORK ff Op porte BRITISH IMPORTS. ss GERMANS RETREAT RAPIDLY BEFORE _ THIRD AND TENTH FRENCH ARMIES Geer Mangin an Gonaal tuuaibed Humbert Cortes Thousands of Prisoneks eee Great Quantities of Trophies. ae despatch from the French Army _|in France says:—The retreat of the Germans before both the Third and Tenth French armies’ Se on :Thursday, with increased 5} over General Humbert’s troops also are 4 = surrounded on Wednesday, they have the River Somme. then pushed eastw: vi Again the British have been ee pits They occupied’ Hamelincoust MS a large part of the battlefront, aa in conquest of the group of: hills The battle north of . a ae to the the em- 4 wn SNS some cases in fr known as the Thiescourt Massif. The raged all day long, while ten “he ou Panlegit MCE eee reaching out NG Genesee s men are approach-|enemy now have but a precarious sand yards south another nenlanly ‘at other-points, at the same 1261. 082,032 Lés \¥ tng the Couey forest and are nearly on {hold onthe f Divette British fore@, which crossed the Ancre Feimes bea ing down desperate attacks oS ie cea Go the line held in April along the River | River, in which the French cavalry is opened an at-| launched by the ae in-an effort to ones Ailette. They have also widened their | now. operatin; t is a town in the eeu me, 18 miles north-east o It is situated ont the Bnet River “and is 4 alee fore the war round between “Bray-su: Albert and had Allin captured a) Amiens. thousand putanere jermans are retreating from, | Se an of e scene of some ing them and where they are threat-| desperate fighting and in the recent ened with being left in a pocket. The British drive the town was surround- wwn of Albert has fallen into the | ed on three sides by the armies of hands of the ty who are press-, Field Marshall Haig, the village f ing the enemy hard. | Aveluy ay on the north and Meaulte -n Diook tha avreeatian. railway em-| the south having been reached b; bankment and on both sides of it them. Markets of the World's, pasen we Wh Cant we MAKE it BIGGER?” hold on the Oise to aneree midway between Noyon and Chau meio aivances pete ee Foads leading ito Chauny adds another ce to their line of retirement, and the thousand prisoners have quantities that it has been impossible’ thus far to couny them ‘also have been cap‘ acceleration of the | tur Bourgignon, St. Paul- aux-Bois and Quincy fell into the hands of the French on Thursday, giving | them command of the valley of the | Ailette from the region of Coucy-le-| Ohateau to the Oise. jeont B canoisl Mangin’s troops advanced seven miles during the night and this morning were rushing the enemy's ~ so energetically that the __ columns “were thrown into captured Thiescourt, which completes | pec sige | HELPING THE WAR BLIND Surprisingly Numerous | Are the Oceu- pations That’ Can Be Entered Recent. scene $s taught that | hee itlefeld Iiter- ally have to ieee i live their lives 8 tanght:- typetintdimp = wk as Be eee don but to enable them writing of a blind man rapidly d dete- rioratesas, of course, might x= It is important to give the biinded soldier as many points of contact with his fellow being as possible. a for ent was originally ins vented to enable persons blind from infancy to write—an art-which would otherWise be impossible for them to acquire. The most important’ problem. is. to enable the blinded soldier li serious ee but it m: come. tof the metf'thas atticted are ‘aie ‘cobbling They do very well at it. In six or seven months. blinded man canylearn to sole and heel pair of shoes, bs et as anvhbiy. Other seful a. CANADIANS SUFFER |HOW CHASSEURS — 10,482 CASUALTIES TOOK LASSIGNY : 130 Officers and 1,474 Men Have Been Killed in Action. and Drove Out the Enemy.- 3 5 od cone, $850 Breadstuffs. Ee mers, or a 6 $6.00; butcher balls, FIGURES ARE FOR 19/6 Toronto, Aug. 27-—Manitoba Wheat $8.00 to 39°, according to quality; os —In store, Fort William, nominal ins) eanners, «0. We ed eal. oom ghia gl ates age-fed, 8 THE DRUM AND THE BOY cluding 2%c tax); $2.23%4; $12.00 a si6, 00; oe “No, 20m $2.20%4;| to $8.50; sheep, $12.0 Ye; No. 28: fo. 8 northern, $2 4) 18:00 t0 $19.00: select hogs, off cars, wheat, $2.1 10%. i $19 to $20.60: 3 SOWS, $17.50 to Pure of pric on ‘on Character of ‘An| viantanitoba, Onts—In store, Fort wae [eis 8; j roughs and heavies Hae to Outeast Child gt . That wonderful worker among the} eels tae SIE ee ie er No. feed 8%e} 3! A TYPICAL GERMAN gateast children of Eiteland, the late °| American Corn—No. 8 yellow, kiln eS ee ae SES Or | dried, nominal. | An Officer—But Ne Gentleman, teresting letter, in reply to the ques-) Ontario Wheat—No, 2, $2.22, basis| . Was "This Preis Hons. of thevemitor of -s\rousical journ-) al concerning the use of music in the as oe the Be SEO Fe care Women Muni daske sf oteek White, 1c to 79¢; Pe ete es rre| [Ridge Lr glig atin tak pater cee ad re tea Race Mowtost” |de caer ihes te luetdene chat gugeeats the] ©. Bae NelaDedd eae BE SEG, es autocratic domination that Children of poverty, mis | bread is to their starved bodies. | yd sort of rea New crop, malting, $1.08 the military caste of Germany seek | what i Ontario Flour—Winter, in new bag$,'to impose upon the world, About | As*to its effect on character, prompt shipment, was quality, $10 5s, tee Wenired ara fifty Sues Fe One ed this stor Borneo: eohae shipment. bee he says—typical infantry-| One of the very roughest lads I ever, Bitch Nor ho at ben trnagh the anu She sae eal aes Play eat— ing Haye vTrack, ‘orate: No. 1, $18 a Seni pe hance I went was that ho could fight—and often, ere, mune S16 Bt ite 2 Be 0 160K then, ae |“lick”—his master, provided a rad- ts, $8 Maw example of the power of music. , Dr.Bar- ae ne “delivered, Mont-| It was mess time; they had jus' included: Bran, | cea ott Be bully beef oe bite nf we We found vane he es sais ear; ante F 40. - t they came to one | put a ay a side, — War — quality, ofers, et: like rcctat| drum. eke iat mone his evil’ $10.95, Toronto. sia incarnate, He took his share Spirit was exorcised, as indeed, in the —_— Bs fonty Produce-—Wholesale lor ke eevores Durem te 48 to 49c; ‘tions the Canad A despatch from Ottaw: —| A despatch from the see Army Hon, Martin Burrell, Acting wrinister on the Oise, says:-—The fall of Saad of Militia, in a recent statement to signy at noon on Wednesday followed (GERMANS DO NOT he Canadian Press, eat: to the five days of incessant fighting in the EXPECT 0 WIN neces ceo often a. liretiches of the . olds positions: which wince thes first. of AUEWIE” said wore abandoned bythe in the Minister, “the Canadians Grenades, mine-throw- marked their entry into the fifth year) ' Prisoners Captured by Cana-| make? their “Sy achtovements wile ise Poe meme, dians, Though of Splendid as confirmed the reputation of the! band tohand fighting took place fre- nadian corps as the oe formid-| q able fighting force as its size on the ; Western _battlefro: Physique, -Lack Morale. A despatch from the The Germans made a stout stand in Consaien recent Devitte wood, which bristled with ma- rmy in the Field, says:—It is x, advance made by our men has been| chive TES eng er to make a brief record of the remark-) important in its results and, ea pregnable position. A battalion of able work being done by the Intelli-!in execution. In the past three| Men fern ‘Clipart = nares. gence Branch of the Canadian foree.| weeks they have’ captured 10,000 pe) Unremitting and unflagging, this) oners, 150 guns, and ose great military detective force does its' machine guns. uring this work silently and without any sort of brief period they have suffered 10, 482 | public recognition; but ee exer | casualties in killed, wounded an dians hav stormed the woo aiait took it yester- of f day morning, thereby sealing the fate of Las: While the officer commanding the| #0 | Chasseurs, at the head of his men nite missing, 130 officers and 1474 men and hcheaeiaate his hand; led: aleat sprentage that ante of fuming in| [ering been kill Killed in iiehetlen ees cite ne jae ark, it can walk straight in : light of day. fs of Lassigny and pla French flag there, an infantry re} Since Au; 8, the exact number 4, 002 RECRUITS ° : ae of enemy sagt identified by the | Rove, Me Sc teneas from Peed i height to the north, allied armies on the Amiens-Montdid-| ier front approaches forty with the| AUGUST 1 10 15; Thos Lassigny not only hed fallen, aS les Gallantly Stormed Devitte-Wood |” i French was ly avail- aule for sue blind are tach peas rug and carpet weaving, chairmaking, brash and joinery: not tai to all-around joiners, but to ee small furniture, corner Kea teatrays, ornamental ta- ind the like celerai ted by © Jin’ the military schools as introctors and it is’ easy to imagine how stimulating ‘it must be to.a newly winded man to find his first fumbling. efforts directed by a teacher 0 himself was blinded on the tattleiela a few months pre- viotisly. » “ Lint Poultty + “fatmi has proved surprisingly sueceseful for the blind! Bigtitles’, oer ae are tical taught asin ‘on. prac! “| up-to-date For those blinded, “$8 eign El oe of the highest intelli; educated, ferred. One of ( ef ives. second is telephone operating. The third iis. shorthand and typewritin, This last might seem to be for. the blind an impossible kind of work.But s—No, 1 ell, Addition of “milked” ebattalions from = eslested, pew Jaid, 60 to Sie; cartons, | Setting, he threw it into the L. ites finaks toplby We dram swell, another division. [ot ta: Doneeisien iy parable to that of an ordinarily clever hing better!” he|and then to learn the cornet, ‘That secure by the encircling of a 5 7 52 t | “Give sorrenhing hed ey ese divisions some sain KE Ities W re 15 435, 45 Pi stenographer. Blinde ers: ac- eters Creamery, solids, 45¢; do.,| said iseolently. As a result, he had | involved a self-restraint on his part “20E ae arawen eke Getter Pe UAIIER NV cke os re fae positton ‘from which, the Ger) ci etthe tart wit deel remarkabl fresh made, 46 to 47c; choice dairy, or Katee Mater: 1 sag (to. whid Pi ae hitherto pees ween arth arnate with Cent. of Them Will be Fit mone might have delivered counter- rafldity, -soon.stenintng’s upesdy a prints, 41 ‘to 420; ordinary | dairy Ree wae Meee begin-|stranger, and of course a radical ‘ ‘Apaiit dit GeMonths: | attacks. 0 prints, 38 to bakers’, 36 to 38¢.'ning to get the better of him. An-'change of conduct: He became. whee ae Canadian corse Le 3 ovonthe Al In the fighting at close quarters,| ore than 100 words a niitiute, isomarzarine heat grade), 92 to 24c. ia iven to his steady, orderly, painstaking. Event-| Pofated, alone has captured prisoners) A despatch from Ottawa says:—A"and while the Germans were pressing eT other ration’ was given to si from twenty-six divisions : j ‘ Pee aN te AaNeS, 3% to 2ACi| mdn, and he was getting nothing.| wally, he was apprenticed in our io thee ar ae doubt thatthe jin to the Canadian Expedition-' hard at one point in superior num-|NEW USE FOR'THE TELEGRAPH ie 25% to 26c; twins, 26 0,28 he. What did he do? iomes to the ee trade, aug fe a Bite sa are Force of 1,116 reeruits is shown in bers, a French ae oh fell while jeans—Canadian, prime, He went to a private and held out} he. blossomed out es. int arial tho old. wits ures DAVEEe: Gata a ocr eee ee re amen hiner: men were| How’ the Turks ‘Regarded ‘This Wes- 0 $7. Foreign eee hele his hat very admirable cotiet player and all Darts 5 ¥; between August 1 and 15, given out! determined not to sae the body jof Z Res idl te waaaader round musician. pene hAele ret snlenkel bores iabon ait by therm tthe eh BEE Coy, the Hentenant to fall into the hands ney » Ghote, 16 0z., $5 to The i died Ohedientth d on! eaving the institutions he car his morals as compared with that of number of recruits secured in Canada, | i had exhausted| When Western civilization first be- er dozen; 12 oz, $8.50 to $41, | Sie ee ee ae is altered character Prisoners captured earlier in the year. the United States and ighand WStl all they aie Gad eae gun, am-| an to make ‘its way into the Otton- er dozen; seconds dark, comb, nf te cheer meet {| The belief seems prevalent both! 4,002, while the total wastage report-|svunitiong ued on i 2.50 to $2.75. Bulk, 25 to 26e pi "The officer pet fe: eevoier man. peoeP <3 < among his officers and men that Ger-| eq was 2,88 aoee hat | : i i is d was 2,887. It is estimated that! wit hing él fight with Give me that! ww the leader of a band in one of the many cannot ‘win the war. a5 Ber ont SEL Tha enaueteiGe All” With nothing else f ft ight wi x soitan's, Syme atmperia, oe , i get, what he demands, jand put | Midland counties, and, I learn, the! " Since. the French offensive of the! within’ a period of cix month be atl Sie) eeated He beast ne Sec ee ea Z “lit into his pocket for future emer- Be a eee See Roun FP | pens Sane hid) pa ismariintfown “inktruments Beddes ‘that hécan Rear eee a Ae eave He nae ee [-Germens sunt the body oh iane Sieh Hes cabalisak Fad ite bead strate fe a received his rations also; then,| Score music renee Single instru-! numbers have given a very good ae ments in Canade nersbered Bltdy in| tenant could be recovered, ven neh ob eb Tice ater i heel, he went away to| ment in his band. A little while ago in! Most of the fighting around Las-|buted the triumphs. ot vagina inyen: Provi ions = Whol ‘urning on his heel, he w away count of themselves on the Bee fa United States 849, and in England Fae aft th .d| tion to magic or diabali Bavrelled Meats piel + ae $4: fill up on otHer men’s food. Theardsiiat thatband-hed been yoked fcid>and that thus the U-boat The wastage! aut menue ek aes eee Sree ier an ee Wie Clie Mane Pe _— ea RE re set renches strij ioe ¥ mess pork, ae ae aes af oe soe chur paign has failed. Neveltislers, ah - ‘ivetdeie eaaayitite Gb-Ale anastee! rede a nites thneiag’ Fes, ee William; the fihst: Telegraph :was: es- nore Hieats ont of pickle, 1¢ less) TAKE OVER R QUEBEC ‘BRIDGE 6 iE as et physique of prisoners in extraordinof 1436, Lert Gaeta eal RA Ra CUee needs fo an: smo) mice precel nd _choirmaster, and grily It is their moral resis-| : Smoked Mi 32 to 98 rganist too. He lately came up to tance that is PE eee Po Sas ere rp ‘stent BORE: tie Tie who whe ,_mediur eavy, 80) A “despatch from Ottawa says:—|see me, found him a fine, we ‘ To France f to 81c; oer hai p Sass bi es Paunes tests made Sie Quebec! grown fellow, married, with two * | ’ ; |Tf I should know the joy quite unable to understand its. work- plain, 44 to eshte tein is aaa 8 | Bridge esday, are. reganied|children—and with musie written all counts Senta has sak tab tap © daughter of the morning! on. th¥) "That ties before, oe hide Coe ee ten Cottage: rolls” B5to. Ske. & by the Railway eDapariuent as very) over TOSS i be’ We T could open now iS 3 ae ls fisata <5 cleaws: in| Satiafact brid, il bel. “Ah, sir he said, in the course of given to: sixty volunteers who hela Immnortel be ‘the lies thou Hest wont | Rthe tbians'e doo, he pence Principlos that: tay be- y, clea: Eternal be thy station in ¢ | hind te but ther-it: wi yd tons, 80c; in cases, 30%c; clear bellies,| formally taken over by abe Govern-|our interview, “I gave you a lot advanced posts along the line east of Eternal ie B a in the sun, | And count ee ee waiting there | bind i hetherit was Bone 28 to 28%; fat backs, 25 ‘ty to aie,| Ment, with in a few day lof trouble when I was Sone “But aoe until the Germans were upon aoe tee fst on a splendor such for ba nd hing fo Many. een oe ard—Pure, 0 Bie; ri 5 ! dull, hard, hoy 1 ‘0 solv wasia tubs, 30% to $1'6c5 pails, 31 to $1546: as ae sx month operating \". ee ee eet ~~ | Avstrength is thine beyond” the ox dom ll hove ‘would bel. = [decided to have a full debate by’ the ints, 3 on <== f prints, 32 to 8234. Sh tant, Hareess| Tang: aver the br ridge, "Wednesday's Consumption Production uldms of tha, provinse/of Syahnaibee § to 26%4c; tubs, 26 26% ¢; | fonsum land ‘past Sdeniinicts ab thestene aad which at that time a very wise old Pails,-20% to 27¢; ib, 5 ene test_was regarded, how the; one jE mould know has tong mis ‘pata The ® meeting to Pere i entch ue biases. Sil cee 0 uld blind my. eyes, Tho’ now tho stand, as battle id fend Gace ‘ held, ‘ and fiere fhe contention. Montreal Markets pet ae ee | : unders stun, (i cola ba ta ie Half of the uleme deca that: the Montreal, Aug. 27.—Oats-—Cana-| ITALIANS HARVESTED GRAIN | Heroic,on the fields that cannon plow. Tosnrtows dawn may’ ‘usher in for | telégtaph was a good thing, because dian Western, No. 2, $1.02 to $1.03: UNDER FIRE OF THE ENEMY! Quebec 0 Triumph be thine, O beautiful and) it quickened-communication; the other extra No, 1 feed $e to $100. Fiour ies | Peer nrc nun erae nc) an atoacy Waalatiavettnt tiene hal Wnelavted’ that {treo nobel ew standard grade, e035 £2} A despatch from Washington says: ‘Whodeseailee tune wich Weiiony aa) i bectuse it was an invention of $11.05. “Rolled _oats—Bags, Gait ahh Wy aieuieay haved me Of its felicit. hie 9 —lItalian soldiers and civilians have Nova $520 to $5.80. Bran, $85.00. Bhors, eceeded in harvesting the grain on Scotia Tease si Of the fiche davies Uieak aie note yet Pigiow: Nhe ueemed-te-be no my ohh No. ‘on, car lots, $15.00 to|the right bank of the Piave River,! “ fe futuvey vancn 0s y riving’at’a conclusion, when some ‘of $15.50 under ve of tbe enems, sceording to But 0 2 nth helm the star of Truth is! 1, ily tours: irks" perceived that' their chief, official reports. from Rome, The bert, AAAS : ith: joy: T-hail the old mullah, had not yet express- cies Lives Stock, jfarkets entire district was sen while the And “Tea, shall conquer, tho’ thy ee Lite sends down the path|¢d an opinion. Both pi cae there- ‘oronto, harvesters worked, by enemy's) cities flame, fore, eagerly pressed him for his view heavy sea. ai ice artillery fire oo sana“ break, tho’ now the Bédhtuet . know Sobwell] |] 9n_ the subject and as pet ty 5 ge es | bia ight is strong! Both smiles and tears shall’ be his ion, The old mullah replied: ‘si 00 do, | 20,000 AUSTRIANS, | Fem e ae e ane oan za RESELL The best; the very best; ‘if sweet, “My children, the telegraph 0 ats 2.500 BRITISH Lost). Ss 5 ee fitter or if taxtslons, groyey=<t ing.” ; $10.00 ti 0 Whenever I look in her kind eyes The portion I must quaff, “What?” said the conservatives in- trai 3 A. despatch an London Man, ( I think of the wide still sky, « | Serene T-onward move 'dignantly. “Do you mean that itis bulls! $7.50 t0 $8 60s ee ee wee catty Hes CoM. TAP Sustained by trust no: doubt eat mar OTOL sea eeplied, te a vedi ; Jane 15 sand August 4 That all will uvivoless piien yes,” repli old man, $10.35 te $10, in Italy between a j AoA dea sina P Prove, 50; i 15 were 20,006, advices; nd the clouds are sailing by, viet gAssurediy {tis work of his; but why Pda, TERS ith tel | wnenever her cae-wrn face 1 soy, | PUBCHSELESCESGRUL, « »-=| ards anglleeinerdaning 0. it | the same period totalled 2 | CRE, @ Lobe easter a , ATTA B VOSGES an ry iy wen Betas: the the e y evil. is Pocdap’ ing-up and down eae Sy cre ina 0d aie iS Domestic Coal (1 e., Canadian) saat of the tears she has shed: for Re dewncteh tea ERS mgton says: ie vires x h message sent,he eg lo. com.| 199,000 PRISOD onsumed ricaale Cedille test f-Czecho-Hlovak-troope van -ememnat sre ner teesrrcme Le rope Me MIDEp eb aay Pe ae eae 1B JULY 18) Sate mario coat Sie eee Silently, without sign. ave participated in a successful at-| tals on earth below?” to Sis. 00; yearlings $15.0 to-$16,00; ot : Coal Produced in Canada Wheneved site cholis’ tue {hes breast | jack against German positions in the} All the~ olen Perec the spring lambs, 20% to ae: i A despatch from Paris says:—The a i To still the achin | “Ged according to, a, di ne welsdom of aheiro fraod to choice, $18.50 to Allied armies, Mave talon mere than} Caiatale nal st soles Tats about the Pye Babes or and oe ac NIG year : rt t eived on Thursday at the héadquar: rs fed and watered i 1 $1 9. 50 ats Weighed) 100,000 irisonérs since Jn says consumptio: in Canada put into concrete How the siege Testy’ tors here of, the; (zecho-Shovak Na- ‘Those Wh i off cars, § | Marcel atin Hertha Heke ke Bent question of distr ne be solved? And—I am a child agai | Ronad ~Counet? ee aves 5 ose) Who Know (US Best : ; ~ The world may publigh all our faults, TWICE Te ‘And magnify the DISH WASHING 1k Is f A CINCH ~ \ Don’r Ne FoR | vp, rm _| IGETTING AHEAD } OF You - WANs | THE *~RovBLE Yom % May, Eisat o'er, ral our hip ‘And’ vilify our. name; While any virtue we may hay Will prove a stranger guest, pExcept ito. those: few: golden hearts, Who seem to know ui How sad is all the worldly strife, | cWhen cfame, and. honorrclash; When purest el are made gar eety ent. 4 at, a mintedts Iie a es be 3 0 seem, to know us best. When dll the ups and fone of life * Are histories of the And we are called. before the Bar ven’s Test, A fet vot those time- longed lend Who seem to know w 7 res Se des ak cm “th heii Nis Daddy 2 Sa Pa AE eat A Ta i