WOULD MOUNT GUNS -H.-M. Connolly & Co. STOCKS AND BONDS (Members of Montreal Stock Bxchange) 105 Transportation Building, Montreal, Main 1845 x THAT IS ONE OF COUNTLESS “FREAK IDEAS.” British Ministry of Munitions Re- ceives Many Such Novel Plans For Winning War. PARTIAL PAYMENT PLAN | No order too small It provides & te of Saving, encourages thrift, and thereby ‘wealth and independence. i of # All are "carefully sonal 1, but through thie Plan! Some are useful ‘ine- ¥ ly. im aus ble. In| we and youths ae ie way in callus and instantly the /y1), se! ‘wrote: “Lord Julian was bo not allow your money t remain Sle tna son bee ice ablated Gal which thay have dedanten tae core ess ~ disappears. é Information on any Stock or Bonde gladly furnished. - Sitetey of eamiptlon oF essential ou and in- Siiortig.. wou Will. fad:| such art omewinle ot bikye tigarted’ : Munitions sehen it is ae that the | creased production. the corn or callus so grace; SERS CLE rei falls swing suggestions Net erat from Canada of beef loose that you can ft it l7¢ honored Englad and a fighting cae ah phe hostile aircraft have have been increased ws nearly 75,- off, root and all, with Face,” oe receiv 000,000 Ibs. per a: an increa: ue a Soper Ti Stee manly sternness to the wearer. .How| ‘The sae are to, be os arti-|of 6,796 per cent. over’ the average e of pi “ ees THOSE TIN HATS eae ees on the other hand, 48} fejally and guns moun‘ net exports for 1910-1914. eness or ir i Sage peace oe ae ae the helmet of the Boche! Cumbrous, heavy guns are to be suapened f fr om| & exports of pork have been in- not even the slightest (ila a8 aac nate eee peas Se TOMMY ATKIN Jungainly and frredeemably ugly,’ it EEE balloons; the moon is to be creased by 125,000,000 Ibs. per an- marting, (ether. when |#i#e, plese? Young Wite=Miiny REMEDY, CON [ives of the lack of taste Daag covered with a big black Retlnas air- Geen , an Increase of 571 per cent over eS wee oe Or Giese 7: | | ne ierersat the Hun undertakes, | pianes are to be arm ors |a five year pre-war ae afterw: é its eminently utilitarian auale ov scythes, like Eoesicews ene fore the war, Canada was im- This ¢ ne doesn’t eat OUR MEN JOKE ABOUT THE! ies ahe solid steel, the protecting | to trail bombs~behind them a iene [porting butter at the ory ot 7,000,000 : com call sacl MONEY ORD! STEEL HELMET. = at the back—are symptomatic) cord; heat rays are to te edsced for |Ibs. annually. This country is now shrivels them so/ Remit zy pominied Express Money. ie lot ie practical mind of its inventor. Peta rine of setting Zeppelins affire; | producing enough butter to meet do- | they loosen ae hie right out. It is |Order. If lost or stolen you get you DON’T cuT ouT br ses | A Friend Indeed! Assi waves to paralyze the mag- | mestic requirements and, in addition, | 2° humbug! It works like a charm. |mobey ck. A Shoe Boil . hon ainceshaa mono be, 08. of the most popular sug-|is exporti the net oe ‘or a few cents you can get rid of Soca . hoe Capped But it Is Now Recognized As One of ee he aaah ea bop DOK, bore a ee eeu ik tetutiaeh a ea Pee 4,000,000 Ibs. per annui every hard corn, soft corn or corn be-| Winter rn 4 seni whet Hock or, Bursitis 7 | eigenen .|tween the toes, as 8 ected tee are ae the Soldier's Best Friends. the British soldier. Imdeed, it is put /light to an anti-aircraft gun, get =the ae is estimated iat Canada export ee ieee - inal ate ee Fue that: for waten Tight on the object, and shoot along One of the most curious hea. okt to many uses alien to eam; but, unfortunately, the path ‘ON FROZEN CLOUDS =i The inventions department of the | Cans us to argument or explana- ly impervior . “Pain? NOT A BITI LIFT YOUR Col OR CALLUSES OFF one which: woul d ho wound up the correspondence vith ‘thanks and the admission that he ‘as “completely cured” of his idea. No humbug! Apply few drops / then just lift al away with fini This new drug is e" an ether com- pound “discovered by Cincinnati vis aes —-+ WHAT ae HAS DONE a It freezone, and can be obtained in tiny ae tles as here shown at ee little cost from any oe To Help Feed the Armies and Civil- ians of Our Allies Baron Rhondda’s last message to i Popinion i iti i i store. Just Ministry of ae receives almost |Day is a fitting occasi ress, ” ji BO. day idea: jovel |on-behalf of all those Saar for tor Tah ppl Subsoribe, for Cron oe kind. An | food administration in the United dro: two directly upon a tender corn or England Obtige. X ‘When he was just a tiny little lad, He'd spend hours in the payee gallery a ELL ba ae) eididee oe $1. nce tera ‘eon Pubtioning ie Co:. Ltd, Pecans el id ge! piaboty = his grim” Peter In annie, Oe Lord Percival, saat Phe won at mene he young Sir ‘ilou: > ‘Willoug! Painted as ensign—he was lost at ! ROSCALEAREOUE, : : ‘ ‘ ANGER, TUMORS, LUMPS, BTC, os i Internal and ex! Da And sy wp se who a in High- out ee ur nome ee Ae ; a ; imited, Colllagwood Ont ie ori tm big I'll go fishing too,” he'd ane 1 ie his wish fulfilled, he lies at In Picardy, the V.' on his breast. is stupendous war is was primarily designed. Many athe . bites or inflam your druggist a pei cada Ssh ly a eee esa cee. ee a ‘ & ay Tight, Most claborste faa: lit ot been for the effort for conser: |h0su't any freesone yet, tell him ta Hone Weta ORe TOR Ree ade (shave in, afterwards employing it to |COY” schemes are sometimes worked |vation and organization of this coun- | Bt Tice ee iiueiy: toarpeavanter oe ftaee- tian (bom tha water for hia fed."I have aden’| cut-tor 4 confusion of the enemy._|try’s, resources. Seas OS oR EE A CS ET ea Coe rea an Ae ence cee east SRT of elephants and the war chariots it. Once, at some horse-lines, I saw a | sane an eek o ip sole $4 jqounening o Bets extraction x a 3 AN AMAZING ADVENTURE.” an svived in the Tonk |man squatting on hs auncher and jcomp te, Sa fe polisied |ling, a saving of 20,000 barrels of flour the steel cap of the m teer: the | washing.his socks in his helmet. Mare ines of a railway showing at n’ ., per month is being eff aes fart es Two British | Airmen Soa hand-grenade, whose suntversa vogue ithan once a steel helmet eine aioe soldier servant from the batt Ids hee as served me ax was: TELM ales. te camoifinge thin by GcibBing online trenches: jblacking as: it went along. ne Botan poldier, happy-golucky | ee proposals were: to recognize the | ast Most of us |°0 strings a ai men’s han | ane 1 cording carrying magnets hung Been in action in France Or ebavais ae or other ver- shell acaey ave stories to tell of our own or other | A ponies Scare op timon'd ivee-aaven by “tin hats,” aa jmia inoculated sales oh fan stagnation when french, Bridsty, and |lide;? or _hathle wowlery. Asbrother 4 ee ee in miles of Oftcer of mine has worn for someting | like two years a steel helmet with a oe atone 3 was to ee dent in it as bi Souvenir of a small an of shell which ‘get. 8c series ‘of cement over sol-| of live-wire cables tage among the| mm of which a eae Letvaaciie infantry” oe means of rock-| turi a clean nick. The interesting idea of introducing this ad-| Wearer of that patnee never knew he ae Aitional protection nst the large | had feet struck until he dofted nis | oy, percentage of head wounds (the ma- (arian ee ice Jority of which were fatal) resultant corndrants to fl ench warfare from bombs and sae the” te cota We Got Them First! ‘tn + sabe” al as | BRAVERY OF BRITISH & SEAMEN. | Contrast Between Their Spirit and TeYs. That of the Germans. An Offensive Lawnmower. fe ae ae ce see Zeobragge is a name which will) One corerspondent sent quite a i , number of original methods of repell- steel helmet, did ni ap be forgotten in British Ble heroic quality of the |in@ attacks, including large caliper-| shaped devices which could be closed| Profiteering has been eatly di- | at Eeen Seas exe ial provided | seat aid upon een eee canyon intruding between the /m iniitied and excentive produesiene | See a eee ane Ee | - legs; a series of nats Hees in front |is being stopped. xample, flour | Be ee Hee ec eee ekal ctr limes Secunda Gee 20/s0ld at $14.50 per harrel in the #PHEGL oy PenchsE Tee Ea ee who took part in it.. The plainness of 48. t0 enmesh the Germans, and *. 15, whereas the farmer had. re-| 1.2" aecapes: fron! dlecos hae the pfficial language moves us m chine of the nature a a lawnmower as | ceived only $6.93 for the wheat used Ectraiiosiatinoititea war ed touts: eloquence. These men risked |!@tge as a tank to make mincemeat | ae fos spe ee they succeeded in getting to the front incredible perils with perfect ease! of them. 2 ok Hiuara ne been Reptidayial dads a Mende Gaettng che uae and elfcontrol. Some of the |. The pes a an article in tne! 811 p et barrel, gueiths fermen chad} ad wicasinte NG olka ne aie ERO eEe Galee™ Tho Journal is to inventors of this reeived $8.82 for the wheat used| Jin in nie Ceiactine Jie we picuous gallantry" of C Ske ee frequently they are Benially.| ther | siderable vegetation still flourished. short, it affords a Le invaluable i] Cation Fee hiouox-of | 2 One a ea had a powder, ee LEMON oe ie! ‘a ee ditional oe ton to the Soldier in| 5), the Victoria Cross—was’ eele.| Composition of which he declined to | Is fare WHITENER | stronticy ey. attracted the pre iiae: brated at the time. “He set a magni- disclose, which on bel ing mixed with | ae 2S apreareutien den The British steel helmet cannot be | foont cxample” ge arene aly “to water turned it into motor spirit. At / How to make a creamy beauty totlon jfted several rounds in their direction, déscribed as a comfortable article of Jall those under his command by. his (least, so. he ait other proposed ate ween |Zuckily, he seemed almost as scared dress. Rather like a small, shallow, |®1y bane oa. tee a ofl |as they were, for they remained unhit, inverted Bat asin to look at, {t feels | “™ extras Nat when navieatng soup. Various sees which juics=6t hire | They spent -the day in the thick | mated wetoce : |_ The juice of two fresh lemons! ¢ ovtn bonesth ¢ hey like one In fact, it takes | oh owe, Cr ee ieee jhave been proposed on account of | strained into a bottle containing three Pee ona ek ee toni ie several We ys continuons wear to set ieibing Eaton directing | their cheapness would no doubt be ounces of orchard white makes a whole | @renecs SHenpEbeE Slept oa nt the feel of a steel helmet so as “ae and encouraging the men | ™° lesssefficient, but the en-; quarter pin the most remarkable baer se ee nee er many balance i on tie: ‘hea easily and with- 1e. most ex0or se id aangerous thusiastic promoters overlook te ee lemon skin beautifier at about the cost | 11 peers adventure: ritito thes Reaioh out effort olutt=- Not Tess the aver it if they once ca to us t pay fora small jar of the | !7° a Steel fetes ve Has covered Weasei Bamford, bea iefided Yon in extent the advantages would tte januies ary cold creams. Care should be, = n& mole and led ai an assault on a battery Pee 88 the price would at once soar ard, a tion. ttract the rifles out a Germany sea be attacked in one | tit makin; a From the Enemy's Territi aving in the halite slave reduced eee ee tary s | Canadian ‘consumption from| Reuter’s rent ska es with | 800,000 to 600,000 marae per ste | tne Amefican in France tele- compared with pre-war consump-/ 8" ae eans a saving at che rate| Two have just ing eee ey ae wale of 2,640,000 barrels | 8¢auainted with conditions This is equivalent'to sav-| Darts They were return- ing o ee 12,000,000 bushels of ing from a bombing expedition when | their machine was disabled by anti-air Gee. efforts in Canada are |¢Taft fire, ato jTate of m through spo ‘An ee ee slivwra-by-seporte to/ite Gansda {Board from municipal officials in nal parts of the Dominion. urse of which they had ela tei | to cross asriver, tpaceattz the Seille, < jtisteny of the Mose ive iver tice times, once ue econ the conditions on the fur- en to-sttain the lemon juice through | a fine cloth so no lemon pulp gets in, | take otis ‘and aiseatents Tsartie will reduce them and leave no 2 Benin Convenience in feeding should be gto, pemoinners Prom v7 ‘Doce n flea pe main object in locating the silo, ter or remove nara ut one should always Day state, fe worked, $2.50abottle delivered, BOxk6 A feo, te direction from which extre: mABSORBINE, JR. for mankind, dhe anineptié cold winds will come. {for Bols, Brees, Sores, Sweillngs, Vatleove Veli ‘Minard’s Liniment Carer Dandraft, the ratlcove Tilt cod lnanmaton, Price $1.; rTpehy ies cat tlivered. Will tell you more {1 W. F.YOUNG) P.D. F., 516 Lyman ia lasatiea bs | yabsorbine and Absorbine, Jf are made 1a Consda. Altre? ough yout de ight lea size $3.25. SE. T. WRIGHT CO, HAMILTON CANAge z. RAMS THE RIGHT MIS A PAINT RIGHT For outside or inside work this is the paint that gives satisfaction. ag free flowing qualities. Ask any Ramsay dealer, or write we for Interesting booklets and suggections. A” RAMSAY & SON COMPANY MAKERS OF PAINTS AND VARNISHES SINCE 1642 “Toront acta For Sale by < ‘with the utmost coolness and val ir,” ke of Lieutenant Dean, whose el Black Beam to ee the Moon. |then this es will “keep fresh for} Isidore, P. Q., Au ava cede bts jand daring” saved many valuable lives.! In the proce ee t some |™ ath ee ae knows par eae Pua er Limited. Haale ere | nteting siete efron Tmo fu, wa fo Sea and ve |, Gentanen hae iru en 8 ly wounded | given, as for ee Bence f abe ‘working’ his gun fran exposed |= Su gestions oe aie frequently re [lowneas, ace ‘ co ideal skin | serbo i fr 03 ¥ en a ways ioe ceiv connection with red | < There was indeed “glory enough tor | segrehlights. Bat aalpeatesitik a od Just try it three ‘ounces of | Sider it the best all-round aa all.” Signalmay Bryant, the only one [parted to a beam, assing it | ard white at any drug store and | exta left on the Iris, endeavored, though| through a ae Screen, without re-|tW0 lemons from the grocer and mal Yours truly, both his legs were fg: to ans-| ducing its intrinsie brilianey. Color |¥P 4 quarter pint of this sweetly frag- DR. JOS. AUG. SIROIS. ' si gear behav: ie Rice area for-|is, in fa b caer oN ee lotio1 oud eee it oe in tone erable pain.” | subtraction fromthe total tight. At |Into the face, neck, arms an gance of line, Ae ah lends an‘ air of | jetty Ontese Youlton averted a satas- = at distances all the brilliancy pos-| trophe by stamping out a fire set by | sible is required for effectiveness, so German's Man-Power. That logged-off and burned-oft areas a bursting shell in a nile ot boxes con-| that colored beams are of no alae Many and varied have been pase ta aden Valley ~ (Bi) taining fused bombs, As character-|for general purposes. Fl rel dtieoriay es eee man-| Should b Paobiell tov e istic a story as any is that of Able 8 lamps for searchlights give atts d | pee Yinelal Government, and thus provide Seaman taal ight, generally slightly yellow, but| Sheory i is ae for twenty’ weirs astur nd prevent bush ‘This Able Seaman formed one of tite scores of Tighe tae large for | before the cihany falsied hor, fers from growing and adding to the the seaman "torming party. His com-| the effic population wallets Shereby /firows) oi aeacnete, wap o eugapstion made by ope ‘lent optical Projection us a} arallel b m, | | in bir resen in their resourcefulness and courage, | shell, the object being to obtain ublig pecaens England may well be proud of her increased range, which has bee Pp be some to be the principle of | « pre ‘am. | reader of the record will fail to” the doug range gun with whicl aie the contrast between the spirit j which controls the British navy and that ean controls the German navy. ve bombarded Paris. Wettine the artidletaa yet The objections to this idea are two-' There's NoWaste, it Saves Fuel and. No doubt the German officers and sea- fold. First, it appears from element- Sugar, and itis” en can de ravely enough, y dynamical considerations that t] ak ays read theirs is not the courage of humanity energy of the relay propellant setae ways y nd chivalry, iyen to undersea | would be shared between th rari, they are warring on the help-| and inner shells in the inverse eae mn men mien in open | of their masses, unless the | Secor a shell in flight does not skied ‘peaiall Er ige tees. ily aiong its “tale, meeting of the Chief uncertain angle it, Constables eee the following | near the highest ang where the in-| resolution was ie POSTUM y scheme which seriously ee sidered promising. | by te Minara’s Liniment for sale everywhere, Many of ine ‘inventors are absolute- AS ¢ ndly, | through that they must obtain-a<sugar certi- ”ficate from the Canada Food Board. ber ist. A sworn ite~ sociation ie every assistance in | tember ist heir power to the Canada Food “the bureting charge of @ shell muat of | Obie tov public eating houses to ard.” j te some Ree cai as advantages, lobtain sugar witho ; Minard’s Liniment Relloves Weuralrig. parallel beom, and a ing dust in the eyes of the world,| MF pengiey: tothe New rls 41, was hit by several shells, he | or one near'y approaching parallelion’ denburg is aes im: Westminster Board of ‘Trade found Able Seaman Lake extinguish- | js essential in order to reach the great | parted official secre n! eae ing a fire under the forebridge wit listances involved. The most remark- eerie lady in 1918, declaring ‘hat | Minard’s Ziniment Cure wie: Eto, sand, under very heavy shrapnel fire. | able proposition of all in connection | Germany’s population fae not “| . Regardless of his own safety, Able | with eee is perhaps that f) | 000,000, but °50 ,000,,0 But this) Dr. ie 2 Saunders of the Seaman Lake assisted his command- a “black whatever that mi hardly see ms likely, ani ae existence Farm, Ot- AV ad ing officer to throw overboard Stokes | mean, for obscuring the moon! aoa 25 000,000 Germans is very) t yi | and Mills bombs, which were quite! Another favorite subject, with ine SERS Ww) hot. He then took the wheel, and act- | yentors is the “relay shel a shell | more pean ed as quartermaster for six hours.” | acting as a small gun dischar, Certifi nee of public eatin shout Aft it it will be bottr legal and a certifies ISSUE No, 36~'18 Milkweed CrGam . Two Sizes—50c and $1 oung: but once, but Be tes always if > touch of Ingram’s Velveola Souveraine Fa renee, tee You are #2 you can you care for roperly. Daily. ‘us Kaas weed rear prevanis lemishes, overcomes pimples £1 line of In noe s toilet compete = your druggist’s n er eruptions. Since Zodenta fot the teeth, 5c. 885 its: distinctive therapeutic fi Pe quali been giving healt! ith ae fag be h } tothe skinandyouthfulcolorto . Oe isis urchase zi e ach a kage of , Scena Tatyana i refined way anish det SANK iNalnees ay nose ‘orehead induced by me ration, is e applya light _