WANTED 300 bags of good potatoes. to Weber & Bettger, Monkton, “he FOR SALE mber of pure-bred Jersey cows and heifers, due to freshen in Decem ber and January. ad to sole from. Apply to ostnureingenra wood Qt. FOR SALE e brood sows due to farrow MILLBANK™ Breer) apie phate on aie eine from e ast, accompanied ee tae daughter, iss live: Freeborn, raduate of the general hospital, Vancouver. Mrs. ‘reeborn enjoyed the trip immense- iy. oko Mrs. Joseph, Coulter, of and Mrs. John ei eth of | toledo, ne, with friends he we Dar Inst ves caesar: to the Canning cee nf NEWTON ince more we ate called upon to Teen the death a another of the sous -pidheers ot pers of Piel took aes i the Sept. 6th, at his residence, Lot 12, Con. 6. De- ceased was born in the parish of Kil muir, Ross-shire, Scotland, ii on which he d|farm and spent tthe ecaratinre years enjoying the eapenionaliy of books epeut a day with friends in St. t—third litter. 1. Clyde Hare Stratford. They intend — shippin: ime whic! im, was a colt. ssing 3 years old. Harron | again on 10th, and any donations | great eamifort Davidson was of t 3, 9; Wellesley Tp., iinwood ide at the Guild room: will be ‘or-|@ kind and cheery disposition, univer- post: office arded. Please be liberal as this is|sally loved and respected by all who a very worthy cause, mew him, ‘That’ strict religious Mr, J. Strong, of |home-trainin 5. characteristic | of Bloomingdale, called on Miss’ O.|the Highlanders of his generation, SEOLEN, Strong and Miss E. McKee one day produced in him those sterling manly il k th last_week. qualities whic! a considerable in- etctans perry i vont of the| Miss Bhima Tanner, of North East-| fluence for good on those with who Grand Central Hotel, Milverton, on) hope, spent the "week-end with her}he came in contact. The funeral ti] . H. Tanner. whic pla 1 ept. 7 eae eee igs pan nate 10, MC ne ee ee stands ies laneein, attended. tectitring he ed the fair at Milverton on Friday. | esteem which he held’ in this locality, ee and Mrs. R. Vogan and baby |Services were conducted at the house FOUND are visiting at Mr. Chas. Pender’s|by Rev. Walter Moffat, after which and with other friends. the remains were interred in Knox is. Walter Moffat entertained the}church cemetery, Millban! ose An auto tire on gravel, road be-) soldiers of this vicinity , their wives |from a distance who were present at sa tar Atwood “fair.” Owner [and sisters one evening last week. | the funeral were relatives and friends Tey have came Hix payinentor adyt. rom here attended the | from Toronto, Hamilton and Win aneral of the late ert Knight on | sor. Bost ‘ovale. “Grant, Jo DEN CD, oie Thuretay last Mr, Bender, of Linwood, has moved Wine Worsens tnetfute inflend sand. |idte We bones tormteriy Gceupled. by ing Christmas bo e boys over:|Mr C. H. Broughton: seas wil ery gratefu Mrs. Gies and daughter, Isabelle, WANTED donations of money. Everyone may Cle: is oF Dairy cows, fresh or due to freshen ember. Must have size and not oes than 3.25, an None other need lop, R. R. No 2, FOR SALE _ PURE-BRED SWINE—If you are % 1 Breeds—Yorkshires, Berkshires, Tam worths and Hampshires.—S. J. Mill Linwood R. R. Ghar ad Appteanae 2 Commencing October ae the mill sea manufacture cider and apple but- to, are. Sistine their sister, Mrs. J, J. McPaddin Mr, Wm. Wray, iting his mother, Mrs. and other fri Geo, Wray, Sr. alled on friends here last wee e are sorry to re a that Mrs. George Coghlin is not improving as fast as we would wish for. milton, of Milverton, ent Saturday at Mr. Geo. Coghlin ter on Tuesday, Wednesda: aye Pahaie day, Friday and Saturday ‘of each ee iss Florence | Wagner spent. the WH, ALAGAL Plopciator,, Rastocks|wock-end at her howe in Newton. nas s Hilda Rosger spent Sunday in ea itt Misses Evelyn Burnett and Pearl Farmers We Sell. |pensiedt ‘penta’ tew days at the | ome of Mita Lae Acmatonce an Tudhope, Anderson Riding and| Quy litle burg js all brightened up Walking Plows, Wagons, Fleury | With the sound of the anvil. “We. all Plows and Grain Grin Peter ie ieee oe Mae Belly el Hamilton Feed Cutters, Suit 1 ster | cheir new home, as a blacksmith was Ttiva to: sure needed and we believe that J hove ight. ground as good as new. wood work and ea Blacksmith- ive us M. WAGLER, Millbank, Ont. Selby present visiting his sister, Mrs. jo gaye Anthony Moser has purchased a Playola player piano from Mr. L. Miss Annie Rosger has left for ionttoee ee she intends taking position for the winter. COMMERCIAL Spring Wheat, per-bus Yall Wheat, |“. Barley wa Flour, War ane blended ee War Flo Shorts Bar ton a rans ¢'* Hay os Hogs liveweig! Butcher Cattle.. Mail Baecct SEALED TENDERS Periite se to twood ‘and Milverton, and at tha office of the Post Office Inspector London. erat Es H. Othe rinepectar Post Office Bee peitav Office, Lon- don, 20th Sept., 1918. 3t SHADOW TEST ‘Weak Muscles Strengthened Headaches Cured, C: Eyes in many cases straightened when glasses are fitted by this ite a number from around here erton fair last Friday. fa ne reported a all, ee i pt And advertise. ARBOGAST—EHGOETZ quiet A was solemnized at the ome 0 of Mr. brit happy couple were stented by Wine bea ite Ehgoetz, sister of the groom, Corp. John Arbogast, of London, trother of the bride. The bridesmai: was ed i bopie in Wartbur; WARTBURG am arrived home Tuesday, afte spending the past week with Felatives in the bk of Markdale. Mrs. Robert Gibson, of Saskatoon, pencatiy days at the home of her nephew, Mr. Hoy Bene of Preston, was a erent yuitor e¢-the home of Mec W. + Kruspe, Mr. and Mrs. T. E. satis ot Strat- ford, visited Mr. an Robert Henry recently. rs. George Hoch, of Seebach’s eas nd ene visitor at the home Ae n Wednesday, after attending the funeral of a relative at E ‘essrs. aoe MHostettler, of Monday in this Weality pean cattle. cr $173.75 FROM HESSON comes from-Hesson where the people have increased their subscription nearly three over what it was t year, In they gave $59.10 while this year a cheque has been re- ceived from Fr. Dantzer for We are here to publish the news. If you know of any event of interest transpiring in your locality you would confer a favor Our personal co! your commant by letting us know. lumns are always a‘ accurately examined without asking questions, SATISFACTION GUARANTEED! P. H. BASTENDORFF aes Seecianet e SLVERTON, - ONTARIO® Cider and Applebutter We will make cider pnd, apple bye: ter on Monday, Tuesday Wednesd and Thursday fs eacl hw A.KOEBEL, - ea Ont. le y, of Toronto, is. vis- on’ ote Bi 2 Mill give the public ideal ser: é ice. Mr. Connolly, of St. Thomas, is at} ¥ Me- ._ Armstrong, local agent, for this]? dist Ee but. pretty. wedding |i Ny Messrs. Ed. Weiss and George oreo ed, Goon e Dungey re! siaened home ja gi 3, e} te eee asa result of last week's saya has Pte. Harold M, Stagg, dated Kindly leav "Miss Isabelle Gies spent a day with Walter Tanner or Miss Grieve before ae pee Broughton, Milvert: Oct, 15th. H, Brotghtons hes moved Mrs. Helen Stewart is visiting with into ther ‘thouse- formerly occupied by friends in Dundas, Guelph and Hamil-| Mr. David Ross and is fitting it up and putting in a rather large suppy irs. Xoung and Miss Mary Aikens,| of furniture for a ““bacheor’s hall.” who for nurses in Toron-| Mrs. Rhoddie Jack spent = tow Wor | Gree Jack Riddell has gone to Tor- with her sister, Mrs. f Wel- sley. ie King and tae He Moir spent Sunday with Mrs. Davidson, a’ rns. Mr. Hugh Jack, of Mitehell, spent a few days with his pare! onc here tobi sio’ He Milverton fair on Friday and report a good day’s sport iiss Shivley Kinkead, of Stratford, spent a few days with her friend, Miss L. Reinwald. Miss. Olive Robb, of Listowel, spent a few days with ie Kirkland. Roy Mille ome on last ieaveae May turday ‘prior to leaving for Tires B.C. . 4 held its first school fair 3 other places and we te te alb be an annual event elow is a list of the prize-winners in’ the differ ent ciieas _Lhildren’s Plot—Table carrots—A. wke, Sam W. Jack. Heinwald, A ‘Davidson, S. Cabbage. Kinkead, E. Turnbull. Pumpkins—W , §. Kinkead aS S. Kinkead, H. Reinwald, A. Hawke. Hawke. | Cucumbers—D. S. Kinkead, Radish—T. Best collection of vegetab- . Schweitzer, E. Jacobs, A. iDeti stool—W. J. McConaghy, cobs, roe SD ea Bird house Sy Wagne: t janent collection —D. David. son, P. Zoe; Best. collection G2: qed: ee E, McConaghy, E. Wagner, P. Zoe; es Best bouquet from home—N. Hoff- der, iss} man, W. Jack, K. McConaghy. ide. hi GLENALLAN th 0. trai troit,. rand Rapids and various other] Mz- Emmanuel Foell spent Sunday points. On_ their. return they wilt] Under the parental roof. welcome their man friends at their a oy Thizabeth and Gertrude and Mr, Roy Hammar spent the Meade with thelr sister,..Mre, Job! ite a number from ed the Milveton fair on Frida: parents are taking in the work of the children. ied—At Glenallan, on /Sunday, Sept. 28nd, Alexander’ Robertson, in his ninetieth y Letters From Overseas In writing to his mother Spr. H. L. iene: doubt there ta ent, brought on b . |the death of Perce Pes and sus Pisa) 01 ays ago and. su, rue Tassure you it was quite a shock Tabet ha that bot woke Heliod. They were like brothers to each other an a two Atwood yeys th had a gall well filled one too. quite a treat; candy and everything vel " e} I also received some else O.K. papers which . {always read with great interest.” it eeee os. E, Hammond, Monkton, ai Aug. 19. Since the letter arrived, ord has been received _ that Pte. Stage has been badly wounded in the back iG plcome letter of July > hangeet ww days ago. I am 111] ene as ae that: sou are all keeping THE NEWEST IN MEN'S FALL AND WINTER UITSand OVERCOATS October Days find men looking to this store for Overcoats; and we are ready for them with choice groups of striking values. At a glance you'll recognize these as no ordinary “put together” garments; they are BUILT—with selected fabrics as the foundation and finished with skillful tailoring and correct styling. When you slip on one of these models you'll unconsciously straighten up and stiffen your shoulders. Made for service, and they reach the high mark in value giving. See them. A Magnificent Showing of Men’s and? Boy’s Fall and Winter Apparel. NEW FALL COATS FOR MEN— aie The many distinct features that appear in the New Fall Coats for young m mmend them to your dis- criminating taste. Slip- On and Belters are strongly re- presented. They come in delightful patterns of grey, brown and heather mitre tl filed with good Agee) and dressy appearance, Priced. ...+-$15,00 to $30.00, MEN’S NEW FALL suITsS— Are here galore in Browns, Navys and Greys, in Norfolk or Belter for the young men, and the stylish two or three button sacks for the more eee dressers. In every instance they are made up to our standard of good clothes, with that indceenibaia at- tribute known as style of good taste. $15.00 to $30.00. MEN’S MADE-TO-MEASURE CLOTHES-- If you belong to the class that gets their suits tail- ored to measure, let us take the “tailor worry” off t wool materials, the strong linings and perfect workmanship that goes into our made-to-measure clothes. Prices from $25.00 up. THE ie IN BOY’S SUITS— he new Pinchback garments, the remodelled NOuRE styles and the plain double breasted garments in the largest range of clothes that we have ever had in our store. Priced . -$3.75 to $12.00. UNDERWEAR MODERATELY PRICED— There is no disputing thefact that this store is a superior underwear store—evyery known reliable brand is represented here. Every color and weight can be had here in any size at the lowest price possible. You will serve your own best interests when you come here. Smart Fall Coats For Women and Girls Individual Models that are a Joy to behold, with their beautiful hand-tailoring, distinc- tive Styles and Exquisite Materials. Your very ideals in Coats will be found in the exclusive models we are showing. The very pictures you have had in your mind’s eye can be realized here for the SaleeHen presents the very newest and smartest garments that the cleverest makers have fashioned for fall, Every coat is a perfect masterpiece, filled with genteel attrac- tiveness—Plush, Heavy Tweeds, Velour, Broad- cloth, Beaver, Zebelin and Serges, are strongly represented in all the wanted colors. $10 to $85 DRESS GOODS AND SILKS— A notable feature of the shingle is the delightful ese of fabrics for Coats, Suits and Skirts for street sport wear. While the dress goods and silks are cRardoreheed by wonderful suppleness that fits them so admirably to the new styles. Every new pattern and shade ‘is represented and may be had at a Moderate Price. We invite your inspection. Food Board License No. 8—9799 ENGELAND @ SON The Store With Ge Stock, MILVERTON shall come back again to visit you and. well these days, sles Sunday School as often as pos- le. s ent, Iam doing nicely at that occasionally I|at Fel the GicRects of the got |si Our friend, Arthur Nichols e having lovely eae out i ee m in “Blighty” suffering from | here ay ope resent, Gues: trench fever. Lloyd Smith, Frank|heard of the doings here Tataly, He Offen, (Scotty) and myself are in the}no doubt the papers will give a good | same company, “Scotty” being in the| descriptive account, so guess I will machine gun section as myself.|not dw: jon the subject. i have never se ert Hammond | now getting late so must quit for this since I came he is | tim this letter snk you ing ae ih Ee Seat of health.—Pte. Harold e ‘ thi : it ens waa 2 ee of meee Weir’s List of Farms For Sale We Have a Full Line of New and Up-to-date 301 Ue © tas gato ehowsotey where: FURNITURE, RUGS, LINOLEUM abouts and having a bieyele at_his CARPET (by the yard), GONGO- LEUM SQUARES and PICTURES $5,500 will buy the north half of see came over to th Concession of Wels Sense lie highly de- lighted to ‘see him as it was almost & year ago since we last met over here. PICTURE FRAMING DONE PROMPTLY ; Baby Carriages, Go-Carts and Express Wagons mn ‘awshet house, a ene silo. ae. ee Millbank and C.P.R. etston. atiful romaine 5 I can dati ion; miles * f the|snap. ‘Owner drafted for war. con, & elas western 97 acres We Sell McLAUGHLIN. AUTOMOBILES--Canada’s Standard Car. ROBERT McMANE Furniture Dealer Milverton appiest in my 1 and am Funeral Director sure we were all colghned by: es and Embalmer messages you bro the the township, either grain or dairy- ing. Apply*to W. D. Weir, Milverton. as wooka rent bysund if 1 aun apayed si} ed