HARLES pieeiint is one of the world’s great teachers. Here is what he has to say in one of his books: “My other, piece ms advice, Copperfield,” said Mr. icawber, “you nnual income £20, annual expenditure £19. 19. Op ceesalt re. Annual income £20, ann mise the of D: The gaving of a part of one’s in- come was always a good policy. Prudent men and women have always maintained a margin o saving. But to-day we must go farther in our efforts to save than ever before. borrow money he will be in a posi- tion to do his full duty. nditure result, expel Thet Lgscais is Blighted, the leaf is withered, y goes down upon the and—and in abort you are forever aoored: As dreary scene, Tam.” There is war-shortening work wait-, ing for every dollar that'can be’ saved. EE Charles Dickens were writing to Canadians to-day he woul probably give us advice to this effect: we blag eee a fe Canadians, ater whak percentage or which m: er mor: more money to lend to the Nation for oe prosecution oH the war to a quick a certain Victor Published under the eee a the Minister of Finance of C -/Ierger tl BF 188,000,000 ihtiels or an in of th 225,000, 000 @ bushels more have arvested la; aoe ferilly wees ted. On the assump- + = .3 of of 25 per cots vat 's increase is r¢ chatee brought forward by jnformed and reliable jou li- cate that the enemy pointes have hi is follows ae of last 72 r, which ai er cent. below normal. Ru- t this year ‘the spectre of famine seems to be ng teamwork with the spectre of military defea EGG LAYING CONTEST IN PRINCE EDWARD AND Prince Edward Island is going to produce more eggs to the square foot than an province in tnilons Atteady opes are ons of the big exports and the Island is feat to make it bigg continue for elev ntest will be “open “to birds from any where in America, but a commodstion is. made for only 2 pens of eight birds or 160 birds in all. The first 20 applications will be the ones accepte Ther e two classes, Class No. 1, Light Breeds and Class No. 2, Heavy Breeds. Full information including rules and regulations, application form, ete, may be secured by applying to (ede lg where the boteet is being held or t« geo papeuaee Poultry Saves Money For The Farmer he of i farm pre products ve reach level. ‘i se & seks r-savin; she vices ase sit do pro ucts on 0 placing : The Ford hg sat Puch ma th an-th @ horse that you Farm, Ottawa. STEADY DECLINE IN DRUNKEN- NESS BECAUSE OF O.T.A. of Toron' ntario Temperanc t has ed the experimental stage and its success has proven lecrease in ar- rests for drunken “with the. exception of Mare monthly ecards ‘e has been a i marked since arrests were 1,130 1,884 in the corresponding months of the year previous er cent, he |satisfaction,” he said. NO OFFICIAL WORD ABOUT HREE. Rep hat, Government in- calling out the third class under the Military Service Act, lack official confirmation. In best in- ‘ormed circles the report is not ered- i It is pointed out that the ad ments available in Class ig cxhausted ae nd that ‘until this. class has -bee! openly combed out, ie is hardly like- that the Government te ie call tween the ages of 35 and NEW SUGARORES REGULATIONS da Food CROPS IN ONTARIO Hon. @eo. S. ee M tit spring wheat ap letter that Ganade’s a estimate is correct i S eithet ale neode: i down with them on and Italy} too, are fi thei: 80) ean be Fapalied from the cane of | more than doubled for a few days in the New York Times, an unusually well fell fin in Dublin a little while before Sal ‘fall ee that of last year, which | c Te 2 y |your theory by mal al 1. anand to local industry. even areester grounds for |. an sto en more thor- | to! mn} Because Sergeant Richard Howitt, now sugar eeuaiiae have been | Del ti ot by which Testeurants 3 Ant limit- | da, will cea a to Sibe re- The Last Straw. Wen wel to PS eee this young, wo-}i YS US see 7 said the aailionairs. wgndant in a breach and the approval of the “but only on one 1917. The ‘i fact iég su ee ae been mabjected to revised regul ns. c es of a sath tes de: Lady graduates are| aR ing: now earning as high as te and even Bes mez oe a ialpeaion on some earning sun merchant caiSeveral dray loads of the, trade Rel. wei nae 7 while to hg vorsslnn ral meee dist eh ne fers Soul Norbia a charged ac: The True Celtic Wit. story of an episode that be- ecompanied by a friend, he was strolling along the quays when the People. His tured to throw doubt u saying that he believed it was only Well, ” retorted Sir Cecil, can a tell you | "this, that if you care to test aking some jesting takes, our Irish gooseberries for ap- THERE IS A FIELD IN FLANDERS | W! RF. in Sainch. admeasurement one po red and ty aeres more or les Veterinary. otter. Metal Se] ate meee ee utler farm. It is sai about otter day and a yest wendy ft ot fyo miles from C.P.R. station at Mil J. W. Barr, V.S. ‘ = ink, on a ye 10 yO Graduate of Ontario Veterinary College, make me happy for weeks.) loam; excellent water supply; ‘Toronto. There is a field in Flanders res of orchard more or lesS}| qreats all diseases of domesticated animals wire and rail fences, The buildings Where yellow ogee stand; tees Fair Prince: ee joyous court the: the gay eigen SSeS. eee in gold here is a wood in Flanders, pr little shimmering wood, Where ae flowers as among the And pute upon you as you pass country maidens should. There is a bank in Flanders a bright pool below. And you who go in English fields O think not that our di a And still a God to ae leave of ieee The 0 eollowss Expert and duly, ‘qualified amery operators are FARMERS’ Peete LIMITED | f: : OV. Laie the : x London between ac saree ites of Oc- x 1 and October NOT “A SCRAP OF PAPER.” a _memb the Dominion Po- or to\tl escaping ‘into Holland from in any “fel ‘ht- it, the sai promise condition.” = 0. claims he was — chitdhoos said gravely: “You grow praia g00d ling pro: ut in Eng- |" A} ay hold | oom LEAVE OF ABSENCE TO CHEESE i. MAKERS w on inder new orders issued through “What is that?” asked the plair- A iy promise that when cro) sweetheart, and pas ve waited for rer ore aa doubled tal a oh ee faithfully al these 7 boshale.te to th the gee Nox America, alone.” e tribution, «as a large 1 I AN ARI But it may not be necessa1 the full excess supply. from tals is Siar) eigenen HGH ea ONTARIO antic. ‘The crops ‘0: “By h catalo; tee European, nation Set, ee ae catalogs So, received |THE HOME OF THE RED DEER - year. 8 | divert “mon AND THE MOO! OPEN SEASONS ported to be 36,000,000 Dushels, | fisted in the caval gue can be secure while paeeat Britains Pactoaea-G Iti | in Pe on terms just as ad- EER—November Ast to Novem-} office: Puniic DRvG STORE, MILVERTON - vation.of 1,152,000 acres w: i €|vantageous as those offered by the ee oete inclusi . : the greatest amount rot food 's the |départment store. It is the advertis- ree ex dutta: Nowa? Hours: 10 to12a.m.,2to4p.m, — British isles have had since 1868, The|ing that draws the. custom to the | ber G5th ine inclusive. In some of the kerri ities ree ne aes 2 E al sori feriee entee. aa e tide can be] Northern D: “of Ontario includ- - - of 125,000,000 ‘Dushels, while India ing. the See tenn es thy Binagart and e territory north) ANSON B. KILBOURNE hes abant set meh ny rain ue 88 trie’ ment Railway from the Quebee to CHIROPRACTOR age necessary to transport these last Maniiobs from “Geter 1 aeoson ton Ofte above Bank of Nova Scotia Sas: es rat “ ae the aft of out, a Game,” grounds— for see, ge fx contre sie eee MALCOLM Mac! Publisher and 3 IE AES BusinessCards Medical. Dr. P. L. Tye y and es a ery Tu office H Hours: 9 a: m, to 2p. m, Consultation and Examination Free. "Biv 1d to a Lon don nauereret ing Game Laws, Hunting dm. Sir Geeil , who C. E. eee east tonmmeciionet din ee the ‘batt senger, Agent, Union Station, Toron: DR. F. J. R. FORSTER le of Jutlan _ Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat # e ek *Phone 1, Local Agent og Saute in medicine, University Mortgage Sale TOWNSHIP OF WELLESLEY Under-and by virtue of the powe burned much of last year's crop to|remarks to anyone you like arow ‘ORD. prevent, the Germans fom felzng i | hero, Spent ek junk ea goon as ee | eee a eee St. 8, STRATFORD. roughout e whole of Russia the | give.” ‘vane ; crop will be only 40 per cent, of the |” “Weill ty ity” said the other, and fins Ef sale thee le rei pA |S et al if it read am-|he walked ovei ere an old wo- ’ Den orway, Sweden| man was displaying some fruit for|OGr be te atare ie frout of the H. B. Morphy, K.C. ‘ and Holland are short of grain and|sale on a stall. Taki a fine |Post. Office at MILLBAN’ : seek relie’ the United States. | melon and addressing the old lady, he |p, Soheltdr for Bankion Maauton, hi LISTOWEL. MILVERTON, ATWOOD certain par- erly eighty acres of lot m the ‘fifth concession, Both in th vn_Section of the said ‘Town: sip of Wellesiey, and containing by ant. of purchase session will be given. Ww 2 WEIR, Huchionsst Milverton. GREGORY, V. Viggen Building, Srttor VALUABLE 140. oe FARM IN premises sit- rms -— ne eI money to be paid on day of sale. Bal- yy days, when pos- FP. & A.M., G.R.C. ‘or particulars and conditions of sale ap- a Solicitor Geo. Roe, W.M Dated 23rd September, 1918. 3 it New York Ophthal- ay vec 1 Institut tubes Maotetelas eo e ye, and Gol piien Bquare Throat He "Toure 10 to 12 1 am.; 2 to 5 daily. 7 to Wi Evenings—' and MGacurday cna or by ’ appointme ° . Offices: Listowel, Milverton.? ‘Money to Loan, Harding, Owens & Goodwin Barristers, Solicitors, &c. > Oo Gordon Block, - STRATFORD, ONT. Money to Loan, R,T. HARDING W. 0, OWENS W. B. GOODWIN All calls promptly attended to, z Secieties. beads Lodge No. 478 on or before Meets, ea eel event thelr hall full moon every month a inJ, R. Wel Visiting brethren sma wciebaie Zoeger, Secy. *! Silver a Faas No. 202 Administrator’s The Aceon an the esta’ remise: R 9th, at one o’clock p. the following property: yw, grade heifer 2 yea A Court of Appeal under the, Mil- eave ne bo: oe root slic ovels, forks, to ssion on pea ash. known Spersd AUCTION SALE VALUABLE pee and CHATTELS e—The south half of inex wachionciores Bank of Nova Scotta a A. Chalmers; - istered) yea Pee verade cow Su) posed with aa earn wwijH. C. WAGNER, - = Local Agent . juar= of 20 and under, cas! amount 12 month’s credit | earl no’ “Further terms ms aad conditions made | a oe con, Auctioneers. mpseter Meets every ie pd at 7.30 tm thelr hall over Bank of Hamilton, Visiting brethren always welcome W. Henry, .K. Loth, @. A. Barth, NG, | Fin-Seey, "Ree Secy. Notary Public. W. D. Weir, - Notary Public e Auctioneer for the Counties of Perth and Water Se eahs cusee deeds, neice drawn Sages made. clerk, Notary Public Conveyancer, Issuer of Marriage Licenses for the County of Perth. Real estate bought and eold. A few reise farms for immediate sale. ‘| MONKTON, = ONTARIO Hotels The Queens Hotel CANADA FOOD ae ao NO. 10--622 Best accommod: Ir €01 nega trav: elgte wad Gta Two large yaaenple obra: GRO. F, PAULI, Prop., - Milvertoa, Ont NEWTON WOOLLEN MILLS Don’t ap spar wool a’ need it—and will yey ye market price, acco: fae Newton, Ont. Are You Insured} HE CANADIAN ORDER OF FORESTHRS offers protec. Nor SH Cpe. « N.Zimmermana,R.S Wanted _ t ® i For the “Old Reliable’ FONTHILL NURSERIES ze hs