‘Thom: Riverdal Crib share last. week. yn is ill at pbeeent mS. Johnston, of Brit-| i e _ Mr. and Ms. ton, visited Mr. ai ue W. Gilme Sr., one day last w ab Sag, aia W. ‘Kendal and son, rned to their home bare enkee spending the Aine: east of Toronto. er Beearie Was: Ob- erated on last w be where she will er a spi a, 1, Sr, of this vicinity. fr. and Mrs. Robt. Hi _ TRALEE Mrs. Thos. O’Grady visited a day ear eds with friends in EO ee tford General | BF Sema on see perated on acre appendicitis. Her oe are Grey Township, is Seas acquaintances Hamilton, of Sn. src wll Mr. and Mrs. oe Geo. Edwards and family motored to Goes pe Sunde and spent the day nibs? Is. Mes and Mrs, eae OW, = Stratford, Be Sontag: at Mr. J. was a business one day las Mrs. Alf. Diemert an daughter, ‘taclla spent Sunday with their son, Mr. Ei Ser Hugh B. Kerr atte at Stratford harles Sea a spent Sunday with his uncle, err. “Mr. James Freeborn and daughter, Miss Etta and Gertie, of wes: , of * it} end ae the home of Mr, Aen eEe Nithburg. te fates nd Me SAL pacbie and d daugh-| salt Maa and son, Cliff eel. id Mr. Mrs, Pem.. Rennie. an Thetna, of Listowel, Spent gee home of Mrs. Tea nd “Mrs. Hai tt Toronto, spats oe ‘week- H. C. Bar- ughter, cSunday family; The Women’s Institute will not ld Sete eee this snot owing ee and er, of Dorking, and Mr, ae of Glenallan, spent Sunday fe town. Mrs, Hooker, of Brantford, sent MAKE YOUR MONEY FIGHT— 'Y VICTORY BONDS Della Cummings spent a few. ie Smproving © ia siusse Aardya nds on the sixth line hay te Under the care *t Holt and daughter Swere accommpan.|. Miss Mary Hanley left on Tuesday for Niagara where she intends spend- a few_w ies ee ikea Te Macton, spent a few a0 ry .e line. . an ene Wright spent ie week- end in ‘ord. Mr. 8. Burnett fe on recently owned were Sunday’ visitors at Mr. Roy cal Mer Norm: installed a fur- nace for M: Love, Leban- on, during the past week. Mr. Robt. Gale is spending a few days with his parents at Sebring- ville. Mr. Jack and Miss Marie eer of nwood, spent Sunday at Mr. H. "Mrs. SimomFewings returned from Hamilton ie Satur: rs. pera Reid, of Toron- of Mr. Reid and eS the home of her Mr. and Mrs. Na oy Bi Snr Mod lister ots Weel, ta ies itin, ih pulang in vhs vicinity. rry to, report Mr ‘La- wens Hayes o on tei ee list. We wish im is a new né behind him ready to «those he hag left in ce ad, Canada’s Victor: an aoe their aunt, Mrs. J. A. McBain. irs. Annie Ducklow and son, Alex. areited at “thle bes ae on Mon- day from Niagara, e Alex. been ill with sat ieee friends of Mr, Pp on cn podne sp ev. and sd kins, Be Brearley and family res ‘burning for ing a couple of ‘anada finance | roduction of food, munitions and purchased Fis Wm. er sister who is sick Miss, Oliver. Trahen of r Kitchener, | Canada Food Board License No. 8—18314 A W. K. LOTH, - Milverton Us uss “An id and industrial Conditions by ween ee ‘products helps to main be kepi pressure. Four investment in Canada’s plete chain of helping our soldiers helping yourself. is ss groductive efficiency of pee ere ’s Victory Bonds will be a link in the com: » helping the country, and thereby See ious! Prices Miss Annie Love, of St. Marys, gaa a few days with friends 0 on @ lin . ‘Vera Me Monamin a en i. few 5 s-| days. with. her cousi eS day for'a trip to Montreal, Quebec, BaNeye Bylot to leaving’ for er bi home pcs and fitfian point be Geo. Love returned home last alter O’Brien a a the week week “after an Sender business trip end a his home in Stratf in the West. verand spent "Tuesday | Mr, Muleahy returned to Been after visiting his mother, Pe few memorial service for the late Pies Tom Kirkland, of Ne WON, was held in Sunday a bes mee Seated. The pastor, offal ea rey inspiing: er ee and was as- sisted by Revs. C. N. Paddon and J. F. Knight, of Milverton, Welaing bells are ringing abaud our Nis Helen Walton 5: soe a her home in Russell Shaw spent wie week- end in Guelph. rr. Herman Foerster spent Satur- aes at Kitchener. x Wilmer Freeman, of Olivet, ee ‘Sunday with the lat- ter’s parents, Mr. a vs, Levi Stricker. Mr. Hemy. ates has moved into his new. Miss Mabel | eont res Friday ev- ening in New uite a numl ae ay of eases of Span- ish_influenza haye been reported in Waele the week- ony srry it Monkton last week Visiting her mother who was very ill. m. Miss Bernice Hiles was taken to 5 in Toront 0, GIRLS Can Secure Light, Clean Work At Good Wages. PAID ‘WHILE LEARNING Reid, of Fembank, was a business visitor in our burg on M day. FERNBANK Robert Stewart, Sr. is on the sick list at present, but we are d_to report that it is not the Spanish Flu ho mn the road to recov- ie i aper, ages for Roasted a Sais ROSTOCK Mrs. E._ Reil ee ae ver, ory again. vid Reid arrived home the other’ day his threshing outfit |p, after a fair senior! 3 wor Mr, and Mr. and Scott, Mrs. R. G. Scott Pend & mily S« spent a + day, at at Meadowbrook lately. a ’s parents, Mr Pati weaty Andrew and Jack Kreuter Misses "Eilla and Anna Kreuter and and Carolina _ Wingefelder spent nee last with Stratford pe: cine on the: wine recentl; plentiful as the apple butter, there will be little dai ae ger of water ursting next winter. faee Sirs Samuel Loney and Mrs, J Harron. called on Mrs. Janet a gon prior to her departure, for her home in Aberdeen, Dakota. Mrs, An- derson is at present sare . sis- ten, Mrs. Rachael McAuley, [ae The Fern! lay Sel 00] clos- ed on the last Sunday in October and| jy wy Reuter" and Ei f the young | wy, E. Reibling motored to Milverton on Sunday and visited relatives there. rs. Jacob Maurer and ‘ams, Greene & Rome Co. Teck with hs" Laie lis tts efelder, of Josephs- burg, es iioms on on account of the clos- Mr. and Mrs: Fred Dill and son, Howard, of Warbire, pent Sunday e of Mr. Corner Benton and St. George Streets PARTICULARS KITCHENER, ONT. He as the Burnett Drain; J. Moore, 0, rep. culvert con, 18; A. D ty a0 rep, road; JURORS FOR 1919—MORN- fe ORAINGTON COUNCIL NGTON it to ad- , A Friend in Need The Pandora Range is your real friend on wash day. re grader; vie 50, Dota a] The council aeate on the first. M ber.—WM. WADDELL, no public gathering for some time Elma, visited with Mr. and Mrs. H Reibling on Sunday WELLESLEY Mr. Joseph Mogk has had a very sharp attack of typhoid fever and pneumonia and has been very ill, but to. recovery. May it be ‘a spee gard Battenbe are had a serious 0 un- dergo an operation last Thursday and has improved greatly since and is now on the road to recove: PEFFE) foe: THE ISLAND « aed Spanish ae toute Schmidt if eautnads to nits bel bed, oa ae is quite, prevalent suffering neater Mr. | Sai fais way fae ed “Schneider spent the home of Mes fy issued he the ole Min Dani iel Neubaur. 1,- re as fol- gral members of his family, also J. M. Cars Owing to the itendy inerease of his business, Mr. Henry Kenny. has een forced to lite his floor space. has rection of a larke ‘new: aerate Goanieeees M Carson spent Monday at a John Ts Eee 9; A Si Potit Jupors—Walte Tanner, Wm. ie : Turnbull ogan, Benjamin oe Westman, Tee Westman, Matthew e a number attended the mem-) Whitney, John E, orial_ service for the late ‘Tom | Wall Kirkland at Millbank on Stnday af- ater 8 Everybody is getting ready for a ry Loan canvas- ay8s ra} ohn Campbell, of Stratford, a Ged visitors here during | al e past. v ak epfer is nursing a sore hand: haine hal adina ot hie aueare nearly severed in a corn blower. Lorne Riddell is on the sick a ele: *hmidt time; no extra fuel, days peta the parental no rushorconfusion. FOR SALE BY A. C. CLEMENS -M¢Clarys Pandora Montreal Calgary he ar ve not heard oS result. and Mrs, M. Leis are both-v Bae stat te on theies Sorry to report the death Sr., which occurred last y-. r. Fred Gilbert, of Brunner, w: ‘A, |& business Mesos at Mr. F, Schneid- 410; er’s gn Be lay. Mr. irs. Wm. Hanna, =. sts verton, were recent visitors “ one ee Island, Mc ib §. as 25; ides ‘Weir, $5, 755 eee 00; - McFaddin, " | bridge james , Robert Weis, Fa ain Mr. John Sea ee is reahiey his stables comnted resident of this place for a fe’ has charge of the et af * ——.— telephone acct; F Wm, Waddell, ll, $004 00, "Senin by- Brickert is at present suf- fering from a sore Mr. and Mrs, Alex. Stahle, Mr. and Mra: 1. F. Fleischhater, of Ritchener, were Sunday visitors: with friends in e vi Renew your subscription now. » “EMPRESS” | SHOES for WOMEN We are headquarters for the Famous “Em- pete! ” Shoe for wo- n.— Ladies’ ready- call shoes of the rie quality. Selec-. tions may be made - with the assurance that the smartest of new styles are avail- able in our stock. Just vin: list. WARTBURG 2s | to the TO DEFINE WHO ARE MENNON- a nme RE ITES London ‘oronto St.John, N.B. ae Winnipeg Vancouver oh. the return of Western Min- Edmonton Saskatoon Owin; Spanish influenza | 18t© so Dunbar, Ma shir Dobson Alex. Davison cy m. H, Dowd harison, (isthe Davidson (14th con.), Wm . Dowd, Wi | A BUSINESS PROPOSITION CANADA Tate. to YOU for help in 6 Sea » this great Victory Loan a success. Canada needs your MONEY, Ours is a country whose individual citizens are more prosperous than those of any other Annee, J6. Ha ‘ hi Stratford, are at preset the home of their son, Hen nry | 4 Bea, ‘an id Mergaret eo visited | 5@ is now under which will strictly limit Mennonites entitled to éxemption from military vice. The old order-i -in- eect of the aes from was in Aebscr een Myrtle an “is at present | 70 undgr the gare of Dr. J. P. Rankin, | 0: Miss Beatrice Richardson, of New Ithe [tai ‘iss Annie Harloff Seesutis visited Stratford friends. bal te. Charles Brickinan, of he W.O. sent at the Re rv, Mrs. George Brick- ma ing, ohn ining, An- We Jol Freem man, are Pie aes D. aadiener cil will _pro- bly limit Cea bton: ao such Men- as are descendants of the or-|thony Foerster, é =|John Fewings, Robart Gamble. WM. WADDELL, Clerk of Mornington. Ry omton: is at presi of his mother, ender asa Monnonite, dtew Gere: s Gadshill, is mi. e. eee: DORKING rs. Mittleholtz, of Hessvn, here. a e’ of his mother, Mrs. George Richardson, not cr proctastinate in buying jonds; get a ont mn the bit an: us oy Lathe the end of the ae anging back you ees it litneule for the canvassers. Do Victor ae end ai Gienall lan. ir. Herb Kettle was a business visitor in Dorking one doy last week. ‘isses Lavina and Martha Moser ges Ay Saiecare ‘in Hes: Sues ‘anner spent “Sunday ev-| HESSON / iss Eleanor ceeds of pee is end ling a few with fri and relatives ert Mittleholtz returned fron Kitehener after pen diig a few day: Se te daughter, J. Schiebel, John Poesia spent Sunday at jada has come to YOU—her ‘titeene € . For distine- with a straight business proposition, weights. F inc- tive style and trim: fitting lines, these shoes are celebrated the country over. | —_— toMILADY jet jack kid moral lace iptsanctane ‘vamps nic~ = $8.50 Canada Food Beerd Spree Nes pH765 “Morrice Shoe Store “The Home of Good Shoes’ MILVERTON Re = = e ‘That proposition in a nutshell is this | Neurasthenia ~ “f need. Three Hundred Million Dollats ta —_ — finish ae Fle He a t Sunday rs, B. Kennedy, of Glen- spon fandey with Mr. and 1s Do- ay. ein re frien spent. PSunday at the home of depne ks ler. a aes Linesman spent Tues- | Often i ee Bs exliaustion or anya Ue ated iss Hilda and Russell Bailey vis- re eres ited friends in Wallenstein for 8 day weel is-| Quite a ahs of ets fet) = Lae night at Hess Kraemer scent with es site, . Ale: Sooner ec weel Mr, H. Hawke, of Newton, spent Heaas edain here. vi ~ Plan to take all the Bonds you can possibly pay for. The payments are as follows: N ry Quite a number i in our vicinity. are | ex: manering fro attack of Spanish influe net Edgar Crooks and Mrs hos. Hackett pent last. Thurs- | S day, a BE the home of Mr. Anthony Mrs. Melvin stare ee ake Victory Bonds This space donated to the Victory Loan 1918 Gesnonid ee ‘The ‘Milverton Sun ing bells are will ringing on es Parrot and a hae ae f Menkton Pinan Sunday ssell orders to report toe service 01 80th. Charles : Hsckat of qt Norman wee aa mn, | Mi jingham Sa