| Atwood, Oct. 8th, 1918. who died s ‘irele 0! ends; as his teem Py a a “obliging nature made him universally popu! gute ome 12 0, ve entered into f 1 yoones ow always took an moting the we! pine of the} Mo: ent os) hich he | England, from wounds mecelves wid aE 2 on active service in France. iy inte Bet ste ss demise is re; The funeral took to prorrees afternoon conducting, the la ire aa) nbs se Be ft Elma Ima, who is W 0: tie ana lego of Monkto roughton, of ee spent een! with friends it ~ Mon! se who have been ill pt Mrs. Stratford, are friends in rags, who are milton, of bats fs at resent vi isiting at Mr. Jac! Mt iss Ethel Bannerman has taken a ne ebe § x & pas store. eld, of Wins nae suffering | © orge Golightly, nant iy time your re- iss resent at hee home here sick wi ronchitis Pity Bernice Hiles underwent an vation for phen cies ot Se Atwood on Sunda; Word. was Sacatvend in Monkton on M hn fen, bade thai 3 ick Ruth Re ae Messrs. Fred yon of Listowel, called at Johnston’s on Sunday even- a 0 axwel uae Gill is “still pating Gold Soap and 3 cakes for 25c. 0. ‘an Mitchell Telephone exchange not that the: ight be opitetuly aroused from tl but that the public better se seems the name is confused Rev. Thompson, of Decibel; veral years If you see it in The Sun—it’s so. Property for Sale Farm lots 23, 24, 25, 26 and 27, in of tl iD A goo these lots are andee | pasture at aed it. ae the solid brick store on the le; ind a number village lots, - Sehich wil be Mold Sneiy- an or baa to suit purchas is. your ‘opportunity, as the ~ executor is desirious of winding up one ae inte J Sobr MeNaught _ For ih apply to aA. HEL Vin} iE, “Freculoe ‘Monk- ton R. R. Ne - Tenders for Drain SEALED TENDERS (marked ten- ‘s for ae will be receiv un ll two o’cloc! ‘he North ames of with a aa ask may be ‘the undersign » The lowest. “ any tender not nee- oy accepted. Dees ‘p. of Elma, 4+t Gortueek nd | seeks ,. | Me! eelande-—A Elma, _ PTE. WILFRID PATTERSON Son of Mr. Patt nkton, at present in hospital in [AN ANXIETY OF PROTECTION- ISM. fiver. i fe servi tal adian raw materials to Canadian factories. the Sta That is to say, t e is to un- setae the task of condu: eting the in- ji Vales ‘ies of the count ris] f ti State, ise sean a Hosting domes: ¢ loans may be ea ‘0 be in its ad ave 8 NO len. is ne rt ing that the local clubs of the ‘United ‘armers taking alarm, have fg ‘s. what seems to tl e only means of saving themselves tnd the State from ruin. opinion is that protectionism exaggerates Se pietealiee s ae 9 bse m: e in good quickly find employment or mak Tf fortune beckons, they will go ide out hesitation to the farms or to the United Births, Marriages and Deaths. DEATHS. Lambert—At Elma, on Saturday, Oct. 26th, i918" Robert James B ea aged 30 y years, 3 month: and 7 S. Trow—. at Stratford, on Thursday, Ost 24th, toi, George E, Trow on _Wednes- y, Oct. 28rd, 1918, Wm. Me- eelands, age months. Bettger—At Monkton, on Sunday, Oct. 27th, 1918, William Bettger, aged 38 gain and 8 months. Kuepfer—At Mornington, on Mon- an lay, ae Be Abraham Kuepfer ed 'Smith—At Wellesley peepial, Toron- to, on Tuesday, Oct. 22nd, Helen Sanderson, beloved ‘vite 5 Sus on Mon j. Richard Red ‘ington, , Oct. 29th, Saietender ihe aged 25 years, MARRIAGES. Spates Device Ae Mo: Be on Tuesday, Oct. 29th, Mr. red William Gi er to Miss ante Rita Gertrude, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas R. Daniels. Neuen 8, ONE es ig a VICTORY ee He nites nades, 50 pair of soldiers” fs or, 10 gas masks, * 10 pair of ‘soldiers! boots, 01 pent pee Bed ee ons for al. Buy 3400 i ae Nesiedeas or, 100 Pag Canada’s War Bill for 4 1-8 see- is One soldier for 40 days, o r for vr, Feed 100 soldiers for 40 days, or, Buy 1,000 yards of adhesive tape. — Couldn’t Soi Command. ure in the kitchen with “Clarence,” she called to her son, tet got someon ney m knows perfec do nee allow callers. elt oa the man to ricer me os house * Glarenee duly departed for’ the ae ee it returned in about. half a St rson, t}able to Cow Puncher.” z: nse | F a ing preparations to fig! of Percy|: J. Smith, aged 25 years, 7 months | * | Sir Thomas White’s Appeal to ( to Canadians : Pak tele ee Points Out Great Need of the people rere be Bue Di Cani aragraph in novel; itis an epoch afar, and big men a: cramped by conventions, that he is write such novels as “The WHO HAS BEEN DOING THE IGHTING? Stories are in circulation in var- f the United States to the lead one to believe that all the feht- ing is done e “Sammies.” The facts of the matter are the far js merely mak- and have in. the fringe of the fight. red with the British, ‘Americ ican arm; only bee a fairly estimate ‘the ue figl munitions | 9" aj makers out of work will go with them. |¢ growing reserve Y- i the aghting that has been done on the western front so far in 1918 the ee forces have borne rhe brunt, 0,000 casualties and sweeping victories in the field p: GERMANY’S GREATNESS BASED ON ALSACE-LORRAINE er mans mili itary autocrats will 72 years and 5| {yr snatched from France 47 years ago. Germany took it then for strategical at aximum, salt Ba 8,000, 000. tons. Similarly as to as ash. oral in upper Lorraine hi It ine been found that they: note ‘oa million tons and have a value rae to Fra SOCIAL DEMOCRATS LEGITI- Ys Representations have bee to Hon, C. J. mad CARD OF THANKS and Mrs. George e Kirkland and farnile nteaira to expres pani 2 - | —this Victory Loan to Carry On the War. On the opening of Canada’s great Victory Loan drive the Minister of Finance issued the following mes- ei— : ; To the eos of Canada: ry Loan of 1918 is now . being arent for public subscription. Bi undertakin; SIR THOMAS WHITE Minister of Finance direction the great Victory Loan drive for. $500,000,000 ts being The money to be raised is urgently r, in Auth and ae _Suusial year, gnd tor me ae enance of prosperity of inion in all departments of ae activity. Troi patsatie Gonsideretions substantial appreciation in alue. All citizens are earnestly invited to subscribe, Remem| ed not give bu money to the state. purposes @f demobilization, which will xtent and for the continuation of credits for the they. will’ da 46 t0 thé tullest degroo, I am entirely con '. WHITE. Ottawa, Oct. rede fare CANADIAN ARMY AND THE VICTORY LOAN War Costing Canada be ane Dollars a Day — Will Be This Year's i _ Neatly 600,000 have been en e Canadian © gone overseas. 4918 war’ bill. will be $400,000,000. Canada's 1917 war bill was $320, 000,000. Canada’ $508, the Victory ete even though mpence should come to-m BANKS WILL LEND. in order to help ‘out small sub- to ctory Loan the aks will long’ Subeoriners, on the pours Serine aren repayment with- ed | for quarterly. terms than. were ‘granted last year. There are over 425,000 Canadians werseas who will hive to be kept foret lemet a year even if peace come this m Hote one adits Too at the casualty than subscribe every eeialiate) posstille to the Victory in France have set in driv. the. Vistory ico “would have a natal Se in France, tt the best: thing: pet Canada Ivo. abe . could possibly do, _ in the chicken silent as tonenane pacity to talk suena er was going awa at one of the idle op open: “Mamma!” His. mother stopped. ‘Mamma, you ike, but ey it as his moth- ead appeared ine. "s war expenditure is now month, i he | charge is rahe! at must bi arden and locked" up| den and locked up He wi ond. “his ca- |r ‘Tue MINISTER oF PENANCE OF THE DOMINION oF Caan on for Pye Subsotion the Victory Loan 1918 © $300,000,000. 54% Gold Bonds’ November Ist, 1918, " Byear Bonds due November Ist, 1928 : 15 year Bonds due November ist, 1933 he YRS of Finance and Receir Office of the Assistant Receiver General at Halifax, St. Joh, Charlotictown, Montreal, ‘forontont rola ie tae vy Interest payable, without charge, half-yearly, May Ist and November 1st, at any branch in Canada of any ‘Chartered Principal and Interest payable in Gold Denominations: $50, $100, $500 and $1,000 Issue Price: 100 and Accrued Interest : : : Income Return 512% per Annum Free from taxes—including any income em Baga ore aie of legislation enacted by the Partataeat of ‘The proceeds of the Loan will be used for war purposes 01 "9 including the purch: of food: i> tions and other supplies, and will be spent wholly in Canada,” Suto: ment to be made as. false 10% on: ipoliebeny To es 6th, 1919; 20% December 6th, 1918; 7 February 6th, 1919; 81.16% March 6th, 1919. ‘The last payment of 31.16% covers 30% balance of principal and 1.1 16% representing ‘Accrued interest at 514% from Bank, November i ot Siete af the respective instalnienta, pe 3 meas may be paid in full at the time of of application at per annum, Consolidated Revenue Fund. ~ or mo ‘The Amount of this issue ts $300,000,000, exclusive of the amount Gf reviousinhey oa se Minister of Finance, however, ay oe fbf Amonat: (if any) ‘paid for by the surrender of bonds of in excess of Conversion Eelvaeies the Government, during the ps he equivalent of cash event remaining pectod of the War other that oaued made ob for the purpose of subscription to such issues, aern one All cheaues, drafts, etc., covering instalments, a: Failure to pay any instalment when due will render x previ bet Subscripdons must be accompanied by a de scriptions or any branch in Canada of any ‘Chartered Bank wi Shards able ‘to the Credit of the Minister of Finance, . nay is le to sonictenre, ond ¢ the RCE cancellation, We of the amount subset ci war i acept subscription and issue receipes sae ge without interest; due date there. alter togticr aieh aetrued Enioret to tine of making payment in full Gpder this provisour paymeut of sunsetceioa any? be made as follows: 6th, 1! Nov.t 00%, Faas omimcsts paid on Dic, Oeh 1018, balance of 00% un erest, ($90.48 + $100, Tee iesemimints pels on nae Aste hte a ant SForso per sion) and re $100) » et if remaining instalments paid on Feb. 6th, 1019, balance of 60: interest, ($51, If Semmaising instalment paid on Mar, 6thy 1010, balance of SO and interest, @OIL10 per $1003 D ee: teats, Bearer bonds, with coupons, will be issued in denominations of $50., $#00., $500., and $1,000., and may be registered as to principal. May Ist-1019, Fully registered bonds, the interest on which is paid direct to the owner by Government cheque, will be issued in denominations of $80., $100., $600., $1,000., 6,000., $10,000., $25,000., $50,000, $100,000, or any inultiple of $100,000. Payment of Interest be i paid May Ist, 1919. A full half Form of Bond and Delivery bond and Bank upon pestacat of che elbwciptlen ta Fale indicated will be delivered by the Bearer bonds of this issue will be available for delivery at the time of application to subscribers desirous of making payment in full, "Bonds registered as to principal only. or fully registered as to Fig and interest, will be delivered to Payment of all iy instalments, be exchenge eet rebcibers bank for Deeds onay lsptalment date ea subaaipetonta pond ia fare Form of Bonds Interchangeable Lita tete subject to the payment of 25 cents for each new bond issued, holders of fully registered bonds without aves, Satie cotecrt Inte tence with coupons and he lets of bonds with coupons wil have theipit to gon atc a ago tal ered pons witout coupons ata ‘application to the Minister of Finance or any arms of application may be ches fu ay OBIEa! Cantante Gas ail Wah see reveal or S thereof, or rein any branch in Canada of any Chartered Bank, ber Subscription Lists will close on or before November 16th, 1918 x DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE, Ortawa, October 28th, 1918. Behind the Gun the Man + Behind the Man the Dollar Make Your Dollars Fight the Hun 143 aria ast “YOURS roe VICTORY wont b, Sask, Oct, are 1918.)h Mr, acheth, Milverton, Ont. ter a weary dragging a of pee ppatt d wit out “being called Lona minke any’ de de- | ters, aie thi ie confront 1918” ‘ry The Sun office for up-to-date se Saniag: Canada is o Nd A present time where they tried to put it oe “i cae a me. MacBeth, I asked my lawyers to send you a letter e: sxulating. my e true, lon’t have to take my. word wail see what little 7 hee ° Seeing is xd a) ve Knowing | The glass oven door and the oven thermometer on the Pandora Range make baking an ex- act, absolutely con- — trolled operation. - You can see pre- cisely how the oven is gaily ey fast or slow, FOR SALE BY M. E. BETTGER & co. and you it, ve Mh ere they Yours respectfully, Sidney J. Gropp. REX vs. SIDNEY J. GROPP © The trial of Sidney J. Gropp, for- merly of Milverton, Ontario, on a chiara of perjui laid more than six ears ago, Was piel of before a and formes the lind until late in ost put these Saat Mr. Crone cc an Jock me in erg /m Ly eBEs.”