Milverton Sun, 21 Nov 1918, p. 3

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event of om Sy nov, ‘was very sure that | And ‘Billy ery Beadin Spy not mind. Mollie almost forgot tt disagreeable incident of the i and as she arrayed herself in her new ant jORTY ceo adds 1 - ‘a = Senge aan re fre nue aes on a sat one tha the rails aq shaders iat artist from abroad that they were | = ae: not bebind the times in Toronto athletic Subscription rai nd watehed the la- ve though the grass grew tall npomench field; hed ates : or 7 "| side of Main street, But when she | Crosse giants of that day pertorm,) + STRATFORD: te % month f a in ss ce =e de entered the Warwick's brightly lighted | Wondering whether some day he ee ¥, eee we term ai S| aa rated on applic. . The light in Billy May’s eyes dea reception. room, disa) appointment was | would get his chance to fill their $20.0 earning as Anes $18 and even 3 inysefise mes shtiout ape rections — ened’as he looked at his sister, hover. evident | “among the assembled guests, | sh : : per r week, ‘while young men wilh pe duserted until forbia ery Charged act ing over her flowers, y's: in w. So nacular, Mollie was “his st cite r be a J help. be in theloffice by. no “Mond: S ef aise the ‘three 2 rac usta = | tends over! thirty-four years, @ ro: ins regarding gur Commerc Soaks MALGOLAL space “nearest holes—you Long years before when the little cord in point of service in not only|hand and Telegraphy Department. | _ 1, Publlaher aad Proprietor, * boil, ‘on atl of < ‘orphaned sister had piteously held out our national game but in all branches Pies may enter at any time. id can her arms to him, Billy had pledged of athletics in the Dominion. It hae . A. Me! LAC CHLAN, Principa | gp eS : : them. Dinner on her his life’s devotion, and she had re- oft been said that @ man is just as : BusinessCards time; a extra fuel; oe a had ao no easy tea tee old as he feels, Assuming. this to be See 5 ¢ onf le the coveted career anc #4 ~ Med rs ¥ ; Sk oie no rushor: usion. as a necessity to her advancement correct, Alex, Purnbull, of New West- 5 _ Medica : ¥ “FOR SALE BY f the first opportinity offered tn'a coun- minster, the lad’of ’78, must still AUCTION SALES al De Pl Te . try village. Being rural carrier be classed as a young man, “Dad” a will pay you to Advertise es rer. L. bye M. E BETTGER & Co. had made it possible for, “Angel” to sobriquet wished on him by thd writ- see rear sales in~The Sun Office: PuBric DRUG StORE, MILvRRTON * - have her education and the usual ac- hotél, forgetting ll about ua, |-er many years ago at a time when which is largely circulated Hours: a0 3 to ae eas eae kp.n _ rs Sa complishments. befitting a modern | Franz is ae equal fe do a thing lie | the veteran was said to be preparing|$ throughout the countryside. young woman, That is what Billy had to retire from the athletio field, ana|* /¢ you have anything to sell M°Clarys © named the girl when her starry eyes by which he is more familiarly iowa Ties woo belies menan ann spoke thelr gratitude from beneath a tp lucknake followers, taake i a his Daper to io tie a the buyer 4 ANSON B. ei OER a ketene, and “Angel” | people some of hs sketches and hs | Canada's most remarkable athlete.” |$ yequfar® = He Sum and ee CHIROPRACTOR she oe ae nined. picture Beyond the sunny side of the half- Offi ove Bi - z ice above Bank of Nova Scotiay @ Ife had not spoiled Molli ea ane dear, is his phates century mark, os just how. many Every Tuesday and Frida: £ tort rie 3 lage i $s but raturnga Aa | telicing, leenean.s:. Diatie pape eee aie — Office Hours: 9 a. m. to 2 oe ae 3 ae ie = m2. : rey he spahined He came to her now | Mollie, egrng aot ot laid a papal te today, sits i ‘Pro ert for S it ! Consltnton moines p ree the garden, his hand held | in her ‘tana, suddenly any, still playing the natio1 perty ale 7 Pas Sin ; ~ ng a wearily against bis throbbing temples, | a deeply soft couche ad anv | one of the most strenuous of all out-| farm lots 29/94, 25, 26 and 27, in| OR+F-J.R-FORSTER ' = 4 ‘oronto font ipeg “Angel,” he said, unsteadily, “some- | seen uy my door pastimes. Records of twenty- : 7 i Te St.Je rages Calgary Edmonton Sateen: | | thing’s wrong. ‘The heat, I guess, yes- | those anys clear eyes, ee ateeats niet catablished | the ae concession of the ‘Towns chip Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Si 3 i terday. It was hard riding so long in | curling fair eee ie sudious by Lajoie and others fade when com- orn Ces oR good zing| , Graduate in medicine, University, : ‘ {hs Sun. The whole: piace plérad to be | frown Benaeth ‘the ~_. | pared with the wonderful record of|farms. There are four dri tel wells of Toronto, = yand and, Angel—” There was no pet to sone ‘Thy | the New Westminster stick-handler. | and three windmills; two a tant New York Ophthal. z “Why, Billy,” she cried in quick | face had bor indelibly stam concern, “you must lie down this min- | her memory as its owner Had e _assista: That he has played espns for BS x ae mic and Aural Institute, Moorefield’ ae eae es and a good frame stable. All of ural eas More els Te ss Eye and Golden S Thro: * markable = the fact that ‘he is stil pare, 0 ro Under pasture at Dee | aie Loren, tink ute and not stir again today.’ that morning on hand reat fast Playing the | "Also. the solid brick store on the| ,,n0Urs—10 to 12 am.; 2 e/5 il ’ ‘There was nothing for it but to Man; Stace with whom he played | east side of Winstanley street, Monk- | 4aily, Evenings—7 Wedn obey passively he allowed himself to years ago have passed into the Great|ton (now occupied by Mr. z ‘D, Gill) |*nd Saturday only; or by appointment pied by ) led back PR cs the lawn, grate- ie others have long since retir-|and a number of good village lots, (Phone 267.) FOUL by, tho. daddy. of thom all aie | anit ere ely orth tbe [69 Watron St Sy" STRATFORD. Sreatest centre fielder in Minto Cup| ‘This is your opportunity, as the pear : * 3 ea Hea and pentabty one-ot on sreatont grecuion: ds, Sosiionn Ob wanatas. up ey ome fielders the game has known, | the est of the late John Mc! soar it. = nine o'clock has to be made, Piods aiane, jak H. B. Morphy, K.C : 5 ig his place regu- Pape further, particulars appl: » 6. Mor, yO HAT A THRILL has come to 0 one else to do it." laniy in the line-up of famous New |J. A. MELVILLE, Bxecutor, sigs | eR Se deed ‘ us during these past few weeks Paipfully Billy endeavored to rise Westminster teams, This may be his mk RN SR areata when the thought has come to but Mollie forestalled wat mires ahs pe so him- LISTOWEL. MILVERTON, ATWOOD é “Well,” she ee essere Me | self, but™he eves that with the Offices: Listowel, Milverton.} our minds that t Ne wil be strug- ie tip hag $0, he: shade, tt will’ be. ator in tae wrote, ma a itt gute | game re-established thie year and : f Je may soon be over. It will be a da go my: now, at once,’ i Speeaane tonne Local A ; fo live for aie The rudy" he grombled, “is new | “Well, dear,” her frlend agreed, “If | to hang up its sick, tana ee ent Neca Supine, i to you, Angel, just cut through in | it’s Billy you are bpd about, of | be said that when he does retire he W. D. Wi ; tome piaces lonely tx course we will excuse yon.” will take with him much of the credit ante eir, - Notary Public But have you thought of the fact that “Billy!” she cried, exasperated, “as | Molly ald not walt to toc Billy, Her | for bringing the national game back| ~ Auctioneer for the Counties of Perth if I'm not, riding alone. around the fal heart burned to atone ta time when ti gerne i remors ea) atone al C1 was r ; _ many lines of goods are getting very country all the time. Well, see here, | the garage she found the little red car {0m Dromising. Not only has the |For the “Old Reliable Shiai Convéyancer deed, wil rorewages drawn ‘ scarce and many. unprocurable. if you are bound to be afraid, let me | and tured on its lights, A moment {Veteran no peers in the national URSERI, Village clerk, ® i e your i olge Surely, if I don’t | she lingered to sweep into a box the ae hg ee Bae for a oe Ofice: Welr block, over Bank of Nova Scotia : slow 4 can hold your bs senior company will pro - Prices now asked by manufacturers for ete te see Sa ot hen ot Lett from He | Sbiy never be equalled “in lacroese, [regs of ns trees need goods would shock you and deliveries Buly was laughing with her now, but | silent! ng the EM baseball or any other sport. The A. Chalmers, - Notary Public 4 very uncertain. nevertheless he inspected his wespon | On past the last twinkling house ars ur? Sade method oreed BPA veh a" a for siuall frutts, |e cnvexantes, Teaheyn ie License . written large and indelibly in the |early bearing fruit trees, asparagus, 5 of protection and handed it over with | light, noisily over the wooden bridge, history of the national game. rhubarb plants, J.P. for the Sat ee ch. y @ glance of admiration to the little are thro’ the cut road: phe We offer you this opportunity of pro- brit Nar nda aug rin anfurnbull, ta his youth, played tn e demand for ornamental stock| ““" cts ought nd sd. re eee i curing goods out of our well assorted In the outer room Mollle lifted the lights showed him at last e long figure |ario, In thoso days it Was customary in towns and villages is large. MONKTON, = ONTARIO stock—quality goods at less than mill gun gingerly, and removed its load- | stretched motionless besid Pe road, |for the different towns to strengthen} Secure a paying agency with liber- prices 0 a to-day one Zs a ne aa mss face upraised fo. thie a their teams for matches from players =) commissions, Experience not nec- Hotels 7 3 Dare zt re) in relief, “it is &@ moment ye ws Prenat essary. ‘ safe “Oh : The Queens Hotel $e oft” eae am " called upon to make barnstorming STONE & WELLINGTON oO} ‘ Maegan enir-mone cn UES a a ae ce [sha daa (ci, ence on |, STORAMRGTON | pene y : ” fal there he went to Paris, Ont, which : V caaaadattn ce eee Up and down the broad, sonang: Smile slowly spread itself | boasted one of the greatest teams ‘Two large Sample Rooms ‘ee pI! Di sauriised WelEE Lies Koa 16601 aa sped tbo ges small red 25 wher shld the ardst’s vriteeet ee. “The | that ever played the game, “Dad” A ‘quot eerie Aas M . was prom} surprising young woman! ™mur- j started as a defence player, playing 7 H ee sks pen) yettoes Ont: ~ elen, not @ moment did ap ese Bnd | mured. “wave you Heinéd te eat ny |point in front of old Charlie Robin: Weir's List of Farms For Sale most ont our tlireat of sae me down son, of the Paris team. In those a wind-t sore Lehg srg Sage “4 aes days Indian teams were numerous $10,000 will buy lot 13, con. 4, sed. soi the blue band; so the fare | He cpa ies daly ae throughout Ontario and Quebec, and | Downie, one of the finest farms in : ccrritied a e are, aaseay tte is ig wag ef tela among the tribes which the Paris|Perth ‘County. 100 acres; stone|{| Are You Insured lie bent aes tay fo her levers. ‘Ot, team played were the Onondagas and|house; bank barn; cement stabling; at pao gespeately ely to vel D Tuscorras, | Turnbull got his Gil of | with all modem equipments; furnace |] THR CANADIAN ORDER OF ce defence playing against the latter |in, house; cisterns; a arm ; oy cre probes tection for wife and family at ie tie center ree the bea ot: to avoid coperent in her Seen haste she |team, which trotted out a chieftain pie oat school and ker factory; inimumn costs favestigate it ” running the figure down seemed im- ten him the day's st ighing 20 pounds. Turnbull, {® miles from Stratford. Reason for we ; =| possible. She must be quick or—| “And 90,” he sald at last, “you were'| roe very heavy and not standing cellng, ill-health. C.Spencer,C.B, # N,Zimmermana, B.S Mollie closed her eyes in sick appre- detenting Uncle Sam's mail; you were | much over five feet checked the big | _$5,00 0 will buy that splendid 100 hension even as she sought the brakes, chief, but took no chances until |2¢res, lot 18, concession 12, Morn- When she opened them again the car | invalid brother, and toulght.” his eyes | Charley Robinson planted ‘hls foot ington; brick house 28x80 ft, wood wi anting and throbbing from its | held h fascinati a in the seat of Alex’s trousers when | ° i Eels | i ‘+ SmartClothesforMen | 2!S222ec0e oSioct Se wy Ses ea ao i el lh a | Hag, Ovens & Goodwin danger stood near enough to touch her throne the darkness, to rescue me, a | Yised the veteran to exhibit pluck or | Drow: land al under cultivation; fat , Solicitors, &e. F with his hands, He was leaning heay- | stranger?’ thers wes 2p Uoees Sore toe him: and see this farm—a snap. Gordon Block, - STRATFORD, ONT, Mol ope and the clasp of bis | _..ay to tackle them, In 1890 Tu, $5,500: will buy the north half of Money to Li , rns * . y to Loan, fervent, #0 pleasantly dii- * Hot 12, in the 12th concession of Wel- Our advice is to buy. Pure Woollen Cloths and Suitin, ing atraight into here, awakening her tones gb: she tafuea ta lsdehing LA Sha whe, ny Toronto, and play- lesley. 100 acres, 16 acres of good|¥.*. "ARDixo w. 0, OWEXS W. x. Goopwix such as we have are going to advance much higher owing pert el etics in’ the |hardwood bush, worth half the pur- - to a quick remembrance of past fear. | embarrassment to the emergency lunch | ¢.L,. then until 1894 hi s 4 to the demand for wool for other purposes, and lab: ‘om thei © | chase price. ank. riv- Veterinary. conditions in England. It is doubtful next season if Might this not be a high-handed way | she had brought him. And after that, | played in E Brockville and Perth and Jing shed and small dwelling house woollen goods can be ip dee from the British Isles in cE ROGNG aba coh e snd § peas his grateful glance still upon her, she jat that time layed alongside the |and woodshed. Close to Linwood. J. W, Barr, V.S quantities to supply the demand for civilian Be. ¥ eo man was aly great Joe O'Meara. “He was some| $9,800. will lot 18, i " put in a heavy stock of Suitings and Overcoatings foreign in appearance. home player; they never niade them }7, eae rae ne aires -oometied Graduate of Ontario Veterinary College, months ago. Our customers will get the Danwar of oar he face semed all ed any better,” recalled the old time |able dwelli louse, 3] en ic ronto, eee ORDER NO The fa d all at once stamp: pris 5 ing hi ses Pl 3) ae bank esight, upon Mollie’s memor; ae le ane . arn with straws! driving | r, 11 diseases of a sup cere orcas as Ge our ares Me boaee, ements Ceeeet eee os ie nvareatee : 4 - | close ‘illbat io Is O..DI JFFI EL The Up-to-date Tailor, {tan accom mi ede Ger areung dows a hot get nemmatas {BOSE eVEET Cnt cpahibe a Ga ee e: = ss if comes first, last and always in t 3, con. 5, Wellesley, western a Societies, . Monkton, + Ontario Tt you please,” he said, “I must |I must exact until the time of my re | atrections. ‘As a basketballer he was |section, 100 acres, 97 ances ender sores mae ask to be catried in your car. I have | covery two hours’ reading each after- |, star; he can break the blue rocks | cultivation, 3 acres hard wood bush. Milverton Lod e No. 478 i injured my ankle and passing convey- | noon.” Ss along with the best of them, and has | Brick dwelling, frame kitchen and} + iS Ns C tay 7 ances are rare.” “As you will,” answered Mollie, {taken a hand in other sport. “But pele pare bank sees wi ALF, & A.M. Re ods Cc, 2 ‘Without awaiting her reply, his hand | demurely. give me lacrosse always.’ It’s the }strawshed and pig pen underneath. } Meets every Mond: nor before reached a balliy ¢ qr th a pos vet the car |. "Aud: st least one hour's conversas |greatest_ game,” declared the old- |Covered manure.yard. Drilled well, fall mopa seery onan ta in heir hall 2 ¢ elle cate back to rea- | ton each morning.” timer. “‘We are not doing much this |spring creek. "Well fenced and wel Vielting brethren ateays welcom . too,” agreed Mollie. season, but we are serving a pet res eS Abeer ae in | Geo. Roe, WM. Wey. Bokger Body. —¢ ic < ship, ei lairy- . . “One moment,” sh tly, | So, in a city art gallery is son il | ea ce ae ee ing. Apply to.W. D. Weir, afverton Ds Silver eet eae No. 202. Be in her skirt pocket and its shining |c&talog is written, “Portrait of parts of the country,” Meets every aires ae at 7; 80. in thetr 6 ” ° e ite: opdulng “Ws! imcult” und ‘bent. {a worldertel pletuter agi ; * G k, play- Try ‘The Sun”. J ob Prin iM over as if to assist him, But in that eves are as blue as the band on b6 Santana ie He CE EMGHERT Roe: for High-classaan/} L moment ee hand found the revolver |hatr. Against the artist’s itera and setting a pace for teams in other barrel oy a a level with the hae bis wife.” But to Billy rnbull made his debut in West- a fis ce pee igs ‘ 7 astonished face. ture is that of “The Angel,' ern Tacronse along towards the fall Fp contin Dye. oe: come 7 ae “If you move, or try to enter the ———_— of 1897, locating first in eto ‘ BENT gt pte Poa 7 : car,” sald Mollie, still in that. stow, Sesae Jamies wun: tle Hero: ae ater goin to any Au ees wits zine 5 packets Britton fi Floyd Walker, a 14-year-old Ham- | referred to Hans Wagner, Lajoie and - Wn the tend ieasthy. the stiredon | uten Jad, Has been:sent to the Be-|Simer diamond perfornicrs aa won Ph leeting it soveting Sting arate |formatory at St. Catharines for two |Gertal athletes because of the 22 mething él a months as a result of his adventur- ti 1 pode Sal % WE PANE A COMPLETE Ris OF fe ou A velent Sunday Aenea He nde Tee they. Ay i RaRSGr Len co ; in, “Jove!” he muttered, dagegly, appropriated an automobile, ‘which |r 34 years, all of it in senior com- stooped to piek up the rev Iver. i he ditched; then stole the suitcase of | pany and with and against the great- « ny this most epee gtrl' had | Rev. Mr. Hibbert on, of Toronto, with | st foams playing the game, and still : . strument of protection |its valuabl Pe contents; at it? It is a wonderful record, one eee filght. Spnroprinted bles GR es ad . that will never be surpassed in any vat 1 aga! nts sport. ‘ ; = . his time in pe revoly silver Watch; held up two men A: Ng ri UAT ORF TLE RS eee . Pe ee {ured wills atiamptiae to staat a | Only Part of Foot Found We are agents for the ah Bs Roak Lens Bottolf, a Swedish netilen of x Fe Ninn Thought, Pandora | topes’ aes ponies eens Red Water dita, Somultied but Appleford Counter 7 1 “Aad Melt =) py ‘a Congratulations Dropped from Air |elde recently, tae AG one fot wae - Check Book Co. “He Looks Into the Eye ‘ . y ly part ¥ Superb, Favorite, and While Mr, and pe, | ayant = Sais Rae Lead a of Grims) pat cies Hanae eS 3 better Derhnps bes might nities #0.) sity ing with an ey i This. firm turns out "RES Chetan fect hb it its sourc: 7 : ‘Moore s Treasure trouble only high-grade work We will give you a ee are ss sine, - Also a somplite “Geo!” he tient ah weds ? al hi i ot at os reasonable 5 Sena aap cee ae line of HEATERS at Reasonable Pric that. trip: I ae better, You | loving sive falling close to his REM EORThS. DUEDORECOE al “i prices. leadaches Cured, é i Y Hinsley g Oe tty, mother's chair, He had flown trom cently D ting sin mass, Casten ah must leave me this evening and go ‘Leaside: w! he ‘object of dropping Grand Chief of the Tribe. Gredentiat| Hl straighte! a oats i cae ‘Warwick's, as you had |i, OG thajtaid i wi i id at t See our samples and poate — ys Don’t forget to have us figdre on your new furnace. We sell CIE TE wokh ust oleh “aitwmnsuaiom fidky, Murable' tor stioep: . ‘get our prices before See ama enna ‘asking quest rooedure | governed the election. HECLA and SUNSHINE line—They speals for themsely AMV patheaty. to"inase: «aghabias Motte Cuchi siting a said, “I would not think of trated uddied under a tree were kill- Long Journey to Ai Call. ed i i on the farm of pe hey, -_ Ee BE TTGER & CO. SATISFACTIONEGUARANTEED ® ordering. you, Billy, But fancy the privtlege of % seeing Arthur. Jan, a fur trader one ws, ha

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