Milverton Sun, 21 Nov 1918, p. 5

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: , s gs pies Wafers nn school lunch for a thild= he Be or oa milk in the Obie: . Alwavs crisp, ls capone MONKTON'S POPULAR STORE Important Statement TO THE PUBLIC e stock of Ladies’ and Children’s ‘oats must be reduced before stock- taking and we are going to-give our custom- ers the benefit by offering our entire stock of these for the balance of the month at 20 Per Cent. Off for Cash Our Millinery snorerocrns will close on the ber and we are arene all Trimmed Hats and Shapes till the end of the month at 20 Per Cent. Off These prices are below factory prices of to- Inv justice to yourself and family you should not overlook these opportunities. Canada Food Board License No. 8—16901. WEBER & BETTGER To the Memory of the Boys! ‘ Alas! How sad the fact we learn The boys that will never return, fi - Of shot and shell they a the brunt, Of Hun’ mae | the ery dangers “of the front ise The Salant aa a il ne’er return, the Aollowing 4 speci ‘offer is made 1, The Youth's « Companion—52 is- All the remaining weekly issues | % . The Companion Home Calendar All the above for oe $2.25, or lude For those’ ‘ho never ‘will return. ws The: hearts. of friends’ are bleeding conor rest ines and St. Paul St. pew bubscriptions received at this to Re we {hls or to bate ee pone: the author wel part of his life, but for the people a vin dei avhane ive: ent Teen to save te ht ‘80 stern. The boys that ne never ere return. in SOK IS. rare eel, the. many, hat pepoaess Mp of those rates ie war sich 3 lea ya J & The ‘boys ‘ane never will vases INELIGIBLE TO SERVE ON JURY a . sym) ioe 4 athe Brunner Hora otters a Bike ner wunch of vei long ne ailance aie an from oe one zonerelly ay ea him eet) from the battle- George Higenell, Hamilton, on nb on afte ge ants ae received the fol- body as and revently laid to rest with pevreeca ete d ves , hotifying, ae Ene oa is an ld-ass eta recipe given by towing Metin ae aa Kel (Lis- | Christian burial. in British Mili- eran rs aS | one 0: St 0 is in hos] at ‘ooden, | tary cemetery, Quai i adheen ated, " eing. ran. oy over by| / "Do not wash dry with linen nap-| Rexhill,Bngland, perunes Bath, |S a grave Bis close toeshe ence | Be at Hie eat moment “Tolle a motor truck. is or towel Se ee eee 19 ae comrades, May_th les “ di daughter of Mr. Mrs. eden pag well into the My mother has just forwarded to! i nowledge of his si e fall ow- | 5; one be Ki ers flonenberg, of Mitchell” The news| tuve of red pepper, salt and vinegar tie your letter of Aug. 27th, which ing in the footste of our Lord, help | 28, the sale, pur caused piduoes ariaie tele |wnte oe only seasons but makes ten-| you wro' father, relative to| pun leering ta ue Root eee tives and M eliars Roranle oreecdiucgvecn meri vee westher and Norman MeGuive’s whet ort and. sustain’ you.—| gut, are, Tepealed | id Mrs, Ronnenberg left on the four | joram and red currant jelly and let| death. e you most gf the! A. Hi. Forrest, Chaplain. pater a ag oelock train on Friday for Hamilton |stand all night. Before putting in| particularsvegardingPerceand &. few pose mejor enabling to attend. the funeral which oven cover lightly with half. inch |regarding Norm, so you must forgiv eae oe beat ed sh Be pense es place on Monday at Hamilton. thickness of paste made of flour and|me if 1 speak rather plainly as it Holmes fuseived the fol iieoieon putt tere son of Mr. Charles Pfeifer of|water. Half or three-quarters of an|were. 1 joutd “have writ OU lowe letter’ fron Corp, FoR Ba a ae as Eas Lene gan, met with a-bad accident. on |hour before the roast is done remove |sooner had I had your address, but Justa few lines to iendly: acknow. |aneurnulated stocks of heats Whose Tuesday last, "While putting some | this paste and eontinue to baste with jas we were constantly movin and in| {ledge receipt of shirts sent by| substitutes onl ate feat th ale sa eeesing iit be elt, Ae ae rab butter until thoroughly brown. Or|the line, until I was hit, I not! ; splendid garments |new order. he fame Peeiniien as drawn in up to the shoulder. He. was | with retin of galt bo Rideerecerer tha e a i we were bivouac (fo Fe Te Ee me oe Soman | ith peto Seana sOr mae eee nna assisting his father with the stone| red currant jelly in a wood fot far in front of Am- fedehtnd to you ladies foe the man, {oo eeard How cmisher andthe accident happene Fees: iens and orders came through for 100 /ner in which cog ek panpted = ka as De ee i Lie ener 2 nother Venison Roast. men from; our Battn. to form a com-. with soldiers’ comforts. indly ac- ni ones ie broken, bu $e, ac bemaxe ta qe ribs so" that ie ed ne oy ak: at aoyanc®. sept any, sincere hanks as a mark of Locomotor Atae was: badly eut and bruised. ast ¢ adily rolled, Lay | Roo sand, 5 eee hel eevee ‘that. Miss [thin slices of pork inside to be roll- Brigade, th a sae hands oes pod in sending re iesabowe mentioned | May Be Cured : Bernice Hiles was able to return to d with it, Roll tight and bind with | 55 porn; te shepingot (ba r home n od from Strat-|twine. Dredge with flour, pepper |iho Zin C.M.R’s of the Sth brigade SBMS EO ford general howpital after several weeks of sickness with appendicitis and’ pneumonia, Mus. Geo. Manton, ac- ied by Mr. and Mrs. Charles Rennick, mo fored to Bright un- . Mr.and Mrs. G. m- ily and Misses “Roxie Willer and Car. He Pusehelberg spent Sunday at, the md Mrs, © Dilber, Zuv- x genuine barg&ins in ladies’ and children’s coats aie millinery, call at Weber & Bettge: Mr. Ri dade Rowland spent the with. week-end his son, Frank, at Stratford: Messrs. James ae 'W. Struthers turned on Tue: ‘trom Seguin Falls and Mr. an: Baillie returne FB Novar in New Dairies where ies 4 spent a part of iting poosen who s| spent the interval ‘while school was closed footed denzins of the woods. Mr. Wm. Merryfield, Jr., after be- ae eoenee hi wa: Mines. i. een eeee and H. Gert while out driving on Sunday night, were un’ au Bisee have Rennie returned to: Wigh school ot Mitehell, on Monday. Mrs. Bert Snelling arrived, at the eof her husband ri Snelling enlisted over three years ago with the 161st Huron Battalion Brussels and was. being invalide nil ick, ‘who resides east hes e of a life of eeiieee on Ruesday of ‘last week was Fs $ & e: Re oes. Py g 6 Mr. receiving the congratulations of their many The friends of Mrs, David Near, who resides east of Monkton, will be lad to hear that she is now recov- @ very serious attack of ‘Anniversary services will _be held wn in Knox church Fr m Sunday, Dec. 1st. essrs, G, it an "Thomson, a Mitchell, are at present ‘paying hay peoeracane to take a lange vauanty ot wo °si tratford, on ‘Sunday | last sulfered sei from a severe attac! gall stones, but we are piece to ieee M. ‘etiger ae week dis- tributed ‘among the eontepnity two “car yee Bede = E, fi healt miitarea to Birddort on sun: gay where they left their daughter, Edith, ate is attending the Collegiate of Miss Anna Buuck, e on Saturday Hak lace to the ville cem on Mon ay Mr. Lester aure of the 14th of rating after an at- Mr. a rT the vias forty ase aes "been w days vs EI ze as oa Ee Be Ea PBS fs tieinity is about Hs tes Fa ‘he. on out has been Bettger and family spent | Sundag ‘with friends at New an ketene n Howes, J. Quipp, W3 Holme, hin Smith, J. ‘Vallance end ohh vs left on Tuesday fo: ae Rive B oytiere they will hunt aoe anti the end of the month. PSSA ERS NEED NOT CARRY PAPERS The Mili e Act as not yet been woffa suspend led, said Col. Mael director of leery, Ser- vice Coun Itis expecte ywever that the act will be suspended i imme- anaes In. the meantime Js 3 not being enforced and is meals ae The Milita i apthorinee last. w ile no lers have been Snea it will no long- er r be necessary carry marriage certificates and 1 registration cards, ‘ Bnalsh depots. An ath, many | VENISON ROAST The Englishman cherishes the idea that only en chef can cook a yn. We might add and salt and cook thoroughly. Venison Steak Broiled. Broif the steak quickly over a clear | fe fire and when it is sufficiently done P er_it two tablespoonfuls of currant jelly melted with a piece of ter the size of a walnut. Seaso! er pepper and salt-and serve v Venison Steak Steamed. Wash the steak and place it in-a frying pan, cover tight, and let it steam in its own don Add salt, pepper and bits of ater Keep it cov ready to se Ve, Roast Jez of venison is prepared A , Al- | 0, and cooked as roast lamb is done, lonrine: lene Gin fre theseiectna at it may be cooked rare, CANADIAN Y. M. C. A, Speaking in London on Canada’s Jommemoratio: an assem- blage of 400 officers gathered togeths er to celebrate the 4 mniversary 0: & arrival in England of the Fast Canadian Contingent, Lieut.-General Sir Richar V.C., paid the following ea Se Eobate io. fis Overseas work of the Canadian Y.M. m people in Canada have from nobly. ia settled in Canada, but on utbreak of war had to Feport iB. their the Red ‘Triangle oud to Tl at's Shah, elas attended : mage ry Canadian Chaplain ea, the lesson ftom Revelation. 21 S thief Supervisor of the Gansiidn ¥. ihe address. de- Almond, C.M.G,, Director oF Canad- nian Chaplains Service. BLACK BEARS ARE NUMEROUS. An extension 1 of the-deer seed reports are of good sport and fat deer, while black bear would mote than ordinarily ence ‘of this |p! ways green Of little market value. or unprime an had ear deity ie THE GREAT According to Washington estimates the total casualties suffered by. the overseas will exceed 71K 000, including dead, wounded and missin; The casualties suffered by the Can: . |adian Army will probably amount to ‘The casualties in the British Army must ice over 000. When the final returns oe received the Hak of ae Army will p bably number 22,0 Canada’s dead ean ie reach 60,- 0. pein dead'-will exceed 1,200,- ae bigs months hess By sb me France has purs © pol- icy fre “eithhoising its cay lists from publicatio The cannatties nee Belgium, Italy and Serbia aré not yet available. NOW IS “THE DAY selene Rauing his ‘vel | si See at to ae us- | Day!’ there was a smile on his lips Which hinted at some hidden jest in his words, “Indeed, Herr Lieutenant!” he said: “Let me follow your toast with one of my eens, 3 jere’s to the Day “After!” a 2 ered in a closed dish until | ey ¢ M.G,A, ove mn livered a et ‘the Rey, J. W. | Pi many. inquiries | Harr Sept. in eta Next night, m es Am fion aljout 1000 yards ypehind the sik lage of Domartand 400 yards to the hos a gst 5 a 3 & a Aes Percy, who was acting platoon sergeant for “A” Company, came along ai ked my friend for hi wrist watch to give to the sentry who as going on gas guar he ac was. poor was too big a few. inches. of sod and. boards. was scarcely gone 30. seconds (the Major’s bivvy was “only an_o 20 re ated Gas M.’s: batma: lke pear, draw a diagram on age jrhich will explain far than I writ pk Fication where. Pery met his end. n.N,C.0. and a man Percy was one of the best liked in the whol battalion; as any of the boys wo ever knew him will testify. He wa: i one of the nes te s I ever met and all the The Bey a uiet, one, so his death e came a fairly g death rien as a surprise to all his etree See abana b eto write 0 do soy iiae ine rest and pa After we had “of ie send it home. aver’ yea Deed (mows would ig he could find your adress regards to ‘Norman, all I kno about ian ie ‘earn but 1 tell you what I-have heard. 8th B Se aonahieccan wed over the to take the village of Parvilliers J (I think that’s name of it) Jester lay, (formerly th told mi the se Bee yo of cag ae pefores =e. left Canada, pin extremely es er my deepest ae heartfelt sympa’ the lo ee ore your brother , for the of two such as ion ‘to one family must be deeply heartfelt a tial toy ed se at homt Have en't bi ee able to make my- will try and td ew close 3 in soning you my deepe: sim: abi, yours sincere! om a ney No. uy 120, 50th Ganadiate C. hae cece the ttn | letter from France, dated October 2: 1918, regarding the deat ih of her ee Alfred, abo was killed in action on 1 aR ii to Se. you of the ae Pte. * ce was killed in action “Sept. 7th, I ld ‘written to you ae only since this ‘came under heavy enem; gun and shell fire and ‘ton, {ters from © Tittle maching lym ¢/come letter some tim ind only peered with nN < this time of they year. It ha aie almos' 7 inte swe aeied ed |here, as fine to-day. At present we are billeted in, bams, but top es Bs {annual m to the left of the ‘Amiene-Soisson road senty *icilled so he ame es oan bee b Jui m was a friend sorry to hear of his losing please, permit me to tend calf, clear to you, in any points, Jet UES our whole ith) ¢ Bae of $500, @ My, ‘Thomas, Hannmond, of Monk. the two following let- France to us for pulica: tion. x Mr, Hammond: “I just Gone a few lines this Hie ves Tet you. know that I received New Testament that you very Kindly sent oo me and I that and he is looking .fine boys around hom threshing now Was back threshing ‘again, but. we will try and the best. of it where we ar ertainly ing lots of rain these other day ai not much x than bably the roar of the wagons and the |@-fanning mill. There are certainly tanks that set le fine toads Fs ‘is pa: e CO anes neem ad and it is remarkable how the work fern ant is done, and everybody is doing their a pivouse which i had dug in the wall |‘‘bit.”| 7 women are doing ay work just as the men wor Tab ancl newacet present ic) Cell val but cae ever: wil i ter from home is fast : “Received your wel- ut sorry i not get a cl ‘ance to ans- 7 ur letter reache me heii before I left Ens ngland, but. at the will soon be moving into iter-filel eting Sergt-Major)’ from |cah Toronto, the gas sentry and the CS. ee which was given me b fore I left Canada. I presume you in rt Vell ied this pai the. best friend, io Hammond N, Ronnenberg? “2011378, TUBERCULOSIS SUNDAY x the direction of the Nation-|.¢™ al ‘Ganitarlad Asst saxbers with the rsement of ing levers men of all denominations ig the Education, 0} ember 24th, No avember 25th, have “been appointed. for. t mee of Tabereuloss Sunday, and ‘Tuberculosis’ Day in the school os ition. of regular interval sunshine every ee that the e of ores ni ou homie eFe open, ‘0 that day and night y eed of a yoo opie I Bos fresh al: STORING FARM MACHINERY ‘arm labor shortage has sfematided rm. “ ate in that way. me Wa} other farming Naplements should be protecte WAR SERVICE BADGES os the. Editor: s there probably is‘a large num. ens of returned aon and pire men bers of the Canadian Expedi Force in your en peda Ae the wvard of War Service Bale who pee not appli pesond enough 0 a to call imprison- nent for wearing them. 6. 0. YAIRBAIN, (Major), for AA.G., MuD No, 1: _ Read The Sun’s advertisements. WHEAT supsTituTEs RULINGS ALE! es “The first ass of a cavate. ea Board paerein is, The recent epidemic of Influenza, ti has ‘undoubtedly left many of ts vie-|? This disease, which is a, gradual Ve! paralysis of the nerves of the low - ae may be cured by the peteietent of HACKING’S. HEART AND NERVE REMEDY. No other prepar- e action or effect it until desired results are ob- tained, rid of the idea that we are sick beeause the Divine Being 3 is a remedy on yo rie, ber Better, ‘Monkton! and: G. Gogulin, Holstein Cattle For Sale ~ 1 GRADE HOLSTEIN COW— 4 years old, freshened Oct. 28th. 1 PURE-BRED HOLSTEIN. COW— 7 years old, freshened Noy. 5th. 1 PURE-BRED HOLSTEIN COW— 3 years old, due to freshen Dec. Sth, a s ees HOLSTEIN LL CALF— ae ealved Noy. 5th. A fine, well formed calf. Weighed 116. Ibs. by rth, le above meni mentioned cows are all m | of ay rd that averaged 9101 Geends of ‘Milk in 1917, For further particulars apply to— Elia Nafziger 3% Lot 17, Con. 5, Mornington MILLBANK P.O. N. Notice to Creditors In the matter of the estate of James Kerr, late of the City of Stratford, in the County of Perth, Furniture Finisher, deceased. NOTICE is meray, given bg ty to Section sh or e Trustees Act R. S. -0. hapten 1 0 of their ac e the ye Gas if ‘ held by th arties entitled tl ard only 1 to the cla! ras of hich they n have notice and that the will not be nee for a thereof to a motice shall not hav by the beer “3 Lee ase 24 Dogs Bes stratford "Solicitor for Exeeutors. November, A.D. Notice to Creditors ts In the matter of the estate of liam Bettger, Jr,, late of the Vit lay to send by. signed dpe ne their Christian ni and Edward Bettger, R.R. 2, . Monkton, Denzil G, ea care of Central Y.M.G.A, e St., Toronto. win ets a Alma St. Kitch- ener, Adminis Monkton, Nov. 20th, 1918. SPICE. that “ater “said EX: - Dated at Abe ik 4th aey. £3 ee

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