OULDERS TO | WHEEL IN VERY TRUTH. Tie ARE ON THE BROW OF THE HILL—LET US MAKE _ THE SUPREME ‘EFFORT. BUY VICTORY BONDS TO THE LIMIF OF YOUR PURSE THEN rasa AND BUY MORE. y eae SPACE AND Sara DEDICATED TO THE CAUSE BY THE SALADA TEA COMPANY 5 en SR A a CaS ‘The Sealed Room By Edwin Bain. i EES Rt * i. CHAPTER IV. . The: little minister, Scovting along | 8% “Tom and the girl, chatted many people joke about it. They it sounds too cold.” rng apne he thous! ht to answer: " Nee ould oes othe Chana shy, a if eh becom: rien ay, with = th thi: isj her Pe ead ae who had pores a friend ii sy need wu dog WSC looks of speculation, and | o a tal eady, even. vale amiaiee 0 throughout the wal lestination wa: y}, “I don’t Tel ve he mea ri resid- rie house, a home for friendless “D'you know,” she where aan and you'll eater walkie hoe meet. tar and then sehen sudan for} oreuseely ves jut they were destined to meet her! left his lip bsetore tie, & door. was tame Halen nf a there itood a a populous Net be- g huge brick ho nt | gimadeur, repelleni spect and ait of Ae this structure n real ce oe hed Rooms,” San viewed, them ‘th dislike. alee ete nf ia age in ks Ea and—wi lo u—a girl Hinson tot lean Fa tes a pial like fore veless confusion. Ht dreed a calamity, “a apprehended bg See ihe 8 " | ks. ou don’t see why irl Ike mo shoo la waiht to live in a Tt’s| shack. like acked the “shack,” and then began thumpi loor with gels, za dite frantically: 1, Winstead ¢ in, dear. She paused, holding her breath a: she listened, ear to the Th her fe om, ‘who after her down the hall, with Bros ae pattering clowe behind, maybe f to'go in nove,” tarning toward the step’, nk you again for all you've ie tue me— ora. panic throttled Tom MeKa: ys fe was losing her! Perhaps forever Heel igipach The thos ght was terrify i his sturdy shoulder the door crash- epee io aoe si foreboding, that the ‘oom ae Bee. only been locked—it had sealed! Gas belched stifling flood, ai floor, Sra ee ur, ‘Sn ease I could be of Ras Sys Sac ee He had fone "three bi remembered t} 0 eee ner i eieerkoias “And don’t fol- ke nes he added. borin ie moment he remembered se, that gas jet at the end os the hall, turn it out quick! And open all the windows can find, wide?" He crawled swiftly ‘into ‘the Doiashs an across the unca) 1d. fool to a dow which gave Deon a me escal indow was sealed with g) The Thin White Line. (On the Entsletialde of France lines of white tape are laid on 1 oN connecting the ceenahel with the fir: aid dressing stations to ed men , the Lee dugouts and canteens.) ecole peng BED i ale Warm Ran the thin white I en, whirling, he surv room in eo pa d, See pai Regiraen, at ssly athwart a cheay "hich a motionless girl lay pro seconds more and Sa in Mgt rate tes iso the en ig on sign | Maimed - limbs once more strove, Blind_ eyes e_knew lig! the! As in jeateiinigt desperate plight, q| They glimpsed the life-line bright— And it led to a beaming ~ Like a glint of 8 ht, Be ; ie pr He Movant boule ia sli stil te tl ie pn a still wilt ae her mine at ve throat. He looked up, his, face’ ver Bee. don't irik "bac and. be; revives. @ a rat : “Vm afraid not. “But fat alle Fambu: saat. é: “An hour later T. slowly through’ quiet Bours ith Snow—he — Knew © “her ast name now. pick ae pretty sit he blurt pa ‘out, | Re inded“ at Aish rid the gleam of a star m the planet of Hope, ae into the night, hrough the thick ‘of the fight, Ran the line, thin and white, yew ‘om. scl Back where faces eine Shone again, at loves ee a Like the its ae eis Switzerlind Bee Sataby “sand 000 watches to the American airbrake i Tigesece e use of paieaad engineers while rane through tng tunnels or snow sheds, where the ni ve if for yal C | as her mother had done, no better and » had thods of a past sereratian, ni by Haperiien' ” che spousal sal gee When y{ The br aud h © hee, wealie like! are whi ich ol teert tia ee ‘on the other side, when narrow on every second time across down uy ee ges ‘The gnae. is then cuffs tes “sewed together and tacked onto the sleeve, \the ‘worn blue cult betes ext away ' With the new in place, the old .} sweater’ arts a a ees ‘up look, for the simple outlay of fifty cents in money for the yarn and two after- ogn’s. Wo! she did thing exactly no worse. Then thi little ‘girl who things ere ne a oe many improvements that Eat Frozen Fish. ‘been mai ade on the ways_ ani a She was an 1880 model uisewife competing | - with the 1918 ue ‘The little girl who read and learned 1 of ne Sen were flaky fete light, ‘She put her ae Sth old pail, poured in a little kero- sone ° resh frozen fish is just as pala- table as fresh fish. Only—a good many women do not know how to handle it properly. The thing to solaris is that froz- en fish must be de-frosted in cold wa- ter, When this has been done clean and prepare as you would any other "| fish and ae desire. ail onl Covered them tinh for ee clot ich hes been a is just as Br ue ag any other its cheap- ness should make it more widely known. ae eesbhe, of the ates vaetn vet Woe watan o ianni ene es 8°) with a new interest in what baeb8 |e oay oF RUNG ane come prosaig, dragging housework, | STORY OF HUMAN ENDURANCE a gh i , ee, arevas eee eo ed cand Ordeal of Riveting Plates in a Glas- gow Shipyard. A marvellous story is told o ing of time, fuel and dishvashin yard. It certainly furnishes a thrill- seed: eat Ign 40 ving example of courage and endur- ee sel et the woman whb thought she! ance, ‘Two plates had to he ceueiina new subscribed for three good maga-' and riveted onto a long iron derrick. zines and set hereslf the task of be— ti a steel tube sixty ee coming the woman who could and long and eighteen inches in eaiete i The Housewite’s Part. In| sag thirteen her hands lies mainly the success of| Through this dark tube a man-m making 1% pounds of sugar do for, 4 boy had to craw! for forty feet aati each ae in the family for a month.) they reached the exact spot. The inden of paalning: the Allied boy, gripping a long pair of tongs sugar Petivlien falls on There is| ae keltish: $5 calciPure c60 hot wee not enough sugar available for us all! as were: drop’ h ‘to live in our peace time habits. aT ‘aperture, had work his wa: great war programme has red along feet first,.as he must face ihe our sugar-carrying fleet; oli on.” ‘The latter crawled afte 0 boy, face first, carrying his hoary hammer. There they lay, stretched at full length, unable to turn to right or left, were dropp caught by the a his tongs, and put in posi- tion by him and then riveted from ' the eee while the ereiler oe in- ith his hammer the of the hammer sees from le ee test, Seias =~ factories in Italy; more than 50,000,000 pounds ot sugar was sent to the bottom of the ocean off the United States coast re-| Sid cent oy Since about 70 per cent. of the country’s sugar supply passes through the hands of the housewife, it is evi- dent that she has a most important role to play in its conservatioi Just a tp. the nqsat Hour wubetit-|® utes, che will ear Sten experiment long the dar! deafening noise of the stg terrific etl are surely mas- of their er: a has indeed happened that the iron tube has had to be cut through from the outside to cect a man whose nerve has given way under the ordeal. ie "to: cubatibute® other: energy and Sl eae foods for the sugar she ag relied upon in days of plenty. All this takes time and thought, but it is 9 voluntary contribution to ulti- mate victory. SOLDIER HAS A LIFE BADGE Cross Scarred in His Back by Frag- ments of a Bursting Shell. Private Jean Fournan, of New York city, hereafter will ¢: arty a cross on his 4 To Dry Citron Peel. Pare the citron, cut in pieces a convenient size, and ‘boil in allghtly salted water until te: a thick syrup, using as ree of su- gar to one pint of gee for each pac of the prepared citron. Add| um ¢ citron and let Sane until the|erican wiley Hospital No: 2 where alate is nearly absorbed, then boilj he i yw convalescing, ped rapidly, stirring constantly, until the Gross Man,” docks 7S, ioe feces are well coated, Dry in the] patients have watched his case sat warming oven and stor2 in any tight| Unusual interest. receptacle, fruit jars or pails with One morning a,short time ago, just tight-fitting lids. as his company went over the top, beche machine gun nest a shrapnel shell knocked him ot t. He Not For Children. : momentary stinging mesaton Foods injurious or diffizult of diges- tion for children are: é Stimulants—Coffee, tea, beer, und ne ente-—Pepper, vinegar, cat- =p, a botberailish aod st Hae ied: oF oode-SDeangtenes,oratlds, ae peaicees “Feud Vonsts tied Wiehe, filed pola fritters and fried eggs. —Cream lumping, ana cake and muffins. heh ing roo over and then called the other doctors to come ani Th been ut by two pieces of shrapnel, one of e down his so eer vactiia spine, that only a miracle saved him from paralysis. The othe: had crossed at right angles, leaving the mark of a perfect cross on his Oa ries has those pieces of Sap. nr ae in his Red Cross treasure te they're “lucky peace they “only left. a ea ———+- Bee Remodeling The ‘Child's Sweater. fall tate seiti'avery {fetvest of the government. One of the biggest re- quests is to get one with a8 little wool as possible, a requost which will ineonyenience the folks of ta north- ern.clime ne: e ee sara ei The cater} you wal inst oe an Batam sites your fruit jae ot the only caterpillars. pillars populate the Seas oa billions, aad grow into crabs if ite Greenland whale Théy-are mindy lithe nee, about t ot) salt grains. en fon barorett ey walls, 50 patent pill Ha hegin by literally looping the ‘rayed at’ cuffs and collar. In ‘nor-) Jon: from one spot to another. mal Hee ne mother would have giv-| G=eenland prea he see on ae- e Salvation Army and] count of thei: ar, how-| ing no teeth a on sugar. the future, the giving aip of wool is simply a test of our patriotism. is is how pe mother mgt the sity uation, ( Swe: 8 will wear out even on grown-ups, at when a child wears imply + form of with ‘tw | Daas trough the shoals with their hated ack ‘aa foxth) mowsh aban, squirt out thé water, and until the cuffs were ax deep as wers! Mi {for depth, by measuting: on the chit lat is just ‘as‘sim| seven fitehal and knit? e the third time! “The: horseman who spread The col-! on the land to heeft fia arts al of * by. that yro- nm ech Baste ey i roby. Souls it te across cast -on two ie oe on the; the alsa ith e the horses fifth, seventh, Serve leven ise get the lime in the f aes in which the til you have ches.1 atumal syale is best, adapt Q Soe SUE Yona an in whatever form you) ™ wis Cloud-Maps Form a Difficult and In- trieate Study. Cater-| in Aberde: alleged prey in a ee art ane) Gp “These Fair oe ‘ommittees will then findings | in the form of fist In this wa mittee considers ‘air and rraltnite ‘will not be| any lower than the presefit prices charged by.retailers. cases they-may be not bother tl he is. setintes through the invent tion of th impartial Fair ¢ Com: mittee within his own aibnietpalty that the “prices published indicate a fair and reasonabde standard to guide both consumer and retailer, having in mind war conditions and the unsét- tling of nee prices. a desire on the part of the eoutiingee to find out just where they sfand in regard to prices ene they have to pay for foodstuffs, now have a golden opportunity to fats the matter dealt with once and for all recent appointment of municipal Pair ae Tn some quarters it is said that Fair| 3 to problem Bane fn most house- tinent to sug- me that aan Fair Price Com mibtees first should be given a chance to show that they. can find a, solution before the principle ‘of municipal F Price Committ (p It is a good rule to support Price Committees will nok solve the) tl oe es is coated at ‘of ti Aiithori ies of ae Town Ask for ‘ am Indemnity. “ : Deliberate destruction of peopeety and documents of historic natu aoe out Be the eae ws Quote | accordin; to % i city documents which had Sy aia up under the control o! al G placed under been removed occurred soon after -the inhi fled from St. Quentin in Mare! of 19. At the Cathedral an’ t was ad mine the great pillars, bu rapid advance of the French pre- Yj vented the Germans carrying out ermans See si was ae Oy Hess thé allied artiller it would also, they say, establish that “the German daeeds ctuated by a determina- the economic life and wieusures at seem to. send in the ight direction. lax prog: hag been effected in the United States.| siving authority to municipalities to} ae Trice “Comiattloen to in-| to e prices eonsumers ha: a will] his way publie opinion will be informe, are enlightened” public opinion trusted to co-operate in all iis food efforts - it knows the fact, ou can alw give anything thorough: trial. conte. it We For, (To the slorions and perishable memory ‘of oe sioned office Seven Divisions who, fighting against, uncounted odds, by their courage an devotion saved Europe and tiviliza- tion—Mons, Le Cateat, the Marne, the Aisne, ctober 3ist, Oh, little mighty Force that stood for England That, wh ay bodies for a living Gunsied ihe slow awakening, that a The siden challenge of enormous And sought the rushing legions to a Then aoe in grim endurance held Oh, little Force that in'your agony | Stood fast while England girt her armor. on, Held high our honor in your wounded | nds, Carried our honor safe with bleeding ) We ae no glory great enough for The oe ‘oul of Britain keeps your dy: Procession? ?—Marches forth a Race in arms; And, for the thunder of the crowd's applause, Crash spon erash the voiee of mon- Fed by ue ssw served by the life ny Sues your ‘pritle cty across the * * Ob, little mighty Force, your way is ours, This land inviolate monument. MAPPING THE SKY e Stu Few an intimate Imowledge of tte significance of cloud effects. A map would, there- re, be aintellgable seinsabien meteorological student, But there have been cloud-maps printed for oyer thirty years, the first one, con- sisting of some 300 cloud pictures, keane ones -by-n German stadent: Cloud- e, naturally, a mors intricate and difficult study ‘esan 8. m| with Germany, ‘The virtue of this one in- Se i | the Ypres--August 23rd— | ints. No nee. ithe vepdrt: Aas hab the eratstlos when: arrang: ed wilt | secure the return of all the of occupied dietslcta soe Germany; that Germany he compelled ay an indemnity and supply work- ers, material, machinery. and fu ture'to enable the city to rehabitate itself. ni- | THE TELEPHONE AND ‘THE WAR Is the Principal Instrument of Com- munication on Battlefield, How could the war be kept going without the telephone? It is the principal intrament of ication for military purposes, ihe talberanbr apt axcadeed When troops move hones and Ww company the foremost line. ‘Telsghoss very aie vie att] fed out on occasion Mai their desien, is ~Ahe tripping every factory” in the bung hare en eee and the — if ie ‘pee the the ively ‘ceginens be pan iigiong is linked up with all the other units by talking wires. A] Sesitable tae of auch wi on ith di aeig ee tec pokays CHeks Saline cbelagioge exchan rals in the field SES and send’ 0} ted by tha namie rhea ths ob tion posts a Whest ai “saunnpe’e balioun i beat op into the air from a motortreek for poses meh on mob simultaneously Gee ey battaries scattered over many mies the tru and the observe serve. soitehnees d, alloon car directs with his voice the | caus their | = ad of ange and aim, Eyen ‘the airplanes are now equt [Pe oA Sith Steeles telephone. appar @ guns, correcting 3. CBr den lathe taldetere ta: on ts genious combination of telephone and telerraph, the eontrivatie so compact that it is contained in @ small box, Character. What is your brave brave nature a uA 2W smile unless I Jen in at is without a at is your all, your activity without you? How intl the impression of'a charac- ter er elf, springs into shape behind. a deed! A man cannot sell you goods actoss a counte) i the door open to ‘your getting, gy it “ane the complexion o! of his. character.—- me Philips’ Brooks. Figs (Gf di ones) phontd alone Vaeatnee: ae chilled, lo y appointed by the se ‘ BRITISH ‘Ane b BLOWING UP GE or. ee Evidence showed “es he ‘ 3 ts | MAN-LAID 1 MINES — ; k Thirty-two ‘Thousand Giri it tem of rail way. tracks and. over sis ow o peaks in April, i: avoily- atgnd Ot life in’ tie Une despatches say, ie loud reports, followed a tee jets of. water and eu ig black smoke, coming plosions of the ain lad i ths Cae mans, which British ¢ blow=. ing up. - Refugees Reach Holland, ‘The whole gies const if the vi+ Se y of Zeebru; en trans- ormed into a ori of fortifications trating with guns, wire defences and stor: way enade is broken up by trenches and protected shi eas ers of machine guns i small cann The in fairly a con= dition, bat all Pride and locks were destroyed by. in | their precipitate retre: a before the irres- istable dash-of the Daleian troops. ‘Thirty-two thous: iliayg. des- pite the request o of ine Canin re- fuse acuate the city of Tournai. Special Gaines ut at their disposal by the Gongs ‘were dee 2 to leave for lack of passenge: ousand aeian vefugees have so far reached Holland, the despatch added. this number 1,314 arrived at Weert and 2,235 at Stervoost, while the large number refugees, Pint committee to af out for ‘their eee has been ch: government, Rep from eh say ditl- culty 4 is being experienced in housing refugees from other paris of Belgium and many are suffering from exposure aa grippe. Yasser and * Stare pottery dishes shod never be placed in a very hot oven or on 4 hot stove with t first heing warmed a little a! oui ‘sudden change of teniperature may @ them to crack, ‘Pati ia plenty cf vegetables and soups can be~ made by adding ‘a dash of The frat intended morely us a meteorlaea asset, the advent of the airman, hae now be- Perec cttal wide teuag: inthe Wr af our Royal, Air A certain professor, who has been experin evting with cloud phenomena en, has proved so suocessful that his photographs and sketches are to be ‘reralued in the f a eS he map is intended to Feplaed the Tnterriatignal Cloud & Faas cembeuled bye German \peotendbte and published in Paris before the war. beeline t~ “So I Sent My True Love! ae that still. were laughing, Eygs that au could: danee— So T sent my true love On his way ‘ France. ‘Through the dark ot he needs me, While we are aps eae feel my issghter ig up his h Pe ga umburdened grief he knows, Dye “the dusty toads of ‘Pranee Singing as All my lov Jan} eee ‘ Deon his, es shall flow-— Wr ae ery hefore the dawn. os ae knovwit ~ Phen elt strat beck: od tei un-| take Renew it néw—can be ma Fabrics that a will be restored sending them to CLEANING Is properly: a Send 2 ite ti able, housenaid / PARKER'S ‘The clothes vou ner 80 neod o of when at, bee caren at pipet ey spo nay. t their footie beauty. HY Parker's, mate and DYEING f ee one at |