. JEWELRY The Most Appreciated % Gift of All There is nothing you can give for Christmas that is more appreciated than a piece of Jewel- We have pi gesi LADIES’ WRIST WATCHES Gold filled from $15.00 up. MEN’S WRIST WATCHES DIAMOND, PEARL, SIGNET AND COLORED STONE RINGS NECKLETS AND PENDANTS Solid gold, 10 and 14 kt., from $4.00 to $35.00 LADIES’ AND MEN’S FOBS Gold filled, FRENCH IVORY AND EBONY. Hat 2S se Clothes Brushes, Hair Brushes, tery Bru: 3, Combs, Ink Stands, Watch Stands, fact, everything in Ivory and Eboi MANICURE SETS = In Ebony, Silver and White Ivory. REGINA WATCHES 7 to 23 jewels, from $10.00 to $75.00. LADIES’ MESH PURSES Of all kinds. HAND-PAINTED CHINA CUT GLASS INLAID SILVERWARE PIPES IN CASES From $2.00 to $10.00. VICTROLA GRAMOPHONES AND VICTOR RECORDS P. H. Bastendorif JEWELER and OPTICIAN | Eyes Tested Free of Charge. MILVERTON oe Kinkor: ie ITU. ir. Mur a true Cel [ OB JARY ] loved to couyersa® a e Gaelic iat le Pepe ee ae a fair. ly good scholar. e told the w rs DANIED:RREH, once that no difficulty in car- well known Stratford resident | tying on a conversation in the Gaelic aied Sanday. in. the person or a ev language with a native of the high- Daniel Kreh, at the family hom ae is. Besides his wife, Mr. Tate is ellington street, after. on Hines BY aunvive red by aN ihree_months. r. ys im the active sa of age, [ie 40 years, peing supereninates Tecenty. He Elli the Eyangeligal Semin- TS. * wley MeBonald South Dakota; Mrs,” Crowley, Mrs. N, Crowley, Mrs. Ww on only ecw study for ne inistry. pares and Mrs. W. Nicholso: charges at Kitchener, Waterloo, Tav- | t0 eas pecthate, John and Michael, stock, Sebringville, New Hamburg !of South Dak: nd Morristown, his last charge, ( Where he was sta joned for 4 ie ince his superannuation Rev. Mr. eh had resided in Stratford. He ATWOOD. d. a man of many admirable qual- ities and 4 strong, fokceful preneher:|ing His ear MX Cooree toot al i i Two sons, Rev. I. M. Kreh, of the ¥.|the misfortune to break both bones| ,,ti7>,John, Paompaam Js, holding an NCA. overseas staff, and Rev. Al-|of ight e Ete A | temonie on Dec! tak n_ No 1 ve fred Kreh, Two Rivers, Wis., and a speedy recovery, for Mr. Lochhead is Bnei nating fa ee hi ughter, Mary, at home, and a. broth |teo © be unable to use j** oi OT irom here attended coun: ee Willisia ol Pineome lige sutive thes s Fight 2 ci eetine at Crew om a ape Mr. Graha ham Reid, of Toronto, is MRS. AMOS PORTERFIELD hee died at the family Revi m. on business this week Bnd 4 is the gait of Mrs, B, Hiles, Mr. as secured the contract of cleaning number from. this sieteist al of Mr. Amos Porterfie ese wits tended the Sunny. Sou rtain- illness from infi The deceased | ment ie Listowel on Wadhsaiiiy ev- lips lady was born in Ellice township. For| ening in many years she resided with her par-| Mr. John Wilson and family of the i i 10th poh. oe are in quarantine for searlet fe ie sad Mt irs. Wim. Gilmer received ey went | word last week Ss BF oie ‘3 5 2 ) 7 5 oe J. A. ar TAS returned e from his to Vancouver. nee Olive iobt, ee Listowel, spent the are eas in tl illage. ie Co! line} is visiting at her wath iss Mi Lannin, of Milverton ent 7 nee with Miss Jennie Farrell. ani tate pea ‘0 th tended the deepest sympathy in ‘the! er sorrow. ‘ROSTOCK drew Wickie, of Detroit, is tee lays re friends and TIMOTHY MURRAY apendine = relatives in thi deealit dt “Knecht is spending. a few weeks in Mildm: Malone ‘of Kinkora, died suddenly eS and. Sera ji i nds at his home there on Friday night. Mitchell 1 Yast week, hn Wingefelder spent a da; Nin Miverton n Tas lst ree e ef re Mr. ney Maurer spent Ellice, near Bee ora, and here Mr. | Sunday with friends in Stratf his}, Mr. Jack Schenck has returned nown |home after working in Stratford for ia was |a few weel Special services will be held in = Latter pare jaints church next w: .|by Elder Doty, of Michigan. for one year was Reeve, 3 sat in the County Couneil in 1878. was a member of St. Patrick’s _—_—— Read The Sun’s advertisements. MONKTON BRIEFS. In order to make room for the dis- play of our larg. stmas stoc] be an address by Rev. Fuller particulars will be was removed ipeome: ‘the Statford ‘hospital, where she underwent an operation, on Sat- urday last, to her Pereontal ome at Sebringville. She had been in the hospital for several ks. se ie pleased to hear that she is mal splendid recovery. ad’ beer HT for about two sate . A ort is being made b; pebinMonkionts stseeadight neice) whereby youn: re not oung id immediately grasp at this opportunity. of aiding themselve: The hunters returned on Monday eber & ger and take an interest in the business. Messrs. Wm, Scott and Samuel Smith, reeve and deputy-reeve, 0 December session not the Benth county | council, n Curtin left last, week, for Sequin Falls, where he has found em. ployment for the winter in the lum- er : Mr. Wm. hay, ete., to Mr. Robert Harvey, who price, we understand, was $11,500, and the general consensus of opinio is that Mr. ey made id bar- ain, erryfield, we under- anton, is now re- coverin; eyd Holman, of Galt, spent Sunday at his home here, Mr. Floyd Holman, relieving agent nite OF fey m erendine avwee at his home in Monkton. Mrs. Geo. n is spending a few days at her parental homé near Bri techn services will be held in Knox arch on when e Telford D., of Bi, sail Preach orning and Spe dal satinicwill ba provided: by tiie ch Miss Hazel Ronnenberg has return- ed after spending a week with friends at Strat Mrs. es Dale (nee Marie Ban- nerman) is at present visiting at the home of her parents, Mr, an earioe te ial serivee pet be held in the Methodist church 01 of the lat ry The friends will tegret to hear that she is at pres- in a precarious condition of health. John McDonald spent the eek-end with friends at Stratford. iss Myrtle Cuthbertson, of Strat- ford, who has been at home for ti past two weeks owing to illness hts “lrecovered and is able to be abi 1.25 oro Miss Millie White spent Saturday in Milverton. Mr. George Golightly, Sr., will re- ceive renewals of subscriptions to ate Monkton Times or The Milverton WELLESLEY different municipalities of All the 0 end a con- ‘io were invited to racy Ps and N. S. Flelsehhanse yepresented this village. The Radial Railway also came up for discussion. “Sev: | Our st: Reid | fs, St out the Maitland river from the Elma | 18 ience for those who wish to meet the Re om Saas returned home i am on Morday from New Hamburg, af- 0 the livery business K mburg, was visitor ‘with ‘his parents over’ Sun. day. DORKING Miss Hilda Rosger_is spending couple of eh ‘with her sister, Mrs. et yet e Kraemer spent Sunday with I Mn ak te. Albert Kraemer. number ut e “party on the third. line Friday evenlna All report a most enjoy- ble tims Mr. Hossa Shaw spent the week- end in Gue Hg owig Pleased to see our old friend “Winter” wid are looking forward for yd_sea- son’s sport of skating ‘and sleighrid: Ey whole community extend to the be- reaved family in this double sorrow of the church on Sunday last. ryfield has disposed | of his farm, hae implements, grain| , cher satiate palin bi time thens et Heart and ure and iSooth i ca . OUR SLAIN Sint BE eo Blanche Walker sci mbe. ‘They have gone our heroes and loved ‘ones, wet song and laughter, we mi member th © al ‘e be ats at | We eir dear words my half price on. Friday and Saturday of comfort, this week.—Weber & Bet . “And ‘dwell on role fond las' are pleased to report Mr. | We pick up the See that tes loved Charles Rennick, who has been under the docto1 re for the k,} _\ And lay. them away with is able to be out again. 'e weep Yas we dl think of the tature, "1 Our lives so hopeless and bare. e They aa eons our heroes and loved Wha clone elths ae yesterday; ‘They have toiled and panied: in an- But ee, ‘bore their wounds as in ’Mid roar of shell and of cannon, And sing their song again. ae e Ae of labor al ane of life A aeons of the one of, 1 nd the work of p ‘tion begun. Just a few short yea rviee of serv: And we too, shall be Over There, And pow eh, would grieye if they We had. ee in black despair. Then Jian O. mothers and sweet- he ye, your hopeless eyes, Tilt a i son and your toil and your influei Shall ses A the earth and skies. ae Lake, B.C. lote—Mrs. Luscumbe is a sister of eae Roy and Preston Walker. LOGAN COUNCIL ouncil met a Nov, 25th, all mem- bers present. reeve presided. “The "following business was dispos- it account of the Township of lice re Luchardt Award Drain am- lerk is instructed to sign and s fie ES ediate action to pene removed, if Mr. Hill fails to nae L. G. Rock, Clerk. HESSON . Linseman and children, of graleg spent Tuesday with her sister Mrs. James Kenne ‘Tax collector Watson called on the taxpayers of our vicinity this week. eo, Brenner, of St, Hanes a day last week with rs. . rch, of Toronto, is spend- ing a few ae ‘with Mr, Geo. Isley. Rey. Fr. Danta for Stratfor in the Immaculate Conebiton chur iss geneabing Maleepart Satake | day in G apie evening was spent oper ass “Gecta Stemmler on Sun- ay e' Mr, eee Mrs. Joseph peas spent Se Sande; with Mr. A. Moser, We sorry to report that Mr. Walter Gohl es at present ae fe critical state of health, eis ne our. we esky h im a y- One of our boys who enlisted with navy i d States, Mr. Edwin Mittleholiz, vieied fronds fy esson recently. BAECHLERVILLE [he sincere sympathy of the Som ees is, extended to Mr, and who were so sadly. fereaved in See death of their eldest son, Dav- Doering lett ring. - Thustay for Guelph Military Hospi- iis I. Parkinson an E mes. visited friends in Seabee ‘and Mrs. Stewart Hammond, pent Sunday last with pe ah of eles were ete of Mr. ing eeceutls Mrs. edy, of pe 8] ats = day a es with Mrs. J. J. DONEGAL Dina Hymers has returned to her svadiea at the Central Business College, Stratford. e regret to report the illness A Mrs. J. McLellan, but wish her vi spent Sunday a SHOE hae friend, Miss Florenee | Cockwell, 12th ine. r his own. ‘This is the second time | with 1 e has visited the e witht e | which it requires so that it will again month. Just three weeks ago, Mary/be full of VITAL Dates lack- aged fifteen, was called away. The ing’s Heart and Nerve plies these natural Phosphates to the rain, and at ie same es the Nerves. ice boxes for $2.50.. For = aes Petrie, Milverton; Weber Monkton, and ©. G. Coehiin, Kios. : - wards to to England three ti | orders are coming Z WARTBURG Mrs. Samuel Hen: 5 ame the week end vith Stratto rd. drien = John Gran “elumed home i Satirday, from he eee spent the per perete wus in Wil liam Harloff recently. visit- sl friends in the vicinity of Shakes- lrew Miller attended the errs Andi cen ofa relative at Lucknow re- cent Rev. Zimmerman, of Se- bringville, vised Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Kruspe recently. Mrs. Samuel Henry is at present oe at the home 0 of her daughter’ un operation F dicitis ai a “the | cee Reuse at Hos: R ital on Saturday. Dr. Gemmel, of Stratford, ithe attending physician. lay, Nov. 29th, to bi an Eat Wm. Lease, a son. Mrs. A, Beadle and fam- ily, of Stratford, erg Visitors at the fe of Fred Middle- ditch on Sanday: THE UNBOASTING ENGLISH re = ® going west fronts and British infantry clat- tering down at Vladivostock for the expedition into Siberia. Amon, words from lish” here are a few from Capt. Bd- Royal Fusiliers) « speech to the Minneapolis 1D the canta fight T came days. k 2,000 men. I marched silent men through silent stre They knew they were go- ing, o die. aid the I said: gest British es ou ee nee the sod. * THE ISLAND ‘That John Gaffney be paid $75.00 as part pay on bridge across Me- D. Schneider assisted Mr. Aug- niveee drain on con. 12 and 13, and ie “Wiogk at butchering on Tuesday. it said amount ‘be charged to said| Messrs. Eddie Savel and Louis Sch: pe account. midt spent part of last week at Mr. Accounts unting to $709.16) Con. Schmidt’s near Mi On. were presented SHR. ordered paid. Mr. Fred Schneider, our local but- Council ey ees to cher, o ant delivering beef on Sat- urday Mi fred Denstedt, of Kuhryville, was a visitor to the Island on Monday. Mr, and Mes. Andrew Diehl spent of old plants, in the orchard and ma! tat into firewoo ‘his cleaning up about the orchard 8 or about the trees; the codling moth will be found in the worm stage within ‘ilken cocoon tucked awa: e fruit-tree le borers will worm, If you wi kill these pests, pile and burn dead to ani a Wines and other r and along the border. ing will also destroy many Insects, is is especially true of the cut- worm, potato beetles, white grubs, and wireworms which are now hiber- natin; the soil. fall | or early winter ploughing will turn these insects up near the surface and expose them to an attack of birds, poultry, and other animals. At this Season of the year the insects are in liable to ties from insects. Rain Helps Tobacco. nee for New eer ick, nswick in different sections of the peDwinipe: will shortly the Department of. = er and about fifteen per in at the rate of ys, In loving memo; _ wife ed son, sae » June 7th, 1918, larkaway, Ont.” Nor will you ever. Hanna—In 1 dear father, ed husband of Bes: Ea: f R. T. Lyons, Tacrange, who died at their home, be, We es = ae in silence, 'f we ro shave raised your dying| Or heard ‘your last farew is e grief. would not he Res so} For those who loved you well. ame we oft recall, But ‘there's A Sore left to answer, But your photo on the wall. Friends may think we have forgot Ww s they see us smile, “| Bub, the Tide don the sore a fiat smile “hides “all the e. You are not forgotten, dear ones, As fone as life and- qusib ory last, e will remember tl W. Lyon: In Memoriam. ~ and Mrs. J. S and Maxine, Milverton, Ont, ving memory of our fda? acc a, belov- ie Hanna, who es this life Nov. 24th, 1916. memory ever dear.” —Wife and family. oth “Where & the “iggest British army? | bi rst few magn tbs of ‘the war we lost 550,000 m . a mains of vegetation in the garden “a Deepiifall or carly winter plongh-| °C go. fan ay Se Shortest notice. tions to Toronto. ee n go comm Couple Want Place on Farm Wanted a place on a farm see ere d years Good rt}I am a Bette Soldier and desire to at We uni Be Aes $o Carlton St, ing house wit FOR SALE OR RENT A 9-roomed: 2-storey brick dwell- — of | CLYDESDALES, SHROPSHIRES, IMPLEMENTS W. D- instructions from 8 old, regis Si epaned ‘arm, 12 o'clock This is IS 1S a horses, cattle and ‘i s r}cash a discount. 0 im off-for-cash over’ $20.00. “W. D..Weir.& Son, Aiiopers A, B. Chalmers, ‘Proprie GREAT CLEARING SALE SHORTHORNS, pig: registered Durham bull 16 m tered Beiter 11 ee ury grain cra er with belting, Clinton fanning will set weigh scales, capacity 2,000 Ibs., set sleighs Smith stock racks ashels of 1 doubletrees, neckyokes, forks, sho els, chains, scythes, bag hol rd To Car lately hauled) in g for ler, 2,000 bushels. ong Weir & Son have received M dre B. nae to sell by public eee on mon- registered rade ¢ 12 yearling eine. Durliams, 15 spring calves, Durha: Sheep—22 Shropshire ewes: and ewe 1 Fe der, ete, over- t Bed Paley e cold without reserve as the proprietor has sold his Sale» will: commence promptly’ at 101 n in exceptionally fineslot of sheep, in pri 6 per cent. per “Dec, 6th, from 10 ta: | on that dat Millbank Bazaar Postponed ! 6 bazaar. wh hich was to be held re the rece vad of Knox church, i as been in- Postponed on cgepent of tte Pena e outbreak. FOR SALE _ 5 ’s old: A E. apie Se re pe Apply oe FOR SA SALE Oak barrels, $1.00 each. Grosch Felt Shoe Co., Limite aprly to LOST up; j bob te tail, white stripe ite. toes, der ee W. G- Whitney, vases 1, Milverto: A black ae ee FOR SALE young Aberdeen-Angus bulls ea gale, Apply to Schwartzentraber, R. Y Miva FOR SALE 4 youn; Shortharn bulls, er ed. Apply to, William J ae lek 34, con. 8, Elma, ‘ood, On it. FOR SALE Pedigered Durham Bull rising gises color. App! eee Positr, lot 25, con. 15, Bina, R: R. No. 1, Monkton. FOR SALE year-old eee, and Holste heifer 1 gra heifer cat. L puré-bred Holstein bull calf of the highest type. Apply to George iiverton. FOR SALE ure-bred and 1 grade hele rising 2 years ele, Sa witl peed jerk- "| shire boar 4 months old. pee Waser | Millbank, Ont, 2H. FOR SALE Brick house and lot on Main St., pe property of the late Frederick For further particulars appl } Willian ee or Edward a Tee Milverton. 4 NOTICE The Milbank Cheese and Butter Saturday-in Miivert ot 18, con, ornington, at Honey ry is prepared to ereans sebaoials Rem ape » couple ot] fozeoH, MONDAY, Bet. 108, | fora he a Beret eat we lays durin; the sant ee : fee ee . 1 digrses Brood mare rising. 6 years|—Robert Gale, Maker t your skates ready! with con- in foal by Bold Oats, sired by tinued frosty weather the ice will Micon Chief; brood mi ©” supposed WANTED n be grand for sketing on Mirror |t0 be in foal,’ ars old, sired A by Bold Clyde; brood mare 4 years old supposed to be in foal; the first) Five cords of dry hardwood wanted and last. mentioned. area’ matched |Gor Burns church, Milverton, AppN- team of elydesdales, a fine well set! cations will be-receiyed for the CRUSADE AGAINST INSECTS. |Pair of sisters; gelding rising 8 years| delivery during ter, of 15 old sired by Bold Clyde, a ma 2} co green hardwood—t. D. . e 7-year-old; filly rising 2 years old, | Ati; Important W ee Ce He Done In the 2 geldings rising 2 years old, earrings Atlin ae Take ets ge ae the’ bugs in —Durham cow, registered, TRAY! their winter quarters, the remnants with’ ‘calf at foot, and in calf again; 5 Be the trash and Hitter | egistered urham bull 19° months Two or three weeks ago, a two- year- old “red heifer (horns on.) Any- FOUND m_the sideroad between Milbank Hay. for Baling Wanted We pay for good Timothy Hay $15 per ton, other grades according to shit ye We ‘apple i gos espa land & Son, Milverton, NOTICE John Weir, tax collector, for Mornin, ington, be at the Gra Central hotel, Milverton, on Friday, am, to 5 Anyone ‘desirious of paying tl By xes are on juested to call on him Notice to Creditors. { : In the matter of the estate of Wil- liam Bettger, Jr., late of the Vil- lage of Monkton, Towns! gan, in the County of Perth, mer- chant, deceased, and of the firm of Weber & Bettger. of Lo- Notice is hereby given pursuant 2 Section 56 of the Trustee's Act, RS ing. ‘Mr. Bert Keyes, C.P.R. operator, Pee eet The tobacco crops in the Ruthven, COMMERCIAL at Lakontae igaetion: wae aruaee Your Brain is Like a Battery Leamington other districts suf- : visitor in our burg one day last week. fered greatly. trom the “extended | Soring Wheat, per bus. 2 06 Mr. Joseph Cassell has rented the drought, and it was feared ‘at-one | Falt Wheat _ 21 farm belongi Mr. Au ebel| |The electric battery ot car TiN cle ete Ae i eter neous are Betione om ie New Vax . gned ithe bat tn 0: ef pe — Eomie: six or, seven weeks little or no rai ts RG oe a rT! e New mae e e elec cit hit} ‘i @ ‘i Dipae Sense wietinct. are like the nerves of the human | {lL i sever seetions where the land | War Plout, spring, ewt. 5 75 ene unloaded a car ae aa body. If a ba becomes weaken.| 18 &iven up to tobacco ‘or-| War Flour. blended ewt.. hi : ed, the engine is less efficient, And| tunately, these crops gained im-| Way Flour, winter, ewt: 5 40 apie go the brain, if it gets DEVITALIZ..| menscly through a steady downpour ° Bee Pip; | of rain which occurred recently, an KINGWOOD a be RE CONDI GIO ERY bY | thousands of dollars will go Into’ the BLOOD you become DULL and| Pockets o! unty tobacco ness again entered the home of |HEAVY, You GEE MRED Hasite | growers as a result John ee on. ing, when | and become generally inefficient. $2.09 "2 that the said administrators will n« be rd ae iia said see x Bie ne art thereo! y person Of wh ose lain notics shall not “have tees receive san! time of such dis- ution. Edward anaes R.R. 2, Monkton, Denzil G. Ridout, care of Central 0 ¥-M,C.A., 40 College St., Toronto. Edwin Reitzel, 46 Alma St. Kiteh- ener, Administrators, Monkton, Nov. 20th, 1918, a LE OI ee RAGE ton RET