Pa package, selle PE Se t June 7—British ‘toke Messines Frake 12h con age fityeen’ ce So recaes t ae es ae ulema to Ridge. king and. pos ~ |S dune. 28Gb bagels. ‘relations ame ES ACTURING Seas F, wy “25.—Serbias deeents aiPAus- ti the 4 Nas A ia’s terms, except that Austrian o: uly ba ie hei “preseide ‘Von.| © t Reals condact murder enquiry in |ethmann Hower. | . ~ Serbia. uly 22—, my of Crown Prince re; ‘Aug. 1=-Germany declares war on ilies all along the line. thre yee’ “Treasured Oeiat Russia. July 23—Rassian troops! femoral-|/ | ment. Aug. 2—Germans enter Lae ize Mf the soldier's bestfriend is his Howe z andgin ude French: terri Aug. 7—British Admiralty Ske se he is priyately convinced tha ‘ 2Germa ny demands aaa structed. © Canadian _troeps his. most®¥aluable posséSsion’ is ae : sora pial ee further at Lens, Je, brown, canvas- England sends altimatana:| Ug. en. Hai capture designated by the to te tmany demanding observamee | practicallygai! German ‘postions east i ot and sot oe 08 Ypres. is a very real human documenty)|: ‘Sug. AB Preece now atwar with | the solders = “book, nats mere Engiand eases. Germa: nd Bul | pata. st pal weheived Hae . 8.—Britich troops “and in | gaia aay iiuminating Miecard man’s France “AY Belgium. S shrewd | military career. » & cstexml isppeae —England declares war on | blow . ~ lance alone may. : rer Sey starts civil) (ye man-as eee Sn hi ee Aug. 20.—Germans = as wee or inefficiency as a soldier. , ip, sot rey Berd Great battle: raxing on A brief reference to the crimessheet and attack .M the = “Aug, DL-—British begin Pedtrsat | Sept, Ae -Koveltiy eeaaces Ros: | 2 Soller eee sieeuled from Mon sian republ ag “Aug. 27.-—Louvain burned by Ger-|) Sept. id Argentine galas rola re nes. bend tenant ee ans. tions -witl y = aes Sept. 2.—Germans are within thirty Sept. eee Pasha seized in pate t Bene Sie pap ook miles af Panis, and seat\ of French Paris as enem| qo yee Mia Suche tonal Gab the \ Government is transferred to” Bor-) _ Sent. — British offensive in| Nr Is ors payments rece i y sae Flanders begun. a, Sf mate nese bl SIMA | Soatimcy a gna ny he ti Gr ene — Germans bombard. Tet Sie sth Germany preake diplo. | % abstinence and self-denial. ‘The Oet.| 9 Ante occupied by tae ‘matic relations with Germany. SEs pai Seeger yea Germ: OM. 12—Von Capelle resigns as — oe Mo—First battle of ‘Ypres aed of mutiny in German fleet. frequent intervals, and it'mayzbe Ben i aes aes og these remittances ins. [Og 20--Four Zeppelins pares re ae Pe ae Oct. 29—Turkey begins. Ww: S- when ret tiie from En; be oh anes eae el ios ily ‘ig «sia. {s phone are eee cigs from : by es hie a ae ov. eee nayal sultry at, Moon {Sound without. loss. = ae oe Se te is det Vests 5 Coronel, Ge Nov. 6—Canadians ae Passchen- Se ay Bh worthy 0: Noy, 10. nthe commer ce alter iim: daele. ving nt Ate F by the te Nov/SReeolution in’ Petrograd. tkins does make use of ‘exensky: flees! the page .B.-64 reserved for his eaves ciel ies revolionists ap ritend tts of soldiers believe that te Gera it is unlucky to make a will—he in- nrbaovehos ‘and “Berdenore 150 Siilians ec. sige proclaimed res tish protectorate. Heb bapsektttedsrasieetenssboraboas Dardanel! March faeebritlah, capture Neuve Chapelle. March 2b-Pegnet captured /by jP Russians. a bat ee rtd. attle ofS ees frst ‘oe poison “May pal Ly 1s d. ace 9—Rattle ee ee ert. Italy declares war feat May 81—Zennelin raid on London, July 8—South-West Africa (Ger- tee surrenders to General Botha. 5—Germans oceupy Warsaw. oe 21--Italy declares war 01 ‘Turkey. Oct é 42—-Germans. execute Cavell etl Sheet Ses Britain’ declares war on Bulga: Oct. 19 Italy declares war on Bul- Nurse Nov. 24-—Greece yields to the de- mands of the alties Deo, 15--Sir Douglas Haig succeed- Sir John French as commander of | ed the Dhak bpegoos er ae ‘peace to Dee. 1'to 4=Fierce iaehtiier: sound camel, \ Dee. take up es on the in front. Des . 11—British canture Sone 17—Bolsheviki sign armistice Sate Sa Central Powers. ore “93 British troops enter Tee | see sign |! peace ineaty with le Mar. 30—Gen. Foch appointed gen-| eralissimo ot allied forces. 0. Mar. 7LDue ee Bice ge Ami 7—Terrifie fighting on the Somm April, 12 Bat tle of April 23—British nova ‘forces taid Ostend and 7 Zeebruget aes 25 Battle: Be ‘the Somme re- hes 26—Patle = Kemmel Hill. May. 29—Ger: launch _ last) P| erent sitemnt Pe ahpauce on Pate May \—Germans retake Soissons. June. clearats an_adyance pelted June 12 to 14—Battle of June 24-2! a: (alee rout the, Aus- ue oe Germans forced to retreat oe the arn July 29—Fere- ae -Tardenois wl TeCap: tared b he the allies. ‘Au: Matt @ France. Fal 21—Germans begin attack on Verdun. March 8-—Portugal declares war on Geena, Battle of St. Eloi. es 29—Kut surendered to the jal Tarke. May 31—Naval battle. off Jutland. June 5——Lord. Hi che drowned | on FAIS. Hanns ‘Aug. 81—T» nrkey and Bvlgatia aed clare a ‘on Rovmania. Dec. 21+-Death oe the cata Emveror Franz Jose De 29—Admiral Beniy. sueceeds John eVlieoe in command of the Br ‘high Seas Fleet. Foe 2—-United States hspaks off | dinlomatie relations with rmany. Peh, 26—-British retake Kut. spas & {i Bagtlad taken by the Bri~ Match 14—China. seyers, relations with Faeauhs Anri U.S, Congress formally es Ecaaunien declaring war on Ridge j0—-Brazil severs relations . 9—British troops, under Haig, launch successful offensive. Germans, in Fite retréat. i. 27—Roye captured by the nei “Ane. 30—Bapaume. taken by. the pursue Germans valley. mericans, wipe out St. ritish snot ‘Be Lys v ibe sali |. Sent, 18-—Brtsh break through the 'ipaebord eee British rout the Turks in | recta Octe scsddlise capture. Roulers.. Oct. 1 Boleria capitulates to the ty terme of the alli ay ae abandon Lens. Os. 9—Canadians eapture Cambrai Oct. 17—British secure Lille. on 18_British qaulors occupy ,Os- tend. Oct, 81—Turkey surrenders to the bate ” ae drive of Aus- EE sin ‘out of Tea syeare * surrenders to. the tions, 2—British take ch and Beltish troops “hie FE French again oceupy. Sois- but Foch’ raised to -vank (of variably indites it in striet accordance ee the: sane formula exampled for i Wife or mother are the [anetlegateeahot Say and then one happens on an exe: a notable Pageant ie “supplied .by . B., whose A.B,-64 says: “In the yay property and_ effects | Children’s Fresh Air Fortnight rant, i ie: . B. is a slightly, grey- bach; fplor soldier ‘of some forty \y When leave to Englan Penis in sight his financial standing be: {a matter of aes utmost momen | fom ee and. ai thers times A.B.-64 jis scan oe graye intensity, in an may. be claimed b for dear old “Blightv.” If he the happy position of Marie an ample pe good luck to him! If he has ent not. we bot sa ee who, remembering put ‘ictio: bios him in he Tate fine can unt him ba ae ANOTHER: HUN: TRICK Heartlessness Shown. hy, Firing Upon ee in Church. rman mistreatment’ in Instan of Gert of the iva population of villages. attack by_the English and Am- @ricar’ forees Was impending. did (se ans’ soon were ee out Sy the Seca anid Am ached “2. point village they feond the church, shat: red'the oecupants terrified, many of their number lying recta on the flogr, dead or wounded: can “poteid. trop is B 000.000. lifshele Betow) that year. Germany seeks peace terms Now from ‘ae > allies his “Peevmany. Nov. 7--Marshal Foch hands Andit 1 (—Workingmen's and Sol-|terms to the German emissaries and aac petogates . take control, in| grants thém 72:hours’ time: limit for Russ! rerly. OPTICAL GLASS fereat ee is Now Independent of he German Product, ding the de retain bs the he onhee glass industry the Bri- tish Board of ‘Trade seeeia says of optical Gide were discovered aiid y= 19: the German in- which has just contributed sixty: per. cent. of all the glaés that was used in Great Bri Baits Sapa opti munitions upon. scale far ex ling that of peace, naval and milftary” operations tas ony ape of war. with eduction by more than one-half in its— tie of glass.” ieee per conte oftts rent, came from France; the remain- ier of ten per cent, made in.the coun- ea swas' the production /of one firm, Chance Bros. & Co., o: ‘Until Germany developed at Tena. its optical glass Indust ‘Chance and the tnipdrts of: French, mals saaopled practically all the op i sed in Gréat Britain, The Anche support, fi m their, government od ily encouraged ate “and *researel reh, ked by ee bi made all over the We and. salable types A ip st Cin Used to Preserve Timber inst Ravages “of Tnsects. ee belbs a vegetable ee is liable to.decay. But. if ‘properly “doped” i Chemical i¢ may be Yendered: almost; decay proof—which, when the mat- ter, ig brought down to dots, means proof against devouring insects and Mectaiciiee fungi, 3 ostle is one of the see ‘used for this purpose. wi erin this or another, the most ae to-date method adopted is to saturate Togs. ‘with the preservative imapsne the latter into their {timate steucturi a The ce proitvailie; under pressive, i iol into the pore: ae oe | pressure used. sisart'e Tintueat st cures Golgy, Be: Thousands: of Uunder- nourishéd™ «people have « found that: = | Gove blend:of nour ishing cereals anada food Boerd License it 2026 a of st effort to ane how much leave-pay }_ 8, here is an |RAW FURS) Tanbecule -_ the! fina f Cans Ope: Brady caidas: incinaaieg aud Favorite Security sn pe purchase it You Dey tor it | ee t Tet here that w We invite you to write tora ies copy. let, tell gt bot ou Bi os i ofall Kinds. Better seen preferred. r prices. Limited Montreal _SEANTORDS, IfYeu Want the Highest rket,Pric Paci all your to us—We pay all express charges. ABBEY FUR COMPANY: (in business for 30 years) LOUIS ABINOVITCH, Manager $10 St. Paul St. W. “Montreal, P.Q. peterence, Bank of Mockelaee; St enry, Montreal. Miss, with a new rippled tui nies. ‘The one-piece straigh the waist with so ESN Pattern No. 8610, Dress. In 4 sizes, 14 to'20 years. Price, 25 cents, One of ibe, Dg tions “of the cape-wrap is this nOate coates. McCall Pattern No. 8585, Ladies’ and ‘Misses’ e. In 3 sizes; small, 3 to 34; medium, 86 to 38; large,-4 to 42, bust... Price, 25 cents, 3. SEL, Ara Dress. In 6 sizes, Me ‘to 44 bi list. Price, 25 cents. nesSX Hattenisomay be obtained: from your local rae a or from the McCall Co., id St, Toronto, Dept. W. An Ancient Loaf. The discovéry ih Sweden of a loaf of bread made from pea fjour in the time of the Vikings has closed the. fact that peas were — cultivated Burope more than 1,000 years ago. pbetheccda ASO in Minard’s Linkuent Cures Diphtheria, When you mend oe Jace curtains paste tissue paper under ‘the rents arid stitch back and forth on the machine. a insanity! KNOW your SYMPTOMS! es “Everyone Should —Some Latin Phrases. ‘There are several medical term: one should know about; Kor insane Medical Kno} fromudementia: praee is { you smile affably, and. say, “Thank doctor.” ube, quite eae if you. ou eatin tin phra: meant 2 ‘hos | lary ! i | Here > oy ‘Prosthesis—The ae of an ar- tificial nat to supply a defect of body, as appliances to take place of Host hard. Atrophy Wasting, away, withering, as of injured Flexi ome Benin g, as limbering up ss ae through exercise, massage, = Tastn Damage, injury, as “nerve lesio: anova “Aftelting the work- ing of a ran only, not affecting the an itself. pane peu sighte Aracthesia—fssniit to feel ronounced, ser sight; short- v1 debility, nervous exhaustion Neurosis—Funetional derangement nervous Blairs Not confined to leg caress Disorientated—A mental state, con. fusion as to place, time; date, Nevropathic tenden: tionally abnormal, condi made evident by, but not primarily due rar’. ete. Constitu- Minard’s intent Cures Distemper. the are ad- and entertain.”—Charles B. New- if we are not responsible for rs, We The entfies which have just closed yw to be the Au which is attended by buyers from all over, Ameri Harry Lauder paid a visit to the Western front some time ago. While be e Jong he thought tl “Forty years,” said the ones elid. fighting another md Ne a tak! us ty pine years more to wind yup a > Minard’s Liniment Co., Limited. f |. Gentlemen,—Last winter T received met shout, — tion’ of; wool Vereat benent fromthe u MIN- figesin an ie cata woh found re-| ARD'S LINIMENTT in a Sites oe : sh {. LaGrippe,,and I have. freqnontly Peas eveation i model Ws NE developed | prow eT Sey i eee as Be ee eae ve tres proved i to bd vory elective tn tases of Inflammation, ours, W. A. HUTCHINSON, inching Works of pag eas a Conade, Limited, st. fees your ford the best — Engine in the or deta 1, etc. wt ite a ed. ie nor_eontrolg the yuyu Aicienopradarsa The Cause of gales = 7 Adelaide St. W. Toronto _ Heart Trouble aw Furs %.|- RAW FURS and GINSENG ROOT 21 years of reliable “trading, “a4 Reference Uni jon Bk. of Canada. teh, N. SIL ee 220 St. Paul St. W. Montreal, P.Q. of SINT =| \Sytap after Arrange to attend the Ninth Annual | nee Pattee lowe ‘the soos beat full and regular. ~“TGRONTO™ | FAT. it STOCK |/ SHOW, Union Stock Yards, Toronto. SHOE POLISHES Anat ean on \CH, WHITE , TAN, DARK BROWN: OD SHOES. _ meeSeessLEATUER | WHEN YOU SUFFER — FROM RHEUMATISM Thursday, Dec. 5th. Judging Me Prize ‘Winners 10 a.m., Auction Sale Raley, Dee, 6th. | Eveybody Welcome, Adimiesian Fri x Nakeat a Coat Loose box coat effect, with con- verttble Collar. xtra well made. | | — Le elles Al) Almost any man will tell you : $120 that Sloan’s Liniment French means relief Seal 1 Splendid. coats|. For prartizally every man, has used that look well and |" i@ who has red from rtHeumatic wear better than | aches, soreness of ihisclest gtitest ot of joints, the results of weather ex- poser too, by the hundreds of Persian | tho ofa pkusetit for r ek eur am st Fe fake oe aes sic pets es aoe refreshin; S } Sona ~hiiiekdy offes ie Say ‘Sloan’s Liniment” to youn sees 5 epeciattientn Made in Canada, Get it t esconHonal val- Send for Free. ‘Catalog. CUMMINGS & CUMMINGS 109a Sty Paul Street aLix si AHS Dae 30e), G0e., $1.20. CUNGURA Heals Pimples With One MO RAW FURS: Highest Prices Paid. _ THIOK, SWOLLEN pple TESCEEnG | also other Bunches ar Swellings. Noblister, Cake re and One no hair gone, and horse keptat work. Eco: Box Ointment. oinieal’=Caly afew drop pe required agli acon. $2 50 per boledeliered RUA. Face never free from thets-for two ABSORBER, the amuse ic: linkme Se aca) beng eny segs cry in 'ystey Wens, Painful, Swell , Veins and Ulcers. £1.25 bottle Midealers or blotches that diefigured face, Nothing delivered “Bvidence” free. good sill trie = PDE Sit tame Bae Rel cam 22Ped from iret application and now nue AVY AOSOKLING Boe OFd 13 ert signed si tof Mise Lorena Kennedy, R. R. 1, Williamse town, Ont., March 7, 1917 ‘Use Cuticura Soap for tollet pure poses, assisted by touches of Cuticura intment to sdothe and heal any dency to irritation” of the skin and scalp. Byusing these fragrant, supet= creamy émollients for all toilet pure poses you prevent many skin ‘land scalp trou! oul erie bles. serious, aganpostears "Catcurey Dept Ac : Cuticura, 4 Boston, U.S.A.” Sold jae dd The world’s sheep stocks have Set creased by 54,000,000 “since the wi Hotcl Del Coronado Coronado Beach, California 4 n ‘ Where the balmy yet invigorating climate makes: possible the enjoyment of outdoor in Oy porous. out the Winter months. POLO, GOLF, TENNIS, sotronin FISHING, BAY AND SU RATHING ‘Write for ‘Winter Folder and Golf Program, JOHN J, HERNAN, . Manager Gees 0 x ere, an’ thought I was in.’eaven, when I frst came round, till I seed Bi yonder ix the next ed!” ion—* oe ‘them “lilies, MONEY ORDERS. It is always safe to send a Domin- ion Express Money Order, Five Dollars costs three cents, “ ‘Thero.are about. 13,000 square miles (of Coalfields in the Untited: Kingdom. This will fill in neatly and securely. ISSUE No, 48—'13 Minard’s nintment Oure Oures Garget in Cows miwiye Effective —and ete: nickly fFios back, lumbago, neural joints and che, cavache, sore ep eerennyers fal =f Stops the Pain. Get abottle eke ean ulcomplantes Hiro ae, At dealers: or write us. BIRST REMEDY) CO., Hamilton; Can, S