Milverton Sun, 12 Dec 1918, p. 6

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foes This’ indi aaah © fan expert on Eten regard a b abery | answer will be ‘rai Co., odie is TSA Farm: Ago Canada has about 28, £000,000 acre in-field crops of which probably 20 hausted, is it being in “yo > a com sare of Wilson Publishing ere is some excuse for the t an answer, the Goastionlin of cae e plade ready for occupa- servation carried out a survey of| tion; but, after that first need is satis- 2,245'fatms. We asked questions of! fied, es their duty ake ut 2,245 farmers located all over Cat We took i thirty or forty— all about 69 groups, from British Columbia. to Prince Edward Island. On Ls pe we made a definite enquiry e er the gains of maintai ned or Here js the answer: 30 per cent. of it them r about the same yiel per acre as 20 years ago, 40 p reported 30 per cent reported ‘That is to say, the land, as used by er cent. ‘was poorer. in From Manitoba, of the man reported an increase; cent. reported some decrease, That is a summary of - the: anSwers question when put under an wenn ently Rene ee survey, want in Canada more serious and intelligently. ‘condu! of our conditions in order that we esy acquire x shtelae of fac! Es e can come Me con- Slusions and pias our course of action ‘to deal with the facts discovered and ii In the Wes' could be called wealth than it had be- fins bietsaee a gies aud Fine a some decrease, |i the place more fertile while in their hands. sheds 1; perience, ing. 20 years m. many is a country whole is not nat Within about 30 y able to effect an poe ‘of abo a5] 80 percent. in the yields per acre of her. crop: oe the. othe bepe ake large areas nada oul of) Ca is of farming st,| ate exhausting ae “reility of our extent, ‘and: there is dane that “the ertiity of bees luced« Committee, Commission’ of Conserva- ion. CPouin® eal Seite over six week: e to ttened they can te fea aces times ek day with a ration of one part corn meal and one part an, Geese which have been pas- tured through the summer-can be fat-/ geese are mar- J Thy fattening process begins ig wing feathers have developed ir day. sprinkle of a mere to the wet is e birds and acts) tre: as an appetizer. Ducks ane Well on the mash com- ‘posed’ of, orn meal and two parts five per cent. of’ beet scrap anda little fine grit woot be added to fhe aah 3 to bring e best results should i given Seieiobatly ot ane oem keep- ie ae digestive system in good ord te tate sig et dueks and geese ie principle is ink she a the urit of food conivtiod ‘and reduce G area pes ap condone in ithe yards and pé @ sary. att profit in fatiening tithes ducks and geese can be d ined by comparing the cost of wood quality, @ ith the price that will ceived for the ducks, At ene pleat zt ten the birds at a profit, but under- fed birds never pay so it is un- doubtedly best to give the geese and ducks a certain amount of fattening and then endeavor to place them on a market where quality stock is ap- preciated. Lime in Old Plaster. When a ceiling falls, as- they some- times do, there is the slight congola- tion that the old plaster can be used) ¥® to advantage in the garden. Crushed limestone spread over the soil ig beneficial; it is slow in its ac-/’ tion, but. is beneficial just the same,! accomplishing the same result as pace yee but ie iring more time to do it with old plaster, | which is. slower in hs @ acti ion than ee BBN i spring aha the garden hes een limed with the old plaster a lot, Ww abundant ange will more. than pay for the To Koep tae ie Hoa A yard ® led by’ a ‘five foot fencé al ander most santos keep chickens at hom show] j. a tendency to fly over ‘S a aes sd flight feathers af one wing shoul d moe j wants to e en. when tho| fick ds; estion an SPD arr Cabbages ee i a great, succulent ‘or dai 's but usually they 2 = that Nt-would: he impracticable tof Hien ia Sie cme ceeiiege srutd be fed vathe sparingly. It will notl do to give a cow all the cabbage e at, especially at frst, be- cane E will taint the milk and t) leow will not do well, but a es ively gmail 4264-418; cobbexo +n. the morning to take the place of roots or ot enlae silage would Peed bct viele suceulency assists dig- ind a cow would eat more dry food and digest it better by including t| cabbage as a portion of the ration. Tf you would attempt to feed a cow Beige are ration of cabbages flow of mi length of time. That, I imagine, is the reason why some people have poor results with cabbage, You get e same results with beet tops. Peo- and a will stimulate the flow of m — Save Wood Ashes. eens the ‘ashes! trom® wood. fires. tore them in boxes or barrels in a any Diane aa abies when they should be spread ov eae garden for their high “fertilizing valu Do not apply paint to concrete work before the concrete has hard- ened, as paint retards the setting of | the concrete, rao! farmer should ph plan to put ice this winter. Almost any kind ot, a ane will serve for the purpose. 1e main thing is to ae baie age at the bottom, sawdust tion all round, @nd ventilation Where! Seed: corn selepied at hrusking time salt where -it will ‘thor- ore winter. ‘The ears should not touch each othier dut- ing the drying process. The earg/ i in be st in a well renee miiak GREE Reed on - comp the thoroughly dry will not be inlited byl freezing. TF ered-as in re |Great Britain, a oe tobal of 250,- t ‘The history of other counter and Z| Those vex Shave ome teeescsa tic cana co - and dition to the Allies, whose. p: Rie eee have been hampered by ‘war and who need imports from the peopl ee néutral nations must also be ¢ Board calls cation to the fact, also, the mntries of the defeated that enemy eS have to be consid- eases millions of help- es people are eae ote of the “old sls, beams and ott timbers as were of the right size and | to Tasker Bulgaria’ the ete coun- tries; France, italy . and Jength were Auescies over for the new o0ds Sere ‘attack to maintain and pee production will be none sat. Live toe k Conference. barn, afthough much of. it was worn To formulate national ‘plans f very thin by the weather. te \- nder. th rn, meeting the new and critical condi- ment ‘was Yue under ‘the new. tions in the live stock industry accom-| whole was- given ‘a fine -c e ae aed paint, and ed with nite: oe live Jooks fine now, and it is as good as it ‘eat spatiers are| tok nce-by Hon. tous ie Minit of Agricuiiare: Taig a8 ont ee ae ce the it took 40 years of exclusive grain situation reatize that Canada has the beg ae es growing to make that system unpro- wtunity of placing her live stock! Fake it comfortable for the cows and ,|fitable, and 20 years more to compel Fe fustry. ona wr and a sounder! Uier for the men folks. 2S the farmers. to stop tha of| basis than ever Hielatels “Tie at hea ee = “ao aners Season he practice. “Ohio, Indians, Mlinots, stimulated live stock production in a Aetesde bat teen he salto Sh iowa and other Western States ei Ia. An even greater stimulus is : ‘ : ee fe at ee Pi aaer ae ban: ok ated el 2 ffords water. tion of normal _ Sonnmesical = oS munication, as eeding stock "of = fe. 2 :6008p Jaber -saving bam— Burope has Eecausty declined during |‘ "* near-by St Bulbs Are Satisfactory. mtinent for meats and rt from. their beautiful flowers, years to an} me. The Minister of Agricu‘ture is S. ing upon farmers and live stock me to maintain their operations on the war-time scale. cuss. with bulbs is almost certain. MOTHER-WISDOM Two days after their arrival they were taken violently ill with cramps and vomitin; is sel en. Ballet cal ‘over. the food it is poisoning: It is the duty of very farm mother deen ana thy ry (0 contrat the srowth: of these organ, wing ‘his wise counsel to g: thout, food en-| damep difficulty or impossibility tirely for twenty Fe hours and then! © siting ice on farms makes the fo beta aay 4 lightest dict,| Problem harder but’ it must be faced After a. week, RvR Bis pees and conquered or we shall have con- fell H-again in just the same Beas eS ire coeey Mt nines Thi doctor happe nee thor in| HO followed by chronic sickliness I of the 3 and occasional. unnecessar; he aunt and he quietly made! s,o45 require to be used up almost at te had often been called. into “this cola tre tg ees uetigeta ASE household to. cure cakes of a erte diehalte a sti id ion p sine poiemine sae | keeping foods ind whic! lanation of these many illnesse OnE re Seni y es Peace en teens of ete ovors atic 2nd creviees where crumbs and drops Had. hen atantine ico SeMent, may. lodgeand. grow. old, breeding i wered nt fount: Pte tube tach Virani taor oars oe : ; nl yesterday's milk was beginning. tol Nic mouth cushE to be the model fox cad | Pies REE ages “The housewife Soild weak = sand -w he doctor's imagination pictured a that the, ee ‘lean, dish of scalloped fish made from some! aps of canned. salmon left-overs,| ands and nd’ even 80, should not be used as 5 F tasting implements. Our gee al- some inside cuts of that moldy loat,| . “4 iuaSEHe ebneth g wulliet dn hde aes SAG cout apy Heute oF saw every one of tho family ill Tc. their deadly possib: after that feast and being a va ae poe MAX’ sithin: us because certain curative forces ure at work in our bodies de- he acl » insi waitin for: it do:develap and then curing it,|StToINE. thelx power; but transfered | thus he took: the oer andthe milk} its other rept: amactas ie and the bread itched them out rtp the tact Spnaie pick thinigs be-| 7 long. Now ‘this article is discourage thrift, der of those the suai forces not intended to nee it is just a remin- tiny ease-carrying organisms, bacteria, yeasts and ae which develop in foods exposed. to slow heat, came aut air WI foods. oil” bacteria yeast or molds are a ‘Viese are hundreds of varieties of bactera, many of which ave useful, even necessary to life. I am. now speaking about the poisonous bacteria Which breed in foods, dust and divt,|them out of her louse and use ¢ d. which eause-more death among? tetked. of dsiving them from the ae ee ee ter neighborhood: ‘apd Ergin her euldnan: tiie children need, than has °zer EUS gn Seema: Sy eee ri are’ the gheat carriers of typ- | these bacteria might seareoty Tice Ree a ay ce of a a DID REL the les: sea they lig eal oii ee seen zt have the power ring desolation fave uindlion- sapsDbingr pacets “of pag eae ae ve children and atten of parents. Hi aes develops. great <él- bei of the victims: who: eat ages Rats, mice arid even pet animals should be rigorously kept out of the kitehen, _.. They. gare eatriers ef dis- ae TMS: much has tos said: and-written about the hasty: fly, ot foul Babies and its power td infect the food an the bodies, of the bee: ghlldren; aa grown-ups On which, it alights that one may indeedisay that no woman is a good m: gel So astro 1 bo ee it, She saust; “ai gently itis. eft! scrub floors: ee eerie soap That e f Cams aby's Yo) Sasteiay her tan, and When I see a farm of poor foil I) tie’ has been wavmed for 2 feeding 3, v0 bright, direct sunlight. know just. how. the farmer ooks.| ¥! ig it must be thrown Oattas fon dd has been Gleanly prepar- When I see.a careless, shiftless, im- pe next fucding | ed and served it must bo cleanly eat- provident farmer in town I can tell a oe a hasjen. Children shoul be obliged a ae ties “goal on his farm is poor; he ‘arm-lways to wash and rely. a ry soil farmers The r his scrub and clean their nails belies thritty, enterprising farmer, who} ° i ‘wating coming to the ‘table. iy te’ ya Fneta ) Tee cream. Which has melted into a. an _ clippe mouth and. thus eaten. en put Wy pri their ‘hands. without dainty seruple, of boarder other material, be good. Natu ae eat may. be in and on everything. show. not: be nsed at the iop of @) good: or bad, but finally it will be | under hale nailg. and may contain wire fence, as this gives the hens a) whatever it is maile by ve Teall a = on ich lodging on their food place to alight and tends to/-good. soil. or poor. soil i farmer. ees whi wept through Tivest ive tracts teach tem to fl, er, > The Jarger Er epasermcn villages-aftcr a party or eine have! a: ‘caus nausea jhe yard which can be i aed el ‘The torney wie aicteeds tlie best} been due e the fect that the iceland all the Syapicine of indigestion, MhioxS-tontented = pete it after the wax wi ¢ who ns] exeam eaten was tefrozen in this way. dist. once eaid to hot only gives oy fez apport: te ‘to ous ne ten ‘dakes it intain.e sod on the ich is advisable, 455 most diversified RES to draw. from, and the smail, stock the tarm-—hogs, sheep and poultry—will count for more thgn ever before. Other, bacteria develop. in_ meal 9 fish ih forced/to wash their faces, ends and nails before eating there be a Be amazing fall in -the ‘oath rate, ed: to Had in the can: are’ opened. These -are oderaeinel: ile Att pA He tee attention. Indoors or out suc- finn 10" itensils used in preparing and |e; the ki ‘tub ts ash them so frequently | si | nails must bé- spotless siees ae noid 4 " DNTERNATION A aN DECEMBER 1. Lesson IX. ee Sold By His Brothe 87. Golden Text, ne 10,12. ses 1-17, The first seventeen!‘ tives of the ._ Joseph’: = ren were aliénated from ‘hi because o! favoritism of their Ae this was a persistent source y. them; a1 to envy by hig dreams of pre-eminence. -| En te ne itself out is the key saw him afar Joseph as in Pi ee of his bedirou fience to his father’s concern ae their ap Pate fou an. 19. Behold this dreamer cometh— is reference eminence leads to e clarity. of pay an know et thin wisdom came tl is because he Bax to know Seth thing So! He sessed gi a high: 0 order, Ke Daniel, and ed them because he kept his soul pare 0. Let us slay him—The sight of ‘oseph dup. all their envy. “flow oft. the sight of means to do ill deeds. mak ill deeds reat ha’ a such idry the cisterns were! used as dun- wee Reuben delivered him out not a Sere er jece: of ma but a long One Speck of Dirt Too Small to See May Bring Disease to You coat or “tin, ose cioth of colored and Your Child. ee ee sat, down. to so bread —The. heartlessness. is feast is hey are worth every ounce of the wisest love the main point. had sent Ae give them, these price- ae fen ae euion oe less cee oe Heyes en, em aces the father's good pit elen Johnson Keyes. ¢ boy. was overwhe'med by the ey How much knowledge and “wisdom; To see ey hild suffer from ptom-|treatment of his kindred, while Zo into the making of a good mother!| ine poisoning 2nd understand its|they feasted and glosted” over een Constantly.I am surprised by dis-| ¢ause Would surely cure any mother evidences poate hee RS ering new things which a good/9f carelessness with left-overs. an. is is the central. evil. ii ei SRG LAL GURL Tea “alid-ado- | Yeasts are familiar to us in kindly | society, war in the home and envious truth is, there is seareely any know-| form, massed together in great multi-|antagonisms in society, A. earavan ‘edge, scarcely any skill which can-| tudes e ee make our of Ishmaelites—“The plain of Dothan t be used directly in bringing up| Dread but’ even they may ‘be?! is traversed by a meelar vevade route ehildeens come ane esome, when, for in-|from ieee through Beisan to Ram- 6° strong” children’ went from] *#nce; they ferment fruit juices. (Spicer baa ay ee ie home one summer to visit an aunt. ee unlike pacteria and Jess products were much in id on embalming aid. ee oat purposes. 26, What ae is it if we slay ow brother? ‘ond eddit e controling power of an in- grained idea. 27. Let us sell him to the Lshmae- was not regarded as natural social relation in anci- nt Sait imes men it would) wa; ite far less criminal than murder. a human nature in all Been. these believed in working parative ie is vi we devil iin not oceasion any. ny diff feultys alled Arabians. The ae “narrative srouatl eee mes as interchangeal ae seems ES an. should th might be c writer 0! vee was comes conspicuous as ne who rescues Joseph from death. ‘Twenty pieces of silver—The price of a man. AC Tittle our: money: ‘more :than: twelve dollars ‘of ee Officer: “But at what would oF es os in ie Army?” Led: caddie oy carry. wee eins nibiie an eee ab 8Do: FUNNY Fi FOLD-UDS. 0 ON DOTTED LINES: "THs FUNNY HAN RN“AND GEE! Wis fA, ASLEEP ED DREAMED THAT TT WAS HE, = LAST NIGHT | OUT ON slag, and them at} jo ‘earne: f of ane Toast and thoughts | 2 j | experience, athe bold the: spend their business, ane The w a sats ae general Interest th a wet ftwill be answered tee Sf orm earees | Segrecs Dr Ansrew 2 46 Bt West; 4 a certain extent. i keepi fine that it _will be able to offer Se he tie cerprentcn OF ia < any. -peaple are. PEpReE true that germs are so the body. whicl not, destroyed an opportunity to accumulate move on. In. other.-words, the dail, toilet of the mouth a Aad ities an "¢ many of. antise] eee disinfect ae spec air pas- sages; destroy «germs and By Andrew f. Cartier, M.D. ler will answer all. -alenes letters pretalning to is must come inst ing the: body in} a condition for its daily work ne, he gives it pure water, good paeed draught; the Keeps’ it elean|® He can Soca, oe which is one ae Answe: is want of this vital oe that so i to-day of | treatm ae if it is omnipresent malevolent, so abundant in the the neglect is inexcusable if they are sy have had ind} you my ten on c E. fhe use'ef the Se i> | Sto) Se yal event {o | much of the sickness which is now vies Measures for orecnUne seo Gt Menthol, tae rag thy- al typ . D nob Tie alt, ee acid Salicylic anti- ; ag. with the facts in ae | ck den ceuahie pad tionld” be e nature of infectious diseases we Sigel trekte? oi ly in th ee ast are in a position to eliminate them to y specially ie presen rand MiKo roth “thehs Earliest one ath if this habit is carried suey ‘ it “wiltiot-only*make life more oe. Pre will gre: e | self-: addressed envelope ane. you will in the SaBERy, a receive i I do not know that the acid: fruits aver any Darticuien relation to avenues for the elimination ‘of, poi-| biliousness. rea mercury and sons, by more frequent and thorough) ipecac/and a ers, are useful in bathing and scrubbing, especially| the tees a pallet but one th warm water and plenty of soap:| show een ler the: direction can be more particular about the| of a Bh sacl functions of his bowels xr} G. ay am told that if two which are identically as important to| cal his -1 is sewers to a city. a tation and gas which it would pro- duce in the stomach, most an} al ‘ble, F. C.—I am troubled ‘with corns. Will you-kindly. advise me in.regard to their care and cause? nswer—If you will send stamped, self-addressed em /will send baby ie 8 ‘months old, Seems: Please yuld com) fingers eat bef firmly, slong each side. MOVEMENTS IN RURAL HOMES yet manifest everywhere, among city The interest and! pride which go: He was wane country school, about six miles city. in the form joining it were the remnant of a farm, ain part having been sol e shiftless owner who had His present holding was SS rtecoei. snd he ont to sell Be ope and moy in connection with this! property, 8 idea had di valed in the ‘schodl| teacher’s mind by the time his, pang m inl augstion. pian he divided i ie three parcels, fon 1d Paren ho ablecdu Te except house am wi tion she hadsfound thet 3| massive type of a.former day, w still good. By throwing a deep verandah on new weatherboarding, of stai oa lit- tle shrubbery anda fi fll ce ff. ertised as 8 country home, and ‘found a prmg two third pean divicing it between them a3 addition to their grounds. i ‘ew months young man pe cleaned up several times the; ’s salary at @choo!, the me st—have “been throug! promptness a3 very profitable, cing to and from the city, article insisted that there “w: general tendency, though pee not there are large ‘opportunities | a from. its Near the a of his duties of a Foo S<! i Hee being gained the place was: across the rambling front, putting of S with Se Ad He swas led to make his, goriginal | oo Recs an’ estate, if only of a Ms “fn the belief af the echool teacher, who is now giving his whole time to ie business, titre will be an- in- erensing demand for property within reasonable distance of every Neeete nies Naat fancy, prices is w and which permit of pleas- ‘ing effects as observed from the high- way—on the theory that the average pero tikes Both to see and to be en.—G. E ia ase ‘Tremble ‘They Now! With ay ee: not in pride— no’ [Merc « God tut gratitude to God Gs the mations struggling to be ‘term expired He Et w befor ce— banker of fi tthe. Now, a Jong last the torning ot the resull. of secu q eBags) t # sain eee Ugictory far itt rirncee ee ae wide, Hail we in thankfulness—rejoiced to see. ‘Thy Guiding Hand revealed in destiny ‘And the approaching doom of those 0 Thee denied. =| hey, ite Ried who tole the el Sine the ps sin against ‘the Holy hos ™ pained Might—abandoning Right for ‘tremble they now, Séehig’ ‘Thy cause advai Resta “cnowing fall well theirs lost, Heating Thy Hosts singing the Triumph song. ¢ “Pourist: “To what'do. you attri Bute your great age? Oinees habitant: “lea can’t say yet, sir. meat? food, at sie house. ~ Little > now. We raised that | chicken on ieee grounds.” FREE TO GIRLS Big Doll and Doll Carriage 7s Di Drath head, hat d feet. cr Teatherette, It foshen ich ce is for the Bi; gon Just: send us you name and ed send you the rage. without any Bl Saad if you jill habow » your. lee gHenad st ell rites £00. foursname an eee today eo you in | $8, Gotwour Doll Rnd DollCarriage vulckly ‘Aaarens' bie) fin eee ey, 8 oat s SS, Sisk. 199, Toronto

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