Packed in air tight packages, 5 ‘The Buy Word for Biscuits” overnc of Elm c met in the twood, on Nov. 301 esent——-Reeve Wi the oh As now adjouens to revision on ace Nichole ers were then opened for the Try ‘The Sun” for High-class~a’) Job. Printing! @ Seain ‘The instrument illustrated is Victrola XI— Gather “round the Victrola Enlargement, os fallow fact: prepared and sened in relation Moved by Coates — a — that the Council do now ad; Ate me in the agricultura! Renew your subscription now. Gene to ‘township a, Ss obtsinine oan jective i an orth Maitland ‘owood | Weir's List of Farms For Sale | saturday, Dec, pat, ne: aA oO! Pelee for general busines: —GEO. ocaee Clerk. . By h a Ww ing as et Ete even | - Fine flour---expert ae mectibe ‘re a ses cg and | eee is frie We can Telicts Sage Cote ene take costing teeta gu th hl. Write us a one ee xe ¢ ‘yo council and ask stance the lend eee he our Commerc Short | @ as ordinary crackers. : see ch eyes or ae ee eee Jae ee eS - They are always fresh, crisp, : a : clean and COREE EBS: dhe counellthe ie eee! eee he {Purchase the Best We do. it in our buying and recognize that you nee e Gired with the same ainbitio: That’s why we Price our Suit- ings and Overcoatings as Low as is consistent with unimpaired i trained | Cl CLYDESDALES, 1818, the following: in mentio: mi Sold by all grocers. the recent Victo cours Slane aa ‘team of clydesdales, a fine well se % i] unamiousl: it the fla; pair of sisters; gelding rising 8 years ee BS fee ye ‘sea ofice to be| What we all seek is the place old sited by Hold Clyde, @ mateh te ea If Ln for saleoe a nts Wher ill Lie Sian -old5 eda Spee iin the to I eirers "Hered ‘yy Coua—tinan —awe| WIE OUT money Wil hots old, ths old og reemtere bull rising registered bull calf 3m ows in sealf calves, Durham shee; oes es 1750 yard: 30c . 50 pure:lnpA White Wyan- 4800 yards at $1 .. 4800.00 | “QUALITY.” dotte i hen, 3 gee a we ti \ 119167 yards ....¢... $38, 88 That’s why it. will a et te t. cut, new; Frost & Wo Ww Z Gcoar Arce inden Bris] elo ‘ude are "7 7/9 Ha Wood Git ea ~ yar . 3. 2 34587 yards at Be ....°17278-60 Leave your orders now for oe ae Ree Fa Faces ey: 119159 “eubie vars $51,1 Christmas. Hamilton dise drill, Bee ear er, joved by. Ilman-—Vallanes—that Eeter Hamilton cutting. bo: : 10" 5 uw struct the ‘Kaen J. M. FLEISHHAUER igs, Srosois ta ment i pecle tote ort plan nS, DFO and Men’s Tailor mail ne ets polls and specifications ereof for the > § gum of $36,578.88 be accepted and eiueene - + ONTARIO|C. en Dey HM sf [that the let aA re ave a con- oy pee one 0: unty.. 100 ie dromruchool fod cheeus teartecys these winter evenings Aimy —Gather ‘round with Caruso and Farrar, Kreisler and Pad- erewski, John McCormack and Alma Gluck, Harry Lauder and Nora Bayes, Sousa and Victor Herbert, or any others of the great host of Victor artists. Have them sing for you, play for you, laugh with y you,right in the warmth and comfort of your own home,’ ‘You know full well that "going out” for pleasure and entertainment is an expensive matter. You owe it to your own pocketbook to compare the high cost of going out with our convenierit and easy terme on Victrolas. ALL THE ere evapo KEPT Uni P.H. BASTENDORFF “ Sole Agent for Milverton and Vicinity. * Double Track Route between MONTREAL, TORONTO, DETROIT AND CHICAGO excelled Dining Car Service. Sleeping cars on night trains an parlor cars on principal day trains. Full information from any Grand ‘Trunk Ticket Agent or C. EH. Passenger Agent, ‘Tor- |§D) District H. C. BAIRD, ’Phone 1, Local Agent Horn- miles Reason for selling: ill-heal 500 wi pens land al plowing all done ‘Gelled well 1 $9, "800 will ruselot lot 1B. concession , Mornington; 160 acres, ncossion |e able dwelling house, splendid bank Harn with” stra shed ‘and driving house, cement sil: Corner farm; |; close to Millbank mad C.P.R. station. A beautiful ia stead. Lot "3, con. 5, Wellesley, western section, 100 mee 97 acres under q| cultivation, 3 acres hard wood bush, Brick myelinge frame Kitchen and woodshed. bank with strawshed ai $10,000 will, buy lot 19, con. 4, ae the finest farms in eh will a 12 elcloge (no ble ¢: doubletrees, neckyoke: els, chat uring Car hauled) in good 3 ner oats, 500° bu: SHROPSHIRES, primate on. MONDAY, DEC. Cattle—| cow, with calf ae en and in registered Durham bull 19 istered Durham bull 16" anon: , registered heifer 11 onthe gistered heifer fe yearling grade fe Barham, 15 spring les, pee Shropshire ewes and rowed Gockshutt ne stock aie ler, set iron. har- roa breeching harness, farm ha: 2,000 bushels of "good » plum} ishels of feed ue He leer as the acne has sold his commence promptly. at ee registe! calf ‘agaln: 8 months o! 2 months it onths ol ‘resh milkers, 1 ROR, | Office 8 the Grand Central sete, Tue; sday and Fri bee Hours: 9 a. m. to i" =e m. || Consultation and Examination Free, M Mate AF &A. ME, GRC. ay evening on or before ees a 10.0, ~ Meets every. Pla hall over oes oie DR. F. JR. FORSTER Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Graduato in medicine, lon, = Houre—10 ¢ to 12 | ‘am; be to & and Saturday Sos or by appoi ¢ 7.) ry Waterloo st. ‘s, STRATFORD, “University 0 al Hostal re Throat Hi ee utensils, forks, shov- ins, scythes, bag holder, ete. (lately 0 ver- HB. Morphy, K.C. ~ Solicitor for Bank of Hamilton. te MILVERTON, Offices: Listowel, ae ¥ tera ATWoop |. foney to Loai Harding, Owens & Ga arristers, Solicitors, &c. Veterinary. J. W. Barr, V.S. ’ Graduate of Ontario Veterinary College, foronto. fi ‘Treats all diseases of domesticated animals All alls promptly attended to. en ler. ae sold without alte nts Notary Public. W. D. Weir, - nectioncerse foe. ane amaties of Perth Conveyancer, dele vila, sure s drawn and ahaa made" Office: Weir btoek, over Bank Of Nova Scotia MILVERTON, Notary Public “He Looks Into the Eye"? THIS METHOD, it is almost *tmposstbie to make an error, ail work fs done by looking into fate , thereby locating tl Gordon Block, - STRATFORD, ONT. pe ight at its source. Money to Loan. ne tO ORS ‘Weak Muscles See (a | 8: 7: HARDING -W. G6, OWENS W. E. GOODWIN Headaches Cured, C: re fitted by this hildren‘acyea nc Sceurately examined witho asking questions, SATISFACTIONEGUARANTEED ! P.H. BASTENDORFE Eyesight Specialist" ONTARIO joint notes, that a ash; a discoun' annum off 0 hs credit on sums r $20.00 on as approved mount and z cash, over $20. W. D. Weir & Son, OE A. B. Chalmers, Proprietor. w Per cent. per ae Chalmers; - -P. for oy Rae Perth. ht and gold. A few choice for immediate sale. MONKTON, oF GEeY, Notary Public |faner "2. a, four rt of Marriage Licenses es and a good fi ONTARIO. home when ee article the township, either grain-or dairy. ing. Apply to W. D. Weir, Milverton. = is our financial blood. me. Mons Tes circulation keeps Never send a dollar away from will “purchase can be that the dollar obtained at the business Hotel The Queens Hotel CANADA FOOD. weit LIGENSE NO..10--622 aie yess Two large Sample ee GEO. F, PAULI, Prop.) ’- umber of to suit laser. Thi: executor is di n for commercial tray: | the For further Milverton, Ont j ton R. R, good vil _Prongrsy Jar Sale ‘arm lots 23, 24, 25, 26 and LO the ‘sth coneetion, of the ‘our grazing © farms. are four ¢ Grilled wells and three winds, two frame hous- rame stable. yeas hats are under pasture at pres- All of oe solid brick store on the f Winstanl and a which, al be sold singly or en- Ae weasel opportunity, as the esirious of Retin up state of the late John McNaught. 7.05 MELVILLE, Birds fee Zimmerman’s Hall, Milverton-One Night Only . Special Orchestra Under Conducteress i MRS. J. GOVER, L. R. A. M., + London, Eng. HEARTS OF THE: WORLD Is by the same producer as BIRTH OF A NATION— The Sweetest Love Story Ever Told. IT’S BACKGROUND IS THE GREAT WAR David Lloyd George commissioned Mr. Griffith to make this The ane Bea Bin Fone en la ayicaak THE MASTER PRODUCER'S | MASTER PROCUCTION JULE AND J. J. ALLEN PRESENT Supreme Triumph Don’t Miss This Chance to see : D. W. GRIFFITH’S The Sweetest Love Story Ever Told A ROMAI WEDNESDAY NIGHT, DECEMBER 18th Direct From Six Week's Runat Massey Hall ger ed see BATTLE SCENES TAKEN ON THE EF OF THE GREAT WAR / BATTLEFIELDS OF FRANCE. — See — ONE MILLION MEN, , TWENTY THOUSAND HORSES, “This Wonderful Hasletpiece MILES OF ARTILLERY, MARCH OF THE LEGIONS, SQUADRONS OF AIRPLANES, FLEETS, OF. ZEPPLINS, \ t